-ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR A LATCHKBT TO 15M ACWJIF OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUMJTXXIY—NUMBER M NEW LIFE SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN CHAMBER OF COM. A Meeting Of The Mem bers Should Be Held The Willtamston Chamber of Com me.ee has beer, a live factor in the '* life of Wniiams'on, but- i.iere aie season* when it *oes not fu: c. ion as much as it should During .he busy fall -e— «•« ween everything «ms to be on the boom ti*re is natu ally the feeling th- " we do not need to boost a.id plan, but that is rally the time 1 v.Len we siMNtid be planning fcr the future. . - The officers and executive c urimittee IU. h: - e handled all t> th rgt that should na.\e been oone, but we insist that they could function betU r if they would get an enthusiastic member ship at work behind them T'lere has not been a meeting of the im ;nbers at la.j-e tor sT*erJ months; s> we sug gest or e at ar, early date. Williamston is called the g: teway to the lost provinces and the ipital of Eastern Carolina from its g ©graphi cal standpoint and it is up to us to make it so from o: her s'.and Mints. It is a town that receives its we Ith sole ly from agricultural pursuits and now in the beginrang of a new y.ar when it is very proUble that the boll weevil will be very destructive we simuld get busy like the surrounding counties and prepare our farme-% aiainst it by pi spa ration for the coining of weevd sr*d by diversifying o*.r crops— (;ißisii BALL TEAM GET TIM; IN GOOD I ORM The gi. i* let ball teai i, of the local school, is practic ng daily pt the Dlx.e warehouse witi. Piofes sor 1L M. Wolf nndiii'g. T!.e gufc- have not had i regular teeun for several years ami for be girne>~ they rre making y o l pro gress. Ihey r.ll he in good foim to maK other hign chwl lean- in the aeu future j I MRS. W. MARTIN ENTERTAINS 20TH* CENTURY CLUB North Carolina History To Be Subjeet For Year Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr. wa- hostess to the Twentieth Century Club on Tuesday afterr«on from three until five, entertaining at her attractive home on tower Main street. North Carolina History is the sub ject of the club for the year and two vet) interesting papers were pre pared and read by Mrs. k_ B. Craw ford and Mrs. J. ft". Msnmiig. The subject of Mrs. Crawford being. "In dependence and Self-Got eminent" and that nf Mn. Manning's being "Fight ing with Washington." Mrs. Martin and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes read selections and Mrs. Clayton Moore gave "Cur rent Events". A salad course was serve.l at the ccriclusion of the piogram. The only invited gne=« besides the regular mem bers was Mrs. John D. Biggs, Jr. SANDY RIDGB NEWS ITEMS Miss Maggie Cherry and Mr. James Roberson motored to Robersonville Tuesday afterMon. Miss Katie Mae Cherry spent Satur day night with Miss Rowland GodnnL Mrs. S. E Hardison and son. who is borne from Florida, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R J. Ilsrdi— Misses Fannie Boberssn and Messrs. Clyde Williams, Harold Hopkins and Hubert Colt rain spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Asby, near Ply Mrs. Be'tie Green and Miss Bessie Given spent the week end in James vile. is* Marjorie Jones spent Saturday fVht with Miss Marie Riddick. v Miss Irene Hart spent the week end la Parmde. Mr. Lan Koberson was the guest of Miss Snsrie Jews Tuesday evening. Mas Hilda Cherry returned home Taesday night after spending some time with her aster, Mrs. Everett Misaea Gladys Roberssn and Mary Andrews and Messrs Horace Hanbson and Irving Cnlt rain were out riding Sunday afternoon. Rev. E a Dood has been kind enough to us to write for us each week a column or more of events here and there. We are sure MT