'■ _ __ . FARMERS. WILLIAMSTON IS THE PULFE TO SELL VOIR TOBACCH TR\ ONE OF THE HOI >I_S HIT!? VOLIKE LI-: I MBEB TT. HIGH ADVANCES ARE NOW BEING PAID TO CO-O!^ Record Week of Deliver- ics Made In the Old Belt by Membei-s .« - Marc thin a mill ten pouTHi* of '\acvo naekd the warehouses of the Y«bacce tirowee- Coope.-alive tpa ha Tuesday when the co-ops- "i tie old Ml of Virginia a«*i Noith Caraiiaa begaa their second year o* aith rejoicing ami m*»s ■aitrr that have never beea e«|ual- P the history of the a ooat.ori. Old belt memhee of the cooperativ* a. lib aTinai are gresi'ly tejoiced ove. | tke hick cash advances they were pai* (i xkear fir*t deliveries thii Brvek. In the fact that the I*ar.v !U suaiket reals oa tke opening da) and p'ico everywhere upon the auction flcon kive proveu disappointing l« the Vir y«- *e.-tei n Carolina famrers,. tite payments by the ma»ket —y anaoi iatibt this year have greatly eocwaraged its metulen. Tte a 1 print inn has increase*! its first cash payment* to 'he nen:her> '• mm every padr which *i brougt.t i» j , tka> meek Their cash advanret lent v ariapperf- rua# from $25 to ! Oa the best grades of cutters the as ac aTaoB v paving over }2ki« fi"» ;» fdvaares while an even greater pro yo>rtiaaa3e increase was roted in th> t first pajmiits for lugs and primiaps. Tke id apt imi of the cooperative • plan by Pre ident Coal »re. last week. a« the soiutioa of tv jjßhatlir r of the wheat farmer ia tke northwest ami the liberal errd ib ke>r plaaned *o meet their nced» aad thee of other cooperative r% eo-1 nit iai both throufrh the War l : | aune iiiion Mfl the irteimr>! ; u#e mdit haaks add- arother rat^ a* ewtwwtiM to the practical h*n . r*t of the cooperative ' rranization.-; wterk -Ameriran t hooro farm-! «j !atr- fßPmsfu!! v ailopted h a I Jtmam *ta'es. TUE NEWS Htll NliS' CRY t4. grse as the tcert of a "love: tea*" "aSe. with a *"cj ime cMupiei' I 2 a j. tjeirt" vail. uh« nerve « Jresi «« the o'd front psige f*r U» "tewe aesi*" stuff is the pub Jar art- Gh. U* girt un. t te a "wee j rw.lei kk nar *an i "her love o ptei ajr tiac" ner d.«n, and t*«e ma-- c.a>t he a mdl>onaie who can "bay *' he aaats," so he ueoi Mt "care." .Aad well play it stiong in a "humai " gkoad* aid aeW ret that girl her dut Ok. well get her Brads of /tor «M bar's Irak aad thus pell aad Ft« tale- Oae (kaetkara cow for which the I IHT*-*T* paickaser gave his pessonai I asce three years age aa tha* he nught i I feed aad care for the animal as a I pan of baa dab work, was the meaas, I: d aa Idaka dab boy. Frank Ha akin , I i'apian ability aa a stock I —-■ Par tkiee years he has caved H Mr amd aaaaaurd his bve pc- I rw JBg U tke improved mtfhods ad I sweated hjr Ida agncaltural extiailia I ma adfiat to has herd aadß he I Be pare teed cattle. Lfe- te iipaali te the Caited State B it.pa.lat mi agiiraltaie. were *l, ■ - I idte News far the teat far* atevy I * 'T 111 THE ENTERPRISE "10«0\ FORE>r TREES Ol NORTH CAROLINA-* MEETS miTH MICH APTKOkAL iletax IV By Hie* Sihiih a"4 Kw aad Girl SL —I Troop* iKrr lk EM» State The attractive han,iltx4., *Oomiut t F«nst Trees, of North Cjiolii a." pub [ I lihei last tjtfiaF by the Xo.tfc Cat j eksa GtaligitJ arvl cwrvey | Hill I hai, through tie finaß rial astt.tucc of the Notth Carotin:. jFonsti} aMrutwn a»« reached a ««•»» Klrtwa. That it ua| pneut a»d be*isg iaed as its autl >rs ran tea plated is JKWTI by its adoption x a text book i* tbe science dqc rtneit "f seteial of the hijrh ch«..l* an tAf of Ue Salt. Prof- Raymond Hioford of Cai'foni e*dWge a* ±prstiis|r t*« week- »t ki course ■ k.laryia a study of tree *»d he War placed in the I uvt of ••ffc of his more thai fifty >twir(- i a .opv of thm book no that they ray tie lb.