- rl - 1 ' — 1 -^h.c.Hve^ THE BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR IN EASTERN CAROLINA THIS YEAR—THE ROANOKE FAIR, WILLIMSTOX, N. G, NO\TMBER 13TH TO ICTH, INCLUSIVE. BE AMONG THE CROWD AND ENJOX THE BEST ENTERTAINMENTS EVER HELD HERE. 9:1,000 HORSE RACES. BIGGEST AND BEST EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. FARMERS. WILLL%MSTON IS THE PLACE VO «ai YOLK TOBACCO TRY ONE OF THE HOUSE.. Uilh. VOLUME 21—NUMBER IS. MR. F. W. HOYT PASSED AWAY VERY SUDDEN) Had Been In 111 Health! for the Past Sever al Years The quiet Sabbath day. November) 4th, 1923, maiinl the noing of thr Mxil ot Fiedei%k W. H»»s, ace • W illiimstvn s pranusKt fithm*. hi ham* o a Ibin s jeel. Fee T.tat kuem of his e\. ivtn. iUe*»*. ».-ti ( tkn ia> the atu** and e. a. tut j Might (ue-iuto he had .-ufl«:ie»l muh with pain, but after mar fco"». *rj icstoi atore iikl rareav.og .«■« i aUfntieii ram his wife, when t—e i- j come e.e his |>ii)si(iaa could ie-1 j the room Though he had not been ! in pood health for two yews J - ; the days found hi mdoing the hil> j U.4s with cheerfulness. I Bom iti Wishintton, North Caro iiaa, on May 30th, 1872, he inherit- , ed the sterling qualities of his poreats. Edmund Slah and Margaret Grtrt Hoyt, who are remembered as am ong the first eittzervs of Bew««.oi' aad whose influence is still aln* it J The Parish of St Edmun. Hoyt was for atny years *enior war-« * den of the Paroh. aad kis sou. Fied-1 crick ter «d u vrslnnwn for yf|- I aba, and coming to Williamstwa t> I reeide. he took upon himself the same ' duties and faithfully helped a th work for the a.l\ ancemeni of th« j church's influence m the common It > Appropriauag unto himself the in I itrattiea* of his patr'h. Ma leyahy-4 to home, church and state was Ira J and lasting, fitting him for the stera e» battle* of life which every man en ten. By blood and nanng. U ass. i ** r I truly | southern gentientar*. chivalrous i teaching of that vaktaoij-hi>tl«scmfw > ■ aad uaalraid. Na dmU. to*., th* j 'tf do| TIHMI nldhor tf ] the cross. Dr. N. Collia Hughe*, under whose (nstnartiua he was plated wrought a bioa »Mni •laalitre* o. I heart and mtrvl. Oa November Sl«i, iy*i, he mar j ned Mite Eman Hassell of Wdiiaak- j ton, daughter of Mr. aad Mrv Wa I ter Hasaell. and graaddaaghter of Um ; lafe Elder Gushing Biggs Haskell T. them wen given three children: IW j end, Eugeaia, and Frances, whe with I their aaother survive - him, together j with two sisters, MmJ. B. Moore an I Mies Julia Hoyriaad three brother* Measrs, J. IL, E. S. aad James Hoyt, : all et Washington V C For tbiv* ; years after his aenn ii|i, he lived is kis home town, aad then came to Mil « \ . . *: -v * I fiaiKan, where ha iHMwhui l « Hoyt Hardware rampaiy, which he; amtisged until hie death la Us au opted hsaif, he proved the gaod dti sen and gathered around him a hup number of ifaai h friend", who keen ly feel ku removal from their midst The world raa jmige aPki praise, bat the Ufe ia the heme is the truest m , dei to that of father and hufband I Se it was that he whs has peaie> into the other Whd, carried the hear into the home where hie loud oar dwelt; to his wife aad ehldiea he wa. tw the teadsr r.imyeaiaa aad eeua ■hr through all the yeara. Though aet actively ragaged m the work of fraternal orders, ha was Mama aad aa Eft. "Tis said that the beautiful truths of Maaeary were taught him by ks father, wha fo. t auay yean was asaater of the ledge at Washingtsa, Yesterday at 4 o'clock. p. au. fun - eral ankes tut held at th* Cfcaith THE ENTERPRISE lluutom Shoot Ducks From the Air ■' IltnA Y _ kWM I A* ss IU dart fawi:«; —i !