ADVERTISERS WILL FTSD A LATCHKEY TO UN MARTIN COUXTT VOLUME XXIV—NUMBER 97 WILUAMSTON ADDS ANOTHER VICTORY TO LIST One Of The Best Games Seen On Local Court WILUAMSTON ADDS ANOTHER Tl* Wiliiamstoa ton bfckt ball fi\ e defea.e4 Btlkavta'i team here Iriday night at the Dix.e Ware house by the score of U> H Bel haven thrcwed a scare into _hr Wil- ouiftt during the quar ter bat their radu&g attach «a» sooc overcome by WiDuartoa. The visitors prelected the bat p»-w»* ihnl h*- been *»en bet* Iku ——>. taw Jan«> and Bishop were wMMtdiy the best trio that has been here this with 17 pouU The defeat *e ram put up by Bethaveu nt exnllent As for WiOiansSM the eaCaie t> an rtir red and they played the h.4 rimr of the roason. The puv*moi of Or leans was responsible for at k«f 3© points Wolfe M bath learn ui mr UK with 32 of his teams O p«Ki KaoeU with six ieM reals pbH * rood game. Karpia aad lifhr, the Williamston niant'io. lept thr vaitors score don. breakaf up pwte a few passes. The lineup aed «MI 1 IdHivr Brtkx>ew 32) WAaa low (M) Hi-hop R r. Windley. W. Orleans L F. Jones Wolfe C Darts Taylor K. G. . Wind ley. St Margelis LG. Tine of periods IO mtnwu Narrall, urorer. Stabhs. referee. MR- HILLTOSPKAK AT DAK CITY HIGH SCHOOL All fanners in the vicinity of Oak City are invited and urged 'o attend a meeting at the Oak City School W ulre-!a\ night Mr. Hdl. who will speak to us, has bad math experience in breeding cotton and he will lecture along this line with particular refer ence to varieties- The varieties which are best suited to Ml weevil coudi tions will be stun it The imprnei m» at of cutsaa vane ties will meua much to this lommun- ity as it will Materially juriea-e thr yWM per act*, la my epeeson we need a variety that will grew quickly aad n.ature early. We do not want too much weed as ths will be against us in combating thr ball weevil It is ex pected that Mr Hill wiM give as the results of tests made with different varieties. such as are an Afferent types of soiL Mow w can pmhw p«i •f rotMi « mm «f Meesut) produce or secwe ikr knot wri pauMr Koimbn the kMr wl date of tk. meet in jr. Witan itij p. ■» Mr Hill is from the State [krpartir.ent of Apvahai* and ril km jo—thing worth while for «wj fain I m Ikb cununaiuty to hear. P. T LONG. Afrnrultare Ttatktr. Oak City Hi(r* 1 HIGH SCHOOLGIRLS DEFEAT WINDSOR The girls basket baU team of the Williams!oa High SthaJ lefenied that of the Wiadser H«h School here on the local eowrt at the Dixie Ware boose yesterday afternoon by the si&ail score of 11 to T. It wws the ftrst game far the lorsli and the ex citement and thriß apprni«d to hamper their ptayicg- Bat as for the first gaaae e-rer play« I in their live* wo a—side- it to he a very gwnd oat. eri, f«r WadMf'i atce lutog iro\t up lilhia n'iw| Ike di|tktr-t was called a few ai—lii after tfe visitors uiiiui aad tWn «*at time to iaforaa U» «mU btc been spectators. The firif play the Hertford High Schaal teaa hen Thnaday aad a| raach hetter gaaae as am and by the mnateaw-ef the taaa. The Hertford ' _ * Fiwdi af Dr. J. H I'm If i aril be glad to haaar that his eye ia ha proviag aad that he afl be to retara hear §Av blag a aaarb * "*• « THE ENTERPRISE DRILLING FOR OIL IN EASTERN N. CAROLINA Several Wells Have Al ready Been Drilled 1.000 Feet Mr. Harry Nam;, of \o* Bern. «a :©*■ izst week. rep-rsenting the l»nrat Lakes Company, the stocUioMtn of which arc a ffroup of Eastern Carolina cithrv orfuurd for the parpoae of ior oU in this part of the state. He said they have already drilled at several phces. the deeiest writ beiag about IJH feet vaeie several minerals were foaad. among them pot ash. which ranges form ( 1-2 to 12 per ceat in parity. Practically W| (tnt mineral wealth of the world ha- been trodden on for ages by pnplr who Iked and died in poverty and ■ igwc ranoe of the great wealth just bekw their feet. That was true of the Texas field, the (Treat I'-aumon! country was the peore.t in 'hat great ta.e when fampirn cane ta ard brfja to study the (wbc of the coaaty aad found uultit.iM of dollars worth uf oil be neath the plains which was gradual ly going in the pockets of the bit od rnmpami i. Mr. R C. BwLs who is new and has been president of thr Miners As sociation since the St. I —ii- Exposi tion is ia charge of the work of the Great Lake Drilling Company and he has made loag aad exhtudiw study aad iaiertigitMa and after this re search he assures th» pmpli of East ern Carolina that under the plains of Narth Chrihai there is >ue ef the greatest oti field* ta America or to •he world. The company is raaung JTSjOOO. in stoek for the purpsoe af drilling a section well 3£« M fart Jeep, and there will be present gealast o the com pany also members of the geelsffiea] department at Ealmgh and WasMug toa. The find well will be drilled at llankrk. near the Great Lakes in Craven county between Sew Bern and More head C*j. The rempuny has a mitieml lease en WjM acres ef land m the eu>t and they propose to pet til before they stop. la the olden days when the average person thought that od oas coal jum. and they called it coal jo ire. it was generally supposed to find oil near coal beds, but BOW geologist* say 'hat oil beds are found where gnat >|uai titles of fish have have been thrown up by some great ocean apliiaval. which brings million of barrels of fish up when they come and the fish ihi omiM 11 when they are left in the basin* nnd some volcano fries thr grease out of them. Scientists say that there have been six such upheavals of the ocean on thr Ext ern const and these od fields, they say, are the result of them. Any way, mo* es in mysterious ways. His wonders to eprform." And always has imrthiag ahnl to acre for our every" need Bat thai we hare reliaMe informa tMd it sot wkta we kav the saw nperti who toted >kr Beatnaont fclh. and they sa >thal it, too. of wot More, bare to Eastern Carolina. Any way here •» hofUf they a-e ngbt. MRS. M. D. WATTS ENTERTAINS On last Thursday afternoon at her htne an upper Main street Mrs. M. D. Watts entertained with tww tables of bridge. Bowls of k.iowb and war cm on tie table, were wed for decorations At the lontn of the games a salad cnawe was served Those pi a. nr were. Mrs. W. B. Watts. Mrs. Bohert Heydc*ie»ch, Mrs. J G. Godard. Jr . Mr*. Oscar Ander soa. Mr*. Roy Gargaxia*. Mrs. C. H. Godwin. Mrs. J. W. Maamirr