;HE ENTERPRISE Poblislvoo every Tuesday And Friday by the BNTKuimusu PUBLISHING CO WillißKistou. North Cuml'M W. G MANNING, Editor W. C. MANNING, JR. BUS. MGR. Subscription Price (Strictly Cash in Advance) .* 1 year .' - ' «>•«' 6 months s " 3 months Entered at the Vost Olice at Wil iamston. North Carolina a,, second lass matter. KRII»AV. JAM 1 '• MH. BAILEES TAX lll'H t.HT The High 1 'oint Hi-ialH , I' M ' ,m 1 j think much of Mr. I .nh,. . (.in -ui gestion relative in n-iuctiot,, on idle land . lie tnt'l ' 1 ", i: " ter i> we have lorn mi ' oine to ; full realization that -tin I"' t wav V put idle acie.- t" vo4 i !" put pressure on. The llera.ii 1 -I''' tiie idea pretty cieU'lv in 'ni eoi torial. "Mr. Hailev piopc. e- thai a\e la- taken iai a I'" ' land value and pi.»c: 1 . I -.'wn. I'i idea i. that lai ! . n t. •' 1 ' -Vl* on it.- ian - i v p v • » ' ■»♦ COUI'St* HKMI't ' ' i. " I ty-flV€» pe! •• 1 rural ui'ul »■">• l»mi >. for that portion 4 ' a neglible earning ei I'ut vvlnb it has no ucttiu! e. no . pi «ei n a value thai woubl h ' " ! i" ,,il iml bv t«it- .nti j'. a policv. ll' V "U'| J • . mendoiis volume taxation, with t,i Mrt- • '■ I '' ' •'>' ' increa.-ing t n■ u| ■> . pi "duel .01; commerce : d 1. ;.ni' ; "Idle land mciea-i - m value wiih out atlding any wOuUI. to "!..e -t;:ti and that iacrease wni.M be accelleia i ted by redia ing ta■ • higher l.u.d >.•« •>■- ti' , " 1 ' l"i' w, le'i does tenant •; and few ei p« op 1 have home i "Mr. Bad. v , . ' ; • :" • 'A plopn-al t ' I e . 1 • ' rapid ine>ea-i i- ; '. >a> mi; | lost. The cold wav., p.. . j many unptetiaie.l ' »■«••'; wintbei i In many instai c .1 -. - onpo- ib' I for some U>_J}i' Jiai i "U:e t > pnveit Hut one of these - some of i. Won't Le pi p",' >i a ■. . n _ , it might be 1, at we w II " . j from extreme heat. Attend chuii ii at'-o |" Sunday -ciioo! tic pastel will U-li > ' la'V. t' ■|i eji.ii e. j It is umlt rsto.nl ;h. t be.n lulu i nate in winter, bu ( we *i t'"ink . cluimber of conn." n • 11.. n 1 one seen or heaid of tie \\ illi.;ni--.*i Chamber of Commerce tins- winter. Suit? the it?" are mutten- an.' prgb'ein: for their uttention. - The at all tine- foiC,e J ful in his lattguhgi, hrari taken foi hi I text: "Vanity". To point lr- moral h* J said : "Now, if thei* is a woman ii the congregation who didn't b k in tin- i mirror before coming'to I want to see her. 1 wait tier to tand up!" • One woman arose and stcod with dowpcast eyes. To describe her in a Idndly way, one would say that si»e was homely. The revivalist rested his earnest eyes upon her. "Well, heaven bless you, sister," he said, "It certain ly is a pity you didn't."—Tid Bits. If Mellon takes the tax off the rich guy, who Li it be placed on but the poor one? j Taxation is a necesaarv evil to hu man governments. It in always a pain ful subject. There is no such thing as popular legislation for the levying of taxes, however popular the idea of j tax reduction *uiy be. There ure, I however, some ways and means of | levying and collecting tuxes less ob jectionable than others. The tariff for instance lays tribute on the pauper's crust of bread and the hewer's rags; maker the pent bear a heavier burden | than 'be rich, but worst of all it per mits thp u.-ie of the people's govern- I jment to take tell from the jieople Principally, if to! primarily, for the! ' enriehiTfcut of pcciul privilege. [■ ;• nme ' i'. i' 'ln- nearest an- lin o.i'h t• • • ,11 -1' iilr ,*i .e. i i lent of t j ~»! i o- en lie, .hi .• it scekr ...l,i rac'i ■ it pay in proper'.] | ■ : t ,n ti> In h i . tjpi'. ii directly, •11 i tn i.. i.r |..*otcr*t ion :.'iil bene I lit he reri'viv from. j'ov eminent fot I .in xlf . nil ii proper'y. | Aloe .lohnsoii "What am (lis iut le preacher :ini t;ilkin' about lection? I lie-' none an' lole me some of us is'i 'lectiti :il' : l ion an' nine ain't." I'a i.-on lo'iumi: "Ii am ili way. Dt 1.i.nl inn a \nt • 11' IVr u an' de debblc am a vi.ii"' agin u.- and de way \v« \ »!i■ ior mil elves i. de way 'lee in in." I:.■!i ii :>>ml « lirisi iae Advocate. Hi .1. M. Iluokley. the Methodist II inc. \s. a..1,ml one day In con duct an experience meeting at a ne em church in the Soclh. ~>\ woman in.-e and bore witness te :iic I'leciousness «f l.er religion as in ii Imi liei and onilort giver. I'liml," commented I)r I'; cklc" • "I!"l bow about that prue y. ( , I'm" vonr religion mnk .11'.