IARMERS, WILLIAMS OX IS THE H-ACT TO SELL TOUR TOBACCt' TKY ONE OF THE IMH SU HER-: VOLIME Z4 MUBr K «l FHOMiKtiVi LOCAL COUPLE WED LN NATION'S CAP! 1,. Marriage Was Surprise To Their Numerous ~ Friends Hero I Tbe foUowiajf aaMuauocU e«JI te Btad with interest by the nun wh -£neads here of tto jxwng roufOe: Mr. James Kotort Kot*it»«c announces the of hi> teit Miss Sylvia Sa»B&-lft«i to Mr. X. Cartes Gieeo on Thursday, October tto e«|rbteerith nineteen hundred and twenty three Washißftoa, D. G. At Hon* a'ter November first , Wiliiaimston, X. C. They were manx -i in tt aslt>ei;t-. D. C, witih caly a !ew iraaar iia.t itdatiivn. of the br>K .In Green left Sunday iin a visit to h aunt, Mis- R- P- H.ac fer a fev da>s ami Mr. Green left We*lr • i: afternoon jt ii ioc ber in W as.' ai V * and they were marhfs Thurrdav The mar rvalue is a surprise U» : main:, friemb- tore who aperte-; 1 to marry la'er in the faiS. .4 i. t • i* the second daorfeter of I Mr. a»i Mrs. Fiet .Sjaiofl»-( | and a Bicre of Mr. J t K« .T t with vht nt she has r-js.lt *f~ t-t since the death o ker pii»at . from the htjr.? ■ hiJ ami ?>K»k a secretarial fcsrse n R'(h .and Since t'al t.we J* i een with the IV p". i'ank- i-"n • 1 oiie of the s*(ft*-" aM ft-e.-t jriiy »on « n of the tewn aud rmr ;t '. tto love ai*i icspee! cf a ■ «-t ■?«.« timjte friofiv Mr. Green, who is t?e r.ly f.r c * Mr. ami M -. Je .-e Cnaa. ; • m p*et»njf the William.- «... lieN ch'ol Miise fin -S*«l in (SHiWms at I'w.r- kr ;- e. a d 4-« that time has teen as bn>i keeper for the Hzrr -■« W V ec> rwnpany. He as a ;.n.ar niaa o' . t'lility and » he' t ir. tke nit 'e-t es teem hy alt who kr».« bm They It ft Wi hmr>i >» -vnh« *« » New Y- rk, where they wii- r;«it Mn Green's (rrandmoeher. Mr?. L B. ?arr,- iiels for several days before their re tan to Wi!!ianftm. HORSE SEN>E "*"lf you work for a in iieav •n's name work for *iel If be pays wages that >«-*. >-«r t»rea and butter, work for him. |ak wei. of hira, think well » to. aUad b; him. an»i ,-lan.l by the u>stlaieri L* reprv-senU I tbj.i if I arotked fc a maa. I would work for ku.. I wouUi Mot work for tun p_it «f hi r time, but all of hi* tine I vsah give ait aadivioed service or mm If put to a pinch, as aote of loyalty is worth a poun4 of tVime»-. .1; yoa muat villify. ot. aaa aad rter nal!y dL-parxge. why—rtsiga yoor po -rjon. and wbeai j*a aie uut«.-*. .larrx to your heart's o a;e-.i But, 1 pray yoa, so long as you are a part o an in*Utation r da ace natow it. Nc that yoa will iajare tto kstilaties * not -that—bat wfaea you disparage th* concent of which yon are a pert. y». .1 -parage yurndf." , By using high grade Te&aco gas* liae and Texaco aartor od. you wfl stow jrMor -tone swr* Ttore ar* w»JJ take the place of ttoaa. Ran it with Texaco gasriiae. aaai save it with Terar* wiitar eO.