PARKERS, WILU AMSTOX IS THE PLACE TO snj YOIU TORiar TI.. t.Z.E OF THE HOUSES Hi k JVOLUME 24. NUMBER C 7. THOUSANDS IN ATTENDANCE AT. THE ASSOCIATION Many Good Preachers' Attend and Deliver Messages Jt The annual of tJ* K(fc«b*| Association «as h«U at fautliwick'i Creek churx-h, Satunfcy. Sai«4»y nnJj Monday, October fcb, Tti. and Bth. The host of viiiwri bepu to rath-j er on Friday before; the C«M Lir« j trains from east, west- north and »i bringing them from se\eral states an.* many comti» in carter* and cent:. Carolina. The people of tbe n mmime * s« toubliwg tbe church «*» not tab* J by Midden surpn.-e at tbe- Urge- j enntr; they had ruade every prepa j ation of entfrtajr.ii*M for m®> h j they had looked forward for tbe I in* of the raeetfc* And tbe.i j were often. and somethr.j; u I eat, well, If there had been i-wre, it i I would hav. looked something like »| mirectp. At dight, *ll entertainment w* i" j tbe hemn»; for dmner. a general! spread was laid for aIL We often speak of l»> lb*wa »l b> I tbe side of the sea; and on Strda j -here were certainly nor* thar f J I thonsand, who ate t.«e«her in a nscrt J - orderly and friendly naaarr. Tb> | \aiiet) of fowl r\ large; there ar- J • few things to be e&ten that were: not on (he table: and when al h» j eaten, there was plenty for many j mote. A view of this feast en j ough to make the heart gfnd. to am j re mmt B one aerwi The pmckhf wy from * * ' specially prepared i» 'he jn>«« rteic ( -eats were prepared for the assew.btai multitude. This L- the only way thst h'rathimr could he arrarfred as, *• t-uuae in the cvminunity woul-i bot , . uch a crowd. The only criticism is, some pecp'e will persist in gefei&g ««' up *« , the place of service aad talk and iw f —some in* preventw.g thu&e who de- I sire to Hear prearlrng from the op puitwnity.. There were 22 pneorhen* piwnt 14 being from tf ur association The following preacte.! during t>« three dan' session of the tuawu lion: Si. H- Ham on. Plymouth; J- K. Adams. Aagier. N. C,; W. R Craft North Wilkeshoro. N. C.; E L Cobb Wilson; C. F- tatty. Wilson; D. A Mewbsoa, Farmville; T- C. Hart. I-a grange; M B. Martin, Caswell fw» ty, Ky.; Joshua T. Howe. Bahiaaere. . Md.; G. M. Trent. Rainlk; R. H Pittmaa, Lnray, VV; J. W. Wtatt Visiting mink ten. who did net preach were: Geo. W. Corbet, fallen vHie; J. C. Mewborne. LnGraag*; J- P. Tingle, Vancehoro. Elder Sylvester Hastefl was mad ♦ __ erator, as he has been for many year* and E'der R. S. Cowing av clerk. The next terrio* of the Associa tion will be held at Kehakee m Hali fax county oa the fart Sunday. Sat urday before and Monday after h October, 1924. c.„ ft cannot be educated the |m4 accomplished in there great gather ir.g\ bat we jart hare to cmfre r is good; far brethren and Mi ah, two - all people to gather lagi«hn far goii Tbe Smith wick's creek per pit *e sent the highest praise for the ifto h did entertaining and eUe R repair ed work and are mrnhn. yet it WIT more thaa worth the dhit Mrs. Chart* Hi i ill left tk * reere ing fur her brew m W li Q . D to iM ; THE ENTERPRISE HIGH SCHOOL HOW THE ROAD CONFERENCE WAS MAINTENANCE GKEAT SUCCEfciii SHOULD BE PAID 'Officials Gratified Over i Attendance and inter- , est Shown WASHINGTON, txt t- The High| ladkot itacseo conic nr« that has !teeu meeting it U* city came to a i 'cum al noon today. Dr. lligteaiU } ! ' m "■ ■■ tius was «■« o! tbe Oct -! cuajtirw*> Horn the >und|k >t oi at trniinii r wl interest, that be had toed. Ibe h.