GET THE NEWS OF MARTIN COUNTY TWI« A WEEK B V TAKING THE ENTERPRISE SL.A«*. VOLUME 24. —Nl MBER 1L TOBACCO CO-OPS TO ELECT IHEIR DELEGATES SOON SATURDAY. APRIL 7TH SET FOli DATE FOR MASS MEETING OP MARTIN MEMBERS A —B meeting oi the members oi the Cobacvo t.lowers Cooperative as sociation of Martin county is called to be held at court. house in Wil liamston on Satuidax, April 7th, ui 12 o'clock noon, ffor the purpose o; nominating delegates from this coun ty to attend the state uK-eting of tlic glowers association. - This matter is xery important for exery member of the association, and should be attended one hundred pet cent. The deiegattes Hum the county associations will direct the progress of the association for the coming yfeai and should be picked fro mine mo; l progressive members of tiie associa tion to insure the continuance of t e association's progress Matte this kii'.d arc just ... important as your menilieiship in thi ' association and every farmer who Is a member of the association is urge ! to attend this uieetug, with tiie in teracts of tne associattion and every ;riember in it, as well as his own at heart and vote for the delegate who you believe can do most for the pi*. gr«> of the a»swcMtUt>i.. Only members of the Tobacco Crow - ers Cooperative association are ent: - tied to participatte in this noinina tion. - t + —- i i - ii ■ PRISON OFFICERS IK MELTIKC AT CAPITAL NUMBER OF MATI ERS PERTAIN ING TO WORK UCSUISSED AT CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, Mar. 2L—Produc tion a»d distribution problaius aJTcc - lug pfouu «I«1 u AUk flani-i I »eu- in UrUil at group luevtiugs Uxtay oi puson oibcials an«i utliera aubeuitiini bete lor a eotuei eaee by the UUoiui couumiloe w 4 prteua* and labor. I mw uiactuie oi autoiuoOtie tags also was co.isioered b> another section, ll.e uillH-uilieM oi their mauulacturs ill |s.nal bviog particularly emphasized.' __ J. a. ll.e advantage of standaidiu-i grades of jigi iiUiUiral piuuu I w r ' -strewed by tiepartment of agriculture ex|ierts ano pnson tarm otficuats, botii Ironi the standpoint of profu flout pales a»ti With respect to puicha.-c* of supplies for tiie states' institu tlons. Penal fatms tnat show a profit, it was brought out, ate oevote . cntefly to staples, while live stock lai.-iing at .-nth institutions is ail v tjr al>le in mostt cases on y to supply meat and dairy products for "home' coaSuiptina • ' With reference to manufacture c. tf pi prisons, the i-ecd of starin ardized rqoipipeflt and output w pointed out by a number of speakers It was the eoncr"*!** that tie xoiuia> of surplus prison products would al ways be so small in ration to supply - total that tScy could not ai lect commercial markets ' SHERIFF BILL GRANT W AS w THREATk.NEU BY KEGRO 1 least at mm Fsr» of Frank Hooka , liev Witsaa tsssljr Line, Oxer- powered by ShwiCi Men GOLDSBORO, Mar. i Grant narwwly escaped death yester day out on the fisrm at Frank Hooks, • imar the W ilssn couMy line, when * a hegro tenant ICvel«d a .44*Yepeat ing Winchester nfle on his breast. Sheriff Grant had been standing in tip yard apparently kidding the ne gro about having liquar in his house when the darky, who was seated on his poreft for the purpose of kiTlisfr ' a hawk, snatched the rifle from his bases _ and leveled it oa the sheriff, lurking in his doorway as he did so. Iliad Howell, who was with the sheriff, sided around the door facing out of sight of the negro, drew his , JL *|—|f h tho doorway with MM hand shoving the rifle barrel away ami his pisttol m the wen's face, at "the same time threatening to kill him instantly if he didat lot go of the rifle. By this time Chink Rhodes had arrived in the yard from the Ford in the mi - * - ; Hie officers had wet goae to ar im 111 II da*y a»4 suMpected no re sistance from him. They searched the home after the trouble, but found THE ENTERPRISE EASfiiRN CAROLINA OUEbNS SELECTED MISS HILDA BI.YTHK, WILSON. AND MISS HELEN JOYNER, GREENVILLE, WIN WILSON, Mar. 24.