E " ■ I M»Mn& WILLLAMSTQN IS TTO PLACE JO SELL YOUB TOBACCO. TBT ONE OF THE HOUSES HEBE VOLUME 2L—NUMBER (1 ENGAGEMENT OF POPULAB WILLIAMSTON COUPLE IS ANNOUNCED ON FIIDAI Him Neße Wynne Wat U«ml* the Aw.llll Pari} Very ChuMfl; Hiss Kdie Wj nne "fct the cat of the b*f*tut Friday afternaaa whs. .she entertained a number of the aatm htK of local society, at her haw * Haia street, with a ■»« i hai ai| tea. The attractive home was my ef fectively decanted with fall lowir and leaves with ferns and niw« plaaU The guests were met at the d-*M by the ami her sister. Hi take Lamb, sad invited iata the m "ic nom and living r00t... His. J. S. Rhodes. accomx&n.eb b Xr\ W. B. Watts at tbi an; 'ery sweetly several eJiriwi ar« • .en little Hiss Franpej B«rg WH 1 >ms brought in • b*t eh-te bar te I hp with a large yeUor bum »>" s * spewed up, and ti is t tsri r a 1 Itle black sat w«*h attractive h unb tied to a !»■* >W»s hw »a o-i.il its neck. rW; /urn*-- knew ih trt wa> oat of the tssg, ao«i Hit NtV Wynne roV.« I the « taijif the card* c.H ksjm: «>■* ead guest.* On « caH« w»rr ftuc (t ie little mils' jw l the anneunr - mriit, "Hin iUitii i Cotton Mi H I ■ kr Cntrhei. >..»er.kef IX.s Hiss Crawfor dis one of Wilia •*"» Blast popular girt- an* ks> : arge circle of friends who were dr rghted to learn of. her app-wthui manage to Hr. Critcher, who is ec~ of Williamataa's mart prominent law yen, being the junior partner of the law firm of Criteher aad Critcher. Tea with and salad wei- Mtrcd by little Jliw« Susie Jaaaes Myrtle Wjsae, Helba Wynne at. /nans WBKaat. Those present were: Mishnw A Ander.-on. H. H. Stsbk. O 8. Ander IN, J. W. Watts, Jr., A. K Dunnm* €. S. Peel. P. B. Cone. C. H Godwr J S. Rhodes. Joe Gedanl. k U- C.a» ford, F. U. Barnes, C, B. Hansel..* S Saaaders, Parker. F W. Dusw**- • 'arris Williams Hsrjr Gladys Bay aniliaiali Lai| Laph C. A. Hamsor F- W. Hen, Willie Watts, Joha « Mariusg. Jodie D. Wodjni, G. / Harrison; His*** Kltrabrth Burra* (arris Delia White. A ana Pane Mai ha Sleds Has *4l, Elisabeth Hassel N'ina Upton, Margaret Eforrtt. Mar *i ah i, Frances Biggs Williams. Sa tie J asses, Saltie Harris -and Veil Vndiews. ft %LTON OBDERS TROOPS H» SHftOT TO PBEVENT MEETING OF LHGISLATIie Hh Adjutant General le hnw Sndsn nf Letttololors Any where la Oklahoma OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.. Sept. U Adjutant General B. H. Markkas - ight was ordered by Governor J , Walton te "use all force of arm sceenry" In prevent the peasasn e « loner honor of the Oklahoma leg itsrr railed for noon Wedned- All otisen sddet* »f the state ie Keen the agns of tl and 45 w» ■ eeted la the order te hold them la readiness "with snrfc em I «hey inissrs or can obtotta te ram I the assitanee of the eevereigi A-.- ( f Oklahoma when ordered to di | by the governor " ■ > s a precaution agamt any atteaap* I the legislators to meet elsewfcert B.Kil-1 they he barred from the house Eater at the state capital, the gov Car also directed Adjutant Genera' to disperse the meeting al other tin* or place in the state ■ otfahan*.