f ARMER& WIIXLVMSTOS IS T«K IlAlt TO SKt-E *OCR TOBACt-J. nv oxe of Tiu. jntsfcS utci .. . -i M. iiiALNUTRMGON i /IXLAubLi i 0 BE Nui A FAI One Thiitl oi t» e C hiidi-en Bad ly Nourished Malnutrition ia not a fad. It is " : •; i coodLtf ion found in children usii-. of school age which if uot corrected. testis to pi-educe seiious conre.;ue ces. The term means budly ..ourisri ed, and Mt lack of bounshmen , a. i lesw suppece. The coctttijn is foui». i ! . ■> i" well to do families as well as i* families of meager circamsti.xes. Di. Wm. R. P. Emerson, ehiid .-pecialk . says that at least one third of th« children of school and pre-school ar , | j-e anderweight or malnourished The main s>mptom of 1 la child r n is underweight and the rlief causes that have been t(- it are. in order of their impor tance: physical defect, and disease, lack of home control, over fatigue, improper diet, faulty health haMta. Dr. Emerson «ays that the first e • atinl h getting a chile "*ell of ma* rutntion is to reniv.e the cause; thr is, :o remove the physical defects. erfaWi-h home control, to p.eve t rr fatigue and the correction of 7r-- ;.t*t health habits. The nutrition class, which is a fee tore of the modem heal' fi cni-w* uork, and which is be!ag conducte 1 in a larre number of the scho the State, has proved to be he tuw' 'Talto means far correcting ma t utrition \et foun.l. The results *av I been that malnoui Uhe-i chtnmn hav hren made to gp>' ia thetfr psunl en-' vfraaaaeat at the rate «l /mat tai | kandred per cent to eleven hind.. per cent of the avenge rate of gain j of the thiimal child. For tl* re..-on th.t Ihe child ol under weight has lew re»i»tance to ■ ia-idious liiMuet, - j ienrukats. ».. k i ? in t!w field of tu- ; ht.Kalosis conski> r pmrntiui of " j thi> di -aw at thi.- probably is the aaas: effective mean., of preven tion. By building up the child's weight ar.l by safeguard tig his health at other points his residence is built only again-t but agsinst I niuy other duesces. The iMiiition crusade is uatu.ed t_ .. ughi-ut the I n«t.i States by the Neuronal Tuhe.'culoow anaria'ioi and in North Carolina b> It.- tu!y ~uaßf i>>! agmt. the Kortk Carolina Tuber celaals aasarlntlm, Sanatorium, N. C-, the exper.se in both organisations be ing taken cf hy the sale of Tuberculosis Christmas seals. COTTON MARKET HAS MADE STEADY, CONSTANT GAIN THIS SEA.SO' tthe ever saw the price of cotto: rise fraction by fraction, mill by mill, cent by cent, from the time the firv hnle ia ran through the gin in Tens np to and through Thanksgiving All mu>t admit that cooperaiior kelps all the farmers, the merchant, the hanker—yea, even the tpeculator Cooperation is so strong that ever, the hulls, the bears and the sharks are afraid to venture out. Of course they would take delight in coming aat and drmaring the "lambs", k they fear tke fanners' » they kav* not ravished the mark et during tke ■kali aeaoa Man nriaunag ia tha surf an larg fiad the water has a temper atoea of and; twa iln iaai. ear deae to the berg, far Ike water to 1 "Rlail with ice sinks aa fart aa it THE ENTERPRISE NEGRO KILLED 'LN A ROW ON THANKSGIVING i liquor is