or in hews op mabtin ■- COCNTT TWICE A WEEK BY taking the entkkpbise. sut ¥OLUMK M-XUMBEK 43 CAPITAL STOCK TAX BE TVBNS AND PAYMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL TAXES In Oaltr to Avoid «■ j . _ . _ Tn avoid penalty, retarns and pay mart mat he made m or before Jul XL HB. ef the masee.laneous on u pfiaad tareo. the rpccial tchacn. tax on the ane Jfkmts. by the Bene st Act of 1921. Capital stock tax returns also mast be Made « or before July 31st, pay Meat being required on 10 days nctir and demaad of the collector. The Revenue Act provides that "i'uj dsaaestat corporation shall pay aaaunlly a special excise tag with respect to carrying on or doing basi aonh. eqniraleat to $1 for each 91000 of no aanch ef the fair average valar of Me capital stock for the precedirg year endag Jaae at as is ia txces: at |SJM>. In estimating the value or capital stock the surplus and undi vided ppufits shall he Included Ever, ly a iprnal excim tax with respect to can j ing an or doing business i • the L'aHad States, equivalent to f* for each SUMO of 'he average a meant of capital emp!oyed in thr trpaanctiaa of its business in the V nited States daring the preceding year Every dawectw corporation must make a return aa Form 707 ever, thoagh the law may indicate that i* is aaesapt from tax. The ques'iou ol etesaption is one for ie terra mat too hi the Cooanusooner of Irlernal Rrre FoOowiag are the miscellaneous or i npnlnnal taxes: brokers, SSO; pawn brokers. SluO; ship broker*, SSO; cm toaahonse brokers, SSU. Proprietors of tliaatm. museums and concert hall ahaia a charge for admission i made. ha« ing a seating capacity o« ■at Basse thaa St, shall pay a ta? of IN; having a seating capncrty o. more thaa ZbO aad aot exceeding 5* $110: having a setting capacity e eaadtog W aad art exceeding »*» lYiaim earryis* on the busire of spairtiiig or watia| pos>eng»> notaauahdea Car hire aie ropitej t to pay tifi far each snch mm'cmobile havi« a isatii t rapnrl»y of mon for each antonmbile having a sentii.: capacity of More than -even. LCC OB DEBS NADS TO Ct'T BATE ON HOGS IN SttITHKAM Washirg an. July 14.—Railtond were otdered by the Interstate Com merce rommi nam today to reduce by from S to 7 per crnt rates on hog Hioaa in «onthweotern states and dUnad to packing plaaU ia aad aramd Part Worth, Texas fectne Octiher 3 and will apply all atopaMnto originating ia Florida order today altaiad thas aad instruct ed the raßrunda hernmfter ta fix the chargns aa a weight kaxis A db taace scale hy which rates for 450 nulan or Ism shauld he TO mats thr ttan to distance up to a charge of 7b cents per M panada for dMances ef nules, was laid down to gov mm i—■ tn add IS per cent to the Mileage rates given • The Me date. October 3, the road; were aha jaaUarted to pat a rate iato effect en hags frwua NashrtHe Tena, to Oklahnma City, tf Wi COTTON ASSOCIATION WINS AGAIN IN TEXAS Injunction Granted and Contract «Jp Taani"rin alatoil rather (My by eaetnm iilnnti appiaerf to mapi laliiu mnrkuUng that the Tex tha High Cnmrt af Texas. They jrc fid the early dannfafi mt the cooper atrie aanerintaan and |iirlih to the C Ttaeaß hy the Dhbid Cantt af taken to the Cemrt of CM appeals, was gW ami the injnartiia dm THE ENTERPRISE M CuTTOM WEEVIL AGAIN Tesaa Fane Did net Hare Hi. Bands Inhr Hn -,,1,1, Iharing Bug Weevil Fight Armnad twenty days agu. I eisited a field to ascertaia whether or nat the hall weevil 1 feel sure that art orcr two per cent rt the •at too bad been damaged As beat we can estimate, there is as fifteen to eighteen weevil punctured afnrcs ewt of eucfc k «»Mred squares in thr