lenders will enjoy his column w«I -- rh » THE ENTERPRISE ,'WWN OF EVERETTS I TO BUILD POWER LINE VERY SOON •24 Hour Current To Be ■Is.J At lie; sonable Cost The baan! of of the town of Everetts has aboat complet ed »i:ingtn e. s o buiU a power line to tt illuoKia. s where they will ge* electric current from he electric plant j here. | The cost of buihlingand maintaining .an eiyric plant has become prohibi j tive to the ?mall towns and it has ; been demonstrated .hat the most prac tical thing for xnill towns to do is to build trmnsmi&aui lines to large plants and buy their own current. The ~ building of a line coows much cheaper than to build an individual plant and the current can be bought for half what it would eo?t to pro duce in a small plant. . The completion of the line to Kveietts will jif» the progressive little city 24 hour a day current for a very small expenditure, while the contract ha-- not yet been signed it is expected that all details will be com pleted and work will soon be started. DEATH OF MRS. DELLA EDMONDSON Relatives here learned of the >)eath of Mrs. Delta Edmondson at the hotm of her daughter, Mrs.. John T Ross. on Monday. She was the )oungest daughter of the late Joel an 1 M. n Johnson., of Martin County, and had been married twice; her first ! u loud was Archibald ('ohurn. and after his death she mar iie«l (leoritt Ldisiond>oa, who died Hirne >e»r> »?«. She is survived by four ti rot her .uid o- e sister: Augus tas, Wdiiaia :«nd Archibald Johnson, and Alortzo j.-hn-oo of Kingsvflle. TejKif, and Mrs, Lucy (inmef. of Ldgifonibe. Four chm.m. Mrs. John T. nd MesMs Vlau-le. Thur mae and tester Kdmond-tn, also si.:vive i er. . Mrs. Edmondso" was a >pleiid.«i tJV of the Southern woman, ami bad given herself -luring the years to her loved «nes in wha:ever capacity she could serve them, left with four small children, he had worked earoee* ly to help provide for them, and 'aught them habitat of industry arid right living. Tuesday her body was laid to rest in the family cemetery, there to awajt the Resurrection Morn. WROSLEY -ROEBUCK The following wedding was taken from the Evening Telegram. Rocky Mount ami will he of great interest to our many readers. Motoring to Xnsheville and taking their many friends by surprise. Miss Francis Louts* Roebuck and Mr. Julian Benjamin Wonky were quiet ly married Saturday. January 5 at 3:30 p. m_ They left by automobile for n short stay at the bridw's father's home near WilUamston. N. C. Mrs. Worsley, who i* loved for her rare charms and winning personalities is the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs F. J. Roebuck, a prosperous planter of Martin County, near Williamston, She has > tsiled this city on many oc casions and has many friends here. She was at the tine spending the school holidays with her sister, Mrs. Webb Nobles. 3» Grace Street. Mr. Worsley is the e-le-t son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Worsley, of Arlington street and holds a res ponsible position with the clerical force of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail road. He is a ptomiaent pianoist of the Bet-evue county dub. They rill be at home after January 10 at 423 Washington street. Rocky Mount, X. C. SERVICES AT THE BvPTIST CII Kill A- V. Joyner. Pastor Sunday chool S:li a. m—J. C. An derson, Supt Coaae and bring the children. Regnlnr preaching *i»iu at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p m. _ Rev. John Jetter Johnson, of Cam den, S. C, wfll M the pulpit both morning and evening. You nre cordially invited to attend all these services, ""f" - . ' SPECIAL VALUES IS MEVB CLOTHING Harrison Brothers. Williamson's lending store, is selling the beet qual ity of Mn J clothing, at gienllj re duced prices. While in town go in and let them