loVEKTISEKS WILL FIND OVK • OOLIUNS A TO ISM HOMES OP MABTIX COUNTY VOLUME XXIV—NUMBER 99 MR. MARCELLUS STUBBS Dlt3> THIS MORNING I Was One Of Williams ton's Oldest and Eest Citizens Mr, Marceilus Slubk. o: e of Wal lianifUMi's oldest citiirm ded this mar ing at his home on H iughton fticc( after a short illness of a con: plication of diseajses follow**- tf pnH»- mcm i which attacked him ye >tenlay. He was bom November fourth. 1&52 and would haw been sevrcty-tw™ year.- oid November of this y.-ar. Mr. Stubbs was the son of Am ma riah and F ranees Stubb? ind was . bora in Beaufort county, i es.r Pine town where he lived on the *.» with . h.s. parents until he was r a~ried n> Miss Elizabeth Stubbs in IJII The* nxnn! to Jamesville and li«d there unti. her death November ? They had five children, all of wb« n sur\ ive their father They are: D. Lr * S"uWt of Aurora, W. E. Stubbs. o,' Walter Stubbs of Riehntotv ; Mrs. G. W. S|;ratttte, of Cleveland. Ohio ard Mrs J. J. Gardner, of Marti County. About twenty years ago s€r. Stubbs came to Williamston and n: -ried Miss Mag .e Hodges, and to this union were bom three children. Kiss Derah antl Jesse Stubbs with thetr me"her survive him. Mr Stubbs was a memt-r of the Primitive Baptist lliiurh for fifty years, being aflUiated with the churrh at Jamesville where be 'served as deacon for many years. He was a mar. of qutet demeanor and live J at poar*- with his tellow man and wi- a highly respected citizen of this com t». The funeral arrangement have not been fully ompletwl at Uit time. Nit interment will take place tortcrrow in the cemetery at Skewark , £We: Sylvester Hasseil wjD » •!» ser vices at both the home ami she rravt PLANS FOR SHORT COURSE WORK UNDERWAY "If all the faiacfi ©I the jUtt »h»- giew ruin. cuUuA, lobwru, ■ r.til awi pOUSwo libt year U-->' *f wul *i tin- two lhwi.a»l or "»«•'» fairaieis who altesiM ;hen csurw at Uit- vocational »giic*hu.-al t>»r !l schools, ttiey wwiM Uibr income by wut> «» hundred and line* miiiions of iWbre." say* Koy 11. lhootti, Mate -Sui» rvi.-oi of AgrKiilUiral ia Ai.nount in* the plans for U* woik of U*- tjtncttlturaU high schools li*-» *iilrt The' :ara*r> ol U* State over Iwo ItjmUcd and Uwly nwUiou do! l*r» yearly ior imported :oo>i- ami fe*ds ar.ti thi.- possinle iwn jk of all the id finer* oil the crop- w«Jofr «ii uoult: have rut down itte bill by ceariy »ne half, Mr. Thomas iUlwi. I ati year over two thousand fann ers in sixty «umm unities stopped their suik loi.fc enoofb to attend »hurt at their acmkaial high in order to learn better meth ods oi gmri.i( these crop* That the courses veic well worth while w shown by the increased ikwi* of thi.- grvtip of farmers as tonip»it«l witfc ahat the farmers of the State a* a whole did. The short course fanwr nmu 105 pound.- of cotton, 71 pound? of tobacco and It® bushes more of potatoes to the acre than did the farmers as a whole- for the short course- work this year are already under way in the ninety two communities served by the agricultural high schools. During the months of January . February and March the fanners in these communi ties will attend from ten to Iftjr les sons to learn how U> improve ihtir various farming operations. The courses will be given by the local teachers of agncultwre aauitcd by men' from the State Extension Ditrts- BASKET PARTY AT MACEDONIA Tneic will be a basket party at Macedonia on Saturday nigh^.Febrn *nr *k. J. . i The proceeds wdtbe jaed in helping to purchase a piano far the ebnrch Everybody cordially invited to at tend and are urged to bring their fHeads. Mr. Godwin Donning, of Aulawder. is here visiting his brother. Mr- A. R. Dunning. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Otleaas. Messrs. Frank aad Irving Maigalis .-pent Saaday in Tarboro. Sabacribe to The EaUrpriw aad get the aews of the caaadjr aad tfce THE ENTERPRISE POPULAR COUPLE MARRIED HERE LAST FRIDAY Wedding: Proved To Bt A Surprise To Iheir Many Friends Mr. A. Bennett Rogerson and Miss Flora O. Hampton were quietly mar ried last Friday evening at six o'- clock at the home of Rev. A. J. Man in New Town by Mr. Manning, pastor of the Christian church. Only a few intimate friends of Mr. anu Mrs. Rogerson were present, their marriage being a surprise to their many friends in Martin and Buncombe county, the Home of the bride. Mrs. Rogerson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hampton and she is orijrinaHy from Democrat, North Carol:na. but she has been teaching for the past two years in the schools of Rear Grass. She is very popular with all whom she is known, and Bear Grass an, community will welcome her in their midst. Mr. Rogerson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rogerson ami is the senior member of the Arm of A. B- Roicrso'i und Brother, successful mer chants of Rear Grass. Mr. Rage rson served his country in the late war, serving several months in Franc* He is a young m m of fine «iualities and has many friends in his home town and also in Witliainston, where he worked several years ago. MR. FRANK BOWEN IMES OF BRISHTS DISEASE FRIDAY Mr. B. Frank Bowen, of Hear Grass died Friday night after an illness of only two days with Bright> disease. Mr. Bowen wa.- 68 years of age and had been a farmer all his life, but for the past several years he vis unable to do much active manual labor. He leaves a widow, one son, B. F. Bowen. Jr.. and one daughter, Mrs A. C. Harrison. He. was buried Sunday afternoon in the presence of a large number of neighbors and friends at his old reaiP ■lpikv, two miles from Bear Grass. The funeral was conducted by A. J. Manning. LOCAL ITEMS OF BEAVER DAM Mr. G. B. Simpson and "sot', Thome* .-pent the *eek end in Elizabeth City with relatives. Mes-rs. A. L. Raynor, John Culli pher and Milton Ferry motored to Bear Grass Friday evening. Mr. Dave Thompson spent Saturday night with Mr. Dennis Simpson. Mrs. G. W. Hardison of Williams ton was the guest of Mrs. W. H. Rogers Saturday afternoon. Messrs. Sam Meeks and Dennis Simpson motored to Williamsto Sat urday aft» moon. Mr. Lester Rogers attended church in Williamston Sunday morning. Mrs. W. A. Burroughs and Mrs. Sylvester Raynor spent Sunday af emoon with Mrs. J. H. Rogers. Mr. William Cullipher spe it Satur day night with Mr. Roseoe Peel. Messrs. John Cullipher and Ira Peed went to Williams l on Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Lee Malone and Miss Bessie M alone of Bear Grass spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Jessie Peel. BORN to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Griffin, son, Tuesday. January 29, 1924. Messrs. W. C. Manning, J. G. God aid, Sr. and Mr." J. G. Godard, Jr. at tended a meeting of the stockholders if the Bank of Jamesville thi.- morn. Mr. Milton Norman, Field Secretary of the Tobacco Growers Association, will make Williamston his headquar ters in the future. Mr. Norman is originally from Halifax nd has spent «aaie time here during last year and Williamston people will be glad to know that he will make this his home Mr. Charles Koberson, of Ports month spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L Koberson in New Town. Mr. Roland H. Koberson, of Suf folk visited his father and mother, Mr aad M m J. L. Roberson for the week cad. Messrs. Flenny Peel and Crish Grif fin of Griffins were in tow* yester day . When it comes to dereaing win daws The Monti cello has a man who i k*3ow> peoples appetites. Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. January 29. 1924. RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. JOYNER Reception Under Super vision of Baptist Oioir The Memorial Baptist Church will entertain with a brilliant mceptiou ir honor of Reverend and Mrs A- V. Joxner at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wheeler Martin. Jr. on »Vednesda\ evening from nice ntH efc n o'clock. The living room, the niosk room and dining rooms will all he opened en suite and will he taste*nlly decorated for the occmsMß with rat flowers a- gainst a background of gtver plan's The affair is under the - upervision of the choir of the charr i and the members will assist in the ertertain- The receiving line w>D inchi-ie. he sides the of honor, pastors of the various churches of the town and their wive*. Rev, and Mrs. W. E. Warner. Rev . and Mrs. E. D. l*ood and Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Manning. There are no cards sent but the town is cordially invited to attea-i. Mr. Joyner has during hi- pastorate here made many friends who «ill if (fret to see him leave and they will be given this opportunity to b*d him adieu. Mrs. Joiner, who ts a n.eraber of the high school faculty, with ben family will remain here until the cod of the present schol year WILUAMSTTON TO PLAY WILSON Y TONICHT ~ The Wilson Y will play the local town basket ball team tonigh: at th» Diue Warehouse. The Wilson Y has the repoUMton of being ore of the strongest teams in the state and nothing other but a good game is ex pected. The local boys will sure need your support, -o don't fail to turn nut and root like you aerer rooted be •ore. The line up for the Williamstoti team will be Wolfe, center: Orleans, 'orward; Hasseil. forward; Ta\k« and Margoli-. guards. ISEAR GRASS NEWS ITEM? Mr and Mrs Fred [Hin-U*. of Wil liam-too were in town Wednevdar. Ihip t» unfavorable weather the haskrt boll rune to have plaint Friday has been padpoonl until to The local team wdl inert the Grif- Hn'.- school team «n the kcal four next Friday at 2 -TO p m The rane? are fiee to all. Mrs. C. T. Rneburk returned fron Maekeys V\ e«tn*~.ta> where she ha been visiting her Bother. Mrs. Fntch ard for a few day& A number of bays from in aa*l near town attended the Hert fonl basket hall game Thursday even mg at Williamsten. Messr*. Calvin Avers and Ira Roger motored to Greenville Thursday. Kcmis. Floyd Cat a nnd Gilbert Rogers went to Washington Wedne •lav on business. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ayers f*4ore» to Washington Monday where they visited Mr. M. D. Avers who is ill i" the hospital there. Elder John Rogers hs moved in the house formerly •erupted by l>r C. T. Roebuck. Mr W. C. Ellis motored to Washing ton Friday on business. Messrs. Thad Rufaer-on and Dork Whi taker attended court at Kinstor Thursday. Messrs. G R Tavhr. Javin R-*. r> Walter Bailey and Dork Whitakei went duck banting Tuesday. A most psinlir nonbrr of lk« Bear Gna School fac-idty, MU» 8» Hampton hroBF the fcnde of Mi chant of Bnr GraM. on Fraby rts ing, Jan 25 TVir many fnrn4> wist them irocfc hapfiiw. Rev. F- D. Md left this Bontiv for Fuqos Springs, N- C to be wit) his father who is speading the winter there and now >n > OL Irfithc absence of the pastor whr. is