\c o plepaii' \our. husband .111■■■■>■ " lim - it make you link a"c" line ill everv way?" .In.; I noli la: Jelt a yank at hi. i-Hiat' ;»t' !'. v.t lie jninister, win i 1 1. >i 1. , ileiii I y . "I'ii dom ques iii | : | ic- 11ue-1 ions. ii.,l . mi w.fe'" I Iveryhndy'- Maga zine. f -- ,1 11111■ 11 when you hear tlie en'nil. r "f *'-i.** political party criti n-,l .' liie deeii; of aimtlieKil "UiV be i*ui. in .--ucb cases, in thif , i |i; : rt; lia nevor done ajiy thing i" r; Ik abie.i', -i. they have I,i . ,11 I.• i. Ml : :II llL'ilt bu j ,iK an- !•ni t to either pal' > , ; .. i 11. i,t i \ ,n>.' to in eak i» , , , ... i " '.'-i i.ilc was lie | pinl'lfiii- lacing our i • .i, i In-' ■, , ii .ill might be .'\ ||Cl ! I'll. t, >■ till!.. (I,e tax I|lie.-t ions the |;,.|i.il,!i, ■ i. p. t r;> lamr.- I lie rich mail, u,, i■■ IC I '.I i>,Mii man. W e'll ':im MI .- willi the I temoctli) ic one I\i ike 'on d\ man killed at railroad i.g. N. l aw top signs -eem .ili ,i.!'.i i'. m'ii.i'li!.' ii. t cad ol" danger Mnchine Weaves Baskets. T! .-to ii- a machine for weaving hnsl.cis which, It is claimed, has great 'y vfnipllticil the milking of wicker gii.nls Ihe Weft Is set up atld made to revelve against stationary sluittles. Th5K l. ker is wrapped on spools at the side of the loimi and threaded Into it In n,cms nf h tension wheel. lie full s'artitig the loom on Its rotary motion the stakes, or weft, of tbe basket are placed in a permanent position As the machine revolves the warp Is drawn from the spools on the side of the lomii- over the tension wheel and Into.the stationary shuttles. Just before the revolving stakes reach the shuttle, star-shaped wheels pass them alternately to either side of the' shut tle and thus interlace the warp. As the warp leaves the •buttle mechan ical lingers grasp tt and pull tt down to its tinnier position. The fingers are operated by cams that permit them to pass behind the shuttles. With this machine a man can produce a perfect basket In 20 minutes. 666 Is a prescription Prepared for C olds, Fever and Grippe j it is the most speedy remedy we know. Preventing Pneumonia I i SCIENTISTS WARN i AGAINST SHOE DYES i j i Several Cases of Aniline Poison ing Reported. Thnt shoes dyed with materials con tnlrilnx aniline or nltrohenr.ine will poison the tvearer unless they arp al lowed to dry at least twenty-four hours before being worn. Is pointed out in an article on "Poisoning From Shoe I>yes," written by Prof. A. S. Loevenhnrt, ftialrntan of the depart ment of pharmacology at the Univer sity of Wisconsin, and C. W. Muehl berger, state toxlcologlst, for the Chemical Bulletin. During the last l>lx months several cflses of nnlllne poisoning flue to the Improper use of leather dyes have come to our nttentlon," Doctor !>oe venljart and Mr. Muehlberger write. "Similar cases Involving nltrohenzlne have tieeti rejiorted. Itrsuch instances the poison Is absorbed through the sl:in when shoes are worn very soon after hnvlng tieen dyed." A [x'rsnn affocteil by such shoe-dye poison becomes blue within a fe% hours after putting on ii pair of fresh ly lived sillies, and the blueness Is par ticularly noticeable at the and fingernails. Gradually the whole facr iind hotly assume a hluish or p*rplisli hue. which may be accompanied by nausea, dizziness and headache, and there Is also a general physical weak ness. Tbe effect of the poison gradu ally disappears after the shoes are re moved atifl In severul days the skin assumes Its normal color. That some less toxic solvent could he substituted for aniline or nltrobenzlne, and be as satisfactory, is tbe writers' opinion. "The present method of dyeing shoes Is h constant menace to public health. There are shoe sldiHng par lors which advertise 'Shoes Dyed While You Wait.' anil there have been reports of cases where the dye was applied to shoes while they were belii(t worn. 1 lyes containing aniline or nt trobenzlne should be allowed to dry at least twenty-four hours before the shoes a»e worth "The danger of sueti poisoning might tie reduced If the manufacturers were required to place warning labels anil adequate directions ii|«in the con tainers In which such dyes are sold. The only way tbe present method of d.velng shoes may be made safe and foolproof is by removing the highly dangerous poison* which are rea4U/ absorbed through POLDS of .lead or chest are more easily tieated externally with — VICKS ▼ VAPORUB 4 Ovmr IT Million Jmrm U—4 Ymm tip NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed to me on the 3rd day of Jan. 1 i>! 