THE BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR IN EASTERN CAROLINA THIS YEAR-THE ROANOKE FAIR, WILLIMSTON, N. C, NOVEMBER 13TH TO 16TH, INCLUSIVE. BE AMONG THE CROWD AND ENJOY THE BEST ENTERTAINMENTS EVER HELD HERE *I,OOO HORSfc. liAt'tS. BIGGEST AND BEST EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. lARMCIth. \. ILUAJtSTON IS .HE FLACK TO SELL TOUR TOUACXO TRY ONE OF TIIE HOUSED DEI*.! VOLUME -L.—NIMBER 7«. NEW HIGHWAY GAS STATION IS NEAR COMPLETE B. K. Bainhill In Charge Will Open for Busi ness Tuesday The Highway F.lling Station now is. Hearing completion and will t» it*iy lor buMiuess wilH the ope». utg of the Ruantki. fair, Tui NovemLct the loth, with Mr. i.., the promoter and manner, giving a big portkx of h.s peri "•« attention to the needs of the moio:- »u who ctlL Ten days ago Mr. Barohiil Ciws e«i a rn* of tiipeiilers to eiert t-*« run building, and at the -»me a* ci e thought ttu station would be c pleted and lead} for buanieis by lb time the fair opened, but, ohl i!er. is showing them. He ha* been f ai the station and thru at his garage an i keep ng thing* humn>i> g at bot places. Mr. Barnhill ha* «»o«e nw 1 for Witliamston in the motor wori and now says he has just gofen to the point where he has the erergv to n«liy work, and lie can roll u, his s!e« ve- ar d do the minus! par of pushing when it is ar - cr.!;er at his place of butT,ie-> fin him hard in hand with his Bfrhai. its more than any «fher way. V. sth the erertwa of the Teif F ! ir? nation recently, aad the the e~r tlmi af the Highway Fill** statr.- thrt is now nearing completion m'» toristi uting the highways from tha direction «>U not have to hunt to fr r what the)- aeed. ami we p!«dge then: service that will e«|tial or better an rer-dered at our nearby toams. Both s'ations are located together, aad be tr»*f» them ran K*t«llc eight ear* at a time. a*?d if Ben is pushed, we be leve he w.m1.1 do that much by him self, a his s*atioa is much more rooir,\ than the average station. HOMh I»KMtINSTKATM»N AGENT AIM bttkUTLt IN " bETTEK HUMES KXHIHII j A "Better Homes" uiubl sat. plan ned and carried out in IV'ieison. N. J , this ?ummer by the women of the lume bureau, awifM by tbe home ueaion.-Uatiuß agent. Tbe uin all throughout the tiiukd ma> i* em|4a mk the (actor> that oMnoute to home making and to iilatrate phases of home demooac ration work as carried on cooperatively by the Tutted States department of sg"-; * culture and the New Jersey State college o~ agriculture, which best de velop a well rouixiet! family life. A model tome was up in a ne»- dwalling hoyse in the i«u4*a|ul dh> trVt of Pattersea. It roacained ti»« type of fumitor* and e>,«ent that could be afforded by families utiuki in modera e circumstance-, with dry perks an>l other decoration in ir.g with the teaching? of the ex ten sson service. Programs were especially planne> to fenpplemft the lessuu in bet - ' ! hou e'icM with other f peels of the home economics instrac tion given to farm wnmi ■ Dome fie „ acae-jce rug' 1 * from the public achook prepared and served several times. Fundamental principles of med plar. niag were LhaH iod in thiw mall us d .fussed with thop who nwr to ihas Modern kitchen eqapamt and Mten rL- with their am were demonstrat ed Food storioa were told to inter iu«deimmrishad am' ta struct their panata. THE ENTERPRISE HOODED MEN CR ELLY MALTREAT A WO M'*. Jwir Starnes af Inion I'ouir Badly Injured By llitgauid Ptrcfntrn." MONROE, Nov. 7. The M.nnr Journal in its iasue of Tueday says: Mrs. Jorie Starnes, the daughter c." liob lrby of North Monroe, a fra I ii&ie ignorant woman of not over 20 years of age, was jum|«d upon