THE BIGGEST AND BEST FAIR IN EASTERN CAROLINA THIS YEAR—THE ROANOKK FAIR. WILLIMSTON, N. C, NOVEMBER 13TH TO 16TH, INCLUSIVE. BE AMONG THE CROWD AND ENJOY THE BEST ENTERTAINMENTS EVER HEU> HERE si, ooo HORSE RACES. BIGGEST AND BEST EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. - ' • • ■ ; - : • . " - B 1 AKM HILS, WILL! VMSTON IS THE PLACE TO StLL VOI R TOtMX3X TRY ONE OF THE HOUSES HEX'' VOLUME 2L—NUMBER TSL ELEGANT CHURCH WEDDING HERE ON WEDNESDAY Miss Martha C. Craw ford and R Duke j Critcher Married The namajcr of Martu Co* I too Crawfonl to Mr. Bvicil Da** | . „ I c nicher was at the M« tno-tal Baptist chuieh at eleven « dock W«MV. the cereaamy beta, pel formed by Rev. M R- Csa-her of the bridr, by K'' A. V. Joyner. P»«« of «t* P wC the ring UJtiaay m*k:ag ' "*■ •' iiiipic&avr. lab/ leaf ptae lal ' v i *' f * I witk a profits!at. of ekry***- I themuai* for the deeonsfcons. twtt btinn usd in tic arrarg-amr- Taper* in rare oid o*W h •> th® have been m thr family of t* bnd« for several generations. k*«ed da* ing the ceremony. A short musical prv-grsm wjs beau tifully retvrlereni by Mis. Warren I' Blinn, iuter of the groom. Mr*. J S Rho>ies sang with lovely tone* -For Von Alone." and "In a Garden." V The Habere were: Messrs- Jaba* S Peel, J. G. Godard. Jr.. J- W. Birr and Lake Lamb. The hndenm* ntt: Mmv Nina t p!* ElmabeO Sanaa. Eliiabe h Pope and M-*. Rob ert Hey den retch. They w«* d*s~e of the nMMr «bt»; Mfca ffl* vfannf a hi tie ehiffn with f lace and silver trimminjrs. M-s» Ba* res wearing a nil* gteea chi#o" «]uaiotly mailt op with Pope veariar a jHk« ehMToa * ,u satin and silver trimming*. a«d Het wearing aa orange ch'f fon trimmed wi'h sileer They wore silver headdresses and carri~ white ami pink chrysaathrmaae* Mbs Keile Wjrrne. as md of ho»- or. was pretty in a pink l+, ' e " die*e milk roid trimmings and a g«U hat witih orehd pluaae*- Sfc» carriec. Mis-- Catherine Hardisoa.'as laati girt, was dainty m a yellow net mrr-a satin. She carried a large basket o ("h r> santheaaums. The groom was accompanied by bis brst maa, Mr. Cashing Biggs H*sae" end the bride, Imnely in a brown ain lace girwn with gold bat and veil was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Beajamin C. Crawfoed of U imgtse Immediately after the 11 ■■many, the bridal party and a few intimate friends and retatire* TO* invited t» the home of the bride's gunlaitbrr. Mrs Ely Pope, where they wet* aesrr- Tbea the bride and giaoaa left by took the trail, for Narfok and othe. Mr*. Critcher is *be daughter at Bea C. Crawford and the late Rasa raand Pope Crawford. She bao Sm" m Waiiamstoa at the heaae mt he" grandmother, Mrs. Elnabeth Pop. ( iff the death of her marker in he* early childhood and she is nwßag edaca'ed at Salem eaßege amd b a State. Mr. Cril char fe m mm of Mr. ami Mrs. RLS. Critcher and is me of Mar «n» of Critcher" amd Critcher. am. balds a Ugh pU*- the sarin! ax THE ENTERPRISE ROAiNOKE FAIR IS THE GREATEST LARGE CROWDS ATTENDING DAY AND NIGH Best Horse Races Eve. Staged In Section Being: Enjoyed EXHIBITS ARE FIN Free Acts More Thai Worth (late Admis sion Price WiUiamston is this we. k enjoying the many pleasures and dr nvnl froia the Roaaaoke f»i*. j"""' bv tivoufcofront rouiiliea in al aWNDS excelling anything «-vei attempted in «"astera Caioliiin frott poisti of vifw. The horse races, which are the bo' ever seen in this section of the "*»'• try, are drawing favorable cummen 'rom all sides, and «ir»wing peopl* from far and neai, who are now get •nag their heart's desire —seeing really noted horses race the track at speed.