»AUUB& WILLIAMSTOX IS THE IfJkCE TO SELL TOIR TOBA'XU TRY ONE OF THE HOC3LS HE!;- VOLIIiE 24.—M HBI.K ,2. THE RED CRObS HAS GOOD RECORD FOR I'AiiT \kuAU More Relief Work Done In the South Than ; Ever Before Tbe west aad ooUic«r. can «-»■ j laager boast a monopoly on tom :j>c Hoods, and the mar.y other little pr-* | i joku Mother Mature ts |M«ne tui I pUy M poor mor aU. In spile «-i » | weevil, tboiUge vi niu -n j iTftmr. :Ai too nuach a> oU*.i s, t year's crop oi serious tiii&Kc-'s in ' J sotfih f- ff*p : fnoraUy will tt> -' | of the mart de\ajUt(4 «ir-» « coontry. j Figures gieuaed irom 'hean . | itpoit of the disaster work o. Ued Q«k received V&day, W"' ' tTi actrities iron June, IK2 Us Ju j.»a, the* that m the twelve m period there have been i fc.i j otskitoii ceaoltitg from -.rriiSf fie , s / I a&J floods i the south, »h:. ■ millions tf doiiars in par,.- j Crty, took a W at many liv*, as. - hjiuy -to iiuklmi* of p«s>-: H*-, The year has beet, one of li e »!- i most unprecedented isataral ola-.i-j Sies of Andersoa, S. C-» u I i*y.n itaks *-» d b_s t.—* the expenditure by "he e!pnii»i;OT me**- *" r K - T l« lie thu> tan- - o |e->plc deprived o. * fwi fMtrr. aon ief desii:-t. vnijout nißwg by a i« «a t.ck «. f nature. Relaef given, it t stated, wi. j administered in anvn with l- > j poucy of the Aiaenus hps I nsi: was in every w#wnt bated n t: - , ariuai Melt of the indiviriuaL Meataoaed among U>e more aeere diasstcr.- which tbe Red Crass kii e tended relief m the Lst vtar jue: th: destructive fire at New Ilem. X. t., December 1, wrfckh «!estr*»>el ever S-. 500£uu'0 w«rth of p ope * y and k- : i XiMu people the ha I to.rr . af AuirJSt 3. ISr*i wfcacfe I- r t ITS at: ■lie- k«*4e>- of An-lrr-oi:. S_ C_ ir need of nneuair relief: the More Haven. La™ 1W.4. whkt baai. 'ed o% j er 150 hmy*' the little town «f Hair lit. wbk+. was visited by two trmSc ijUuaeo i» ** n.any mo«U. wipina oat practically the wfcole ow-. awl tbe t«.raa>!o hvw. Tet.n . dnatttif a large sc j i tm of tbe ci'jr. kffflng 'wwty pew ' pie and iajvricr • - " ' THE "SEASON ABLe," EXECUTIVE -•*. ——• -Tbe ■aajerity of busmies* men ap-, pear to be 'fair weather' sailors. The; j mmk* auaey oaly aur.tr cne staw. y • i af lk bwieess cycle—the period of i iapanarat Tkey fcpend tbe great- - er part af their business fives in marie- j iod* to cause Wd again. -A rapadty growing group—th* raal executives —have teamed to ui the gale as well as the b.eexe- They Make rapid progress wt>b tbe win*; wad swift currents that wreck tb* neighbored craft. They make aarwr p every period af tbe kasaets cycle "These 'all weather"" encativts Ibini mi' af tUa—are budding pla' sml 9t§otfMbc foncsflt/* *d fltaMly flNl iatbod tadny af Wtoff mij the hig' | Ikrr OOSL > A I ITF awnera afcaaid be pewJd to k*M that taey can gat a pa-| giie thoa d tkqr expert. Texara - X THE ENTERPRISE SALE CHRISTMAS SEALS TO BEGIN THANKSGIVING, Red Cross Roll Call Not , Connected With Sale Chiistinas Seals TV sale (rt TubemJo i» Ohrfc tin j seals for 1921 wdl begin Xcttaki ' 2J-a, ThatAsgiving day, and will liu» anal Cluuuia&. Kwl at u t Anietacaa K>ti Utt» wdl begiu a - mistice Nnta>te. liui. ai«J »... ! close giving day. fi.l >w;s U. j upeemeu rvachctl at a recv-ui Co.i --j lei once of iqm.i>atiinet of Lhe Ai.. ; encan Ked Cm* aad the Nalk.ii . ' Tuberculosa as«oaaUon. | bince there i» ao official coßuectu.. ; betweea the seal *ale cut .