WILLI AMSTON IS THE PLACE TO SELL YOI K TOBACCO. TKY ONE OF THE HOUSES HEKF >tl' I MF. 24.—X I" MBI I* B. IMPROVLu CX)TTON GIN * IS BIG ASSfcTi Staton's Gin In W'illiani stx>n Is Doing Big Business J*t at this season of the jnir there is great activity in ginning circles, and WOiiamstoa this year a especial ly favored by having a new. modern ginning establishment in Staton's cot ton gm. With the machine r> operat ed by an electric motor, it is p>i sihe to handle cotton at any time of da:-. and gin as little as one Hale at a lime This new establishment turns on: a bale of co" ion in fifteen minutes froe* the time it is taken up fruo. the wa gon. Such an e»tabii hn*r,t as this lotli conl for the farmer, aM the k i cal ixt i-ess man The fanner ca i ■ get "he highest ea-h r.,ice for hi- ol ton and the seed w.theut further ha.v •. ing. and there is always plenty e baye* V The business man ha.- the opportunity of oleftng his bid with out having to visit the varkus farms. Wdiiamstoa could nicely handle a I rcat many other establishments, and n is lo be that the con: tag fu ture will bring lew irxiustries to our locality-J. S r. AGAIN: THE CARELESS SMOKER LOOMS I P AS THE CACHE OF A >TBE| - 1 ' I It is too twl that the:e is not J ] way to train the urbanite in the rnkt of the ouil«>rj and the camp tie just as te must Seam for the sar'eik 1 of life and property, the traffic sanitation law* of the city. It ■ wrong! He should know thai | it is wrong to throw down a light. • ' 1 I match or cigarette ia the forest quite j as well as he knows that he mu- ! not thro* tin cans and M clothing mto the struct at home He should Vara tlw etiquette of the - fore-t as he d«es that of the draw | Ing room. In l»4h rases, eertari , things aie or are m-t d»-.ie by ikoe ; who kac>w. Tlrf .-«■ oker woukl not throw h, j | match or cigarette stub, oe emp-) jL - pipe asix s on his nasi a ug or ta j Ue ewes. That w*ulti la a grv*» no ■ A latum of . octal custom and. bf->»de! It might ihmirr the fuiaiahlngr. | Ttx' same smoker, though—with i out thought of the eonsniuence*—wil ' tut* a burning match or knock ta. burning ahe* from kis pipe o* t floor of hi ho*-t.«Jhe fyrysl, p he-r« H endangem not only pniprrt) sor 1.1 aaitliaas, but human as ael I. Double window | HBC , arpuiated b\ 1 • distabce of two wdhets and juamt together at the edges by a .pecai.y patented mehmg process to |itnat i - - - - « •• ' ' 1 aaoaaure or dust getting hetweea them, are iunl to keep out the cold ia the piace of ordinary doub.e win dows. It is said the beat. ia»ulaliv*.' a» perfect under theae cuaditions. 1 NOTICE or SALE Cader and Iqr virtue af the aa>h-' erity rnataiacil ia a certain deed ot trust executed aa the 3rd day of Feb ruary, 13(21 by A. E Williams aad recorded ia baak C-t, fligr MB ■ I Martin county registry to secure the payaaeat of a ce.taia bond af uvea! date thereof and the rtiptdatinm af said deed mt Oast aat hariag beew caafM with the iiadi 1 ligm il trw- j tee ril sell at public lactam at the| court house dear ia Maitia county, at f ~Tii 11 N. C, ta the bight i badder far each at 12 o'clock m, oa' the 17th day mt Ni nafcii. IX3 the! failowia ihiniil tract of Ipad: Baaadad aa the «aa by the bad mt Raaaaaa Rabenaa; aa the math by the laad of Raaaam Rahernaa. sa the vaat by tha af the WBMaaas brirs. md aa tha aaeth by the bN af Ag TVs the 12th day af October. IKI B. G. HARRISON. THE ENTERPRISE THE WORLITS TIMBER RESOCRCES ARC BEING STEADILY EXBACSIED T«ber FNa Other Natisa> t aa Not Br Ifcpi adtd I paa to Sap*l> This t 'odalry The United 9tate> can aot depend upor. the fore ts of othei r.antries to aagaev its own timler supply. ' according to the data p«sente*l ia - "Forest Resources of the WorW." a new book »lit tea by forest ecoaomurs •of the I'aited State* Pepartuent of agricaltute. Thid coaopi*Lci. re stu dy of world timber coodriouf' shows that the world's mjuimnew.