■ i>Mii b CIHnU these three Ml r%! «m »ul> -n tin4»ar fr* m which tktf Am «B the Mnk the law aMaa^ kat was borne we Uw (tartfc. whil | Hev. MotriMM Btdn, (eraser ndi -ad fnend rKii the SairtHii teare*. kev. J. L Guar*-, mix* 111 n** to Uir Fahjfc, rem" Ik I«*mb. Favorite kaa: "Asleep la Jaws,"* "Uad kindly ljf ut" ami "A jibe Weil Me," sere mac bj * ctmor. Autumn's ntuet beaaUiul Co ral ofirniifv, the gifts of friend* an. leLoives, filled Ike entire chancel. I -**im forth a fttiig btet to Ik I ifcui, who in life, loved the hmhfii I -*»> l true. The interment was n»lr in the Hap let cemetery, the committil tenia t«eiajr rea>t by Rev. Momsoa lirik. .ml Km Stephen Gardner, of at. ton, -V C. rend one of the •} ■>- I fdr the •ad. frnm to fate the benedic I lion. Lovuig hands covered the neouml | «r h flower* after the choir hal jwf "Ten lMuMinl Tunc* Ten IVwead.' • "My Forth Lawb L'p to Tkae.™ *Xear |rf My >*>! !o Thee." and "There l\a ; lUe>-e l Home." ] Art. e pnll bearers were: Mf Cau acnaitiHOfi. Chark M -ore. C. D. Carstarphen. It- It. Crawford. Or. H a V«rfc. A K Ihmainc ud A. T- Crawford. | Honorary pall bearer* were UM *s- Itrymen of *>e P..ri*h: | ton llooie C H Clark. WIUI & i lamb. M I Voore. Le F«-jM«- , | Dr. J. H. Sawder*. H. M Slubhs and J Rm-Karri Smith. * I I OOt NTT-WU* TKMUHtr MEETING ON SATI KDAt The first tuaalywsde leathers' meeting af the whae teachers of j Martia county far the new whe al year, J will be hid oa Saturday. November • Itoh. at the graded irtnl building, : Williamson between the hear* af 1 J* j and 3.10 p. m_ Durmg lie after ; OOO, the Martia (My educational |IWT at the SUIT .til U ' will he dhnhieil Every teacher k rafdSrk| tp ha ptMM. and is raipKat ed to bill line leafed rover*, paper and peaciW. Through the kindness of Mr Jame* G. Stat an, the white ilißdien of the rwdy aad their teachers will he ad nutted free to the Bnaikr fair oa opeaiag day. Kwialii 13th. aad all schools, therefore, «1 ha ctoied or he mailed to the teacher* by Merger R. A Pope. Every year (iMyW to' tweeted h jbatn at the daad letter rfkt af Ik Nearly all af tMt mad T " WILLIAMSTON. MAR IN COUNTY. NOITI OUMUNa. ' tNGLANU, ITALY AND BELGIUM ARE NOW IN ACCORD As To Reparations In quiry Without Any Limitations WASHINGTON. Nov. s.—State de patlment advices today indicated that Great Britaia, Italy and Belgium hav* i ear h d an accord favoring • free lal .all iepanl»ns inquiry by an .lj*n ruuinuttee. In effect, the pusitiou ot Iteac three gov i nrne-iit.-, a> understood U-ir, coincides with that taken by the l a.tol States and oppi».-es the stan for a restricted inquiry. taken only by France. 1¥» "y*. i*dkating jn * ureiy- new alignment «f European a! l>es cvar tba wistums question, i| l*wie»l to .