field. The*, ton. af cuarne. are the first square tka* am am At this ane rate of •*"«* damage, there will be nc left aa the plants hy the 10C August, mve a few of the early would say. the firrt thirty dnys of th» fruiting aenaan. The crop referred tc •a a fine crop aw -ten from n dirrnrr This leaks to us to meoa that U^e upa'i bmiituiy who are sure to rom out at the end mt thr year with a stunning lean. Why nat make the lg* now? Save the oottoa and be able to aay. "1 made the fight and saved the crap, regatdhaa af the boll wee Thr Texas farmer is saying today whale he it mdi well braced up with hia thamha under his swspendera. "Texas wfll make five million bales af trttaa this year, except some unseen ralamitj befalls her." We remember, too, that Texas was the firrt aad pemh aMy the hardest hit stole in the cot an belt. Soum af her farnaers le r t the state looking a livelihood; other? made the fight and Won. J. L Holi day. Farm Dem. Phillips fhrti Co. BEAVER DAM LOCAL NEWS Mr. W. A. Burrongh.- mutated to Everett* Tuesday. Mrs. Melbe M. Min Ernie Pre ard Mr. Pope McCraw spent Mondny afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Roger*. Mr. sad Hn ML G. M .ol Or Mr. Ike DWsnrl ef Grinialaal pass ed through here Tueoday. Hr. aad Mrs. W. A. Burrwaglis .sjndy mataeed ta Cotesaiae Sundat. Miss Vada I'M spent Satarda: night with Mm SaDrn Wyna Hr. aad Hra J. H. Rogers. Mr. La ter Beget 1. Miss J—iie Peel and M iliaga Begets mrtaiad tn Colerair Mr. aad Mr a. John Baynor aad faau ly aad Mr. Carl Wigiimi of Oxfor. spent the week end here with relative: Mr. and Mrs. A. L Baynor. Mr. an Mrs. Sylvester Baynor aad faauh aad Hr. John Ctribpker ma tared t- Coleram Sunday Hr. and Mrs. John Baynor a» fain"] nnd Mr. Cart WOtiaans motor I to. and Mm. H G. Peel. Messrs. Bemae M. Wttam Pert aad Bias Everetls Sunday. Mrs. Mdkn Peel. Hra G. W. Hard, sen. Hra Hnttw Harrison nnd Miss aftemaan witk Hra W. H Bogers. Hr. Thamaa Oakley went to Wil He Miaga Bogers wkfle huthiag at mt his fart. Me fan Peel wed to WdliaT* Hemra. W. H. Roger, ami Le»te -THE TAN KANT DIN NEB.- The Jme amher of The Cents ry magame carries a alary hy "Sandra niiimdiT- entitled The Van Zam Dm* A phtma. of tha writer ap pend ia 1 am Cantribrtan* -TTk^- Al ' Frank C Lewis, af NorfnH. Va. She fi ip»Hj her aiator. Mm. Jmiai X Bh.der, and to assay fiaat m town, who ban rand tor hirst story mrith pleasure. writer ia weß aaanaud Hra. Lewis' Vra. Prank hrd it up w Bag «e«enl Lrys ia Becky M«ewr -Jn Mis. Aaaie X and Mm. A.T ai'topnada, Hr. and In. J. C Crwwfaed §m a fcw day* lad weak ,| I WILLI A MSI ON. MAKIIN COL"NTT. NOitTH CAROUN v. Tl KSUA.Y. JIL\ q. 19ZX EEEP WATCH ON '.VTTIi\ FIELDS FOB DAMAGE CAI -S"H BY CEl> SMWS WW** buHii'c S*rr Ww lain N« S 'ntu i Damage Ha» UtshHrJ / I will i|«ii rail ration farmer;* at tention ta tlij present of Red Sriie in the cottti fields ol Ee-t .:«r- Ma»- Un ud adjei'.iiir counties. Nu\ fanners risied «*i® Hhi-M of coo trol Mnutli, and where iaimaalr steps were taken, no venota danar has resulted. Friday we were ia Put and Edge eombe counties. TVrt we sa It fields where no ecsM mes»«ure> lud been used and the rbamsge done *«Jd probably be a spread of frvot one to five bales of cotton already Imt, and the spider still Making rapid bn« way, destroying the entire "rep a* he goes. I wonld say if the proper steps had been taken two weeks *p«. the loa on the now worst infetei field* would not have exceeded five hundred plants. The thing that should have tm ß done then, was to hare pull ed Bp the wara| iaferted piaaU and picked the damaged leaves from the newly infested plants and