—eir. 1 • town Ttoraday h tto torn* of X '■ THE ENTERPRISE LALIJU KI.: LI ANI.J.U.- ,iC KIKII"UGA.V S£K% K KS AI r kbUJLHf.U tLLL SI NLA ; ! taapaici V. Ui v aaltrne IhiKgi. Neat Hctb Teat Ha> Ura Grantl? Ma'tn. I - * j Tbe CiMbkl Kui.rii l■ |aity >• ! IHliwi. S. t-, oa last Sur.h> _ began a BWCiif at Itieisccviik. a.»J £Cvo atinkiancb aaie teea es>-)«: al tjui fiaca the It «ill br- R£wea>i« "«J th.-! I.e.- Mr. and has party mere a: ILjn lltc:. in Slay, an.' tfc j iui) friend are glaii of aa>:rer oppvrtu aty to hear them. Tbe Ca"d*ell Kv. npelis- Uc i«tity dkl audi rwxi hi th ' liain iiUn sortwc aijea they cinii :Cr.l a two week " sernce then last -pnn^ 1 a») tbr.i psfrfwe aa- .fii 111 .til tM*. of the (ouil) U> r.'>pe for Tit. saa»e >atn»« afl Ksie:-o. >il' at '.£*> e- .«>w at Haas.itwi . With the »Mikt-ul evpeiit re Mr CaMari! is *.*- -t*j f is the « va« jtdLti fie'd as fee Cflr^wL- rant|uifnis fee 1. rmtli lap'A rjr a an evuapplt - . a*-t eaea fee tirst Intui. the w* ?h a ft* years »:'o } e ».i! a r.' sati«, a r 'i c* .^nurifc-i th" un«nviW-'- a'ter.tiwo of ti.e la.-wst aaifiirues, !:• w tinjes "o icswe JL his e\;n.r •e-.ee L-ar rea ir owpfrjt.r. «)til. Mr. Culilae!!' stra:ight-fn>T sen.io •H ** fafr*- with k m a of -in •♦fv who are *e«> efficient' in. the. '.. I ha* which aob iraeh t« the aura- lt«ere-» of his waif.•- «■ - ami tho.r who enjay p««l >»?»« will «lo »i' to attend br* rertmr- at K. hr^ «ii «. ahirb- will eootims an thmar) . WI! »«k The Cahiwell [ait " fea\e rtllajr> *be»r tent ar i auale ««ther infpnoi. | Tirti nr*e their iwytnf at II.:m 'oa, itd vkvia'r aernmint-l.i'io' V.r larrer aaijme- than ewer left ■» aow a>a laMe | it RIAL OF M«nHER ■•EIERRKI* % MONTiIJ St\ ANXAH. Ort IT.-V. i. O I f't?', ~4. «i«ed llis nw-m.nc. hj. v. »' j not be konel for a m-mth. .SJ* Ii:. I •n r'» - raaapriij. Brazil. wlbi has a i risH she wiT aHervi th, funeral. T:« will be WI until she ar.ne*. j Thi *.-.11 be tbe autVlle of Xaven:h» r. j Thirty ui ataie* mum ha»e a t?s | «a lasoiar to pnnidr for w«a-; liuiltl j Wf. Tku -Uxiaf if aH>l»i on th> I pracifde of -fayintr a- }«.u p.," o toag away with wau of buxL-.. w«okl aaake at possibte to ■bolish t HfutntMe tax in alaonc every u.:e in'ere t payncrt on borxl* amuuit' t-> ««e tbaa tto anraaal roarJ rott~. Leap From Windows To Save Themselves FLYHOITH. Uo 17.- V!i , HI; IVei. «aarhser W L. A. IVe., r'llj !tor ?