* to do individual work ui the subject- Sixty rojjc- have been re cently smml by the Sali-l ury high j.cfcool to te used ui coanectioa with ! the « .ii ib the trimre depart merit I there The trbcwli of «Kfonl a»l ; Mteine bit also asked for -uppiie 1 la be IB the lam Bray. Tke book |r also being used by the Boy Scwet asd Girt Scout organixa A Girl Stout lea-ler of Grm b®™ state* that "Common Fores T"* rf North ha- been icvaluaMe to her in her work wttfc ft«* Girl SML i «f aaly ten cent* tc *rh f iUiu or srart aim H thetr ttarhrn leaders this bnt i- » do rnpt-oo arc J ci- I'* M,U *T moat important aati'.e I -nti, should be a-ed by tree >t»li | 9M through It the NEGROES GOT ADVICE TO LEAVE THE COMMUNITY Xeed No Second In vitation to Make a Speedy ~Exit i UTTSBI KH. Fa : Uet. la - A nunUwr Ufiu,j Uday are report *■* '• have left. J*w.a'« t> westup hir •* »■«** fdhwia, ti» oider -i | 4 **•' •H* s -W (onunit "* •*** e*ery Wfio n.u-t qu tike tea aahip aitka tied y f«v hour* Others are reported a* prepanr* U Wave. " Police MM the CMuuote', ras the fßah of thy claya* »—i at.rday aicht mi Thomas Kowlarui j aid ** ' "» * * dpag., ««. Edith Cfc. by . mL 'eportcd tteer action U the SIN DAT SERVICES AT THE MEMORIAL BAPTIST (learn Suaday ,M at >li a a, J. C Anderson aprr •anght Igr K** J teatkn. If yea ai* n—«ifi with aay other SoUai •chool. we pit y*m a rardial in vita two te aaite with oaw mi oar daaea. U. S:4» ft a. Senmmm by the paste* TM PL rn, »d|ii«: "The Ow aad Perhaps hp eeeld to Jfc chprrh M WILLIAMSTON. MARTIN OOrNTT. NORTH CAROLIN K. RAPU OTTTTBFK I?. \92X COTTON CO-OPS. REPORT A GOOD SHOWING OF 1922 (Members Received 2 1-2 • Cents Per Pound More Than Outsiders RALEIGH. Oct. 10.—An averagr ! price of two aad one half rent.- per pouad over the aver*pre pnee receiv ed oa the open market • the amount wtiarh the aeemhers of the North Car olma Cutaoii t»towers Cooperative as iiillat »■ will receive for the Wi: rrop—after: dedactine aii eiperu* o. opetatMß—a avowing that conimai .L --ik* appieciatiuu of the n*mbrrshi|. and ikawstralet the \a!ue of coop eßative markcUnp Cuech' are U-in* matted the for the final set tlement now and Bill continue until ever check «* out Accorxhnc to the results of a sur v«-y of the cotton markets- throu«thnM the North Caraliaa Cotton belt the average price paid for cotton durinr the season of 1922 Bra.- twenty tw trnli The final statement of the Cot toa Gnans Cooperative association shnß» that the net averapi price »hn • u heter paid to the members of lb asaocra'iaa mm sbort Staple cotton is trcatj four and one half cents. Thi s the net price after payini; all e\ peases of operation. iHrertoi of information. T. ft. lbaaMa,>Bys that reUura ly the « ptue of opera!ion aa lieaxier f«i the past momb than it woukl be the rawaiag teaMß, thlx heinp expetieace of other Mtperdhc organisations. Srartaap