* ADYEBTISBBS WELL RXD OCR COLUMNS AUTOBET TO 15N HOMES 0«I MARTIN COCXTY J " VOLUME XXIV—DUMBER 95 JURY ACQUITS COLLINS OF MURDER Found Not Gwlty Of The Murder of Dr. DIED IN HOSPITAL ( o!lins 'on tended Self Defense In The Case Plymouth. X. C.. Jan. 14 Ralph Oiiics of Va>hiß(tM mat; nt *-i qaitttd of tKr munwr of Dr. A # [Him way. of Tyrrell w»t: - by a jury in Superior Court hm Sataiday afu. noon after an Wow's delcnlioi TV r.-« which had keen oa trial SMt kMt Tuesday, was gm» to Ike jury at I o'clock and tke « rdin of "■•t guilty" was upwtw at 3 clack. CoJlin' wra aen ni of b ng t"l botn barrets of a -horgun is to Pr. h.lctfc* pi.yscsan vc* -*f in- in »Se siac* of lVrf» Fa.:fa'* toa. luif brtcd IMJM gwn. •» if Use Pp»iW~f vtio:, where Dr. ML a CM M p»-- or * hunting trip TV eootiag occurred darng iK; *-t?y morning how of NMri>.Vr 3rd U--L aad the "*"«» d ox: hU; in iht M) al a k spitaJ at lk ashi .. on. X. C. The st Ale (uctr*kd t CtJI as I fKI Pt. INa way tn RUI JM Srr a rt> .a M; ana. ue was ill i J have icsrxtil at ue W*« in I ar. s'!e«rc4 .irunhen brawl cjilsei ia the r-„nt- j Colli:. ( p"e»W self «««• Vitae «ef cf tU oefen** -?«* I" I'IMISWIT a nab'Wwj cku - * -RFF Tic * ii-o l* 1 when j CJIW ei !frel T>wr RWY IUI'J 'H n>e** l»r. Dinrtar J;«* a pn»«J as.j MM IjOCAL NEWS OF THE 10WN _- . j Mu>- Lcnllt a '.teed to Waskiagtoo Sar.day ifterw >a- Dr iMi Mi*. J. B H k ght ml leave in tke morning for OiUfc*. Flondj mhe.c Dr will at ««4 li* icefi. g of tke Medical for A. C 1- suir**» •him w# be held in thai city this weet. While away they will »irt other of ikUicß in the South. Otir good old ard swilng fnend. Joseph IXdtr ay> ku presence a Williamstoa in tke htait • tke weatiier. If tke weatoer affords no note freeing be aril re nua in our «•>(, but if *j ■«« cold wave* cww ke t> g«-•* lo * wanner cLi; jie in order to a*ana ike pluir *r~' rusk. Mije Qaadk Hams. Myrtle Ldlry and Mr. W. W. Lilley relnrued )» terday afternoon fton Norfoft, where they spent the week end with rth tiros. Mi>i Jwe rirwh aad Mr. Bony Odor ino UJ rod to Cmnlle Sasday a'leroooa. Mesors. (Mwu Gidw. Al *aas siey aid Edgar Odont. of lUrfcy Meant mere in lowm Sutday. Mr H W. Allen aut HO U H Jrj are visitirg Mr. and Mrs. hauler IVrry in Xew Town. Mrs. W. H. Booker and M«*» I** tie Eteoadsoa and Mr. Jifi Gtan ■Mooted te GremDe £■ iay- Mu*es Carrie D. Khte. Margaret Joyac, Eugenia Hoyt. Mrs J. W Man ning and Mr. Raymond Joyner Mor ed to W v tungton Sunday. Messrs. V. H. Julian and Jtae Barrell spin* Sunday m Back? Mil with thar ■thrr who is i k a hoapatal there. MCMS. Robert Wei, John Henry Kdnaids aad Frank Cantirphra MM Sephiwaia T || «f d tke Everett Uigk School beaky spert , Mmr. R. D. Taylor ml * H (Sail Gnikia attrated the Ham law >J- wring aa Hk»biig«iia Sm*- day aft. mi.a. Mr. A. Htfg» tmrnmA* was a kiarirf fXfer here JBHer day . Lamb anode a hanot inp te Rah- Mimn. H. C. Irirr aad J. C. Caak WttSBCSS -»-4 Mr. Nha SkpaM H te , ■ "* i ;>4 *.,% ■■ b H * r « * 1 ..