by a crowd of masked brutes in the !orr» of, men last Saturday night, a week ago, beaten all over the body with some ha:d instrument, and left I;. ing in "l.e public itxul. The t»!itfni| table and brutal ileed took place o the Koigan load about a mile liw lawn, eaily in the evening was gwiisg from IJra.swell's store t> the home of a Mrs. ITynn. She wa i ccon»|»aniol by a companion, Ltettn Flynn, who ran when the nun grab led Jusie. Mrs. Stamen says that there wen ertainily as many as 10 men ai«". tiat they were robed in white gu«i: rnd caps. She also says that ILc said MKhing, but beat her with some thing like a leather strap and the kicked her as she fell. Perhaps from terror or for otfce reasons, she did not report the matte to »he officer*. Sheriff Fowler hear.: of it only by accident while in a barber Hop on last Saturday night, jaxt "xiosk afterward*. Dr. Smith wa* call «d to «ee the woman some time last week and found her suffering a goo ■leal, with bruises and signs of beat ing about the body, especially sever .-hout the lower parts, and a wourx on her (tresst. A mystery «wmi to hang over the affair that indicates that the act' *3 d. n e at the instigation or with 'he ct uiivance of some one with person J interest in the affair. TV. offical. accept a* a that 'si* *as by men a'caring white sheets disguisos. Further than that they are I .-"till at sea. PHIL VTHEAS DELIGHTFULLY ENTEKTAIXEU BY MKS. K. A. | (HITCH EK LAST FRIDAY On Friday, November £uc Mrs. Kt> i!«r Cnlther, Jr., ilelighlful'/ enter - tuned the Memorial Baptist Phllath tu with their regular monthly bo-i nets and social nwding. * After the buaute*.- hour, the ho» te«, assisted by Mrs. Warren Biggs, serve*l a very appetizing salad course. Miss Carrie [telle White, .. >.. - '■ Reporter. WONT BE BLACKMAILED Trapped by I m» la tk» Hf* ' Taaaala», P|W. Arthur U Bum tfctrty-ejght. !■ Tlrtnally beld H SUM Had* «Wyt>> durp of ■lliwptl— {*■»» above) «f Hlncitam aai B» Blca. \M Barron la alleged ta lav* ta Mrai Bannoaa. He waa oaa ®f tha aat WILLIAM-TON. MAR. IN COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER «». I.'JS. KANE'S STATU Oae mt IW mn fur art* to h- nrn bj fair alladMi» at at the Kuanakr fair krtr ml «nk, \«ru her 13th la IMk, hrtiii, da* «» ■igbt. TV frrr act* will wMilait a Muall cinak in smc rkaiii be a bin rarl far ikr fair. AN INTERESTING STORY OF **ORMIN; SHEKSLEY SHOWS Animal Show Great In Itself; Many Other Big- Features Kwcjr «as a koix—but she didn't know it. f She ban om a tuin, played in Ihe |iui pastaarn b> her Mtbtr's side, vac brakes U> harness ad to the pknr aid .-pent Ihr fit 4 eitfh years of her |.fe la the humdnin drudgery u-ul to the fain horse. Of mm. Naary'j. o»»«n» notm o»i.« I'tinK about her that their oU» > wot k anianl> did M ha*e. Uut the) rharired it up to a freak of natuie and let it go al that. Sme week* ago. CapL John M Shee.-'ey o: the GmaU-r Sheedej Shuns was natuw; in the fouslrj Whf* he *|atd Kaar) at *o« k in a AeM aith her mamer. The iartiae of the showman ■unediatel) ts#eit« itself, and as *«aa as a birr-in wa> naached with Mr. and Mrs. Augu-t Abraham of Van Dyne. Wis, Naiwv became the property of CapC She*-* ley. Naiiry pas a snow anile, tippling man* Mr* than eight feet l»»|. Hei tall had been in proportion, too, but had been rat to pnut her better tc do her farm work. New she is one of the featnraa of the big freak ani mal >how of the Sheealey Shows, that :—i-—m- ' jLI m will present the midway attraction* at the Bnaaske fair next week. fbtrtp thven. who hv charge of all the >lnafe dt nil ins ml the freak .t' imal show. I* preparing plenty of ~»f>aagtea~ far Nancy to wear, fla. hy