aritha»t experience, the un framed iaplt)M arvl the fart that ev ery departamot ha-1 to lie built up from the enuaad aaa more evpensiie thaa it pill be from this kae forpatxl • There another feature that t inpurUM The cauperatinir assocaa 'aiii acted as a Malwliier of the mar ket an»« it «w «vi-lent that the av eraee pra* ■weitol by the IMMI mem ber of 22 Mb aas higher than £ vufcl laie hre* withou: the of the Cooperative Marketing a-soria Uoa. Plaa- far the coming year indicate aa iamaiad ddwt? of cotton an-' every departme«A If ready for the w»rt The sales lrpartment her al >e»-fy Bkade MM salee both at home iad abroad and auhy of the larger aaaafattaen with dioa the Hatioa did bnane* last year are mak iag laipiiiu aaad are anxious to d» kwine*j the coaniag ;«ar. COST OF UVIVG HIGHEST IK WAHHIM.TON, Ik C. Ba-hlagtia. D. C, the oAcial resi hart mi the rrpab'icaa attorney gan end. who began his career in th *ahme wath a pnnaiae to curb proft teenikg. has a coat of thaa aim i « aay other city la the coaa. try, acewiig te the 15. S. Bureau I steUrtaea. The prpsg of I'll. mpuMec aad acker fat4a la Peßorfcad the peak of war times, it % npaatai. Whale frak pork was teOiag faa Waakiagtaa at Mi a pea nil oa'jaly •i. «anaer -as gettiag Itt cents a Ileal for has bee hogs Tie hag •back the piken sold far |i« a *"■' l' ■» »ald at aa advance of h * h "l«e. iariahig. ferhaps. tke Faaaaua af easteea Caraiiaa have «»• Be laat two years aa ■ a Bit WHM WM Un PLAXT A PASTCRB THIS , FALL IS I RGED B¥ THV I AGRK'ULTIIK IH I'A.M ' J— I i l H nil Ho Mark Toward Makm; ih. Faiawr lnlqnsilml «f Any •Wff of Sapply •" 1 RALEIGH. Oct. II. —Hur..inf >: ~{ r. tinnoMntions made by county - r ( -i e.its uirough uae cwitiil poitjtw • l; I Nvith taroliia prove the Wlu- ? " : ! I and clovers for pwO ,alw • -'* Imiag. It is enlj uml«r W) >'" V 1 itonal ci;cum>tunce> that live S.ck ' |ran be K">»n withe uJ' 1.21189, ah«l im>v l> the Unie *.*> K? | ! (We. pasiutgs leacly, t. i. | i Hato, stale agent for the ext.-n.-tc- j I divistoa of the State college »i-> » ( I partiikhl of Agriculture. ; Mr. Hod.-*>n cays that after IX: ! b«i the IMh win be most 100 U' t I , plant. In making a pasture in this , Mr Hud-on -\arioaas wixtur. j ! of |rTa.-s.~r> and clover.- grow »>il luc | thouki he vaned according to *> '••» I Imm. The following g.neral formula ha.- proien valuable for the c*:iirJ| put of the state: Orchard Italian rye gntN- awl red top, nch" I |uui«b> each of seed with four poo d I of ml clover .red for planting a- I r acre. On the .tamper and lower x»f j . , I of the mote eastern counties. cik ( I poumts of Al-ike clover seed shoui I be substituted for rrd clover. In mu»t j ' of the eastern countieis, U>o, Japan! f and white dovei make a valuable a.. 1 f - I' dtti.n in the spring j ■"Of wane the seed Ijcl should U J well prepared *ihl well fertiliied. It I most ri.'u lime is necessarj , e-pecial | |y where clover 1* panwsi Only poo j f r—uH- *.ll be had with r >a*s an» I 1 -ml plan'e.l on poor, ui. fertilized I aoiL It is »ot a.KnaWr to ww>tc j ! s-ed under such condition Ijwl thai J ' will make a bale of cotton, or 35 t j 40 bushels of corn pet acre, shoubl I finr (ratt »aacees--fuil\ Tti* clove I -to! should be inoculated with either J natural or artificial inncula'ion. The | s/-ed -bould I* sown 011 t-p of wei j prepared >WI aad covered b> a knt»' I I cr l«ard drag. rather than liy a spike I f t"4hcd harrow. # "Where cotton talk- ate I p iu|> e-r.rly enough to cu' »>ff the IWI upply of boll weevils, >u h land est- I * I* h-wi to pasture (frt-- -eed. o I r some other winter cover cr».p. This J - will prevent leaching of the |oiL" | ' GERMANY 18 NOW READY TO « NEGOTIATE - Premier Poincare Offer-1 ed Cooperation of Reich In Ruhr PARIS. OH. 10l— Herr Von llaesch. i lieraan Charge D"Affairs, tuday of fered Premier Pomcare the • •>opera- 1 1 ticn of the Rearhstaß towar.i the re- 1 1 ion of moral i eetmanic life in I I •Ac Ruhr I r Vpn Hoesch Mid be male the pro 1 ratal under Berlin's orders, suggest- I n pa iwHg of the Fren. h, Be%iw I ard lepceseatatives ia'tlk or- 1 .-wped te-ritory to discus - ways and i ' Wtoi of inn apihtiing the re>ump- 'hs '•! r*rmai economic life. * 1 He licensed to comment, saying it ' ' was now his duty tn inform his gwv 1 ' erwmeat that the French were »- ' ' willing tn interfere with the aaga ' " 1 Rocky Moort—The Atlantic Cad I Line tiifwnl is to erect new coach £ L .. NOW WANTS A CURE ! OF TtBKKCCIAISIS I - : Dr. Rs-own Calls for Re search Work to Find a Cure i To .«eanHi f«l»r a positive cure for tu i wmn-L- must le Jie next step I >L \ en in the campaign apin>t tubercu i Uwis declares Or. Lawrasun |lr\ wit. p-esi.ient of the National Tubervul.s association. l>r. Brown urges more evien-ivc reseaivh *oik on the part [of is workers and deploie. "he fact that the long search ar.i the | of the Anancral reward ha .b-couiaged many brilliant scientist.- from entering the tuherculor-t. field- Mitch valuable rrsearch work ha !«vo done by the medical staff of tl» North Carolina Sanatorium .lurinir the la. t three year.-. Then- were no fund? icanlabe for this woik except an up l>r»|iH-iti«n of IUIW annually by tli. North Carobna Tulieiculosis .unci.' tian, so the most of it necc«sanl> ha.* to be done by putting additional hut ■len> on the tnedwal staff. Kver> sanatorium for the treatment of tu- Wrvulc*-is *»wcs it to the tuhereulo->- cau-e a>»l to the people tho have tu Itemulosss to coivluct research actix i ~tiesl »r. Itrown says further: "A com | p .-te eradiation of tuberculosis n>u.-t | ' follow alonr* one of two lines. Fiat by vaccination, or some c>ther method [of treatment which is as successfu I tut the administering of quinine in nir. laria most be dkroveml. Another | possibility is that pulmonary tubercu I basis, like trpiosy ami typhus, wii rra.lually rwie until in countries hye'enic civilization it will lie of slight .nipoctance " Hut till ruch a cure is found, em phasises if Itrown, the metho.l cu I cure an| preveaiUon that have alread> ' hren fount sucressful must lie faith I fully adhered to. He says, "At the present time public clucat ion in di - | lea.-* prrieatko, increased sanatorium | fecihties, an.l ad-tjuate after rare in [ or-Ser to prevent a lelap.-e an- the le-t available men.- of still further re>lucine the mortality anl rase ratn " i , >1923 I VItaRTS OF LIVE STIM K AND MEAT Mlim INCREASE Import.