. .s«& WILL FIND OUR .S A LATCHKEY TO ISM .... V.ARTLN COUNTY \ v At ILI XXN NUMBER 102 OF sjui COL R'i .. any Cases Have Been Disposed Of : lie term of Super or Court o«. session here is nun ig along .. a o.- -eisure.y way. 'i he daily u exhausted each day and " the opportunity to n nie liowever, many cases - t . .j, .Ua.ed off the docket, most . «.. . 0.. agieement. Tl ere have ti o xe.j important c:_ses tried >e. i.l.ie ic ion lias bee . present .a. .i,. iwis.g cases have been dis u. evi of: ty.x.jtLm.'ii Oil Company vs S. R. i. t g- L-'.ag Company. In this ci;se _clio. was dismissed and plamtifi taxed w: h the cost. J C. hiss vs C. B. West, .luilgment •n favor o defer.dai.t for $ iH' 00. F. F. Cottens vs Auirustu S. Wil- Ha«rs. Judgment for pi: intiff for J. M. liighsmith vs A. C I. K. R. Coni,...ry. The controversy was set tled u. of court and the defendant was .ha ged with the cost. ..J it. .McCowun vs A. C. L. R. R ~to this c-se judgment was granted ti»e |«'ai tiff in the sum of W*MK) r..is suit «k\±s to recover flowi damages o :. stock of goods in 1>.(2 in the 'harden Terrace store, near tin A. C- L ttarks. and Annie Biggs vs A. C. L Ii It. Company. Agreed, judgment for pla ntiffs in the sum of S4X).nO. M:s. Ida Clark, admx. Jesse Clark vs A C. L. R. It. Compan Agreed t i favor of plain' ft in the -uro of (1:0.00. R. A Cit cher vs A G. L R. R. To. Judgment for $25 Oi' K \V. Foster vs J. I. Sirowd. A gveed. Ju ' .-raent in favor o'' plaintiff or {KWi dO. Hai tison Brothers and Company vs L. B. Wynn. Set'led by agneinent E. A. ("lark vs J. T. Janie i t alsw Ila-ntilT nonsuited ai d tax*'.l with 'he cost Mj.'y K Smith wick vs Harry and Mali'i'a Mizell Judgment in favor of p! -h.T if for JLWM-O antl inlerrst. >laggi A'istin vs Herm: n Austin. IMa : **iff nonsuited. m. J:«k Stalls vs A. C./L K. E. Co This rase was settled and pi a ntiff "he cost Plmy Peel vs W. T. Wiggins, set tled and -defendant paid Co t. Kobenonville Publishing Co. vs Burton Bros. Judgment in favor of plaintiff for $413.47. Richanl Smith vs Philips Smith Plaintiff nonsuited. J. W. tt atts vs AldKitt Guatney Co. In this case it was agreed to nonsuit ai-d defendant to pay cost. Harrison Brothers vs Willie Price. Action dismissed and defendant was charred with the cost. Geo. Oatterbridge vs J. G. Stat on, receiver. Action dismissed and plain tiff charged with the cost. W. A Slade vs O. I*. Itoberson. Ac'ion dismissed and plaintiff taxed with the cost. Mason Tire and jobber Compan) vs Stalls and Harris*}!?.' Action dis- Dennis Simmons Lumber Comprny « J. W. Truitt and Company. Ju>lg mer.t for plaintiff in the sum of SWX'OI» Burroughs. Pittman Wfaeeler Com pany vs J. 1. Ballard. Judgment for plaintiff for $2,017.78. Ju'ius S. Peel and R. A. Crifcher vs Art' ur Williams. Plaintiff nonsuited but 'lefeioiant was charged with the roft' Coburns Minstrels At New Theatre v The fun u fast and plentiful with J. A. Coburns ministrels at the New Theatre Washington on Tuesday night February 12. Many new faces all vdl known mmstrel men from the biggest and best attraction in minstrelsy are among the company. That long tall party "Slim Vermont" one of the best singers and dancers among them qfl has returned to his old comply. Nate Mulroy the "Wildcats Playmate" that snappy singing and whirlw.nd dancing chap. Hank White "Just Plain White in Black" producer comedian Ole Mammy of the droll easygoing funny comedy lines. "Its not what he says but how he says it" according U> the critics. Ben McAtee the "Mobile Boy", grown up with the darkey as he really is. McGoire, Bowman, Allen, Handley. The greatest barritone in minstrelsy Edward C. Clifford, Ches ter Huffman double voiced vocalist, Carlos Jones Kas.so with powerful and \ileadid low range. Carl Minch re est barritone, Charles Donlan and J. W. Pennyock, English tenor and at hers, ah under the vocal chrectioe fl Joseph McAnalon the well known Irish tenor, making what is said u to the strongest comedy and singing and aa all acw pew |M A real old tfaaa —hMhil ifcnt THE ENTE^P.