destroyed them dy burning. As H is now. it will take considerable labor and other ex pense to bring them under cortral. to say nothing of the total leas on the first lafnoted cotton. When evidence of spider damage is seen, no time should he loot in bringing them under con trol. Polk and other weeds Jibioli not be allowed to grew around tl* cottoe fields, since spider daawge r usually traces hie to hedges and fsnre* where such growth is allowed. J. L HOLLIDAY. Farm Dew* strator. Phillips Ptati Co. —_————— — tOBBECTMIN In Friday's isaae we published the statement of the Farmers and Herrb ants Bank, aad in the statement the item of Time certificates and de posits dwe in less than 3fi days slll, 172.77" was omitted by error. whiefc has been corrected and the statement appears again ia this issue. | ('ATTAIN or Ml iun WABiml SETTLE* BAZEHOEE 'Settler Ba«e«h.re: We understand you are gning tc marry awe of your neighbor's ha d». am' mo«e her and if row do aa>* •bmsge him, an-1 he * .lanraged b> i*. me will "tend to you at ww. CAPTAIN, K i Klax h an" he Enterprise ha# been hnaded tht a!* re signed "CipUia Ka Khs KJan.". tl - letter was amile>? and uortmarked n> Everetts, ad-lrc-sed to Settle baaamore in ca- * the Spright farm i.ute No 3 W.l'. r HMtOR, N C. Bazemore is a nogr • with ««»ro children. The wjlacA hand fca» d c -iMren and, o? cour* the land un ci did not waai to las* hi. help; s */. proceeded to pu*. asunder wh it W was about to jo i together. and w»« cowardly enough U. nfritte ra tm hb Klux Klan to attempt ta «an tne negro, Baaerante We hare known a good many cow fitly thing*, but are frank to sar w. cent recall aayJuu* so uull as this. I oar Klan ho*, many thi» g* of > wlity character v done in thy nane TH PHI LA'I HE A PR *l4. TO THE BAB tCAS All Philathaas and Br ram- are ad ed to Meet in frast of tl* Atlantic H •>«! Thursday afternoon at three a" c">k. Transportation facili *jT a»" been arranged to go tc di'.enidt po'k. ■ML J. D. BIGGS TO MAKE ADDKESS OP WELCOME AT BANKEBS HEETUNC Dr. Joha D. Biggs, president of the North Carolina Baahars Awtdslio left for Raleigh this aaorniag srher. he will attend the Beakers Farmer meeting to b. held ia thrt «ty thi Dr. Biggs will make the »Hin. of The meeting is ef aaaiaal impoitaae as A means a cioaer ansa a# U country aad which will ■Miwlefr lead ta snaking a produced tangibh crap a hue of credit to the farmer as well as aa expected bat as ae psadnend or iataagMe crop tea bee in the paat, and srlnch method hat always narks 4 many hardships a* awr section of the uaaaliy. The local camp of the Mede- Woodmon ef Amer ca wiß met Wednesday night Ja*y Zb. aft whs* Maws George Harris and WBUrm Hodgwi went to Birersnle S^dnyjl. tm Mb anting trip. I LOCAL TOBACCO ■AUETISNOW VERY PROMISING WILLIAMSTON IS FOHTCNATE IN HAVING SICH SPLENDID WABEHOI SEMEN Three Independent Huunes to B.- Kua This Seunuu The tobaoro crop in Hartin sn.l a>i yoiasng counties is much better titan in years and indications are that Wii Hnmston will have a market far su penor to that of any preceding rear. All the large manufacturers and deal ers will have buyers here and the waimhouitj will be operate*! by men of maay yean experience. The K»a uoke ban keen remodeled ami will I* rua hy three young men who hare spent their entire lives in rariou> brunches of the tobacco bu*.u*>.