«cm Ust Mlgo: w». held m » tiqjijt cam eft anu was weil a»- lunmL Stale Superintend* u A. 1. {.tile* addressed the ronfrnmr on . tue cv« «K pot of ru&>olHte 1 IK > «n4 set forth in detail the a»i --2 of such a put! »\er any I R.l ana bus* plan- Dr. X- W. W»lt j er, dna of tie School of i^iacatmn ( at ue University, tauked to the u» I ference of ways that tbe University I jcoutii help eta school work Dr. Higtk.~at.lii max a slx-rt talk. |th>sw( tbe jww-k of iugh achooh> f within the r«st kb years. At the j norvtj aession Dr. Wei » of thr I . ) State no. real at t*ite aburo »p>*f ias in the hifh h«4, aster I "* I whach the conference arsumed li f | air mi a round table discussion oi I p.wbleovs that have conflicted the ! iinow leaders. Tbia feature oi ihe j ; coAferenre had consmerabe to do with I tue »»***-* of the conference ow nr I to Ue fact that these discussions g-*«- ! learners the ahaace view of p« «> leaas that aie wary pauhaUe to H-+- • | yen with them at any time, ai>l w«u. * the .adu&Mn premnted to tb»m ( ' tbetr own jmtgment of means to so..* j tbem add mark to the.r aUlitx IS c»pe with situation* that woubl othr wise p«w%e pei|M\iHc Bfciila Dr. i. Henry lligtfe-ni t:.. State High Schanl ukpector, Stat N-pennm>»i A. T. Alien, of Ila le-gh. Dr. X. W. Waiktr. of Chap. 'Hill. Mr. Mar mm Res Traafae. direct I I for of teacher Uamiag, Kaleigh, I | E. Brown, State director of \ocatwn I al training. Raleigh, were amm pres.-j eat, with iloul three orore high schor* | pilar lpalf M mrhers fiwa all sec ttoas ef the dutrict. R»RD »I.\S Ol"T IN RACE WITH RIG ItlX SUNDAY I Sunday Mr. Elbert Manaiag | was dnihg an the Wslliaoßtan-Wash- j ingtan read and a large fox jamped I in the nad abend of bun, and started I a rare wrth his Ford. Mr. ManUag i 'NM his tare, bat thp hm mreilj nnhdrat of kis ability ta run and | dedge eien a Fatd au. natimed the! race, ami aa a iaal wandag Mr. Man | «mg saad "Get tat of the read or I will hang year hade round tare wo anat'» nark.'" And suU tbe fax ran, but alas, was anon amder the wheei of tbe Ford, a dead fox. Vou see. there a an chaece to best j a Ford, they hare all tried it. MRS. ROGER CRITt HEX. JR. WILL ME HOSTESS TO THE rCIILATMEAS THUKSOAT4 M ahy evening Ml eight o'clock j the haree of Mre. Rig.ii Critcher, Jr.! wdl be the Meeting ptore of the Phi- j Al ■mill i are taged to attend.! H ta aaid thai ■■ fTj.hl is of kss ' beaeß to ■ inefag crap of wild ( oata than the ilalih KgfaL * . RTHXIAMSTON. MARTIN 001 XTT. NORTH CAROI.IN *. TUESDAY. OCTORHR *. Sound Economics Only j Basis for* a Perma nent Road I "Til the lutomofcik awl build thr ' toal from It* HWUWC is a pi i net plr «htch has km by IH* | * informed voters too many time*. But J fJaatiM uil mhusJ etxmmia « et. unraloi by ami >UU>mm has the oy. Few who row conrin tkcnMhtt with road fiium nr. bat miJrtstMd thai the ngh; w*j to pay for a road b either by roa«i bonds based •*.general. no* specific cuatio*. or from current general fands. The experience of years pre»»v- thai die fees from Uied roal vriurhr wis be spent for mntauM. Marnier, ance is tiny* being asol «p. vehicle taus are always in to provide that maintenance. To we the main tenancr fund for bnkung *m roads is as uneconomic a» the procedure of lie nam who baiUs a bouse fix teat, and instead of using wae r» the ie®t to keep his property in co dition, and iwwt it and paint it, b> s|«nds it for mMhrr house, letm i the first go to nua He will ere.