yfUJAHSTQN WILL BE TO OTT Of KXTOTAIMim ■ If ■' » aiC Work House for blacker Husbands UEKVLK, CuL, -\uv. I—Jiatge liu B. Limtt) atkol the (teste* o.j rourd last Mo-day nigLt to. u* . iilsjMO wi.h w_»j U> MMiau I - j light to pievcut i~egal vtics be recently tiKia-ei ka! eu tU | I City & Urth rate in bu. || 2 Juogv Lmu-cy hi.- mttk —toil fade in a omecbiju. ! to the Ocavt> cw-nty giaid ffirT,*"!" i*f tti_; the im Uiiy k- EtoeiMl sppropiia&ioa for the nuif j funu for ihe protection «i an % born bu es aixi for the cum i alio(i fund to care fo» •iest.t'-.. ■^toothers. [ % He ako nr>,td the otabi-.un a work iioiee a provided by law l. . ku4>bßili ami lalhr who fad "•> .-a, port Uieir iair.Jies. "1 want to call iillqiii* to tM n.v KKailcO maternity fci*. wtucn p. ■' vides that any child twtogeteil to. any cause before biitu, shall hate U in coming into Uie vorM pi «>pc. '■ ■ whether the maker is married or un named,** JuJge Linkey decLart-L. Jn'igr Saturday urui » sued a tlalemea! in »inch 1 e uKkr- | ed tiiat he would a > control clinic in connection vi.he l court unless he was proimei w. | funds with which to cuo.toi the a.'. ! ortion menace thrcHijrh the r« cw >liiine>i channel*. COTTON LETT i^K tKUM LU-Oilx Lammct ilckar, sales o. j uc .\wtiA CuMiiaa tw.lw ■ '.owpemivc gi>a vu> U. , i >.■•*.!.{ s aldceai: * . tin Monday, £, limmW. . -V« )ud cuiUm opt-ne.! iV.w -«-• > on jMMUuay, Uduer 27, Clck •: oti.btf, or pracuratiy tm- tkdiar* a lua advance. Lairing Uu± penud the auvcbUt-, took advaaUge of the ahaan pa. »>U with aucrcttoa. Trade imum fairly gwi ia til Iwrnalicr futures rcurhoi tte >. cinity of ~1 (CbU. At this Ltd tu| faimen aud tool Beicaanb ail ote. the bek are repotted to haie so: i on a b>Mi ims|ci t.ve of New York Decembei cotton and trade. l/p to lhi> poitit a rtfj Srn.' bail l*eii na.a(ait»>i b> puv «n«ets ona local mrrrhaaL- The a* laiioa is hotdug Hi basis K.n> aa. expects to be a Ug factor in atahd U "J the ha-is and vmoiottaf in hr.wairaeud deimral>utf.n of ilj p.es-emt week cad. \4Jor. mills are buyiap r«|ei« nients in arge volume from produce,., and country meichain- who are cask itg in extensively. . A consifT.iite-fit of «ak «as it»: (« Europe. It was found to be won and there was no market for it an *** eeasigaor happened to visit an an "i* furniture factory. IV - - Largest of them all-ROANOKE FAIR WILUAMSTON, N. C, NOV. 13th. to 16th. LARGEST RACE PROGRAM IN THE SOUTH. A MILE OF MIDWAY" GREATEST SWINE AND POULTRY SHOW IN THE STATE. p FARM LIFE AND HOME ECONOMIC EXHIBIT THE BEST SEVEN FREE ACTS Day and Night. FIREWORKS EVERY NIGHT Each Night Different SALE OF PURE BRED SWINE FRIDAY FOR THE HIGH DOLLAR. TUESDAY, SCHOOL DAY CHILDREN FREE. FULL LINE OF CROSSETT AND PETERS' SHOES FOR MEN, LAl)l!