PMt mcrn rum nu you* to*aoco at nns mart* TOBACCO CO-OPS. TAKE FIRM STAND ON COURT RULING Appeal to the Supreme Court From Superior Judge's Ruling CO-OP. PRICES GOOD First Advance In Some Cases More Than Auction Prices After aa ataaoat unbiolni series oi legal rkurios aad favorable verdict* for the Tobacco Gravers Cooperativ i iitioQ ia tfe 'Tt N .!■! OsrcJaa « its last auk tceir injui-ctions re s'l .sang ■raster, :"ra t «*- : * tjiei U eca aa the oa* • if arei* fisuinn J.- aes Ge«. W. C• -•o ji" I\i!>»n aad J. Lloyd Hottos. af Farmville. n ed agaiaot the mai atiim in its in terpretadtiaa of the caatrart as hold ing the Maber (nam liable for r.'l tobacco gioaa spo their laad. An in mediate appeal to the supreme nur J of North Caialiaa will be uket l>. The diiaclon ai the association last Meaday nsMiaanl tßeir ppKcy o hob all aaaosber landlords loWe for deliv ery of all tabacrs gioaa upon theii land, at the miaCbly aaeerjnr of tlx beard. The elected leaders of the or KuJnd tobacco farw*->* of the Caro liaas and Virginia e*|-7*aed the de sire la treat all aaauito i - ia a fair so' unlfora —■ by sea Uininf the re pealed las »a li of loyal members "t« prelect them acaiat the prorlic* of allowing tobacco firs farm of mem be is to cosapcte oa the auction mat kats agamist their owp. They als .ladled to hapNarily suspend penal IMB against mnubers ironi »Mt lands tobacco has beer, sold at auction while others have avosued such pen alties for the tiae beta* througt an appeal to the coast.*. Deductions arfll te aaade against a ' members aha have failed to de!ive* their entire nap to the associa io if and whea the sapi-rne court sai tains the ipiaa of the arsor'etioi directors ia their laterpreration of the contract. The tofcaceo crop of eastern N>rt l Cpnclira » proving a lutiact paint moot to the faianers and » ir> housemea af that ****** aa.l aa ilarrihed last avek -a frotr Wtlsoa as the sonant crop of to bacra raised ia that section for yenr? Last week's averaga « 'He Wilso»> attrtioa laarket dropp*.! belon 11 v a pound. Meabrw of the tafaarri is soeratioa ia the face of derliaring prices at *he aaruoo hoases have lon elated aver the high easJi advacr**. t i ,L I =M 1? To the People of Willamston and Vicinity DONT MISS IT WHAT?—Suburban Week WHERE?—Rocky Mount WHEN? —Octoder Ist to 6th What is SUBURBAN Week in Rocky Mt? : • « * ® * - . • • ••' THE FIRST SUBURBAN Wfc EH IN ROCKI MOUNT INAUGURATED BT THE BOCBT MOUNT HER- ' CHANT& COLBCTIVELV; IS AN INVITATION TO THE PEOPLE OF THE OUTLTING MSTBKTS TO UME HEBE. SPECIAL PBICE SEDUCTIONS WILL RETAIL MB INC ALL TBE WEEK AS AN IN DUCEMENT TO TOU TO VISIT OUB PROSPEROUS CITT. - THE ROCKY MOUNT FAIR IS iiiai AN ADDED ADVANTAGE TO COMING TO ROCHT MOUNT DUBING THIS WEEK. START ING TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2ND AND CONTINUING ON THBOUGB FBI DAT. OCTOBEB 51H. HORSE RACING ETEU DAT—FREE ACTS DDAT AMD NIGHT AMD NUMEROUS OTHER ATTRACTIONS WILL AWAIT TOU AT THE FAIR. - . _ EVERY STORE HAS A GREETING FOR YOU . .» « - • IMB ™ *l} HAND OF WELCOME IS BAIRNRED TO ETERTORR. AMD EVERT STORJfcIX THE COT WILL KEEP OPEN HOUSE FOB TOO. WB WART TOU TO FEBL PEHFECTLT AT HOME. The Rocky Mount Merchants Association which ntiaus to be paid theaa oa Ike muperatii c floors^ While aberages have ran from 12* ta 20c a pound oa vanoaa auction flows, same da.. s daring the pas week individual laeaihers of the asssrul . at several points have received first cash advances Uut have run over SB) a hundred for their entire loads. Am ong the members who received ore S2O per handled as a first cash ad vance for their tobacco aese Jaee Keel of Williamton. whose load of pounds brought *117.91; C R. Wilsoa. who drew a check for $59930 oa 