, mu> WUIIMI ▲OTBniM.MttATS *o* BUYING ADVANTAGES . iwiMnwwiWTiffTiiii ~i * Local Items | ' imnrnnmni aw *" Mr. F. was in tow n Mtiflmjr. f - I r* • • * J , Mr. J. F. Hai .iiM'ii left Jor .Norlo.k this nrornraf • • • • Mr. Kdgar Bone} of Marion sprioi the week end in town • • • • Mr*. H. M S'ubbt -pent Uie w4ct i end hew with Mrs. F. t'. Barnes. Mr. k_ tk Koy speui the ei..i in Kaieigh (tioxiwc U' business. • • * • Mr. John Hines of Oak "itv i* »»«. tending itccnler's court hen today. • • • • Mi« Krt>k M«>v Htlcit Holly of Windsor weir in town Su.. day." Mr. ami M.-.-. E. -V Kiddle of lluio ihon were in town Monday attei.u isg to business. • • • • , Mr. and Mr.- Goldstein uikl ilauj." tcr, Mi.v Be.-ie, ot Windsoi were here Sunday visiting : nendS. » » • • " v Mr. l*r»y Anderson of Petcrsbur;, spent Sunday ir. town veiling his jir rents, Mr. anu Mrs. J \n . Andersm... • • • • Messrs. l*»is Muell and h" ii. Ange, prominent inerchai»t> of Jaine - i ville were m town ye.terday 011 bus iness). • • • • M ISS Mary Smith, Mr. ami M I Harold Wi!U|«»ro and Mi. lJoyd H> ton of fiyinobt:: were vi.-itors hew • I Sunday. • • • Messr> A. li l»unriiiig and Eb > S. I'eel spent Monday in lioberso | ville and Hobpoud attending to ie» . ! I business. j«_„ • • • ... Mes-r». B. K Bamhill and' Anderson will leave this afterno j for High I'oint to attend the tell- .-1 conventioi»- • • • • Mr. Moilie I'eel, Mis. Po|*\ M G. W. Haruison, Mrs. J C. Crawfo. and Mrs.- A. Anderson s.|«ent ycsieid.. in Jmnesville. • • • • Misses Marti,j CoUou Crawford . Nelle Wynne and Me.-srs. Macon Pea re a;,ii Harry A I »i|f vs spent day in Wilson as tiie vu'--ts of M Luc lie Stanton. • • • • .. I>r. J. F. Tl.ir:*n u> Ii Square this mom.'iip « hOre he v visit for a i'ay or tv»o. Mrs. Ihh pen and litt.e woo aie visiti* there now, will return with him. ■ • • • , Messrs. Margolis aiii Brooks Warsaw, members of tlie firm of M golis Bros, and Brooks of Wihiamsti and Warsaw will arrive in town ;• night to visit Me»r. Frank aJtd I ving Marjro'i- enroute U» tin- Shrm« convention at Washington. ■ • —• • Mr*. Sarah Wix of the t'entraul t>- pital of Rale *sv lr i l "wn tn moralii»r. Mi. James Ked Kobers. ami Mr Sam Haidi-on aeconiparii her to the hospital wliere tlicy v take tn-atmeit for the lru(! ha! Lnul recentl> 'l* Jaie inadc n> )" vision for treaWnit those who w« victims of the dm? lu»t>ii The I'.' legislature, honrrr, provided mem > whereby they l«e given tie;, merit. which ha' p;x-ven a jfieat ble - lag 4o raanv nf wm uiiftii*tunate ej irns. SWEKT HOMK ItK \l. lIF.M> Messrs. Sell, Bai!> ;,. Ophus |t:iil« Ka-x r Kojrerso".. W iHo WyuUe in . some others we t hanting wild «■. Monday evemiijr. Tiiey killed one the corner of IJeclick M./ell's fone a .-hort time after th/y started, J«> treed another, but d:d not g«-t 11>- chance to shool him. The duics fou i;. several other trails l>ut were unah '' to tree the cat. M hjj Im U lnitalls will s|emf, Sal u day mght with Miss Crissie Cut 81* and herr*iter, Eva,". v?ill 4sj»»>n Sunday with Miss Lnuflla Mitrfl: Miss ljouel'a MizeTt s|ent |Rirt of Sontiay with Miss ("rissie (,'ratt. BEAVER DAM . .*. LOCAL NEWS - -JK ■* * Mr. and Mrs- Allen motorc to Greenville Suivia) aftertiH>n. Mk« Leauvenia Simpson spent Sat ■w4ay night and Sunday with -liei Miss Nola Wynn. _ » . ,v Quite a number of people of -thi community attended the Metliudis revival in Williamston Sunday night. Mr. Mi»ga Koger? of ton was in tWs section Silhday night. ,r ■ * Mr. and Wra. 1. H. Roger.