- paigii of tike Natiaiual Tuie:cul».. J association and the Roll Call cf V . Ame.tcaa Red Cross, both oi.iawnr.. cms would amid cwn'asMa by strkt ' »y oLserv mg different Loc.. for the : campaigns. On ariMnt of the fo.- mer of the Rcxi Cross witi. the sale of CKroima> seals, thetv still exists in the njifcls of xm* peo ple the idea thai th > are «e a». tue same, or at lei.«t related, whik a fart, they are in no way connected aie that the 1923 Tu i> rrcltMS seal sale will be the larg est in tbe kU*O of the movement Already one Bullion doilais u«.rth cf seals ia access of tbe Mai re«,uire uwnts for ISi! have br«-ti onleieu : from Natioaal beadquartrs for dla tnbntioa tkroagbout he I mlf 1 State. \>rth Carolina is one af the .several tales that are planning to put oi. . a rwcard breaking saJe- • 1 I . NEGKO *AN IHtors I'KAO ON MAIN SIKECT HERE YESTERDAY Ucarge a Ue-p«*led Calar«> laiaua, Dk> Sadden I» «*a Maia Street i , Thursday, while sSaoding in o. liur.n's f tlung sfatioa on Maini si reet I He was apparently la pofci health. *"• showed no sages of any tr.able of | any k*l. when all of a H«We» hi :*« aatd war af« - iitt a po-t he v"~- s'andiag near, aad 'di to 'he gioun . ; i.nl was pf«n«wn «lead by tbe f«r ' ! ;« reach him. George kas Uea a dependable dray- I men brie fo« a a«wl*r of j«us, an : j balds the respect af the pewple of IVillnnlia He has always been very abligiag and is daaaeol as one of the isast pdle negroea in town. His passiag is regre*t««! aot on':j by his awa race, bat by numbers o) ' white citiaeaa who came in coeita.-: ! with bssa m hi* L»J; •- about ■ ton*. | BIG BEEF SOLD THt'RSDAY ON THE LOCAL MARKET Mr. *. B. Daakls saijrs he thinks be baaght the heariect beef yesterday ever aeM ia Villiams&oa or Marti' county. The beef dressed ljf>s2 lbs. 2nd the bide weighed 123 paink. The ret price paid was SIMXHL The irpwl pas a Red Pole bull and was rawri aad htfehend ia Ber j tie uiaary. Tbe heaviest beef said on | the m il' markwt befotw this, weighed Ijm 1 ■»! , ®_ | Ooaae ta YTiffiaaaatra aefere yea bay. . The n ipuli ii kraut factory in W Caaefty Agoad Jefca B- Steele says the hdaby briag freai |?li. ••• to S5M«* af aev anaaey iato the i - " WILLIAMSION. MAK IN COUNTY, NOKIH CAROLINA. FKIDAY.-OCTOBER 26. 1525- CHILDREN'S HOMI. SOCIETY WANTS MORE HOMa Has A Number of Chil dren Ready for Per manent Homes - . Ibe Chiklna': H«.n>e society oi 1 j North Carolina, of Gneensboio, an-' uouue-es they have tbe following chil dren for adoptioa: Four boys three years old. One boy two years old. / Two boys four years obi. Two boys six years old- One boy seven years ola. Two boys eight years old. Two boys nine years old. One boy ten years obi. Oite boy eleven yehrs old. I Two boy babte* six ■MHIIII O\I I. One boy baby om month oki. One girl one year old. One girt two year old. Two girts three years old. Four girts six years old. Three girt* seven years old. Four girts twelve years obi. Two girl babies six months old. The following qualifications are re quired by the society: First: Feeder parents must agree to give children full advantage of thr educational facilities of their com munity. Second: Foster parent* mu-«t b members of church and Sunday schoo' and agree to unite the child to both. Third: Foster parents must fur Bi. h three (31 references as to re liability and general fitness to prop erty raise a child Tbe children we offer are dpsiiti bk >n every