Adjut'. xi the ! Cause of Lie i*auii j Shooting • Liquor again npers tw» rends—one to she pave, ami the other to jaiL 1 On Thanksgiving day aaaad a «uu~k en Grover Wtna .hat and kil «1 a negro named Charlie James Bee the Martin-Beaufort cuuaty b*. «ej j the George A. Hart place, the kill., occurring in Beaufort eoanty. | It k said tha: a number of pev i pie were engaged in a shooting ic U * |by the road side, when the negT- James, with several niton pc ssH I ) in a car, which stuck in the mud ■«_ hjr. and while the me were try ing to push the car out. tbr shout ers fired in such a way that tHe struck the car and when asked aat t shoot so carelessly. Grover Wyaa an - one other of the white men a|-pruarL ed aad made rile threats, aad Wynr threw his gun ia the face of the negn Jaanc , who pushed the barrel dowr and Wyan fired, the load striking Us in the thigh. He was naahed off t« Kober-seneille, but before he nadir s iMer he was dead. bleeding t I death. The negro was said to he ag* j !utuy colored mrn ud was w. ; --.ught of. N.er ir KtiieMiu imirediately as* an .nvestigation and found Winn h. j rome to his home in Martin nan! He arrested him and U« k him t j V. ..ingum. where he t» in jail ira tflg trial. —! I MRa. MAR) E- COLT RAIN IN Ell LAST WKUM.SU* I M. - *-- Mary E. lot train afced Seven, i ler ifll, just as the sun «f the mo. j iigr bepin sending forth the ligLt • j a ."lew day.. She was nIM to t jiini land; ai*er a loatg illness, ct> i uniting in a fall a few days bef-o al.tch frirtitf.| her hip, shr grtsi ually gro« ng worse until the can.l - to burn. She was T years old. Iler |na ; hand, the late C. C. Cdtnis died at out 2k jrfsn ago. She Icam |«- ! sons, James E Colt rain ami Cleaphru , C Co!'rata, aad three daughter*. Mrs | Sarah T. Roberxm, Mrs. Henry Rcb | erson and Mrs Lewis T. Helliday- I She was buried oa Thanksgiving day the eld family plot oa the k by the mill stream of the HuduM Mill. W. R. Harrington and A. J. Man ring odAciatingat the faneial BITES THE HAND THAT FEU HER Mr. Earn Rogers, a farmer kviaa neat Bear Grass was knocked dean , ' | and vary seiluealy bitten by a has tha week, the hog naftm ga hag gas* ] i t Mr- Rogers' threat, reqwnig sev eral stitches to sew it np. Or. V. E Warren, who attended I'ogers thinks his wouad wfl not prate fa'al. Mr. Rogers says that he raised this hog. first as a bottle pig by bad ai d in and arsnd the krnse. aad aoa~ that she has grown to a big Ma I* -and Leg, she has last all uatilaji ami Las tr.e I .e knn the head that rased her. ome te Wt'Tiamatf ahw. yea hay BOARD AND ROOM FOB 1« OR*l peapte. Breakftot aereed aa enrty dan Terrace, J. R. Mifieaea. pro prietor. 12-4-P VIUUMSTON. i'At IN OOLXTT. M'UTH CAROLINA. TCESDAT. MDTEMREK _ 1?^. JL • - «, : ? * 7 jiifcAK GKA^ LUtAL ikfcM&j ■ Little Vise \cifii Cnes e=-j :ert.. «e«i a nuai'-cr of fraraj "»« a). -««. v ember . iJi iioan tt o'clock p. m, it .he hunae ef m . rents, Mr jam! Mrs. Jonah ibgeis . ! honor ef her eleventh bartmiay. Lin J * --4 . aad mplr biting csucsts loi t-nevi u. ' « Mea—Mll during toe puij K-a>s At ibe closing hour the t> *r 1 u&be.ed to the diniag ra»m, shta •« decorated with stripe and -tre r, «a rational colors, and- .