7, by Henry Rell, and recorded in Martin County I'ublia Registry in liook M-J, page M 7, se curing certain, bonds et even date arid tenor therewith and the stipulations in said deed of trust not having been I'otuplied with, and at the request of til holders of said bonds, I will, on •iOtll day of Jan., 1924, at 12:00 o'- clock, noon, n front of the court house door of Martin county, offer for sale at public auction to the highest..bid der, for cash, the following described real estate. Beginning at a post iu Mary Nichol sons and J'erry liazemore homestead laud, about 200 yards from the Hamil ton ami Poplar Point Road, thence with Mary Nicholson and Perry Haze more land to a chopped poplar in the edge of the rive swamp, thence with the margin of the river swamp to the Lass iter coiner, thence with the Lassiter line to a branch, to a chop ped poplar, thence a straight line to the beginning, containing 65 acres, more or less. H. DI KE CRITCHKR, Trustee. This the 31st day of Dec. 1923. 1-1* "NrtTK'K OK SALE" Notice is hereby given that, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust made . a'nd executed by James S. Rhodes and wife, Carrie Rhodes, to the undersigned Trustee, and hearing the date of January 3rd 1920 and of record in the Public Registry of Mar tin County in Rook A-2- at page 419, said deed of trust having been given to sjecure the payment of a certain I Purchased A Nice Car Load Of Mules ' V and horses in Richmond Januarv Ist and vvill unload them Thursday. Don't fail to see them before purchasing-. They are right both in price and quality. JOHN G. LONG r JAMESVILLE NORTH CAROUNA THE ENTERPRISE, VV -...aeon, N. G note of even date and ■ten6r there with, and the terms and stipulations therein contained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said note, the under signed Trustee will on Monday the 4th iay of February 1924 at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County in the Town of Wil liamston, N. C., offer for sale, a 1 public auction, to the highest bidder, | for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: That certain tract of land situate [ in the State and County aforesaid i beginning on the Public Williamston and Hamilton Road at the intersection ds*ffcid road with the Poplar Point road;|mence along a lane, Thos. P Slade line to the head of a branch near where John Cain formerly lived; thence down said branch to Thos. P. Slade's corner in Downing Paten line to M. B. Ballard and Perry Baze more comer; thence a northerly course to the run of a branch; thence up said branch its various courses to said public road neai the school house, thence along said road to the begin ning, containing sixty acres more o' less and being the same land convey ed to the parties of the first part bj Paul Ballard, and wife Ella Ballard by ueed dated Dec. >, 191" in 8001. T.-l- page 142 of the Martin County Public Registry. This the 2nd day of January 1924. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee. J -4-4t "NOTICE OF SALE" Notice is hereby given that under ami by virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made and executed by Julius T. Janics to the uariersigned Trustee and bear ing the ddbe of January Ist 1919 and of record in the public Registry of Martin county in Book U-l - at page 12K, said deed of tryst having been given to secure the payment of cer tain notes of even date therewith, atfd the terms and conditions therein con tained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday the 4th day of Febru ary 19C4 at TWELVE (12:00) o'cloc'- M , in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County in thetown of Wil liamston, N. C , offer for sale, at put lie auction, 'o the highest bidder, for jeash, the folowing described real es tate, to-wit:- That certain tract or parcel of land in Martin County, State aforesaid, be ginning at the Mouth of a ditch on the Wild Cat Road;. run thence along said ditch N 42 1-2 E 109 poles; thence N 20 3-4 K 6 poles to a stake; thence N 4 1-2 E 123 poles; along a line of marked trees to "the run of Everett's Swamp irt a stake, a corner, thence down the swam,p to Beaver Bam Swamp; thence up Beaver Dam Swamp to the Mouth of a small branch near the Spring; thence along J. E Harnhill's line to the Wild Cat