and Miw Carrie Ml White TOWN NOW HAS TWO CAFES The Mlirrfc, agwalud by J. R. Sdfcjr, aM The Texan Cafe, iprmlid ari mi by Ury aad M. ined M aad qwft wKee, «Ue the Tom Cafe um the pujli of Motkrib ■ located ia the ateee fnaailj tenfiri by E. IL Goidy. aest deer to the paat «•», the Tea ace ■ located «a Waahiagtaa street rarai carries* haw the Ural part «dke «e njiial to that that «e dH aat hanre to go. Naar *e «uk a* had thrir jah aad that they had earn. f«r they ate aluadj irteraad aad «■*-—H» ML ' x ' , Jil-1 « ■' " Willianiston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, January 22. 1923. CHARITABLE IN STITUTIONS JUST CAUSE FOR PRIDE Founder Of Tre Enter prise Tells Interest ing Facts Oar charitable ibalilaliuiii arc ear of our jurt cause; far pride 111 our state. A recant visit to tie SoMim Home ia Raleigh made as raj aw that the aaker- and liaUdeis of oar state bad laid a foundation apoa which the old aad anfortanate of oar stat«- could stand ia the hoar of aied. On a recent visit to the Hone at Raleigh ,the first ntut I Ml was our old friend J. DaiL who for fwr years hai worn the "Gray." Mr. Dail in INKS cane to Wntiamstoo aid found Ed the Enterprise aad of th s under taking he told us snack At the be rinning buck in IMS he had no type suitable for the head lines so he rut MM out of a piece ef white pine board and these sine letters were used for some time. Mr. Duil has not laid down the knife and roods box yet. for be presented n»e a beaetifu' carrinr of a pointer dog. Among his many earrings Mr. Rail has many of those of birds. fleam. great men. and beautiful womea. many of them are painted so that they look exactly like the original specimens. After meeting Mr. Uail and talking with him for some time 1 inquired about our old friend. W B Hadlev He said that he wis bis This made me my gia«l to k~«r that Mr. Had ley bad thr good fortune to hare thr i nuipuaiiiiMhifi of sadi a sunay rem rude as Mr. Hail I was then take* in and rejoiced ta >«e our eld friend, who has so long stood in loneliness trying to keep warm and get food without rnitrh of sath attention as human bringi need, so comfortably boused with steam heat, a cumfort able bed and chair. It was some in spiration to see the cheerful smile of 'Uncle Hdly" when I ami him. aad it was a pleasure ta answer his que* Hons about his fneads ami the old home town, Will«nm-ton Hie fthah ndl be glad to kr«w that he is much improve*! in health than when he left here. I was taken arwuxf the institution ukl IMI wrjl "f the «M nw«, M.BW of thewi loohin* F««v straw* rmd Hair. while -ome of were ? rrtnWi'ig «n Ikr brink of denth. Many of the bnt and influential families ofthw rmd old ««» h»? rrpmMtnl in Ifcr H*f I nrt A* 1 brother »f one of Nor-b Ca rwliaaV nwt illustrious jndges. It was. »M. a pl»«n>'* '• *® and m and Inrn that tW Oi-1 Soldiers Hmnr is Ml a fUft old Mk* are earned to die. hut a plan rtfff «M saldier* of uur ma try a** earned to live. WILMAMSTON TO MEET SCOTLAND NECK TONIGHT To Play Washiafton To morow At Wash ington ' The local Im bukct hall Mmi will Flay the Washington town tow at WukaftM toaaorrww aught, Jaa 2M It i* expected that a