% I>VESTISEKS 'WILL FIND OUR cOUXXS A LATCHKEY TO 15M HOXES OF XAITIX COUNTY VQLUME_XXIV—NUMBER 101 ' COMMISSIONERS MEET IN REGULAR SESSION To Meet Again The First Monday Of Next Month The Board of Camimn rioncrs of liar-1 v tin Cent; met in tegular session at ~ the coort here yeeu nday. The entire (lay was mpito to di.-pose of the majL> basiaess transact.-®-. There! weie mnl prohkuss before thej Board tiu.l went z ma passe l on. It is understood tail these pnUrms will be m m fiuly discussed at their next meet.ag M the fi:-t Monday in next - aontA. 11 e bhm:g was or* of the best helrt by the commissMieei m some t.me, far these was ml interest shown by the several representatives of different townships, la i is to be looke 1 foe ia their next tje.-ting as are vital Afoe-ziao* t lat will either be parsed or turned «'own The mmtere w« e p'e^ent: H. C. Grevx C A- A>kew, V. R. Tay lor. W. B Haiiisgtoa and J. ii. liar i hi?L I klowitt is the t'. mri ? uassed up on by the St aid. , It was ordered that Mrs." Emma Br)irt>'» am Uta ( o«rt Greenvilie, X. C. be r> niM.r«M for J'l M taxes lbtr>i thrmfi mistake. It was -•"•acred by the Board that Mr. J. W. Aaxk-rtoa be relieved of the taxes uaproperly list 1 on Jo, worth «f property. It was cramd that Mr Sylvester Pid he I'd rereby is ap;«ointed to Uh up the auttrr of settl ig the dis pute between Beaafort and Martin counties as to the bavada-y line be tween the too owaT'Ue*- T! e surveyor of Beaafeet *•«*•'> with Mr. IVel of Martin b to srtert eath a man and the two ere® selected are u. appoint a third Mas who with the 'wo select by the two ewnlief' wr. ,yors will se*tle the notMira of the line be tween tke cttuatw*. It was farther ordered that Je.-.-e G. CulUa.-. of Gnfts'> tosi.dup be r«-ie? .-ed of lU* dor tax as he had two -Wigs lste-1 rl*a there should have ten oHy -wne. Ordevi that Aiwiio Allen lie re fa»ied he pf.4l tax The Jary Kit for tie March term of Sapertor Coaart was drawn and is |Mit4u»hed ia this paper. Onieted that a r-eCinc of the Farm I walk the peope who are I interested ia this of work to be) advertiser m The Enfcerpiise to be! heln Friday afleraaoa at the court Onktot tfcait Mary E. Jone> be re lieved of tax m Mien acres of land m Jaaars-ville township value at f275.- M Ordered that George E Rol*r>cn be relieved of taxes on PJWMai worth of peope ; "*y ia Gnf&n** tomnship im properly listed. The boara ordered that Joseph S. Grdßa. of 1 uliamstoe townjup be re lieved d lam «ti S2X7 worth of property listed by aidike. tpa lie d«m— of the Board lint Parhtr* alhrwance was in creased to |i»« per KMMitl. Or>trred by the |_ I i Lather HarShwa, Sylvester he!. Jha L Om, aad Dr. John D- B gg> le mH are hereby appotMed to attendl a sxeting of the North Carol na Fovestrf Antocutm to be hehl m Mashiagters. X. C- February *KJB !«l ai d that Mr. J. S Holmes. Secretary tie Association to be Mtiitd of he atterntance from this tttitftj. OrhtM that Viihn Everett he lefaaXM Ike taxes paid on SIjOUS worth of property improperly list ed. ■ r £ Ordered by tie Board that Arthur Sherrod of Guote Nest township be refwted SZM> poH Ux It was farther and last ordered that Ccradia Aadim, of IWeixmv ille toouhp he seat to the County There wtS-jS• —fiiig held by the Mr. Brandoa, mt Halt* Pnday afternoon foe the f pirr of Mtlnag the pw*s work. Emj—f «W is the least hit ■m 11 ilid ■ the welfare of Martin rvwstyV CnnatEg aad farms is urgent ly mskmd to artewd. Mr. Brandon wishes to |i —if ini|aiiliiil with every farm er m t** canty aad to know the place* at* re be can render service*. The bar far the mulinfc * MO P m. um Friday. HISSICVEKS OF MARTIN CO. M THE MiAUI OF OQI'NTY COM- Mr DMI Barnes, of Wilson, visited Mr. afib. W. K. Dan yesterday. IIIH Flank aad Irving Margolis, THE ENTERPRISE JURY LIST FOR NEXT TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT The March Term To Run For Two Weeks The following rae~. »ere ?elcteti to serve as jurymen at the next term |-of Superior Court to be held in M;a . tin county next Marc;. E. H. Attire, Walter Moblry and C. W. Mizelle. SI C. Jadna, W. L. Brown. S_ K_ Cofcurn of Jamesville tovnfhip; D»id M Roberson. Howard H. Hopk>r.>, John D. B Cora}" and J. M. Hopewell of Williams township; A. D. Griffin. Sr. X. R Roberson and E_ T. HoHfts, of Griffins township; W - C. Kill . J. W. Green, Sam Wyur. of Bear Grass township; L Harrison. J. It. Bipts P B Cone. A T. Craw ford, Geo W. Blount. J. L Hassell. a.id C. Bennett of Williamston town ship; Geo W. Taylor, C. I_ lTP«*t. X«ah G. Ba'lntt, P. A Ausbon! A. D. Wjmn and Biwoe i'lgrs of f roo Roads towashin; John H. Bell. W. 1- Hou«e. K L. Smith, T J. Roberson. X. C. Everett, and Z. D. F. White of Robersonvdle township. H. S John son. J. T. Davis of Hamilton town ship: H. 7- II > man of Goaeenest town ship. The above elected jurymen will serve the first seek an-t as there are to b two weeks the foltosring wje -eelcted to serve on the jury for the >econd week. C. B. Fagan of Janw -ville. Ernest C. Godard: A. T. GnCn. John G Corey, J. Eason I.iUey and Henry Roberson of Grdfins; A. F. Taylor of Williamston: J. W. Rellllower. A. G. Wyr.n of Cross Roads; W. W Holli day, ani W S. Barrhill of Roberson ville; C. C. RawU. F M Johnson of Hamilton and W. O. C«mri of Goose Nest. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT Whereas, on the 3rd Suaday in De cember. 1923. Rev. A. V. Joyncf. P: -*or of the Memorial Baptist Church, of Williamston. N. C, ten dere>i his resignation to take effect the Ist of Feb, ISRM; anl aheieas. a con.nnf.ee nh~ appoint e.i to wait »n Bio. Joy ner, aad if possible, to ii«dnrr him to reconsider his resignation said committee being authorized to offer an 'crexs» in .-alary, a.'l of which was done, arxl the *atd committee has made its report to the effect that Bro. Joyner will not withdraw hi» re 'unalx i> -for . the that he feels that God has called him to a new field, and that a money consider ation ought tot to deter him from doing what be r—reives and believes to be Gods Will; mad whereas we feel deeply our leas : Nown. therefore, be it known that the Memorial Baptist Church, William ston, X. C_, resolves: 1. That ia the resignation of A. V. Joyner. our pastor, we feel profound ly the lo»- of a Strong Spiritual Lead er. a man of God a*>d one mho is vitally interested in the Cause of Christ, a preacher of ability and «rho>e life is compatible with his praarh rtg and the teachings of our Saviour, aad who believes in the Holy Bible as the .afalKhle Word of God. 2. That we rammed Bro. Joyner to his near field, and our love and prayers go with him That a copy of the>e resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the church: copies be sent to the B.blicaJ Recorder and The