THE EN TIER PR I Sir * * -«• * ' i Pusli-~n~ 11r b; to EXTCBPItI-1 fl RIJSl"! \i. - CM toilline»»-«. Nor:b C nsf »"» V-OOf* HI EH AM) EIXGAK ». L VANNING, w ~\ £ —«• rrm r • - to:-' ** t * - w-w ;n \ St,,*. W V C yANX'N • Sct~rm> ; ->- (Str.cilv C-'» > ' • . . i, . 1 ■'Cir . 1 2 i w C nuK.Sb* 5 jr« i. 1 * . M Ealftt "* 1 . . .^--r i»J " » - iaf* r>;at:o: * c* A XI I" p? - I. " »- if 1 U" ; . 'fx*! to - , . V*'.— - 1 - • r • : u th~* - -• ' i —-.- tu rfl " • *» Sl* - • JC.\ e •-* - pr .«:f . "Tu* • "%. Baturt-> r» ©5 • ftH. ever iMK &t*-; bDi,u.r> M'iil if' • bamiß l • , tie rfru? Jrt&n. * feral? S-m'tW-- • - . tBr«!(7 * M«4-- -.. tfc~ i fef' '»- •a* ftaa u*e .-: - . ■-■ pic but fiv«. h. (.*l. f.- pavi br tfe* U> ' ~ Mi t*t«re4, - r .« —• iymri «k«Nkff, t- ' Bp| 111 on ;acH —' ** kj, «w f f()\ to. t •> I « * * ' » . ■•. «.--!>* b. :•> - . • ' , " * Wjjf .J*. *. v» i J* . h*~ \* r.~? far ia*y Vii,, A «a*e ftMc&aMr ?4 \» itiitf .'ma W Fvr»d r * &mi »itx «ta&.' V 1' «t |f*r w *-' * Mts&met fc? ti# ;«*•-»* ci%litj W «■# *(ff » g thr tif|l"itViTY»ii h. W*r» » «B . * - __ __ ~ _ . ~* THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. J 4 ki; Mt w»# j r- it Cf*r? e> to er- , life. Ihe i ** m i« r*.- -y. * Sojffi.t fi«! aa«?f Tsi-t- —* c.jii!rt:. -to nitooL I---\t hr er- !c* Irnom- that we are jb? 4 ! r ,i!»id fruWh ir ma r—r.l that t*:ie «Nol children - . ** i"-xui.A - -4- ? t. mav i*»» u* h* I j. - _ .., tM , .. v ! JT' 9 • ' f • 1 ■ r, .. , , ' - . ■•■ i, a • , ? , • u - ' tut "/ [ j r\ : :n . ■ ;• t ' r - . • i 5 f'! ,* * ! i , • !'• * ■ i l . ! *i*l 1 K-ii :,' .« - w v ' I V. . 1 _ v j i i I : ' . s.; M.K r , - Sii i ,i.n; .. (*••', -ir> «'ii S. • .!.»>!. H> , ,j-l—' "• .i. i .•.'•ir-' " "■ 7 . . / 1 .H., ••( . ; ! . . ■ r Jurl ; * . Willi '.i-' ■ ' • . •• S. i r i , tiei-crib : -• ».A. i. ■ .»rii at a, .. : t-,. t A!-' » • i r. 1 • .-pre i.l ti»e ; ! rn", -a --j. ■ , r:'*,T. U.€-m.e - *f 1 ■ «- 1 j •-!t .vKk' ,j; .1 .>'rk«l j I .« : .«• -n Cc?Ww Hi nip. ji ' ,_a; 4 *. v > »amp p« ks' -j'. * t ....«• . (aniainiUjt Iji*,' J , tr. •» iiad btrinjr t}* i ; ..j « ;>. .cd u» LuciiHia l*' 1 . | s' I'oatt br dwj of record in j Y M v> :y Pubiic Hejfi-'tri in ■ »» • J , FKf ON!) Ti.A"T- Au.«;ur. tf ■ the | * *tp it: Xt'nKi H 'liiui, ai«J others. | - g 3# -****' more or ImScMM i f ■w-jey 'ly aw lin) c«vr]red M 1m- | M. D flow#* by «iw«i of ft***.nt ■M . .Ai» County I'iAlk- Kejc— 1 ' aejr~m A.-i t.'. pes* 36P. __ "iti'A-the 7th day of 1924. ' B. M KE CKITCHER. C'aiun; i.