«» M wita very delicious refrnAaraU TV urfe^j received many useful and t-e»uUul. jg.fu. - j i The kcgl jSonday icha I ot cne>; educational week ui iiinj *-j . November 2sth, with addresses k, j Mean. R A. Pope and 1L M Stubto! of WilHamrtoa. . Mr. John Roger** of Wtllioaastoo u-as m Mki on business He In a day A number of pesple from here at • twiod the box party at nfglt acknel | House Ifcersday night Mr. Ira Rogers motored to Green : v, | »die Monday on badaiesa Mi«n— Laura and Thelma Spruit and Mlea ABee Rober.ua af Old For 5 attended the box party and cake rdl here Wwlnt day nigh;. Mr. A- B. Keger» m*u«N to k.a , »ton Thanday on btins*. Mr- Marvin Gurganus anade a h«is-' mesa trip to Greenville Saturday Mlaaaa Kathenae and Same KetH o!, Pap la r Point attended the cake sai | here Wednesday nighL 1 Soane of the curious spectators o the cake walk hare net di.ikd «h> ther k area • freak or a fake. Miss SalHe Caake spent the Tv *~' giriag holidays at her ho aw ia An ; larder. 1 PMILATHEAS TO HIXI I HITH MRS. A. V. JOEW • The Philathea cLt&> o: >u M«i . riaf Hajrtisl church wdl meet ia Mr>. A. V. Joy ner at he* lmv C Churrh street Friday eimug a*. . , o'clock. | All members are urgently KfW. u I to he present. CARU OF THANks W Uww who eoatnteku to oi I :«.t during illaeas: 'tea.-* accept my tace«e |L "-- I-.. | j your rememhrance af aae while coo. haed in my nmaa. With bnt take J for your future that K my be pns ' peisas and happy Beapect/eli? W R- Hadley. " Mpt m Alaakg m October e » «i**t a stock to ideas haiad .y> the I arfcuel gi.graphy hooka, as is bat 1 aeather at the Marth Pale—a - Uoa which explann artaaly report as existing daring the -*o«g toy~ ., *■ I Mrs. Sae Ewell's amy fricnSs oil j he glad to learn that she usa l» - Ptevmg, aad hepe for her a noter *■ ■"**■ Mai from her reeen j fllacaa «hM has keen of sever ' _ 1 up— iimlwhimhi^ NSTIOB OF SAU We .ill all puldie —I e'tlock m, I. fraat dthHhl 1 j a* GKy. Oak CMy. N-C, fcrmak to the hgheat Udder: Oae lay aaae. peay. aae ia the r «f Gas j Tayiar. P f"* harm* lean wade ia the l payment mt • aeto due > i talii l I OR This, the IMb day mt " I 190 L F.J. HEMRT, H I ■ I ill d} tt+R BESSIE MAE CORET > | JtAtttiiAtehS IN MARIAN j Oil MY INC liU> OVER THAT OF a Over Too Honored tM r » - !*•_ v. Lactase in uc I tHUh . oimi December lot, Wzi. The register of deed- ui a>.t. county issued for the ILc- . ear v ug Uocrmoei ist, i !tt?, SC man s licenses, against 1!m lot t » same K iod Ins. year, wtaich a Ct>nck>.i pa oof thcie is moie ioti' in Ma. t. coactf now than a year a^o. liceaes i»ued for the tno-rth u* November are as follows: MTutc Edgar G. I'u-cor. Chart' :'e. rphine K Davis, SI Daniel Bland. 21; Pearl . Tny-rt" _? I WaHer I_ Hn-ra. 2b; Jp»H- i . : «g. IS. Hiqcli G- Hart on, 2M; (* Pege. 23. B Dukr Critcher, 2P; Slartha IV ton Crawford. 20. Oscar P. Smith. 22; Lei.. V. t'.rrr:. Benunm F Askew, Brr'.«- eaUaty, 21; IVlcie C. Wanl, Bertie n«nti, l> Calared Roy A- t'rmond. 2S; Heb-r. I'ee». I" » Leonard Reautt, 21; Marv John -1 >4m 2X Paul Eure. 32; Mary John n. O Wnshingt.»o Maniuog, i!; IV tt.. jWf 111 II h. 15 I Cain Jennet, 22; Lula Harrell. ja. Eary M. Boston. 