Enterprise for publication, and tapii ■ forwarded to Bro Joyner and the Temple Bapt-s". Church, Wil mington. X- C. Adopted by the Church in confer-, ow JEtVawi, l *~*r. R S. CRITCHER. Mod Pr«*em J. W. ANDERSON. Church Oeik MRS, DI NNING TO HAVE PARCEL POST SALE There wfll he a pared pat sale at the hnme mf Mrs. A. R Dunning Thurs day afteipoua from 4to 1 Each package will be worth a quarter. The proceeds wdl go to the Christian church. The public ■ invited. \_ Attend aad a cap of tea. EMILIE ROSE KNOX TO GO TO WINDSOR (hi the eight jf letoiry HJt, Miss | Emilie Rose Kaax will give a recital at the Red Cross Theatre ia Vhdsor. I weH aa perhaps the best vi li ht ii Amenta. She comes to . Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday. Februaiy 5. 1924 BOYS WIN WHILE GIRLS SUFFER SEVERE DEFEAT Both Teams Becoming More and More Promising: High school basket ball stock Roe* up and then down. It looked as if the local high school te-ms were comiltir up to the It*' per cent mark last Friday evening when the local boys met those of Oak Ci.y and the local girls met those of Yancehoro on the Dixie Warehouse court here. Harrison led his team with seven points which went a long way in de feating the Oak City basket eers to the tune of 12 to 6. The playing- of our boys showed great improvement over that in previous can e> and so we can expect nothing mote but con tinuous improvement until the point is reached where defeat is unkno* r The boys are to be congratulated on their success in this particular game, for they mere battling against Inftnediateiy after the boys' game the girls took the floor and for awhile Williamston had a chance, but soon all hopes were pine and it seems as if our girls were at a loess as to what to do. They foirht hauler and hard er as the game went on but not in an effective way so 33 to 7 was the re sult in the visiting team's favor. The large score is to be looked over a Vance bo ro had a goal shooter who could toss the ball in from any aagie and under difficult conditions. The en tire Vanceboro team played a woader ful game. r Following are the lincap* far the two games: PRESIDENT ISSUES PROCLAMATION Washington. February 4. Presi dent Coolidge's proclamation on the death of Woodrow Wilson follows: "By the President of the I'jited States of America. "To the people of the I'nrted States. "The death of Woodrow Wilson. President of the I'nited .States from March 4th, l»13, to March 4. I«l. wluch occurreil at 11:15 o'clock yes terday at his home at Washiagtor.. District of Columbia, deprives the country of a most distinguished cit izen. and is an event whirh rauw-s universal and genuine sorrow. To many of us it brings the sense of a profound personal bereavement. "His early profes-ron fal lanj*l was abandoned to enter academic life. In this chosen field he attained the highest rank as an educator, anal has left his impression upon the intellect ual thought of the country lf>m the presidency of Princeton university be was called by his fellow citizen to he the chief executive of the -tale of XewJersey. The duties of this high office he so conducted as to wia the confidence of the people of the I n ted States, who twice elected him to the chief magistracy of the republic As President of the I'nited States he was moved by an earnest desire to pro mote the best interests of the coun try as