—"Queens Day"' at the Eastern Carolina exposition was largely attended, theie being ox er *,OOO paid entrances. People xvere heiv from every section to boost their favorites for queen of the east a; ! incidentally to trip the light fantas tic at the "Queen's ball" which was a fitting climax to the day's fes«>: The votes for the successful "Queens" were not announced until yesterday afternoon. A s£oo diamond Ting was !t\x"arletl Miss Hultla Hlylhe of Wilson, whd. received the greatest number of votes for h>eal 1 onors. Miss Helen Joyner, of Greenvtli® hpv inn received the greatest num er votes of any of t ie counties !'t large, was presented xvith a counter |*r; of the stone presented to the W'il son tjueen. Tilt re xvele 6,062 votes cast. Miss lily the leceivt d 1,175, and Miss Joy ner 1,212. Tie crowning took place yesterday evening. Thi* was "Children's. day," The street procession was the event of the day. Txvelve school chil dren were in line ami the procepsivn was betwern t!.r*e and four mile? long, heatletl by a brass band, -which was followed by the 30 schools afoot. Then came the county schools >n truth*, flours and automobiles. Mis,. Will Krwiu of Durham, a well known singer entei tained the crowds at the exposition here yesterday ev '•"ing-. ~..... * 'i n HELPING THE SCHOOLS Of interest to the man yniemhei* of local parei)l-t«achei associations m this section is the new hand book call ed The Parent Teacher Association, inst issued in revised folm by the Extension division of the State uni s'ity. The new edition is In the form of a bulletin written by Professor 11. J). Meyer of the School of Puhl c welfare. The hand hook rptirhf \ve'l he call ed How to Organize and Conduct a Parent-Teacher Association, for it contains chapteiH on ideals ami pur poses, organizing an a.oeiation, de veloping antl maintaining interest and how to rtHse* funds lor the woik of Uie association. Detailed programs for sixty meet ings of an association are gixen in six groups on following Kublee'. The School lluihling and Ground*. Child Welfare, Educailonal Aims aid Shool Laws, The Teacher and Some Kchool Problems, Agencies Aiding Community and School, and Miscella neous Subject. It was stated by officials of the University Extension division that one copy of the hand book would lie sent free to each Parent-Teacher associa tion that a|»plied for it in writing. A TWO WEEKS' SERVICE AT l»E NTEci IST A L HO LI N E.SS CHURCH UELNNING MAR 2H / e'l'hre will be a revival meeting at the Pentecostal Holiness church near Willianistoii, N. C., commencing Fri day night, before the first Sunday in April, antl will continue through the following two weeks. Services will be held each night at 7:30 o'clock. - -All are cordially invited to attend, and a hearty welcome you. Preaeching by Rev. W. T; Meriitt, the pastor ,and Rev. J. A. Wallace. NO MORE DIAMONDS, SAY THREE MEN Looking for Broadway "Lire" They Declare Against All of Ike "Girlie Shows." . . NEW YORK, Mar. 24 Back to cJyi!i*atioj| ffter five years in-the African wilds, and eagerly seeking a little, "life," three young men Uvlay coldly turned down suggestions that they view two of the things Broad way is famous for—"Girlie chows and jewelled women." * "How al>out the Joißes?** it was suggested to them when they asked •where they could see a good show. "Nothing doing," they cried in uni son. "We have seen nothing but naked women for the past five years. What we want to see is women with ■some dothes on." - * Then somebody suggested the Met ropolitan opera, where richly clad wo men, with fortunes in diamonds might be seen. "diamonds!" they exclaimed, "we never want to see another one of the darned things." The hard to please young men we*f Orliff Lyles, C. Mason Famham and Edward Horrie, who have been work ing in a diamond mine in British Af -1 rica. WILLIAMS! ON. MARTIN COL'NTT, NORTH CAROLIN A. TUESDAY, 'MARCH 27. im LEGAL GRIND IS CONTINUING AT COURT HOUSE TWO SENTEN' ES OF FIVE YEAR.- ' EACH HAVE BEEN PRESENT ED BY JUDGE SINCLAIR Judge N. A- Sinclair ao-3 Solicito' K. G. Allsbiwks ate again iu town this week pleasing the good people ant! displeasing the led people, art! while Judge Sinclair has only bee t with us a short while he ha* gained the esteem of our people. The only cases tried this week, up to going to press were: The State vs lien Uivo, William Slade an l Flunk Crex.v Tiiey were all found gui'ty. .T e e ervlant.