oat of town for a few days. Profes sor Davis will condaet the Kid-week prayer service at thr Met hod w SgA ■ Mrs. Jota Spnno spent Saturday ■inisg ■ Taiboro Mas OaKe Hal mtaiwd this man to her bante in Aniaader after visit ing relatives hoe for several days. Mr. naisld Eientt left this morn ing for XwfUk where he wW mm | The local high achaal papiU are TEACHERS OF THE COUNTY HELD MEETING HERE Next Meeting To Be Held Last Of February The genera! f the Martir. County trachfrs *», hrU b Ir* V'il- j lum>t«a school aMbk>nc: « Jan-, iott 2C, 19£4. After the optvi'g law.;:. ""America 1 ". 1 Supt- K. A. Pope read the "PiraNt- j of the Sower." sn *me Slnr- . lee nth chapter of St. Mathrc. Hisj jpplu iliw of thrs «is very 1 appiopriate. He -Ulwi -hat the call of teachers is tha- of the »*fr, and that this call accepted been—jc* a duty. The seeds ■test he hms in a far broader sense than a -ometiies thoiiKht. The knetptr-es. tjrpn! of j those perhaps hardest to rrrch and most needful of brier mrM an often times xsintAi to -«ne extent We mast take caie that we «m it the broadest way and thj. - broaden j our sympathies for the ntAr aoes After these rem it- ie offered i.O >rt i prayer. a»i with the staging of "Trie t Battle Hymn of the KrtuM the de The b«L-ir*>, per o.: »■ ■ M«siril > .shortened as Mr. K J P«d. mHo was j asked to talk to the teacher*. was M ; able to he pw—t. Mr. IVpe. afte- a ft* woh of ap , precatmn far the aUtalißrr and' support of the teachers, rvviewred j briefly sti» of the important facts 1 • naceming the "Vuit l!Un\" which, was presented at th» p*n M|. nw*-i injt Capwj of tHf-e were jr w to the (tiav leader to dtstr arte to the j n f their rr Mips Other topics that i»cerv**l carsorv j bat urjr «l Jttnt •*> by Mr. I\."e were ' the Are-Ciaie rhaib. voarhecs;' weekly and mat)l) irp-!V. tontpul- : sot)' attendance; aid pmertMi of the spread of diseases. He iisslml that teacher- •«*) their Ut-Gmle charts in as —•«> as pewsMe, notice carefully the direct eft -.he® on their vourher* and o-r pcy with the same, and carefully taake *jt th- weekly and monthly report- ft r the office file He insisted that tear) is u-e- tact in effectmp a p»kl atteomar* Tins can usually he nbaiM b, iintwr the home. The CruapoWry iltemhnre measure is to he a#e»l as a la4 lesort. cannot I* tw pe>-iste«t in •leteclinr and t»e ptead of c«atar«. •lera-es. It is b •pin ion that a too rare'a! if surh 'here can he. h far Wtei' tlkn the ne*hrtfd t' |» The secretary the* read M r JuU- B War Ten's letter reta"s« e ;* (2* se lection of .b legate- to rep-e-n.t thr- Local I nit at the Stale Me- 'ir t that will le heW !»• Kilnrk. Ma»«-h 12-11 A discussion MI»«ol. ar»d it was. thought best to p»--t po* " the el-rti. t . »f delegates until tie i*et Bit Yet. Mr Ivpe authorized the •ecretary to write Ms Warier, awl ask him what maj»:-r iss«s v«kt U discussed at the Stile Me» t ,i,g II i ■epiy mill de'. ii»!t# what k«rd of re ■ •lutior. wdl he practical fr the Martia tou'-ty teachers to soUnit fo« coesideratKm. i—l ih i teli after the- pfww! ses sion, the uiiMk- groups ret in the dasar—» and separately adionme*' when their meetings. were c!