*»«. ML* BeuUh aasj jcaaght .» tip ro» ! «) bmm« when fire iles'.tjtd tV faaady R Mcoce and hxi 0 le p fita a Mt«ai twy «u>lu ».» sa\e tUabtin*. They were- amakcoe« by IHe rook, who fint alio 1- I tlie Mare. Tbe darkey broke her *> in fiaai tto wiadow w'u* Mi*i Feet upraised her ankle M*i* Hani toH ft*" the pareh akj tufTere-' as Hiiau iajary. Oil*. *n-mber - »f Ihe tody were kn r*/«ir ant! est eared with sm iajwry. Fi-emen M **4 wa«k ia |W«atj ; «he j fnas ifiiaiai, hat «*rr ukiU-: inj i ? - COME TO VHIUMSTOX TODAY • ILU.ULSTUN. • IN Utl NU. XOKIU CAROLINA. FRIIhVY. OCTOBUK IS is.'* DEAIH RAT E FiiOM TUBERCULOSIS vIT HALF iN 10 i kAi;^ Why Not Finish the Job In Ten Mom \ ears; Is Now Ur^ed "No taber.ibi.K]. >a No;: •. | iu b to be tto i jhy-a | in the light ag-ascii* tabrica as«s I the next tea jur&. A pstgi».n wi h | such an i *«•!! ii 'a un-• - jkt •: »" Ai a n«ittcr « tKL !o lie sirp.ic.! ■t .otiuli aVarl; M )«■> sgi. n«> t*ie If fai.hiiaily wt_rk It i?-g w:th *l* ■*«!>«> ti-ai lo> tne ci rv ual pnntauto lot*nrui. ?»s that the nam**? in the Matt (ouM be eat in id!. 4«.; thi iis wh_t has hi*n «w- Tee -a.; apo. in 1313. there «t-ic «.**»» deotk | front tik.iiJai.-: ie i;C! Ji...- nai.i I her hot! beea redcap*** ZJSC9. S>» grab £"> tag- feave tee--. the it suits oi eurness «si«r., - ,a the pa,-; !im ir»tuc>r.g tbe • «.f ' "ro«n skut » i *t: - pun.vului f> u u* H-lctuki tieLi'. are ewuatar • yi -e out finish the &k X-t t"a* n > i> work?t or gr »>sp »: ielr- th that tkf.: •«* eCort nch a J-» r.ui («■ it.' in t/* «t narubt-r »f }farx bet J* > that w.th toe fad! cer^ch-.rO a i. ti support ca the guar! «f f»ai» i cou-.'.KRi, ami Tier- eft -- . U>» . a t'.Uvelual, znnJU cits » '»- - al-! th_n tbx*-«- iiwt'v can lie bt-nytbt abu V.. Fa.: far t! * -vk thrn:fi»t! ts»"- S&s:'*-{.at •* m t.»n jrr oKfair^-I tfere»agh -.be s Je'.of T #■:( CWs~'*■»'—« *»ah Mr . I ikr latnfc. «« ft irrrm-i >»f thr Or lies Sea! f«.j VtUsmlei • • f| -iwnlr aasn— btr I ■•wirrtrt tf- of pvwr.tln*. TOM ;RECN V VK'vS INTERESTINI. TALK ON SOILS x People Intei-cstcd IpJ de salts oi linpiOVinK the Soil LENOIR, X. C, Or.. li-Tlir.. years ar«. T«e Gaeem. a fart ei> r,- Uusct UKty I**scp»J! w*a I «mj .: r> | one of tue |»» i» t fit a» in Ki: -a i Cm-t rrf «t l». \« !:• ers, cvMSaty area! for tilflmx-?. ty. "It I•>« atfise- :J! c. »K»eh was bu..ty afxi a T. A. Aaiivir-, 44* Shut frtin «) Mr. Greea cuaie fct fnirobaae, ukUr |e>i that lu- a> • }• ..r+r ti Ae, - j living an tine piit*. : uki «a *r«.i *r-n' |to \ irjrinia Tie fc»'l rere* Jiwra a»,jr itras « - w '*(«*.» of a* I I kiwi laiadiaM) »ft» r jr»tSj»i~ }• | «>>»•, Mr. ■»« a ran• to ir.r •• | fee ar«l >i»l tktf fce icuteii me * 1 Mp him fe farm, j ~rhe Set tbor «« U,-ju4 ne-essa?