Our January Clearance Sale. has o]»ened up with unusual savings for j the thrifty buyers. Every item offered during this saie is of our re^uia! stock and tiie values are so irreat and t^»*_* nirnei'ous To l'O in.o detail and quote prices ' J '; Come and See for our Self Is Ail We Ask- Marsolis Bros. & Brooks The Fiace After All I ■ *> r - ! j. j'aui Mrv'toMtt tptt'h W t-l*Son - w m tin riry «£morr©m to |wr _iOU)ri -1.,,, 4 • t«mif in Kwhrwifwi # • • • Mr J G (, - • V • fetten»! iwf i: " » *• •' ■** ' I r :tn«' M» . libfh ilorton ii:i\ J ' . * | :-• «« -i !»,!. tin* Tar A|«ar|iJieii !'if|k trHirn few- »-*» i * -j. t at Horn* 4 in apart, mend \u« u Tkw # s-«L * " | OUR ANNUAL I SALE I Now In l'ull Blast - '/ ■ : Ladies Coats Suits, and Di eses at Hitr Savings, Eyeni! invr in oi r store marked at-a ; reduction Every thing In Our I i —% Store Marked At A REDUCTION -• * f J. K. HOYT [ WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROJJN A. THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.' I'- 4 ' 'J 1 * Mrs. James Grist Stat on will leave Momlay for New Bern where she will prv-ide over the meeting of the j Wo man's Auxiliary of the East C.iro liiaa I>ioce.«e of the Episcopal Church of which she is president. She will 'tie she- truest of Judire ami Mrs. O. 11. ! »uio»i duriiic her stay hi the oty. • • • • ' Mrs. W. T. Ward ami .Mrs. Tom Ja'vi.' and little son left ye-stenia)" for Jaim-ville to spend several days with l»i J. E. Smithwick before returning |to their home in Rocky Mount. •• • • Mr. Earl Bamhill, of Richmond ar | nv«i Wednesday evening to visit ! relatives here for a.,few days. • • • • ; Mr. Wheeler Martin left Thursday I! for Raleierh where he attended a I m-e*intr of the state committeemen 1 «.f the Republicans which was held 1 tliere today. • • • • Mt. \V. C. Mann my returnen Wed j im-ilay from ICaleifrh when- he al jTended the Grand Lodge meeting and j tin- meetings of the Mutual fire I»- ' surance company. I* * • • Mis. Wheeler Martin, Jr.. Mr*. Os car Anderson, Mrs. J I iodard. Jr., j Mrs, J. W. Manning. Mrs. I'. li. Cone lai.d Mrs. Elbert IVel -|«ent \ est*.-1 day In Washington. • + • • Fncmlf of Mrs. I> I' S'ii'l- will '1 In- sorry to learn that she is vert ill I a" her hoftie on Main street. • • • • . M "s. \V. A. James spent yesterday I visiting relatives in Robersonville. • • • • M-sfr. K. S. I'eel, II M. Stuln«s. R H. ob'urn and Gilbert Fee! spent Wed- I nesdav in Washington attending te | l.u.siiiess. Report of the condition of the IM.A\TKKS & MKKCH WTS BAMi .it l]verrtts in the State of North Oaiiditijt, at the close of business. Itecvtnber 31. UKS!. KKSOrKCKS I/k*u« and discounts I tenuuul loans 11.■•.«> Overdarfts, ««cuml, none, unsecured. none . (''nited State.-! Bonds an«i Liberty Bonds 2,45t»JW» | All T4iK'r stocks, Bonds and W.»rt jr«Ke* llaiikmir Houses, JiOO.O 1 *; r ■ Furniture Ar fix • 'a«h .in vault and not a-, ii (Hints 'due from llank-, bankers and trust cum-. ' i fvinies li»* itcrrt-. In-11l over 24 hours 1K7."i1» j r«* tsj 1»t..l f571,4»i.6. r - I.IABtI.ISJKS Capital stock paid in t IWWMM Surplus fund T^ittftnl t ndivided profits, less cur — I nut expenses and taxes p.ud 2.412-4*! j lin drmls unpaid Sl.i CATARRH j4 head u thiaat ia usually tiemfelnl by tha t«ym» cf — I \#ICKS ▼ VAPORUB j O—r I 7 MMimm J+— UmmJ W ANTS tUANTKO .1 IWO HOKSE IBIP - Tenants with plenty of force i nelp >. J. t;. STATON, !.=>:» Hilt SALE: MCE ASH WM»l> ready for heater and cook stove, delivered any place in towr, for J2.00 per load of about 1 4 cord. NOKTON IIAKD WOOD CO. l-4*>p A nice line of brand new i>ork barrels you will find them at O,EO. W. SMITHS Robersonville, N. C. j .NOTICE Two sows and three shoats. sows. I one listed the other spotted, t»n [ shoats black the other white, have I been at my hou»e three week?. JAMES TYNEE, Rout 5, City j jlf VOI NEED ANYTHING IN Hojfs it will pay you to see or * nte | J J. Kobersqp auid Son--. Junes- | ville, N. C. fee'have boar pip, gilts i sows and pigs or anything you want in both pure bied Duroc Jersey and high class grades. One huaaied and fifty head to select from. WANTED TWO FAMILIES EITHER fe'hite or Colored for 1924 to fans on shares or work «a wages. Will furbish house, wood mmi gardes free. J. j. RORERSOX A SONS. James.ville, N. C. 1-Ifct FOR SALE: FORD SEDAN. PRAC tically Mr. WQI atU right far cMk W E. (HJNK- D»ponta subject to check. individual Time certificates of Deposit due in lew that 30 . day- t '«• Cashier's checks ouUrtand niir Time- certificates- of Deposit due on or after 30 days- J_i 21.442.CC Kcsenf for bad «i»e> - 1J«14 Totai _ tr:i 40»-S- r . State of North Carolina—County of i .