-•V- v,' '.i HE ENTERPRISE T | NEGRO JUDGE I MAKES SPEECH i lj AT COURTHOUSE •5 Fundamentals Neces sarj* In Path Of Success ■ W aliam on, u>ro o of the Superior Court in Oklahcma cvun > tj. Oklahoma made aa inspiring speech to members of his race and j a few whiles at the court hoase last I ewe rung. His tpeecfc pointed toward a bet- j ( f ter Mir; and «a>-der>tainiiiig be- ! ( !««■ the while and black race, he • «ayiag. "no -oil in the breast of the | Mack folks for propaganda to re-4 cn,. . j hot J- place for better prirw-iples to j ~ The things in the ii.ler*-J of I hai« 'it ./" He «*ed certain character- ! ,i istics of hts rare raeh as hatied today • r■ it will he aJ' right tomorrow. for all ; | is needed is a night in which to deep hatred off. It was in his ats are that I he asked of the colored people to work in the interest of the com | aiviiitY. not in their rare but ia the * 1 anrin race. HrrTisoß pave five fundamentals j . aeee-ary i' the path of .-access -1 Fo- h ; * people to have faith ia | I . Gad aad not :o listen to what modern- J ■ ut» say. : | i P»tw» ami endurance under trials we iry to every race. | I S '"orfidercv ,j 1 i uurtr ar l e «md On this I . - h was »bf-1 ,e. tc * !•»'» or VK : estr. t. To be) { ji -IUT To b«- LjiuraWe and to' • . -a i i« wr_. to si ante | itf v 4 !fl» a nr vi«ee to he tf ank-' I M fc h .:e,*d tlv? word nvvomy j j ter* l I«. -s-,.. g titaa a fool's j r .ioc r to a thinr just becau>e a h: it unless, it arcs needed.; " is* f iMaan i 'al aas "Race | s i'r^x ~ j«iir k wouM have the ( !«»• * sn.i h 'lest 11.. i. . .fhly re pert I !ed a-d :l* l l unk.tr loafer and iwo-' - n«l parasites cast «-ot of the * e" man it i. j ! BABZKS WANT A > DADDY MOTHER 9 I BABIES M ANT A I>AI>DY AND Mt' The ChiM ea's Home Society at I'TiMbiioro has the following i' fnnts j II far whom they ait .-Peking footer | •'feiother- : ltd fathers Interested per >,ties should communicate with John J. 1 Phoenix, s ate superi tendeta". Bab> girl I foandlir-K i 12 days o*d fixby girl two months od , • Baby mrl. three months obL , J Bahy hoy (four-llinc I two manlks oU , s I Baby hay. three months 01-l Baby boy. eight rnoritks old I] Baby ho>. 1« moal.S- old .J Boy three \ears ob!. I Boy, four yeers obi. r Mr. Jease .T. Pnce ia spending ' days -hi- week ia Greeaskora. Mr P. L Wrry. of Tarkoro. spent the week end here. Messr*. A. E_. A. E. Howard and Mi?xs Mary Wads worth, of near >*ew Bern, speat Sunday here w*h relative*. v I Mis. I_ 1. Moore and son aad daagk jter spent the week end witk Mrs J. >,G Gadard. Jr. r j Mr Charles Bvgs. of UrUimm. I 'tpest Sundry here with hi* mother. I Mrs. Sallie Biggs. 'j Kcv and Mrs. A. V. Joyaer spent |thr~~week en.l in Wilmington, where 1 Mr. Joyrer has aecepte-l a call to tke Baptist church. "j I>r. Man E Warier, leturned ye* 4 terday Booming from \cr*ottt wkere ! . he tiared Mrs. Warren who ha.