- in the poor house, and the count or sUtfe which does not provide Mam teaaace fbnds for road upk«p wil behaukiapt in good roads before tlx roads are ful for. It ip gndaillf toiinit to be reeo* taxed that snow natvil & a ligiti male in liwltiMW charge. All high ways which can be used but *i mx.tH of the twelve 0.4 t*K» then | price. To get the us« of an expe. >i\e highway for three or tour »■ sax months of saow time, b) the ex pri«l.lure of a smaJl aawti «( ; ■luitfruacr fund, is wiljr >«tukl, atx € rftuiton sense. * WHAT MUttlMUl MMII Lil KNOW 1 That Are is twcherwK. Wlm pro peily haudkd it % a gwd servant hut in the haadv'of a cairinr pen**. it bevumes a cruel master. That fire hazards su round >ou an * oaly the almost iigilarxs will pie ml destractioa «f life and propertj. la nmarr rates will cae duwn people awaken to She ncvassit) of he prevention, and leaste condi- Itioas that one fires A hie is occamng nmn it | the I nited States every Uat the see I und haad of the duk aaih> » nua I That community cwpenliai is tht heft aid to Are prevention. Do you t share towards keeping Sre out c.l ' your ciri mm unity. File looh> rep«eae*t a hie tax. Year . hare of the burden is ijfrau matrly three dollars This tax falfc on every maa, arwanaa aad child it | the t ailed Slatoi- Oat hn the tt> ' rwillrrtmg aad iliilnkjin agency. I | collects from the many far distribu ! tioa wac the few who mffer in jln wo. Redaction m the tolmtiw. of piipilj will knag a tout a caocr - —LT j Ih* Chinese game. Mai- hapf, that • has takea America by t«w (N that | is baiag played in Imln, Paris ud " i» ; -• . : •• . * ■ , >' -V* JUDGE KERR IS ALMOST ELECTED SECOND MSTRICT Allsbrook Will Oppose Him In the Second Primary KAl.EltiH. Ort. 7,—li'ilk «b!i mx tot out »f i to tal of 110. Jwitf Ji-te 11. Kfir. of I Wimirton, tonight w leadliif; for the Jfin«*t»tk' »»iritiw to congress Ito san«vii the late Cui»y kitchin. I vith U.V>» votes «M of a I.tal cf Solicitor R_ G. Allsbrook o; n. n-oiki vkk votes and N- J. R"*« of CKin-tn third with » . Inlfss the rrtunb (ixoi ti* j.f\ • . " f missing prrsinrtt jfive K- rr a rafii cient majority to via the MKiration in the SrJ primary, he will f( . t ntu a >eeun>i primary with AIU-n»4 his opponent. The iltwwr-iii. 1,01111 nation if equivalent to w» sk North Carafiia t»tni m« iul district. I >KSPERADOES FOUND DEAD IN PRISON MESS HALL I Otticei-s Knter After Fill ing Building With Poison FVunes PADIt'AH. *y, Oct. •> Three convict muitlrirrx who, since ft«lm» day, hate held ptuaa auti>«t it.e.- a. bay, killiag three (fud» as Ute\ fi. «d front thr on* hall «f the we t era Kentucky State we.e foaad M OXfy The. the er* entered the Uliri-tein .4ii»gti»!il afUr Itwidiiig the hakni.c with an» isioaia func. After the >lndl) gas-«s lad bet-i. turned tß*o the buiix--, I »t ort 01 the desperate tiio aoi all life aere Uiiaf. a *!«••» -t.jf pait) of sevea b> n et>ln»t tie bu.Miu-. All was ijdMt Ob tiu 11 -t fk«»r ai«: they iMrt«d cautious m to the «v f w There "hey f«- ■». ! * I wile of the ntutiaoar a e«f 'Cith Ue bloo.l of thiwe pnm «aanl~, vk- I'ibs of the (piiiißfJ - i i ••matif pi.