- an.' Mia Jaone Peel motored to Tarboro Frvtay idUnxMs. Mr. md Mr*. A. L» Kayaor and nor wmtm trialM* in Eiwlto Satunla> MUHW MiEkfUl PB HIGHLAND PARK | FORD PLANT IS WORLD'S BIG(;EST PLANT is I SfcU To AS>E3dlil h CAKS THAT \UI MAIiL \l O'l HEK FOKU PLANTS Covering a total of Kit ' which li«J ai> under i tiie iii' - lan.l Park plai.t o' ti • Pom! M iv. ca(i|iuii) i.-- tut iaij_-est u>dividua n tor plant in tt.e Wi.rld. J Here th Koid car 1- t!.«r ! 1 u.jrs ht'inp ret«-i%ed (run. »>«• 1.: , ! j iinufe plant ar.-l b*«b«-.- lrun | nous Ford bndy boiMinv pb t. The unit of Hi(fhiar>d part hk l.i tli' 1 main office-, U«e ll:;HiLii;i P: v power ulait. the Iletroit .-a!e i bian i the U>>s' inilustnal sc* :tr*l *} L n > ""V f, "* ll "'"i r tt 1 ' 1 ' • ! I'nder tlie latter "h :•*! .n- i.-eiu-'« ■ ' rthe motor assemWj, car ... ,t '• . !•>. tot test, top and uj: "i-r- r. cepai I | ment:-.. stork rootna. Hi'-p >■' r p factory and osi.e* . Ttxlay the*f plants pt j- t " scer.f of the prea'es'. 1 ' i' m. *. 1 hif tory of tlie Fv' ! Mo*« r -om; ■ as'every r"r~ r f " 4-- Vi --*•*. g. reacliirg fj.fKi? .• uw c: e,:u!e s ' I bv tti' inatit;*'* c. ufmr --"v. n:- «■: Tiie ma'..f •'t'. • o'" f iU": ■ I Ford units us>';. ■ product ion fiiru-' >'>> f liifhe.t nianufactuiitif o.« r:.f that in t! #> r .- • nienl (•.'HI'I tiio'or b! c-. ,**ie : cor: fit''l' ro . '» »'i arwl nw- try rwc 1 « the in-tallation o' -.'H"" ra- : ' with r ;• •> «• •' ures in the su'ie rs.'-" f s *- fonnly hiph standard ■ •• '' Each of the c p. f - i I ;■ . te.' exactiiß balance a'd m c -n t- 1 t and as pioductH'ii *. ■ • H':*' Park f»!ant inere-i»e- ir r.- e - Iv U( com liar .»■-! v,. I :* *c :t* m |1 he with wi"" e »' 1 vidual pa'"t i r»s«fe ir. tin! r mat ? vaiious assemblj o;.en«ti«-i 4 :«; • i- Urjcss SllHKd'lly I!"'' wh*M>!.t I' t ion. Production at t' •' 1 ftefn by !no»« ' V I increa mK man pewr- -»- th'-.uti'v of the meehniral nru i • t • ~ : .. . ,1 t |, r •? ! r-n.' ■ ■ are employ od a? the p». 'V- ;*'' ' : :j eiji i t h'-ur shrt'b. ri( a ■ , H Tw."?irr Vrttir»»f'»••• ' I r>'ll,l •K jin.r ». s( : >T-. ht'l'-EO 'J' p(M rnLl'_C: I V'' *' ■ - '* - r r.e.-s of the in.4 : *. 1r «~r i jh 1 oiiendf' ' '* r '•* ' •mder "ie fu 1 f « 1 r while in a m«.t s-so. a I 10111 thi.-. the .!»' c ««e «- •. '"»« ■ 11, nmntHe' re- «I v 'rr *• -' 'i' line t fineness, f.d .• 1* e:-o the \> diet of this • • .-1' J » ti l.t ear ■ m , ■foK, r»r* i\i- ; 1 ' f'' " itr" o* ,T ' »' j val TtM.Urfh «t i;i> . .'«V?nel;o I. cold of under 1' r -i n i-'> r v. ■ ■ '•iTa-e th's l»v # » .. ** - *" I "«"l a, t duet'on n f 'he \ 11 v i' l lien hihl on» n>. iV «r e.i> . 1 rueV-. ! CROPS ROADS LOCAL in-M* Mi-.. Sadie ,M . . -> r.e . .Satu.d with Mi»> ).jftn V. aley. Mis- \I.IH if '• '• i- -t T 1: ■- _,U t \ 1,,|;l I ill I 2_'J '•!- •■•ln '!• r roll HI. Mi-s l.i'ulan .-IT-.; I ;i- ItV Hll* hi *lli» i'. '■! '■ J ir.i u - tjx e .1 i" « i«'f • Crms II„:i V r.i!i r,i>ii i'l commerce } inent .it KverMf?. , , %1 s.- M. iM.e y-.'.Vv 1« I ! [day .aid I 'a-a;. inr it- »■*• ' ■:* * IMk W fTtie .tmvf*. Qu ie a nun; 1 -." «f - er.i »- . ' ed preachitip -it Oir> an r.H .j ■ 1 1 Saiiday !.!. >. -j-txtnl XLuis day ard F,-..