- » YORK PAPERS TO ENLARGE THEIR SIZE , % toa4 Meraaac Paper Torfa, WW Be Sidtt* Par*» Canjhf Vec ;EW YORK, SepC SL—Pab&her kulMi iMryli arraaged taeigh* rnet Oat »** d Near Yeri , rf «» toauenow, t* the stnfctog nwaheH ahwat ad Gee preidrat ef tfce later«=*ieiia~ , r ottos were arnriag aw 4 ee *' here ie a "h«H| iei»aeee" «r appeal Iter wa to Mi the woe Yhca a farmer pays the higher . fa aai ihut far registered (tap « «« Rfhhl fc* *■!» ' savs G. P- Wilhaeas. shear «"* * ** oaßeae Ba thes* fcjghar^ pJuTcfcar . THE ENTERPRISE THE AMUSEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE ROANOKE FAK WILL EXCEED ANYTHING TO BE SEEN IX ITS LINE IN EAST CABOUNA The Sheesley shows which have tht amuway this jw at the Kftooshe fail that will he held this year Novemne. 13th to ICth iachMtv have an eao mob.- list of attractions. The> have seven modern nde> the caterpillar, ever the fa Is. the but terfly, a giaat carousal, big Hr fe>- ru SEheei, aerial springs and the A m runmnth autoalnxne, where dare divili rice races gnd drive on tht nails,- will afford thrills to those srh jrjend the ahsws. In the tented «ctioa some of tb aCtrnctions offered for your amuse meat will be: She«sley's Teeny W n*e Midgets, the Big Water Cine which has been before mentioned i these colamns and coin mm! ; frot. ■ther cities oa the attractiveness i this Asw. The fimnns Georgia Minstrels, pro saner jar so patters, and the I and oS WsoJris, consisting of ftfty freak an ianU. in addition to the great ase nsgeris of the ShenAey shows, will b. a shew within themselves worth go ing mdes to see. Other nutahle features of the am use mi i program are: the Congrm ml Athletes with the ctismfion, Jart Ahrigkt, in charge; J aunt eel rem pan: of Oner Juvenile*; Orist the won der giri; Tiny Hite, the worhl's sanall est harm; the big eircps side show, a midway in iUeif; King Tut's art gallery, and anaay others. This show travels ia its own trail and has in its employ, four hundred Seven high class free wi!l he preseaged te the pnhlir ia front o the graal stand for their a man mi it Gnpftar aad Gnjriar. in thair Earepaaa hasnn up aide dswa, the only act o> » kaad hi the world; Le Toy. th. tTihaear wiadar gjwiatk equiliriat Tirx HcOall and the thousand daßai dog. Tiode; the Kane's statue paeiai act. the Ht of Wina|en-Snlem ia 1 9TZ tnd the Harrisons la two acts, bstl entirely diffotent, the Atlaata linil \rgva- oaaaanenting oa the acta ef the arts nf the llliaois Slate fair earn jlimiarti* the Harrisons to the hi>h eat hjin. The i penal . ttrm bons have all bees (nod. bnt the Hsnisani in their cy rie arts i■ I an especial hit with the ciaads. Hr. Hamasn in his coaned fent. that hns* been appreciated b; the crouds. The hreworks, that were such t tieet to the people of this aeetien brt rear. wiH be enlarged to tsrice the sine of Inst ymmi'% program an." arfll he gisen ench aigkr. All tables and rattle buildings wil' be enlarged to take care of the large eihfois that hate been booked am' nsoas sriß he nude for all thai de mm la exhibit. The pmaians offered this fair 'ar enmed aay other In the Hve stork ml rattle departments. Farm exhibits have always been pal in the fair, bat this year they sA smrpsss all others