\lart:r.. January Sth. 1924. 1. V. G. Taylo.. Cashier o the a bcre named bonk do solemnly swear that the above stateirent is true to the best of mp knowlede* and belief. V. a TAYLOB. Cashier. Subscribed a*d ~worr. *o beftre me. this 11th dav of January. 1924. C B RIPDICK. Notary I^iWx ( onwt—Atte.-: J. S. AYEBS. J. E. GCBCANI S. A L. ROEBI Ck. P rwtorv. NOTICE OF ?ALE 1 wier and by virtue of rhe of sale contained in that rertaii, dee«! of tru-=t made esec-jte« by Hood ley Titompscn to 'h* Tn»>tee. anl beanntr "be date »' Jur* L*2nd 1917. and of recor-i in the Pub lic Beristrjr of Mart n * ounty in lUM.k O-l- at par* >0 saw! deed of Announcement An up-to-date Cafe— / The Monticello next door to the jxxst office. * ill oi>en for business Saturday morning January 18th for business. We ai-e here to stay and to jrive the semi-e found in the •afes ami i-estaurants of the bitr cities. We are located in the building occupied formerly by the Williaihston Bakinj? Co. STATEMENT OF THE Farmers & Merchants Bank WILLI AMSTON. X. C„ DECEMBER 31,1920. LIABILITIES RESOURCES Capital Stock $100,000.00 Loans and Dicounts $513,297.98 Surplus and .undivided North Carolina Bonds 20,000.00 profits 52.829.90 Other Stocks and Bonds _ 24,350.00 Dividend l n|)aid * 1200 Bankins Houses Furniture DEPOSITS 747,300.19 and Fixtures ' 16,240.51 Customers* Guarantee Ac- Other Real Estate 2636.16 count l 1 50.000.00 CASH IN VAULT & NET AMOUNT IN BANKS _ 300,047.44 Customers 4 Guarantee ac . ~ count __ 50,000.00 TOTAL 5950.142.09 . /TOTAL _ 5950.14209 A Bank's size means nothing unless there is behind it the firm of service. While this bank is the largest in a reflection of the service, which for Over this Section and County, its size is but eighteen years has rendered real service * to this community. OFFICERS __ JNO D. BIGGS. President J. D. WOOLARD, Cashier, * C IX CARSTARPHEN, Jr, As*. C. DIRECTORS ■R. B. Evcntt JM. D. R W Sabterr J. G. ~ „ F. U. BUMS i 1 Jav4.lL Roger* x tioa toir.T bees f sra I* -w tit] payment M a certain of even ■Lie awl tenor therewith, and the trrm and stipulation- therein contain ed net having been complied with, and ai tl« request ox the holder of said ntt, the undersigned Ttwrtee orfli on Monday the lfth «iay of February 1144 at 12 ochci M, in fnmt of the crarta—ie door of Martin County at W illuns!on. offer far >ale. at public auction, to the iurhnl bidder for cash, the dbvnf dmiibed tract or par cel o*" land, to-wit:- Thot certain tract of land bejnn ni-jr oa the North, cr bounded on the Nort.i b) the ran of Conoho Creek; on the East K the land in poisrsnoa of ME Chentiß and the Conoho Pdfcl> Bond: oo the Sooth ai.o cn the West by « R Whitley, raniii? the : rreed Sine that «v ajcreed to by William W. Whitley, Sr. and John I). Bier* ana Cotppany. reference of said -ettlement of line if . hereby re ferred to. ami beinr the *ame land siW by John D. B'rr» and f owpany t > R O Sxttrmitr and Satter i xif to V K_ Peel, and K- S. Feel t > Hood ley Twrep-w. container W rats, more or less. the 16th day of January 3924. A R Dl'XXIKfi. Trustee. 1-IH-4L. v | MITKT OF SALE I nder ar«* by tirtae of the pw»rr frf t air fjrti.: ©H in a certain «k»! of I trust rxKUlca to the undersigned ru-tee by A. L Lille}- and wife Car rie V Lilley on the 20th day of Jan. IWI which said deed of trust is of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Book C-l at page 238, said deed of trus* securing ce.tnin ■K'te> of ever date and tenor there with and the stipulations contained in the said deed of trust n* ha vine been cr-mplisd with ani at the request of the hoider of the Slid notes eti »• count of failure to pay said rotes, the uader>iirnod Trustee will on the "3*h day of Feb. 1924 at 12 o'clock M. in | front of the courthouse door in the JANUARY Clearance Sale EVERYTHING- IN _ OUR _ STORE .' i , GREATLY REDUCED. Mens Suits and OVERCOATS $17.50 ✓ • VISIT OUR SALE Calais Clothing Co. MEN'S STORE WASHINGTON, N. C im of WaiißKUa, K. C offer far | sale u tfer laiihi far cuk at pubitr urtm: the folkwag fciuini Ml to-wit: B«nnM «a tkr flnk by the Dm- Em by J. «D. HanUsm and *'l Stenawa; a the Sooth by Gas Moore aad Joe Styner aad on the West by Major Ganhxr and known »s the Clayton Hirrfaa tract of land ctnUonr one fcnilwd and fifty aw move or lf*t Tte the lStfe day of Jan. 1924. A. F. COLTRAIX, Trustee Marti* and PcH. Attorneys. 1-18-4!