-limulato the hope that cntually France would accept an tin res :irted program rf inquiry nttk than rkk diplomatic bolaUot. I'AKIS, Nor. b. —Premier I'oinciii in hid Sunday addre&s afllrnscri t)i French guvrnment's rieteimination t« ut arret* **>" deduction* whatsoever iB the debt of 132^100 jKMM»4> go marks as fixed by the Lorxlon confer ence in 1921. The premier's declaration* wer« strictly along the lines of ha pre vions utterances on the reparation* •jdesUoti, taking no cognisance of any new factor la the way of interna tional negotiaLioas in which the Unit ed States may be included. While ac annouaacement has been made as yet, it is believed in diplomatk circles that M. Poiuic's speech re Herts the government's position, that will be communieatpd to tip Stale de pari mrat at Washington by Ambas ador Juf.or-raad. U'ITLE MISS FRANCES WILLIAMS ENTERTAINS Oa Wdneadny evening, Octobe 11. ( Mi-s Fniito WIIIIUM entertain*' to of her young friends with a Hall ureea party In honor of her twdft. birthday, at the home af her grand mother, Mrs. Fannie S. Biggs, in New The lower floor af the lovely home was decorated throughout, the dacer atloas carry la jr out the Halloween id en, fafl leaves aad blossoms bring a ed elective!} with shaded lights. The little gaeats were asked to oosne mask ed and they were met at the door by Mr. Harry A. B«f, who was diaas pi as a ghat, Taw happy hours were spent bob bag far apples and playing speak; gawes. aad then Mia Oscar Aader *«. Mm L C IttaaHl aad Mrs. I . U. Eaiaas a* judges aelectod ML* Ma jnr Cartarphem aad Mr. Mariaa Cob» RALPH COLUHS IS ARRESTED FOU RECENT SHObTINC, ■" ■ -j| Charged With SbootinL Dr. A. W. Disoeway At Columlia WASH I XGTON. Not fc-JtV Mair of the lair l>r. A- W. . •),. ii»J in the K jdijettn a! Ikk S tun!* ei/i| at !• as ik •esult of fia rfwt vaHpi iwim ;t Ihf HmiLi c f an aatftaw.. n a Ui» Mar I'jfvrib. Krufc -irfct, ■»!» : JLa o kif fen »■ h. Mr Near Boa. jwktU) . vd. Dr. Di»iw«) was en aW* 1 r lh| a ,th a |art» of friwfe aAT* ■ag Ikr nigkt la a h«o.o » li* cowa Amniat '# L.H lh> . m}» brought Dr. Ditcmjr t» tK K- n ta' her*, ajn he food Ik* l»i wm mat ia kb i uua at the rj'itJ k" + bHp lot from put hat in bal Uugk. Drru alleged that «*» or two men ntnol the laftar% pwn aKout t o'clock Saturday aai firr. 1 «a hiia twice with a slat fun anl the* fieri, lie n> aahle to aay ah» tin will at wrrt. hat up—%t I that the Tyrrell fmaly aathr.ilim **•» «* theii trail. Dar»» with Dr. Dbwiai ar rived here Satanday aftorwoor. ah>> at the tune of hu arrival n» pui-r Ih» from loss of Meal. Hi> |amb and wife reached Hus kefeidr Jnnl) before hu Jmth. Dr. Diaoeway «» pracfarirr m4i «• i» Cfhmku- He Pfa itarN u Now Hera. He to laiilid by I wife, his parent-, aal are s-stra LaTer - Kalph Cabana. aho ia chary ed with the *i»»4irr of l»r. I«b«a\ has bran arreted sad i- now in Jail awaiting a preliauaary heariag. m »BL oyb sm OF KM 10 luLLb., To En»bbah the Hern* Med leiko akif Fad at S. t. *—Ea caaracr beadaatra G&KEKSBOKO. No. I - Freoidei I. Foust of North Catolu-a college, b received a check for t* a 4 from Mr> Henry Weil, of GabhU to. with arhic. to establiab at the college the Hen ry Wed Fellowship faM. This fiu» arcordiag to the of the l - ia ~10 be bol as aa award U encourage graduate amk, aad ia ■- be adiakjiateted bj tae iwabat « the college and a naauttM froaa it faculty- Far several year* .t baa h>ea Ih. hope of Pnaiihl FmmsH to OCabtl :i at the college a atakw U fdlo« ship* ia order that the n»ie arhaliri young araia ahf fn» j jadHotiea anight bave ,-Uettatial e> r aragtaeat to coaloar their atudk •n same ipecinl held of work. *1 lien y Wed Pdlar»kip food aid the I'rat to he and the fetcraji artna of Jin. Weil ia a aoarce of great ratii.f ctea aot an ly to iVsiaeat Foot hat to the fa culty and stadeat» a* wefL which were bun. leather cata. a».l utile Hißwiia tapt aad a iin tore « at> were gfiea as faoara*to each maajr