red leather belt and bridle as-' w: v inr ptames far her head. KMC. al ready prances when the band rfi Vt; up and ii rmi as ararh at home in the aw dart as she was ia the gras sy meadow*. "Our Dunk Anmnk" would like in know Omrtte Paten. He laves palt, an-1 hr has a collection of them in th» freak aa.mal show. All his life be has head htlpltm creatures. "There is a hag white spat In ev ery heart," be aays. "Mine is taken ap with isanrsat bnaea that are drai ned by thpr Uhn miin as homaii * moaatrhaaki had the mrid arraye- 1 against them. TWy are the amat h>- lauliat Uhp h creatiaa. tlie>« oat •easts af the aaimnl khpha" Never haiina aaed a harsh »wd or a whip ia with his peU. Char- Be Dceea bas experimented with kind aeas aa a ■« af taming ti far- Presidents Need More Secretaries The chairman of tin- Joint Conjn* M nal committee on irvmiiiuliiHi C. tin executive brandi cfD*'* g.-»ru inent pointed out that ihf first ni presidents to die ncia;f> '•*** >*»" of are; the next tea •»-* year*; Uo lust ten. 618 jmrs. lie rrromnwnds that the pre**lent l«« a raff of six ii Mania »• iicktcn%» asaak. TW» should eons, st of a rrneUry to the president, acting as private sewetarj ; an exreutiv* secretary, * lw havr four uciMa' t dii M » follows an HHiaUllt in .-harge of personnel. with otf-c seeker-. aM so forth; an assistant in charge of le-g --islation, to f»»Ei v. in lioth houses, kcepm;; tie presides! in -lai ed. an assistant in rhantt of p"j»diri | ty to report on public apsiaii, to pre -ent the- presides* with Kjtiwu. clip plnp ami gather material for t|*cW and an assistant in charge of puUi rations for clenwwr. When you tale a kunsfu or pln | ume trip phone to. Your (tasth want to knoa' of )Mt iiattk reaped immeaeurahle love. tfchen I" appears among his criffM fowls ar»l beasts, they tr> to him with affection. • **l can't turn Vm all lease on mu ni once," he cxidained. "If I dn 1 , they'd eat me up trjriag to ku* me. These creature -ue so kiwfa) inrlw ml thoy their aara differenc* Uocen'a three legged Hf aad tw*. legged cat, a handsome nsalle-e, that has hopped abtut like a kaspm all It* life, fondled each other as he sp4n "They say a chicken isat affect inui it e look at this." A proud PI j mouth RocV dandy, vrk a couple of spare le*s i.bbed again t.-t the man's feat. tr>mr to at met alieni m*. ' Wasch tie 'ewa Ti-.ay efciorrc ret '".isky." Tic 'cue, th 'r-itme feSlow, plated abuut him like a kitten. Cherlie Daei has rae foreign aai inal, a peccarj "TVst mid hop run in drove They z'tark every thing in right :ad are ast iapp» «■ to know fear Read ahst thp ws' ural hiatoiy hoafc* -ay ahaal the assart ririsai beast to he fian I Now, see." Doeen's peccar> gratis! and twist ed about like a pieaaad puppy shui he «U«k»l it. His haaapt Uttal hsis neighed and triad to get fa sauzrte iato his pocket. „ | -Love 'ess? Hear emmU f help it? God never made aaythiag ana—set • * even a snake. Maa has 4mm all tfc. I ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION IS TO BE BIG EVENT Services In Washington j Sunday at St. Pet . er's Church j (treat prfparaiions j.v n the n-ak l UK and nearinir ftMifltion i'or tin ;Al uit&lne iiaj at Uasii ' ' }»i«»£iam for the uy b as tallows: | C>u.|uii) I, i ijuivum Inlauir). a>u ! Iml C.J 1»-, Lj,.il /.mi will IK LACVILNI U> U.T TUCNUR" . • 'tuna itotn :je Amor) ui UiUeiy t. : •m jliux st :iti to 11- . »ut A-IM'I U'ull Lcfiva on V>i-7~. Nm' « ] lutuubg lic.t With lIK | lurii ifota the c»'-ii oS a«fUn, T>in?il,\\ a ai»t iieau 4i.ii. ii.eti to the New Vuealif v .tie Arnuslice cdcuiaiMi »t.i « it Idr. Icbteni imoi L»ui i. .m, an ex .