he conceived them. His arts were promoted by high motives and his sincerity of purpose cannot be questioned. He lead the nation through the terrific struggle of the world war with a lofty idealism ahich never failed him. He gave utterance to the aspiration of humanity with an do nuenee which held the attention of all the earth and made America a new and ei larged influence in the destiny of mankind. ' "In testimony of the re-pect i.. uhich his memory is bcli by t'«/vemirent aad people of" the L"ni> i States, 1 do feerefcy"direr: lluft" thr i'ags of the White House and of the several departmental. b3.'ldiags V .-.isplayel at half staff for a period « : thirty days, and that suitable au'Xiry -'.d naval honors under o~*>ers of tLe secretary of war aad of the secietary cf the navy may be rendeied oa IM day of the funeraL "Done at the city of tfiihai'-ri this third day of February in the year of our Lord one thoasaad nine la-i died aad twenty-lour, and of the to Sependeace of the United Stales America the «ae handrel and forty eighth. -CALVIX COOUDGE "By the President. "Charles Evans Hnghes. "Secretary of State." Misoes Frances Haady. Joae Sm nun, Mmry Barteo aad Mrwn. JaaKs Bowen, John Haady. mt Washiagtaa vUted Miss EJißafaath Hassaß San day afternoon. Oyde HaneH. CONTRACT TO BE LETFORSCHOOL AT EVERETTS New Building Is Much Needed There | At last nctior. take- pla. e and the! town of Everetts is now alwai in ttmr much needed school I »u -e. ' The Boar*) of Education of Martin Cuosty —T ffudt fo; tqy erec tion of a har>iscme school uttdin-.* Everrtte on February •' I" i- v ttt If RWRIM on that day f» r a heat: HIT S i svstffß for the school j l.sa« July the people f Everetts uetrtioned for the opportuiit\ to to vote upon the question of i bond is- • i sue to buii.i a school house. The olff tw. was held an>i ir>ah»i vnth ninety 1 I ' n favor of the issue ar..i thirteen a- Ksifi.-: it- This issue gave the school kani power to issue bonds imvur ting to Sl.SJftlO and with, at (hat time, the slSj4>h that E*eW!.- had in the county treasury a har.d-ot school wsll be built. It is undfts*v«l that oat of this amount a heat ne plant will he bought iivl suitable fixtures for the nmm- Of all the places in t'*e county. Everetts has suffered m--t for the lack of a school building at>.| are rla-l to see • uch a remarkabV achieve ment take p.JOf BASKET BALL TEAMS MAKE SHORT TRII*S Town Team To Edcnton Boys To Edenton, (>irls To Vaneeboro The local basket ball •paint* wnll invade strange territory this week. The teams of the town and high school will t»a%el to Edenton today and meet the respective teams there •••r.ijrht Th«- two local tialn left thi> momine at ten o'dock for Washington where they will flnih the trip to Euewlon by train. The members of the town tram makinir the trip are: Walter Ilale-jrb t ISuddir t Orleans, Mil.-!. Wolfe, Irv ing Mati'>ii- Raymond Taylor and A. Has sell, Jr. Those making the tnp representing the local high schnol ar-: liforp- Ha. ris. William Hodges, James H«-r ben Wa d, Charles lVel. Krank • v- I starphcii and J>.h"nie lU»>k« r Mr. Mile-s II Wdf will'have charge of the h.r»> schuol boy >. The two teams will nsee: tlw-ir op [iwintf early .o to W »l»l» Ito make ai eaily -tait on th. re'urn trip tonight- Tue uiris representing the local : high schc4il 111 ath'H ics witl; a promts | in* la-ket lull