>a% n jtmV' *1 «. e. u an. niother. * •' w ' Mr. Fui M'.|.ie\ jj* 1 K.U.r.ini with Mr litlb rt S! I.'e.. Mrs. J. t M y fe :iti.| il.jren sjient Sundnv wrrh im mrt »-e-. Met. liar 1 i«it Mohley Mr.'ti'lh« .t M We sjer.t Ti>ut«lay and Friday mgbts with M r . Earl Mob ley., ; *'* * Mr. and Mrs. « T MciMej" «i*it Sunday at Cross Roads. ■ « Mr. and Mrs. Allen \\ :.n. n spent Sunday with the letter's n vol her. J Miss Marie 1 Ki-'er-o.i spent Sunday with Mis.s Mamie Mpbier. Mr. and Mr- 0.-ear Avert -pent Satunlay night ai d Su"-«l\y w U» the tatter's >a>eiit> May be all for thn» crowd to cvweiir &II thi# iee creaii' soda, hat if Mother were here she would say what they was* some sprin gtonic in the form of thor-■ oughwork tan. ft CAROLINA SUGAR SPUDS NOW GOTO 1 OTHER STATES SWEET POTATO FEuEKATION IS NOW SUII'I'IM. TO TEN OTHER STATES iCAl.Eitfi. May 14- At lea.-1 ten titles in the union art- now featuring North Carolina swett potatoes, ship | pert by the Eastern Carolina Svpett i'otato fe«leratioii with headquarters ..t (t ddsboro. nipertcd (' l> Mat ii,iw>, thief. division of horticulture, ,r in* State college awl Slate tit irtrneat of agriculture. Mr. i l ews sayir that the*** sucar sweet* >e now hemline the Is t on the r.te- I nus of many hotels, rafes and lunch ms in The-e ftate-v Tacnt' -olid ears of potatoes have been . ' •[> l-il by the federation within the p.l t few Week", Ifoinjr to the states o _ * tlifornm, Texas. Ohio, West Virgin ia, Tennessee, Kansas, Oklahoma Pennsylvania Vir«r ; nia, ami to oui o,in sta'e of North Caro'i'-a " As public 'lirector in this fed'-iy I lion, Mr. Matthews hr. aided in fi'v 1 -| ii.K a mukct for t».«.•• sweets r.n«l hus helped in calling attention to t! excellent duality "of those potr'oer .} xh are cured a .*1 store*! in t i-afC hoo-es in various jit.it* w \ state He find- that u c«r«!!«:ir>ir rl.-tir.tr loi-d'tions f* i farm pfO" '.re, the 'price* received f"r t! esc I i.ti ents have been \erv sat is-f - o"-v. The price has not hijrM - hr.-- p»-c\ai!e»l for U.e pa t few • -rs due to ■ ('renter production. tV' i •e> 'pral lr.ck > r care in trradinff hnnllie'ir. anil t' e fact ThM rnu-u ,-, e s >n the larrc market eet'terc have nr>' li-. n full} - ac'itniinte-l wit hthe ex cellent eatinp qu'tlitscs of southern vurn? 3 t pvperis, however, that these shipment* will do much t» pop u'rr'/p Carolina pnta'oes and will erp-rfn™n---fwt !«♦»* lii-.ril for later shipments. METROPOLITAN OF SYRIA f X ** ....... 1 k~ \ Ljtlfst plmtivrapli of Ills tJruee, Gerasstinos M« ssaru, metropolitan of the S\rnin Orthodox church and otll rial representative of tiregory IV, pa triarch of Authicli and the Orient, who will he the olliet.fl representative of the f\\ rlan Ortho.| ( »x church at the worlil conference *n faith and order t«» he hehl nt Washington, I>. C„ In lICB. The inetlnls he Is shown wear ing In the picture were given to bin by various European monarch*. The!. ..►* 'i>n rail wa«l pu."SS4 'l' '4 lp '~ r !n ts>r haw if. a -M-.tti; •. »-; •at I- . f i'Tt'.lSHi. T ! :>' * '* au'oii ..;i'!e> t.i w in i iteration hav ««ttts foi api ' oxijriuU ■> 47,(HM).tM) Th*- 1 > t;.| Smtes has spent b tw-eee. » r-.t-'-nXHIO ,OOO * ami J'iO.Ot'O t>Hi,l)iKi f.■ i .tii-omob !es .and rul > in th 1: t M .