in sisr and The great racing program will be the aat attractive hi the state and a neU ha sun horseman ef the statt WMnitaa can leak f«r paore horse than any other place ia thp grand rir cwA mt the sta-n V OXE WAT rot rABMSS TO SELL THEM LAMBS RALEIGH, Stft 2L-Wka kol ee iff Act iic amciiaklc »b«»' ptjwg cadi far the liwih she* lak mm off the Cum. Thee the fanner ca> cam ««mf his local piihf mmd aimp to JiagUili the hab « his fate la reaeral. settlor to «pt das bell hi . i aa4 4Mk bayera I* the heal J toe if the farmer to driven iaei wmjtimm ririb the fmrm aad rn» a JaMMlntM oa hae te ha* cherajtaeab f way M to MC WL POT «WANtB 18 moras rap afternoon w*h teTtrihTT wCISm? •e*»eee a* 1 M tH of her MILUAHSTON. MARTIN OOUNTT. NOKTI CABOUNA. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER Z\ l«X MEETS DEATH HALF -iCfflflfll rUIIIIMIV WAT UT SHOOTING OFF jLHUUL UtiUlKtll ™_ or m gy mxiORS BECOME HEALTH CRUSADERS RAEFOBD. StfL 2X— Death was jjxt uwnJ the comer far Ben Gil ledge, wfl knows white ma, why liv »J about two iaites from here, am! Le net A half «*) kjr shooting «i tar tap of his head. Vt Hat dsctors dedarvd to be th. he* stag** of hydrophobia bi ought ten to death's door, and he -O cat A all. Ben eras no cowalu lie cndravotetl te secure entrance it. noapAals for ti sat nut bet none o. .aces would tahe him. So be came lack home te *e. Be would not pro ■oaf the agony either for himself o. ior his wife and four children. TLere was a shot gee handy, and Jtn neighbors who had done then test te help had gge, Bed', son saw hun go into a bed room. Ht _cte«i more strangely than ever am the bey feared for hit- father. Rushing te the doer of the room he youth wns harriied te see his fa ther with the gun in head about U end his msrtal existence. The soi tried to intercept the deadly weapo- Let the father was determined to car ry out his pnrpsea. Turning the gut mm the bap. the father Jternly enter ed him otst, sayiag that life was no thing to hian now, and he wns go>n. te end A aIL Hardly had the door closed behim the boy before be henrd the explosioi of the gen The force of the six Mew the top of the fmher s bend off Early in the spring one of Ben : .nne carried hooae a dag that hat symptoms of hydrophobia. It wa bed oat with the hope that A would recover. Gulledge fed the dog occa bans batten hp the dag. Family tlx the dag died and he forget about it. Friday Gulledge tiaraait seriousl ill with a pain in bis nack, bnt thi (hysactans did not attach any pa- Friday night, honeim. they Mean asniisned thnt A wns hydrophobir He was rnahnd Saturday morniag t a Fayetteeille hospital, but he couh' not gut in. The hospital there isa* i renting pervtu. afflicted with the ra Then the doctors wired to Baleigt for inalrnrlisai. wAh a similar result There was nothing for poor Been U do bet to retwa hoaae to die. Aa there he erded A all in the afternoon and today bis wife aad four childrer mourn liar the father who was ban in druth n tio hud been la life. H wns forty ysnrs old PEANIT ASSOC! A THIN DBOPS ITS LAW SUIT - AGAINST THE CLEANER tomod far Growers AaAa to Han NORFOLK, Sept. 24. The S3JB2>, MO