- far dbo«* any possibly made by lo cal horses. The race* have all beet closely competed, and aroosiag ir.tei est ta the highest pitch from beg*., nag lo aad. n*e b nc tacea were prevented o. Tuesday, the opening day, on arcour. of rain, aad are being given in L»rg er volume each day, in order to hi the rati re program a- arranged. Pia» tirally the entire afternoon of all day the last of the week are being or copied with races, 'bote attending th» iast days witnessing one and two mon races per day than was the origins P«**aaa. Ths exhibits, which by far eicw expectations at the anaounceane-d o the fair, are a show worth a trip ® omay miles to aee, and the exhbi buildings have been fall of spctator all the week, even the opening day when rain aad muddy roads cooh not prevent the throng* from gath« • at the fair greods. The promi * of the aesoeiatioa management naW a few weeks ago are being HNd and almort unbelievable rigbu an heiag «ea at the Rnaaokr fail The free acta furaiahed by the as aoriatioa are a show within the* mlw, aad are balding the wndivide. atteataaa mt 'ho throngs both day aa> right, with a change of program earf aad every day and night. The las' I comprises terea free acta, L I mate thaa is aeen at the averse j -how mad are feats that are entire!; I aew to tbia sectiao of the coaatry. Fraaa the ataadpoiat of amnsoaaen' • aad exhibition, the Roaaoke fair tho j Car, has proved an overwhelming aor j XHs aad with fair weather the r —=r—r day, will go dowa ia the hia lory af this aartion as the greatea* exhflatioa ever staged la eastern Car Vith new exhibit buildings haviaf beea elected jaat prior to the open mg af the fair, the skeptical did aa* believe they waald be filled this year ■il i ah*ita being aa am ran a» aae phma. r I IMT ia dear ia mg the beat. i» teaiftai* a» MHtAa L* ■ . • •• T7ILUAHSTOX. MAR, IX COUNT*. NCCTB CAROLINA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16. ISA * ■ m fm - 9Kr —* • ■ i j t jL mm 111 ij W SH LESLEY SHOWS ■ MAKING GOOD THE REPUTATION i Throngs Filling the Mid way Day and Night at Pair Grounds With »"«» ® Um, a iilahl |imw «f K«to muar anJ MM, "nlnlauuiient row, .o> pmoUd i pretty sipht. e»|« • .tall) at the Ufkt thaw* at the ft- uiukr fair liut ink. with ikr nJf | ail t(*Ul attmlMb of tlx t.itatu jktedjr Show which *»rf catfnii|t U | 1 hp umirrnrnt la.