2,- 39b pounds, delivered at Warsaw, an! Mrs. Florence Nobles, of PiU coaaty. to whom 876 tobacco delhr ered to the variation at Aydea. hmught $21.06 per handled. , Warehousemen aad graaler? of the association, fresh from their lecoad succes 'ul. eason in South Carolina w.l* begin reaching the old bill market, of Virginia and North Carolina an* week, whea the majority of the cc operative floors close in the Soat) Oaroliaa belt. TURKEY SWAMP LOCAL ITEMS Mr. J. H. D. Peel attended service: at Spring Green Saturday arid San Mcs Ts .Mack Wynn and Joe Wyaa and Missea Mae Howar\! aad Magda line Bullock motored to Wat-hingtm Mooday. Mr. Charlie Bullock and hi» nWh er. Mrs. M. & Bullock motored to U liamston Monday. Mn. Lucy Mohley ai.-l Mo. J. H Ayers were the guest* of Mn. J. F ' Whitehurst Sua-lay afternoon. Miss Mae Howard ha» returned t> her home in South Carolina a Be* 'pending soaae time with her aunt Mrs. B. P. Wyaa. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bullock aau* Mrs. Sal lie Bowen and Mr. S. M Bullock spent Sunday with Mrs. Mai. A. Harriaoa. Misses Kstelle and Magilalsne But lock »pent Friday p. m. with Mrs IS. P. Harrison. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Ajers were th« guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Ayen Monday eveaing. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jarkaoa wer» •he guests of Mr aad Mrs J. O. Pr Sunday. Mr. Wa!!a#e WhHehwst and Mf E.-tel!o Bullock were the gaests c Mrs. M G. Roberson Sunday. The l'n»ted Stofes govelament it able to make prohibition a mtcr among the Indians, aco nlinr to tl' ilefwilnnnl of the naterior. In twr \earr. $130,734 ia flnea have been col lerted from the nation's aards aj gallons of Ippaor confiscated THE ENTERPRISE. Wflliamston, N. C WmW- 18M» | ■» h of acrap. toa» M. C The AMom Laaaota unn»rniiy Hay tint a reality if the (tiM •( 2tt bMMB aad frofenviul m« of OL. any. EV*n » L M«auzabM «f the riij which will the il—■ na>ii ideals of tkc martyi ed pa ni A at. Within a (n month a caoMaittrr will hgia a drive to nu* a pnmaaiat t a i»a a lof sa£oojMo Report f the cooditiaa of the FARMERS * MERCVANTS BANK At Vflliuuta ib the Sta:e of North Caroiiaa A the doae of harness, Sep emher 14th. IS2X. RESOLRCES Lmm and iiiinii S«BAM.9O Umgad baas ajMNMW I nked States beads aad Lib erty boads I.4SU.W* All other ttocka. boads and mortiw . MW-W Banking home- _ SI2jOM«O Furnitcre aad fatare* Ulli. 14^40*1 All other rati estate oaatd 19330.4! Cash in vault aad act due from hanks. hankers and trast napum MJUI «• Cash itna h«U over 24 haan „ 21-®U Checks for rlearng n^7U( armaat IjHIU» Total $*31,373.36 LIABILITIES Capital stork paid ia _ SIOUjOOOM Sorpins faod Sfl.iOO M> Divideadi aapaid . 24.00 Bilb payable _ 225.00fi.01i Depoaits daa haab, bank ers aad trust reuspantoa 7JSB9 #9 Deposit* subject to check. indivadaal 3tt.2t2.6f Ikrpaaats due State of N. C or aay sMcral thereof 13.M.5.9. 1 . Tiae ccitifeCfe of deposit, due oi laa thaa 30 feys 114.2K4 *• Cashier's check* oaktaad ing _u_ UKm Total SK3IXT33t State af North Carolina—Couaty ol Mart .a. September ». 1, J. lL >l i l>N. wfciri «f the that tha at art tatfi t la true to the heat of ay haxahdgo aad belief. J. a WOOIARD. Cashier. Subscribed aad sworn to befi e roe, this 2&th day of September. 