THE ENTERPRISE! » every Tuesiiav mm Fndty I by the PI HUSHING CO IfriUMnafcton. North C-.fwfcai W. C MANNING, Editor W. C. MANNING, JE. BI S MGK Sub»rrip.iuti I* >»' (Strict!j - Cash in A iva-f» 1 year . 6 months S months Entered at the Vos* Oftcr at Wfl lamston. North Car«»Uiia as seconc*- lass matter. Tl t>l» ,\\. J-.UU, - When . Chicapu a a i> rcr; lit" t«- . we arei't thought lit*; " j of hum;.lis fit.. it is enuteiy .5... • the wen!til tin." V. people fri-viiliK ' ' horrifying. Martir i y fur the "poor. but t • • no one to imc.-' r...'»• poo.' anil t> - e ; ' ui the home 1 >ay a!'t> * • V coming ti- on' iir ■ are, in they suffer. ! iii\e.-)tigali- a.i, « Lizzie Sle.giit i •• ■ ed if h* r f..nd • into; f«>r *• •' ' • ■ I ii."' - - ! UiKl.t! sU'i 1 uMI rii JAil. Idu I'lit Nil! N I'Ui* I Us ■> I n u*i.r ii' > of t.ireor ir r • w- • * down Lis M. ,• field, it v • terra, in.--.ean ''-*r~ ■ i.i .-s in a i• - 1 • ■ -» in at ii.*' •' ' ' j woi king '' ■ Fru! ■■ • may I- »•*■: •> • "'* * j ri-uin'- load.-. an>! u u» ' by line i>*. • "> >-.;*■>• to in' of i I have e\p prison. : • do the t - - * i many • ■ 'i - j .ouch i tem. gi> .y ' " 'j ' I be'ter -■*' spei t ,v * 1 ■making- .. hands. j e The » J!'.« «• ' • *•-«*? •» j . ~ It, u' r» - . courtv vs-'.s. .v... -» » -~ • I detention *>>r " | while ail jiri.-o'* tern.s be phort • tenc' to s« .ne iroaii i trial ins', itu" ion probably operate* ;• dczen eountie.- One liot .- '.ot ) with the mure e\Vr« a.» .—oe* of ♦*'" hibi'icn advocates t«j f -fir. -gte. went thai alcohol and v'-*--' ine '' *j not mix. It mav be tr * tn.s.l! f*-" that the yovity rraa n~« tfc* »«** bofle add tmetae« to mike a gs fcOTOC- hflTf bill * 1 that combinati. n thi re u addfa i high powered int'U- r c«r, toe cwn»b !• nation is one too dargeroa l to be allowed at large. —Danville, Va. News rot§_ jmm THK ROAD Ht>G I is heanl that the "r«»«i hrr" is very much in ev «iew A party reports that since the opeiv nr .f tiie Durtiani en«l of the new Durijam-Roxboro n>a«!. there ha* e been from 1 to 2" wrecks oil it. mdst of them tvMnir ntt rinotable to the work of the "rnaiWiff." frtr~- : jr careful drivers off the hari s-jr are. Tiie same complaint is report * j It a les dep *ee i>n ofh*»r roaris The "*road-hog" is about the wor =t ' the s;»ccies of the carHe? l ard ';, drivers. He is ju~t a pix !. it 'tare fool, rind that is a miid n(itior. ti>o. '* t !.•«• r>:>'( imve lo««se ea.rtfc ■it u}> and ib>v» t" e • ti!' 1 i-e. Wben li# ihf c"' * 'tut** down t't* I ' . orcyiviiijr the center of tic .. . . 1 I l■v a■ . "\v>np pi> cot itterat.frti *•>* : ;■ r ' . tin- careful dmer! i- machine to the »-«i»te of the | j u-f.m-. A- -on as hne .-*«■ Ii»» ■ .f»■ * 11• w yieUllnp. he crowd? k ir-l t much more, and «»nl«*r '•» ;■ \»*m * • ~iit'n" t i.l!i-ion. the rarrful dr»-«er . , wiic-Is »f hts cax i»ff *h« , i.iu.l- ur'acf. Coming :i. contact With | j ,!i« • r t tillt it on the ile. if 'he ca- I. iMttkirj' i ifti moderate it • ! jsua'ly turn.- over, while tiie 'oar -hor ! tin-- on lit.