Items of ike ToWn Mrs. Hut Ku£u- auau tittle son, Marvin, mt TarOoro _rc listing Airs. SbSb's firr~' • iu- J. H. * Sou tei« ui_ k«. P* * •• • • ilr. Lymai tin.i teumae ytjui^-y tf Oak Kidgc aitei u*e - heifc with ik. M ami Mrs. J. U. bm •• • • Mesrr: Hiio!- E»eieti --i--. ftfL Jr. motors: tc Sue- a- lit: BocDcr ica lor Greensboro SuadEjff tUoi.ihU.j, U t£rli-\e tei ifui MKL>kK» :«r tetc with het paueu.-% it: ju. J >1 t.eoryt Gutfdk.- • • • • Mlv AliOr N »"»-' l« Huiiiay Hi' runa: ior lia,e.-*h. v>» « toe is SiiE" Mir •• N •• • » Mftv-!-. b.naE Dri: —c»f J« 5 h *• " Rtatwxi to Uat it - itu «- - cay moruii.g after r t- i.*.-- days her* «Uii their Report of the onsuinw of ;!«• MARTIN t OI'NTY SA\IM.S AM' TRI ST WW VVI at WillianLvvD iii ti* State o' Ne V Cawlma. a: ice ciose o ha iiio.», !•«« - ember 31. 192^. RLSO f RO-S Loans ami Pl-wjb'-- }" Driuami iotn.- , Overdraft-- secure*;. S"! ■ -S*; utiaecur».- . WS "JJ «* l nilei State? !a>w a:.-s Liberty tiouus Al! otfier stock.-, ai«; Mortgai.- > l>.M.« • Farut#!t ai»«t FiXtuw . ( iirf l in vault SL"-L Kf. '. anivußU due 'rvrt Hani.-. I'-ankers a*4 .1 Cora un.r- i «ash -ter.i - ..«•>. ■* • - f' i.our 1 heck- for c t~i. , Irv» ' • i-M- I ** *i ... | -4 1 I SA! ti I 4 us • j!«u' stork «wi i >'j-plu? Fur,-. •> I Profit*. ren" i«>- ssT paid **'' Deposits r>Ubje' '-•* •--' ■ Ibiivyiw' . i | STATEMENT OF THE J |" Farmers and Merchants Bank f I WILLIAMSTON, N.C., DECEMBER 31,1923 j 1 ' RESOURCES LIABILITIES 1 l/i.WS AND DISCOUNTS . _ - $513,297.98 CAPITAL STOCK SIOOOOOOO •I *• •'.' OTHFH STi'k BONDS iuHLOO SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS _ 52*29.90 | BANKING HOUSE FURNITURE&FIX 16,24051 DIVIDEND UNPAID 12.00 * 1 Ju ()THKR RKAL E CASH IN YArLTANDNET AMOUNT IN ÜBrwTO f4 ™ g S BANKS 300.047.44 CUSTOMERS* GUARANTEE ACCOUNT _ 50.000.00 CUSTOMERS* GUARANTEE ACCOUNT _ 50,000.00 ffi TfITAI. f9G0.142.09 8 _ TOTAL - _ - $950,142.09 ~ | I , DEPOSITS COMPARED , ji' B DECEMBER 31,1921 - I DECEMBER 31,1922 619344,08 . Jjj I DECEMBER 31,1923 747,300.19 , IWE TAKE THIS OPPORTU NITY OF EXPRESSING OUR APPR BCIATION AND THANKING OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS IN | HEUING US MAKE THIS INSTIT UTION THE LARGEST BANK IN THIS COUNTY AND SECTION. WE WANT TO ASSURE YOU THAT THE SERYICE OF THIS STRONG BANK IS ALWAYB AT YOUR COM MAND AND WE TRUST YOU WILLCALL ON US WHEN WE CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YOU. L J. D. Woolard « Cashier j soMk ■ gac= I'm i r» ITime Certificates of De-> i jl posit, due in I mb tkna'3o | days r.. ' -S.J.— 4.tl3.C>| Cashier's checks «ats>an>- .ng - 2^92.4»| ;Cenit»ed "Heck> 41.8. r « Time Certificate* of ltfpool '3 Ihje on or after 30 dap 4lJffi.K ' jSa»inp I)f*)osrt.- ' • (net) Jk.71a.89. | : Total 52WX490.401 • State of North Carolina—County of Mar*ir.. January i, IKJ. • 1. J. E Pope, Laifeiw of the above i. roed lark do solemnly j-ueiar that the above f'ateenent i- true to the ; best of my kniwter?e -"*> prlief. ■ J. L POTE. Caaaier J Subscribed ami s*»ni U- he'on m». this " iiav of JatEary, iWt- JOHX L ROGERSON. > .War; Public. . Correct—AtSe>l: j C, t;or>ARD > C. l» ' .AKSTAkI*HEN. i: ru'TOtEi;. I •« rector-, j |.