19; Sa- ih J C..r dsn. IS I t • POKU (X)HI'ANV NOW MAKRS ITS OWN GLi\S. Another Step Toward Inde|iendenci> of Oth er Companies DETROIT. Dec. 3 f.L-ss is e tot&g made at the l ord Motor c . pan; plant af Ever I! c*e ard I brings the company uw- Urp f*ji« m its program to runt. J the ma afattaie of peactically everything tt. lenig «nte its product-. Wrtfc tke neo factory in operi'iri the tkrrd and lanr-t pro«lu» tag ur.it of the Ctsn.p % routes ir: be«ig and the Koni aa"hed of nua: •ag glass, urfcacfc i- a nwu\ri to .» I*" * aijd whicli (stal>(i>hea as cs. I J tic industry, attain., tu higte r i. tfinuit staiula r>l 1 furnace is am operatn jibe Range factory, fir.* have I I d under the necoml, ami the i. laming two, it is expected, will U »,-*■«og shortly a-ter tiw fir.-t of tb . JW- Mhea the factorv gets m fu. •feiatun, it will have -a atnua' _ pnoty of more tiu feet rmnpany's plant at t;ia» IV, has an ai.nual output «• j '"MM r qnaie feet oh.le the ler plane at fart, start*. - ■- M "no* reur years ago as an expert men: *d nkere the Ford method of g' —■ aas developol, daily piodun ( "*a» feet of glass Ami all this great prodarfica a. m««nary to meet the e»^ 3i ctii. tag reopiiifeatnls of the tfar; * ■*•«* at praaant cell far mare thai i IIMMMI fait f«et of gha a year '*e to the increased prodaetmn mi • F«d an and the constantly gr on ma i j "€««*h caadd well he called t|. B»ie language. Nest to Ifchua i ais mora r.lnely tied ap witk the Ri;. AJUCAIa Ui I>LA\ LAi ILcstfi. G- B. 5 . i»i. .1 »- , aas l.s f Sim,. » * /■ »- * *'•- ustsa Momfo:.. Mr. Jar,. IA. t iV« —rw lau. By tMihkd church in Vdl ims~«i I , IJkflild ini -y. » Mr. Barrel Trciri.oni as ' 11, Ir. J.i E-'jaletii City .-je;; j M« Hm i ~f \Vilh.a._-;r: '-per.. g-vu.r mth hi- *uect • I l^re. \ V's C-,iri I'aesi* atn! fjar*- ispra; Wetkenbv a Mrs. h ! I i Mi aa>l Mrs V*. T t all i+f an '♦ Ito Wiftarr tia Wednesday sVyi'iir M--»rv le-ter Erfri. ard V~» ' life:* Metered to It il!iai. "cn •.. | d_y ir.-rs.nc Mi- spent V —i aesday mgkt uith Miss Lindie V r CTaron. Mr ard. Mrs. J. ||. R.^er. »t Ii- W (Mr V» F. Aiie-i wen? to W illirni ! f -n Tor -day on buinaaa a«d Mfn M G. IV>e' ard fij- { ily lMlm !to IWM "Tur-aday afte« •| * J C'immi i. vHlovr i tl. * bi 11 i "nat"..^i ' f irency refoirs e' lie ra.. Ime to i !»rh tir tV w»!er cvwlmar sy *e:a. . I • ? ! licit i>utn at iUKky diuiu.; wti t l.u a*. ..> , •? r ~ Everytha g a; *•» -r- • • Aalor »e*i. in Lsra) H-»- i tbi- •«>! ItwaJri ..id to & L i"l» prtats have iMiessol until Us> y n_ tw« f—W* tl Ts> praid pri. h idwtod aid ». a is an i j« .n (tie m it* ll -Jiri 1 L . turv cotaaj ' i ny. it « a t kevfaiec t«u_j ar ard tie vi. |m a anil to :fatd jU Lite • Kedcedai. Pawater 12th. Acvwlstg to nrporis fioan K» Mount, over a aaillaan dollars an m> x rfi«liae as e#«t*v" by tVs cooperati j effoats of tSjr meacKant ' to give tl* p«tag»ie of taL-ton North v'arolina va'-1 aJWr met anahie al the 100 est con paaidk 1 tver e*j;aJly itvns Lave citered intv ( th* agiaamint to aie sfAials dur i a* t e neek and tke largest tradmr * crowd in tie history of this