team will drive to I Varcefcom. thr-re to fen th jrames I The defeat thr local girls -uffered di«l > them rwd. for tun*- t*-al preparation I has hn-n rna« e in or.'er »•» give the I \ ai-rebon. team a lao for it jnoaey. We wish the three teams the he-t I of lurk, but though tin y k» we want j "em lo km w that we are still with I "em and that we art- ir»ti.g to until I the cad stark with "em •« T*«ose makiiir the tup to ! are not known Tor certain, hut it is I | thought ttat the local high school witl be represented by Misses Kvel.. n Ham Ma. I-aura Orleans. Marirarel Manninr Tru'ah W. I'ajre, M*rt i Wyor«e_ I*at Hams. Klizalv tli lla - -ell, ( i anl Mary M« li--a Andrews. I BAILEY TO SPEAK IN WINDSOR On February JKn h. Hp. in Mr. J. W. ( ■ Bailey. can.ii.late for Governor, will in thegra.te-! school auditorium lin Windsor., . j He comes at tl* invitation of the Ida s in Cit wtiship of the High School ' aaK his theme will le ""Citizenship™ Mr. T. W. Davenport, of Oak City.- is in town toda,. Mr. J. L l:«i"r.r. a "-ompanied the William st on ha.-k. *. ball teams to [ Edtnt— this nK-n.ir.if * Mass Jenet^ 1 Kinch. of HaileV, spent the week >-n>t witr Mr. ami Mrs. E. IX . Dudd. Mr. J. L' Ballard, of Palymyra was : a pleasant visiter t'> our ofke this j ■anag. Mr. Je*-e Stubbs left Satunlay morn j ■ng far Wilson where he trill make his hone with his brother. Mr W F_ j Stubh*. Hi* many friends will irgrtt to know of his leavir.g. ."es.* e was a member of The Knterpri * forte for ! several pears and the ir.em'iers will j Mr. C J. 4-yons. of Chapel Hill. | ■pent the w*k end in town vHtW( 1 Mr. mmd Mi*. J W. Watts. Jr. MtJ C Wmm. of Oak CMy. was to Jlnf ''■ * - ,\ Jr ; a i ' I)R. KIU;)RE WRITES BANKS A LI TITER ; ! Farmers I To Ask Bank C redil Eoi Crop l*roductioi: ri» Wlowinit letter f m h 1'». Kil ! core a ! -• -«d to j i-.T!'« s .: Hani aw iri|j fan.— «»s -n «at ai|j u - reprint it. —- To \>rth Caroiica lb;lri North Carolina 'imeis have «-\ pcnenced a w.Kwarr'ully e \eai in 'crop p .»turti-n *r>. pnor- This i e i*t:aliy 'rapof rpttMs. VV may liav a very diaastracs etjere'c- this year in cottof pr»-Soc" on becai ->■ of th«- bell «>■■' il or unfavorable woather : c«m- l 'tio*i-- I feel that every thing po> - tblo >hou'd KP .KW to if i re acairst sucn an experieoce. ar-j the bank ers of the slate are ar a ii «s( favor able pt~rnm l>> £i.| in ti-.i:. N ou. no i •lo'iht. are .tfttur y«ar p.«il ' -a" l w ant 'to suire»*st that f««!l*»w n« specific thmir-: I Encourage farr*r- to pay lock j drhts to the !U!|K |»»--iiib evl.i.t. j i Iluy f«i l::rr f .r cs h. as the difference h» iwek-n ci_-h a>i crenlit I prices is to' crea: r~ to t. ke ad van- ] tace of the >!itfe»ef»r. j 3. To tie enter s poss* 'o, save •-iK.ui.-h funds fn.s- Ls'l it ir'a crop 'to buy the are-san sap dies, aii.i otherwise finance tie prod rti-n of j tms years crop 4 T'.a: bank.- in eitestd rr credit , to farmers '.>r pn-Jia. lion, base this cre.iit as far as poss. »1e on a "live at-h«Mme" pn«rani: l' at is, the pri-luct?.m of «sflv *~l foar- and fee.! for the famSy an>l lii*.«i«i on the farm, thri kan-e tie r»o»e y crop, or I crop-, as -arphir cr.»p --| There »s !>• wojr that banker? can 1 . Ib» more to le?p tb- fainte- get on a icash basis than evl«"m.rir cnslit on thi.- pr. icipU- tee are e' oourairmg fanners to p> to the ; r lmis for cre»ht for rr.