- - toner. l-M! ' notice ort».\LK Lmler and by virtue of the po*wi of sale eon ;uned i f-Uat certair. ««i uf trust to nn oo tt* ITll :in of January, 'S-22, aa«i of recore j in Martin Coutsv (tk f Rwit-'j te J i ,'j>k l -1, ajrer- i-". ti-ni f bo' *** ■ cm. ,i.i-e a .r and I it. *ii| ulaUoa m ** i ** • of inf. 1 i 1£ U'l ccniji.ii i j* .tik, it rPqltt- I «•* t«f *r of rifci I Imß'l', I Will, Oil it*'; " *UJ uf Kei. . "Z4 at i2:i*' . »in » * .«urt 'ii ***" M—rti* 1 . unty, o?Vr A• a,-''.!' ..>Uoi, Jo the • ■. . t>ii! « . r 'h» ! »»r"3- ..;f .tw tr .» #' ' "d --i 'k. ~r Ik. s ', t • A'T# -:&» !•'. .. •'.!•?»■ wh'i i»- -jS MJ»ib lioe.' I •if «- of a -'r .tl -u-.e* -v r - I , *K«- i•jV - tj' t>' » I ! 'i. tr, »•-!* i' ■ - **■ j u \ -- " • .-- ■: * -•• )■ . ■'* ; •* I-*- V. ail iVr.V.- tto t Ms '• j . . i' Mi t»:*' v - •; i • . .•» - . * • -» r | ■ ' «-• ia- br t. ■ . • •- ■»*- "'* m -- i .. . v r.u i; w . -» i v » - • '• i' • * • I n ♦♦•».* * urr C i ' . i •;i «!:»"> ; * I or. , i. \ ■>» i'. i: I'* t . • I. "! rr.i ■ t.. : hii . •vmut: r>r "Kii-*i>: / M-.-l !•> Mr" • • si cm of »•». it» b> '»* ♦ ir*; •• >C -1 »u r t ' ' M n ' ~ h •i authority c»f -i » 2 > ■tar;U'«' !*•. >lii> «•"' v .(•'•• !'.»>9 i • « H S' 1•" ll'fivlif -M> S . •* s »' •»*««*•( M. >fi» Cvunt 5 •- r k*—tr> K pas?* .••it of lyrta: '»*«!■ «»•" •*• " I or »•#•' »' if -I *'••• ■ •t «:n.l r •' '»»■»• f«« . ■ • r, v. tr a*-' 3". S'r •» - | * . ~r a, -f - - j •s. u-.d" t -irr-'-l »»:•"«"f?r** ••• ] •!,. 1 ■./ .!.*'• :>*ti . . l&Zl. M t . . . rwrt hcu >■ •»"' M Ms O \ /// i \" -I r»• \ V I* r . r. • . ; - i fin■' r.i ')* '- '#! V j r„ r'-v«-'% * 1« «« ' ~>>v if. .I'. I NV i V Km: '.. n | ..." > .fr " \* ' i . ■>• !'i' lit !'•■ * .-■*■•>** - i ' -i' •.:* *i £ • i ' n .if ,i | * «»? t • • * * T'" - . »,«• Jll> Sf * THE j LEADER CONTINUES IT'S BIG JANUARY j | • SALE AND INVITES YOU IN 1 \.> - S \\ e are selling at a ne wiow record, Merchandise by the ton. Every Suit, Over coats. Shots and all the otiier many article J in our store have l>een reduced to prices • hat will astonisi you. The many bargains ire too numerous to mention in this space, $ t r jiL-t a- look is necessary to learn of the bar gains we are offering. The values we offer ; ire unequaled. . • ' 9 \Ve have a beautiful selection in the new and wanted coloi-s. many of these Suits are just the weight for early Sring wear. Sg " 7 • ": - T * ' ~ — —• - x m Now is the time to take advantage of the wondei*fuu bargains we are offering. THE LEADER ' { WILIJAMSTQN i' ' 