way and worthy of the very best homes in North Carolina Our : t.indard does not require wealth but we do require rterling character Address promptly. Children's Honv Society of North Carolina. Inc. Gi ■'•enshoro. X. C. AI'PLE lt»M ACE MAKES A YKKY GOOD FEE Thousands of tons of apple penuici are going t» waste anaually whic' mi>rltt profitably be turned into 'k« for wintering cat'ie. says the Unite-. State- Department of agi .culture Studies to determine the fo«l vali: snd t«st methods of utilizing this by product from commercial ckler an* vinegar mills have been made by 11. i depart meat. When the moist apple pomace cai be used fresh or ensiled tt yields i succulent cattle food comparable witi corn silage. Hie quantity can be use in this way is limited, however, l» cause of the relatively high cost o tnuutportation for material havitvj such a high water eawtiat. Its must profitable utilrzation de 1 pends upon M* presereatioa by deli 1 rat ion aad producing R as a com me rial food- In feeding trials with deir> cows dried apple pntaace proved to be a palatable fee>i and appeared to fc equsJ pound for pound of dry mat ter to good corn silage. The matcc ia! was fed wet and replaced the core silage in a ration including grai and hay. REV. MR. GILL TO FILL PI LPIT AT EPISCOPAL CHL'BCH ON SI'NDAiY Sunday ineiaiag at 1140 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Oiß, a wiiainaary to Chiw will fill the palpil of the Church of i the* Advent, Epiirepal Sunday school wM be beM as U? «al at m itffhr hear. Every bod fa cordially iarited to attend these • THE SWJLNE Also Miovv TO HE FEAi uiii 1 iioanoke fail* To Be ger and tsettei i ins ¥ ear In All Ways | The coining Kuauoke fan, tKr to ICJi, will have two tea | >ures of local Uuu i>o. oe surpassed in the Suite, Use \»Aiu ami poultry shows. Several mom Its as® when the foutHi- ; alio its >vere being laid l'or the fair i ! the niaiutgeiiieiit decided to make , these two feutuies special depart- j ments of the siiou and went to work j j with this in view. As the time pass- j !ed on it became m ce. sary to figure j i |on more room for these exhih.ts but jihe thought of new buddiugs in these | departments never appeared. lader on when the heads of these departments summed up the totals i then put the manager to think .:IK ab out accommodations and the finale of j the panning was tl u. tWv Be A swine ' buildings are being erected anl 2(M> n w chicken coops are to be install ed to take care of the bouking>. Mr. D. M. Holierson of the live stoch uopartment and Mr. Jacks or the poultry department wish to a.— sure all that there will be plenty ot room for the late entiles. Poultry raisers ami those who are to exhibit in this department wil. learn with great delight that the show will be judgid by J. Harry Woll sifer, nationally known anionic the poultry men and who is honored by the National Association o r Poulti > raisers with the title of pies-ident of . the judges division of the asssocia tion. Judge Wollsifer will talk on Wed nesday of the fair to the people er. "Chicken liaising." On Krielay there will lie a sale t pure bred swine ami the peiople of this section will have an .jiportunitv to secure pure bred ribbon winners at their own price. 