fit yon up. They carry sever al standard linen. Mules we pretesting against the present style of bobbing hair with the .fringe in front—it is an enfringement .upon their plttia da*L Look a male m the tew and Mt the ■—lsiilj. Martin C ounty, Isorth Carolina. Friday, • » uiiuaill. I^-24. i PEANUT ASSOCI ! ATION TO IN- V CREASE ADVANCES Cheeks To Be Mailed To Members Who Have Delivered The board of diarctors of the Pea nut Growers Association increased the first advance to its members at its regular meeting held in Not folk this week. The increase will ue one half t> ce-T. more per pound on all peanuts, ex cept J' which will be 1-4 cent more, and Spanish one cert more. Checks will be sent to all farmers who have already delivered to bring their ad parces up to the same base. The Association is also mailing checks this month to its members for interest on their certificates of indebt edness, which is 8 per cent on prefer red and 6 per cent on the con-n.uii The business of the Association is in fine chape, its weakest point lie ing the "Faint Heart", its members causing a very small delivery, na turally working a disadvantage to the Association. , 4 While the Association members have had to make a hard fight and suffer some loss, it has evidently given the farmer the mos tstable market for his 1923 crop he has ever en i>y»l Shipments have been rushed more than ever known, still the buyers were afraid to "bust" the pi ice. It is a significant fact that every leading crop produced in the l\ S. last year, the growers of which were organized, sold well. This is true of cotton, peanuts, and tobacco. On the other hand the unorganized growers of corn, wheat and hay are getting about the old time prices or less and this, too, in the face of the fact th.i* those crops are not abnormally large. INDUSTRIAL NEWS OF NORTH STATE Asheville— New f2,oo>,(H»O textile factor; of S.'iyles Finishing Plant, Inc. to l>e eiec'eil on Swannanoa river. Winston-Salem- New S76O,(MX) ur ion station \o be elected. Mars Hill—New girls' dormitory to be e:ected Mars Hill College. Ghstonia —-1-ocal plant of Manville Jer.ckes Spinning Company to be en larged, Andrews —Contract awarded for construction of new dam, power house, transmission .line and substation of hydro-electric power plant on Hiawassee river. Greensboro —#231,8(K) to be spent for additional pipe lines in city streets. Winston-Salem—Plan under way for erection of new Forsyth county court house. Asheville—New $40(1,000 office build ing to be constructed. Wilmington—New molaases plant of American Molasses Company to be erected here. . / Charlotte —Contract to lie awarded for erection of new rord plant in this city. j Fayetteville—Contract awarded for additional street MfWng costing $300,- ,/ Hendersonville—Conduction under way on new addition to Marlborough Hotel. Rockingham—Site being chosen for new North Carolina Training School for negro boys. Win ton —New bridge to be built spanning Chowan river. Lexington—Establishment of new junor orphan's home under consider ation. Dunn—New bome of Carolina Tele, phone and Telegraph Company com pleted. Spellcer—Yadkin river bridge near ■ng completion. Star —New bridge spanning Little river completed. REPORT OF THE WOMAN'S"" AUXILIARY OF THE EPISCPAL CHURCH At a meeting of the Woman's Aux iliary of the Church of The Advent on Monday afternoon, at the home of the President, Mrs. Clayton Moore, the following report was rendered for the year of 1923: Central fund $30.00 Miss Bisoway's Training 8.00 Training of Theological Students 2.00 Orphanage Recreational Su pervisor 30. Oh William Raanseur Memorial Pw*d 12,50 The Dußose Memorial Fund .... 4.0h Auxiliary Special ... .... 