THE BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR IN EASTERN CAROUNA THIS YEAR—THE ROANOKE FAIR. WILUMstON, N. C. NOVEMBER 13TH TO 16TH, INCLUSIVE BE AMONG THE CROWD AND EiVJO\ THE BEST ENTERTAINMENTS L.XLii HELD HEiiE. :• 1 ,KIO HOi.Si k.u . BIGGEST AND BIZST EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. l-ARMERS. WILLIASISION \> Till I LACK iO SELL VOIR TOBACCO TIU U.NL OF IHE ll I S „•> Uu> VOLUME 21.—NUMBER 74 OAK CITY BOYS STAND HIGH IN i JUDGING CONTi^i Rank Close to Top In Contest of Over Hi ty Schools On \.tinei*ia>, October lVtll, uic following named boys made tr.e i to Itaie.g'.i and I the Oak City hi;.ii school in tl* animal lue -•-lock a:>i farm crip. j adding cjii test: Wheeler Daniels, Clyde M - , iiing. E«ncst Edmundsi.n, !• \\ai>. Lme»i Elheridge. On i i iDuriuiig the live nhti j jibing ivot«*-l ikxs in lil. Hi co'.te.-i iam .-chooi v.a» e'.tiUct i. inter contestants. lit e Lj)s composed a teum. Li! ewi.e ; n niMnU-'ia of each team wc.c a;lcweti t., enter we contisst as an iiuliv.d-ia j tidge o: live stocL, a beinj; aw .j arded o the individual niati' g i highest score a.- well lo the tea I leaking the highest -core. Contest consisted ai juugtng fo. j ciasse of live s'wli, iiiUi.elji (i i.tules, {2) hogs, (3) ila.iy cattle am. i (4) poultry. In each cla-s iheie we. | foor animal- wh;ch were to be piae • accoiding to their irerit as ti-cy stoe , in-the. judging ring. The l»ys we given thirty minute» in which to |»luc the animals anil to write reasons f their placing. I«K> points were give for correct placing anil HiO (loiiUs fo. perfect reasons of placing, maktßg • possible score of 200 points for eac, class of live tock. Fifty two schools teaching vocation al agriculture tools part In this covest following is a resut of the contest foi the fiist ten schools with the scon bv each team: No. School » Score 1. f'redhrioore 143' 2. Sandhill . 138* | 3. Cary 139:; ! 4- Vanceboro . 137»i f». Wakeh." 137.' 5. Mil.lleboig 1.15-f 7. t'astalia 133S 8. (h.k City 1329 9. Seaboard l3?'. 10. Philadelphia. _ „ 132 C The Os:k City team was composed of the following members.- Wheel. Daniels, score 4>>o! Howard llrown scori: 43-3; Ernest H:heridge, scolt 4 IS. On Thursday night the I toys from the various high school.-, represent ed in the contest were given ban.jue at the State college tlining hall, which was much enjoyed by every one. The ? principal speaker o' the evening war Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of K" C. State college, who made a tun speech in which lie assure-1 ,'the boy.- that he was in great sympathy till vocational agriculture and was deep ly interested in their work. The judging of farm crops cann • on Friday morning. This contest con sisted in the judging of 10 ear sam ples of corn, judging of legumes, the naming of seeds, etc. The mem be i.- of this team drew four numbers ard - were admitted in the content accoi lng to the number? they drew. Oni one member of the team being al lowed in the room where the enntesit . wss carried on. The boys represent ing Oak City in the contest were- Ernest Edmundson, Clyde ami Ernest Kt he ridge. While not be ing as successful in this contest, the boys made a very rreditable showing The contest ended Friday evening and wad said by many to be the best ever held. —Paul T. Long, Teacher Vocational Agriculture. k - - THE ENTERPRISE ' JAMESYILLE TOW NSHIP j LOSES ONE Ol ITS OLDEST AND BEST CITIZENS Mr. John Ed. Mizcll a> the Home of H;s Daughter On Wednesday MfJohu Ed. Mizcll, ore cf jar es i ville township's odest citizens uieii : tlie 1 tome of hi.