9 The judges' in all elepartmeats will j l»e of national repute and known state ivkle, some of the nationally known. llr. J. L. Hollielay's farm life de partment needs no comment. Tha is always an outstanding fe-ature oi the Kounoke fair, an.l will lie great er this year than ever before. The woman's building is promi e- 1 to I* full by Mrs. L. 15- Harrison arl i I lier corps of workers. Weekly Cotton Letter of Savannah Cotton Factorage Company We have bnn predicting 3flc cot ton all the faU. October and Decem ber contracts In New York advanced libove 30c today, (October 23rd) anil middling cotton gold at from 29 3-4 c to 30c at several of the larger south ern spot markets. The National Ginner's association's estimate of a. crop of 10.2MJ.t100 bale.-* a condition of 46.2 and ginnings le October 18th of 6,420.000 hales prov ed to be bullish, and the official fig ures of Thursday, October 2T>th should be in live with those mentioned above, A few weeks ago it vaa thought that most of the holding co*ton _woul-i be sold when 30c could 1« obained. but a great many holders are now cancelling limits, and it beginning to , look as if nothing short of a buyers' •! strike will atop the advance in cot ton pripw. County Agent W .Kerr Scott of A' amance county reports that 17S er' ton- farmers recently joined the Co operative Cotton Marketing amocio tlflM i - J ULfU t L.LtL.Uh 5 lO HA\L ULOhLL I>Ea>loiN biiCA A iU.'c .hive Couniy Convention io lie ileid at Green ville, October oU * ■ I lie Odd bellow s oi tW .«NX .ul .1,. ■ inct which embraces lieau.ott, 11.-.K Jiiaitin, tut, Waahington an. .... I ic:l exiuuues, will iwld a dis,i... low ' tc.iuoii and ilt jiw — uietnv.iiv, Tuesday, Oe. o*i . j ItepivseiiUitives trvni ail me lodges I in tliese counU&i are i-xptciol to t» | piCM'Ui. aud partioipate ... me ej,*i I ci. c.v of the uay. 1 >ie cis;rK-i cvn \cation wid asacir.ide al 1" o'clu*.. I and lhe routine buSii-Ct-s of l»se ui> tiict wdl be transacted a»u male., ol vi.nl inteiest in the ot.«er in tbij sevtion will be discussed. Gnenville is the hotee town o t.rund Master Sain. It. Curcin, *he has been an active leader in li* sev c.rd district for a number oi yeais. onel the local Odd Fellows are piar- . uiug a gieat program tor thi- »w> ■»* I •lemonstration wiiich will bw held ar.-I der the auspices of Covenant le -jee No. 17, ol" which the gramt master L a member. I'urnig the afternoon an>i nigh: i:.~ I foul degrees of the- vviil lie conferred by degree U-«at from four different lodgaai a» t ■'» the initiatory degi'ee by tl»e IfclUvcn team; the first degree by Washing ton; 4ie second degree by Famn ill.-, | ami the third degiee by Aydea. i is that there will be randi I rtates from various ledges in the ite- ] trict to receive the degiec.- of ihe er-1 eler on this occasion. Itesnles Grand Master Curria, oin er grand loelgc officers expected ai lc present are: GraPd Secular) John i I). I!crry and Grand Treasurer M. I- Shiptnan, of iialc-igh; Rev. W. I*. Cow sUil'li- granel chaplain, who is ebstrir: supervisor of the second district. M«. other well known members of tks order. This is the first of a series of .ie gree denrnfiatfoßi to be held eiu.- ing the next sixty day-. It is plai. Ned by th« grand lodge officers l» l«- a demonstration in each district • this S'ate before the first of Jsfnuaur i as a part nf the program of Grate j Master Currin,, who announrel ear ly in his term as if rand master as tlx j slogan for his administration. ~Fif J ty New lodges and SjM N«w llrni j Ik-iti Be'ore the Next Mee' cg «f tb | I Grand Iodge." COI.OKED HOY KILLS HIS PAL ON WEDNESDAY ! WASHINGTON. Oct. 25—WilU | Grimes, coloreil boy, 12 yeurs oW, wi I accielently hot and killed by bis pa I Frank Sriead, colored boy of about tbe ! same age, yesterday afternoon. TK I shooting took place back of tbe «> colored cemptery ju.