'Sr -" J ' , .. .. « - .B ..... - ra xd by bk. I "; hL' 27ti day c.f I>ec. 1525 S. J. EVEKETT. M- -.r -jrec- l-l-2t. XCTIt t OI -iALt OP KEAL ES TATE I:y - irtue of the ;*iwer aid author ity (t itaitio! IT an cr«k«r of re-sale I iulr by R. J. I S - j»«- or Conn of Marl..i Count} , if ' »-* y; «>riaJ Proceeding therein pend- I raf itJe Irtne A Sir.ith, L. B. Col- I to .. A ir a I_ Liwt*. et ais. Ex Parte, I the c 'tTfie r»ej Cornmif >io»er-f wiTI ! agiin oT« f'«r »ait at the hiphest "''iditis • for ea. *ti. the Hank cf Hmii? ' i. in the Tsr of H.nn Itoii, So'th Cmlina, oi Monday the 2Sth •lay o January" 1V2 4, a; 11 o'cSock A. M the following real e'tite b» ■>f>«r.r t. t l ** 1 K-: j !p *»f John P. Itkij W_ iWta«'! F!i:-"T—That tffcrt uf land known Quality FERTILIZERS Make crops bigger and better; make them cost less—whether you buy them under the A A C Brand, or under any of the familiar names associated with this great organization i *cuswcn THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMMIT NORFOLK SALES DEPARTMENT NORFOLK, VIRGINIA £( . v «»onn« )t» •*« • . SO* Vjtt) rtRTIUICM mcsrmr XjUy ncu> TKST V BBfigaaggsß £ the Purvis Fa an, situs, e an "be i j?ht hard snie vi the Public Im ieadirifr frcat HcmiHott to to" . adjoininiir the lands o: J H. Sber- ■ ro-j. Connaiif reek, Greeiy Slade and' o'.hers. contain rO R HLNDEEdI j ACHi-S, >lo cor less. Bid ca j j f-.riTi ""aill sttr* at MA2SjO6- j gECON'D— Tbat tract cf la-*d ki»«ywr- 1 ja the Co:; farn. or the 'eft ; • h.i l (i side if thr Hut": Kia»i *ei niac | j from Hamilton to Wfliismstoa. ?>iar ; opposite the I'urris farm and a.!wfc-*- j in? the lamk of John H She"-""*"" -"d j other!, and the Roar-oke Krrer, eoc , , , , Cancers Successfully Treated at Kellam Hospital I'iif Keliam Hospital treats Hwes?filly Canrre», Tumor#. Ulcers, X-Ray Hums an! Chronic Sore w thout tk vie of tre kuit>. X-Ray, Kdhfcr. | i or SerßP-. and we have treated ssrccssfu r .y over per cent of the • i.nny huitdreds of sufTerets treated d«n"-s the jtn tw> . } th?te years. KF.LI \M WJSPIT4L INC. jjfi-7 Wert Mait'* Street Rrhmord, Virginia tminimr THREE HUNDRED ACRES, ■at or test, which tract is sold sub ject t» the power already assigned I to the tihe thereoa in definite metes aad fci—i'l The hid mm this start at «*/)> 75. « Tbi: is m resale of said propert . as*i ij sabject to caaSrantiai by th» Coart. » j Tb» the 11th day of January 192-' R- H. SMITH. T. F. DARDEX. Cooaumarrr. l-15-~

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