- of ta* taker wfll doub'e within the 1 est :ty jure if the rale of merer dui j iag the past few year* it maintained M«reor*-r. as the rate of the timhe r growth is fjiul to anl) tw« thirds Jof Use amount of wood cunsun »■ 1 the '«tJl jpply is couetaatly shrirking. "The mt pressing forest problem from a world «taadpoiict i th>- neces rity of providing ade|uate future sup- I pi of sot wood timber."* states the "This can be dene by 11 in* all of the forest land for the cortinu °u# production af timber m>|» / pmtrt t only 19 to 15 per cent of •he world*.- timber land is so handled. ; red being regarded as a mine valuable only for the timber no» | s-andiag on it.' This new boak, *hirk u bet pul. I listed by the govermaen|. eoafirn ; the earlier statements of the Depart 1 . i mes»t of Agriculture, that this coun try carina* depearf upon import*, of o* the great, all purpo-e soft w«*'- whe' it* own supply is rone Rti \i*s show a iin.ciii: or CIVILIZATION NOW Highway* ladrt ta the kiad af Lin. It* I «ee* Lne. Goad Baud* ,\er •vsary far Otkrr Adiaatam t '•ikhoa, f«»we hi>\-rb.. * rot* *" the character and n>iltu!i.a of an% .*1 a 1111 ■ I t) cat be property judges I y the ciaas of roads it has ~ The caaanati) whefc can afford a good raad and is content ta walV.w ir aaudt ist h) thia« >tanurd. not tbor ; •«*hl) Ttm taay not U agrweable raad ng far (W cMVmbti | w.th bad na-t-, oet v«rj ptwpJe r will Judge their neighbor* by stan-; , ards no aaare exacting The man nho 1 "■ afford aa ant nine halt, a telephone. 1 ! * •utrtatag #ys*em. a warm bouse, and' | good rlaAhe*. and wha walks, borrows J |h» beigkbors' pboae. by can has a cold kaaoe and wear* rae .' I. | 1* called c**iaed by kis neigh ! A fHd road ia a* aecmary for the 1 enyoimeat af the modern j ri 1 ilia at law has ta affer as is the abtl- j - it) ta rand I which wu oaee the ar- j eaaaplishmewt only af the prwat and) the kiav.l ' t The itiaaiiiat I farm ir seldom c; ■*** r faaad aa a goad raad. The il 'iderote child bp M liit hgmde a ignod ruaaL Ptoafde wha IN« aa or aaar goad raada gel ta town, aee piic tares, Biz wiith their fe3ow*. eajoy a rich aacial hfe. visit each ather. hay aad scR «paickly aad easily, ate h | *o«k with the wurld. Thtrwhalm the R. F- DL iff rain ar mm* laya kis imlililiiß thg earner. law «f tha iiiiui k the ftlisHj af •Bhw chdd eg adult j he imafangfch. but the bets seem ta I . ■ ■ ■. 1 ■ r taav EC™ W ' WILLI AMSTON. MAR UN ODCNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. " yt ESDAY. OCTOBER I*. 192 X 1* All\ fc OKOWJM aht-D I'OlAlUtijOF BKIThK i|l ALi i i Mountain Irish l'otatoes | i'mve 1 heir \\ ortn on Eastern harms KALKlliti, Oct ii. UtfCiVa ic caved by ho:. C. D. MaUu-k>. ciue. of the iliviskm of borticu-tuie. ih«. It demoastiations mnir by cc-a-t. m eastern prvic iK-. I native pwn seed Irish paUttm from ilhe mountains of this Stale ant to and oca superior to the xy>i ». | tained fnocn Maine and other notii. iera .-ourre*. ta repotting this work, R. F. Play i,. , as*, -taut horticulturist >j; >. "The !«•> main consideration- in tki. cvmpan MHI were the relative nirlinrM ant! »he productivity. There ii> ; difference m the date of malunty «». | potatoes from the tno soaw. but. j thme from both dniirw men csarliei jducrd locally the preceding ye.*, j "V ium the standpoint of 3 icid. the j mountain jn wn see,! irate supers. . An average of the IK les*_- 1 bowed that the mountain seed pro •lured an average of 174 bushe - , No. 1 potato.