-is. Mi -e than t* •>iKi,tw i ha bee a ex|iende«l f ii'iir. it'.i in:ii-. say Firestone «•> |*-ili>. CJLL BOOSTER SAYS *l% QUARTER CKXir AMOUNT kVVJCH AROUNO "CQMIU but AvtßAjae gun , we •mtVM.'S txs dOMS PUMKIM& m -xvae cou.ec*rvoM aox \ \ 8E ÜBfcRAL VJITM MOOR. CUORCM* nMERE AtMT AMV PL/VCG. M tOW VJHKR£ WV EN VMUX GO AS THE ENTERPtifsE, WlUlwMtonfi, N. C. I IBM I II ■ Furnishings and Fixings for Men /We are here to serve young men and older oni», with everything correct in modem haberdashery. Whether you want a couple of the newer collars, a sh>~t, tie, cap or Guspenders, we've got 'em all and more in the kinds you like at anti profiteering prices. Our specials for this week are: where &orirtg fi&rand (£lotbrs arcsoLl COTTON COOPERATIVE OF MARTIN COUNT/ ELECT THEIR DbLi&A i I j ELECTED DELEGATES TO A TEND DISTRICT CONI ER KNCE AT WELIXJN The Muitin county members of tin- Cooperative Cotton association'ckvt».d delegates to the district conference •" be held at We! 'on Tuesday, May 2- at 11 p. m., at a tree' ing held at U 1 court house here Monlay. The following Were delega'es e!«« . cd Monday: i-jiiiiuf I J. Everett, i J. Rober*oti. H. I- Kee!, Lester !«>us J. Y. Everett, W. A. Kvr-jett. A Roebuck, M. F. ROltersotr, J. IL 1 Peel, J. Arthur Wynn, Jesse A I gett, Harry Waldo, I-. T,. I!al ip. ' L. Dam. I, S. L. Andrews, 1.. I'. Ila: di>on. Martin couniy is in the first disiri'' composed of lie ci u"ties of I'erti Halifax, He'-tford, Martin, N"rt Hntrtptoii and. VV'i'rion, ni.d the ilel "sates 'will iis«ft and select two ctg didates from the incmlier hip of th t" *ct, after which the names of th ":i"t!-.!ates will be printed .and eat! p.-'hK r of Uie asscclat 'on will his ballot for his choice, the. one ire ting the highest r.umlJer of votes- v.- >«> the director from this district f the ensuing year. Die Martin county I n-n~-mous vote endorsed Mr. Pic:T of Wei don for the position. iTMIRSDAY WILL HF KVKMTI j NOT ONLY ihii jHI I FOR M '* da ••■ r VrSj; o' V ', - r ' th. . .•: f i n «t. Th will I"t> • »• : ' »tm has ever entertained the M; ! • i ami they have nisjde great prepar:- lions for the big time Besides t' ■ e- era! thousand Shriners. pi Vj .mul:itude« of spectators whl al c at tend. W'illianiston end Mm tin coun • xv"M l>e well represented. WANTS t'O.NYENIENT 'I WO STORY House in Xew Town for sale. Terms en sy. W. C. Manning, agent. 1-2-tt FOR SALE ONE LOT IN PAR mole, on the Scotland Neck bra tli, See Dorsey Hynjan, Windsor, N. C - * 6tj> FOR SALE RESIDENCE ON Main street. Terms easy, lmme diate possession. W. C. MantjUtyr. 6-11 tf ■ 1 ■ HIST MX* HOOD TIRE ON Till rim. Notify Rear Service Station « Washington, N. C. 5-1 Wf PERSONS WANTING TABLE H«ard in a desirable, home at reasonable mte apply to The Enterpiisc of fice. 6-16-tf MARTIN OOI'NTY SIMMER SCHOOLS FOR WHITE TEACHERS Provision has been made for a County Summer school of six week* or longer to be held in Martin conn ty beginning June 11th. The purpose of the County Sumner school is to irive all teachers who do not have sufficient aeadeiaifc an ! P»« fessional credits for a Mate rerltfl cate the opportunity to prepare t> meet the requirements for the i#atc certificate and in tf>is way secure a v~ ? • it. . .. .. ■ tietler salary. 11 The following should attend tit r, County Summer school: ' |. 