*/>o) R. A. POII. Pisnhnt EVA IRENE PEEL, Sec COLORED WOM AN DROWNS IN DITCH AT I'ARMELE Thought To Be The Re sult of Fainting Spell Sunday' aftenwa, I*iau >«ta Jor*■ - a colore-, of Paiarh. fell it a ditch aait drwwuedL. -s&rt- was seer about ten nutates W«;e. vx'Utu Lei *Mjy, hjt parte- fis-jn* ti« »itct ; about ten waute> ifter she was seer; found her tm the disch. I p i eiaaiß nf her they found life «t* She was a re-ptctalae «*A»i •** wo man. about 3M >earj old. It s t«p posed that she Lad inww 110J of riddy or faMtar spell as she fcv! had such spells at -eae p-evw as uats. sad fell in the 4IHI face downward and drowned kef- re she was fttde to recover her-etf Tlnere was tw-' much depth to the ater ib the d tch at the place she droaneA PHII-tTHE \S tir RtniSl tHIRtH TO MEET The IVhtkn- of the M-tnoriaJ w«|iiJ rhauh kiH meet, i tik Miss Margaret Everett at her lumi West Main died Friday i ■ i.a—n at 7:4 i All ■■ankers are argentic uft il AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT HOLD MEETING. One Lone Farmer In At At Meeting Here The State IVfattairn: of Aerirt! i 'ue at kaleii,:. is holLnp a >eries of! cmaty meet.HK- in ■ r.f mUdu k r> u , !i»f countMs 4 if tin- state f*»r Use pax pew of Rivinjf to the fiwis the e\ penen.e- of those who hue had ex perience with lh=- boi'i wiv\ :i. The mee - inK hj.l »»-er; puMished pvme Martin Coanty o:e o'i January 2a. The l*wi of Cou*!* C»>mmts.-ionerv had ordered tae nee: - injt advertised, but nothing beet; done atoa. it a.ui whe»> the parly o*- .sistinp of three men tfafheil tt • court house they met ore Martin o-on ty fermer as their au»iie-ce. The ip peaied a l»It namilia'ed. yet the., were uuito willing to hetp «N o«.- fart;ier. who felt he net*!o: tr k'ow How t«» try ti» produce r.C«i under ho!I weevil cor.h'.ions- Mr 1" A. Whit tle of Atlanta represent the Sou thern Soil Improvement « • spoke on the bo'l weenl pro Weir.. iwdiirif tie soils ant fertility. M: (». A. tiarron frvti: the \orth t"ar»- lina Slate tollesre nai-.ilesi the sub ject of cultural method- -I selec tion of -ee-it Mr W. B Mahee. of the Slate IV parUnent of Arncutture. spok>- on the subject of potsoits anl {■>».»« the weeril- Tne conclusion - d.»rive*i 'rum the .formation pwi, w uld Mail a »!-• mart to l>»ok with much al.iTi' at the subject »f cotton raising aiwi wv old pat him on jrua"» to make the !wj . est possible defence aea.n-t the rav 'a|«s of the' iVstturthf weevil. It is quite a t >p'.ivnt that our people wrill j have to be convirced by tb.- actual ile ; >tmet on of a crop hetore they willl ■ pay much attention to anyUxly. or to' , anvthmr anyone say*. I'-u* the State j feels it t.» lw it.- f*r-t duty enltifht »-n its subjerts. « h-cS i-. e *-v!>—t 1 way to help S-> it «ay. i*i« V ratur led, well draiisf !.»■ i - - if. «t that ' prtictic Jly all fertilize"--, shoul-l he ! |Hit down before plan'iw aid should he a |u.~k fn>«raf, eiiiy natiiinjr 'kind of fer'iliier. I" ar.\ top ■ltess t 'up is u-ol it should I* *!»u! i »opj.>nr jtifne. I%' "U-paitiin-f!! reimmewh early \ cot t of. It fii:L t!«e t'ievelard worms j make big b»lis ami the Mi . cat bts.. j 101 l the two best'types for thi« terrr j 'ory. llanti'g >huu!d lie ju a- ear!* las is safe from frvast. the -o-l ■ Houb" lie planta-d ,shtlb>w in the rrviwi ami the low shotol l«e hsghe.- 'j :•!) ' • ;t«i ers o* this terrt'»»r\ u-uaii. l-'jrtt Tin w ill issue both early growth an-' early iiyittjrity. Tlw n.i- shnold I'jxl w «h*r than u-ol lni( th- r> ♦ >«n -h»uh) l>e left rouch thaler r tie rows than-the cus!«:»ot of 'aimers •r> this -rttiuii ii» *«» n . When the . b s >. to form they should be ilu'lho! :ilh! *((« as n U V fts 10 per ( t .IP found to !«e |.» -c --*-"ed I MY DADDY A hen ti«e l yl.t settle- ik.*fi in ti« West. '.ml the * ;k of the day la- Irs ■ done; Then my lJa«id> sits down for a re t And he stea» nut to wai>t an> sun My liad>iy just sits h; tne fir-. With his spectacle- hung on hi.