-- uk» • hen the l-«*ak f«»r liberty *-a> uutialed early , 1 n imig, n. their hand*. Monte Walter, full) lifv-eri, a|» (•aiently hail tee* kiil-d hy balk** B'"l dunar the »tg»- I Grif fith anal Harry Fetlar . ku rompai. "«■>. itnpped to the »«>!, *eie deai from bullet nwdi the heart ••"■Hi and her tar-i it maa Relieve-: "ol fiotn their o*>> la:«b to e-cap»- AMhoMtes mnn» >.l entering the diipabd lut»a-« after a *per ocular >Mce of SI hows ih lb cturse of which pi';«- jroafds, lein-i forced hy two df»ai!s- of hen tack) "o'wjnl raarAof n. rw.-.«l the U>ki ' »'«* with witherxr of leel jacketed hdbU fho, nfcs atxl na chiac guru; swept the interior of the build aj; with the shrank formed bt ! bursting rifle gmm wh aad twice tu reeded n phriag tear ia- in the build '■T GOOD ROAUS SAVE THE CHHIKV.V IJVES Huctett lis* Imth x rood nab than aa poor aara, aawdttg to farm en who have tried both. Cfcirkm ■a pod reads get to traf fc aad get oat of the my. Chirfceei^ \ aa mis where there 1a less Iraff. get killed before they Iran the Au>- gtr m "Tlaak. Mr North Carolina fimi 1 purchased umm 1— .f iwt jt TUBERCULOSIS CLEAN UP THE WITH THE NEGKO j I*OTATO STORAI.K GREATER LN N. V. HOUSE EARLY Shows a Decrease In N. C. During: the I'ast Several Years Deaths fnxn tuberculosis 1««>K the negroes m Nc» Yoik c.v a>«- »•« th.- increased j «*•!>;= n * Cro«" the rm>r " statistics of thai city teo-nlly iwmL lu 1»21 the death rate from l"*' r l " 11 * ioo ami in 19"— «* ;3! - ,n Nv ' ni Carolina it wa.- l*" s in ,; *- 1 * n,i i- ' 4 ■in 1522. The Mknto frvin tuK-r culofcis for white people in New * in ISil was K vol in North Ganoli nu lor the sante p«K»l it *»s 9" North Carolina is mMly a safe, place lhan New York for h«th whit. an.l oJotoi ix-ople a- far as the da» r ci> from tabemkw ro. and a mou hfirUHuig thing b the fact lhal the State is growing safei each year In Iwar >ean the neg.o oeath rate fi»i tuberculosis ha* drciea*e«l enm .11 l»18 to Mi years the Stair's death tale fiortt u t-erculosis has been cut in half ami nwie- In I5»IU there were 4.m«i death, iron tuberraloMv, m l»i; then »e,« A New York writer finds it difflcuh lo evpUin the unusual memac oi deaths among negioes iiwn lobeicu k»*s alone in one year. He haniiy Hi nits it can he due altogether I the mMM m negro fffhtio it— na» been 1 |>er cent annual.* or W. .ofe ui the peri««l from 1910 to IV2U tine rale doe* not include, however tiie accelerated moieiunit ofkcm fiwm the south""■*« tirf isorth Jii tin past two years. He of the opi>. tun llal the negro CWBWg fw" " ' Warm and open air of the swutli t a colder riliiat*, to more cougest*- living co*diU»n> in a laige city, fii«L laiuseif ei|K»ol to the dangers of tu urnuluis to a greater extent thai Ills more ac«ii mated l-elglll**lTin writer admits libit the situation oi a large negro |w|HilalMi with an n drawing tieath rate from luUrruiio; * piuMem with an increasing «kath late from tuber ro.r ia Is a protdem requiring special effort, even for th common good of iU citiiens- UOKK ON KAILKMAD BKIWi: NC l laa» Are Now To Hao Koadwaj t»p raed k) |ml of Xw—kr or few Uay« Alter «»— ~ 1 be railroad bridge mer main rtael which k» u>«lergutag repairs, neeess. tie (kc« of the roadway it progressing nicely now, with gw*- weather prevailing, ami expectation are that the work will be to far ad by the first of November thai the roadway may be opened to traf fic by that itetc or shortly afterward Kith the of thu* thorougl, fare, nothing will handicap traffic be tween Williamsto.. and the fair