-* and 48 bushels of the . , "" Tr mides The seed from Mair- I P""lured *" average of l.i« bushre m *h 51 bushels of the lower grade*, j This shoo* our natire ;iu«« select , ed seed to be superu.r by 24 bushe: ' of the highest quality potato... j "In all these test, a good stuml n secutvd from f„« both s, w . it is a fact however, that -«ed from Mame often fail to give a good >tai*. |on account of disease an.l chilling an. overheating in tlMk. Since native j rr "*" """l P** et|ualiy as good a yield »,th chancca of iajvrjr from .kg» \ l-n * vary Might, due t. (he Aon haul I earners of eastern Carolina shoui plan now U> get their wd from the j produa-n, of their native State - I A MW tlullov (Hoh-.w -- - jt*as Ui. adopted by the tttik.t ' Ot tdettUllk. lltr.v toioie Ciuiaeae Mefraw «e>. . lr ., •oU» ouiuerals and by I L* , . cgmiug vAte. * - ——————" .NUillL OE !>.tLL I nuei ai«d by * >r.ue ul tar auli. jO.ity nnUumi in a (r.taii> *oi «i |Una executed b> U*llr U*dr. ai». : »Ur, hu&c 1' IbWilni to Ljt . ' SIGNED UuMrf, aiMl IMHIIII| lUr uatc 'OJ IdinuQ ttia, ISKI, ul ■eu.K. IWI Mae public ItguU) ul Martin cu» ty. in took (j-2. a* page lo. MM, J deed o. Lnbt having bct» given to cure uie |a)iucot m a CerVaia Mae I *>t evea date abd teaoi IbcrewH'-, aa. U« trißi and conditio** tkemi. con ! tauted not having been cuaplvit with. I and at the request of the hater ot ■ aaal note, the uuderugaexl trusee I wit' oa Monday, the 19th day el \«t I toUier, 1*23, at 12 o'clock m.. ia froat of the court h>Bi« door of Ilanaj count) ia Williaaaston, K. C, offer for tale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, far cash, the follow-! tag described teal eatgt*, t* wd; i That certain btw* aad lot ia the Imi of Williamatoa, X. C. former!) beloaging to J. G. Godard, aad for-, fermiy occupied by Jack Hoard, aad! bounded as follom.: Beginning at the northeast corarrl at the intersection of Pearl aM Rail road streets, thence along Pearl stieet' •a a> eatfffa direct iaa 10a feet to 1 John L. Roger—a s liae; theacr along Joha L. Kofersan'o liae ia a aorthrr ly direction 108 fee*, ta tha earner a. this let; (Wag gliag Johli L Rote. I saw, or Mia. Rofenoa'i Mag ta Pear' street, ta the hrgiaaiag rant ma a» •at fourth (1-4) acre, mo.ear less. Thoae three (I) lofti ia the lap of 1* aad 20, ia block A. af the J. W.j Watts Can* had diviaion. .aid dHis ; iaa being of record ia the pdhlic reg , istrjr of Martfci county in laad dhrh - iaa M Na. 1, at Me 484. This the Uth day cf October . WHEELER MARTIN. MATER >PORTS prove TO BE VERY iWI'LAK •* Our Featare of the Greater Shot, b? Shaus That Is \l:ract iag At teal ion Popularity of uate- sports is ag^in attested by the cafacit;. crowds whwi. are nightly filling the "cirous blu seaa- ia the big water circus a? th» Greater Sheedey Sb«»-. playing : week's engagement at the XV ,nnebc *» county fair grouads. Hcaiimg the dr» nr !- au'ies fc I ""BuhWes" Bentum. hol.ler of man) ' champioiaship awanli. whirh she ha . won in the fea's. A high dive n" a :0o fo. t ladder iato a .-hallow ta L" , is ma«ie by (.'apt. Oscar I a Yalle. an-. , the antics of -George Haley, prem e water clown, add a screaming titrl j * * * Thia is the first time tfi Shni ley shows have play ed in the I ' . midtlle west, and press and public are I i endorsiag the orgaiuzat ion as e'ea ' aiul motlera. The ."haeii« \ Show- a , tie bcs>t and carnival ev. - showe>l in (hJikosh. The nianagemer.' is high cfcuss in every rp-pect.—O-h k«sh |Wi«.l Northwestern. June l«S. It is gratifying to reproduce ark j endoisement of an olganuation that I has l*en hi>oked for the Roaaoke f?.