- wa» to pnffii) IrtTu* tie m'tirat f! ioml We !k«a 'iatiM. fe-1 an.! pbnM akMt f«wr vits (f s brtii. J!r. Greej, huir4i4 12 Ut'-I eb of Ww f»r iri* ntk a IJfJ Giaat bear, hamster ijvd *ftt- potj tJ»r tike me,. ksTai uc podf W to the sod, he save*, lie fitid to *■»>•. and red thwi. Tie re-» ts atir tr.; j fatbfwt'-iy. Jtr. i.twt w* 1 ouari So ants of k;« farae 10 pa>r beans, pra... a>4 dwtr-, a d h)s lb. by the aw of lane. VrtJ aera, beau-'. pea»S ilwu > JTmnsei. arid his be: harreaCer, he is W"*f to afr.i« 'fee eatiire faraa "After imt'rtiat tbe «M atebat he mv baa a aaae bame ••erhard. Kr has 7 cam fraaa vbifb to mhe a SS* ana cbecb ptf BMtk II» has twm hrato Mm fno wbkb h MNri taut »crtb of p*e- COiTON CONTINUE WITH BIG DELiVERiI.b > Better Sew ice Kenderet! , By Dciiart ment This Year 1 Moot Jay ik thf l> day In Cx i hLton cf I. l * N«. rtk Ourclmn OttoL t. rover? Ixopefiiive • ~ -i"*rTa? iiffi vi 'J, 1 recxi|»t> cf IJTZi' laie* m, ctV . tun. llcpc-;fe. f vftt «-%r v* , ! cottoo t:» > i >caie jrss^^i ! | fojifi.jence in ire suae *l, > j Terminal ion or. pnrt «f ihe bhtj i }er>h.p id drliiver tLexr f>.:Un. 3he flenVa! forr? ef ;he jf. jing depaltTMt is e" ir j nukiriji flick :.!» ti"e ::srmber> f r - libtribnlian >» neoyw. «•- j . taple cf the IKI ci ,y t -' v hiie ii will t_r»* several .Lv; ; i m . I " I work. »Se rteck- are | i i®f out a- ra|ii.!ly [«» .£•*«- tj; - « | ally ail mfmher> of f ie a - -e* ati -- ; . *ll urnierstanil. t!u.[ e et>" ;'* '' mm! le written evarrred, re.. -I#- ] ' ari l signed—thu tale- a !-! it '.ior i 1— t -*t: on t. c r hk I RH-Et n-n wo>:i in pot ! Ii I ii'-.; c»! ;.rd ill utol r oan r'% --, i' i' a"n. >r ur !ivi «wer a -".ea:i: uvi - . T, is jca- t"-;e •'••tnrlaifrt h.. : ' t le lh:r«i fl «>r oC :ilc tt rrM 1 u *Ol r. with prwpeily - *> • ■ li rlr*. >ri» th«; «» f-rr. • Liy tue I-jit tla'-ii»f as»i r i-lns; ruf-ii'.i ;n the swuth. le ' "rtifc. iU ; •cLaan* dfpatnir' t *IT. located at the 'c» mer t'o'Uee an,| Foatu i hirwt- in I"V.rV t* .r, pn»m}' ,ly da-sinr a"-tic lw I" r i rfaMm th»- riaadaf .th|a-lra> vj. ; far he'" -rvl at thi* tiiw »«.' i. JI l*. 'lind ei»»> -i-V-!. - b'y tv. rn * r «»f n i- , u.Tw-ieii. umfer '-f e _v-e-"i ...-, I «. ; -i ; j»"vp«'r and p o: iy i? j j tl.vJr work, •' I i Ti- iia.«n the '!z.ss -r "* «".i«e it j e reports uti i Jt'. a . r-i » • -i I l' , ; jpiwmpt!/, ei«l i > !•:. :lf ■ ' t men' t > .-a t * L/m behind w.-n th.- cl , , J lie lemt maitrl pn-spj;; .' •« el! i | it. arehou.