- aad 1 ' beea fcdier quite so well daring tke 1 past few days, bid is much better t»- day J r Mr. WCliaaa Hodge- has been very' 1 aj(k at his home for the past several j day*. f J Mr. Davis EweU. of Richmond, at-; 'leaded the funeral of his aaM. Mrs. | 'lSee EweU here today. Mr. G. C Riley, of Plymouth. »v j ia town yesterday. "| Mr. Ma Key* Hoyt, advertasaag' —pi far the faai of J. K. Hoyt. 'of Washington wan ia oar city yew »jterday • Mr. Rohert P. Heydeareich left; 1 where he will li i kis work with l like Eatea Priiag caaapnay. Mrs. Hey- I | dearvirh will jaia kim ia the aaar t «kte»e._ 1 ( taa akat tea yearn ago aad akii ia aad haa aaamad one af VUinaatm'i 'Mt ||l kagklli , Miaa Mary r Gladys Watta. They *9 he greatly - ' il ky her aaaqr Mia da la WR > Mr. Amd Mrs W. T Mfliai left I vkera Mr Meadow* will eater a hoo- ' t.Mr Meadows kaa the kapaa af tke aa .'" 1 t ' J* " 5 Williamston, Martin County, Xorth Carolina, *1 uesdr.y, January liCi. FARMERS TO GET CHEAPER KKRTILJZERS 1 Cash Price To Remain | Practically The Same of the leading fertiliser coarpanie* of the country that the price of pr-ano [ • for 1924 will he cheaper gives some relief to the fanner who has to bay oa tune The factory price aa M 4 fal! pay-' I ment is given as IBM. the freight J adJed makes the price te Martin j county points about £9S which is. . more than K lews than the IS3 price. j The cash price* have not yet heea j (nea out ba> they will not be far j : fro-n those of last year. The man who bought aa tinr last • ' yeur paid about SO per cent interest, j which is about as good a way to keep a man poor as oowkJ ke devised. ! The lowering of the time price will j greatly aid the farmer who hasnt , 'the re-ad\ cash. I ' NORTH CAROLINA RANKS FIRST IN > ROAD BOLDINC' J EXPKNDfTCRES IX im H\ TBE! I STATE ON THEIR HIGHW AT SYSTEMS ' .-"u-e To-al IHshursements , S Alaroina _ S CHK I Arisona s Arkansas _ TjOk'At^ ICakfaania .- li.TMA». Icokaadn —L. S.ISOJW' IcHßKtint 7. ktjXW • Itielaware S.lCTjr»«! 1 Florida | Georgia No tepor* I llßiaois I Ira ho i2a»Bi«; • Indiana J JJkJW' ( lewa SL 1«.421J»«| I Kansas Krn:ork - Unuiaaa 7-®**-**'" j Maine Maryland 7.950.4.. f Massachusetts Michigaa aejWMWj J M t. * -ota *.l {Mississippi I Mill mi .... li.l>y rt I )l»t-iu IJSMB Nekrvka - IBMB New Hampshire New Jersey T _- lt»^*».k* New Mexico Xew York 22.75»#W» NORTH CARtILINA 12. ltkM> North Ihkda Ohio vßjmjm Oklahoaaa Oregon " JV» Peoijj Ivaaia Rhode Idand !**' South Carolina ——— W l #* l South Ilakota 3,tii*7l T - _ Texas Ctak - Virginia I^W® Washington MBB* West Virginia Wascoasan 12J«M*» Wiomu* 1 2^sd^O It wiN be noted that Nortk Cam hna leads all state* ia road conArwc tiaa last year. Illinois. Mew York aad HidiigM «fre ant is •"Af HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL GAME TONIGHT HIGH SCHOOL BASKET BALL The Wdhaaaataa High School ha-hrt ball team pUyw that mt Parm Life ■ Sckaai taaight ia the Due Ware ' tease The local high «hid ha* > spent mock time practicing ia the I part fear weeks and am eztraont - mary