- I j this fall, such as the Sbee»'ey Sam> I hart Ijfm p|i aflml' ailli al ilaaii j former showing ' iorsements ate proof Aat the peopte of this section will haw attractions | here November 13-16 inclusive that are more than wofh witae^ong aad with these and ethers booked l,y the aiiaarmie-t, we see no rea.on for the I! ar * k-- fcur not surpassing aay •n eastern Carobna this Ml ia attetfi aace aad ««n|i LOCAL NEWS OF BEAVER DAM Mr. A. toototed to Rock) M«uat Fro la) Mr. aad Mr V\ 11. Rogers -pent Suaday with Mr. a>«! Mrs. Fli Ra\ Messrs. G- I* >n» t«son ami Ileum Siapsoci mvtuir W :!ll«nv-to, Sat unlay. Miss Nollie W .nn -pent Frt-U; night with Mrs A I. Ray*or. Ma*r>. Le-tei 1..-e* rs an.l Hay >« d Roger- mot-teal to Williamstor Saturday on bun v j Mrs. Emm* Oi nai spent Suiub) , afl'-iaoon w,lh >1: Sylvester Ray not. Mr ami Mi J 11. Rogers. Mr lister Uoger- an.i Miss ies.-ie IW attended the revival at Rofcersoa* .lie •Suaday aighU Mr and Mrs M G. Feel ami fam fly *P**t Suaday witih Mr. ami M ' M- M. Cimiady Mahington Mr. GIBS KfH *ffil to Wililin»(oi ' SfttaH mj mm Wsiim « I _ | !THK STM.K IS AIL M£T S IN OKLAHOMA lOR THE IMPEAt HMENT WORkI.NGS | OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. II I —At least a full »«k of iateasi\e | laveatigation. with ptassibi) ro-n ! member attigwi to or* comm ttee. faced the lower h«use of the Ok hi bo ma bub). w«b pnllaian •le'aiL- virtaall) cumplate tha house wa» ready «o be 2m tamtnea with the real work of *s impeachment program lookiag to the trial before tbe senate af all elrr (He state idßcinl- who may be fooal It is expected that all comabttees laiestigate the elate per.iteatiary. the state reformatory aad all other V ■ HfedMii Mfli ' |k LLOYD GEORGE S TOI R PUTS HIM IN RICHMOND ! Will Go To the Virginia Capital for Week End, October 27 | WINNIPEG. Oct. 14.—Concluding j his visit to Canada, David Lloy«i ! Irfoipr. former British premier, !• f* 1 late for Minneapolis, Minn., foi i a U*ar of the triil western ami e;. f t era CniieJ Stales liefore sailing for Escj&l eariy in Novcmlxr. Af deiiverirjg hi.- formal farewell address , to the dominifln last niirht, th« - foim 1' er pnratwr remained quietly at tlov ernirjent house todayvuntil train turn I except for at letting a Welsh servtie at a Method* t chuich in the morn ing Arriving at the capital at !» a. m.. Tkarxiay. Octol«ei Mr. I.loytl (George will remain until Saturday night in Washington, when he will go J to Richmond. Va.. for th>- week end ! ai*. a day. Monday, lie will leave j at 10 »"c!.ci Moii-l.i> niirht for I'liila t "ielphia. arri\"iiiß there at !» a. nu. tVtober 30. a'-l after spetuling the •by will deliver his final address a.- pnrviously iann«iuncil liefore sailing for r.'iflar,'i V% l.t.hLl COTTON LET! Kit B1 SAVANNAH tOTTON FACTOR AG IC COMPANY Las* acek start*-"! off wilh a low market. I•ronilxi contract.-- in Ne» I j Yock droppoi to i~. .m Mouda). I October Mh, w:«h mi>ldliti|t cotton al ithre |wr*i selling for 27 to 2" 1 -4c 1*« |>"U!«i l»r> gowi. market- were f .lull, cottoai nulls were tlnvat« num to . rlo*e. the moathei was K«"d and ex - [ erythtiag mvucil lo I* cotton | temporarily laitei in the week, un t favoraldi- »«ill» : \isitel the western ( s«tM>a of the Ult, exports continued « • on a lile-ral .-«ale, 4>tuners fixnl tin prices on exer) dip. the south found ready h«.}H for all cotton off u>. the brm fi-m abiuad was favorah that the contract markets. ailiMimn and Hctol 1 l ie per pound al>> Morula)'* figure- Cuttaai cwi uio«-d !■) Ameiican null ■a September amounted to 4.N'!,'.». lokspavuiot t'j>t.«l.'l la* )ar, whii. thi» ahoweJ a decline of lO,UKI hales, evpoC.- weie 2Cto2 Itales laiget than m IV2Z, jud tlie iiunilier of cot too spaadle.