-es atwi c"a- ,n -e«-: I :i/e being ler.t bc.-k I. i.«- It.'.Ser tiiat trv- a,:. *. e j :a t„ r Ie! according to rr sV ! Last at this t. .'.t 1 (tot. of the as ».« * ! .it alnto t al! (otw v * «. I ! ■ -aim over Sft car «4!a«j j.'an'jhr *>Ti »j»!» tnel. • '".x'M'el • st >x» time an>i etr f » r p*ac-* Je»l xsgainist the saswu'jp •»;:-! ' rijuli a* F?.)rt'.e.i W y: «- •_ !«!». ] lard the a- a. «a iv jm.-ike .-hipt f>u •« H.lwar. \.-r I f«.!k arwl other peii/ i». Ha-^ir ■ i:-artr»er. Tha- year, the iraKSr « ,fr ir- ' 1 'lorti that not a ? • «v»"ir hisj ; be--« pr-nl tat on t « nilroa«" • I' - o"T!re or >tonmi* Mr re * forts that up to thv tfr • ~~ re ka-f j not le»-B a siarte ease o" ** j ! There have lieen no "ki \ " f ae \' r I jfii iincifa virehw« •_ ■ fr :e- j j«(n« and the larjr- til". ] | |v,;ni«.« !tre re*iy Jar -.»■r* ca'lifrl I for rr.ore wh>>- j-_. - a* 1 -j t v i" time they were b? -». - i"--* tm'- jfu 'Vpartmr.t to le? ar -«■* ' -h p fnetita. Mr. a!»l Mrs. W. F. %ae of New t York are *f*«»diE.'g ray S r* t* Wi!- laiWtUL , j : - each year. He zk« to' a nice ft of hews which briag bin a handsome li tte inronae. He and his ?ara£y w. ' "V uafanf an iadfpndtt! !rvi&g and et» ft! the same tiase to»sr-e iip the.f farm. What to is i»ix ce tbe ,«4»" 1 worn out Andrews farm i- tbe ti.IV o~ tfee pec pie of tto eatire noma Wr iiALE DID NOT STOP MAYTDiE FESTIVAL! iA\ C rowus Hi-avc- V iaie 'iV Attend I 'crloimances of SheeSley Shows v i The t.in »vo pafc*! ik4 Wat er : ; is f u ntki to coec »i'S • -tionjter than a mere -SO mile ctAi rw«i "easier *.o nuke !I amiroe- it- s ihuux ineir fire |!.u s they an i Mi piMwrr ben'. in a K r "' cau-e. it t.ik ( - a np:.' l.tii\ar.| t.> c.«l I if: t i■ » 1 -onj*' • » • This »»- iW-iiiK i I , las'- Ripht «J.en kuntircib , i !?rav»il t"»« cH:l! h':s.»t- on the w. -i J I wuy st t::c Matt n«' f «» Cr:- j ' j ii.ii llin in nil. N«. '"». P. V.. I • * » j*» K, at '"■O.h nr.il • aiun* r u»«ib-« ' liia;-]; p- bcE«U>i i;i h»tv; • i rrtj'j ani niafflpr l -. r tie lln" (aieip . I »r »i ! tiie Injr Ferris * a«l u.i t j!iier riJcs of ll e Greater Sh»*sV- I S-i.ow-, and vudted "h.- ..';»»«. k«r ; :r the "barter*" bu -> rjr«! the | l i i.". •.emhet s :-ite a e .l- ( ! sV.if i nvkdl the l-nr tmt. a- • --. .. m| guy ?»pe* !« »hrFi i-kt 1. • •icr:nf on a \e**-l in a hunl !• j * • * The llrrjter Shi's!- yS' oi j • tit-np icrommrikM a- if* ' • I T l scul most moaler- of Mtikm.u! | this sca -li. * ' if! J-hn J! i -S' -vley I■ o:,-- of the prm*-' mm-' •»il# Sh w men'.- hfi-ljtit* commit ' • e whwh has f«r it:* aim tie re « j j i«r «f l!* tented of all U: j • i«-?inti»le feature- and («!