iwrtiau is j I inked far to lake ndvaaatage of the t ' many ttop adTered theaa. ** el | Dr. J. l> II Eniyto returned haair i Wednuday frum \o York. East Or aage aad aamny other point- around I ' - I greater Xee Yoak arhere he visited , ho soaas. Haywend and Chartos. for • two awki. They live in East Or f; j —age, but have idhce laboratories ia [Sew York citjr, aad Haymsod is ckem li ' |in for >avcnl of the large aaanufar | tisring coseems af tke cunaery. Dr. ' i hurit says R aaakr* a isutkerner feel ( I aar aad dtpwaied tn aae tke lav {VA of that MCiim "j. ' j COTTON ASSOCIATKIX 'j INtREASES ADYAXtF "! ; r '| Tke Crtton Craven Caopeut -- a--..i)«iatian a naiw ada aar ing $11" r jer kieuiaMO p«mi hnR oa. a" Icetoaa w*Jt— the lamaer ia -e- b* 1 jmnctgage nr urgent ohligataon The! •oevW to W «■> ■■■!! 1 ig » OF THE u idioi'ALlhl Kch 1 lO 11AV fc UAZAAIw • will lie field in Hasseii iiinrsday Aiter- Inooit ana r^ight Toe n«eint i> oi the liuud of th> . 1 • Udtita oi Jw Amcui «ui nave a j j._ o > ii.ui-.uy of thas week a. ti j J. L Hiveli stole. rite ik4i> Bill U' upenrti at foat v j Ciwk iii tne aiteiTiooii !cr the b»».« lit ci ikwe who are unable t«» cuum j at aid a M tempting uißijt | be '.-en«i from i:3M until 7 0 j li»erv Bill U- a \aned menu ctKL-U I ng of ciuckeu >aiati. fnU an«l seal- ; U-pe*: i>; .ter«. ocuntn ham and otner tnal BTiU t*e prepare-i b> h,iia of si* btst couk> of out U>« ■> I ■ Tbe uieatbers of the Ouiid plan; .-. ... liie ti'-t ol tlse year ». :;.oe tuat Uuie they have teen pre -aiinc the articles, and ia tbe It.-: wiil he found anything that one nil I u fancy work, aad especially pr»t > _ie ilk hand made handkerchiefs. i«» els. lunch cloths and the man* oti th_t will make suitable' jtt.L --:>•: any member of the family or ant fraer;d>. Use.* will be. auMK a pj*n .Jsli ■uvi'i ui which will l-e soli canne u»j pre-eiied xecetabtes and fru.t.- o* ill kiak This is -omrth:Rj; tlut |>!«xr K.-u-o krepet> aiwi t«tr> aHU wn'c -.id her family is especial •> .-.ilevi to com*- to the bazaar next t'.iur. day and see the di.-pU.vs, do br -IfllftS Mtt' aad *T* an a|> ' Ht'jw d»;.ner • '.JCTALxS IWEVTIKTH CEVTIRT CLIB HLKI j»rs. \. K Tarker wras hoste ~ W .a Twentie'.S Century club and « lUtler of b( freads at the Iwveit we of her mother, Mrs. It lla> j -) k' ftit on lower Main -tmrt n c.lms lay afternoon of last week liar tweplior hail and m»-« roont ip'* iiM-t a'ti. clue in their iktor f - f j d white rwsc. T e . fj,rj o .jt pn>K«am dealt with ut l. -ft .ntimate >nle of social luc of the Old Shaath and «u rod bv j 4rs. J. II Saunders and the oahr r»|*.. a -criptaoß of early retiziou ■k > of ihe first sett la-rs of the -«»uth. W"XS r- ad bv Mis. II M. Stukb-. Mr- S. KkdM -an k "For Yw Atonr" Jj.ll "In a lively Garden" and rea-t r feeing current w-fits. The pr> ram throuclMaut was mtemtiar a'> enjoyable. Mrs. Parker. a>sis.