- Slade and Crews were e: upon roiitimun.e of prayer i.-r ja ';*pment for the Uti of one year, upon the payment of I'v cost and antering into, bond for the t behavior. The defendant Rives was sentenced to the state prison for not less than Ave years, nor more than ten year? State vs Geo. W. Bast on. murdei found guilty, and sentenced to the state prison for the term of fixe years'. The ease of the State vs Miaell, for nutr«ler. «a> commented to'ay, and will not be finished before late Wednesday. DRYS PLAN TO STOP FtM»D FIOW TO THE WET PIRATES The rum fleet which Was anchored off the New Jersey coast since the holidays up to a few days ago, ha again been reported anchored off our coast. The fleet is said to lie made up of six steamers anil fixe schooi.ei The customs officials haxe asked for a ruling from the treasury de partment empowering them to stop food from Ihil>k ft'rriel to the rum pirate* from shore. Officials are In tent upon starving out the armada !f they can arrest the food purveyor* »« conspirators to violate tie anti smog «.l—„ ..J " -I-. j i~— c.. r -kippers have asked if the law allow « tl ein to carry foot! to the ships if they bring back no lienor. . Clecin-Up Suggestions Home Inspection the women, tlie boy arid g.rl aeouts and lie children hamlle the home inspections Inspect Public Buildings Work of inspecting Manufacturing plants, olfiers. public hnldifs. churches ami -chools should be done by the fire chief .members of fire department of local fite prevention committee. . Remove Rubbish Rubbish should be burned ur.der direction of fire chief- Bale waste paper. It is worth money. Old iroa, metals, discard ed furniture, etc., all have a value ' v I - . t _• _ Do not burn anything that ran be ronxerted into cash. Whitewash Premises r -• • ' "... Whitewash is a good fire retardaat and make- aa rightly ftnc look respectable. ; , •' - • i r , . i ' " Bvery "avai—ie that wll grow thMf —a ■" vegetables. Exery vegetable thatt natures is that much off the high cnet V - of living. , r A bushel of potatoes is a b.gger to .a family than aa aft pile. ■ ■ y- „ % ' ' * - . After you hare cleaned op, your premises, help your neighbor. He may ' . ' ' . * * not know hew. ; . . . . - . AFTER TOU HAVE CLEAN" KD TOUR TOWN. BE MORE CARE FUL AND KEEP IT CUAN. . ■'* __ •* ' ~ ~~ v . ■' " ■ '' LAHUa BERRY WYNNE DEAD W AS IMSTMASTT(R AT WILLI AM STOX DI RINGTTBE WILSON ADMINISTRATION laniiiel llery Wy nee died Finiay. I March 33rd after beinjr conffne>l to > his heme for throe isonth with a i case of chronic ilbuue. Mr. Wynne was (| jcnei- of agi . February sth. He was born in Ev- [ erotts He married |liai: J. El'.a Ev- ' enett of Everetta tldr> eight years ago and she with afat children sur vive him: Miss DWsy Wynne, assis tant postmaster, at William>ton. Miss 1 ala't Wynne, of Sjher City, New Mexico. Mrs. Jnoi. A. Marn>ng, Mrs. I Roger A. Critcher, and Messrs. F. Earl Wynne of and L. jB. Wynne. Jr.. now of Tiimty col , lf*e. Durham. Mr. Wxwne lived in Everetts afier 'his for about twenty five' >ears wheie be was fngace-l in farm- j ing ami inerrhandisieg He w-as may- | or of the town for mxeral years and 1 one of the leading, citizens »f that ' coaimuiiity.. Fifteen years ago kt moved to Wil- | liiunston, since which time be has ! *erxe.| as postmaster at W.lhamston Tor five years and farmed lite funeral was conducted from the- ie>idence Sunday afternoon by- Rev. A. V Joyner. pastor of the Bap tist church, aft#r which stonewall hid *e «f Robersenville took charre of the -eremouies and burie>l him with the Masonic service- A numbei ' nf from both >'Vi warkee , Conoho l«ls*« also atten.led and took ILtrt in the services, j Jtbe attetMlance at the luneral was 'very large, people atter-ling from a I I sections of the eoonty ai|d tho ailjoln . inx • ••unties, attesting tie r friendship Ifor the deceased. While serving the public a* pout master Mr. Wynne made many friends I antl his death is greaPy regretted. CAN TOU BE \T IT? *■ r*T* o —'- »- I—l-1 r» murder o r hi ; parent;, pleale.l for nwr.