- to the I'nited States of rat tle. «fce, -beep, anal gwats totale.l j bral durint; the twelve months jenOn.»f June 1923. as compared with 218/B1 beaxl for the same period end in* June 19££, according to the Bu rruu of Animal inlustry I nite.l States Ispartnml of agriculture, which is iin charge al the inspection wotk car [tied oa by the fcieral government. | More than half of the imported am mats were from Cm nala, moat of the remainder ceminr from Mexico and a ■mailer auniber from Grant Britain. Cattle a»le up the greatest part o the shipment -. with sl>eep second, an* 1 rants third .and -wine last. Imports of meat ami meat foes' pioducts for the twelve month* to taled 4S/47.7U pounds. Cauuula was the rfcwf «oun« of supply, as with ab.7«MC2 pounds of fees! aad refrigerated and other product# bii4 the year. Argentina rank* •arwad with 18jM9,159 pounds, ami I'rwgwajr third with 9,192,414 pound-. Brazil, Aadralia, New Zealand ana Daring the twelve months ending June •922. aaljr 41J913.49S pound- of simt lar pre darts nut impeded. ■ —■ taarkaa can he exterminated by ( scattering aadaam fluoride ea tb> j «Wm m It in where they nan. sr.y haart invwatigwUra at the Sta.c c*.' i^ss^ssai J 111 l NG MAN SI C* i MBS Ttl PNEI MONIA ATTACK j A ITER ONLY FKW DAk i Mr. *m. Berklrc lalley Pas-*-. | the Beyond at Ace of Oaly Toeaty Foaar Year*. M .liham I v-k - lalle> >lie.l V. e. I -us hi tveiutir. Oro*ber loth, nea WiMuRL-tot! fiom an attack of p-;eu monta. lie wa -taken sick Friday « a_-t week while wockinu in the pea nut field, and from the first it wa thoucht the attack was verj seri.«us |Hetm>>r>u deveJ.-pin»r in both lung lie wn- 24 vears ohl. the son of Mr. an.l Mrv (>«rr S. Lilley. wrhc with several brothers an.l sisters sur viv* him. The vounjr man v*s nc4e.l for his >|Utet an»l oadcily manner, always keeping awa» from the placn that might fea.l to ti «l4e He wa* a friend to all with »Wi he came n> touch. The funeral was conducted by Eld er John W. Rocerson. an.l the int. t merit was at the old family grave yaril at Mr. * W. lalley"* tt»rn»N co-ops. m MAbK SETTLEMENT RAl.EltaH. Oct Hl—After wnwi erable delay, the re nt of the neces .-tty for a final audit of the accoutn of ove(. 31.aai nemlets. the N«rtn Carolina Cotton Grwoeo association Cut nirht aniiounre-t tt final otlli 1 for the cotton crop -of 1922 Dwnng the .-e»~on the n.- sociation kandlnl 132JK42 l>ales of cot ton. of which I2VICT hales *»-re of short staple. FAMILY THROWN INTO CELLAR BY TERRIFIC BLAST Thought To Have Been Done By BootleK>rers for Revenue ST EI BENYIIXE. Ohio. «>ct 10 The home of Char e- IVa.ce, protii • Iwtl'xi enforcement athri. at Smith hel.t, wn t of here was Mown up W »ta> by dyaamite. IVune, his wife awl lobi »kii» nloudi ecapol sen oos iigury. Ike bta-t partly wre.-ked tin- c!t\ ball ■-pp"«s«te the IVaice borne. tt>>- Staxg rtslauant, the l««e of Mrs. Mry Marryacan aad broke wimtow- in three score re-?t lenc. i. The dytain' c was placed uM«t the p*»ich. aid the structure c- "-poc-l ir-ward. The fain liy were t_. ■ -*& n ,nt« the cellar. Vt» an age«l woman, is scimih ■ I feßoWiUfr the evplo sun 1 '.*■ -age is estima'e.l t excee.l twn.ii lioiiiid .totlars. Miners. *««* to work ewly tha.- mot rang, thaoarh the nei*faboi ho«l. - " '' •*» claim they .