plajiag ia exported of itei I Dunng tke araatime. the I«JTof •the Farm Life School has ide. hut has heaa preparing itself to meet the kigk school ke here to I There is no better time to lend yowr support to the hays than now. far |the liorlipatat mt athktea today wiM 'mean athletes mt lamirtiw. I •Notice Hie Labd «ri L Your Paper TWs Week that ywa glance o«er the lahd aa year] 'paper aad if yea are kakmd to aeadi Mha Nate, aad nan. Tam, mt New Bern spent the aaakaad with Mr. aad Mrs J. G. Gadard. Jr. mg a few days ia Ti I I i, a ■ i i o i' - ~ n —" —" .^-*1 HIGHLY ESTEEMED WOMAN DIED YESTERDAY One Of Williamsten's lie»i Loved Women FTKERAL TODAY Was Noted For Interest She Had In The Church » Yesterday —nun., ibciii etjrht o*-| clock UillhiMitw k-t >** o: its : knui ant mm! highly rstmwt. mw | twa in the death of ~Vis M9l Wkitrlr Knell at her Imw oa Sruth wick stML • Smi W«trM Wh :V>. iathlfr of Mai nu RrdM uvl Samuel Cn-p Whitley «a> barn on Jariun i>. 1838 at ftal tir l tV HK " . ley hMH mv Willum-toiL Sir bki four ar«r and kMiwt-. Mrs. I iura Ijtkun. Mrs. Sallir 11. ran 1 Mo>ra. Ceorp L. arj Sam Whitley, mil of whom are dc»! V\ !*s »_k_- 1 nftitm tears «f are William Walton. a pronrnefit :4 .n;er «f Bertie court . TH»y hved ia IVr tie until the deatn of Mr Miihon about -IO >*ars after tV> mere nor , f nri To thfn nhost w -»n V»il ! I liam James Wa'toa «h» .lie»i at the |aft of s***«teer. After the dearh «•{ " her o..me U .k to William -1 -too whe*e in she »»> n2ii*J to Jo- K na Kweil. **>•> p»»r*«!«>! br* '•> , the crave hv «wJ years , For reiartv ®fty \r- rs Mis. Fmefl . ha* b>«f actively nb-i? fied wit*" the 'Methodic- "hur\h aid he* pre e»»-» 'in 'hat Mt mil l>e mised ir» -*» ie 'place th in -we Sle erved as Su «' \ tev- •■er of the jo.nr ladies r'ass for maa ye- r > »l her tnim r 1 ttu lens of eitfil r«kl if. the>r > ' mik Ihr She n- art we a r * helpful in the wome s *ri*Riutra j»' *he rinrrti ' ~CMbia Sae" as hr «a$ f'»m Imrl |k-*.wn hy l l « whole t»n» v n(yiir rml old. ikf and w-as oee of "he | ixe! lored pfi> «5|T- that ever Hv l.-d in She rt Mrhh 'e*;ucat«>t. bei~r ®"r »f the ir-| r>l ; j mho attended S M.-n"> ScHmd at Ualeirh. where she >|>e f t fmr je>r nd mW* ' K.it lilt* -he ha l«~-n a rnat itnlei.l. Tfeo»ll» ol the K.b'e SSe was ? kni'ii t oonver il:.' i'i» ..nd this with her ittiaetsce matte- her a »■«»'* of nn li iul ' --rn. She lored ch Wren and |«4>*e. flu«r > and 4>i»; to hr niture -f«kf "A *vu- Urrw." ever piaHvin ir. jr the pre-erce and he fw»l e-s of God. A rentle. serene. -«rrt Hlw*: a dwr. m?rnetic. (iitari'L Ouis ui (k-uM'tr, -he a * -de circle of deraloi (ne»l- fcere an wherever fhe 4av«^ At her re.|ue-- her imut pbnt in the Me4h--H.-t (Tkiirk. tl« |dace -he Iwel no t t« »f*nl hi lui mett on ear*h ar.d the fs eral «eiTKe> were raedtarted 'torn th" •his aflenuaa at I;D o'clock nith Rev. EL D. Dndd olfw altv a.