- active in America nuin lieied l3 more than bit year. Coltaa in consuming establishments at the ead of September amounte to Mtly 773.173 bales, againist UMU>, HIS last year. Mill stocks are so lov, that more spinners request sellers to gnve then, car initials and numher as soon a 4to« is ioa«lwil in vrd. j that the mdu aught trace and de aial lanaandiate delivery. It seems j ip r ten pie'er to buy from hand to morjth in order to prevent' looses shoal "the market for taw cotton de clirxe. A large southern exporter c«tiin:U ml the cuUaa crop Saturlay at 10,- BHJfi lade*, which, in our opinion, wOl he the approximate size of the | IKS crop. W» still beliexe in higher prices for cottoa. -OH. TOC WILDCAT" TO BE SEEN AT THE STRANH THEATRE WEDNESDAY j The &U& Mildcat Div. war offere-' J a shew written aiound the humor- | oas atcab ia a soldier's life in Franre aad called "Oh. You Wildcat. This show rilaiae 1 all the characters of the war as MM in Franco. After the lid Dhr. Ms ami discharged KupV Kemper who was with the Wildra' i •ham eaaaaaad to play it throughout THL ENGAGEMENT OK POPILAR MILUAhSTUN ,! HIIHL IS ANNOI Nlti ' I Mr, Wheeler Martin and Mr>. Ikra' tndrr-ua Herr at Vismmtm nt I'artt i On last Ti*e.-day evening at th* , home of her mother. Mr. tthe. iv 1 \ Mart in. Sr., Jltx o>car Anderson en tertamed a number of with . ' horo-cope party. II»e home was love Iy m its (fecoratKAs of fail tiower • ' pmk ros*> being U—-.1 in the fron i parlor an-i dahlias in the l«ack parlor I an.l huge reii .tahha.- u-e.: in the o i l»nial hall with lichts -ha.le.l :n blue j The gtie-t- were met at the ii.i I by Mi>s Nina I p>'««; an dafter tlirn arrival they were invited by the Ii • - ! teas into the hack hall where thej w re asked to draw from a large b prophecies written in attractive lit | tie booklets- The revelation- were | the -ante, that Mia Jiwph.nr Han loni l»avis ar.'i Mr. Kdgar Green l\.- eoe would le mamed on the 3ni >fci i.f November. l?2t The bride-to-be was b*»> ,•*«">! » the good wishes of her foer-ls who werv present. Miss Itavis ha- IIIE.h her home with her aunt. Mw . Wise.*! er Martin. Sr., in Williamsten for th« pa-t several years an.) has man\ -e i trves and here who are k--. ii ly intere-ted in her marriage. M Pace is chief of the afhalt ilepart ment of the I nitm Paving comp..o. and has b> en empioved in that ca|u eti> here for tone tisaa Bridge and rook were playeil f. an hour then ice cream m keirt -ha|»- with little cipi-i- an! ujw them with fanrv cnke- weie serve.! Th.»e inuM weie: Mrs. Kanme S. , Biggs, Mrs. A. T t'rawford. Mr-. Cur rie Biggs William-. Mr-. J I». Itigirs. J Jr., Miss l>ai-y' Wvurn*. Mt> J \\ [ Manning. Mr fc Kvj Mrs. 'harhe- Jaue-. M is- Sylvia Tpt»n Mt-s Nina rpt.«i, Mrs. KlMit I'eel. Mrs. k 11. tia«(„i.|, Mr- O I Head, Mrs. 11. M. Stuhh- Mr- A I; liuiuiir.tr. Me*. C. It. Ila>-d'. Mrs J. (i lMxlar.l. Jr.. M.S. J. S. lihoale.-. Mis. W Ik. WalU. Mrs. J W Watts Jr., Miss Agne- Itaker. Mrs. A An dennn. Mts.s Carrie iMIe Wh:te. Mrs. W. K. Barker. Mrs. Whr*i*.r Maitm. Jr., M .-» Margaiet Everett. \l >. Vel 'a Andrews. Miss Nell*- Wynne. Miss Martha Cotton Crawford and \lt ( Mnrtha Slade Ha-ell. JI Ul SS. PEEL IS COMMISSIONED AS A MAJOR IN t . S. AKMI Julius S. IVfl, Mai attorney, a ..l • icastonal contributor to the new rol » unins of The Enterprise, ta> exhib- j itiing yestei'lay to a nurriber of frierit I lis cretiea'aal- sigr»e«l In the l*r- i • lent of the l uteal Statu* *ppoi:it injf him to the rarjr of rea/• -r in th- I iute«l States Aim;. Reserve o,ip-. Major Peel volunteered in the Worid \ ar soon after the l'»lti.| State.- en t. red the conflict, as a private, be ing detailed to an officers tiaiaing * I |it nip, an.l later ptesing thiough ad! the gradm fnn smid lieutenant U> tlie present ran kof major Major Peel's numen-u- frier*!