|o*rr- : j ij the iiarel welfare of »-i*f. 'l ar«' :l I public. riili'r .bow i- re?pk- ('• j etit, with fresh, l-r cM ;• r: ar»-i s! 1 ' I »• Lake County |lntL» 1 in*j, ilj.ußuc.. , May !♦, lirZS. j j OAK CITY HKiH j SCHOOL SKNDS I'LTiLS lO FAIK 'lieprcoenUii 111 J miviin^r Contest at Kaleiirh .This Week Far use pa> ( thi-e year- .nur . h. j !ret hx. (« n iw>» :i m Ihe aijiiu' J i jadjf.nj? (WiUs! at tV North I Jr.» j ill-a SuU- fair. The rontist b*.- i i:i . ize un'il now it i- leran*-1 the ooulat of Ok.ad » j the SKUth. The number of- m !>•-. ! textiiriK vwallonal airriraltßtr la ; "so in uuniLrr ui>!il r, I ! become nece ■ -ury to limit the- i.-?. - I •»/ of c fi'astanW from each i i acbool. This year over s.xty fi*«- i.. i sch«.oL- are a: the ."fr 1 j fatir. At each sch «J u> a j»nr; ran • j >r, coniest to rlxl team- for t>, j ( oMKfel. lor She |m-( I ( Ht>i - i * I boys have been noikine hard j«-rpk ' i'X for the contest arwi in!ere I j Imi . howu in liw- |>r> iuiuMary tv. j test a I the boy* l.ke w ! Tinrh to make the Ir p fj.-h boy ha.- j ben c.rk :■ srhai-l fnr .i ptaee >.» tl> ' ieim The f(.iki«ir( boys h**»- k»*n eW«- jt -l i.rnake the trip to Raiert: F-»r farm crt>|.-: Knot H** ' •e*i. Oyfe Maonicr ami >or*» Hai*- lip; for Tu»i7.rijr lire «t*k: lji« Kti-eri'lpe. Whe*l» r, ffer ei» :mI Nor man llarreli centtst a beir-y keM at N. C 'Stit* cortere, where the key . are the jpje*t« of the college for tn>| ibys. Skrfiiiifr ({Barters ha re beer, j pnp-iM a! the college: boy - can at- j «o receive their mead* at the- nfo»e ! •hninr hall. ' A pri» will be awanfe-i the tasJR 1 mskinir the kifha* row, uui alio V. | | the iadrv.Jual boy making the kifk e-t score. The con teal eo*a*ts i* ItICILLI %YT REttrilOM KIB THK M-H I K.UIIKUS Ok" U ILXJ%M>7I»\ SCiltMli liwor of Mr. and Vr . A. li. I'u"- Bis* M a«- Itr Nen*- uf \ er» lauiah> 5 air i (hi -a-t nrtwig from ei(»hi until "Sever? «'r»k a: Use hon:o o' Mr. _&i Jlr>- A. l> I'u?«i'inp the it>- cal reciter u' the factd'.v of t«e : i. -rh- o v ei ti.« |i jv »■ l««s caiuier- of t!»- faculty i-»i Mi>. M. J. uiu* Sup |« . r t Hai »!» i> a rvfe-il • w>Sf t w»th a renql«iL 1 j Ta;-; w_. e: ,»! (•* n»*t U.-tm-" '• t-.t-ngf. of "hr c«-l I'fe of the t«»\\i | a!«l «rr a ..r jm»|i!e r ilinl i ; rimet thie teariici . ■ Tie li-iir*. - of the h n • m- en Ij. cv»: by !'#■ prof ils. ■ n«( fall flow J«r. li ry-ti.l va.-es anl bowls. it S th»* !a i»« n*« in! dahlias were u > j very j ■«» !j |xn.k JahUi- »i-! |«..k at • ; "actively a.* :ai roi ve.e a prrti; _j-l f-r tie lin r !*■ T. the- •uetßft liuSia- »iili fe j *ere u?e*!. a latv*- !