--i4r>! by Rev I- C Lafkin. of H»ifie> bora She was bnried in the Whitlei plot in the Bapti-t nailer, ant the large af fwab felt thai ore of Cad'» i-'dde n»-n*n Had beer laid to irit, and h. her. "G»J r»rd. hi? beloved FAMILY OF SIX WIPED OUT AT RAIL HOSSING FAMIL OF I MIPEIt Ol T. RAIL C lad, Jan IX—An cUm fr~**] of «ii per>«jt.> was kdled. lu of them almo-« instantly. when the wtMMhle in whtrh they were n j* «a> struck by (luraro aftd ■ Hlinim train No SC. at a cro-- near here today The machine ma> thrown 30 feet against an iron sema phore tower and was h* a ierw«; time and carried a# eet farther le fore the train was tapped. The «te»- are: Oacde Whitt* ».me. er. M >enr ku wife, aol Helen. IC. Mil). *. Law. 4; am Charles. 3 pears old Mrs. WKitii f-r.jeyer ri.- hub- üb-'wJ •y and the tO«is !i» I «*ly t fe» n mates with tie tinpM of th Laby. who lived far an una' *■ «* a half after the *eb=te»' The A> e ■ t)Ut. who Itafc Lea' MR. WW er race 10 the hwt* of I'irjcei fcr .duaer when the ar-idcw *ratri CARD OF THANKS I want to thaak the man} aiigklir? and friends who «a kMy ■iaister od to my brother and motLec ia their My aH fatler jd» me in th» ■■jii nil 1 of thanks. In oar weak J MAMIE COREY- I AIER 1 HANTS HAVE I XOYEV WAY OF ADYLUTLL\s ; Many I*rizes To Bo (iiv en Away At Strand Theatre ■J, ioitethinp u"he.>.rd of Wor? to Uy ran* fans tf t. e lo*- j treea'cr w*. te • p\] a' to Stran*! Tlreate» *"-»•» J evenirr I>«* niost --ai-' • hin; .about it is you «k» M e *0 pay anvthi- s, of (wirse ; «»a have U pay the iwrulsr admission chance, bit voa iau.s* reme -ber LK_.: -J. f . : Ajw is to sec the p.:c ure ->»■- ".t jf«t ih.- other iffair. If is t«is *v\. ,w v .en you Uiv \oui ticket you art* 1 ( ri*«i a nnri*. inl this iun t» r ,ie itermines whether or net you * !' n _ ceve a prize. Tlie exact • un>i*i o - ' "fires is unk v» .1 K-t here to- tl> > play r.t tlaA-lioi ett's h «* m »i m . every"hinr Crota pairs of to h iW of Toar. V ith the naathe* I i»f prires donated by the »»»er>-*sa-l --■ of the towx- hh-' everyone o- • v pert «ofr»e ki -1 J »f a pn-e irw! fnv . of rfiarjrc. tK'. I TOWN TEA?.! PL\Y TJy H. A VT'N 1 HERr v* :> vv (■ame To Sl:ir! Ii itHy .\rtCv Sl'.vlA' I * —— ! T'*e Ufc-atl • >«: i '! ■»>!! , *ri ? itvse t l -.* sti»:r l'u J ' . . » •« ".it the r-«> « e«H»use ' • '--s , t *r-iT"» • i«*M "«* . A rieif '-a;e«v f te -V • . {*«?! 4iit r.t i ' • I «ji»i - ( la a J.T-,.iig • • "• ■ • :-enr is !.o e\ ej: •«« !' »he . • B'.aoe v. fi }«• st« (fch , t ! ine , "'.na! k' i«*e M--ws Uv i ,» the "■»■ VJ«- a-e ever'. r: ( This !^-.» , ul«i he t' i!e » -;ir * •»' 1 ea.-oti Cerae mi! a d it .' Ivise te m «.**! iie!,' | tst V. '» i?» '** jM the I«as3 h,.'! c- j The >ntall »«>•' s .. , •*."> sr«! " c«i's will le .luT"i r I A 2(" NT JVr -1 New W1 Jit -.-l—ii J- R , ' wf WO O't .S IX ! I- »Io i»» t * » # f n« | ie f f i iiac 11 e t^e ". Oil iV4H|Ui'> »»l .V * J- 1 e - its 'tif t«-rrt »rv I ." Te\*- t oiiip -' > 1: >mel:ately met t !>e menKse r o\h t;n 1»: \rs i \i» i 1.1 s • j K\>EKT II \LI. TE\M .1 tn I * ►J Oak t .1, hi k-1 h I* «• ' !