-p aiwl f>>r a.l\ cr in fiaa«-*aal matter:. f«-elina' •hat bank- *"«H l"*e to !;«• hostile", and that tVey ofe, rood financial a»l.t «r- ". r tie f : \ m truly >a» K W kIIJUOKE. I»,lector. I'HIIaATHE \S .MEET WIT'I MISS EVERETT Hie l"h iathea.> «.f I}k Memorial Itapti t Churvk- ine: *itii M.n>- arrt Kirrrtt Fr.ta> «■■*«-»,• r of la-t j week. The moirg wa- f aturol l-\ la ir. I all th j Ti-e r.mute of *ls»* piov m - tm-et- I ' ms»*»rr rea Ih> M'ss, Mai«raret jtirirtt, the -ecretaiT. «".* w«-ie ap pro* e«L I i». the ur're-* nm of ■ e lof the member* »t «a .*pcid«l to .le yote irw-r. |me t«« I*i! afi. si - exeicises. Every meniUi was to. iret !-t l*a.l. if |»- i.> two -iiii-fi ptnms Ito M- 'alt's y .rniftr, tix | i'C«*«l' ', of which to ?•» I- I.**- da - Milra utr r-t *as usan.fe-'. d in the \a.irk to tie .!»>. e d«r«»ii' ll« coming J hoi la> -, the e*a«-t plan t-> he drawn up by »he -.ul naiciihe. At the df t#s- 1. :-:4 - hour refre harx r.t« Weie s« r\e.l by Mi-S Ea-esrtt *.-.?isl-! by Irt-r tnofhe r. Sis» Mar*, tt ~f \V, |J. rn j (spent the »rek end' lew- wi'h li.-r j mother. Mr A E V'.a.f »• th who is I still >ll at lie hoMbe of l«er daught* I, Mr. J VI Wat Li. Jr -i r.EAVEk HAM IjOCAE NI W.S ; M^--r- Ira l>a! i'.i Marvin I'ead ' *»n to kder-otrillt Thur.-day on business. Mrs. Eli lla> spes.t Thur-day aftei !nw., w I-ft Mrs. 1* . H R.'c. . Mrs A. I_ lla. iv i, Vlij. Sylvester an»t Mr Mil!« Iv-rry Mm- i e«» to Everett* Thursday e\eiairig. Mr. H. F A lie* W"-r* to W-lliani. ! tun Satailai os bu-. Mr Jolt I dhphrr and MrT Kie.l j t 'fce.-soS.. of E'.eietts, motorril to Wa«hi*/tie Frvlay rajrlt | Tdam -eed beds are# heing pr*- • pared very rapeily in th - cmmuiiity Mrs. .Sylrettrr Ray nor wa« the gtK--t 'of her sister. Mr* \f A * Uurioughs. [ Halurdar ei rflmr. Mr. W. T. fullplee went to Wil lljairetMs Sat ardai to to buiii —' ' - Mr. and Mrs, Eli Ray aial Mis ' Motlie Kay spear* Sunday with Mr.'and | Mrs. w. H. Koeer' Mr. Billie Cdlipher went to Creen : ville Saturday. 'j Mr. aad Mrs. Elmer Cbessoti spmt ( Sunday afterrwa with Mrs. Mark [ Clajiai ia Eteretu. j Messrs. Drnai ■ Smpeae and Have | Thnapffla aaawl to Williamson j Sunday aftmata. I Mr. S. H. Mr Mq and family spent IS—day with Mr and Mrs. 'I E- 0 -Hams. CASES OF LITTIJ-: IMPORTANCE UP AT THIS TERM Short Session Held To day; Arjournetl Be fore Noon The -,iwial two t -rir of the Sujwrioi Court worked i! Wf out of a jut* before dinner !oU ar.d «i 5 Thi wns l»ecau.-e nf the 'aiiiire to V'i «v i o> rh cases on the a'etider to k«v;> t ' c mill going. .lu-lge C. V". Lyon is pre -iling an*! tin-H- anp no oases of pciij impor t;;' i to he tried. That is to say. no large mnounts are at stake The term is feature*! by the usual I or>« tra-. ing some few cm. f jr.ce quit iels. a few breaches of (•> .tract ard a divorce ca-e sanilvitrM s j«a«i'>n ally. WILLIAMSTON SC HOOL HONOR ROLL 3RD MONTH Following i- thi- honor r- !l for the | third school month of the V di-am-ton i Knulftl -i-hool: Kir.-t grade: A —Oscar An.ier>on. Charles |!ull«~«-k. Roter Cr cner. Jr.. William Clark. Atwn»l >ur(aiiu. Shrlln n Kali. Waeeler Virtin, Jr.. John Mizell, Jack Manning. Horace l'ay, Z. Hardy Rr«se. Jr.. Revs Scrwfrv Jr.. Herbert Whitley. Fra- ris Pari. I" epnme Anier>or. IV>ra Hal la r! \ell Harrison. Alvareta W aver. An nie Wynn, I>».-.* Teel. First graie: B— f Mbeft Stalls. Fwi Ihiiist;u«. IVnnts Wynn. Hubert Cherry Thomas Johnson. 