- daughter, Mrs. l-oi-ise Davts, neat I'oplar Chapel Old age would possibly lie the t ■ t answer to the cause of his death; g 'li j eral deb.lity sometimes multitude of oineases, lei. g ! .4 l known trouble. Mr. Mizell was a nat .e o the n .i. ■nuiiity in which he died. He wa farmer and an cx-Confedcu te ; lier; wtis Ml veals old. ! He leaves three children, John / ! Mizell, llenry V> an en Mizell, and A r j Alice Davis, all of Jajnesvile. He was hurie«i at the family pin i at the W. C. Davis home, Thursda\ I November Ist, Rev. A. J. Manning I j conducting the funeral service. HAVE UNIFORM TRAFFIC LAWS ON ALL HIGHWAYS Present Chaos Must End When the Nation Builds Roads Traffic laws which differ in dilfei ent States and different towns in tin same State, are a cause o fconfusion, arcwlent, loss of property, and lo« of life. Uniform traffic laws, tin same the country over, will promot. safety. The objeition urged aguiit&l uniform traffi. laws that tiallic conditions ait dilfei -lit in different localities, doe not i old in the fact of the ohviou powe of the locality to modify o. add to the uniform law for specia conditions. There are many ohn vances which, made uniform, woul make for safety, shch as tlie syeten of signalling for a stop* slow up ai turn, a uniform rule as to right way it crossings, safely procedure a; grade crossings, a heavy penalty foi ,-uch dangerous practices as pnssinj another car when coming- t« a c'jrvi or top of a hill, etc. With forty eight states and thou sands of municipalities, all 'making their own traffic rules, the motorist is more or less at sea as to wfra' he can and con not, shoud and shoul. not do. But when the nationa gov eniment builds roads for the nation, a national tragic law will lie inevit able as a national police force foire for the national highways. "A paved United States in our day" is not only devoutly to be wished fo' because of the material benefits i will bring, but because of the safet; the uniformity of traffic rules wiJ provide, when the' congress author izes a system of national highway which wil serve all the as o I good State highway system i,«v serves all the counties In the State. ————_ __ "JUST MARRIED WILL BE AT NEW WASHINGTON THEATRE THURSDA\ •"Just Married," the comedy whicl has broken all farce comedy record.- . in the history of the New York stag* by running for two solid years, wi r reach the Ney Washington Theatre t on Thursday, November Bth, No amount of description could «' I justice to the fun that this fast met ing force provides. .L 1 i WILLiAMSTON, MAi:'i I.N COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. KKItfAY, NOVEMBER ». trri. Freak Band at American I egion Convention this IS" — bl * r T, ,ur """ ? ■" *»>«^i», The " " C .| V "" 'f U " ~auJo - PhO-'-d by Ihe leader. WIM H,.a lll.ioinlngtoo. 111, by aoldlem of tb« l'"te " '?**" "" " l,nJ k " 7 °" a Tl,e "" • rgunUad at CAItOLI.NA RATES HELI» LNFAIK HY VIKI.INIANS orpo'aliM Cußanwxwi lo Stan a llat tie at Once lo C«. Th«"ni RriMd hj Ikr I. t. C. - KICIIMOND, Va.. Oct. ill. —Form 1 application to the Interstate Commerce > for a ii-viion of diffcre tittl freight rates between Virginia tuxl N«>rlh Curolii . *ni|ipmg point will be ut.ule at Alexander Frfi Wat>l, member of the i«tate cor|K>r.» ti«»n ci iiwiiUAiun itiiiiouiiceti late t*i a' tile conclusion uf a meeting of li Vnginia shippers Who prote ted a; the present tales as unfair i ti f Virginia iuit-re.>u. CommiMiiMier Forward asserted t necessary |«uper- would l«e prepan at iiitt ami lite case, which will entitled, "the state corporal on con mission of Virginia agaamst the A lan tic Coast Line railway and others pie.