grown) giving the u ual two one-way drives to and from the fair ground, which le. sens the iaa«tr of acwiderits on anvvbt of the btaiy traffic durin? fair week. With the opening of the raalwa; a few days befoio the fair opens, will allow traffic to pack the newly nuxk romiway under the railroad before the far ojens, and th* • with the improve aaents that have been mmie on this road and the paring of auia rtieet, will make travel to aad from tike fair Hinwnilii aaore easily done than evei before. > - Don't tkiak thai bright men spewi Cured Potatoes Should He Profitable This Year to Farmer | KALtIIUH. Oct- * p. 4 ' -toit»»re hou-es properly K»«l «■> si ,uW makr ni.>iKy tfci« i«r. is there » a of about a h a dir l million ImsWU in the litJi ,« lain crop, am! »'so a WfhW .Jer-r s« i in the sweet potato crop. « i |) Mattkrvs, chtef of the di* •»«» >' ' horticulture for the State evlle*e am IVpartment of Agriculture. In onler to make money, however Mr. Matthew- savs that the crop mu-l t ■ * l>e properly handled in the fiell pus in storape ainl cunM acrorJmr t« approved methods. Many dollar- sn needlessly !>* t because the grower i -1 n«»t willing to learn from the exp> • le-ice iff others, but wants to e\pen ment for operations thj« have already been -tandanlunl "The storage hou-e should he c'e in ed out ami disinfected lhorwi*Wy it onler to tret nd of the numerous -tor aj»e rot (terms, left there frwii thi previous crop."* says Mr. Matthew > "A solution of fonnaklehyde mail- bj | mixing 1 pint of formulin I # !■*' cent t in 1»» to la rations of watei makes a good disinfectant with wh-cl to spray the interior of the house. "The crates or containers sk-uM !■ purchased and iletiveied leW ll* crop is dutr in or>ler to cause no >le lav at iliinriiiK time The -tan.tar> bu tiel crate li\li\ls a best for stor ari' un.l shipment. A crate of lb Ovassu type shoul.l he u»>! for ti«r i aire while' any ilurable. efficient, eeo j iiomical an.l attractive ciate is a! I r fht f»r shipment. | "The nop should be harteaffed be fore fn»-1 as a frwsted potato will no* ke»-p Also, Ihe potatoes should I ; mature before harve-ted To test f«.i J maturity cut the potato anal if IN | juice turns irreenish in color in al»-«i j three minutes it is not mature. j "Where storage hoiaw are M own ed on the farm an*! storage tfurr i uvai'able in community kawm. at miermealii thwuM be njr to stoii the crop Ih. Ip *,> a cobl winter car le • vpected anil only (hue potal.*^ P'o|«erl> -tore>( an.l cured will k-«: successfully." HUM TO hil l. KUMHI-S HI 111 siiihi M I i.l «»»:iiu Is Kfntin Krnr4> Hoi N«4 U I'acd With Care To Atoad I'mmsMl Hwa*« UAI.KM.II. Oct. 8 Roach*.-ou. I saccess fully ester m.natel :n the Kow l>.uit ry by scattering sodium fluoi •! on the or floor j over wrack they run. This chemical i,- iciauvelt riieup and can be piuwrnl iKiimci ihe ilnifget. It is draßy po-sor>ou to the roach, but oMy sa-Wlj puirnrn is to man and can therefore he Hd; [ v.ith safety in the pantry. capo I»i T;. W. liFihy, of the .Simon of en tomology of the Stat* eo!hve and lie l rtmont of Agrinttart. "Care should be taken, however, ma* to sprinkle the sodium flour-fete owi food or to scatter it within the rear! of children, h can he swept up ir. a week after it has been scatter*.: b'it hould be reapplied two week> later to poison other i—ihii whirL may hare hatched frona eggs in the meantime," suggests Dr. Liehy. Mrs. J. W. I writer left Monday to visit in Norfolk. Mr*. I n after nu spent several ■aoatfhr in WBiHwha with her daughter, Hn. A. V. Joy- ' camp K y.n.H x- ====== IHIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLtTE COURTEST—'TRY IT ESTABLISHED 18*. liOUL WEEVIL SI'KKADS COTTON MISKASE, IS SAID 1 'Carries tlie Spores From One Plant to Anoth er On Its Feet | HOLI. WEEVIL I KALKICH, tVt. B.