large mtanb er of local faaa will RW over with tae team The locil tram is tryinff to arrange pm» w.".i sowar of t. - tie rtate The entire town Meow oery much interested ■ the basket ball tewwi an-1 is thow hy the nnkr ia atteodanee The team here is not m the U*sine*o to Make mnaey. hwt for the recreation it fwrnwke and all the receipts taken ■ jut harHy pa) ex pew ie i for newr eqeipwet and those of visiting t The |nlnni|i of the people of Wdlrsmston and tiwwanilj will he appreciated by the yaag men who go to make up the he. We haw* m good IMB and it guarantee* as MR good game*. so let'# help the hoys art by attending nery panUe gue here and elsewhere. IMSIAL HOC KILLING J. & HaOtday aad Brather have a good ttaatof saoag hag kttat raeaeds as dm by the aaight of the aaaa be kfflad last Saitarday aaara iag. At Mae oM after all the raagh work. that is 11" | aad dresa lag the bogs, they were wghad. On of the sevaa Hi! the lightest aae bpgad the aeatea at W >in i I aan aae at 4M, the ae««a altogether weigh ed 2JM 11 in ii MR. KINCHIN COREY' DIED AT HIS HOME SATURDAY MORN. Was Soldier In The Con- Federate Armies In 1860 BURKIED SUNDAY Was llurd Member Of Family To Die In Less Than 12 Days Mr. Kntkii l"»rn I' strickcMd «tk Tmiu lleniiy ' January 14 M NiJuni y inorn- J' in* abort ll«& W !*• On the]' Monday tt4w Kif dn h Kttwh\. Mr. Cncr »as *jftip.i m •" rani ' and fall *Wm «irnaw At *ht» tin** be was ri*f f >r be fcaJ ' Mffntd the locs.- «f his cell «on «tv was kiM ar!> fcaj— S. font- an 1 the loo* mt h> »ife on Ja nun 12 • jut one day M»«r h«-i .kith ami the time he «a» Both ht* wife aad m ha in* J«I «f |>r« ■noma. The tw*> hcrt.Ur sH A> * th «M are aid t'»bli» - «w :»c ra»-fc ) for himjutd liralk Wl"« !• r a fern j days altar bis fall. ll*- » *.> sn*Bty- j Ave jwrs of are la.-; July la «Hr —h ■" I ("wry | ■mai ill the rail >f tie tVi.federary ( ■d aerrod ra Cooepaat A. I'ti North j Carolina Rejnmeat After tfc • «ar be j returned how aoi rave he en- ! tire attention to famine at whaeh t be —a>M in eam.agc a comfortable limit for bmasalf. «*4 family. Mr. Cmer ■» e-rmaily food of, baatiM* aad pefhafs had »»r» flrs* hand knowledge rf nU ansaal' and i rune than any nar in Martin mun ty. He vat abb to nutrr the on | aim «ih later and whet, tbe wtld j deer aad fn irvtftrd near h meant ' veaisoa byde hr he I%n«* hi- « life W hd *ei> little >th»«l ina.nme.; but wa» a rarefal «*wrvei and hi* power of dewnfliM wa> very -t rik , inr. nvakinr h«a h-.»titr \tor»e- arvl war aMoho mp» c-ally mtere-t- The banal wa> by th- fresh rnves of his wife and s»k la*t Saa lay ofter noen anil the threat s of fnrads and loved *ae». The fa aeral was twn •lareri by Elder J. X. forrwoi aad W B. Hamart* d the Primitive Baptist I'kurrK. SHORT COURSES GIVEN AT FARM I JFK SCHOOL Other Interesting Hap penings At The Setionl KxfMt» air Ukiaf furt it Knn*t> -Hurt cms* Fim lifr SikwJ ir. tk» thnr arrftaK- imuz 1.-4-1 ihcre rufffct M> W tt Sh»». »ho «> in rSarfr «f Svmr ntra>a~» al tK- SUtc Cultrtr •fcr»Kv-«»l pi'Wm - of *wiae *lh 11* faimi is Mr. Sway will :|MI Wrdftrsiia) Mfh Mr. Utll fiwi: Kalr.irl mill 4*«a>- «#.