-t« of }oanr am. old. Kespleodeat with pAI leaf, inyri-. .an-hard iaaMktmU, :te show frosts are attractive, the itiujr devw (J well up. ohvi> >P*k a*' po». coa-weno* the kmc srawa, aix vaf«lrafce ef perforaters iirnxiiU'r IW men ami women oa the **hall> MU" are dncr aad rwitcwt a ■ the whale ataaoapher* of the Shee trgiaiubN is clean ud vfaniexnM' Viriag with each other for pofM. lanty are the llaatatioa show wi Shcedt)'t KIOWII Gcwiia miastn aad their cracfc juy baad ami wr ckntn, the thrilla*: Mhdrone, Mai gets* thea're, aad freak animal show The big caterpillar, show* hen aif is one of the new joy makers tun -3d oat thi* seasoa froai Coney IsLtf* aad feat are? the ridug devices, Ih> a»i)-g°-wad aad Pern* arhrei however, btiif old staadhys aad hold iag their owa ia the ejea of youth fal pleasure whan. ChpL Joho M. Shot !?y. one of Aat srica's leadiag show m a, i« ia per aaal charge of his «|tai-a «*», an laaofcti rperiil prafiaa n all de part■> 1 of his iwnl ia £ ~a» or the doaiacr day of the fair. A? rides aad shows will ke kept L t ■alii a late hoar Friday ajghi. TT Sheesley Shows play their last star. f* winter qaarteri aa the Vir next Saaday. They are by far th» laia—l aad Boot aadn rami>3 sawpaay em aeea ia thia awrtinr tntfar the Merit of MIHM. aa- Dr. md la. C J. »i|U mt Wiad _ -— y~ JZmZm NO LIGHTS IS CAUSE OFBAI> C AR ACCIDENT. Mr. YVillitM lardjicT Down In Front of His Home Last a A Wnlnr itay «(»« a k"T* »»«« in; car stiwk Mr. W«U» l iriwi a> he * going fzam k*- ts»€ ***" j rood to his «■»*« wiih frnm Uilliaw««* «" Washington roo»t» ku» :e ea-> five f(* •'»«» I - i>«4. fcwji HIK ONE leg aad hotr jJ*d Ww hw. hea-l lia»U>. TrnpMan m#%fc«r. I "ewfl»*« Wit soon n»fcn >t l>j l> J S Rhi Jr . who »ook him «• tk» A mac*** patal nrVff a hfct nu> jtim *«- fl that he tu»i |«>l «>» iims of eovery. From the mnrtr p. **f tfce a» mlrnt ai.t MI liiff « -rrwrns- iL there va; min h of*- evl.U nl om both oi4r> Th*r- *w al people nraik' . ♦feec* »««« a ear €.■ each *ide of the i«»f «•* " | the people « r* ® jaurtiiii! ■Woxirateri, and w»» Wi. turned te walk afrM t s « nai V* I '• » ju-t when akxMtt la* « v «fe *"»», ! turned partiaHr aiws>i « k hit k*t. I toward the M-maLur «»*. wh*h Iwj had not seen, awt al*-- s Hull). j was Mrurk, the ear l» T within j lights ai.d (Mr at a s*tfc rate wf. Lead. The party dniur the «r Al m»- j -top after the acridrae. Ifedt sped « i and there Is mm (W d aay IM * ' ooaaect an> oa* with '*»- had. Ho ever the lathidr owl. I not withhold the trw-k W MI 111. H. DiiM of Bu MI ■—tj «N | j*d Ids rwhwi to the Usdwt ri—r , | "7 authorities. We hare Mt hat tW nflwaUi I f the OK fraaa the the vawrpwii ■ rfth. *t#rftW-r --~~~~ NOTICE OF SKITITS IX % > j THE ercKor u. CWI 801 Chrnrh arhaal » 4a. a m, H. M JMfti tfc* f|mr UNCLE SAM WILL NOT OPPOSE THE KAISER'S RETURN No Disposition Is Shown In Washington to Interfere WASHINGTON. Nov. 14.—1f aay thing is to be done i.bout the kaiser s return to Gennatiy, it will have U |«. d«ne by the allies without the aal of tlw I nited State- The L'aiteu Stitrs is not a signatory to the trea tv of Versailles and ha.- no re»|>on V ability for th- wherrafcouts of th» HeheßaoUerns. Awl there is not any disposition here to iii-er:tic. If Premier Bald sin as Mr. Lloyd (ieorge said, was >«uM*sl oat of Europe, Seeretarv Hugl.