*•*! formini* ti j «•-.»».-p -«r the table, j The »•« met at the ■!•»-• j l»y )lrf. tt II llam-11. one of • mo-t BMirbri if the faruhi . an-i * ho ha- ler si on tic faculty lon-? , • -t. -"he .ft'n«l'jci--l tite-n to His i , IVrmc. «i»o pi.»e»ted thi rii to tin • - in the iwv - line. The ot'i " f »r- rei titlk loreivinjj j «rnr: Sapr. an-l MM J I'avis. \|lv- \iu llait -iit hi. M' i (a!ad> - | IVnjais-i. Hi-.' Kraw*.- Thomas, M MaSa Mitrtaii. M'*. A. V. Jo>n. r, I Mi* C il llr*. J I. V j mirt .J! C Sb an«l llr. Miles I - • ttuliT. NU-o M.rrsn* Mamiim- anal Pat (liw the- i • l»-I the rtie-u fn r j the •» JM vheie *«•> ari-1 i- C-. c2ke» w»?o by M« m-s EIIi-u I MJU-, ke . I'a'tie K-l i»fwi> I lasiff.- Iloyt. laum Or leant-. J!ai.# lii**n, M\rt!e \V ■ tine • jar-l Sade IVr-;. Mi.-*e_- \elitia llai i ik?«>w tan Cor «2- I« IV-el fia el pink ■ ar.-: white in r.t.. | I»s*r «r '!»• laUer part of t'.e ev- Sry lif«iaiiui. I , | -1•-.! w f'.h •+«eiai solos. She lut I a •»iMee aid l«er sinfhar « ... | r'eatfy »>i«! Mi-# laura Orlea-i I aVit -aak » lef attrwriive manner. Tin *-»• the (iM r*wjiti«Mi of i* ! .-■»! that la- -rtunoi hi Will-aiiL-lon iin -eiefil )»sr-. a'") it v.a- enj.> -t •by »F! th -who atte»se«l. the-. ha I-- . ' j i»'e as •* {w.Jt«iiy to meet tlie mem i ber- —f ivii own -ebool faculty *■ ■■ c ally. j el MHI .villi \Il |.S U ihe turrisi hi im ii K» - A- V. Joyner. pa-b.r. Sui»'a; jchaol t« 4a a «a . J. Anderson, «m> We hav« a school —it can CT lb*- -r.aair letter if yu mill «.nly M|. (Vat a»l fu»l your pi;:ce in tlie ar * t - .tie- of our cbiaijrh. .>« is»k by tfcf pat-tM ! 1 a. m. 11. V. I*. I" ■«*» tig C I*, j . m. Ser»n ki the (a-U>r ~"#p. m. Prayer meet l it ,Kni9«4ay eveoinr 7 ;3U. V,e extend a filial invitation U ■ iw.Aiip tri'h u« in all the service t j « f Ua ci ertk j " . ■ ■ - j |c»*s ot }«ritf. I » Llr lit- is the fii-t ime Oak City » Las 'attml the contest, they are con- . | bvl of aakitic a ere Uable show { iff. AM lie boys left Wednesday it il «f « u '.a br ready Thu if J 3> 11'jir a; for ihe content - P T Long, Arnrwtoral Teacher, Oak City Hi*h fcfc—» i iArary rocnp l - N • IB k OF .l\ MIXED WITH .TWWILITt CO LRTEST—TKT IT LVTABUSHED I8»*. iALUY COUNTY I IN IHE STATE IS WEEVIL INFESTED Last Free County Re ports Presence of the Pests KAI.KIi.H. IXt. i>-—-It u iwk-.- ; iur ti««» c>»t*»n finaw of Caro • iiiu to ever a.~k acair.. "is lie *«* \il in nsy locality V He is T»- pert is now in rver. btilsl) wi*-ie co t,.u t.- givwn, in N«Aa I *relJj. «>far a-> *e can (says l*n»f. Krankliw >berraari. in . I'iurge of insect work for the ;»tai* lvputt«ne*t «.f Agnru!