^ISE L. F. AVDLEiT IS CANDIDATE Hon E. F. Aydelett, of Elizabeth «Jty, was in town Thursday. Toe friends oi Mr. Aydlett are in sist ng that he lecome a can i:late for Coagie.s, and he will formally an i->u ce his c.: doiac\ in a few days Mr. ydlett has been oi eof the .eaung lawyers in this section of the i.-Uk e for a number of yean. ROANOKE FAIR OCTOBER 21-24 Mr. H- il- Poe, ma: ager of the Roanoke Fa r has announced that the fair wil be held Octcber 21 to -4. This is the most appropriate eason of tl* year for a fait, instead of lein gthe last fs.tr to be held i' -iie state la t year i' will lie held the woek folowing the Sta'e fair Heretofc re the Roano':e Fair has Seen held very early or very late in >rvier to niss other fairs in the cir cuit. This tiiiie no complaii.t of too hot or too co!d ani a time that will not conflict with the gathering of crops as it would at mo.-A other ; seasons. Mr. Poe promises a large increase of farm products as well as live stock and poultry ar.d those attend ing the I!>£ fair know tha* meians a real poultry show as well as swine r.nd other things. The carnival which furr.i--.hes so much amusement to the children and a ew of the older ones wid lie the the best to be had The manager has already procured a ha"d of national reputation, one which is now engaged in making records by one of the talking machine • •inpan es. The band will ali o be ac c>mpan:ed by a number of lady so loists. The mu-ic fea'ure will he a big j asset to the fair. Our pe |>!e who know Mr. Poe re member that he made every promise rood in his 19iEt fair and Ipiok that his U'rtirirj efforts for the greatest fair e'ler held in this part of the state th' year will he put for»h. ' NVw is a gooil time to select good seed to raise g«»C)l plants to make good crops to get good premiums at the Roanoke Fair October 21 to 24 TWO CLUBS ENTER TAINED JOINTLY On Tuesday afternoon fn m three thirty to live-thirty at their home in New Town, Mrs. J. W. Amlrews and Mrs. Titus Cntcher were je.nt host eses, Mrs- Andrews entertaining the Km broidery Club and Mrs. CrUchet the Twentieth CerTur> Club. *■ The program of the Twentieth Cer tury club was on the educational ad vancement of North Carolina and Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Jr. prepared and read a paper. "Schools for Everybody " Mrs J 11. Saunders read a selection fw.ni J. Y. Joyner"s * ntings and Mrs. H. M. Stubbs gave current events. Mrs. W H. Biggs ami Miss Msry M An drews rei.de r»l an instrumental duet. A salad course was served. The guests include d Mrs. 11.. M SVabbs. Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Mrs. W H. Biggs. Mrs. S R Biggs. Jr., Mrs. F. I". Barnes, Mrs. J. W. Manning. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Mrs W K. Park er. Mrs. 1. B Harrison, Mrs J. D I Biggs, Jr.. Mrs. A. T. Crawford, Mrs I F. W Graves, Mrs. P. B. Cone and Mrs. B. S. Courtney. TAX RETORTS TO BE FILED i Mr. Luke Lamb, State beputy m r missiooer of Revenue, will be in Wil t liamston on February 11, 12, 13. for | the purpose of assrst ng in fiHmg state I income tax returns for the year end • J.ng Hecember 31. 1923. Mr. Lamb will I be located tn the law office of Lamb t ard Cobum. I The law requires every single per . soc who had in the calendar year 1923 ' a net income of SIOOO or more, and I every married person who bad a net i income of S2OOO or more, and every i corporation whether it had aa income r or not to file an income tax report t on or before March 15. 