- «oh- , And hed' .j't seem to have a de-ire Hut to sit by the . an»l -1 -ze Ti the twilight Oi Isfe with hrn. now. l Ibo he sc~ms t.» U; and strong; „ But some nmkk- appear on his brow And a croak has got in'o lis .-ong So he dreams of the joy that . depart v e*i. Of the tale- of tlie- year- are told } And confe-kfe* tho liaif br.ike! br-atted. That .- mehow he is growirr a«L And he sits by the fire an>l And dreams of tlje •lays that ate , past; Ma> the i isi m of life as it c! »es. Krir sr peace to my lladdy at" li t. —J. II W ARM R. | tobacco c;row»:rs associ ation lO MEET AT i hl RT HOI SK SATI RltAl THE 2ND j Tne monthly meeting of the Tohac- Ico Growers Association w ill meet a> the court house Satiir.lay. Iftnian 2, at 2 p. it;. Members of all other marketing as sociations are rojiiesW-l to attend this meeting. BORN I to Mr. and Mrs. & D. Perry, a -«n, Saturday, February 2S, IBM. COST OF OUR STATE (GOVERNMENTS Per Inhabitant In The United States In 1922 , IVr •nnaiMlant la *be I". S. in 19Scmf| I Ikt -e»i on :'.u?r-au of the Census re-' coveting the Financial Statistics of I*i NV „.la the twt of mnn iur the la e ; •>-. mert amounted to s4l 4'5 ;* i « sab* ant. Arkansas comes last «it;i a .**-1 of only JS*' per mhabi- Uat Kcr Nor*r Carolina the entire -tat« ivifnsxrtt c«*st per inhabitant. , js«i we t.e Nibia-ka for Xfrd place. I 't- our investment in road ;u».s the tola! expenditures or. edura it.* uiii »c the year 1*22 Rank State State Government cost pet Inhabitant 1917 1922 1 Nevada 17.85* $41.46. 2 Om*w 5.82 35-11 3 South liakota BJJ6* 27.92 4 IMaware «37 24 89 5 Wtonung JO 34 24.27 •» Michigan 709 24.07 7 Araooa 13 02* 22.74 S I tah _ __ \ U»-69 19.«* ■J California 10.44* 19.02 10 North lbkota. . 7.63* 17 99 II New H 17 17.78 12 MinneJla ■» 63 17.00 13 Mruie 10.0P»' 16J1 13 Now Jersey —"t 7 i6j9l 15 Colorado CM I«» 16 Vermont 10L17* 1597 17 Washiagtoa . . R. 50 15.40 1H Montana 8.39 1X99 19 Gbn-tectacat 8 21* 13 97 20 New Yotk 839* 13J» 21 lew* 4H' 13^7 22 KIH* 1292 .3 His*o«ri 385 12.30 24 Maryland 793 5»06 25 Rhode Ulan.l 7 2? 11.*4 26 New Hamp-Hirt- fiXi 11.65 27 l.laho . 7 03 II.CI SOU* 3.69* 1135 t 2* Florida _ . 4 0-» IF.lx SO Mas-aciiusett- , »Co 10.XI , 41 \ -irinia 446 10.62 ,32 IVi-ftS) Ivania r; 66 9.SV I North Carolina , 2 19* 9.5J* 33 Nebra ka 4.77 9.5 1> ! :3 Teva- 59.4!*' JK West V l rvnia 2 W S.."W 37 Ir. Uaj a I 4* 8.10 ■3B M»sis.->|»|« 3»>6 7*5 1 » lUinai- 4 O*.- 7.H3 j tt» Kej-iuri , 4.55* 7.71 II :2 Alabama 3 47 7 02 43 k 4 43* 6 46; jit Te-.nesaee S-12 6 :9 4" l> «ii» ara 113 5.76 !•» 2 ft* . r ».34 I 17 S* ~*H * «RI»IIRI.I 2 !FI A'®* I > * « - • .« .i •*#>" *_9© i IfONOR ROLL FOR !>EAR (GRASS SCHOOL F ir-t »m-le Ruth llazt-I Kwr Theresa IJoeers.. Worth Mobley. 1!. IW'e Jr., hlade Kopi-o, Spencer r.f-e: -. J C. iU*l- SCCMMI ,'ta»le Ral|.». Mobley. Ray mond (>urf anus, J B. Borers. K*- h IKurlnk k Thir.l rf»h" Taylor 4al i-iic, lei.i j llall IC:. *1 . Kot•-! W ilrtn, J..f n It . * Nsdaid F'-urth trraoV Normal. Bailey. France* Prele. MiUii A>er>, /«-ltn.- KurUick, Sallie kei-uk I'ifth rmic: I*at-> ("o»an. Krej La» iter, Nossie l«- Taylor, Vara t.reesi Coders, Fji.m- >un,anus. Sixth erade tlawle Ra«k Seventh grade: Kuitlia Harris. lll.l'e*h N«Wry, l.irianil Whit lev. 1 ISeulah to* ii, K-sie Mae Taylor. M Clyde K>*er-, eijrhll. rnvte gr%- Je: Hulieit Harris. MR- LELA CHAPMAN. Principal. Ti.e f«l'»owing unoU aire '«! at tt«e Ilritt lloiel Mr ai-l Mr-. A. II Rffei-o». ICeat Floy lletrtr, N. C ; Olive IVaire. N. t'.; Myrtle WOkim, N. C.; ;Fpr«s ?iita»fil)ii, N. f.; H. B. W.ndsor, N*. C.; C. M White, ' Wasfciairtoa. N. C E B. Howard. St j Paul-; D. C M. St Pauls; Itevid «; iaj-kin-. Rurky Mount; T II Bilia—. Norfolk; C. R. Spruill. , W i.