*eal by Hrv E 1' • I'linrhaa -«-r»ed an ice coairse i% att s.tnr tucket shape, and ruiaatuir L> L>' - fillel aith mints al o carried ut Th--Bk-tfirme hVa As fa - »i , c -eh r«a«t wa> rxan • cboc" "urkey l>l* flirt I torether in of ,k * cHy water system mt Hew Uw don, CaoiwrtKit, shut off the «at> ia -naay parts of the city. Fir* plu(- —ere flushed anal thou-ands of yoan* eels flooded tbe grated. • Motorists read a hag sign at the eot.au* to IVekskiß. New York. Traffic Arer> are iastnarted to ke ■orfMw at all tlata. % TOCNC MAN MED ON MONDAY NICIIT Mr. Bark Harrison, a yeeag aa» | n tbt . trenrth of )«dh, die.l ■ Bigbt after a few days attack ef para J HMaia. Mr. Hantea waa abawt V. ' -ears aM.Hw mi of Mn Harriett I - - Awn of the Maeedaaaa aar i Jtto- and will be bfiil today aft tbe fanrily plat at tbe old haa I HIS M ARKET IS CAPABLE OF GIVING SERVICE HKn WITH ABSOLCTE COURTESY—TRT IT ESTABLISHED UHL COMMISSIONERS MAKE KEQL'ESX FOR COURT TERM Will Half Way In Furnishing Highway Traffic Officer I" > of the ban of pomi i I -.vc*r- of Martin cwctr in f Mb»u>. Uwvnber 4th. I'ii", « tta the I to* -o»':r.g Kkffltnrs It. C. Urete, riuiraun, *. il H*rrxitor. J t»- Rarrabiii. i»i V. K- Ta\tat. wet* |a> follows; OpJwi uat A. S. MeiMt b* re J fts«i the pjinwt of taxe-* c | property in Hujftaa township. \a r --» ,»I JI.4W aini BKpr«)»fty D. Llle> of (inftfo tnasikp wa- Rieuoi :'swn payment M~ | jtix. omiuc t« physical (ksaklitf C. I'. CarsTarphet;, tr*asurer *r*~ !«•: uf•»! the .Mim of |iUl, • a » jo-6.nl of wwctMes* rjrrk h » jS. Hathaway for the rpiempfi.-a o f Eand -»4 ! for taxes in IKi | The riun of s3li wa> allowed f* ; the pj> roeni of c\Jsa.- for Charlie R»t> j Joel Bui, ougfcs and E.>t«n tar trolL j * H. Buyers *•*» rrtosol froar f the pi)iw.; of |»T.7i U\r.- n.pr-i- I '-rti Ibteti. pn pertv ralumi a? | in »tvwkip | Omeini tta; sut*Kira: umber be | W DrjOir> «.i the i«»i J near J- L C*trur.\. Or«arml I V. Use uippiij; vats of j '-£* c«mmatj be pla-ta ir>l aixi -.filled Ordered tt. It. !«■ puu-i ■ |er fw ?ret of | btvJjr lumber The A. C I- kailrt«i «i.. -rah rr*i | to pad a ctm, .mg k.lnrr» Ki'l ; n> | (\iptl in (f*> d omtiiNL The iCAgnaUvu of W. 11. tvm j a* keeper of tie ft-mty hueir aaa ac- I ftptc-i. to take |4t January t. 1924. j Ju*.n l:lar> WAS appointed kavper j of tl* tuwiti kwne. his term to kv IJunaiy 1, 1924 The kauu pb-*l a require* re | •iW-tm; ;be rvnrn. i |„ k „.>r a tv» ■ * **%h> 100 »f cvj rut t to the- Ith !» - of at»l tk»: J«Mpe C. C. 1 >Wj br to h*M w Or*lered by the lxail that Marin |(«Mf jaM nib Beaufa rt .HUM) j— | the utiant mae ?• : anre of | a traftr eAocr oa the »ilUawtoo V\ a-htcrtoa rukL MISS KITH RTIBERSON HA> >kl LI. TRACT 1 Bl.la B% C ARELESS AIItHSO OB I ajM-f:' -ii morning. whale Mi- Uo Kohn w • »' «> / ; h.«ac fnn MiKSvvml, V 'C, where ' -t»e is teachit* - huoi. the car i* nil. h iie «a> rating. driven by h»« jb.oaher. mad 4nck by a rat daixe |by a bub ■ i»ei Uildßtai.. iBl it |B *a»i he was j-um aißiag kn IM tIMS nit The wklnt Mtwrel •• the kaiu , -airfarcd toad hrt««fl PaißMh. w' l:. htrmaviUe. The )«Bf Uf «*-' tki—b to Ue pavcmcal. her htfc 4nkiar. aad frßrtranaj; her »*BIL Ot ia, BB r HB nMi for t«» 4ifL The latest report* say that aba a* BM hapieiii aad Bill pnUUjr re The air of W J. and J E Sfan > —B Bf Tkrbo— ■ this law lui*» IM* to he fmmmi m wien North MK md R is nbUjr tttbd thai

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