snA of the Panngt Growers asso natiia agahmt • daara or aanre bi| I of Virginia aad North Carts Una. has been setled out of court. At the reconseaung ef the Unite States district court today. Lnwienci Levy, chief of he growers* counst asked that the rase be lismi ami, slat ing thnt A was the belief of botl sides that a cunthinance of the henr ing would damage the industry as t win*. COTTON CLAAWNG «IWT TO BR OPENED SOON IN CHABLOTTE BY CO-OPS. AijOMkrPM RALEIGH, Sept. ».-RcngMa» the iepMhaß ef Charlotte & a log ical put for North Car •Cm aal Sprth Ce.rsfiea, paitinriar Ijr ie the eattae in|artry. Genera 4ays la CfcaroKto I«4 week, togethe. daaaar. The mlt w that e d*r toe aAce vaa eytad to be ben North CeeaHaa Gattoa Gnacn Ce Mr. Heee dH «nd ceatrd ef tto dfcf aad with the gaatol.au ef oth bdp wfli eat aalf ceatsd the daaa *arfa«t». M the the iag topafial V|fl VT tocMc all thr Carol*. M of Mearoe *ad probe My the tonitoey wed ef the fee Dm Chattel* toat year by the CaMee »> OYEB IMB tHILDBEN IN NORTH CABOUNA QUALIFIED LAST YEAB North Cnietiaa has si n I 7HJAs. child>-en in its public :i rhnl» eniel m •a grade.! from 1 te ?. Te keep then, growing in boih numl and body (»■ tne next oa. eight or nee aasnih*. w the ilnehli task c immiiAed to tne teacher. A few jtsn ego. trusisg the mi.H. was one thing aaal keeping tfce bod) well wns another. Toduy Aie n wH> established fact that if the bnia Is jo g>ww and develop normally, along with A must grow and dntfep, a strong, sound body A |ii apwlf fenc Ironing body is essential |*.n fesper 1) functioning saind. So idAr I t the growth and ilinlupinst of tot auad to the growth and drrulspmn.; of the body that mo mo fern progre sir* school S)etem of today attempt the lirst wAhout gmag ceamidmntio to the ether. Almost yer; «wi w-ue ichssl in the ctmm..y has «:•. U'.leo sesne method T teaching tht fundamental rales 'of hmlth fes the children, which at the same tasae them to pnt their knowledge into prar tice. Probably the ssost popular nnd snr janffal health movement that hns been worked out in the schools in this tmm try is the Health ur melopcd and b> Hr. ChAres H. DeFerest of the National TMbri culoai. association. New York Hty Siaee the innagnntuon of the BUT meat four or Ave years ago. adßau of Antnraa children hnve been ght . .raining in formiag goo kgpßß hsb its. la North C-rdHi alove children were given the naming la i >ear. . Ihe Modern Hfahh m ac! cols is a apgle-a -d e»|ritß good hadMßßtf. mw-i as ptntthn and not mere paeirpt. La der A children da .be JsAae? ripis«iy i. h> giant and pkyiaoU»y Jat a ft often left Tbinngh ptail »en romance aad iipob o-hei ap peiU suited to chdd pi v«l>-;, i. t : in chihlren the metises n«uel (■*i e>irj day practice ef lyptis- " he results of eri *■; swk in tie i.fools bare he an loe n "o '* |4.- d i-l tnd msnl Aftrcnei'.. I" «" t [ien of disease, aad te«\r att*-" .