-vMICi", will be ti>e piaitiplf • lor .he occasion, ai..l a.ler liie ext. at tl»e New Theatre, ail ex .-ervite UH n will K« to .Snmilell t ulfonlii fish bouic for an oyster iia-l and dinner. At .v. Uart> there will lie a I cut hail gauit lUs ween the city of ai. Lite city of Norfolk- All Confederate veterans are vrgui to attend the « xero.-ea at Washington ai»l present theiuselve.- at Ut Lejji«ii hiii, where a committee will Me tn.. they are entertained during the da> aiwl partake of all the |>!t-.isum tlial are available. Sia»;e >eata will U reeneJ at the Kew Theatre foi al! ( t.nft- erate veterans, ami every tiui.i uili lie done for their contort ill.- mg the day. All e&ercke* of the da) will lie un der lite auspices of the American I*■ Kiwi .1 jr.r.f; the day, which is emk-av '•niijr to bting th.- ex-service men of lieaufurt, II x tie. Tyrrell Martin. Wasli ingtiMi counties closer U gethei, urn ai«f them in then endeavors brie in their home land. a- the> aid«d on another in the battle against the llui. ' «ver-e»*. j Kverjwte, especially the ex-serv ice ' men, are invi'ed to attend a big Ar | mi.-« .lay service to be held in St i l"e'er>- church at Washington on Sun day morning, November the llth. i.l o'clock. There will he r|nriin music furnished by a choir of th-M> voices and the orjran will he sitppit metrted by a full bra** band. The preacher for the aervices uiff be the Rev. Richard Bagby, who wa with the boys in France. You ar cordially invited to attend. 81'KDAY SERVICES AT M»;i IIOIMST lUlUlli I l£er \i It Chamber*, pa-t.., SUH Liy wM »;W a. m . Mr J. L I'ope, i «t; *i i'lcflJtaL TV liuCtf. will at lla/i;-! 101 l at 11 a. b. and 7:30 p. in, *'*' at Williams Oj|k-I aad p m. 'fhtic will I*- an important chur«-t r«ifeiM« at W imwxliak ly ktXer Sunday tdwol (about 10:4. r >(. If! every member «f the church i pre-en*. at matters of great iinpo ■ »nce an- to be rated on for the com in* >ear. The meeting will be in ehatge of the chairman of the bu»K of stewaids and the charge Ly leader ~_o Came to the Roanoke fwr next week ami take part in the b«fKt exhibi tion of eastern Carolina this year. Everything will he in laMeu for you ruendny morning with sight* never before aom in this action of the «- library " *'-Eigii \ con, P )•««.% FKNtIfcNT CU.NMSG FOli -MAI.I. INtESIOK I*> t AltBV TUK I'l HLH l»Klii j 'Out billion dollars of the nalmn |;1 public debt it is the hope of u« I i iIM States Ueasusy departnie j will be carried by comparatively «n --1 investors of the natiofi in the f jof treasury savinp oe»tifica'es.~ a cording to a statement male h ttc l>cal postmaster. the stiJe of these certificate s to the amount of annual!;, mill I m ike this possible. Thn* crititioi'f- I | are i-sued in convenient deaornini tioi;s of S2O SSO. s>2 aril #X2«». if •Kvtively, to |uit them within rrar of the man of moderate means The nrattirr within five years, but may K ivitwim.l at the option of 'he pui at any time, at values increai ing every month. The government is srnous in it purpose to prevent, a. far a* possi ble, the loss of millions of dollars annually throu»;h iret rich quick schemes and unsound financial ven tures. which fleece thousands of their stv'ni®' liy offering to the publtc an ah.-o!utely safe investment plan in treasury Nivinpi certificate-. Local purtmiftrra are authorised a for the sale of the certiorates and invite the public to visit the p«-l office at any time for information con cernin gthern. 5 H. Y. P. U. PROGUM IOK NOV. IITH. 1921 Tho local It. Y. I'. I will have spe aal At mist ice day at the lUp- U.-l church Sunday with Mis? 1- ranees Uurganus, leader. The program is us follows: 1. Hymn. 2. Scriptiiie li'mvii l>y (Jtwip- Harris. 