&■ mti Kararn ah* hairal v«4 atk-ivlra >bMtU Ml fmtl to allrfct Mad iw»r Mr. Hill IMW»« M*fcr TV W«n4r.v« «7*» and OKet.r> SaortK >4l r"« * >•»' jnhNr nMniaa « FiaUr '>*"»«* 7i3» p. ■> Mr*. Famrr air )«• itltxiiftf thf Ifdano aa4 Jnaa-lia' «. P'« •»> the Airnnliunl luliwtM ■lav aftrnw n 3:3b at U» I arm ljf- ScWaL Knt Wntaw d». af;rt»«, at 3:.% a iMturr a*4 iian >4mi-a m nilli»r trill kr *i>r«. I If )M -immt !«•» fco* '■* J*lp ruttl bfitc Ih» Mrf t* ait > «u. Beck. («>M mA. >« «ffl l» »elr»«w If >ou «ari» t* 4i> ww a U*l knar TV» Fim Life feufcH Bail u-in 4rtaM Etimtb ■ tV Fmk Ufc Caurt Kr>fa. aftriMMi. U» -w I* ia r >' t* *, CU TV *««tk iM "iartii in-lf haaar i m inr da» «uiui«nl 11* «mU aai -art* «ij* toj > »t a diaarr Mamfay ■!*- TW mriilt (air Imv «**•*'«■»«" Haa> Mlwtii"' IV r»* Uj a at a Jmmt Mists \iv% irrnv »i\> COAT AT SIKAND THK ATKI. Tlkr jttjr a**f ■»! ia which Mar Italia Bnthrr aad Brat- I*4 to ari nrtiw ihnr mmm >t«h af ifrm* real# was a *a*'l mrk» ax the Strnd Thntit la*a ujhL at «h*h tiw- fob Ntfri a>piaid a "TW (teat" a* "THE CHEAT". E«h aa* ia attend aw pwiH tto pacta** ia tW h«h cat atawr aal if ym nn mmt aMe to %• MB to aw it toat a«hl 4® aat aatea lb bt dm toa«hL Mm Xw I'pba tW fcarky "" _ v-v_ DISTRICT MEETING OF BANKERS TO BE HELD HERE Honoring Dr. Jno. Bi«rgs Resident Of Bank ers Association The North Eastern Med i*»g of the Barkers As.4ti.we m il he hel.i here on IVbiutii TV aieeting is Wing heW in Willunutoa. hononr v Dr. the of the Bankers Assoc.-iO-.-OL TW* pKHrniin will duniis tise hr at*! e>«iirs. Some of the n«fS pwriiteai hiikf»s and ftitu of lie Sute aril attcitJ the nwetmc. This- «iS I* * caLi U\ in the history of W ill Cats beiii*: lie first r.e«.-i*s of the tei ers to have beon iuid K't*. e «i»! l> irukr a goo.! iirprw-.- - too or. 'te* foremost men oi lk:i s*rtw« ef lh« Slare. In onJer to -W- Mus ** rw-t ir.-t the t.)» n rtinipf imff f«-r this -jecia! ocriswß ar.l *•> rrr ti* *»>)- tor* a heurty «fcn they ar rive To visit lis. LOC AL ITEMS OF BEAVER I>AM Mr W. I" dayman, ■■? Spr tj: Hope spent M»n»!ay iu(kt »i*t M* W. H Mr. Johnnie Cull phrf seat !» Wil iiuiutim WecnfMhy « Mr Thoma- MrtUr" »■*! Mis* Lindit- MKlana were Ue pflrrt' of \V il R«rs HiirMy »«m- Hl* Sir A I. Rayiwr motneed xr- Wi!- lumston Saturday on business )lesj« J A Kakrsua ard M.iiga Roger of Bear Graa pt*i Sunday with Mr. lister Kot«a Mrs- Jmie M spent Satvi-tay aftrrikxKi wHh Mrs. J. II- Ke*ers Mr. an.l Mrs. M (• IV*v and Mrs Rosroe Pee!e mi«t»n»i I* H Saturday -hupptiit. Miss Nnllie *>an -|#ot Fi»ia) af teraow «itl hrr aarHt Mr* A. l- IUjIKII , I MftJt*. W A Ha* «•**• and Ira r#eil went to Pveiett* FiMay to at tefvl to kuiin~.v Mr. Milton Perry. «rt '"drniKu. S. C. I- spending a*me tiaw- »ith Mr and Mrs. A. I. Rayit-.f Me- -rs Ira IVe»t im 1 l.r-'t'fr fc.>»ers motored !•• lirai SiiMUi after- Mi Milt.m «Vir- was thr cwj« »f ,rf Ml.: Jt >»•- IVlt n»»aW- FERTILIZER TAKES ANOTHER DROP IN CASH PRICE Fertilizer May l»e llad Now For $22-50. The lat*»t cj.-h p«*t- -«• » J-3 frfrlw-r i- C2»d f. «■ I* V«- folk. vhhjli nukri '.k* fw at Wtltian»-i-* iwi jmi4r Till- to the t » ""»») \par.s aiui i« it.* U>l K*|«»rili«* j,r.. r «fir ) r»? (*» (vunl • IIK.- tfuf- !»' ftrtilifr.