- are »■ rati fie. 1 with hi' necesa in the mil | itary circles of our nation, and are iconftiient that has ambit ion- will elect him to a stdl higher office in Cnrle Ham', army before many more yean turn into history j the States with considerable swveas. I and on Wedaef rkny evening will plat ! the same shew here at the St ran.' Theatre far ear inlaitainiairnt The show is the —r as see* by h . oar boy* in Prance in every Mai 1 .. IHLS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLVE COCRTEST—TRT IT ESTABLISHED 1898. LOCAL BOY SCOUT ; TROOP HAD GOOD MKKT THURSDAY All Boys I'resent Take An lnteest in the Meeting lhe local troop of Boy SviiyU heb" i tito.r legulai meeting Thursday night with one of the be.-* pro?iMW thej have had since the troop was orgai .zed here. ? Tiw bugle call was followed by lie rea-iinK of a chapter from the Bible by the patorl leader of the Beaver pa trol. After the reading the entire troop engaged in repeati'-g the Lord s pra\»-r ami then each and every bo., mul one paragraph from hus Scout h.u«t book. remin.Ling every boy of -onie* good turn that would be Kelp iul to them and other-. After the rea.linc an art.cie was read bv Scoutmaster ljlle> in regar-fc. lo the purchasing of the Seoul uni form. of which is the duty of ev ery Scout to wear when sn the Scout ! activities. This meeting "as one worth whi"e an.l we are going to try and make the next one bett. r. and as we have .-aid before, with tie cooperation of every Scout ami the town at large, we can make thi - one « f tTie !»>t or ganization, that exists today. and with Ttn 1 imnrfif trrterest ami acttwvty that has been .-howti by all the mer>ber«. this ideal is now nearer in sight. Boy Snutj of America. Williaiin.aton Troop N'o. J illKUl ILIM. ol tin: NEW INULsIKIES •1 ' leceni deOMon oL tlie iate II v oiiuut rce coinliuteion which ,-iiiie.. tlie VilgliUa ian»a> ln'tiitK-krtl to _ cvO>lrurl a uiie ifiiitr Ui i»ti Icuui mtiK*a uti tin* tLal U;e:i: di« alr\-aii) Urn naii) .-vU wti uu«c» lin tiperaliun, cat neti a umi ■ .-age to tile thinking (► t n.lcr tlr "public cv>n\eiuciuce jh iim'.iMty" pi in. i pie, r«Klatoi> lw«iir». U*ti -late an.l national, tia.e p!ohlt»- iU.i the building ot coUipetllig pubic irwlitj, aii.l 11 aiisportalioEt line.- wl.ere a'ln|ttatc sin ire was aliea.ly being tendered. I lie theorv Eoi tn» wa. I that if the .-tatea regulated ra!o u I public utilities on oi.e t.an i. U*l a; I .-o -Jixuld plotetl then. against ttrol | l-.-,a or uiijat competition on the o. lei ait well. !' The Interstate Commerce curnuu -i..n lias gone a ,-ttp furtie-r ana vir tually .tented the right of an iiwluali\ such as coal wining to open up a new property. On the same theory it might deny a common carrwr per i Sunt tun tu build a .-pur into a wheat country, a fruit -ection, an new saw I mill or a new mitie on the grvti. I.that theie wa- an over prouuct.au •> J the commodity which contemplated new development. It would seem tliat tlu> is a dan gerous precedent to establish. It onl\ iiu-ani di.-couragement of new bus ■ me.-.- and eventually a shortage of mtaiui commodities with resulting high pricee to consumers. The eon; nii.-sion'ii act may have been justi fieil in the present case, but it dtould not hav e the power to piace its judge m»-nt above all others in sa) lag what new industry nuy be built up. . NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR Having this day qualified as the ad ministrator of Woodley Thomson, de ceased, this is to notify all ptu«w having claims against the said estate to exhibit «me to the uodenugned " within twelve months frta the date of thv notice, or this Mice will he plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to tha said es tate will please make imnardiaOi pay ment. This the 15th day of Oct.. IKS. J. W. ANDERSON. Administrator.

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