-ented for a hearing at the earlic IMih.sihle date. SI M»AV SERVICES AT METIIOIIIST « HI KCtl Kev. M It. Chamber-*, pastor. (Sun day school 9:45 a. m, Mr. J. E. I*op« , .superintendent. I'ieaching by die pastor at 11 a m., subject: "The Messge of li t'ro-s." Communion service at 11 • 'reaching at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. S. - V . Mercer, presiding ehter of the IHtMu district. Tl.b fourth |uaitertv eo'iferent » o . the er#irt charge will l« he !on t • lay morning aat 10:30. Let .II our people attend this service v. i j can possibly do so. Others Cordl.-. t j invited. I I PROLONG ITS LIFE "Iteing neither a prophet nor ti j son of a profit, it would ill-l-eeoi.i' me to attempt to prophecy of "he cf j market. The situation frankly is puz zling. Can H stand the strain ?*' tt i.* general prosperity ui other In.os e courage holders'} The year* pw> by, the great worl. » throbs on, but always bread has beer the staff of life—and will be." So are gasoline pod motor oil tl staff of life' of your car. - Texa gasoline and Texaco motor oil will prolong the life of jour ear. It cost" no more, so why not use the best— i T ~* . ■ ... . liVKKYTHIN(|NKAI'l.V UIOADV FOR BEAL'FOIiT COUNTY'S FIRST ANNUAL FAIR AT WASHINIiTON Main Exhibit Hall Will He Regular Fairyland- Decorations Nearly Completed—Free Acts. Music and Fireworks Every Day WASHINGTON, Nov. I.—The wmiil 1 of ducoiutinx tiie gig m 4.11 jmiiibitioii hall of tl.e H--««iutort fair if Koini; ahead very las-.ah and Mill 1 >■ completed this week. The Imkj' lu> hk iiik Kouls l>) iwal nu iciiai l are also (foing fu.-t .-j »l by Saturday it is expected every booth will 1 tak ken. The various churth 01 aniz.;. lions will also have booths ml wii be ghid to meet all friends ai i ti.. - who want a t|uick lunch. A large electric sign is liei-ig mailt ( to hang over the street opposite ( 1 the main entrance and thousand - ciec'ric lights will be placed on around the building*. The inside t. ' the main building will l>e a verital>! ' faiary land and in order to get an itle.i J as u» how it will look the public 1. cordially invited to visit tlie building WILLI A MSI ON t ll IZENS UCT H KI IIKi: EXTENSION IN tl'l \ MAIL SKKVICt. Extension Also Secured 011 lioulc . 3 I rum Vt illiamstiw, Serving Many I'a Irons M". Jesse T. Price, postmaster, 11.1. lieen working for some time to gel tlie city delivery- of mail extend* 1 t all parts of the town, ami the pt/ t '•ffice depart me lit Umn the nenin ! November Ist. j low the mail is taken to the do* I :•> 'ie citizens on Washington, I v ]» -rttr, Hamilton, Jamesville and Winii J or roads. Mr. Price also succeeded in se u j ' ing an extension of R. F. I». No. : . a distance of six miles, sei ving th section , c," J. 1.. Wynne's farm. W't t son Chapel, and Ker-IV Tlr will ,"ive mail service to a large num bar of citizens of this section wh have heretofore been inconvenient-' tfl tlie distance of several miles foi their mail each day. CHRISTIAN CHURCH A. J. Manning, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m.. W. C. Manning, aupt. Morning services 11 a. m„ second and fourth Sundays. Evening services 7io p. m.. Christian fcPdeavor 91 wk. M—iiiii 1 I iiilißii 111IM t inlay and hatuniay and see !«■. I J themselves what an amount o. OI.." the tneittbflrs ttr l*Mf m III! 1 | I are putting into if. The display . I j faun implements promises to l« usually good, ai.-»> everything 1... ' I |>ei tains t» the farm. Eulnes ■ : coining 111 by every 11.ail and >t 1 ' hojied that st vera! communities w | each have exhibits. I I '1 here is no charge for en'-eru.e j i hil its ami all exhibits Will be taken care of. It is the ibsir- j | the directors that all who ra*i «i» send in tlieir best samples of fa:, products so as to show what county can produce. The buihli- ;• : fireproof and each night will be 1.