- I *-■!»»» nmar-t M. rar. ISxt :a*Hy ithik ifUM B Thu i- |>p ~ iKtv tl* mr-01l *f a Hft.t • liter b) tW hi; rwetpeev. - I# the littlr «ar>. uf fc»y lfc» fi«il niif) |w« ff - to t&esa all. 'is likely Ihe caawr-, Ik*-". Md | mac Lai I—l' »l rU a faia-4 prartMrail> all L*» Ufpr ««an l»ari »• • (fttffi Ik# |» «** 1* f««* IU t>tirk b»vn at>l tft* ■ a nil- -l iiW Irs- rubbl*' it up a I Bilk- faster. and of (uurx- tiiej if r*t«3>l -ami«e Ihf aatei (wwtr- of li* cw i!i> a*»! .♦ rkirap iiilnfti m • «r*l rre-at oppnrt iDiiti- f»»r tV f«-rt»"aw k«-i «r>- ' TW fipht tr m th* kwk |*i«ii tU fanwr ir pttf U» fut jast a- »"« »> :bn Rumufartturo liwf aa) look for a vt4 >»( ItaghtfV fwf Ikr. aa4 *rv k»fhl la llanlt A rte---a*»- rwm«•! fi*ai In. u«l Nn. J. B. II b>JrU. *'« *««• ili. lerrftinr tW .ariater ~«Mliia( tw -uf run- af !t» A. C. I. Eu'nail that its hnnr h(U a OiiiWK. Ilmda, staler that ttoy air latar » i» inf. the an.! tWw faaJ» ia at Itradancr taakia* fM* a' > '!!' f«rt.v Tki> trip i> mil a Mr ««di!irt|( trip far Dr. aid lr» Kurfct, U»y Invite -Cart*** t* FUola ia ne£a(H) aftn their mmwv «a * koarjMMii W* Mn. KurU w laWn uriaaily iB with p«i n»at oa aactiartatiag tar kn*( cunnl to a haifital. caa»a«r tUa to dua(r thnr plwi TW Eatrfrur «ufer thai MMh hiM.aai. mm ihw delayed U%iNnv. , RUR AL CARRIERS REPORT FOR FIF TEEN DAYS Number Served From The Office Here Kara] carriers are required to count all niajl 'Wiverwl and collected on tV«r ronles during the first fifteen days of Jaruarv and July of each y«r. When the number is less than pw . the earner -hail count fverv raunta until such minimum is * 's.iwi. :f the earner gets I.VM for fr>! fifteeu ila\ s that is equal to ."*»(*• per month. T u»! number of ptece> handled bv fii e ratrwrs 34.&»' r.u! «-ij;ht of the marl han N. Sju2l lb. 1? Total po>taxv on maui handle>tiJ* Total number of boxe- sen*i the carriers . Actual number of families pat* nine twites 1. Actual number of patron* over ; ears of acv _ _ 4 farriers leave the office to s their rout«s at 9 a m. and rttur 1 ;3(» p m. JESSE T PKR Ptet Ma BEAR GRASS NEWS ITE! Miss Gladys Gw|wo! spent week end with M» Blanche Ban near fcveratt*. Mr. Mariaa Guifiaua. Hubert I nx. Harmon Kngais and Bab TT aotand to Rabtnaavilb teraoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. D .Arar*. Sunday with Mr and Mrs D lulay I Mr. J. Rogers s|ic»t Sunda; «il Marion Green, near Bobi unnl" Mr. Jimmw l£awl>. Hob Taylor Manon (aurganus went to Willtai* Wedne>day m^nt Mr Nathan Rugrrs and family 'Sunday aflerooon in EmKU t«latives. Mr. H C. Harrison is now o ' for**. Mr*. J H. Avers is -peifch-«r ia>c with her -on A. B. Ko*e» tin nest Friday itirl-I Ja ihfir will be a -lance in tbi j-rhool building A -U|»per of • many other ilelictous ill- h*- »e -erred. The pmcee«L- of th» per will lie f«.r the !*mfit » -hoot. Mr. (iiltrrt kojrei.- as hat tr chair operated in h»- IrnM *1 Sa' unlays now. l£#-\. | i »t> lli'llxUv Wil «/ ■ti llw l«al rflwot kuil-ilnr > # iftc !>■ U'ft. K Wu re— »l Uilliamtlon vi-ilnl virt* !i»l i* e hub" Meaar*. H.