«* • »ao e«iually siiubbe.l ojt o> I'.uropf *ihti h*-' »"• place.l ,kls limitations on the proposed . vper. ißi|uiry into Gernian>'» capacitiy t.. l-> ; ( Th* failuie of that movement to provide for Germany's return to ir. dustrial prrnluctioii has urdoubtedl> ontritnileal to the pri«ent activity ol the HahenaaUcras. The disposition oi lAadiington is to «a h it.- hands ol Luiope so long as M. Poincare mair i « tains his present attitude. ItiREIGNERS STI IIYINa Ol R POOD ORI'GS AC Bepre.-e*itative» of various foreigr pov«raaaents now in the L'nl'ed States studying the work that is being don«- in protecting the public health r> 'remtlv vi*itod the I'nitied States U fiaitmeat of Agreulture to learn ab ! sn*i Ibe enforcement of the foml ae. act from the officials direr' I ia charge ami to visit the laboratories I where the ai-alytiri work is done. Tb | law bas attracted at'enion la nearly 1 all eouritries because it is aa dfectfte tuece of progressive legislation ami j. j because It touches all eoantries ex ' |«etiag foods and drugs to this roun i try. Included ia the delegatiau which ' will rpeud several mouths in the Uait id State* are representatives fraar Fiance, Eagland, Italy, Ramia. Po Uad. Spain. Holland, Belgium, Greece Jaguh*ia, Germany SWUMAIIH iitntay, Mexico, San Salvador, Bra id, die aad Canada. Mr. Lyawa Britt of Oak Ridga te stitate ml apeodiag a few days baa* this waak with hia parents, Mr. am* - 1 PEANUT GROWERS READY TO OPEN THEIR MARKET I Oj>en Market With I >rer Advances Than Last Year The peanut Grower* association bi~ 3Sm unccd that it is now read) "*" ofn the 1923 pool of peanut- 2k to arept leliverie». to the very short tinK that | they have hail to nuke ihetr plar? |it is pi. tuttle that all raceiter- an j >?ialer* will nut have been appointe. ! but they it* emleavonng to tr** tb»- I «lune at the earliest imwi lln roost cae» the reeeivers they K»t last year will serve. The a>so«n»»o* aniiouiMV*, however, that tho>«- wl» are ready to deliver peanuts at tb. J points where ao receive** have bee' appointed should notify the d!U-e o as-ociatioa ad ««* and thev .wj iwlrwt the growvrs where to delreet them. Receiving an.l rrailing wdl be Um it is arnoanced by the aiM-iatwa i j the same way it wa- la>t year aahi j | the undemated grades and advance-, will be made. * Grade Ad*, per IVI 1-1, 5® per cent or brtter I._ 4. M J i -ti pet cent to Ml per cent 314. j J 3 - - - 3c j B-l, 55 per cent or better 3 l-3r B-2, 40 per rent to ii per cent 3 1-J» B 3 3 K I. 55 per rent of batter 3 I Jr K-2. 40 per cent to 55 per cent 3I 4c K 3 ._ _ . 3r SpaaiT-h . . 3 I S j Just a» -®>« as |a»Mble aotice» wilt Ibe -enl out to all groaers giviag the I receiving point-. The awviatum al so ana«}re> that its pranuts will be rleaaeil b> the Columbian IVaai* rom t*i") at their t a nous plaat- an> a> rruaets i proxinuty to puint are all growers in the prniiaut> t« these points are retiwsted to alrlivet to the factory. SENSATIONAL RAID STAGED BY M DRY W AGENTS 22 Arrested and 60 Mort Warrants Out for Pro minent Citizens MOBILE. Ala., Nsr, 14—Impos ed liquor valued al m«*re than has been seised, 22 persons are Bhdei arrest en charges ranging from bnb ery of gavemr-eat agrau to paates s*oa af liquor, and apprvxisaately ft a.blitoaal warrants a>e still to b* -erred ia