- ture. Mr. ShfTiiuß ty.iv thuii. tLcu Uie | ikvutittg w. j t'a of I-*— fiufeimd h> | published -n if. e -ft.-*.tiuU. tiie state *i. nrlia")' cwwifil nlh tin possible cMtfitwa il ( uiistixk coun ty , ami that ?»«ri >p*ranw*» ti>>. l en euml !r m acra*> the Virgin ia line; but ii«* Vfai> art, many farmer* * :-*« a- later ii»i Aontdl to know if tre »«■> I »■-*.» picsent in the ir tec t-«. "During tht? wvarr, tf have re ceived several spmrr«r»i> fsosa Curri tuck which *a.j Ik ■■».!) iwM) Jefi with a iltit in-owr buinl-, a}> I'rot. Wf ia*- al**- iwein.tl pn:m(»i iswai; otu. U'anrß a.n>t «t*r ««j tbe b»r»ier'. In ITZZ. we |C in Otfrwett w-fcere "nllM folk» wy Ihrie in 11W a—> we found lb' *anil i* \ !ip*u. Mil of t 0.--well, swo;«• {'•-*"■ nul«. ej>t of lfctiiv ilie. I'uriOjr tre »«i .. lalti.er from IVftll «■»!) sol It ViKtkli to ray dffin. "The other «£ay I n in the far uway. Duiulaitw t*M)> of Oser®- lif w here I -m a iw of cotton i»> j a ganlen heme (lima to tuf irmt J tresses aiui the like. ExSBtUUBg thr [ J rutton I »• rui"! utr a >im sjee j imn- of the mnrtt! !Se i*jfW I cot ton i.- irtfr 5' laifie- in Cieot ! iria. The. e *»**. it* are r? * ;* «*i Jin l'fi ■ State r»tikr| oev_ Ae-. we ha\e j -ome »fl lk Vlr iaie t : ♦ in ! everywhere tfcat «yi£Mc 1- *r- «t " \ll| M. S > l:l)IIUTIL> • i'i.i:t>i; I.UUL .11 MIAO. .VI lUL SIKAMi IHUTIiK The Mtiari»f Theatre ««.' tl-e .-eefae night of «&e "f tie be.-", -how- fliN |>l' r»*T«r-I air V. 1 and the .fir»f -a jw« taeUl U»- umlitulel «» ». of tie jje and leIMW from j-fart to 6ai*&. 1 i*e manager, Hi J tt . Hulk, Jr., ir|» iK->l tiwr h».W anile a t-.filLfip mi ie, • ntitie>i "Tfeetanw.— whirli. ! !• rillir.g aivi full of Mriot fn-nt the Jl» .-u.mBK to She ai«i wa.- «-«■ ■ *>f lie many naK; pwwl picture? Mr j Watt- ha- I. ...ke! for fcfc tlejJt*. j l'uil>/»inK tie (wttfr pari of tite j |>rnrraii! for the angfcrit eane Young'* KrieolitMs, vk> "Oh, Yot V. ilil> al." a play oririsa".«d it K iiv-- 11»> tl.e hoy sof the Bbt Jiviate, «se j.of whom fce4-ajr> to lie trwf arxi •itrccU the play. T>e t>-*T praenlf-l *cene- »f army life is Fiaarr, an{ »> playe»l k a Hoop %f ecaprtent atars, who kef« tie aalwac« at a hijfh plrh all '!jr»r tW pfeseetatioii firsl with a thrill aaxl tSro with buMT+> ter through. Oi* Mtirp ifcow. ' Willum.4aa tnealrv fwerv appra ! ate l the effort of Mr Talli to pve i William -toa fcijffc ria» itm, wUch Hp ha* been wiy MMM I in doinr | in the part, dor t» h» h—lwlge of the theatrical MU mi s*mdv of the atuartiaw tfcat are mtuf the roDitry. , Mr. aad Hrv Ur Iaa0» am to Kaletigh Oh iatlL I