-nn White ar.i fclli* Ma hw motored to I'lratniillr KivUy am ■town S»\fral pr»|ile of thus tkiwt. law (•■. n attei 'tintr r»>u»t . at Millwßd« n lliu meek The -choJ train mill nw*t ll» K»nn Ij it ball train wxt Kn U). January ti at 2 '® p in. w« th» kfil nmit. Kvrr)jmly b nmlialljr in» ited if att«4hl - 1 II Vt KICKS lit run IOIWY Til MUH The 1 hint Keudm* lutte Mectinr .f the white l«tl*l' of the (*Wly of Martin will V held w Niluniay. January 2C(li, at 2:3(1 I* 11 . ib th« School UtuMtr>r at H illiar»i> U.n, Kirry teacher in the nmmly is r* iuie-t to lie present, a- the i«it to »»• .lone is rsmtial. R A IW'I . Saper. oletMent SMALL SESSION AT RECORDERS COURT TODAY The rejrular mmivi of ffrtrier'- r»urt cmw MH thi- noraii There »fif nu rnminal rue ©a *«irt ai»l Mly two minor civil ra«r> aere to be heard. Tkij rturt was oae of the shortot that has b»m krwm* for mbf tiatr an-l (roe- to show that fc «plw m thu tfrbon of the -tale i» fast beci-miajf unknuwa. The too civil case* heanl are a» | follows: J F Rritton n J A EimtL 1M thin case the plaintiff. Mr. Bnttoa »a> frmriteri Hunt far the « «f The -e**el caw vat W. R Knhfr son vs Ka.ler MnL The plaint# took a. voluntary M4M ia tkJp case. Lee Glen, the «Are 4»i. says hia jaad help Matters hjr pafhf « WATCH THE LABEL ON TOCK TAPEB. IT CABBIES THE DATE TO LB SLBSCBIFTION EXPIBES ESTABLISHED 1898 INTERESTING HAPPENING IN POLICE COURT John Teel Warned To Leave Martin County 1i.4 Saturday prove-: to be a busy aod exciUnjt day ;n the police awt her* There many rases not worthy to be mentioned and soooe a bit too worthy to mention, Mayor His-ii passing the •ntnres to tkt unf rtunate- in rejruiar style. Robert Hassell and Mamie Brooks w*re required to pay a small fine for allovixtf * " f / heard of ittrv A I mi- t- * -aut before tiffk-ris were able 1» reach the -cmr of action. VtKATIIKK H\n- I»MII»KH EFFECT TV mtalMi took a imM ctu»(T 4l Suo.Lav hidlil Mrnwa m.inljfht ai..i la> Alter a rur\ >u>bi>. the -un hnuiifiil'y, but Ike wiad ceclainlly did bt»( »rJ •vmhody «.v crrtaitilt ir(.(inr lively. Even M*j»i J S. Feel had a biisk ftfp ahni * rft' !o and frwtt! the post uftrr UK %L TIMIIUII M tltkET TO • JAM ABY 25 Ikr local It banu nukrt mill do«e fur thi> us cext Friday. All fana • er> Ijutf any form of tobacco on j har«t are sI4«J to tail the maitat IleV l*(#if tlate. Whilr the price paid on the market j here thi> year mas not the best in tike j 4air it n> a good price for the pait of l- i-arro that the local market aoM. i WiUiantsten -lonl anoaf the lot j fur the iiumW of pounds said. - * A certain Methodist preacher in a i-eirhbonrt* on made this annoww. meat. "The Jaaiter ami I will hold our regular Wedae»iay » > rsinf pray er service as usual, at *evea thirty •*- , Hock." But we can heat that, MOM ••Be chanced to pass by ooe of cur local dairhes and ahta the ligkda [•we turned out and the aumdin M m/K it aaa a lame ywg ream . I We happra to taoa this yMg mm land to kaau that he never (an tf the faith, far be was at the i hou b aft I the wwil boar for the Mat ai wnk. II prayer service. We earnestly age aal npat al ' MkaenptMß to mad aa a small chadk- 1 We do lot bm to hue oar Saan I swept, bat we km to pay for paper J

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