pretty gifts which Itodtod bet yapalaiitj with her friead » TUESDAY. NOVEMBER (. »?3. Beautiful Religious Ceremony 1 flu ■v I fl View during the lo|>rr>ti«e rxUglows eemn»ay coadnrted by tha pep* at fiawa. known as the benediction of the sea. The larga vmael la tha earrying the mi isennt PLANS FOR ROANOKE FAIR ARE NOW BEING PERFECTED WITH ALL ARRANGEMENTS PROGRESSING Three New Stock Buildings Have Been Complet ed With Necessary Additions Being Made To Others; i *rounds l*ut Into SiiajH* L%er>thing u rapidly hntg fa: in- U> nmliKM fur lk* gml Cauwk« fan lu be held hcie next »«t, a*U as the day.- ptv by orf)Uj!.(r h*»k.- | better and bet'er for tt tv have the be>t (air in tattere Cwob tia Uu» year foiu e\ery iafc.|«.i.t T»w iwut ha> Ivuk'.U U.« n.Uir of the lirfjlf • N hMeler -bow- —ut»ie tfce auvue sliuwn at other fair.- in ttus sfrtw all 4iwr wulk-il- U.4ii« Ihi, « ranuaUwi ha-.r oulj s«ui*d pan o tbe attraction.-; the' .-hows e\Knlu# at two fairs the lamt In?*, but tlx whole works L> (uoimf to Wjlunt tun—36 car loads—parke>t like on. a >b» oipmialiMi can park U*n. full of Jie b«--l rtileiUi»ne>iL. Iktl nww) can buy. ao>l thai can not be hiifM from the Sheealey organize tiow rt any price, but can be iee>. by the pubtac who come to the ICaac oke fair for a paltry admission fee. Ihe for the races of lli KocaOoke fair a> arißHmrtil by Um manager of the fmr will l-e rr*et«-t with delight by tbe lo»»-r* of )>• racag la this ertaon It takes money to draw rood lonr and tbe purges offffoi by Ike Roanoke fair brought results in entries firn state* and r.on than one hundred at., fifty horse* have been entered. The 2:2»l trot Tue-Lay will U tbe Uei*Je rtake and V that is sd.oo! day and all children of school ace «ri! be aln.nted at tbe mail gale free -w no doubt bn&r a throng from tha part of the country. Other a>ijoir>ii.f counties wiM have ti«e.r days at tbe fail for tbe rare-, aivl the retire rare program is W-- follows: Tuesday. .%•*. 13 trot tdo-e.il ___/. sljM»> Z-.lil puce.- 1 4>« Wednesday. N'ev. H 2:17 pace (rimed T 2:12 trot «• 2** pace .. __ 4C Tknnday. Sm. IS 2:14 trot (rimed 1 tljK* 2:11 pete (dosed 1 |li«4 2:11 pare (rloaed) 4 U lj*» 2:17 trot . _.a «•| On account of tbe targe- number •f untiiio of hoimjo te r«mpet« ie tkr race*, tbe Kmdw Mr —rirtiwi n» forced te wect Um mm UiM-1 iiifs to rare for thr hnr&es «hilr hfT These building are m» flflrt jjal rfa.lv for tU kur.o • bra ihti arrive. The other t«-par: meats of the fast tta\«- been iiiea»*d aa4 thetr will be inuiint; eihibttioiu 'or tk .• when the fair, of the far* ri Htinb are thru*n >prn to tkr ptu lie TIXTJJV nanm to- remain «'f» ru i"«r huth day ard n.,-ht r\K.l»l:ori- rii|>ht Tk Koaiiuke fair la-t yar met with the Uiuninwu approval of all at bm )»»' (araxnt- irtrreasol axl b»*t:er*vi b>. a ! a ! uw Luihlinl per rent, it nl' •iut.!«tle» t« the talk of the ntir Si«l». I Vo|de »ill . ant fium far arm Wi.le. leraiM tk. at*rartjor> > will S .1 * -ir th. I they will t.« t he- a Me t» N«e eUwhere, ai>l there is Be reas«i »ii) V* iilianutun should nut -ee thr !ai|r-t r U here all nr\' wrefc Iha have ever avertible.) at any thin* In.