- Messrs. O. L. Tucker, H. H Moron, aad E. G. Bogers wil! hare of the Baannke house. The Dixie will I* operated by Joe Taylor, its foraiei n anrger. ami Hr. Sam Mangum. of Durham. X. C_ Mr. Hangum is eon aide-red oae of the best tohpcconi-t ii. the trade an.l is a hustler. Joe >t:l' came- the same old "pep". T Farmers will hare i' same manageme»t as la-t year. ot. old friend. Mr J. W. Ilight All o. these gentlemen hare been bu»> can rasping the county for some time an we are g*»d to see so mtgh inter taken ia the market thin year 1 both the *aieh«u.aeinen an I the mat kef* friends on the outaid . Mr. Harry L Meator will k nianag er of the Farmers Coopnn Ire mart, rtiag warehouse this an ion. The grader for this market f s not yet been annouaced. The data if openmr has not ret been fixed. bU the ware Hoove will likelr begin rMeiviag by the middle of August, if gt soor.er H is undet stood that Ufi advanre win be cousideraMy tin firrt ones o fthe last preset*! sigua pie»ait. The i rop in Svuth Carolina an Geaeeta is only medium nnd in t!. old Piedmont section of Virginia r North Carolina is far below norm • the dealers throughout the coun*r hoM practically ro tohacc, the mat facturers haven't a large surplu- or toad and the fcteiga countries are begiaaimt to call on u> for large mouats. The pro?}«ert for getting :• prafitable pnrc for oar t»baeco weri never brighter ami it look.- at present as iff the farmer- «f this ection wi. reap a harvest they murh deserve. Let's all get tog.•> »!-«l ioake V i'- liamstoo's tobacco market one whic is surpassed by none. We have a bet ter opportuait> tha*i ever before. T' market open- Wednesday. August E, mm! we hope to see every tonne filled to its opart l\. We woul«l like to see the street-- in our city lined wi'l farmers; thetr weurtnr an i ipgml— ef admiration for th Williaaatoa tobam- niarket an-1 the treatment acrordol them by all r wion they come in contact with. IT CAN BE DONE. IT SHOLLD BE DONE SO LETS !Ni IT. Hr. aad Mrs S. A. Newell aa! children, of Lou'shui.-. are >pendinr several days here visiting Hr. and and Hra. J. D. Simpson and Mrs. Era Cobh Mr. H. H. Horta* of M. rton. Tuekei aad Rogers spent the w.-ek en-l .it PBMIICW. trtumiar »» Oreenr t!e Manday where he attei.de? to hnsi nem matters. BILL BOOSTER SAYS WOPBOOSTtIta* tHI Hblf BtBOHMQOHemiMNr CAM MMS MOMCM WnHOUT MMKtWHtI FNOUNVIOT A BACKBOME AMD uor juer - A HBWHOMB. tWM AttAmemtni m !//«) ///■ • JNM fiaptf STORES ABE SUPPOSED TO CLOSE AT « P. M. ON ALL DAYS EXCEPTING SATURDAY ;Towa Shoppers Should Take the Store Servant lato 'i heir Consideration Yesterday afternoon about sevi i | o'clock as I was on my way hc-n.e j met a lady who was working i i certain store ia u«wn. At oiice I notic |e«l that she was thitik>i£ .ibout I sorocthiujt very haul and soon she n j marked, with mu.-li feeling, "Herea.ti -1 when I am careless and get down i town after six o'clock I sill not go | in the stores and keep the poor clerks I there after hours waiting on me when 1 they have alteady had a long day or duty." Had >ou aver thought almut the sacrifice you are asking the sa'es people to make when you corne in a roun.i six o'clok anl liegin shopping* | In many cases they have already been on duty for ten or twelve hours ano may have important engagements t fill that night and want to get u nwn as the hour comes for do icg the gores. In all cities the stores close on certain afternoon n\ each week in oi doc to give the clerks a little tim off. While our merchants accomodate |us from sunrise until sundown and should we not appreciate this serrici and nor infringe upon the time of theii salesmen and work them after houf The writer this piece is ex tiemely guilty of doing this verv thing that I insist is wrong and know how easy it is to fall in tl • habit of waiting till the last minuti | to run and get some little thing an I then see something