-t north «ft»- j city. The boys were playing "tnui.: | and hael gone to the cemetery bui iug. Grimes only lived a few aiaaie. after the ball entered his body jus: to the right of bis heart. Although according to eye witae* e the shooting was said to be arri dental, the Sneed boy is now nit> _ SI,OOO bond for hL> personal appear , ance before the reconlev lomatrc a morning. Iu September, farmers af Aa=> county ordered 1.100 puuadt af al falfa seed, 500 pounds of vetch see-' pounds of crimson ctorer, ir tons of limestone and 4JBOO pou: of fish meal for fas fling hags ref County Agent J. W. Oai—iaa. wf - who handled the oc^rra. t-NSAI cONILSi it> NotiiH CAROLINA i'LPiLii 1 i anil Scholarships to j Nation's Students i StA VOi:K. U . 4 A T. Al-f ie»T. SUL* . S K|« S «( K>luca- I ;«1, l-u U«a aiteailt BvUlioi o. »- e of U«e [.ii.r e.vay cuu u>! o. u* Ac.e.xtui (. hdiikal socie- I) m «tifh all £wlfib of juvi .«a»ai> Nrhavl> in thr State 01 , North l aiuiiiu. Kit e l«tti invited t« 0 ia a uUonal o ulesl for $ 1", a> in cM> prizes ami scholarships t«> Vale. Ynssar ami oWi uiuvertifs. 1 *1 foliff- N, The «onlr-t miucii is the rv-sult oi ll* pi. of Mr aivi Mrs. Francis »*. t>arv ji. of New ork, is a memo ial lo thesr iau]rhter. Patricia. atKl nteiaieil to stimulate intereA am .•ng high -4k«4 s*.u«leni. in tne «le - t laptwet.t of ch. nucal i*aence ui thtt cnunl rv * The «>ctet, which has the et*l>«r-e an.! of I*r. John J. Tijrer"., com mis sKwter of education of the l"nite>i Slates, is fully iies.iJie.l in a pnn- pbet which will l« .listribuleil it the high schools ami liliranfs. Tin pamphlet con'aia- in aaklilion to far ~i mile letter? of e Uir>eirient from I>r Tipert. and from Dr. 'E I- VranklW. president of Use American IVinkai society JB full outline «•« *he term? •.«.! cooditons of the cootoft, U*eth er with the letter of pft o r Mr Car tas. - % .• xm , § . . - - The entire supervision of the con | . t«st in-l the anrl of the prizes hits j |»t* left to the American (Tiemiral society by Mr Ganranl Kl PI BUI SEEMS AS FAR AWAY AS EVEIJ I Mabm= I'mk ton«r»(\ Itut Ha» I «lrr- lo lluld Uhat The* Hate PARIS. tVt. —The lUiii»-lanl I" j p>aUir u-«lay scemei as far away a. I eet far the S»paiati-#>. alt hour Ithev are r ak.t*r froi. o.«r«|ue~t.~. tlie_ a;|ar to have insufficient forr».- t IMA. The LoyalUa, in tl-- pHxnce of complete apatiiy of tl • reneral puUte. aipp'-ar lo I* rejriuiu u r (witnl without diAcully. I I" The w.-venaent is rum afjiarent. c«nfrort*d by the opposition of | i;-wj«e : 'lert republican mj-iiHcifl I. the Iwir'Wi iter of Color'w .»n.l fo It r»-l hy Berlin. which seek> lo il v*rt tl* Separata.-! rojp ..i its fav« r This, anonhaK to lleriin lispiJri.