- than a State fair. NINE IIMIT KtiAD We Irar that the eoatnart for hibe foot surface road rool frm the i Roanoke l.» the Hertford l>nr ts likely to be let HI a few t> The |j«l?er is e or>li>rl> a>u«- t. know whose duty it is 'o take -ut twi, tiKurbtt' -lr( to enter BertM i uuii'y'i iirntest ajainst a»v :xL fame a>-a nine foot turhw*} 5 pair tawly in Hertie COM..' Y B srttiac rloww •►•inf Mkii| In this latter. Wh is It? The people want to knoa. I the Itjr'il "or the Kuaaoke brilfr aaol I ' nail to Norfolk. Bertie was a lender. County b rt y oar ty? KOJH manimionen, ■» it yw duty I'mate fttiieaj, ts it jonr 4a tjr? Litot, -trayed or stale*, warar «h* duty It is to eater Bertie mas ty> protest ayiiprt a nine fast rand. -Hindssr ledpr. We heartily ninrile with jvn sin ter orgiw. If that dan> Win Man or her or Lhm to the w fan try it in red ink. The pat shavld gat to hafliafr in short erder. Ed in anhilwii a »etj fwi of HUtif paper fia— aedtaarr wood palp IHiS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF CITING SERVICE MOLED WITH AB. OH IK OOUKTEST—TRT IT ESTABLISHED IS*». j WiLLIAMSTON i YOUNG LADV WEDS PENNSYLVANIAN Popular Young Couple N.ere Married at the Episcopal Church (fc Sabinb} a: h;gh no r at Ir.e ( ha. ch ot tfce Ad>ait. Jo pbir« Rar | »n Luiii> an! Mr. bt|fU (iiwn r» j«;> «ne ta nuiruKr by the jKn J H Wane.. Tm C« -rmut.. ! m va- rharjd- r ini by it- »iib j pi* t» n- »n> IBpRSHir, thf nn? I -r r« tmi Ulc Kpi copal «hu«rh l*iw j u oL H* dnirii «.1 \«-ry in> ply ba" ' IbvatiiMii; «kviKx*'f («i iW •«. I IW-.- leaf |>irt- «... * itb y I I k>v and m ch > -anlAraMUttS an-i It. :ra IB tukl anirUl !j. iiuiii >-r Vii>. tin * i:«rr Wilium, »*s in I of (( mux ai»l -he very ibau •fully irtxinnl *\ral -el,rtiofij fiwsi M lK»*f!l, Sciiul*-rt v»l llfß lb: *«■ Weir thr plw- • octal h> l**n*nn. and the mr-io alb;. Men by »l iffc the I rvial party - Mtml and left tie church. The udwn were Me--r* Jvi.n V M-iamf ami l! ;wi.l 1. ili-teit »' \« riolk. Miss Ei.uletn O ifk >' Vdift ■a- mai l of K.«c«r ara>i Mr?. OiTir Ajfiwn AtHtiTM*. «n>a - n of the Kr.«ie. aa> came of Kor.or Mw Clark m«rr a nudaight Mur char ami carrie.! nr.! kws Mrv. Anirr?«a »»te a prni of Uark -ilk iCMra-ta c.ejie *i't> Mark prturr K_' iw ramed ird iue> also. Trje gnwm »x- atlen>Sel by hi brvtbrr-ia-la*. IjFutnunl Killings of Camp Branr. a» be.-t man be mx si 'ml ire-i waiform. The brvle was very pretty in a |A of dark blue pMre? twil! aif h jm ai»-! -ilier xmaoritx. S?i« *l rti in mainari' by b. r hrpther. Mr. tliiHrv C. flu i - of KorfytJk. Mr-- l"a «« is. the yarn •laugh ter »•' (Lr lite Mr ;>!l Mr I'hix K. tbitt *•»! is ma'n&ally a gnml b»r»iS« of I»r h-laani Kan ->m. aho *« «*f of North Cjmliaa'i rrx pttMii >««( atufiis She ha- made her b«f ta \Viiltarn.-:«n aith her aoac. Mr-. Übeefer M-rt n. «ince the death of ter parefiti- in Norfolk several »e-ar- ar« and has many frvefub he re aho re* ret to -rt bri leave Mr Pax-oe is onrinallr rf IVisas rltania. t-at ha- been ia the employ *f the I won I "axir» caaapaaj a North Carolina as bead of the asphalt ie parta*** of that r«*npan> and U a : «w«r ■» of marl; ability. He was -a Kdliamt« for -everal anrmtbi and «* bine eery pleasant h *» Mr. Mrr I'l-ror left by- motor ■ aunedlately after the I r IIIIIMJ far "ireennlle. S CL. where they win spend a f-w da)S before ro*a r to Ohar- Salte «r ere they will be at baaae. Those attewdrng tbr wedding ffca *f t«wn were: Mr. and Mr* Ldwrard Herbert and Mr Chubs R Ibii* and Mrs> Uuaheth Clark of \"orf«dk. Udtaaai and Mrs. BOlngt Cotton Is Soaring— Where Will It Stop? . f rtap? Of CMnt at a Texan* pmmj ■bo* tfce ward's hart alia cm be bad. • Vben ymm atap at a Texan jnaapt yea kMW jwa *i* sateg ta (at tfce hart