- ' e«l as well as placed untier sp--. in ortler that all exhibit.- 1 j. In- protected. Ample .-puce for cars h.. , lieen secured immediately op,- si'e * main building where special guar-. j will be on duty to Watch the car J and see that they are not mooted 1 1 The, during the four «ia> ' November Cth to l»th are of the lie '• being spoken of very highly st ' Wilson fair, where they appea-v-- 1 Then the big display of fire wori ' e;u h night anil the special music I. ; two li.'ntls will make the occa i*.i «. long to lie remembered. ' 1 With gootl weather « wry one «> |•' can do so shouhl v >»it U'a-liiif w: ' next week and make it tlie on* e\ei • 1 of-.lhn year. 1 I JOSEPH It. IIIGtiS PASSES ' ' 1 A WAV AT HIS HOME IN IIEAK GRASS SECTION . Il*d lieen Sick for Several Moafh and I'nshle to Attend t* Hi* Farm. . i Mr. Joseph 15. Itijrgs of I tear Cw- e township, died Thursday morning: he . -had bright* disease for several month? ami had been unable to carry on his farming operations practically ajl the | >ear - V » He was 44 years old, and le»*e* a « widow and fcve children. His remains will be buried today at the Xchley cmve yard nsar his hnsii i » A HAT WILL UKtOMK v, A SOCIETY F \l» NF\ i . I l.jur i artl Advertising M.»uc • »t j ' / larl4jr«i lH»t> Nt Haw 1 «»n-r r - I -- ! "i !m- ioi!«H'inK not ico appear - o I .utc |» .ters hang! >■ >ri conspiiu« i." | - in Williams on: „ lair I'ance, i'ujboro, N. t 1 . ■ ~ia>. Novemln r 2iid, 1 "lark's \\.u« j -h.u e, ;inv!lu'r ival dance. iutrinis- ! ! -mi and everything: to "J. tier-; !• .» Umous orche.-tra." V e hoj*e the witter of the noti««- »a- ignorant ami thai tin :-ct wu j one i.: t bought lesr.e rathe than \vn ing ;t premeditatcdiv with a pen gunt me I -vuh Uie >1 n-; poison which it , suggests. it tin- invitation was or.l> to tho e : wh« wish to l>e in the einhiaces ol a lmi.icon.--t i ictor, then it wouhl In- • 1 i , lirvly proper ami in good taste; it I veiy It'lingly hits the mark. |!ut ihere is traveling on the high way of life the inexp rienced, the ]i.oung, the foolish; tliey, too, will le j | drawn ui ami -übjerted to the virus j of the athler ami viper. I\V« ( |n not like tt> harshly judge ma'ters of his kiml, ami refer thi invitation to llie fathers ami moth I ers of the lam I and if thev think then | ( 'laughters can stand "intermission ami everything-," we would not care to j stress the poiut. 'I liere are les# bounds to the lint | its of iiociety today than at any time •ip a thousand years. The rules and CtSulamiM have been so marked ami crooked, that some would j have us IK lieve that it is perfect!* lip tiniate for married men to sport j young women ami married women to ! iomp with young men. Actually try i''« to fool the public into lielieving j it ligiltmate ami deci nt. Hut we can't regulate society; it |is t««# big. \\ «• can offer it as our -opiiiion that society has become j in it; regulations |t is Calls I mg ocean.