1924. Net W t Uoas. bet before the personal exeasp i '.on is taken off. All individuals and corporations an r required to report the names at per - sons to whom they paid SIOOO or non , during the year 19Z3; each partner I ship is required to file a return for -1 information, but the income derived • from such partnership is taxed la th: I individual return. > If you are doubtful whether are • turn is required from you m not i » State Deputy C—■iMiurr or thi F State Camaussioaar of Rri— al . Raleigh dinald be consulted as Mm - to Me a report, when owe is necessary - «dtfacta jw to Malty aad toa. W illiainston. Martin County. North Carolina. Friday. February > 1924. H. & WARD NOT A CANDIDATE Writes Letter To Demo crats of First • District 'To the IVmorrab of the First Con gressior-al District of Xorth Carolina: I cannot be a randklatr for Con gress before the rest primary. I know I have friends in the District that will be disappointed an.! I share the d sappoin'ment to tne ex- Mil of having hoped to Ie in a IVmocratic Congress, (uiii-d by a iem. cratH administration, where lane er opportunities would be j resented. t> be of part.cular seniff to many o' -hem ami gereral senitr to their >ublic interests, but conditions, chang e t to a considerable extend since I left, •-ompel me to go home My paitner. Mr. Grimes, has an increase of person •1 affairs that take much of his time from the office. and that and other onditfons demand my re'um to ex elusive attention to duties there that ;hat cannot be abandoned. 1 Sly most intei.>#* concern and de si re now. is to make everyone whos> preference and confidence promote-! me to this position, believe that I sincerely thank them and hope tha; *»in»te life will afford just as much opportunity a- public life to give as surances and prove worthy of that confidence in the future H. S. WARD" TOWN COUNCIL HOLDS SESSION Police Department Re ports Cases * - A At the regular meeting of the town •.ommi&siooers this week the question of building brick or stone columns at he hotel porches on Main street was •li-rUMcI Tr.e Atlantic Cost Line v. as onler «d to make improvements to their .'TOjikl? at the B'ggs. and Stalls ware house The following cases were n ported from the police alepartment: State vs J..hn Spano, intoxication. Anei Il.bU and cost. State v> Waverley Johnson, drunk ami disorderly, fined $ I HO ai.d cost. Sla'e vs I;.-belt Mx>re, drunk and ■ iisorderly. fin.-l $3.10 and cost Slate TO Sam Juyner. drunk, fined ta.iO ami cost. Suite vs Mamie Brooks, disorderly conduct, ftnol J! #" and cost State vs Rolit lluvll. allowing female dc-g to run at large, fined Jo „nd cost. State v> Hi Ri aid W. I. Manning affrav. fined II 0" each. M. U. Wilson, allowing st«k to IUI at large, lined JiOu ami cost State vs l uk>- Mi tell. dmnkedne&s fined S.'i Ki and cost i State vs Itettie I*urvrs, affray, fine* j|.ll« and cost. I State vs (Tyde Crew, affray, fiie | t'tJOO and cost. I State vs Julius llardison. drunk am disorderly, fineil S3OO arid cost. Chief Inspector Visits WiHiamston Mr F. P. K!om. chief post office in spector located at Krchmoad, was ir WiHiamston yesterday. Mr Horn tfe yeen in the postal service 3& years il he coatwues to Apnl Bth this year. ll has travelled mote miles in the per formaare of hit. duties than an) I other person in the service. He is con side red one of the Most efficient seivants of the government I Mr. William Duffes, local post off* i j inspector with headquarters at Rock] I Mount, has also bees an ton n thi iweek. Mr. Duffea is a native of Con j necticut and has just been