- wav. leaving the victirr t«- { 'f* along tiie (test in- can. S«.me o ( •i ~ ~ should lie taught that are fill tile U~e t>f the |K»biic. •nil Tio inaij has : inem-poly "r '**■ t I (Hn o'* them lii|t, a hunch of yotinr | s. »i'h lnjuor in their hides, think j i : ;•!» ..t fun to for. e another's car of ' i-e load. If omebody wuuld give | ■ ii :i sound thrashing or would ever j . v.tof treatment 'ii them •u' i ■on break up th«-ir prac .* a-d ui *ul>t if any court mout r, ti* •nan who tb* ' iiit ; i.iii Herald. * V»u» Mi(.|ifnnt' »»» Willup. tofi l ; . »" a! homf » • Mm* thav »»ur a»lvf| S't • ih' !' \• Hi almtlt , » \OTI OF.KHSALK t :;'(.t |.y virfui- of an order of i !*• ii ..-!•• b\ ttie Clerk of the Sn- | ... l our! 1-f Martin «'ounty arsd i. ' niit> contained in a o-rtai*i I.- I VI t red oil the Is* day of . .. I'M'A t> \V. 11. C Sykes-! \ 'f. !'• - .ke -. and t.f mxtrd t~v M.v'ji l t'.fnty I'ubhc Keri>try ii» t I' j.a'ji' "'."t to s«*liire the . i • ,t)f ci-rtai'i of ev«-n tate > t« -. >» t ' ii-v\ ith. and the stipula-' i. sai.l f. -rtgage not h'a* teg . 4' t.iii|i!ioi «i th. and at the re- | ~-t i, f tV.i holders of said l*»nd»-. | •' • u nit r-ijiifil mi>r*gag«-e Will w*> j J ?«»«;• .'i\ if January. at the' ; * . - - a .ii«>r i'f *!artio Count y. i j rr : '• at luitdi.' aurt i*n thr | j A-ing real es'ate ►f a trr.rt of lan.l .te>cribed m ; -» « i'f. page 301. dated Aprtl 2!st , in! - i"ing A ,: en Daniel. a»i | *\ing on the rncbi leaillrg ll.rdr-or.s Mill to tSe ! * • . - l it a d Washington Koad. .Ie • i»« ' in lUu>k > Y. p-igt SSB. Var- I nuk; Public Registry, ai>! cover f 1 ' ;it'if>. more er It s#. a*or>tiog j- • rt'iti V\ 1. page- 5 and 6. all of made a |>ait of this ch" mc'uding adjoining lands r.ww J .»in-d In rue. j I I day of IW. 192Ti S. J KM RETT. I '.Monfaeee 1-121-, I NOTICK OK SALK 1 i tier and b> \irttie of tl* auth*»ri- j I y Uiir.ed in that certain ,deed of i list to me on the Mh day ( ' kxpp.bei, 1923. bv JarMl T. H®- , sm arid m:f>. l.«*ah lliiksoa, aiwi of I J i*i in Martin County Publit- Ktg- I -»y in I'mik II 1, page ®i securing' I oit-t; in i d of even date and tet«-r j thfix with, ar.d the stipulation* in said ; I *•>! of trust not Itaving been com ' ilioi wtrii, and at the retjuert of .the; J oolder of said bond, 1 will, on the Stb ' J lay of January, lifcit. at li t*) o'cVoeh. I noon, in f m ".t of the court hoase door Mnrt in County, offer at public mm- : I lion to thu highest bidder, for cash, j Jt ue ftjllowiiig ilescubeil real estate FIKST TKACT- lleginmr* at a j post oak, William Cobo tn's cor*r, j thence Eastwatdly, Godamli line, to la pine s'ump. thunce in a Soutberly j direction with savl Godanl'* line to -j a b*ark gum in Browne > *» Poetd .to J Haywood Jones' corner, Ihinct with I llayw-ood Jones' line to the first sU j t.'on. being the place »here Nancy | >talii-»gs lived and died, contlining 24 > actes, more or less, and being that i tract of land this day tonteyed to James T. Hiiuon by D. W. Wright f and wife, Gertrade, and folly descrih