else that you h:u I intended buying for some time : ikeep light on looking and buying f — ! a half hour or so. 1 rarely ever le this more than once a~ month, but h llae time half the other women ii town .to this in the course of a mont 1 it would keep all the clerks in town busy until scran o'clock every even ing. Now shoppers, think about this; for small town merchants, cannot insis'. upon city store rules and cl«-e thi door in our fare* for we might I their cousin or their next door neigh bor or their metnl a nit yod kdow that they would net treat you in air .-uch manner. So he thoughtful e them and their help, for the buying public of our town and community a> i accorded mighty good service an, coiuualeration by our merchant-. „ CAHPEKS WILL LEAVE FOB KEA'S BEACH TOMOKBO\ The following ladies will leave f« Kea's lieach tomorrow morning: Mrs. Ixslie Fowden, Mrs. Wain Itiggs, Miss KaMe Philpott, Mrs. G. Jr., His. Whe ler Mai' and Miss Essie Peel. They will taV>" with them. Wheeler Martin, Jr.. M.o Simpson, Pete I'omlen, Jr., and Joseph Godard, Jr. as ehaperones. The ladies have renteil a cottage al the beach aud will lead a rial cam| life for the next week. llr. Staton J. Peel and Mr. John T. Daniel, of ltelhaven were visitor tn our city yesteiday. * Mrs. Came Williams, Miss France Williams. Mr*. L. C. Hennett, ai»- MescMs. Harry liiggs and S. C. Pe«i leave tomorrow hy automobile foi Va Beach. Mr. Peel leaves then Thuisday to visit oilier Virginia eitie- Mi— Nannie H. Smi.h of Vt*lle Cruse#, K. C. spent the week eml with Mis. W. 11. Harrell. 1 NOTICE l*nler and by virtue of the powei of mle contained in a certain deeo of trust executed and ileliveretl to J. C -Smith, trustee, by P. E. Shaw ami mrife. on the 21th day -of April. l»i» to secure tlie payment of a eer*a>n note of even date, and of record iir. the oflke of the Register of Dee«U ft.r Martin County in Book O-l, at page SH7; ami the stipulations conta-r eJ in m-1 deed of trust no* having be»n roniplie-l mrith and said note being past due aad unpaid, and Upon the de mand of the owner of said note, tr under ignad, will on Saturday, the IfPh .lav of Aug., 1X23, at three o'- clock, P. M., in front of Bank cl Koberaonville, in the town of Relier sonvilie. ia Martin County, expose t* public sale, far cash, the follom-ing *le acrihed laads, to wit: Situate an the East side ef Retfi tan Street ia the town of Roberro> - rille, Martin County, and being lot Na. 34, aa shewn on map of raivey ef the Jesse Ben Roberson propert ia anid town, and made hy Da-'d C. James. C E., on April. Int.. 1914. ard which said map ef surrey ia of re rord in the Martin County PulJ : c Registry in land diriaion book - . and said map ia hereby referred to ami made a part of this description This July 14th.. 1925. J. C. SMITH. T-17-fit Tiwrtps. PEANUT GROWERS MAIUNGPROGRESS LITIGATION OF PEA NIT GROW ERS GETTING IN DEB WAY Ju.lg.* D. lasrrare Croner hawieii •loam thw week an order irifuinne the NatMMial Cl-nners and Shelter* A«*c. atiun. which is being ued by the l-fca nut t.rowers Association^for :an ag.- rlain..-d to have been suffered by the illegal operation o dcfen.iaats, to produce their papers and records in court oa the day of the trial. lie also handed tiowa a decisio •lenying the special plea of the de tendant thai the Peanut Growers As -ociation was itself a monopoly m re strnint of trade and therefore had Ofiiding in court. In addition ta the tight suits set for trial in the Naasemond Cirun Court on July JWh, there are ten simi tar suits to be set m Ifch f.. .rial in the Southamptan County Cir cuit Court. It is expected that these cases will be set for hearing atx.u July 25th. These cases are in violatkm of the marketing agreement cot it a, .