1 e R. her -on, Margie Cherry. Annie L *e f,ra\»s. First grade: C —Roger C» tchn. Jr.. William Clark. At worn! I'.arransK. ShellMin Hall. Jack Manning. tieorge I e«* Kober-on. Z. Ihnly Rose. Jr.. Rose Scroggs. Jr., Herbert Whitley. F'Jinris Peel. Xell Harrison Kathrvn l!:irrisn. Annie Wynn Second' grade It. IS— Ma'tie lilir g;«iu-. Je -e (iurinnu . F«*l• \ 'lrau-. Walter. iVwke Second grade: ('—Christ **e Mar •re. M arv R» berson. J.ir Turn- ' Kandul!. Mattie (lurniu- Second grade: A—Um-~ !U»ed. Mil died Peele. Julia Ihiniel*. It llse liver man, Sjir-ih F. Cone. Myrtle Woolard Crown, Majorie Moore, Jet nie Swan nrr Moore, Jennie Creen Tav !.»r_ S«-Corel (irailr I* Jo* r II lltir jfnwu-, Henry l> Harris «i. 11l lie Watts. Lucille (urganu>. Teel. - ***"•■ re lt;rrnh>lL I'ete F« •■ten, Jr. \«-*t-e |". Meador S-rii* d trade C Het-ry Havis Hat n »i Huh>-rt t»wi«. Sallie I. Ilreut i. ■ >. V ,us. Teh? Teel. Hilton Jones. Mvitle Wool rl ISrowa. Marie Wlson. M.ldod P He. Su-ie Wynne. Tl.ird grade: A Marv i.urkin Third grade: I! Sarah llurfana-. Ruth Ward, Rev Simp-« n. Jame- Khotles, Jr., Wheeler Mar*ir Manning. Eme.-t Harrison, I*--lie (itmran. Third grade: (' IKIDIKI Lrewer. J a me.- Curganus, Ijr-die I iurranu-. Ftne.-t Franklin Jones-, n Martin Manning. J* - e Pr ,-e. Jlan.i> Roherson. Tom Rose. Rev Simp i*. IJ.-ht-rca llarri-on. Eva llu i'mhi Mar? Klizaheth 11-algerson. Rut* Ward M Cula'. Guikin should have lieen «»n "\" Ho'ior Roll la.--t rnon-h. Fourth i;rale: A —llea Foie-t ■loyner, Kliza lloaid. «"l»;rle- Rm. Klton Rennet!, Will »m I"K--rr\ Fourth grade: It "har*« - M inning. Lina Mizelle, Racl »l Ji.(ri l!e-tiie»t, Albert l>—!>e Cl.it. Eli M Taylor. F«>urth ('—II •z«-l llrr.wn. MiL dre«l llu:gaiiUS.'Anhie Mat (•urranus. Halleiie IMhans, (dad) s VoMr, Fan ii>e Ray, Fditb Peel, l .liiar Ruth Rt4. er. i»n. William (Tiw'i;, AI Clark, Jo-eph Iknlanl, Larl llam-. I'al|>t N 1.-ii# Fifth grale: It -talad>s Uurranu-. Ruby tiurganus. Mary Aloe llumung. I >l. i a ilar Stalls. Ru>k S^iuraJer- Fifth grade: 0-J«»epkiw Harri-o" Eriith Taylor, Miblrrd Rambill. Pau line liailarel, Mark Simpc-.n. Itorothy M'-llm. Julia Wanl' OUie Marie Rd»- erson. Johnnie blnontun, lnlk-n, ('«l4i, Herbert Cower Siath grade: A—Eahvia I "eel. Second gra«le: B—Elbert Moore' Sixth giade: C—Mary t"ar«ta-pbe*>. Virginia. Harrison. Whitley. Annie May Williams. Margaret Rodg iron, Claude B. Ciaik. Alton Daniels. Ceorge H. Gurganus, A J. Manning. Carlton Ijverman. William Jajne?. Jr. Olwin CM, Paul Simpson. Catherine Haniison. Seventh grade: B—Hazel Edmood- Km.'fcugwia Hoyt, Roth PneL Seventh grade: C—Rahert Brown. Daireil Price. Eageaia H*yt. Rath | PeeL ) Eighth grade: C-Manaa Cwtaey, | Susie Jiaw, Qirai f Hatta WATCH THE LABEL OX YOUR PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE VOIR SIRSCRIPnON EXPIRES ■ - t ■ = ESTABLISHED 1898 I FORESTRY ASSN. TO MEET IN I WASHINGTON | Commissioners Select I >cleurates to Repre sent Martin . J The thirteentn annual session r iof the Xoith Caroluu Forestry As . —iat.o:i meets at Washington. Wed |"f **l r K*W"TT w i_ ■" . | Th«- officer- «'f the i>Mciatiob are: 11R R. Cittor,. president; Mrs. Edith I Van«ierblt. vice-president; J. & i J Ho'mes. #e«-r**_ary. I An i.nltation ha? been ex*«.-t.«ea to >|t.'; i ] »»:e sUSe ami .*v county r. v c ccieti |S-- I'eVjfates * » attend ti.