-v on the ground that he was an orplian WALL SHEET LHXED BADLY BY PRESIDENT PIGGLY WIGGLIf PIGGLY WIGGLI PRESIDENT HAS NO PRICE OF ANY KIND TO OFFER SHORTS MLMPIIIS, Tenn . Mar. 2t- - Sbaies of ciasts A I'tgjiy Wiggly common stock he d by Clarence Saundci >, picskient ptggl) Wiggly Stoies. inc., and badly wanted by "shorts!"' sellei - wbo we»v caught m the janr Tuesday w her a bear raid on the stock was pnce'csa toitay. Of this stock, wh>ch yesterday the Piggly W iggly bead quoted to tlie ""shorts"* at J It*' per share. Thur&iay at J lot l , until U ociuck in the after noon and for a time thereafter at fiin, Mr. Saunders declared in a statement uttering "defiance to Wall street late la.-t niglit. I "1 haxe no pine of any kind to of j fer to any short interests. Even fl. 01 * I a share would n„t buy from me I a single certificate for a 'abort.' M> offer of tliw was ft»r one day only | and will not t« extenaled.^ Mr. Saunders bitterly denounced I W all strvet and it.- "tactics™ and de lelarrxl that he espe«-ted to enter suit I again t the New York Slock e\ chance whwb no chiat acterired as "of jail Mrluth-n- in America the woist i menace m all its pomer te ruin all I" who dare to oppose it." "Wall %treet got licked Ua.vy." Mi Saunders eoatinued. "and tim-n called for 'mamma.' Of course 'mamma, the New York Stock axchangex. heard ■ the cry of rt» p. 'ted Htild.' 1 Out of appr«ii>njlrly £i,(4U share j w htch M r Saur«b-rs said w ere due htm. Ju-t one 1.» -ilied and forty wer«- ■ ile'Hered to Kim Friday lie >4ul. Mr. Sau-.ler s»sl ho would here after dispose of his stock by selling {"direct to the people-they trust me •but they •lun't tm«t Wall strvet." He would not allow the stork to he j sold in tbe curb marked, he insiste.l > UB not afraid. Let Wall itnrt let me if they ran. It is because '• nm-i people are afraid that nothing - is ,!«.» nh»v( ttiis kind of business " JUDGE KERR GROOMED FOR GOVENER'S SEAT Jt ik;e admits friends aiier HIM TO Kl \. BI T HASN'T MADE I V Ills MINI) WILMINGTON. Mar. 'Soha 11. Kerr of \\ arrenton, who is presiding over a criminal session of New Hanover county superior court, is be lug groomed by many friends here and throughout the state for governor of North Carolina in the gubernatorial campaign in November. 1924. Jualgc Kerr, when ijuestioneal this aftonoon regarding the report, admit ted thai friends were en«leav"i>ring to pet him to run for governor, but he stateal that he had not yet definite ly decided whether or not he would announce his candidacy. Judge Kerr stated that he highly appreciated the honor implied by merely mentioning him as a possible candidate for the office of Noith Carolina chief exec utive. I'unnp this vv«ek of criminal cvuil which is lacing featureal by the Sec onal trial of Hertieit E. Dallas. who is charged V nil killing Joseph South well, Juaige Kerr has made many fr-a»nals in the city and a number of citizens have already sounded the slo ••an. "Kerr fa>r governor."* LOCAL NEWS ITKMS FROM BEAK CRASS Mis® Mary Harris, Miss Louise Tay lor anal Miss Helen Croften pent Sat untay night with Mi*. Dennis Itailey rhere vv:is a minstrel pie party, tacky vvedaliiig and square dance at I'fai Grass school Friday night. The collection was very good, and was for the benefit of the piano fund. Miss Mary Harris. Miss Louise'iTay lor ami Mr. Loyd Cowin were out Haling Sunday. Mis* I aauljj, Stalls si«ent Saturday night with Miss Icyleen Rogerson. Miss Jewel Overstreet, Mrs. Charles Kaaelauck anal Mr. Noah went to Washingtain shopping SatunLiy af ternoon. Mr. Herman Rogeison spa-nt Sat urday night with Mr. l*-on M alone. —a——— r Mr: Tom-Bailey was the guest of M ss Gladys Curganus Sun.lay even ing. Mr. W ilmer M.tlone spent Satui alay anal Sunday witth Mr Herbert Harris. M? ami Mrs. M D. Taylor and chil •Irvn spent Sunday night with Mi. Jim Joimm. T ' Miss Stella Taylor anal Mi s Vir ginhi Taylor «pent the week end with Mrs. Mark Mohley. Mrs. Javan Kopers spent the week end With her mother, Mrs. W M lirren of Koher-otit ille. Misses llt-l en anal Vara (ireon went Suixlay. !