1923 J. E. POPE. Notary Public Cornet— A ttest: R G- flaniaea " i. & Co*t4 U IA Caiaiarpbea. Director*. CORE MUSCLES VJSB§ OMirmaAKUrw^ BUSINESS" CAkDS - —„ I r -ir— \ J. L Peelc, Jeweler Second Door from F.iwden's REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY A (eat far A* St—J.rd Main af Tlrlw Slat lac. lialUriag. Spout inc. ami Phaahat Filial** and Supplies WILLI AMSTON TINNING ANI» PLUMBING COMPANY G. W. Hamsoa, Mgr.. Licensed and Kepltrol Plumber Ptaaibmg aad She-* M.tal Wart William>ton. N. C. ~ W. C BROWNING j Jeweler Near Bank of Wash ngt»»n Coaiplete Stark af Jrwrlrjr GIFTS THAT LAST | FT pact Watch A Jewelry Repairing WASHINGTON. N. C • BETTER SERVICE THAN EYEK j BEFORE SPECIAL Attention ; Givna to ImmM* oae pin e dresses, j fancy waist* aad ad delicate fa- j brie*, such as silk. -tin. crepe dc | chine and georgette crepe J. D. GRAY CLEANING, PRESSING DTK no AMD ALTERING PHONE ITS AT NO. 1(1. • 1 SEE ROEBUCK and WHITE FOR PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES AND WALL PAPER PAINTERS AND DftCOIUTOfIa ,_L Ml Main Street WIIJ.I AMSTON. N. C NOTICE OF SALE l adrr aad by nitar of the povtr of Ale coatained ir a certain M of tivt omva! l« t * ar.i trustee by T A n. the it i, ihy of Jaucr>. .vji.l dcel 01 trust having l*- Rurt for the pur citase pixv «f I**- 4-itrinaflei •I«k»M au k«i of irast be ing morufal in u«4 I' 2 at iuge >4 of the rrti-tn of JLn». county. sai»i •w«U ef trust ia»;sr beeti jt *?t. • t> ccure certaib t>* r\«i •uf ii«t* lienor fhe.muh. «irlju . t,av.n Keen Kbk i!> tiae / J., •"* a«d tt* rfipiLtiios r».t linci in the said deed of inj-4 i 14' .n»* if«i (ompliw! >i;b and it :n • >i of the iniitr of Ike .wj e. Jm ujuersirne t trastec and ,« S.w.,i.- | t'se Sth Uf of October. V 1 jt o't'uck m.. ire frost of i!* evu't ' ou i ic»i in tine ton of Wnllu>r.«l rlina rfrr for sale to tfc Sn.kier for cash the fwnoomj; •rx*Tih nl real estate, to wit: AH tho* ccilua M > of la . I t, ing ami utnab- in ihp r>«eii of Mar tin and stato of V.-rth Carolina ir ami near the to«« of an.l being let. s V t*t a»d Ui 11« !on plat of h»t formerly owned b; A. E Smith and kmi a> Hwirn Mill property a» and p!:»- teil by W wtii €■_ A- plat /»f which » on retold a M»r > rmwt t-jfic rrcut'i o«nf in Jbu>* !, •« **>.rh .-aid (fat wffflpar» if 'ijtl. »ia»'e for a more perfect itwii. tio~. I-ots nine |>| a»d t'n 11 f (fc . , AND DON'T WAIT TO BUY YOUR TRACTOR CNTIL >or GET READY TO BM.IN lICRIXG KAN ITS AND T HEN CAST GET VOI B TRACTOR. 11l % IT NOW AND VOl" WILL HA* E IT. ALSO DONT HI KT VOIR MI LES* rEET ON THESE ROAU&— BI T A TRICK TO HO YOL'R HAI LING. AND SAVE THEIK rEET. I " HAVE THEM. POLKS—TRLCKS AND TB\l*Ti»kS. F H. R. BURN HIII, FORD-FORDSON—LINCOLN WILLIAMSTOX. X. C- AUTUOSI/ED SAU: SERVICE garrison Urns, and (Somiiaity Announcing OUR FALL SHOW INC OF READY-TO WEAR AND MILLINERY FOR ONE WEEK. BEOINNINC. MONDAY K TO BER I. 1923. * ALL TH AT IS NEW, CORRECT AND BE COMING, AWAIT YOU THE PLEASURE OF YOUR PRESENCE IS HOPED FDR DURING THE ABOVE WEEK Harrison Bros. & Co. ■ « . '/. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK • ;• 4 \ .. ' " WILLI AMSTON*S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE BRING TOP* TOBACCO fi .MSTON THIS SKAAAON This, the lHlh lay •( Sefaeahe.. ira. 3. W. MAXXIV,. 5 » 4t. Tn» :« Heat has Iwen so great a the Aid that glaciers have been mtiliqc an rausiug ava.'afhe*. Mountain fliuii have b»en kiockoJ by rhe-e aralaactft with disastrous results to and eh-etnral »t>rks «*» tin* power of the water for their kisfx ««mT \ oa are welcome in Willttm^'. 666 ICCRES MALARIA. CHILLS AM» FEVER. DENGIE OK BILI.IOI S i FEVER. IT DESTROYS GERMS. Furniture & House Furnishings STOVES AND RANGES W> buy in with Several other slows, our pricea are tho low«*t— Cash if you ha*e it —CrrAt if ycu nee-1 it. Our Mr. C. R. Spruii! ss i» WOluimton every other Monday. H. E. QUINN & CO. E. MAIN STREET WASHINGTON. N. C. Wanted lOO,OOO pounds of acrap. The Farmers Warehouse, Williams ion. N. C. MR. GOOD BALE6MAN SAYS: HE SELL GOOD GOODS: W E PRICE TEEM RIGHT. - W. K. ORLEANS VI ilium*l on. N. C.

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