•; def'a'inp. Farin l-'V 'i4 I? T e j rime »; ■ ver- fist t i ir.ie.- ' L -I"t '".the w-twj WTratber. 1 ',.1 fit• won " 1 e r ( by *es r ab'e l le thr ■ |..-Let with more rernlftrity tKan "he 'jlovj o' F" m> I- 'e r. re wa.- r 1 featured by lar.l ptayi~r »■' ye' the wa> 'rnutvUv 1 1 dean and, tie l» st t.f feelinjf was j sht-wn b> teams f j Tie outs« . r „|irp pliiyers f«»r Fatfi f life- sen- t'.'lt Hard' m r»r*t ■ forward and t.niSn at left f.-u-.i«l. tie 6 former cint til«u" '" f ;II of the Sd - ! ' jfuh n-ade by Sis term. I For Oak CSty Manri r. •' «>• an-? jrapt. Whit lev pla>e-l I» eveellent irame. Ainrdey at center and Hunst Jt left sn*a**l **•* I-** "le ' '«fh* players. J line dp ;r. ) • umn.u .1 fftlU *." JpiraMjfe Co i'ion *'.*k » »tv ' If I Whstle» A 1 R r h Cr Mar r..»r h| *- F , j G. Ain»lej .1 r IVeV - tUwUrw* J *■ G iGriAn , 1. t; j fWin( Farm l.'fe -Firhl P«l> ■ Harvii-un a. Frails 2 «mt of . (*ak City—Field roal Manm"r 1 Huist 4. Foul- 2 out of S Ijaar. Oak Cstv. Referee. Smith. Farm Life. I'mpire. Miss Adams, Oak City. Tin* Keep er. , r ' 1 ————— M ATCH LAHL OS PAPER Watch the label oa your papet this r week aad send us a renewal. It will ibr hifrh!> apprerinted.. MARGOUS RROTHFRS AM. RROOkS TO STAGE GREAT JAM ARY CLEARANCE SALE The opportjfi ties affo. ..■»» by the r sale, which start* nex* Thur «t*y% are net ta be missed, for when Cue Ms r- C-l- Brntherf a sale val .l aes are fivct. Mr. Leslie T- FewA l H iwtkf i* Bet! el Lttr-adfe-r' Ih^i v ' • '" r '■ » ...., - • - - - . .*• ...» si. _> . NORTH CAROLIN NOW HAS A i'RKSS AGENTj ! : ;#per baited By Mr. E. Clyde Tut tie Of (ceensboro after visiting- North '" >.«.,« « a.'o';na -wral months ago ie-! a!l it iwlwl was a press ,-T-ct V f-'l *sf -ow have an official .-ft-nl with a bona fiie paper. Tf \«n> «\-irahfa. published b> the ' '««>r Greens- | an - isl-fed by E. Clyde Tuttle of j —-H see a d >|K4i.«rri by seme of t ' ae r->--*. ; nf» jetitial men of the »tate. ! M* !*x«siri Tufts says ae do not • *.i. : « , ami te!l «rhat we h .*■ «■ Hi' » want to show them by , - our resource* ami climb- I »« the a itk*r wi*hout the Wp of» u'.- -ir's Thi- may be so, but adrer- j tisr* will "help our old State as ft t has M(*J all the progressive states ; i* .he l v iw. w VFHIN«;TON ST. BE REPAIRED IN A FEW DAYS ,s it Will Be Placed And »t a!er Turned Off To Side • ** *. uii>k (h«!rf s not a mu-i ci .« 11 !.o!e (ii ashiagton ' 2eU**\ Vr>ow jt; "l*ig Alley "*j V * ■*• ■>! ! in the next few dkys. I ,\e -or* u iea»an a hole \ n .itirtir front the nlc* cf : • i ( *-.! Company's store to: ■ - ifti.l,. ad since the pavmr ; sfc- ":»yi t Has continually held «r: wir a .