*■ Mr. Louis Hul'aack was the guest of Miss Iteuluh Cowin Saturday ev ening. FREE PRESS KDITOR FASSED THROIGH t Was Enroete Home Fran Shaw bar. Where lie Found His Car Stoles Two Weeks Ago Mr. H. Gait It rax taw of Kinstna. who is editor of the Free Pr»s, the leading paper of that town, passed through here Saturday, enroute home from Shawboro, N. C., where he had been to get his automobile which ha. been stolen about two Weeks ago. while he was: attending I.A dm.« services. -r-r - His car was one of those taken in a wholesale stealing at Kinston ami Rocky Mount aliout two weeks ago The members of the gang in the thefts were apprehended by one «f the party who got caught in a tight and under pressure gave the whole bunch away. Mr. Braxton found his car to be in good shape excepting the aussw iee, which had been .taken free* R The car had been sold several titme* the first time selling for |2ts The party who bought it the last tiasc gave it up readily. BROTHER EPH PINES It useed to take a man SO y mmn to drink his'elf to ilueth 'new ha can do it in & secoads. THE BEST ADVERTISING ME wm FOR THIS SECTION WILL BE FOl ND IN" THE ENTERPRISE. UN Oftfc . BRllbo i LACE A BOND ON EACH CASE OF EXPORT WHISKEY iMPUSES *2S HIND ON EVESY CASE OF WHISKEY LEAV- *• ING BRITISH FORTS to a spec -mi Luuloa ca ble to the Cincinnatti Iquirer Ukkr date of March *». the linUth govern or t ha& lupwed a Unl of five pounds » $S> i on every case of whis key leaving a British port. The bo»Ki will be forfeited if the cargo is uot delivered to the port Jc»igiul«l in Uie bill of lading. A case of »iu.-iry costts oo shillings ttrom il3 tot H-i) and sells at the three uu.e limit fur ti\e potuis per case. It is beiieved that the bond order will breach the nun running from Ltigiis hport a.-> it will no longer be prvfiublr. Ttus is welcome news to the peoeple of the Lnited States. It at least shows a disposition on the |»ait ot SBc British government to co operate with the government of the I listed StatU-s in the suppression of rum smugglii>r. The chief . ources of supply of the smugglers a;* located on Bnttish ter ritory , not the Bahama blaodt. rhe state .e|aartment of the I nited States hat- made representation to the BnlU-ti government seeking to enter intu for the exten sion of the thuj mile dry zone at U-a.-.t to twelve miles. The British n»v eminent n plied that it could not see its way dear to enter intot such an agreement at the present time, but pledged cooperation io combatting the activities of the rum smugglers. Or ders were issued to Ihe coloaial gov ernments that uiorr rare be taken in Uie matter of issuing clearance pa pers and in the transferring of reg istry. This apparently has not brought the desired effect for the Atlantir coastal waters off New York and New Jersey are infested with rum boats, a large portion of which fly the Brit ilae The'* boats are immune from seizure by the, United Stalw Kvtemment unless detected in the •*- vert act of delivering contraband by by means of their own craft to out hores. although it is known that they are anchored watchin gfor an oppor tunity to violate our customs and pro hibition laws. CROSS ROADS * LOCAL ITKMS A la rice number of people of Crews Roads attended the funeral of Mr I. B. Wynne att Williamstori B—- lay t Mi- a»«l Mrs. W. F. Crawford spent Satunh) night alvi Sun-lay with hi* father, near Greenville. Mi.v» Mamie MuUey spent Saturday mght with Mix- Mane Roberon. Miss Essie Mae Gurganus s|>ent Saturday ni r ht aith Mis Beulah Vkynwe. T>»- Cn»>s Roads school is prepar ing for a nice commencement this >*wr. Mis Martha B. Wynne is on the Krk list but we are glad to say that die is improving some Mr. Archie Roebuck and Mr. Gas ton James were the guest* of Misses Ruth and Virginia Barnhill Sunday evening. Mesisr. Joe m) Johnnie Bland at Uf—ded church at the Bear Graas •chool house Sunday afternoon. Mi's. W. F. Crawford entertaia ed a aiunber of friends att a peana" shelling Friday night. Men. 4—/t forget the ftMHi* meet- at the Ooas Rends school haute Wednesday night ' There will he services at Chri-tfiaa Chapel next ■—i Saturday. Satar •lay night, Sunday and Sunday night. Dinner will he serrsd mm the ground San day. There will alee kg Sua is iaeilnd. CAT AND KITTEN 7 Mwry Clyde: 'Jam writes me in twee in tafl. wmi wfli mm km hnck to nun the lewted gU hi the «• tire world." L to yew far four yuers?-