\ RK \ru - i \Rt;i>T I:I.BTRIC 1.1 BRIt ITION Jtlit J U • ,jf * ; ii« r wl | f t .r the lutiriea'i-w! o' fiecfac railway ■ l 1; n-> h... ju- r »•-■ *»*«! | ,r "I i \.i Corapaajr, pt-«:uot of ni Pri-iurts, ai») U .«.ki\u-M-uftattan 1 -j.BasiS C.rp.i U «.« und the N« Vt>rk Tian>- it ! (,v contract ".ut -uppH " f tCT|Uire»: for al! surface. . l. -. n'r-i" ami f |U> j«n>rnt of this «-i tir» -• > in: and tae prx-duets fur !,•,will provide for tlw luS»nrat««ts • " than I ear uuie> j early. Mil It I. or ADMINISTRATION iia> i'>p "ri- >,ati»r6«l ai> admin >;ra»"r >' t!.» r tare of Els Taylor. , . . of Martin /curit«- al! persons >n *-t' a"■' olste w".I v4r* for " ' : . !. -rt -let'-j'.e j-aiyment of l ;.M |i.-«->•»),. Mdiair 1 • ■ r ib ?1 pteNrtit >1 : v. Itif ysar »f timia «tale or U'»'. i, t j,-, vi ill tj» = t'.. I"- of Ihtit ' Jj- , i ! ' -I « J TAY'JOK l a 1- k*. THE ENTERPRISE, Wiffii—mm « r OMS CHESTNUT SOL BLABS FOR •ale, cheap for eaah. Good cmite. See W. H. Walters, 300 East Main Street. NOTICE Two aows and three shoata, Mn, one listed the other spotted, two siioata black the other white, have been at my house three wi rki JAMES TYKEK. Rout 5. City NOTICE OF SALE 1, the undersigned executor of the late N. T. Coburn, deceased, rill at j 11 :lO o'clock a m., at the home place, on Wednesday, January 18. 1921. offer , for sale to the highest bidder for rash ' all the personal property bekapaf to _ the said N. T. Coburn estate. G. R- COBURN. ( Executor, j 12-28-2t i I FURTHER NOTICE I will also offer, at the aforesaid I sale, for rent the two farms owanl | liy X. T. Coburn for the year 1924. j These farms consist of "The N. T. !"oburn Home Place", which is a ! forty-acre farm about one mile from , Dardens, and "The Gay lord Place"", I which contains about thirty-five dear fed acres ami is about two miles from I »artens These farms are locate*! in one of the best farminjr sections of Martin County. There is one rood dwelling house and adequate out houses on each of these farms, and the lai vrer farm is equippeii for to l«acco cultivation. The term- will he cash. G. R com RN. Executor. l-4-4ts NOTICE OF SALE I nder and by virtue of th* power |of sale contained in that certain deed , of trust executed to me by J. L Wynn and wife MaKK»e Wynn. on the 26«h «iay of Feb., 1923 and of rerord in Martin County Public Registry in ltK»k H 'i, pa>ce 249, securing certain 1 Kinds of even da#e and tenor there with, and Ihe stipulations in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of tne hoM ler of said bonds. I will, on the S'li .(ay of Feb, 1924, at 12:00 o'clock. Noon, in front of the court house iHiofr of Martin County , offer for sale a* oublic auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land: le!nK Ijo's. Nos. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12 of the J. G. St at on l»ivi-K>o LNUIkm. WMRNWHM, atom by plot isattfcil ia Mar tin Ci Illy Pafcbc fcfiitoj and ta*- 'by referred to far M jsarriptur. ! T> j the 7th ttey #Jt, tMt E DUKE CJtITCHER. Irwite. • Mft. j NOTICE OF SALE —— [ Uader tad by viitae of an «*r (of the Superior Court of Martin Coua titled Peter Bell, ut al, v*. John Hy ' t ncm. rt als, the nndersigaed tmm ■n il will, wi Tuesday. Feb. 6th. *1924. at 12-00 Noon, at the court ; house door in WflHaautoa. North Ca rolina. offer fur sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following describ ed real estate: FIRST TRACT—Beginning at a j-xater oak ia the forked branch, Al jfred Cdmondsau line, thence up the branch K poles to a black gum, a rreed corner lirtneeu Alfred Edmoad son and Henry Savage, thence North 6a ihgiM. 