-ha-ne to have it % - r i'. w is runi-oe ithat Johnnie I*i 'jot w.th his corps of th* •I ac"« Pi rest wv.s bidding »» * ~-i e I'lOHit across the pool of t- -i e J_; :hi)ik how much tnuie it -jM »\f mftint to the Texaco and a 1 fillirr -l:.tiun>, for. to be i" t'je i.ntrsc-mif parties wool: •i ic u-oi pumps Then there s *'■ rifjifUf trwle that would 'i ic l«w rrrativ appreciated by • I*.ow ni EatC. O. Moore's soda 4 tats. Ut-ll it is i -time after w \t c u K.i |» for the contractors 7«% ct *o pn ahead and repair the : e. Uu alas, Ute spun* is »P" »r« cS -?r an I there will he new pro d- tc h u-dertaken. Until further ttuit is ,uim the united sons of rest r - iiv « miikl at their mam office. Vir llarry .-tubbs" s*eps. IJIHAI. AM» PERSON AL M.»S OF IIIAVCR IIAM I >i V I Aile.i and - ».i Kay went h '• - Cu urday. Mrs Flw«et • T*v«ii spent -'s-ltubf f fter«ua w.th her aunt. Ilrs_ W. H. r k*n>. M Mr. and Mr*. Sam Meek* attended * «> .rrh at Skewarkey Saturday and ' S uml~ ) l : 1 \lr-'r« I jester Ittn-ers nd William ' « a»*i|4er motored to Greenville Satur ■"ay afternoon. " Mr* U A. l!ufToUk"hs and frjnilv 1 *e«e the guesti of Mrs. Burtnujrh's r svur. Mr-. S>hester lU\iwr. Suada> 1 :X-l I ftML Mrs. \* II .K«e«> spent Sunday o:'h Nr. Unirr Chesson. 1 Mr i!xl Mr- A. I- Ra\nar moUre.i 1 to Willwm.4«« Saturday morning stop I i-r M«-s 10-sa Thomps«.n. of Elizabeth "*»?y -pent the week end with Mrs II A t 01l pher I K HOTT OF WASHINGTON II WE A CLEAN SWEEP SALE f —:— °M« John Keys Ho>t„ of Washinr'ow at 4 su.-j«cialed with the firm J. K | Kv.t a'rj «ver tie otlier day arul he j ,!.tr That they are let'inr merehan t -r ro a u« heard of prices The object of which is to make room for i»- tot tr spring roods. Mrs. W. T. Ward of Rocky Mount J>s rsit M rs. Fannie Car»tarph» *Z !er Uce on Maun street- Mrs. To«n Jarvi* and little Irarr iwtis# Mrs. Fannie ' »■*-«,' am&en for s«^eral dav s. Mr. " -i- i M-tnembered here as Mi« } H. "tie I'« Wrrd. having lived here k with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. W. T. I \V d untTl her marriage several * sei «*-»! w: r* ago. i«r if cor ing .r»ro its ova May te e-a I) t ki ie a look into the shew windows of «r« of Williaasstoa's lead ; i-« states, Mareolis Brothers and Br*ok* •'harming models la the paa f -e* ditjhi far spring May he seen in P drev-e» .-ad pretty spring coats ■ " ' sport styles are ibk on display. Mr. Asa Toa ("rrwford returned e«tmhr from a hawarea trip te W aiKiigtaa, D. C. H T Browra, Jb*. A. Pnr - ( vJ4 »« c alien at oar oHe* " m"*" • .:;w --. WATCH THE LABEL ON YOUR PATOL IT CABBIES THE DATE TOII SUBSCRIPTION" "Pi»w ESTABLISHED 1896 jMRS. SALLIE A. COREI' DIES AT HE R HOME Accompanied Her Son To His (.rave Last Tuesday ILL ONLY 3 DAYS l*neumonia And Heart Disease Proved Fatal Mrs Ssai'je A. Corey die«l Friday. | Janaa/j 11 a&i was buriol S.iturday f Mr*. Corey nsr- Tpanied her son to | krs crave -ym, Tuesday, netaming home . fcowoi sn jcrwf a* *5 weak from nurs tc« li*r -on Sfee was in*meiiiately I taken with |»)» wiwiia and already , satfertar from heart disease she was able fo cwrhi- ihf diffue only three •tays before lifsiJ.h came. I Mrs. Corey was The daughter of D. i R. Pari el and wife. Mary a Daniel. At ' her death she wx «5 >ears ol«L She I nornn! ir, Cprev od raised i fowr tuk'nta. Mrs W. F. Colt rain, Mrs. W J Lillei. Maine Corey. I arwl «ee s«»« oho was buried four ( itays krf • -he was j The f jml was by Kl •ler Sylvester Havel! arid Elder I Stone. She had leen a member of the rnmikv I'opt: * Church at j Srrut* * srit s Crerk for forty-five years, j te»i*r the efcaest female member of {t hat iheufc { Tbe hw-N»!"