transfer I I red to this territory. ( The American post office is undoubt e«lly the most efficient business or gam ration in the world. It does wori quicker and more of it with fewer er I roes and at less cost. This has beei ( mad epossible by a gradual adding too by each admiatst ration and every ad ministration gradually building it u| t as to efficiency . MR. aad nl H. a LONG LEAVE FOR MARTINSVILLE. VJ t Mr: aad Mrs. H. D. Long left thi j morning for Martinsville, Virgini. ? | where Mrs. Laog will visit relative * • for a —nth Mr. Long will come bad rj t® Tarboro, where he will be in th I highway affice-for a while before h f j* o®* 0 ®* *° •»Wgfc to be coanected witl I the State Highway Commission a - (that place. l) Mr. aad Ma Laag have bee* ii [ WiUiamstoa far the past aiae mnath I aad duriag their residence here the: ( have made mmmf frMs who will re . * ' . ' .• *' T \ WITH THE BASKET BALL TEAMS Locals Invade Foreijr : Territory, Lose Two Games The local basket bail fans Siave beet.' aide to take on a rest curv this week' since each of the three tea: s» repre. senting WiHiamston have piaye>i out] of town. This rest curv was \ei> I ke ' ly much neetletl after the e\hibticn# i of last week in which frenzied or eenttg I was caused by the display o the \ local cage artists. The Wikn ~Y"| game, the Oak City game, the \ a. ce j bono lassies game ami last I at by ne I beans least, the Farm l.'fe game, all contributed toward nuikirg last we.» quite a strenuous one—therefore the rest. On Tues«lay, the tovvn team in com pany with the high school boys jour neyed to Kdenton and io-k on a brace of games, splitting fifty-fifty. The Town Team conquered the Fi-lento locals but the High School five «ere jinaWe to annex their game \Ve.lnes day n rht saw the Female Sextette from the old home town lo e to the Vanceboro girls. The High-—Kdenton t.jmr Nothwithstanding the score, the I High School boys put up o e of the 1 prettiest exhibitions seen yet whm they lost to Kdenton b ya .'!4 I margin. They put up a wonler'ul fight an-1. with fewer fDotball tactics on the part of their opponents, the score would not have been jn lopsided. It must be said that the Kdenton brand of basket-ball is slightly nv-rr than VJ 44-IM) prr) cent roafhrr than football, in fart it is a tress between a prize firht ami a fiw-Will. Hewnfr. they have a mighty good team—one which -h->ul-i «o far once they cut out the rough staff. For Edenton. Owens at center i and Goodwin at guard did stellar work the latter casing several shots of «he circus variety. None of the William.- ton team can he »ut for >pcc tacular work, each man playtni a steady and. a* far as p»x«iblr. a dean' game The entire team i- to I* corn mended. Toon «er>n l!dfn'«i> l.ocals In the second rough and tumble af fair of the night, the \Villiam>t»n Town Team by mean.- of supi-rior pi-v --ing and accurate -iiowt'i'i' «utfU -ol the Kdenton luteals. After the fiist few minutes of |>tay the 1"r..l iio-nt achuired a lead which was never t«st luring the entire contest. Ti-e liri t"-g passwork >e»ilHii to latr the five and their attempt to t.-K-kle and slug went foe nausrUt Tlie half 11-5 in Willinmston's favor- The ~ec on«l half was a of the fir>t ar.«! e«lnl "J»5 In 14. ' lor Edenton, I'ites was tise -t;«r f •le inmr, making 7 of hi- Iran-' II ' |rMiU>. For William-ton. |la_- e!l it l , v e.l his lest frame »( the -or .-on -vbre ' M: rgolis ami Taylor weie aim «-t im ii-rrnahlc at truar.i Orleans ami s' | • pl.;eil their u.-ua 1 r»ri.«- An interesting sidelight wis com ' tributed by an F.«tent«n -pect.tor »h«- remarked that .night to win becau>e they never would kt Kdentun have the ball I Yaacehoro WiUiamiUoa In a beautiful exhibition of -crer. ' tiflc basket-ball tlie Vaaeeboro Farm 1 Life girl.