13.7f To Orpharat Thanksgiving 10.00 Bishop's I 10.00 United Offering 47.18 Gifts to Oteen at Christmas 7.00 Box to Rev. W. W. Webster, " Hawkinsville, Ga, ._■ 26.32 Box to Child at St. Simon's Island, Ga, 12.3 y Tetel $212.07 TOWN OF JAMES- I VIIJM: CONSIDER - i nriLDiNi; OFUNE io fie Decide*! At Meet ing- Wcxi Monday Nigl.t The town Jamesville is considering the building of a transmission to W[l liair.sto-i a-ul l'g''t*ng 'heir town from the local pla:.t. The matter is not. as yet to be depended upon, but at a meeting of the town commissioners there next Morday evening it will be decided upon for certain. The building of power lines will not only be the cheapes; way for the small towns to get power, but will be a source of revenue for the central plant, which at the present has much unused energy. The local plant is in a position to supply power to these towns and others besides, and then have surplus power. The rate per kilowatt has not yet been learned, but it is thought to be around a figure that will prove profi table to all. MARTIN COUNTY STANDS AT 50 IN EXPENDITURES 1)1 KIIAM LEA IMi & W AUTAUGA AT FOOT IN AMOUNTS PER INHABITANT The following table showing school expenditures per inhabitant by coun ties for the school year, 19*1-22. was compiled by J. H. Zollicoflfer, U Vance county student at the University and originally published in the Universi ty News Letter: Tot'l Expend. Rank Co. per Inhah't. 1 Durham $24.1K 2 Gaston . ! 23.N4 3 Wilson 22.1S 4 Washington ..... 6 liuncombe 1ti.17 6 Wayne 7 Iredell _ . 15.37 8 Transylvania 15.24 !• Lincoln _ 14.7^ 10 Orange' 1.. _ 14..'« i II Pamlico • ..... - js.g't 12 A vera ' 13.33 13 Mecklenburg 13.04 13 « Halifax 13.04 lfi Gutlford 12.94 16 I'as|uotank 12.H9 17 Forsyth 12 85 18 Polk 12.84 19 Granville ._ 12.77 20 Craven 12.75 21 Johnston 12.72 22 Wake 12.W4 23 Alamance ; 12.44 24 Rutherford 11.99 24 Warren 11.99 26 Currituck , 11.86 27 Nash ... ... 11.81 28 Itichmond .......... 11.07 29 Vance ll.s:i 30 Chowan %, 11 ,r>»; 31 Tyrrell _ 1141 31 Cartaret 11.30 33 Pitt 11.20 34 Scoltand 11.13 35 Henderson 7. 11.00 36 Onslow f 10.79 37 Ueaufort 10.75 38 Union 10.49 39 New Hanover ... 10.27 40 Cajnden . . 10.11 41 Hyde „„ 10.08 42 Rowan .... .' 10.03 43 Columbus ......, v 9.94 44 Jackson 9.87 45 McDowell 9.87 46 liertie 9.44 47 Rockingham 9.27 48 Montgomery 9.24 "49 Catawba 9.12 50 MARTIN . 9.05 51 Anson 8.93 53 Davidson 8.89 54 Cumberland 8.85 56 Stanly v ._ 8.6* 56 Graham 8.20 57 Lie ~ 8.14 58 Burke - _. K . 8.07 59 Pender :. 7.9* 60 Hladea - 7.83 61 Edgecombe 7.81 62 Lenoir 778 63 Swain _... 7.75 64 Randolph 7.645 65 Gates 7.43 66 .Jones - 7.24 67 Alexander 7.21 68 Perquimans 7.18 69 Caldwell 7.17 70 Dare 709 70 Franklin ...._ 7.0 D 72 Cherokee - 7.0? 78 Harnett 6.96 74 Wilkes 6.91 75 Sampson 6.88 76 Northhampton ...' 6.69 77 Greene .—6 68 78 Duplin _.v—.—.*. 6.62 79 Surry - i —... «.5# 80 Madison 6.57 81 Cabarrus #-42 82 Robeson 6.41 83 Mason 6.32 84 Davie 6.28 86 Cleveland ft.O'. 86 Chatham 6.03 «*' /lleghany 6.78 iHAM-RAMSKY MEETING ST;.. ; IUN(i WASHiNCTO Huslr.iss >Tor Arecif' ir*r Their Sup port ! Evangelist Hum and his and , I choir leader. ~Mr. Kn»n?« . jire »• i_ dwt'iig the m» . ,>u«ccv fui revi 1 . ■' lever held in Washing o". IM i.ui, they are stirring tie whole lewn t'ro .. ( center to circumference, all tic churches of the city are b.uking the leaders pnd not only the women but ihe men, the business men me le> 1 ing their support- If one visits Wash ington in the morning fn>m te!r'*"un'il 1 eleven o'clock they will fi d all busi ness houses closed a'd the streets empty. The j>e«>ple nre at'elding '"nd Mr Ham i presenting the'eourise Christ in such forceful messages that he is receiving the greatest results > ever seen in the town. Mr. Ham is also conducting services ( in nearby towns and if our citizens were to invite him to Williamston h«' might be able to come Inert' for one t afternoon's meeting for the benefit of I those who are unable to tret to hear I him in Washington. MRS. JNO. I). BHittS ENTERTAINS i:iNl- ISROIDERY CLUB Mrs. John IV Ulcus, Jr entertained the Embroidery.