-» r ft | 1 1 .. - vno » i : 'le-id from M..n.ii I'are l»r. B. I- I "as. Luther I : c :«-r Peel. J u nn L Cr >m aid |i». .'ohn I). Iliggs. 11> d>-wt of this a.--«aati'f is to cor-serve the timber wealth of the -late, which is by far our greatest natura' resource afwl wiuch has per haps sufe»e-l irr»-i*.T *K an any [other of the ratura of our | -tatf | Tb Washington ( lj»'>r of Com - I rents l- making a!! local a rrange I nsent i. It. h.ts pr p . -ed an oyyter I ro«-t for Wednesday; an.?, f.>r tHose .1 wl can stay over, a beat tr-p down I the river on Thursday *o a logging loperation of the Fu'»*ka l umber com I par.v. where the good «*• "t of fre >lprevention car: l» r.. If i* ••se would |he new experience* to y» j do n «t fail . |to sieze this opportunity; if they are I not rou will rerta:-iv te t»TMoi and .fend ' LOCAL NEWS OF BEAR CRASS . I The local school Kk»k« t bal ear' . I suffered tVk jl Wealnesdav when thfv »I met the F..>n Life te-»ra an the !ks> P 'court TV- >c »« *.x- T' te 6. .|G rass s•i p' • a rv»l pf>'» t»*t ■. I wenr- w'i I i-a ibv iK* Kami • f» n j team I Miss Es-h- M.»e Tailor eave a party -| in ho-or nf hfr fifte»»»ith birtlniay . jSaturlay eversmg at the home of her |paren'». Mr and Mrs. M. I* Taylor. : M-.ss Taylor rKfivol many u—* r a! an>l rlbeauti'ul g ft~. Mar.y of the local people atten«lr»l I the ha-k-t l«;»II gone- here 'ast week. 1 1INSURANCE AtiENCY (ELECTS LOCAL LADY AS VlCfi-PRESIDENT 'I It.t-l at the • r.ual nseet*ng of I Age«c> in C.dumi t». S. C Mrs. Ficd Ilhins'an »a • Wto; \I, e :»ie - I»'i,t of tl*- C«>mpan}. the ageary i»-pre-ects •jthe Mi>-iun State Ltf. Insurance Co. • j« f St arvl its territory embraces • I l-»th of trie I'aivl.ius, Aialama and ItSeorgia Tbei«- are x-n.aral t»o hundred -■working u l.i tiiagency and Mrs. |iu:i-"jri iol them a?l in the amount • of if - jraiio- -obi f«»r the pa»t twelve j m-.rilh a'd d# witft Mr. W. S. T Harris. Pre-hler! of the company, • wan *rrta:noi at a l«ar|ae* at the ' |Ji ffr->j>n II 'M in I olumbta, at 1 jW'.ich I ns -he «j- preset ted with a ■ «hi!f goei *n-t »il. h by tne Home (•■mpaii-. ■»( Si IJOUi- and ».lh a check ' for M'»i by Mr Rich of Columbia for ' Ur uTr an-l at>.li*y. she having s»dd iri-1•- than any of the agents in ' f«r -tate-. At the la'.jjet Mrs. Duigtan rr» to lie addr*~s of welcome ahich ma iua>le by Mr. Rich and , -be ai-o cave a t»a?t on the gene no-- jity «f the Mo Sta«e. The lgovernor jt!l laeti*. C vena»r of. Sojth Cano | lina were in atteadar>c« at the tkan ■' fuet aixl the> a! o were »»i the pr»- | gram. T MriL F M Ihm taf lisited litr '! daugtner. MK> Aane Llizabetb Now fell, at St Mary's School in Ra'orl ■,la-t week ' Wynr.e. Thomas Crawfnrd, Henry I Manning. Junes Herbert Wanl. Bruce | Whitley . " ' » s | N'inth gra>le: B—Cecil Taylor Ninth grx«ie: C—Mary Meltasa An |drew.-. Evelyn Harris**. Elizabeth fjurgaau-. Margaret Joyner. j Left off hoaor roll Bof last moat h | through mistake Lurile Haswß. Tra •: lah Page. Ma-caret Joyner. •I Tenth grade: B— Margaret Mar rung * 'lLaura Orleans. • j Tenth grade: C—John Booker. Bea ■ jami Courtney. William Harrison. • j PWt* EilmouLun. Margaret p . Laara Orleaas. Josephine Sifca. I Elereath grade: A—BryaaC Ckr " starphea. I Seventh grade: B—W3Uam >•{ Eleventh grade: B—Vefaaa ll»im— kiWeioun Hodges. Frederick Hoet Eleventh grade: C BIJ—I