- swamped the Williamston 1 Kjrlo to the tur.e of 32-7. Rather, it r sMt be said that in the first half ■ Vanceboro mamped Willianwtoa. This " perio! . nded 25-5 with «wry pcir-pect r of the Farmerette- score advancing to ' dizzy heights. However, in the second 1 half the local girls recovered from their stage fright ami settled down to t a steady if ame allowinir their erst ' while invincible ..pponcn*- but 7 po»nt f 1 The feature of the ramc, asxle freor ' the spectacular cou-.fhack of the W>l • liamston girls, the untt-uatf' ftist refer* eing of M is- Strong, the Vance ■ born c»ach. After the game. the girls were en i terlained at a feed by their oppDitAt - This was »-njo\ .-.l ami appreciate*. » very much by all pre-ent ■ HIGHWAY MOVKS LOCAL OFFICE The State Highway C«ai:iw >hw moved its office which has bren located ' in the Godard building for the past three years, yesterday to Tarboro. s The resident engineer for the Wil ' !iam-tnn-Wa-hingtoa road ar-d tbt s Wind.-or-William.-ton road has beam 1 st.it ioc«.f here for 'hat length of liate '.Mr. A. K. Haxstun having charge f«i r about two ami one-half yean, bai h was transferred to Edeaton. Sir. H ' D. Long was given this IHWN am now that all the work is completer " he goes to Tarbt.ro where he will 4i • work at the Fint District htariqaar Y ters. Mr. Robert M, Jr. «dl al« " go to Tarbcro where he will work h NOTED VIOI IN IST ' I TO(;iVE REi ITAI ; ; To Appear in Rod ( ros> Theatie, Winder February 11. Mss F.nulre >r V v. ti not.V j violißist. »»;! r , ' a re ti \ . I vT. M re Re; . : -- '.,«•« re. 'I. ; | iv r ;crt. I ' A n ii- _ r.tr». ' ut>. av I )!• i'ij ce j: «i' \'c !. » a a. I «,a--l.t.es th t .\uv f • j .i : i£.Ve ■> vv t r tii * . luva Hi | Ithe :t»-t talVe»f-o* a.*'- f1 ' r core' i i'.ion V . i»— v.- e jt' -at* I s >1 "e ha- r-t«- v .>i t' •».. «•' a-aoiei |' l.vi (lit'f .k.' *t •P. w v e-- ) , ! re t*ee- -»• 1.1: I! t ■ | l t' V 1 r ■i' ir i ii.'>" t ." « - . -xt a' ' r• «• come ?.e r v-t * e«*r! l-ei- to -A :1 ■ I'o lira .."a' e ent { ' '• ' ' S;«e trp of her rec th te '_j-t a ' T;« - ' • j Heel has tk - i. | * " 1 i-t I >. err Kwlre II -e K *'v cr-» to the I n;ver- t> * ;h ! er '. i« n *«i te •, eive-l o•- .-f t'e f- . ? •• '• ih'- ova ions ever eiven at,v jrti-t it - >* -■• I ' -■ 1 -i» 1 i j «-ame a' i p* .«i "Hat -he o !-■ do i* ' irain. Sle s.« ha ti-« a*i * cti.i o! I k now nr that - v *.-»»" - lb t oho;! la>ly >n ti>« C -vi « f >■ : ha'-> f I'nfil-f R.*-e h .« ■! -I i h-v« » | !#*««•• a 1 1.1- is." Tr3.it Sh- . «i played in V.- ,? T lla'i .. i n Is-' 1. j nv-oth T'-e Tar Heel mi. ,n |«rt |,l~t"ar*Jira*s favorite >!is I " ise Rm-> t Knox has a-IJe-l t* to I I her long li« •' u. ces. ." • phi\ i| nl as sl« rever |4a>ol !ef le last || ;Thur-d-»> e> en- 1 g i . ' Via,- h no\ lla- IMd \ w*in One of t l e rr«-1 \ loll' of th* vorM i- tkc ins-t f «tr eril tt it Mis* . Knox play- 1; n. S" r. 1.v,. to- -tat irg I'.JI a I ii ,» i«>i tHis instru-* ' * thr«t he »• .>! ' "he noted 1* Beetho\ei Qiur'rt- »•;' fi * p!a> - ed w?.fle tfcey wtre t I in n» iun|>l tlt is |>tJ>uUf t*; " !!f> th- tn. the ■ n»-t*r * f ?;!•>! t!e i«*-*ru men*. T1 - U«»f >* J* *"V-rer SttJ fium tJ— ! -'•••'• ua!i.! !»■-■ - ' remarkable !I..»! T *— T • ':IJ H I ««!>?- arv of a fiut> > jt "hi^ th«- .»f titr- w fx! - r * i-* tinvbve •»f the lamai v. K>- K -tia»»tr>-l> • inlJt I. V. > K...x s- i «•««.• i. U,•.!-.>• umla-r lu pkt «f! «e f tj l >ch««! ! cla sin t"iti.*rn-hi}» Ss! •: iv re j -ervel bv ■ «.r I "A« r t«- ' W Colored Hoy Killed Near riymoulb i - -7 — IJ»>\«1 r>-'. (■"■! Sy v - - )b"fie ». a- ir. I.* .