coanertiaa with the raid ron«h*rtcd in Mobile city aad countv last eight wbea 52 federal >w*oped dowa apm this aeetiaa. The staring of liqaor in the federal huibhatg, which was started early the morning, bad not beea ramplatid late this afteraooa. Eight large track loads af Bae tmpoited Hqaaaa km beea unloaded at the haildang by the middle of the afteraooa The raids task place early jada of aa iaveatigatiaa which baa beea aa der way m thaa ritj stea teat Jr by the iatelligeaee uait af the cam , THIS MARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE MIXED WITH ABSOLUTE COIRTEST—TRY IT KSTABIJSHED IS*. POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE QUIETLY MARRIED SUNDAY Miss Bessie Page and H. - G. Horton Wed at the Bride's Home .it ihf home of tfcc knar's wm¥Lber. Mrs. John ' Mr. 'Hugh G. HoW -n and Miss ; Be«-se I"»ct were ijuitely unite«l in iaunafr Oelv the immediate niem hees »f the bt*JeV fsonily were pres jent. Re* A V performing the Xn. Ho*"«-' i- tbe .laughter of the ' late Sberf J M. I"itr an«l Mrs. Au ' cvutas J«ha--n. aanl i« one of Wil liaaetonV mot ptpular and charm - ' tag iva*f *•- Mr. Hoit-w is the -«n of Mr. and Mrs. J- K. H«n«n o r Ainriie. Mr. , ks t*e \ nauj.* "1 nsembet of the pipobr la* of Ihuuiing. MH»re j:ai Horton. a««i i» 1*» of the coun f tie>" ck> I fwoii-wr youne attorneys. Itemed aelv after the ceremony, , Mr and Mi"- Horton left for Xor | folk »fe-e ibey sfw;it a few days. They are nem at h-erw witib Mr and j Mrs. W. I» Waits on Main sreet. BKII LI A\l RiAEPTMiN IN HtlViK OF MR. AND MRS. B. IK h Et RITIHER - | Mr. and Mr>.B. Duke VnUbn. abue manage took place • ami thair bndal par >. J Mi-.- Ala I'vfß. aunt of the brid*, was ImtCM at a bulliant reception at her hnmr oa Haugbton street, on Tat-vb) eveasu* na »:W until 11. TV partly home wa.- ansttcally aid beautt'u it devorsaed for the occa.-Hii la the raeptma tvall. tall ifce» of rel i U>« (MiiKU-lbmau- *■« used ag ainst a Kai p«««l of potte«l plants and p«ae Thr mn- n**#. where the ramiine lav aas tran.-foinied Ma a beuatild boaer . pine and myr tle fvrwkiag t Wk prouid for yel loa ami wlute cb> that aere pwfad) •-•*« In the living IMn tte aae dtan latiaai ware us ed ami m thi> moi the many pre" ty rift aeie ali^played. Mr ami Mis. k B. Crawford re retted al the frnal duor ai«d invited tlaee eaWung t* the punch bow l where Mi» Aasta Crawford aad Mrs. War rea Biggs sewed debc**a.- punch. Mrs. J. G Gmtard. Ji. rhowtd them to the us>v rum *be*e they aoet the bos- Itw aaad the bridal party, who stood aa wder: MM ASM Pope. Mr. Ben. C. Trawfoad Mrs B D. Oritieher. Mr. Cntacker. M» Nelle Wynne. Mr. l ake Laah. Mass Elizabeth l'«-pe. Mr. Jark Bigg-. Mrs. Rot* rt Heydeaireich, Mr. Julaas Peei. Mu» Nina I pton, Mia Elisabeth Burta* and Mr J. G. Godaad. Jr. Alter the gwests were sbaaa to the gift wia aa ine ohuv was served by Misses Margaret Maaning, Eve I' Harrboa aad ■♦'ipbia Little. About a haadied fait ails called during the RECTTAL AT GREENVILLE TEACHERS' COLLEGE Mim Dane llmdl will give a recit al at East ChrsHaa Teacher* ralltga ■■l i IS. I«L at M pa, aader the af the Bfaar ADea PWa l"' I li'