■• ct L". ' deportaaaat In sc/ul It liaks the sci-eal and the 1.. >m i. health wnrfc. Chibiie-i uM lt>i this ' vbt years old mav t«uaiify s M*- | .is Health crusader-* n"u e th* |-rn | ram is elastic enough to be *" the children in the ncth, e»«itl it i even higher gradi > TV* North Caraini Tuuere~«. -» i*M elation, hcadqnait'K of shirt ate at Sanatorium, apoai ■- » the M t m Health nnaadi msitaiat la this >tal. ind forsiahas the snppHta for inaugu rating the system la tho schools AN APPEAL TO WHOM IT MAV OlNt ERN Have jrou ataflt4 the iat italxai to ilteaii the teal ■wtin in jtar w«a We wi I ipfwriatf the wyratim, of all Cknatiaa raken ta take • .* part ia all mt the «mn> It is Mr parpaae ta he a We- Tat ta all wha any mate; it js M ai parpo-e ta ippiai aaythla* tK. t a ia harmoajr pi|h the trwth aM nril; bat ta try tart the Cayl to all wfce *iN anryt It. Baaae, peelups will say, "hfriiw this is a ha ■sstian. I win eat «a.~ ffcut 4a aot leek at mmm whs hm asarte a tart tad prate* oatrue ta the one »f Jems Christ, aad Ja4ne the by them. We mart alf answer far mrv- e and Bible Holiness is i| aaw>: ;»f» with the nqMimsMb of the wtip tare; read Hah. IX:14; Mat. M: l>V ■iaw 1:4 and all of the IHbl . -ee far yo«rp«lf that It is Bahie Ho i arss or h>B at joining the Hoi. « church, haft lining the life wWr.-k*- we May he. Also, w* extend a ifUi' »>i". *« to all the pnactrn of the rii—i't U rase and see if oar p»«nrhi«.r i n i*. that which the «wM h riawn it ued of tndiy. ant -f ant, t-» ■> mra as Ip «r-» «j to the We waa| jrow a»t eteybedr to save that yea !»-• aha, jro an ft-fctir r before y »j deride « war. C *L Bowen. F J. Banw-I. I setae: "T*» he la aawJy the her* lector la team. Why. when .> •* -o aae hisa and he aaid hrV *e W «e he did." Inil Utile hap fiMth* TTi li I li to *Ae feat ita aaa the red tape - Jacho'L—. iioin» IIUR.sE KILLED AND TWO ARE 111 RT IN AN AITO SM \Mi . A illiamsl on- Washington lla r d Sarf. ed Koail Is Seem- »t tkr Accident The W■lliam.-.t»i-W^ishing t,'i har>i suifaced r\>ad is still popular fo: -m.\h ups and collisions. -i night another episode was a.i.W.l ait the result that a colored man. an«. his tlaughter were bruised up afc.i hi horse killed and burey sma tic! t« pieces. Satamj niirJit, beiacen seven amt "'Fht oVlock. Marvin lexgett. a t.-unr ahite nun of Whartons. was «n hi waj- home in an Overland car. Ac cording to his statement to the .her ilT of Beaufotl county, he was driv ing his car and t*er.t miles an hour with his dimmers on As he apprtiachoi tne curve in the n»ad near the C. A l*hilli|» fa ie. and in turning the curve hi. Irrht • eir thrown straight abeail cau-nj him M to see the horse and bugr on the curve until he had smashed in to it. The buggy w*. struck and torn u pieces ami the h«i\e »as kille*) a! most iii-laii.ly. llenrx Garitrie .t. oml. ami his ilauithter, who w.-re » the hugg.v, leceived painful Krois* oSi the head, hip and other parts •» their bailies. Young Leggett on reaching h >ne told his father the .itory. His C'a I her went to Washington to l>u>k foe the injured negro. Ascertaining that he had gone to his home on the fam of Mr. T. K. Hmlges drove ther>- am canrieal the negro to the Washi*gt»' hospital for treatment While hi liv juries ale pain fid they are not ra sideml serious. MAIL MIILS ON RI'RAL ROUTES HAVE SUFEBED FRtIM HANDS OF HIGH* Ak tMcsala Stale Hatter WIN