1. Applicants desiring a eertifica 'to teach who cannot show credits th ■ I equivalent of graduation from a stand I urd hixh school. - ' , 1 . I 2. Holders of county second grain I certificates, provisional certificate li provisional certificate A issued on: (It Credit sfor onfe summer scho plus two examinations groups (b, c, o (2). Credit on three group* of thi t state examination subjects (a, l>, c or d.» (3). Graduation from a standar high sclioo!. 14. ) Credit for two summer schoo'. in 1920 or one in 1919 and one i 1920, plus one j ear's e.'.pc rience on : -ecohd gfade certificate. ((S.) !'.lttl plus one rumme schtol "irf"l92o. (6>. 1!)1!» teiir-oiary certificate T!ie followirjf mny attend the coun ty summer school a"d secure profc." •iooaf credits toe aid a state certifi - cate or cwlits for renewal or* pu t:n»r in force certificates which have expired: (!) All graduates of stand an high schools. 2. Holders of provifionn! certif elites, issuer upon tie basis of grad untion from a ySu.dar! high ;-c v o wliil 1,0 pre'e i ;• 1 ;?l- -i'-s. ft lloldr o •• Vii it' ccrt'f esites. issue' ■■■ *r t •» .-. f> - ce tificate ii« • e «. -I A J MANNING, Ci.unty Superintendent. NO'i It I. t»I SAI-E ruder and b> virtue of the pew o'aU.iiKi in Uva certai > ii . . * , -xe >ned by R. H. We;r \d Weaver •to t ! ee .i d b. .ring lnt . .. and of recoi o' J! iti i c u ;-.ige 19J. srii •vuue. t»-.«- i -'vnfem of certain note i.f ,iate therewith, a d the term an.l conditions therein contained no having !*vn cemplied with, and : j t?ie i-cijui\-t of the hohh r of the sai tmrtes, tiiet rnvt-rsig. Ed t-nstee will « I Mor.day, the l.sth day of Juie 19 _• in front of courthouse door . | Martin county, at Williamston. N C Sat 12 oVlivk m, offer for sale at pul lie auction to the highest bidder fi I ] cash, the following described propei ' j ty, lo wit: j Ti.at certain tra-'t of lard in th state arid county aforesaid lieginnii'i p!at a black gum in Little Siavanna ; | l>rai>ch where crossed by the ro« ! lowriel formerly by S. W'., T. W. ai>' Goo. T. Oulerbridge; thence S 34 3- .! poles W. to a corner stake; thenc : j 7:t 1-2 W . 23 3-."> poles to a st.'V . • in the divi lon line made between t jN. an.l G. T- Out'erbridge ma le 18S .. to Price and Fllis old line; thence !• (along this line to two pines ami lilac ! jack; thence S. 22 W. to a large pi Ihl S. 10 E 95 poles t f j a l irge gum in Flat swamp; thenc t down the various courses of the sai • swamp to an agreed corner; bet wee Joshua Johnson and B. L. C. Bryant , tiifnee along a line of marked tree to a pine on IJttle Savannah swamp I lh,'net up said branch to the begin 'ling, containing 137 acres, more c less, except 32 acres sold to J. I f Taylor five acres to Bryant Ar dri»ws.- ' T'us the 10th dav of Mav,l92S A. R- DUNNING, . P-15 4t. i Trustee. \. - ■«- T ' '« 1 * , NOTICE OF SALE i t'n'W and (y virtue of the pov er of sale contained In that certain rfpe! of tni;»t executed by R. H. Weav er and wife, Addie Weaver to th » uiidersigr.cd trustee, and bearing date {' «. i 14. 