- Club and seveml other friends at her home in New Town Monday afternoon. Her homo, which has I wen recently remodeled was charming with imple deconation of bowls of jonquils and hviicinths. Mrs. Itiggs, who is one of V illiain stonVs most gracious hostesses, maile her guests tW-l at home and a pleasr ant hour was s|ient in conversations and sewing before a delightful salad course and mousse and fruit cake were served She was assisted in serv ing by Miss* Fiances Williams and Klsie Aiuhews. The club momliers were Mrs. J W Amlrews. Mrs. F. U. Itarnes, Mrs Asa Tom Crawford. Mr K. B. Ciawford, A\ ■' ives and Mrs. I!. S. Courtney. The other guests included Mrs. ('. A. Harrison. Mrs. A Anderson. Mrs W. J. Hodges, Mrs Wheeler M rtin. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Jr.. Misses Mayo and Annie Lamb, Mi's. W. It. Watts, Mrs. J. D Woolard, and Mrs. J L. Williams. RECITAL TO ISE (■IV EN NEXT SUNDAY EVENING ( IIOIK Ol ST. I'ITLICS (111 Rill Tit ASSIST CIIOIR IIKKK IN PIMH;R\M The choir of St. Peter's Church, Wa«hiiig*on, N. C., with the assistance of the choir here, will give a recital Sunday evening at the Kpiscopal Church. There will br no sermon by th erector at this- service. The usual morning service at II o'clock will he held ' sr 1 The Choir from Washington is one of the best trained in the State Mrs. Ed Brown, Mrs. Angus Cox, Rev. Stephen Gardner and Mr. Mark Swingley compose the quartet, and Mrs. J. H. Saunders and Mr. Kdmund I Harding, organists. The public is cordially invited to attend. VISITING PKKACIIKR TO PRKACH SUNDAY AT BAPTIST 111 RC II 1 ( Dr. Jetter Johnson, of Camden, S. C. will preach both morning and even- ing at the Baptist church. K very one , is cordially inviteil to attend. 1 COLLIK IM»; SAVKS 1 LI Vlis OF A I AMI LA i Asheville, Jan. B.—Scratching .of a 1 collie dog on their bedroom door short 1 ly after midnight this morning prob ably saved the lives of the family of ,Ralph Ditniore, who arose to find a 1 portion of their home ii flames. Had 1 the alarm been given a .short time | later, firenvn said, the whole house 1 would have been enveloped. I The Third Reading Circle Meeting I of the White teachers of Martin coun-! I ty will he held on the fourth Satur- day in this month. 1 ■j 1 ■W Caswell 6.77 I .SO Hayvood 1,....'. 6.76 ; • 90 Clay 6.75 j I 91 Hertford : 5.66 I 92 Mitchell « 6.54 1 9.3 Hoke : ; 5.36 94 Yadkin - 5.24 ! 95 Person 6.18 | 94 Stokes ~ 5.09 97 Yancey r 4.65 ' 96 Ashe . O? 1 99 lirunswick .' 3.98 i Wautauga 3.70 1 NV W TELEPHONE T IX' STORE BUILT SOON Line From ilore To Tarboro t o lie Built t * —— Officials of the Carolina Telephone ian-LTele'rrsrh Company and engineers •' i ' ~'hcrn 801 l ami American n-lephone d Telegiaph Companies , e hcv V.ednes«lay making piat i>, the I i '•li'tg of extra 101 l citcu'.s I iti t' ~oint t-» i.lioro and fi cm "i> . « ll«* *o Tarboro. It is under • i ti tit !' e local telephone company . A til ..»! ,»uct a circut to Painele 't.lve it w II t>e met by one frr.n Tarboro The engineers have found it necessary for an additional circut fiom here to Tarboro and one from lioliersonv ille to Tarboro in order Ui iel ; e\e tile alieady congested calling | from these particular points. It is 1 thought that work will begin on these i line- about April the first of this year. NEW STORE OPEN ED HERE THIS MORNING AT 9:30 I This morning at nine o'clock the 1 leader, a r*ew store, opened its doors to the publtc in the store formerly occupied by Theo. Roberson and Co. Aliey ounis Brothers, the owners, are progressive merchants