Be Mad> the Baral Baales Band maul boxes have suffered ver> mnrh at the hands of some of the highway buiblets of the state. We have information from Post master Price of the local otlice trial .wane of the boxes on the Williamston- Waahinglon highway were recentl> removed in such a way that thc> were practicalli tit^dio>e>L Mr. l*iice immediately took the nul ter up with Mr. Fmnk Page, chair maa of the Stale Highway commis >ian, nho %-ks him to confer with Mi He Daniel, maintenance superftsei who will make such arrangement about the location of boxes on the highways as ail he .-all-factory t> the patrons ami the carriers. There is no reason why the varioo.- brauches of our go\ernmeat kouki not come together for the comm.* gnod. IML WOMACh OF GREENSBORO IN WILU AMSTON SAT I RDAk An interesting figure on our streets Saturday ana Dr. Woiii.« k of rtit-en boro. Dr. Woinack is an iteneran. salnnnaa of the "Herbs of lafe" am after talkiag «ith him we think hr saust be a u.-er of bis o«a metliciae, the "Herbs of Life." He is g Georgian -by birth, wa.. hi years old February 15th, thia year He uas in t 'olquitt's famous l>or gia brigade ia its eitensive opera tiaaas during the Civil war, ami wa* ia thirteen of the big batiks, ami he saya be ran twelve times. * Dr. Womack ha- 7 chiidrra and grand children living ia Georgia. la Gmviioni he married a Sal ra tio* army lau a few years axu, aa>: ha* three children m North Carolina, ■he oldest a four year old son aa> the )Mi«ol child a boy bora June Cth. 19X3 —Ml 1-2 years younger thai its father. He ir hail and rtronp. but »yt tht fao>> who wore the gray uniform are rapdiy passing away; that of the I3&JMO strong young men who en'er «d the Confederacy from North Car dinn, IUJOOO have gone to their r* ward. ROAD OONTIUCT KKtIM TAMMO TO C'ONETOE WILL BE Liff SOON The StiU Highway coaunissioa wilt let the contract to hard surface the read from Tarboro to Conetue on Or tober IMh- Tht* is the only contract to be Id ■a this diatriet, at the present, it i Soaae have eiptctcd the Wiliaautae aad Tljaisath rood would be let tht year. W It ai* looks a* if it wff aot be daae. Nor will the Bertie road he Id this year, from the od leak at piascnt * Wanted IMJMO poands of strap m£Z2 """"* WILLIAMSTON IS NOW READY FOR SCHOOL OPENING | i:\KKMSLs M 11.1. i;» | HhLI» AT M HUtL Al aNio- Itll V rHI ItMt.kl A. M. i sir U i!jum>u>ii lubii. schools will ufK-a | fchodjiy morning. September I! 10 ck-ck. All af* «fcx-r» !«• »««■ m ith their ciia »Im ll* rarrrisfs ■ lh« II.>I . •W. tar faculty, wjiit to ■*, ri«s« au*i kiwi >wu. Vuu are tutrusiiui joui ifeuol to ti» Vt fc-iM to beip >««u make" t 'hn»tian inr. J « »«» * \'i \fur (hikltra Kver> I! I'c in tiae -chool siulf be stwihiar) to stor (A lt. We to iwijieiale with \ou. am. »f mam \cj to cwiprialr with u. !rt. |«ail lojeliifr We havi hual a r*v«i xhtml, but M's have : U :>■ oar lh> inr. ' rv bauMmjr l*> hern iTpaiml. tlx i*« n«rf aiMi |Ja.-tritit wai- v> 11, nuir It* tattiHiiiic more xrVhralili attradne. )lurh ih-w njuipmri Is.. W«i hottfrht atwl ui.-talle»l. »Hi«t • ill fitali)' facilitate in the work o iKs term. A 4i«>( lamliv ha.