192 X, and of rocord -tn the public regirtry of Martin eoun ty in boek F2, at page 516, said ■ deed of trust having been given t i secure the payment of certain note* S*. " ' * -*E fc - - " • - . '. T . '-i VI i■iii i M iX - - - ' , t "tt'RISB COLUMNS FOB SELLIS'fI TOUH MKRCHANDIII i of even date therewith, and the terms and conditions therein contained not having keen coin plied with, and at the rei,ue4 of the holder of the tai note®, the undersigned trustee will o Monthly, the lbth da> of Juoe. in fi«t:t of the courtliov* do;r c Maitin c-anty, at Williamst n N " at li o'ci..ck in, offer fur a; pal lie . uction .o the highest ! ulcier f»-. leas, .the following de-ic,i lands | situate in the said state aad coa:. j and b« u: d:'d a'.d described as follow, to w it: Fiist tract' BoundVl oj. lh:'\.ortL lliy~th»— +» da of tlie late C„!via G.ii ! (in; on the east by the k nJ* of C J. Stall.-«; on the south by tin- land, of W. B Wynn and on th ■ "west b.- the J. W. Briley land Containing one hundred and fifteeo (1151 acres inoie or less, and beiiif the same pre mises deeded to R. W. Weaver h J. A. Mbelle ami wife, avl W. Itoberson and wife, and commonly kno\"ri rtfi the " Irving Briley .J'roe® af 1,:.1 id." Se- oid f lac*; Bcunded on the norti by the lands of Maltha Gai'or; oi the east by the lands of the late Jesse Coburn;, on the : outh by th' • lards of Martha Gainor and on th west by the lands of C. J. Stalls. C» ' wining wie h«n-Ued and *iyht (lt'B acres, more or less, and commend known as "The Home of th; 'ate A. J. Weaver, subject, howevei to the life estate of Mary E. Weav er therein. At the time and pi ice above n-er tioried for the sale of said lands, t 1 undersigned trustee wilt a'so sell r he high dollar, for cash, the follow inp describe'! personal property, t' wit: All and singular the stock of g«od« wares and fixtures of every netu' anil description n.,w situate and H ing in that certain storehouse a waiehouse situate in the yard of tha tract of land commonly knf.wn a ','Tiie Home Place" ef Jesse C ihurr ilso five mules and t'iree hoi-ses; an., •ilso any aril a'l hogs situate on th | aid premises; also one Internation:; I'lttto t-rtick, two Bcnthall peauut pick rere, one Stover gas engine, one Ad aiiee gas etigine, one Geo. TJ. Poe team engine, one lvay pies', on itn'k cutler, one Studebaker autome ,ile. one two horse wat'on, eight c.rt ind wheels ,ene lot; c:>*t arid wheel me burtk i'n«l w'cd-, two gar.) •lows, hnrrow, cotton, corn, im nentiut plai'ters, gua o dsti'buUiit ill h es, rakes, shove!*, ge:irs, to'f so sticks, tobacco flue#, ami all oth "r farming implements and person." property of every kind and itesc in '.ion iw>t above enumerated sitm* ind 1 eintr upon either ef t rirt if land ahovc mention® 1, oi upon th traot of land commonly known as th 'Je;isie Coburn Home Place:'' also ;. Kiok accounts of (Wyk'Bd and > script ion due or to becune due t U. H Weaver, and all notes and oth r evidences of debt now due c '>ocome due to said R. H. Weaver. Prospective-bidders, in this Sta'e rr>* -.'c the property by enll n;' 'f Weaver, on any day be'ween nov tnd the sale for the >tur(xise of in rieeting said pr perty. This i.utice I riven for the reason that said pron "»ity will not lie present at the sile •nil to the end that prospective bid !ers may inform themse'ves hefor the date of sale. This the 10th clay of May, 1"23. CI.AYTON MOOFE, '-15-4t. + Trustee. VMENDMKNTS TO THE LAWS RELATIVE TO MORTGAGE; \n Act to Facilitate the Kx-minaCo of I.tlfs and to Create a Prelump tion of Payment of lustrum*Sc curim? the Payment ol Mom# Aft* Fiftetn . kears From the Date o Maturity Of the Oehts Sectirei Thereby. The Ceneral Assembly of North Car olitia do enact: . Section 1. That section two thou and five hundred and