td in deed from E. G. and Kbit I "j ■ .... • . - . Laos to II W. Wright, dated JSth of •ppHsbii 1912. mt imrd te Public Registry of Mutn Cbanty k Bade C-l, mc 4W. SECOND TRACT— A tract «f bud adjaiaing Jerry Saulk « tftt North, *J» AUutr Caast Lii* K K Co. or. the EAC, aed C L Hinsoa on the South aad West, rulimiic 12 acre*, oo'f or IKS nd iw* aceqpied by iud J T. HifJoe. sm being the land be ishrctcc fna tif father C V. This the yjrb day t& Pee. 1920. WHHELOt MARTIN. JR.. « Tin Ace. • "nuhei aw) Critrher, Attys. l-14t NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA Martin Coocw IX SI PERIOR COi ET fßfr Bell ud lViuu H;. nut. V 3 Jbo Goidia h.ruai., DIWI Ilnuß. h.iibpt Htvab. bed*- 1- JudkHlm j»l liiuiaial. Fiaiik Join. Imn. Jjtk Hynaaa, liwitaii. T. K. ItHI. Ilisnir BHI. 0-«r IW-11, K LLUAX »>D wife. OI*«A HOBS*. 1 Jmb (i.i *-r and wife. Ilattie I ! I The first big event in our new store! IITIIAT a bus)- nxnthof ▼ V will he at Millrr \ Four hig sales are holding «ir regular January White Goods Sale, events. including the tir>t St«»rv-I\ Hie Sale since ami our Ready-to-Wear Clearance Sale, iml the the opening of «Hir nc* NiiM>ng! annual February Furniture Sale has been moved With the ilt iiM-mory of the- lng Steire- ahead to January. Wide Kxpaiisiem Salt of b>t summer still fresh in All four Ing sales will he going on at once, mind. »r arc opening wide the entire store for Every floor. everv dejiartment. every nook and the Mttni.l sale of this kind. It .s store-wide in omK ' r of ,| )ls Utfg sittn . wj ,| ilMvr its sales extent, and w,|| last throughout the month of Ctnmten aiM , ves wiU llc »Hh anuary. fresh merchandise as fast as depleted. We are trving hanl t«» make this H-omd Store- ~ , . .. , . . . I i . .. , . ... . , If YOU have never visited our new enlarged store, \\ nlc Sale in ever*' greater titan the first. ... . , » . __ , . .. : ... . . this is a M»U-IKII«I opportunity, lou will find it a * Miller \ itlMtails buvmfg representatives «nt to - . . * . , v v • , >_ . >- - .. t cemdortable. omvenicnt and pleasant place to shop. •\e* l ork to buy nr* men-fiaitolise «-»pe-«iallv for ' r r I this sale. Thev b-ugbt at the kmcst price, thev 1 r,, J MV the «« ** tifth «■**- could get without sacrifice of quality. Their MIIY V,HI h:,ve t,M i of ,unchin K "» t»»e exquisitely object was to buy g.««b. that couM be 5.>1.l at un- d»«nty Colonial Room, the big. comfortable English I usually low prices. K«»HII »»r theexotk-atmeisphcre of the Italian Roem. Our entire re-sources were e-mphtyrd lo hring to There is a luxuriously furnished and restful this sale the gre-atevt array «»f merchandise etcr gat h- Infringe jus? lie-fore y«»u enter tlie Colonial Room, creel together in our store. For weeks it lias lieen M«l y«Hir friends there. «»r pause a moment to arriving, and our stock-n»«its refresh yourself before lunching. .rtlM'»ll r o.» rf l»-i n g I 1 Whii in Kirh..K>nd « : n * I Four Big Shopping „eic»„„ to „„t, Mill« «. anl still tliev continue to pour in. c . ix • i i . ..Hi ..11 cnlinur t „ ,rri« unl.l KvcnU ,)urln « JanUar > ! Sto ™ ""-"l-"- I the close of the sale. c J "~~~ , o terv make use of our many free Scomd Semi-Annual Store- nrrumal services and shoo as New offerings will be brought S.le personal services MMI sliopaa , , .. - J YOU please. Whether you wish forwanl at low prices every day. Annual January White Good* ? ! Kyery artkle in this sale is otf Sale tobu - v or n( *> in and see first quality and uphedds the Re*«iy-«»-Wear Clearance ours. Miller & Rhoaels traditions erf Xwnuml N|id .winter Fumkure Renumber, if you can t get what character. (Quality for quality. Sale you want in your own kicality, I you will tind the prices very k«w. try Miller At Rhoads. I R I CH M O NT E>, VA. THE ENTERPRISE! * _mawo, N. C Gutter, Iwn Hill. Muprt B* Lh G. Taylor. A- A. Anfee «i Itr, Our ftylor ■ Vmtti T«r lar. * . The dctadaafta aa*ed take notice that an aeriea a* ■! w Court of Martin wuuj, North Cu» ban, to acll two certain tracts d laad situate in saia county far i-tomt dwah the defeau=*te bare k. - » tenet. and the said ueffadatt ariL further take KXice that they are le quired to appear before the clerk cf lU Superior Court cf Marts ty at his oftee in KOloawtgn. X G. oa the 7th day tT January. »-4 ar.d asiacr or ««kt to the e» ptsuTit i" tid ae.oa, cr ii* pixzsa * If.- wu. 4pit tc tke fir. icr u/ idief This the Sth day of Dkww iSC 2. J PEEI_ o»rk or l> 12-11-4t SspeiM Cwt NOTICE OF SALE Imlrr ai»l by Airtue «f U» PME* of .-ale ewitaiiM IB that CERTAIN of trust executed by Will* Snitk (* , Virginia Cordon, recorded in the pab Ihe actuary Martin coonty m book . B-2. aft page 258, bearing the dale af October tth, 191*. aaid trust deed knh( bean (nea to aemt the pay ihi n a 11, aaad the li irei and condi tions thrnia wtaiatd not hanng beeien r—|»ln d with, nad at the re qaeft of the holder of aaid nates. the aailli i i |B« i will eft Monday the 21at day ea January, 1924. at 12 o'clock a, ■E front of the court hraae doer of Martit wanty in the town cf WD liareetiaa, X. C, offer for sale, at pah -5c aactiw, to the highest bidder, far Oik the following described proper ty. tt» wit: Tfcas cert air tract of land in James . -rfi> trwuUp, Martin county X. C-, . brarj- the tract cf land known as The Ditt So.qm Hotre Place" and tt»- j*j*a to Yirpnia Boston and Mary Baal on by David Bwton by deed dated April *th. IKT, and re (u*d in tee public registry of Mar ts eMEii n book Q at page> 624 and I S. md deeJ being made a part aed j narori «f this itetriptian. This b»~ ißgr ei# balf interest in taid traf of land dmld to &ail Willie Smith by Virginia ("onion by deed dated Oct ober 13th, 1918 | Tto, the 17U> day mt Pmiihrr, l» v buEniag. M«oi« tmi HartM. VIRGINIA OOKDON, IMMI % I Purchased A Nice Car Load Of Mules and horses in Richmond Januarv Ist and *ill unload them Thursday. Don't fail to see them before purchasing. They are right both in price and quality. JOHN G. LONG JAMESYILLE NORTH CAROLINA * 1 ■*

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