- U.-ts rmplm *l. Me iiatr two more teachris thai *i M la-* teat —one in the hi; anj in th«- primary •i«-|>a>T E»nl He aiM iu>f a cuarh for ath tirtio. «W hi» a irci«ie.l m.I van:.it. ■ner "he pmk>u> wars in hrahKfu fra'R..-««(t for «ur younr folks. Wt m L|vvtiiir to cam away sonar this >«ar in th« athletic Art ki at kair .material in both the tug -W and depart meM. «(•! »hw U>». aai (tiri- both, ami with i little ntkusuua from the put.!... am r-woarajrraeat for the trams, we wi make the laau of the aeiithboriiH Itams «wfc harder than ewer htfd «r h« the Wm t The Mheiif twitm trill w«*. *Mi )M tkk >ear Mia Mota Mil heM. Oxford; Mns* Xim Hartsfirl.l Wake F«n»t; Mrs. J. 1. William.- WQ'uMm; Mrs. A. K. Ihrnninr HililuMm: Mi>' Kthel'Grtßo. Wil iBBt-lw: MLv Frances Thomas. Rirh m.Hr.l, il.-. * - it Havell. William.- 108, Mr*. H II lljiiell. Wtlliam>«Ht \|i \ V. Jokbrr. Willnnstnn \ii M. H. »«4r, (W>H: Mr. M I lb iu. WaiinitMi fee* Ml to your rfc>«l Thursday at 1> A ■ M J. I ►avis, • "ii y Supt~ of Scbo»4-» AS Ul\ CAKUNEK SEES II AHMI T « tKkCTIM. Me 9u>r kiuxl OK- p»liti ctl «nl» thf infamy of U» , at"*> of Mull of IWM auii'l'. fallm* prices. iwm>) farm* »W Uii.ki u(»t fanners aki )H «e lu>r o«i )*»' after ,*at l«iwr 11* three mon'to at Ortvtrt. aixl lvonihfi «■( lit* rot ton r.«*|» tbc auitf. ».tk Ua inevitable rra.-h mg man It 1% 12 month* t. Buke a i«r(a uf and we tr> «• Kutd it in U,i«* No ct.tnni.«lit> or nitk. M »«. *«4«t. »'»H «*" real nh» wlri -«rt a hearn-h Itm It H pa tra*jrr that you wil i»d biwM> «* thi» country wildl) ratfca n It aa«t art ne in caoperat. * « pal it ami Min«y inactive and fre ifßi nrli ifr*lv han-tile to the »urr»» of (he ratrntK*' Cattaa s-Mifalwn ta aipiiiitiM fraufkl aith l»or» real pM tbhtse- far their pru-p>-,-tfy an 4 than aay politica • em ■ nißj.lit «rt hy the gr» nl . • I ;*aa a iwf' * »' Km. O- M. \ trfHsri ■ KEHritlS CHE CVTIWN UMNh TO ASSOCIATION IN LAKI.K AMOI Vl> KAIU'.H Sept. tA- luteres ting itf«b are naufcg into tne u«re ol the Nartk Canltaa Cotton Grower* CuyraUit dfc» • H»i ,rw. a wall tow* near the Srtl bne. in Anton runty, report ed IS hak» detracted to the aii*m lion in one daj- Thi» is bat an instance, and th. Mai nfMli Aw the receipt- to b> far ahwc that «f last ea*oa. BE IB GBASS AN# GBIFFINS TOBHTO c'IH»»IXS TO *f.K Tkit «i be a )«at Meeting •! the Bear Gia» and «.rdßns Tobnco Growers locals, Thar da ■a-M "mil ■ ~ Kth, «7* «t th Para Lafe Jthul buUhf. - a pnMHt saecstrr will mike : addrrrr The IhudfM and Pbplai rupi Insl «■ alno ban* a Jmt »>tate 1-ibrary romp ' kalkigh n c capable or I>l I —— ~ t| MIXED WITH ABSOUTTB COIRTEST—TKT IT ESTABLISHED 18K. THF HASSELLS SCBOOL HAS OPENED 152J 2I EVTHLSIASTHALLY t .nmt Hof V *m4 Marh Vttwplwt | "•-» I- I tprrlni (na ikr -MwKal Mi On )ii«U) murning, .Sfptrmbrr IS, I 92'>. the lla.wil sriioul ope Mxi iU •loor- to llw pupil> uhl riDKi-'K »f the bri:. TV pupil - purr' «1 in»o the bu l iimr. fulkmnl b> tie pjn-r.l. TK ~pei ,t K exercises amsi-tnl of liv >injt Bjt of " * * 'il'-.nf-r l»» J the " luJijl exercises. Se»i b\ Mrs. Hi-.n knight. the principal of i-he >chi)ul. Mr. Ktimamiw;. ckairmaii of the »umm:Uw of the Mrhaol, mane a very mprf*«ive 'aik to the chilalrrn. Our intervals »r«- ow cone arwi if * unit#- ..ur efforts, that c« may he iKr lo make th» Uk l«>l .