ninety four ■ f the Consolidated Stautas of Nortl Carolina lie -amended by adding a nev sub-section, as follows: 5. That the conditions of ever; mortgage, deed of trust, or other in Hrument securing the payment o' money shall be conclusively presum ed to have been complied with or thi lebt secured thereby paid, as ngain •reditois or purchasers for a valua ble consideration from the tmsto mortgagor, or grantor, from nnd af ter the expiration of fifteen year roni the date when the conditions o such instrument by the terms thereoi ife due to have been complied witt >r th« maturity of the last of debt or interest secured thereby Snless the holder of the imtebtednes ecuiol by such instrument or part\ ei'U' t'il by any provision thereof shall in affidavit with the register c •!eed of the county where such in -trumttit is registered. In which shal' be specially stated the amount of debt unpaid which is secured by said in strument or in what respect any oth er condition thereof shall not have been complied with whereupon the register of deeds shall record sue* affidavit and refer on the margin of the record of the instrument referred ■■o therein the 'fact of the fi'ing of such affidavit, and a refererce to thi book and page where it is recorded Or, in lieu of such affidavit, the holder may enter on the margin of the rec rrd any payments that have beer, nude on the indebtedness, secured by such instrument, and shall in such en try state the amount still due there -1 i" Jltf r*"*ts- : "Sr* Via . . uuder. This entry must be signed | by- the holder and witnessed by the I register of Heeds: Provided, howev er, that this sub-section shall not ap ply tj any mortgage, deed of or ••*ber instrument made it jhei. b> a v laiiroad company, or to ugiecment of conditional sale equip irtt.it tiast agreement, lease, chattel mortgage, or other instrument relat ing to the sale, purchase, or lease of railroad enuipnient or rolling stocks or of other personal property. Sec. 2. In case of foreclosure of any deed of trust or mortgage, the trustee or mortgagee snail enter upon the margin of the record thereof the fact of such foreclosure and the date i when, and the person to whom, a con veyance was made by reason thereof. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of any trustee or mortgagee making sale un der the provisions of any power to file the account with the clerk of the Superior Court in the county where iln land lii - is required by commis sioner* making sales for partition, and lor the auditing and recording of said account the clerk shall be allowed the same fees as are provided for audit ing accounts of such commissioners. Sec. 4. Upon ratification of this f act, the Secretary of State shall cer tify copies to every register of deeds in the state, whose duty it shall be to post such copies in a conspicuous place in his office and cause same to be published for one month in some newspaper in the county. The ex i>ense of such publication shall be borne by the county. Sec. 6. This act shall be in force from and after January first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty four. Sec. 6. All laws and clauses of law- conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. Ratified this the 6th day of March, A. r>., 1923. r,-8-4t, NOTICE OF SALK I nuer and by virtue of the power of »aie contained in that certain utvn 'or trust "executed- -by—Grave* ~ ana wile, diary C. Uraves to tlie un lersigncil .trustee, and beating date of June i4th, lU2O and oi record m the ijutilic registry of Mai tin county in iKiok O-l at page LH2 said deed ox iiuat having been given to secure the !