3. I'rayer Jante. R llaileil 4 A allotl Uilk, "Aino lne May. —l»y OiarlcH. While. 5. A short talk, "I "rare IVtmm Nations," — by Williaim lli»iee 6. Hymn. 7. A short talk, "Christians |i . war."—l>y Mr. Hall. 8. I'oem, "I'eare" l|i.v- J'att« Harris. 9. Hymn. 10. Itenediction. The 11. Y, |*. f. meets at ( I'i in. fills service will he a menw ii' (w-rvice in honor to the live )oui« men, both living and lead, who faugh in the world war. You are cordially invited to be pre ent. CHAMPION COWBOY Hl* V# * I 'i'L I ■ " Yakima Cuutft, abmra km —*k Mi «W|*H to MW Mag «T Ik* toftaf aoa rM«f hu»— at dM ■«■* up at PndMoa. (ml Ha toa ito Police GuMtt Ml. Ito ÜBtoa Mlc *aMl* •■>« Uk Bo.***.* «•■ ItftM for Mk at MMw Mf THIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLITE COURTESY—TRY IT ESTABLISHED 1898. IFIHE DESTROYS I AS TRUCK OF HAKKISON OIL CO. Storage Tanks Are Not L'amaged and Service Uninterrupted This morning about eleven o'clock jin . mall iraoline truck of the Har nahi Oil company caught fire at the storage plant of the oil company, and mas destroyed with the s.nall loading ' -tit on used to house the trucks in i loading them with gasoline. For a time it appeared that the j storage tank was doomed, but due ,U» the |Uick work ani taoughtfulness of the local firemen the storage tanks w«-te saved, and the gasoline business of the Harrison Oil company will not be in"errupted;their big gaol me tiuck 'l ng ready and willing to go at any t ) time, and Jordan Ward, who is seen ! alwa - - > aily tn the morning and late 'at t» ght with the big led truck, boost ! in" Texaco with all his might, anil often complaining becau-e his vocab ulary is not as big as two dictioaar « ie*. so he can do Texaco products jus tice with his praises. A few months ago 'he Harrison Oil company met with this same misfor tune. but did not curtail their ser vice iii the least, as before the fire was extinguished, they had another truck in transit, and their many cus t.niter a can dapeml upon them to do more than is onlinarly considered hu Ainfr ih caring fcr their ga-oline and oil needs. TRAINING CAMP MEN WILL GET KVTKA I'.U Kaltag Increase* Anuuot Received la the World War to st>7 I'er Month WASHINGTON', Nov. 2.—Arrange ! menl> have been made for paying | men who le* eive.l le-s than for , «vicr "" •ffijent" trair.iin;; calnps dur 'insr the World war the dilfennce be- I tureen what they ao ually did receive aiwf that amount. This is ir. accordance with a rul lag lecently nunte by the I uited States comptroller general tluit men mho attended these camps mere en titled to compeiisation at the rate of *l«m a month even though many held tne rank of prriate ami received the pay of that rank lut ing their course of i ■■-tract ion. - It mas learned at the Wa| depart ment toilay that the proper proceduie f..r men entitle*! to this additional compensation is for them to direct a letter to lbe chief finance officer of the War ilepartmeM. making appli catioai for the money due atid giving the name, serial iiumlx r. organization, 14nk, pay received, time and date of service in camp and which camp, as well as the present address of the ..p; 'iraiit. No form of application | Idank is "»• ceasary. CRAW I nKIM KJTCHEK The following invitation has been issued which m-ill be read with great inteiet by the numerous friends of the young couple: ( Mr. Benjamin Coffield Crawford requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of Us daughter ■ ». ' Martha Cotton mm Wednesday morning, the fourteenth of Nn if liar, at eleven o'clock Methodist Epwcopal Church Wfllia—tea. North Carolina

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