-a* four nru. straiigers. abusliag oa the corner fAbets report an airtoawohile with several men having town at a high rate of speed. Penrce tajn he a*»e* received any thren teniae letters but bootleggers ha. recently IknaMwd him. REMOVES WATERMELON SEED LODGED IN LI NG in ■ I CHARLOTTE, Ort. L-A waterme on seed swallnacd by llcibsn G*> eleven months old. of Aim, M. b, n week ago. aad which had nmplti ly shut aff the fanctaMkv of the aiorwrng hgr Dc. C N. Heeler at the Charfatte Eye. Ear. Xoae aad Thnaat haapataL w iHIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABMILITE OOLRTEST—TMT IT ESTABUSHED I'M. NORTH C AROLINA STATE FAIR WILL BEGIN NEXT WEEK Prospects Better Than Ever Before In Its History RALEIGH. Oct. 11.—All r««d- lend to the Capitol City next week when the State fa..- will be 011- Itoth ro»is jn.i ruilrxwi. for ihcu>aiMs aie ex pected to come by train as well a.- by automobile. I!elun>l rates ha\e been offered by ail railroads for the fair which op ens Monday morning »i«l cur.Unutt through Friday. For tho-e aounit by automobile special arrangements are being ma.ie at tie fair grwumb, for (talking car-, lEtl th»» «iesiring to camp out will find a camping spot within the grounds if the\ bring alont; tht-sr camping cHltfits- Koads in I lie vicim' > of lulfiiHi are reported being in first clafs condition. The fair will ret nr..h* way M'«i da>. October 15. with the finest ar ray of exhibit.- in its history, urv.-rd nig to General Maoatrer K. V. Wal l>uni. * h'> i? worku p n.irtit and day lo pet them lined up Kiery kind of industry in the Stat* w:il be sented while apriority ial aiki live storir lk pla« s are declared to le the . i liOst in tilt- histo.y of tiie institution. Mrs. Yanderbilt ha.- sent out a last iiutiute call to th.i-e .Iniruiv* to make entries for exhibits aiHi hate i»4 .l>if so to mail them at once. She says I this is important Fntcrtainment ruv will be full of interesting ihous of all kind- while man) free attractions in..in"c May Wirth. America's premier hoise worn $ an, will be pro* nhsl racli day of the fair. There mill I* both thrills and aniuaement soUM-tliinir for ev«rr> body. Tlie firework* display on each tught of the fair mil I* »oith a tup *.«• I!alc-i|;li m itself. "J*mppin>r the Na vy" will br i-ne of the interesting fire works features that shows nam ninth ilica.|!iaUKll*s lam; IvmltiniM ' » with .-hot ami -i.ell. fiiully to du appeur in the ocean. Another ••vent of inteiest tu many fair (Tier- Kill le tin- iace-. T «>> hun.tiel hor>es lia\r !« n entered for these event-, and the pun es of ovei su llwisaii'! dollar* have atlndei -'■ me of the best racers in the er.tire country. SANDY RIIHiE LOCAL NEWS Mk* Katie Mae ("herrj spetit Satur day night with lliat l>-u Allie Kio diek. I " Quite a iiumbi r of people from v hen- »fnl to Siuithwick's creek Sunday. . ' Mive- Thelma and lllai.rhe Hop kins eut«*taiaed a nuinhet of fncMa We Inesday aigM with a sugar stew-. Miss Hilda Burroughs and Mr. John nie Cullipher motoml to Rabema ville SUM lay aflernouo. On la*t Saturday. October the (th Miss Lillian Gnfin and Mr. Lee llop km- were happily married We wish them a long and happy life. Misse> Nealie Jones, Marie Riddick and Eala Pate and Mesm Bribe Cal lipher, TOM and Walter Oakley Mo tored to Macedonia chunrh Saaiay night. y. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. J. Maaniag, Mn Sunday adMal 9:45 a. a, V. C Manning, aapt. Morning mrriem U Eveniac ntilm TJO p. m, QrfMtai