212 poles along a marked line to three maple.- in Cobbs Swamp, thence down Cobb* Swamp 31* pole* to the first station. containing 106 acres, mure or less, and being the ane laixl conveyed to Lucinda Bell by C. U. House by dee I of record in Martin County Public Registry in Book S. page 5W SECOND TRACT—Ad joining the Sand.- of Samuel Hymar. ami other*., containing 50 acre*, more or lea. and being the same land conveyed to LM cinda Bell by M. D House b> «leed of RkoH in Martin County Public Regis try in Hook I", page 30t». This the 7th day of January . 1924 ! BDI KE CRITCSIER. i Commis>MMter. l-Wt -NOTICE OF SALE- Notice is hereby given that under ami by virtue of the power of sale contained ia that certain deed of trust marie and executed by Joe W. Stator. and wife Lena Staton to the under signed Truster, and bearing the dale of Der. 23. 1915 and of record ia the Public Registry of Martin County in I took J-l- at page 221. said deed of trust havu g been given to secure the payment of a certain note of even date aad tenor therewith, and the term and condition* contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the under sKacd trustee will on Monday the 4th day of February 1924 at 12 o'clock M_ in front of the Courthouse door of Martin County in the Town of Wil liamston. X. C offer for sale, at pub- lic auction, to the highest bidder fur, the following described i«al «- t-to. ■«:- ... , That certain tract or pared of laaa ftuate ia the County and state a f nilniil li nw ilrf on the S uth by the i- ~w «f the late Joseph Harrefl; on the Eut by T. H. Combs; on the North aad Wast by B. T. Cm, «o the hot chocolate, Sandwiches and Cakt Pharmacy "The Pimiipllou Store" WASHINGTON. N. C. ■ 4 c =gs=a=a— f i i CONDENSED STATEMEN T OF THE CONDITION OF Martin County Savings & Trust Co. Williamston, N ortb Carolina. As filed with the Corporation Commission at the close of business, December 31, 1923. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Dicounts . $125,281.89 Capital Stock $ 10,000.00 Cash & cash due from Burplus 3*500.00 banks 46,102.52 Undivided profits 304.68 i i Furniture & Fix 3,331.91 Bills payable NONE j ' Government Bond A, C 24,500.00 DEPOSITS 186,685.72 Insurance investment 1,250 00 ! | Overdrafts _ 24.08 $200,490.40 $200,490.40 ! DEPOSITS COMPARED. December 31, 1919, Deposits : ; 77,033.01 December 31, 1921, Deposits 100,465.71 December 31, 1923, Deposits - 186,685.72 We are at all times prepared to meet due requirements of our customers and ask that they feel free to call on us at any time we can be of service. ; j J. E. POPE, Cashier. . ~_4—j *-~»r i»u4j lw ana ha tha aaaai Lore or —budj upon which the mM Sbhs reside. RADIO RADIO £ - • - H'j • - t» .'-- %% r * I will be at the Britt Hotel all this week. If you are interested in buying or building # a Radio Set, see me. Price $25.00 and up— LYMAN * t THE RADIO MAN I . w I 4 ' | >/* * ' ' " ' ■■■"■■■ & M. WOBSLEY, ■rViiiti.. I ~ • i Mmr ni Horl—. il .oneym. £ ««•

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