Road: thence along said Road to the l>egin ning, containing ONE HUNDRED TE (110) ACHES, more or less. This the Ist day of January 1924 1-4 4t A. R. DUNNING, Trustee "NOTICE OF SALE" Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust made and executed by J. J. E. Modlin and wife Mary Luvenia Modlin dated March 30th 1922, and registered in the public Registry of Martin County in Book UUU at page 490, said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the terms and stipulations therein con tained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the undersigned Trustee will on Monday the 4th day of Feb ruary 1924 at 12 o'clock M , in front of the Courthouse in the Town of Wil liamston, N. C-, offer for sale at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real es tate viz:- That certain tract of land situate in the State and County aforesaid, be ginning at a Water Oak standing in the center of the road leading from John F. Hardison's to the James ville and Washington Road, and the Southeast comer of the land of Levi Hardison, and running South 76 1-2 East 50 perches down said road to M. F. Modlin's corner; thence North 21 1-4 East 105 perches to Cooper Swamp; thence down said swamp a bonf 67 perches to a cypress, Levi Hardison's corner; thence Soath 25 West 139 perches to the beginning, containing 36 124-160 acres. This be ing Lot Number One of the Harmon Modlin Land. This the 2nd day of January- 1924. J. G. LONG, Trustee. Dunning, Moore and Horton, Attorneys. l-4-4t TRUSTEES SALE By virtue of the authority confer red in me by a deed of trust executed to me by W. B. Daniel and wife. Em ma Daniel, on the 89th day of No vember, 1916, and duly recorded in he register of deed's office in Martin county, in book 0-1, at page 429, to secure the payment of a certain bond Itearirig even date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trus not having been complied with, 1 shall ex pose-at public auction for cash, on Monday ,the 21st day of Jai.uary, 1924, at 12 m., at the coart house door IjarriHim Sroß. an& (Eompauy ' I i Big Reductions Big Values y» " JANUARY STOCK REDUCING SALE BEGINNING TUESDAY, JANUARY 15. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR LARGE STOCK OFSPRING AND SUMMER MERCHANDISE, WHICH WILL SOON BECOMING IN WE HAVE MADE Bid REDUCTIONS ON ALLFALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE. WE FEEL THAT IT WILL HE OF ADVANTAGE TO YOU TO VISIT OUR STORE AND LET US SHOW YOU THE ASTONISHING LOW PRICES WE ARE OFFERING. . See Our 98c Window Display Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILLIAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE CONDENSED STATEMEN T OF THE CONDITION OP Martin County Savings & Trust Co. Williamston, North Carolina. As filed with the Cor poration Commission at the close of business, December 31, 1923. * RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Dicounts ....$125,281.89 Capital Stock $ 10,000.00 ("ash & cash due from Surplus 3,500.00 banks —2 46,102.52 Undivided profits 304.68 Furniture & Fix 3,331.91 Bills payable NONE Government Bond A, C 24,500.00 DEPOSITS 186,685.72 Insurance investment 1,25000 " Overdrafts 24.08 I* -» ' y . -j| ' $200,490.40 . $200,490.40 DEPOSITS COMPARED. December 31, 1919, Deposits $ 77,033.01 December 31, 1921, Deposits ..... 100,465.71 - December 31, 1923, Deposits „. 186,685.72 We are at all times prepared to meet due requirements of our customers and ask that they feel free to call on us at any time we can be of service. J. E. POPE, Cashier. in Martin county, the following prop erty': l.i iritr farm numbet 6 according to plat of land formerly owned by W. D. Jenkins and commonly known as the Pennie Slade farm, which plot is of record in the office of the register of deeds of Martin county, land divis ion book 2, at page 20, to which ref erence is made for a belter descrip- 1 \ Clark-Bennett Drug Co. t Ad ;*" Successor to Fowden Drug- Store. PHONE 53 Complete Line of Drugs, Toilet Arti lces, Sundries, Sodas, Cigars, Etc. QUALITY SERVICE * PROMPT DELIVERY | C. B. CLARK L. C. BENNETT tion of sa farm number 6/contain ing 112 lv acres, more or less, ex cepting 1-2 acre grave yard and out let to same. This being the same land deeded to W. B. Daniel by A. R. Dunning, trus tee, September 10, 1916. A rhis, December 21, 1923. W. C. MANNING, t2-28-4t , Trustee.

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