>aymeiil ot certain notes of even daie icrewith mid the terms and condi .loiii therein contained not having jeen complied with, and at tile re quest ot the holder of .aid notes, the undesigned trustee will on Monday, he 1-lth day of June, 1923, lit 12 t'dock m., in front of tie couit house Jour of Martin county at Williainston, N. C., otter for sale, at pubii* auction, io the highest bidder for flu&h, the fol lowing nu! estate and pdtsonul piop jrty, to wit: First tract: That certain lot of •and in the town of W illiamston, N. C., beginning al an iron stob at tlie -ouihea.-t coiner of the driveway on a ditch L'O leet and 10 inches from the fourth pi lar trom the ditch of »e steam plant; thence N. 27 degrees W., with the line of the driveway that lie.j between the steatu plantund the Uoanoke Tobacco Warehouse com pany's line, a distance of lOtt feet anil 4 inches to an iron stake; thence in an easterly dirertion 300 feet to an iron stob located on the run of the branch of J. G. Godard's line; tlience up the run of the branch and ditch a southwest and west course to the iron stob, the beginning, and being the same land conveyed to F. W. Graves by J. G. Staton and wife by leed dated October 4, 1919, which is recorded rn the public registry of Mar tin county in book Y-l at page 387. Second tract: Beginning on the driveway at the iron stake which is !he northeast corner of the first tract; thence north 27 degrees W. 121 feet and 10 inches to an iron sJ-ab, a cor net; thence N. 60 degrees !\ >#>t to an iron stob in a branch; tunoe along said branch, S. 44 degrees E. 51 feet, S. 63 1-4 E. 72 feet, S. 49 degrees W. 43 feet; S. 23 1-2 W. 22 1-2 feet to an iron stake in the branch; thence S. 62 1-4 degrees W. 300 feet to the iron stake, the be ginning and being the same land con veyed to F. W. Graves by J. G. Sto lon and wife by deed dated January 2, 1920, recorded in the aforesaid pub lic registry in book D 2 at page 344. Third tract: Beginning at a stob in the branch in the middle of the litch; thence a straight line about 66 feet, to a stob in J. G. Godard's line; thence along Godard's line northeast* erly about 61 feet and 8 inches to a stob on the bend of the ditch, J. G. Godard's and F. W. Graves' corner; ihence up the ditch to the beginning, and being the same land sold to F. W. Graves by the Brick Warehouse company by deed which is of record in the aforesaid public registry in book D-2 at page 213. Also all the improvements and all easements belonging to the above three lots, and all the personal prop erty situated thereon, of every na ture, kind and description, io as to include nil the boilers, engines pulleys, belts, redrying machinery and all fix tures and equipment now installed or to be installed in the buildings thereon or to be installed in the buildings now in the course of construction, and to include all personal property now or at any time hereafter in the operation of the Steam Redrying "plant, now on, and being built on the above describ ed lands. This the 7th day of May, 1988. CLAYTON MOOR]!, Trustee.