-»:ir.|ft«jc; A Harrison. Norfolk, D. iFI IMfon. Norfolk; F. E. Rwenby, I Norfolk; T. F1 Lywn. Richmoad; W. E lackey. Kidtnoad » TAS PATERS TO BE ASSIST- F:I» IN FIUNG FEDERAL . INCOME TAX RETLRNS l>p;ese.-Aatives of the United States * laierwal Bfnaal department wiU be Here to askt taxpayers ■ fiHag tkm F*«»r-al lai ML Tax Retaras mm Taps lay. FeWaary 11 Tie», will be in Rot I. -rnor.ville oa Wedaeaday the 13th mi r r-- . imimi WATCH THE LABEL ON' YOUR PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATS TOUR SUBSCRIPTION' EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1896 RI'RAL ROUTE NUMBER ONE TO B E EXTENDED Cranjfe Effectiv The First Of Next Month It will be to tie many people of the io be covered by the extension of rara2 roaie number one to k? ow that it will be efertive the fir-t of next sooclh- The re* part will Keann at the Bob Lee l'erry rro!ina>l as highway, and at this pvat tfee nN.te m jll be extend ed "M-t to R H Harris' corner .80 ■nik. xmtbn-i to Asa Griffia's corner 1,6 miles, rttrr** to R. H. Harris* (o.ner 1.65 MiUvet to R. L Perry V c»n*t -75 anile. to Biscoe Kiy*r-. r". t» "*r .ti mile rejoining the present roote. The total extension will be 5.3© auirr The Po-'anster «*--ires «very per son patron ting ttl- cisange *o have a ntail box *»a the ngit hand side at rood driven by rarraer. -vnd to have same painV: wbrte their nine -tencslU- s «n it T PRICE, INDUSTRIAL RK VIEW OF THE OLI) NORTH STATE Bright lYoseets Fur The New Yej^r The Vw Yew sfcoirs bigkt pruv p«cts f«r netiew: iiw»thal prosper ity "Hjtk nseaEs steady employ m«rit and -J* One of the no*t Nvpetal sps f* better w>rii • *«iitioc.- is the ® »rt bo«t being dose by the wtenatse®*! r*»-> mittee ip (fulfl by t fc e Corn «- >m>*i to «t»lenßine capacity to pay her w,»r «*rfe-y Fort Bar* WeO—CVStISI TflgSway betw.'en thi- citjr Ja>per to be hjnl->«rfwr4 Ah«*>kw \V» Fuiiwrs-AtUntw i Itarik kttUmr at cost of . IfKk Rilniuiin—Athatic ( «.t Line Rju'maii buys Si* new «(liniajfon at «-t f*t taojm each. New Krr*>. £*••»• t«. he -pent for Mtlaor »it C«»-Cfflh Utiluf plant. Gltak^M»—Nrv additw av, being heitt at |b(t l:!u>- KHI (derail in for »«(aM 11^,430. Amirrvi- Kiwttovi of s m~w brn'^fs on .tote iiriw I.J Murphy gfgun. Lirabritu* —Near IISJMK high -ho®l WUw J"-w t I*u«n \ew build it.r Uxu-terf - !«]»■> of rwlton srirtiw-i ib W»|H» NMty |inor U> Ikwnif*. I!, ISJi. it- with ISiß# • erne*"! Utf m 1922. l"j; - bei«f nude for «> retract ion »f ?•*-« intd to Hocking harti cmmtj Colfax—\r« -V4 lmldiiK com plrtdl. » Gmutoii EitßiM *»f «*» built l at \ t( CuvliNi C«lVfe for *'«» i -If->i Li:aatdy $473,- Tsrt t«> b* >f»f Asfcerilk—lW*t fwtioo of new S7OO '•*' churn h iilanned. —-\»-* huiitiirp com North ->>•») N*w Si Lake's Eptaro pai chufrr. *rtoV-r .Swiatr - New «ciMel ImMBK eom ofc-tetl Kverefr—Xrar jpovner line to be Sink to ft S«itMW-» -C«itrarti« of new «-*y. Barium apriagg—Two t* » buildings fur Otyfcaas' Hcae com plrteti. TJ» bmpm—fomkewn mad American «r a*d rnpanim making !« bw'J extra toll cir cuits le Iks ftva Williamston ar.-l frost Ethtwiwilt. Meban*—lJ.lJ plant of White Furni ture iaftfa : . to be iwbault. I Kike V* sewer system to be in > tailed. KMllßocd Viitaee-—new road lead in* to Snakna Km completed. Beaufort— Baltimore and Carolina line to all new fretgfct and pMwwgtr boat to Nor folk and Pifctm.rr I Jaw»ti!k-C«iin(tiM of new tnuasiM low to Wffliamstoa now •*** of Mini— Train- neyt» wfonnatoty. Nat 'uat y ■Atted"^bS