■ntered into by over hjUOO growei members of the Association and : Southampton County includes the f. lowing members: J. H. Stephenson. J 11. lledgepcth. S. S. Bishop, and V, , Uowles. of Newsoni, Ya_. p. l». Crump ler, HamUonis. Ya.; J. Everett Juh. .-on. Boykins, Ya.; A W. Turner atMi 11. G. and R. C. Count ill. Franklin. Ya J. L. Cobb and S. N. Cobb of Court land, Va. „ Those suits are brought on the ident cal contract oa which the Supteme Court of North Carolina recently handed dowa a decision upholding the contract aad declanng the law under which the Peanut (i rowers Association was riperstmg ena-titlional in North Carolina. The opuiioa af this Court in part tead: "The cooperative -jstem is the most hopeful movement ever inaugurated t obtaia justice far, aad improve th Inaanal eaMUHon mJ hiavra mJ laborers. The prod ore rs aar paying al the costs aad aa-suaaiag all the ieapon> bilitters of these cooperative associ itions. They are no asMstance from the public tieasary. They are forriag no one to Join aad they ar exacting no inanimate for their i'loalwct. They aie associating them -elves, as authorized by the statirte, like other persons ami they have sign ed mutual aM fair agreement.- a along themselves which would be fu tile unless those who have v , signo such agree meats can be held to abide by the terms of such contracts." From the attorneys of the P«ai u Growers Association it was learne that on luexlay. the lMh, depo-itmt sere taken in Xorfalk by the plaintift in a suit against John P. Fax. ot Southamptoa County. H. R. Mann wa the attorney of record together witi K. K. F. Wells, of Norfolk an.l Jame Corhitt of Suffolk. The paiatiff was represeatad by F. D. Sanford of lb* firm of Aaron Sapiro. New York City, Nahtanid Green of Norfolk. L Fu Story of Courtland. aad Charles 1 I'eters of Oklahoma City, who is en. ployed by the Peanut Association c attorney in all its actions- The de positions for tl f plaintiff wen- n completed and no tune has been >• for the taking of depo rton» by the defeadanL Ar i angemanta have keen mak the attoneys for the Aasariaton foi the taking of dtpsilinu in the ca* of the Association vs. Thomas H Itirdsong, and others, af Suffuil The-e depositions will be taken for the plaintiff in Norfolk Jaly 2ft h an £7th. The Binfatong laterests will he represented by Jaaaes CoryiU af Suf folk and E. K. F. Wells of Norfolk The l*eannt Aaaoriatioa will be repre seated by the firm of Aaron Sapii o* New York and James G. Marti a an -I.(other of Xorfalk. No date ha> l>een set far the takag of depositjon n this case for the defendants. Contrary to the general rule of let up In legal artioa during -the i—mi months, the above wpald seem to in iirate considerable action of interest to Norfolk aad Saffslk. la fart to the V'mJe of Tidewater Virginia an I North Carolina, for the plaintiff ia •hese suits is comp-.en if over S,(«d l«u>at giower. >cattere ! thioagh *h( ■vl-rie belt RICHMOND MAI BY, Chainaan Field Sarriee Department. Peanut Growers Aaaeriatl«s Mr. R-* H. Harris, local manager for the Standard Oil ceaapaay ia tak ing his racation this week, ami is smiliag more thaa ever, as the little recreation agraes with him after his | his last vacation COOTS IN OTMBATIOX NOW IN SOVTM CAROLIN " I The Cooperatrre Aaiariatiia apes J ed Its Sooth Caretias warehouses to I I THK BEST ADTOnsniG ME. IHLM FOB THIS SECTION WILL BE FOI'XD IX THE EXTEBFUSB. 