«h«»l year Hassells has ever hail. FAMKK tiKTJf % Kit. IMIIME IK)\| HIS IMIKt I \KM i'owr. Ku"-do*n Kara Has \«> Bees Made latlu a I'lofci Malm. 1 a«» K« Itairtiag I.KKK\SIU»Ko, N-[K. J1 —T*erit> >ear» a*-' . J I . Causey, *h« live> wji Lrbr«i». about IX miles !rom vir«-en»ti>>r. twughl a pint, iui> milhnl I'll«• ttucket—by courtesy call ftl a farm. lie |uuu H«i for aiwui Xi acrv>- Ills fiist payment *a- |10"» anal the balance to lw |u>>l in flOtl ■n talfim ■>! - f«>r sex• a xm.v Thviiitli tie ha>l wlv *."*« to Iwirm with.> he hm»II securest •he irßiajnihe J-' 1 aixl •as ((11*11 the i>!a. v Mr: Causey bile a»ay from the «\tj>l(«l km of farming m lui sec I«| an-1 determine I to bevome a lite stock and for aire crop man In spite of all prediction* a* lo how be ««•'( *'""*• nMIt in Gailfwl coaaty and Mr. t wev is btfwninx to be kao» ov er the dale as one of North CahJi na'« be ( farmer-- fount) «rn l K R. liarrrt! of I iuil font county a)> of Mr. fausey. ~li«- i one of the t»-.t runi|>jr- of a -uf or?- ful muII farnrr ll al I ki>"« of. _ Mr, lui> no inJeir-l uuUjiit of kta farm, trl U ka> wi income of from to per >eal Miv horn. k iJuml at wi the a hoi* farm (««rttwr with equipment •s » »r f h ctw t to 511*' W*l at th»« tini*." Mr. I"au-ey maiif hi» moc>n by im prut iar ki> soil, miikitijr iUm! Vv .-o*« |*v-r )rai, u«l ht» fa-to |iruilu(r itiruvcb cow pou.tr> »n-l He r»«» > all tlx- -upplies nmi n| on Kb o«a plan- an.l the n-.-.ne> from kb poultry err an-l ham- » : Ittai ca - II ♦" ha> u-c*l north mis. •»rknl ha.>l and |»rwli*ce»i a «|ual itjf pruliKt. Thii i- >ho»n by M«e fact that he «ells about 15" poun i- »f »«ut Itr in Oim.-k-n> .-ach »rek at a price I" Wit> ah-tr the matket quo tation. He ha.- »n«l' r rus»«ner» ah.> •lepen.B on h»n« to uppiy rhem mith (•utter aii-l other pro lure that he may ha*e for market- Mr Canary asr* labor auKf I. ( U||«K-B| m. hi* plao aml on hu wife *»l family the ■lmilf*-v \ u-ualla-Maitf«l with faim life. Yrt th«? i» the mar. of «l»n« it «a- Ml, "He will -lane to -lealh hi that pl»ff " :'HKI.>rV BKIIIHKK.S ANIMAL >Ho» HU» A tat Mill I>AV SATI KUAt U \lteW*arr far I'trlira aarn ll Spate af Ike Inch Bale Mealhrr * . (hrity Itrotber* animal sku«% «e of the larre« -horn# l« ever come to .hsmtd her* Saturday af terwMNi aal eteni«g to almost capari ty hou-e~ for both performances The r.igbt performance, which is al mo-t a"way* > mailer thaa the after aoor. performance la «uall totrw. was Larger here, owia* to the fact hat after the afternoon performance the word was spread btoadrw* like mU fiie that tke >tec «a» all thai it represented h»elf to ke. ami tke* The aftcnnaa ■* HaMlira«vc4 !•■■■»*rrmM> from thy*- •Wavy -lon pjar mi «*, vested the dM> tampmmr their icpiltf stmt parade. Williamson will *!**>* Christy BralWn at *»r tia» they CMS here i> the firam O— «>■» that the >■■>»• *■» on of the ■wiliily rf the pcrfM*- en eeceeeted wUh the *he«r mt the vt that the shew •* * before hM bf a *•*