>i ANI) CHIIJ»REN. - - GUARANTEED ALL LEATHER AND sf7i\ ~ Y| THE PRICES ARE REASONABLE ,^/wL j] Men's and Boys' Clolhinjr. The qra'itv fgoSSETr ll *A you have been looking fo rand at prices you _V>uShoe fi A i ■ can afford to pay. f? \\ Jil ONE CAR N OFIB INCH CEDAR ' SHINGLES JUST RECEIVED. THEY'RE jag* W *jSr. NOW GOING CHEAP FOR CASH. Jw C. D. Carstarphen & Co. "EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY" WILUAMSTON, NORTH C.AROIJNA fev: toe iaoory * ba»iy c ■o A,aLJN>.aclUii.'>{ ~.uli>ji.e g. i._. JB* rinfc -, IKMJig I IK- «Ji;h w „ by ■ .hi lie »a> «er> g u d to i.. | UJt cuay oak afen paid a uiucn U £ er |-sice .or jt than for sound in. | A pcomabie co- bpclwii rx> Hiablt h led ottaies Ibe exporter and the in aosafirturrr. j A btaty auu lifted an eleven yeai I year dd buy !rx.ni ste roof whore l* ' aw iyuc a hue in New Vm. tot/, tbe lad kept his ho.l of the 1 sltmg u4 flwlM .-afeiy bfty feet U ( tie street, tbe kite acting as a pa - tat bat e . UA.XULU HMJl'.\ AUK I B&{TKAI.NED BT tVUi AartMa N ml—i taiia .Vrair la jaartiaa to Halt Farther Ar. rata by tbe Ca ap». liAW ILLK, Va. Oct. 31.—The aor I .mo wai> hna awii of Danville ycater | *t±j. iiutrbenl a counter offensive ug ' utei tar force? of cooperataive mar keucg by securing irum Judge ltoi. :m1 Ktai toitbrc.- of tbe !«.«rt a • i wiparary restraining order ' fnuodu » U#e city arid sUde udict s of tbe c.y to i.vw warrants agaut.-t ' :ae am bowaem— against whom m ail old *n I lit —i of the Virginia to hacn saarbeting law adopted by tin : last iiaa rf tbe kiLdature. I' The restraiaiag order was anthem notice, ta other words, tb> MM granted tbe lajuactiou aft. reading tbe voluminous petition with " «»jt nearing from the other side. I. XoOre* were prepare-1 an>l sent ta kcal aMrnli of the "pool" this af tenooa aaa it was expected that v rasteat would be staged aad that lb ««> i n atiaa would :«ek to di&solve th> ibjaa itiia aa a day to be sat for tb hearmg of entente. "me ta W-'ltamalaa Before you bay. THE ENTERPRISE, waiiamston. N. G -««•«> »'««»«» U* I—C l» L *Cae IWi I|M. t 1m . -• ■••• —M, ,M .bUlkf, it ««. I U>.*. sUBUWf, U Uw -• —UEMIifcN a, uT sMlie.-.. >« i* tr*iurcmi jauui) Lj tlie ii«um "I fu-.uama. iue j,«*oiuihi.l «. uw Injtu .->Ule» icwrvfj to iue.. ■l* i»o|Hf lio auu i. r pliutuu ill Uc HjWir Usctlilir. ! MlirtA Or " L Bur. aui bj tir.w at uk .iiUi blll) CWLuMI lb • (tiUlh IkCU U uwi umacu «■ tur ,iu iu) o» fi> ■ Ui), .5-1 by A. b. biuaiu *»*u •WMiueu Itt M trA |ug(T U» ui Jiaiiui (vtuuj reguU) u mxiuv Uk Ittiiwai ut a ifiua Immmi oi rick mli Lxirol im UK 11flt—L« ui mail UC iMtMpuxl .ru - Ut «m sell at |mMic »im« i. al tar court butiae dm ia Mula (vuiU). u M illunuiufi, A. L, i« uc iugucol ukkkt ioi rjji at 12 nova b., vi> uk l.Ui lU) at NnrraUi, IXU ibt ioiluwiu (UariiMd Uact at Una: j iMMiMICkI «b lac Mtt toy lue lauu at li iiiiw Itotefaa; aa the jwili by | ibe umt at I iaw Itokmoa, oa