—'Ti* b..1l nwil is even a biacker criminal Uiau he ha.- bivn painted. ha» been definitely proven u\ S. ij- who ss 1 »tin L'r. K. A. V\ oil in the r *vrk of the stale col s Kyi aim Department of Agriculture. Mr. U-hmau finds thai the weevil spreads anthracnoee or boll rot from I d*seas*d x.lW" to cotton not »*> effect t - i oi. This f ac; ha- b(« suspected for i S..IJH- time b> line workers of tr* e.v pertinent station, Mi l^hnuui.maiW j, lot of the matter. He found that ;sporn o! tne coltoit disease were cam»i on ihe feet of the weevil from ooe plant to another «in*i it was later that some characteristic*; of the appeared around the holes ■ mad. >n cotton bolls by the *eeviL To be suie of this. Mr. Lehman ■ collected a large number of boil wee . \»1-N from a ficli >n which aU«ut 30 !-, ct-nt of the bore j bolts, l ath weevil was placed in a rj M'lanir sterile vial and carried U» , I iahoiatoty where it was given a ' j l»ath in >lenle water ui order to wash >1 the spores from itr botly. Examine • J ihhi of this *ater showed that Uo te».- I than 14 l*i c« nt of the weevils co«- II iected were carry ing anthracnose . 1 spun-* on their Iwlmi*. These spores f J cei uiinaled readily when placed in 1 pioper conditions. j Mr. l>ehi»an says, "t'olion wlr«»- 11 is ttin* of the most serious pant diseases in the south. It is mused by a fungus which grows in the tissues of the plant. It lives over winter ttt ti,e seed aii«l kills a latire nunnt*- of luung in the tpilßg. U ■ a Is-, tlestro) s ami in value ; j Itv lint |U mature bolls later in the I |Au. Tlie boil weevil tramples ar 1 oumi over these Jfceastil iwlls in the I La' e > una titer aild fall, acquires a h*. I of thr spoies on his fee! and thei ' takes tliem to healthy plants. In thi t* way he rautes a K f eat l»»s from plant i *" ■: ease in addition to the dan i .|>«r iliieetl) to Mjuates and bolls " .SIAI.KE "I ItI.MOKS AKK KEUiKUKII IS « AI'ITOL *,.-wrt. l«a>ii I alter».!) Srnaagripk | ItrglMrtv >lwrlu About j,Mlt Mile* Away J ! WAMII.WFUN, Oct. 1. Earth 0k tieiuois, indicating a sever earthquake appi uiiiuaUlt ',!*• miles from Wash ington, were reported last night ami ' rai ly today at the Georgetown WU -4 j versity netsniological oltenalory. I Father Tundorf, director of the ab- j ■eirston, was unable from tlie rec Mil made to give even the approxi maie location of the disturbance but | indicated it was to the westward ef j Washington, and sotnewheie in the ■ I'arific j j The trenon continued for two hours beginning at 10.53 p. n., and ending at ItiJ a. m. They raeehed their j maximum intensity between 11:34 and I m# p. as. S, blue Jay ««. killed by a golf hall , drives from the eighteenth tee on the Hub links at Hempstead, N. Y, i»- •artly. The president of the golf dal» was piaymg in « foursome and n» the Ant »e drive off. As he strack the hall the bird flew from a tree near by. awl hall and bird Ml tagtte dwe to the to«.

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