-2 a Con Vlerate -oldier. si» Mow sitha a few nvmlhs of SO i years o' a*e a*».i the 'iauehter. »Mamie, totally U;!«l arc the only members, of tV hoa left, each [of them betrjr pracn-ally Helpless- JThe s>aapat3ies -f the oorrn!unity . goe- out to tliese re»;le BEAR CRASS NEWS ITKMS r . ~ .J Mr M-E*a of. the I'eavtr I j Ihun «**-t Ma is e*rpUiyrxl w th J Ruc ■ tr» ajvs Brv-ther Messrs Ja-pei H««m and Harry ' Jone-s of near WtlJiimston were m 1 town Sa'anhi right. Sheritf Mer-on of Williamstoek I was in tow* Friday. Mr. J«ha ttam. the rural mail carrier «■' rw> a was ill last week. jMessrv. Jew l"rwe an>l lU* Leg rette worked in hi* {dare I. Mrs- MartiKa W whanl and Mr. .t ku**- H-el were married Suikbi e«e»tsg. J a.; maty 6. at the ■ j b»'tne of Mr. J. H Terry. The mar- I ru«e rennx-fti Wa.- peif«mM>l by Mr. TM Rofeejxett of ti* Mr and t Mrs. Hwf wete residents of this , -ectiooi aaail we them a l>ing and ! happv Kamni life. Me t- Walter I'-aley and Mr. j CKartue Kagers «Kor*vl to ''• teenville ' I ThutMti. u>ol -} Mr Jue-s Mawi.l ii(. .f M iiiamston. ■ was m Isai Thuxhv on hu-taeas. ' t Mr. Ira Bugrts motored to Crrtß ll ilte Thursday. Mess r-. ilurle. Ira and Buck 1 1 lto*ers f«iw4el music at A. B. - ! Aver- aast J lb«e«- Hrothers* store , Saturday l»r. Sa.tM>aer - arm N. S toslard of 1 1 W illi a—-tea, were b t. »n Thursday I oa hMMeass | Mr. I • ass M»n' .ne. of W illiamstoa. | wis in *.--*»■ Wednesday. | Mr W C- llh has a line of 'erwnief, ud ii«t ciags in the dm I f ftxmeriv *«W&*d by Mr. W. W. Wil jllOOM I lit aid Mr? James S. Rhodes aad Mr- LC. IViiselt left .e ierday | math Mr ar>l Mrs. W. T. . ' Mea-k»w- i»r R.f hnxoxi They will " i -penid several days there before re ' taniw hueuc. ' I Mr H B. Oatiom of Wiintaor speMt - : the week eed in town. -I Ms. Georye W. Smith. Mtsaes i i Chit s N,» - i aw, of Clint.«, Ss C. t kena Jefferson, of Washingtoa, Neb ' lie . v piei. of luch Square, awd j liUatCt. of SiaiideßD were f gw4- of tie Britt Hotel Saturday. | Ihr Jcs«t JtlotM, of Camden. S. C. 'wlw pleached at the Baptist church jSmaday mas the guest of Mr. and Mrs. jJ. W Aalmw. I Mr. ud Mrs. Mark Swriagley. Mrs. i Aavus Cos. Mrs. Ed Btwvm aad Mr. . •and Mrs. Harding, of Wash ' j ingtoa were ia ten Sunday ugkt i i a I I WANTED TWO FAMILIES ETTHEB Whre or Colored for IK4 to (ana am shares or moik oa wages. W9I free. 11 J. J. ROBERSON « SONS; I Jaate-viHe. N. C 1-IR I| i - i ————,jjij ijlF VOI NEHD ANYTHING IN ~ 'j J > ?HteZ rrNkt * M *" rV, * K I w*-r i* beeh pnr bred - I k *~ ***** A 1 Oeeh**e*Jj

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