Um i watt 1»> lac land at tike %>i If hat*. Ibi «a ue north by tbe liM of Ag- ; ib.a Laaier, betas ta« acta mote. or Ins. lka ibe 13b lb) ai October, ISECt. K. G. HAKIUbO.V. 1U It 4i Trustee NUlta UI SALE Nokrii CAkuu\A. AIAKIfN COLNTY -I'hUk m(kc u hereby pno tiu ! uakr aad by niUt of tbe power «>u! autbxity (naltd to tbo narfenighhll Tbe Kocfc) Mooat Sating* * In« 4 loißfttay, of Kuky Mwat, K. C, trustee, ia a rertaia deed af (nut, executed Juoe 3. I*2o, by F r K. ' Unto ud infe. Maty C. Gimici, i which mtiwml ■ wioblbl ia the public reentry of Mania caamy, ia i buck Cf, fagt 356. tbe MdH afc*a Mnutd by laid Jml of tru>t being | ia ihlMtt, aid tbe payee af the tan. udikUdaeas tan, Tbe Imperial Tc barca Coefaßy (of Great Britaia aaai Itlaad), Limited. hanag Bade writ ten wiifMrt af aid LrmCee ta exernvt power of sale o aiamnl ia said deei . of tra»t, will, ta Wcdaeidajr, X ■len ; her 7. I«a at UdM o'clock. a. a, ' ia front af the Lilt biait door in Willi»■—■a. Martia cooaty, K. C . • I fee far i«l( at poMic aactiia. ta tbe higheat lilin far cash, tbe folios Itbe town of W illaw>t(o, Malta cou ty, X. C, bniaM and lncn:« follow*, to wit: (1) Tiat certain lot of land nine 11 iron slob located at tin j Mutaeas: corner of the driveway. «•»* a ditch. 3D feet and 10 inches liotu; the fowith pillar, froan the diU.i v. the stenm plant, thence north 2T cr grees wu t with the east lice of tiie driveway that lies between the Itoii oke Tobacco Warehouse caarju . lands and the sltaa plant, a dastorx jof lt« feet and 6 to an iror staki ; thence ia an easterly «hi' i JIU feet- to an iron stab locntol o» the run of 2 biar-dn between J. t. Godard and J. U. Sutxa s lanl-. ai»i theme up the run of the hrifa a>w ditch a southwest coua e to the uw stol). the beginning, and; (2) That certain other lot of Lt-i brginaing at an ma slob «a the rvri.t of way, F. W. Graves northwest c»i ner; thence along said ngbt ot wi X. Z7 degreen W. 121 feel 1# iari* to an iron stob, a corner; Ueto K 60 degrees K. 3U> feet, to aa uw stob in a branch; thewer akmr nani t>ranch & 44 degrees H hi feel. > 49 degrees W. 43 feet. & 23 12 .!>- green W. 22 1-2 feet to- an iron . lake ia the branch, tbenc* SL «• 1-4 de gie«a W. SOU feet to the ber inn nj j at the iiaa Make an the right of nay; lleang the two lots of i*_U tsUl urcmlM ly conveyed to the ai> W. Ur|v«> by J. G. Stat on and wife by their deed of October 4. 191*. o record ia the regiatry mi *2* l • ounty in d-ed book V-l at |ag« tS7, and by tlar deed of Janu.i 1 i, l it of record in said regatry in deed I -ok Ui, nt poge 344, to which deed, spe cial reference is here made: t«**i tier with all improvement- aol hvtaic now leraTed there an. This the Clb day of !Vt«- . I «^X THE KOCKY MOI ST SA\ * Till ST COMPANY. Tim lea liattle A Whaalow. Atton>» '0 »-4t Rocky Noo- i. V f. Furniture & House Furnishings STOVES AND RANGES We hay ia with several other stares, our pints are the lowwrt— Cash if yoa have Credit if yea nee>l it. Oar Mr. C R Sprwdl Is ia W'iDiamstan every othee Ma a day. R. E. QUINN & CO. E. MAIN STREET • W ASHIXCTOX. X. C BUSINESS CAkDS I j - _— r J. L 1 *eele. Jeweler >ev vod IV- -r fam K. wdeii's t REPAIR WOUK A SPECIALTY j A cent for AU Standard Makes of Watchr* V J it -'•BE- j j ROEBUCK ; and WHITE ■ FOR PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES AND WALL PAPER PAINTERS AND DECORATORS I*7 Mam Slnei WILLIAMSTOX. X. C. See or write MONUMENT WORhS For I'ikt- on Monumeata aal Guv Stones in or l.ranUe- Oicentilla. N. ( . J- T. Maiiin ami L W. AVrvan ~ I>l>ic entatives, Betbel, X. C. | W. C. BROWNING Jeweler ' i Near liank oi W a-h nrti-n ' i j Complete Si ark of Jewelry GIFTS THAT LAST ( Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing ■ ; WASHINGTON. X. C-> IfhlHii t.mUnnj. ? pinlmg. aad i I inaabanz Faslnrea aad Napp'ie* i W11.1.1 AMSTON TINNING AND ! IPLI MIUNG OniPANV L W. Ilarruoa. Lkea M d j and Re|fi>(tered Hunlrr > Ptambiac aad Sheet Metal Work | WiHrimStaa. N. G. I MAKE TOl'K AKRAXQKMKVrS TO J ROANOKE FA IK MOT. It-H l*RI i.Glsl" IKE I PARES A "Wonder Medicine 4 * CALLED -Hl S." F«r ltv-.:j: stion, •U . Heart Hum. | V'on-tipat: S*dd on pi>|itive ru.»r- j ii' tee. Jl«-e> hack >f r* sati-fie»! j if your Jrarrrt can't (apply vo-j e«i mor.ey orxier for $1.15. K. S. W ARREN. Uracil Greenville. N. C. I M. Om4 Tliia| IKI.X't MIS* IT. Sro-I oor no anl addnan plau>ly , • fiiMn iagalbag *ah iamu (and tha , ailpt ■>Chamknlain Molnw Co, Ua Mvian, U-oa, aaJ mreivc ia ntara a trial fnikace caatainane (lianlalili'i l-aja liinady fc* eolda, cmop, 1 hunthal, t»* and obooping | and tirUiaK ihxW,CI »■> uliia'a (hoan arh and Li««v Tabtrta far m amb boa tho bait, Miliar -aa aad uoi|aiwa, j Clin ptfilam a halve, medad in «my j fan It Ik lina. aeaida, a inn 4a. ftkaa, | and at in limn aa. thaan vaload family I i Cancers Successfully Treated at Kcllam Hospital The Krllair Hospital treats >yrw>-f«lly Ca»t»rs, Tnmor*. I fcw, X-Kay Jisrms and Chloric Seres without th* use of the Uift. X Kay. Radium. Arhk or .Vium, and mr haw tr*-atr>l suc.'» asfu!l\ mn [r rot of the cuay ka»lnl> of >»iffeieis tieated timing the [a-t tanty three yr-ars. kKI.I.AM HOSPITAL, lar. m; *nl ViaK Stmt Kith—4. Vincau I I OUR JOB hpi? WORK— ' Tmin Ml M Hil Ikai M. hlr a ~Millt*a IWb''.' i» mt •pni-.hj. mm 1M(" mt »|L M la ;frj| ■" k«lp J* trt «lut >«■ mjkmt mIm■ «jM M. CRT ill K PKIIKS ON Yo | K NUT JOB %M» 111 HiNtIM til THAT IT PAIS Til GET OM V THE BEST—AS IHE IKH L IS Ml MiiKll SIMON ULLEY (YIUMEK I %L PRINTING TU \f PLE ASES MR. GOOD SALESMAN SAYS: ! Wi: SELL GOOD GOOItS; *»: I'RICK THDI HIGH I. W. K. OBLUNS WitbuKlM. V C

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