1 ■fifTABUSHED UN J . EED IBISH POTATOES "VPEBMHt TO THOSE AN D MAINE Th* v nl(n .WHvt l«" .4 the Earlier tjizabeth City. X. C. J.sl. lA-- xei iish potatoes nciicl fro-ti grrrer iu the mwinHins «Mnr North I'voliiu :imigt-!ra!. : ieir superiority over tii«t from Canadtar. and Maine sourer-- in a Tr-1 inxntit concluded by Couaty Ajttr.:. VV. G. W. Falls of county. Mr. Fall.- put out a democrat ton with M. B. Sample of this r.unty early in the spring la an effort to ft ml out whether the X. C. grown «d would do as welt as the NortheiT! grown seed. Mr. Sample reported that the yield on the three pk>L was practically the same, being at the rate of 3# bushels of marketable potatoes per acre. The seed from Western North Carotin*, however, produced the earlier plants and yielded a few more No. 2 loch than the others. The Car.adian stock .i ttndrnr) to be la'er but were well fruited. Since earliness is an important matter in cettirß be>t prices for new pntr!oes. it wouiu seem from Mr. Sample's result,- that the home grown seed hal an advan tage over the Nortmern gromn. According to Director B. W. Kil gore of the Extension Service this test is in line with -imiliar results secured by the -pecial»t» of the Col lege and IVpartroe t of Agnculture- There is no i«m for North Caro lina farmers to bay their seed stock fiom Maine or aliy ottscr Noithlh points became, now that seed inspec tion work has been put on ifl the mountains and tests shown that health ly seed from this source is better than imported seed, eastern farmers may look to the western growers for their seed to the mutual advantage of both. -THK FOLLIES OF IJ3' rtPEKATII MINSTREL BEYLE TONIGHT SCHOOL AI'WKHII M laM UwM | \iftl; Br A Swwm The Inst grand rehearsal wi-. pvm last night and the -how tonight prom ises to be 'a splendid »ucrv s, reflect ing credit oa all coa-ected with the production The pn-gtam is interest ing ami of ««i silent lenrth. and the numbers contained Ihrwi. varied Mtappy and full of pep- From the tii-t number to I* riven by the "Home Guards" In the la-t »nd final grain! chorus ~M> Home Town". IH» not fa.il to see the big show tonight. as it is m«-ll worthy of the paIKM M* of the town .in.l community ai twge !♦"»• entirely a "Home talent" pjodacVoU. an>l many of the number- worth the price of a>tnii-sio«L. Overture at H:li Co«p tuHy and get a choice of seat-, tho all are good, carry a frien«l and see iae of the lest offerings of the season. Me-srs. Bryant Carstarphen. Bill llams- n and Frederick Hoyt are spending seveial week- at Virginia Beach. Slus Colly I illev at«l M*-t*r Vt l.ite have be-.i vhitiif Mr Mr*. I. I». Carslartivn for the |vs t f• w *'- , V J Mk iv Britt, Stiddw. Wnn, Ghf.d Hassell spent Sunday evening m Windsor with frten Is. CROSS ROADS LOCAL ITEMS Mis-es Minnie Florence Bshervwa. and \ tola Roebmk spent Sataiday night wit|i Misses Elma and laaie Biggs. Mm Gussie MoMey spent Sua-Lay with Miss Lela RxtarL Mr John W. Wynne spent Satur day night with Mr. J. D. Britton. Mr. and Mrs- W. E. Clark spent Sunday w.th Mr. ami Mrs. Gerrge Gurganus. Mioses Mane Robenaa spent Satur day right with Mis* Sadie Nobler. Miss Beulah W y nne spot Friday night with His* Gwsaae Mohley. Mr. Wiley Crawford spent the week Mils Margaret Wynne spent Tnev day night with Mi» Manic Mohley. Mis es Marie Baheraea and lan allie Wynne spent Wedaesds, aad Thar-.lay nights with Mins Mamie ■lllij. Mrs- J. C. Wynne and daaghter. Delia Wynne spent Tharndny after noon with Mrs. Harriett Millty. Mr. aad Mis. A. L »pewt Thursday with Mrs. Harriett Mahley Quite a large naashar rf pMfle recently. .. Mrs. Harriatt Mohley Friday

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