with head quarters in Washington and wilh two up-to-date stole- there and several branch stores in other towns of which this is one. Their stock includes both*" ~~popular priced article- and the best grades at leasonable prices. They also carry a full line of ready -to wear clothes for women and are at piesent running a -ale on their winter stock which you will see elsewhere in this paper. T'ney ate expecting their spring and -uiniiter line to begin coming in at an early da'e and they invite the pen pie o Williamston and Martin county to \ i-it titrio and inspect the wonder ful X a] ues offered * TRAINING SCHOOL ENTERS 10TH YEAR • Sanatorium, Jan. 51. —The Training .School for Nurses of the North Caro lina Sanatorium for th« treatment of l ulieixufo-is enters this month* upon its tenth year of work. Since the or ganization o' the nurses* training school 111 as a feature of the Sanatorium service, a large number of young women have become tuU-rcu losis nurse- and have entered a wide Held of u-efulness where hitherto lame ! workers were not often found. Many of the-e haxe giaduated else where ■ ! lie.itniv registered nurses. The Sao. in;!: in Tunning School ac cording to Miss Klizabeth Connolly, superintendent of nurses at the Sana toriunt. is different from one in a get era I hospital. In the first place the nurses for the most part are young Women who have tuhttCUlosis and who have become arrested or «|uiescent cii.se- by sanatorium treatment. They are given a two years' course, at the end of which tune they receive a diploma certifying that they arc qualified to tuberculosis nursing, • r that they Tnay take the third year in a general hospital, their health lermitting, and then liecome regi-ter ed nurses. '1 The course or study, says Miss Con nolly, is the same as that - given in general hospitals and lit addition pu pil nurse.- are required to take the courses offered in and are required to -!s-i«t in the diet kitchen, drug room, charting, hefcotheraphy, the tolerating room and Work in the laboratory. Sixteen hours of laboratory Work is required. An unpoitant feature of the nurses' training is teaching the pa tients the lu.-t principles of sanita tion and the prevention of respiratory' diseases. Eleven nur-e- are now tn training at the Sanatorium. The unsightly mass of debris which the town carts have been dumping at the bridge on Watts street, has been partly covered by san«l.*The citizens who had to pas- this place to and from their homes, were very much concerned about the indifference of the street commissioner in allowing kitchen slops, garage trash, chicken coops (minus the hens I, and every other conceivallie mass which may or may not accumulate around a town to he placed there. Dumpings of brok en bricks and mortar, and there have been loads of this material, would have been the proper filling for the spot. It is hoped that a good growth of grass will be seen this summer and then the unsightlessness will disap pear. ' , The recent cold weather nipped every thing but the blooming youth, who ■till has the same old swagger and a new pack of cigarettes. WATCH THE LABEL 0?J YOUR PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 PLYMOUTH TRIAL PROVING TO BE VERY INTERESTING Determining' Characters Is The One Main Issue Washington county superior court has lieen the scene of one of th,- most sensational murder trials in its his tory this week, when Ralph Collins was arraigned for first degree mur der lor the killing of Dr. Disosway at a colored hunting camp at Pearidge, November 2, 1923. The jury was selected and empan eled on Tuesday evening, which was by no means the smallest factor in the trial. The second angle of the figlvt began on Wednesday morning when Donnell Gilliam, solicitor, and \ an B. Martin, Everett Thompson, of Elizabeth City and Harry Mr Mullen of . the firm of Meekins-McMullen, of Elizabeth City representing the Stat®, and H. S. Ward and W_ L. Whitley appearing for the defense. Juilge W. M. Bond, of Ei*enton, pre siding. T|ie.State put on for its first witness C.