«... j w*> Oanrtllor Stiremann'* real rea J •« for visiting Hair en le Journal's lU-ilu. I I u)t t'-al the republic may he pm i til Imn it within twenty four hours. | SUNDAY SERVHES AT THE METHODIST (HI lit I 1 Rev . M. R. Chambers, pastor. S»n •fay srhool at »:« a. m.. Mr. J. K IVpae. ■ nniilltiliiit ' Derision day will be observed at the d««r of the Sunday school hour Preaching at 11 a m. and 7:30 |> m. by the pastor. M«nu»g subject. "Relation in Society;" the fourth ai«l last of « Jerit-s of dismissions «*. "PrartacaJ Christianity.'' The erenin* service will be evangelistic. > Pinch wwnl daemrt sell a* M|h r while wool but the mmml from a M. iSu| is just mm good as that frei a white btap. so hahhti the bU-k animal say IN stack ■■fail at 'li v ' Till mSaarUn r fun ' illiii 'til is V. 1 HIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WTTH ABSOLUTE COL'RTEST—TRY IT ESTABLISHED ISS&. bio LMKLAbIi IN i.OcAL ii A.NKI.NO HOtbL ' iarmers and/Merchants j liank Has Made As loundiiigr Strides J l>- c|ine ui liup mm ie by | uil iik «>. we it ill keu a te* talking "haul tim«—This, wui e can be aicuuntni for, by rea son •»( |no|>ic tt.e baUt dar u.»j ihe recent >«us of orpnsswa, but. lurthcr than thai we ran u»*i sum i no reason for these eKUowk . i IHJO.S. All> one payuiK attention to list recent statements of the kirL- of tin- county may nsailily by tLe sU.i- menls of ilepuMtj that mo.mey «» considerably more plentiful no* a year ago, aui e*en a mntilh »gi*. 'lite bank in the county whartt made tise most astounding !•: ilei«»iLs in this sect.on is liie F»i mers and lierchaUs ISarik of W tLlcun sU>»i, w'.lcli is using a half pi; i«l vcil.sement in this issue of Tke Eli te. pnse, in which it can be reaakiy sec-n that the deposits for thctofcer SS. this year are about a huniml tb«- w sand dollars mor«- than the same- laW year, anil about this -am* nanwl lm>rr than the deposits at tne tiioe of their la»t statement. Sepcerutw-r 1-t. This increase is partly du«e u» the fact that more money is in otoik tion, anil as much st to the fart that the officers of this in.-tit ut ion. have rendered a service to the people of Martin county in a manner tut h>» ha bee" appreciated br *» Nrtte : *r», who have mflunkfl fVis to become customers of the institution —and of course, we are satisfied, at well as they, that the larife advertis ing spaces used in TKe Kllrrpn* have ■ l>ne their |urt toward «aHi»r this banking house to reach tie kigit position in finances that it ww is enjoying. An institution such a* the Jannrts ami Merchants Kunk is -«.•«**> i*t; for a town and community to frtf jistl; proud of, and deserves the rut!St*s support it is now teceixinjr fromt tie people of Martin county. IMCS I I* VM W»\i» IN HIS BAtk lARD llKill POINT. t»ct »L—fwMt of ficei-s late this afternoon report**! tin hail captured lO 12 Raltac.' *£ whis key and arrested i tank THKiu. wkite, at his home in Sumner |o«iiskip ai out five miles from High Ponait- !■»- i:m li:i(ely after his vrr-t, Lethe*, ac cording to officers, we.it to k*s lack yard and du* $- r 4*l in n-k fro— tie ground. This money he produced »« a cash bond for hi- appearance at a preliminary hearing November 3, be fore Magistrate J. H. Juiawo at tiraomrtovn. The li|itor was brvwagkt to High Point and emptied into the - sewer tonight. LATEST GINNEBS KEPOBT HAS BEEN MADE MBLM" WASHINGTON. Ort. 25c—C«c« ginned prior to October 18th t»Olled 8.600/.T9 bales, including I3JN round, counted as half bales U® bales ct American and r*m*i— *d 260 bales of Sea Island, the Cmr bureau announced today. Virginia ginning? to Ate are 14,- 014; and North Carntiaa tipii*! SSS.- 717 bale*. A seed cleaner win khm oar yields and pay a put far the ment. With LUtt— nlaae B«■ »• move from 10 to M par nat mt ar- aead. fads Dr. B T. Vie

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