- of trouble. HAD JUDGMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR BOAT WRECK Commander \\ atson ami Two Delphy Officers Will Be Tried WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. |>. | and fault) navigation on t! ; « 'part of three officers caused the It. of —J lives and of na\al material the value of $13,(100,1100 in the . >troyer accident on llomla Point, C;. l/ornat, Septembei K, tlieJtojird of n | quiry di-clared in iu final report , j .Secretary Ltenby. j, On tlie t*c«Mi:inelidatlolis of the ' l>«ard, C'apC Edward 11. Watson, ti. | Miuaalion commander, Lieut. Commai. I ier Lviiald T. Hunter, command,t ! lh * I>»-lphy, flagship and lead of tl: Uine destroyers which gioumled, a j Lieut. Uwrctm F. lilodgeti, Ravi; I ' tor of the Delphy, will be charge*! he I fore general court martial with !U ••a'>le inefficiency in me penormain • lof duty" ami negligence. Eight oti er officers, including " the command* of as many destroyers which figure I in the catastrophe, will face chargt of oefrligence in performance of thei •. | duty. | Mrs. Andrew Pendleton and lit tie daughter, Mary Jane, of New Yorl are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H. God win. When you *Sake a business or pleas ure trip pkwu 44. Your friar da tnal ' -., X t. __ rttlM- I.IIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH A IISOLI'TE COURTESY—TRY IT ESTABLISHED 189b. liEXACO FILLING STATION IS NOW COM I'LETED ,\vili lie Open for Busi ness Tomorrow Morning j ill. new Teiaco tdin»g station -l j.i >■ A. C. L uej-o-. is now cunipletc i | I will open for business ton*»rrovk j in •ruing, with a !uil tock of Te\. ' p. lucts am! automobile a. i -ories. i ! Me-srs. J-t!!ion lailey and b. t > iVei hav lea.--d the .-tation from tlie Harr.-onOil company who eie'ce>l it. ~!,d Will operate it with the view of Uiv .ng Hk'ltMi>t-> U-itei -tvice in Wil iiainstoii lion tie> leoetvc m other towns in this .UCU'TI. Vlr. Lilley has lor a nuinl*r of years been ni^' 1 o|» rator for the i.i.aimr-lon Teieplio:ie cx trpally, and o| i ratetl a j«»l> printing n.i-nt on Washington stieet, and tiie iatter he will continue as Well as operate the lilting j.ta'ion. I For the past live years Mr. I lia> been a ver\ p-puiar salesman I with Harrison Lioiiier- ami conipanj where he lia- demonstrated his a.n. itv to please tiie public l»y filling tin 1 ' t.tetL, promptly when called on. lluth Mr. LUley and Mr. I'eel haw a host—of friends who will be glad i learn of their new venture, and they •an he assured of a good patronaiji' at their stataion fro inthe very ning. In aldition to stocks of Texaco oil and gasoline they will carry a a stock of other accessv»ries for the im mediate need of the motorist, and v. inaintaain a free air and water vice that is not evielU-«l by even tin stations in the large cities. j h. uort m ii w i: ATIK-\ni\L IUHIIII AT 1 111. KOANOkh FAIL The meicantile etabl. Uuiient of J k lloyt, of \%ashington, known throUKhoUt Un - mi 'n-n «>f the SUt' a.- one of tIM- mo-1 up tc l»te dt*y goo>l- and clolhini; establishments ill th>- Stale, will display some of their latest «iit> hi an attractive bootli at the Koan->k l air this yer. Mr J-din Ke«- Hoyt. a junior nu?n. i ber of tho firm was in Williamston Thursday with a corps of carpenter arranging the booth to attractively ■ii.-play tlieir gwxLs. In this issue of The Kiiterprlar wit! wd lie foumi an annouitcement by this firm of their annual sale of men's ! clothing, am>ouncin»r -ome very at tractive prices for quality gooLs. Lieut, and Mrs. Ldlinga of Cftuip ltrag arrive*! lad night to atteiul (tie FinnrDira wed.ling. They are the gitoti of Mr. and Mrs. John W . Manning. "A WISE FATHER TELLS HIS SON" "Your car is three yeurs old, ton, and she's as good as ever. "Any good car will take a lot of punishment if you ll keep it proper- ~ ly lubricated. ~ "Afwt luhneauou means more than oil. b means Texaco motor oil to my way of thinking. "You can't go wrong with Texaac in the crank cmae. So* that you ge* the deu, dew golieu colored Toe; co ertjr time you need a 10." know about Texaco, aak the Hairwo;- Oil Cnmpuny. EmjMy likes ft*- I iiiiKMUMMI