-C. iibbs, who was in the camp, and sleeping with Disoswah), when he was shot and stated that was shot twice by Collins. He held substancial ly to his original statement that th« shooting w;is done whilst Disosway was a deep, late in the night, after a row which had taken place early in the night, anil that Collins left, went home and returned with his gun. The State rested after it had examined this witness, and the defence put on as its first witness Leon Spruill, who had up to the last moment, been ;e --lied upon by the state as one of its principle witnesses, but had gotten an intimation that he had changed posi tions and refused to use him. He prov ed a good witness for the defense, giving a complete ahoet face state ment from that given in the pre liminary hearing. He stated that he and Collins had px-setl along and stop ped in to get the old colored keeper of the cabin to cook for them and soon thereafter Disosway began row ing and had cut two or three of those around, including Collins, and that (•ibhs was drinking ami asleep. He at tempted to get Collins to go home, for I>i.sosway was shooting promis cously across the house and had threatened Collins, taking up his gun he said that he would get him away, whereup Col I grabbed a gun and fired at him twice. The defense then put Collin.iton the stand, who practically told the same tale as Spruill had told. He further stated that his reason for crossings the sound to Edenton was for the purpose of having the cut which Disosway had inflicted, dressed by an Kdenton doc tor, and that he was not fleeing front justice. The third witness for the defense was W ike Dillon, of Tyrrell County, who was called to testify as the the character of Disosway. Dillon consider ed the. doctor a dangerous man and that he, himself, hail been shot by him a few months prior to the time Disosway was killed. The entire day Wednesday was con sumed in the examination . of theso four witnesses. The"defense expects to put up ahou? fifty witnesses mostly for the pur |mse of showing the maniutr of ma Dr. Disosway was, that he was er rutic, daring and dangerous whei drunk, which was often, and some V them seem to be good friends of CqJ I ins. The State will also put on a large numlter of other witnesses. Some of the leading citizens of the county seem to think the defendant has a good jury, most of which come from the Pearidge section of the coun ty. The day was consumed Thursday in the examination of many witnesses, most i f whom were hot present at the shooting and were only used for the prposc of proving bad character either i f Dr Disosway or of the de fendant, Collins, and in coro bo ration or denial of the testimony of some other testimony. The negro Charles Thompson, keep er of the forest inn, where the nmr der occurred was placed on the stand for the state, and testified somewhat in line with the statements previous ly made by him, and corroborated the genearl contention of the State * testified to by C. C. Gibbs. The day closed leaving a doseM witnesses to be examined today. The case is treating much intend. Citizens of all parts of the CountJ listening to every word of the pit cedure. " It now appears that the caee wij' go well into tomorrow befote It closed, and the outcome is yet r j jury's mystery. P. A .Davenport, W. J. Gurgaav. J. D. Craft, H. A. Oliver, L. A. Panw er, J. A. Bryan, R L Ambrose, Dw Patrick. Clyde Uvermaa, W. N. 9W ! toy, M. Woodley and W. J. AkM

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