{» r. \* .i k '•» >if a»-,l |. V e«l e tav r*. r I"' r « !h 1 falls'r "*•> I* i- ii'ij. r » tha iSnrui'l *. rfci' sr it. t'.* Ik- «oc*l for tb« W it* V *-!>« s c» I«|K»OV. a bi+ 1 iumbt • rtur-c- a of I" i* ut ».}.en a I 'i! : nr tree tmrt »«w ii-e ne: >1 |He s.uif« r»-l a ' -l»u! iii«l a !« 4HI bjr !o -« ««?•.•. a tit tiir ac lodent wrhi h ti-i .!■ jt 'we j tior yt' t!* ,s r \'i . ?'•** * v .• u;he.i to I Itm.j'li hr :>i L.t" t»,| ,: he of any r'»-l U* 1 ; *J' s*r.t !to k--per. hi- 5 "ft .»• «. i. ' | —. «- . _- .- t.. Ju-t h»« !i« art .4 ia mi? i U not kno a-»i. } Splendid I'lelure At Strand Next sl»nda> ) Tlx* Uo! ;M-» Kr- ;,ttei:,,»er a*l ha*e I the opuftunil text M' t -ta s-d Tuts- i !tay to see we of be b»- * p«r urt ever sh>wn n V. t!l inbW '>r t)-* I pr«"e char-.-l t,!«pa -»>n in I"/a»" »;a.- held in Ch»|»- litll two day* l-mijrr (-..in »- s stlw>iulnl >•> jth -t stulml it: tr- 4k could i-H I Ito -«s- it. Afi w the aitaum- -ke-i tlie |nctuie s® »e'l " ;-at I ■)' -turtle tmo visits to tlce a(»t -♦;«•* Jli-sVefle Fl he' : 't a. * - ** -K- * He»lnes«ta ev-ec.it g. A T. fiswfori. Mr ' A utia.sw. atd Vr. 'i iriy Brt 7-f! Jthw for pull • . re »Ui. lhe-y ■t*J! sftwl Mt.-ff-. j>4ku 11-ottf. W. T. M«-a idows, Jr. (le-.fsrr Harris aitd VtM aia , liar ris«.ji a- terlt t lie \a 1 -e!»>ri>- ® Wdliaßv-t-Mt U l'i bail ;iti* at ! rVfUfbi.ti' \V"I e nirh! I i M'- c- rmi Tixi.lll-, of II the local sche«>l facahy at riclnl the 1 ha-k. *. bill ra»* at \ aj«cel--r . Wed - jar-day tvtnirjp. tj Mrs. K. l! Crawiirl is vistiiag her i' fis'er. Mis kui> in Sea/ord, Del. •„ Wkile «say -he Wiii al-o vis t rela r t:ve- in Its " -nore. Wajhi'gton ami t Philadrlptua. - I*. Ml wit X. Collin IVrt ar.-l W, C. i Maanir-g. Jr. inar'e a businMt- tup to i Was King-mo ye-ste:lay afterrocr,. »! Mrs. C. D. Addersie. Mts, Mark «-1 KuSii and little Msrvti Uuf.fi, of • LTarboro spent Tharwllay with Mr ami ■ Mrs. J. H. Britt. e I Hias SipfcwU Topputg was a via- LiXIWAY WARREN IS CANDIDATE •\t the n.juest of my f.tends, I ». :«by inr,. unce myself a candidate . r ' ongre-s fr»»m the First Congres- MK.ai Ih.-t .ct of Xorth Carolina. to the action of the Detnocra v l"i nar*. June T. 1921. LINDSAY C. WARREX. \\l PACE WRITES MARTIN FARMERS Vr |i r.iO' writes the o' owing ,-er t«- t'e farmers coul Wnshingt n. X. C. Feb. 2, 1924 "To all i\i:mors of Martin County: remeir.ber I wrote you last ..iwer ar.i t« Id yo« that Martin Vu* tv n* , oie' a County Agvnt. Since •,at time your County Commissioner* ave seen tit to make an Appropfi ,t «»n for tliat work. I am now * riting to inform you that our County Agent is in th. t ounty ,-,i readv to -er\e the fatnieTrs in •uny ways. Mr T It Brandon is the i.ian. and its h»-a.S«;aartegs will l>e in Williams lon. Hi- offic- h in the court house. Mr I'rar.don is a native of South '\-.rolina. a graduate of Cltmson A. V M College, was bom and l eared on i Y;. ir.i. and has ha«l 7 years exper e ce a- a C«-unty agent in Soi*h Can* "ma and trforjria. He is exmptionadly well qualified to Help you in fighting the boll weevil, md in the readjustment period which ■ilvsys follows the weevil. Rereember now. Mr. Brandon comes u you as i Granger, hut as one who vrar.ts I« w* Do no% pat him Ui tie rouble of looking you up Yo»i «all n him yoursalf. tnH Irt him know t'ul yiu trr glad k» is with you. and •hat vr>u will do your part in helping M.l rt■ n County farmers. Arnmltuir is your only business. i«il Mr_ Brandon is there to help you naltf jl'iat husinrss pay. Jo n hand v *»th Inm in iluine this. W. It PACE. I»tstrii Agent." LEANS ANI) FATS TO PLAY (iAME I barrels of Fun For On lookers l*romis ed V«i iavr Itfani of miasticb, \ i!lt , :i i -tr.ii Coined l«\- and all ■ iwr ku \ of sl«.w- hut will, all them •m' K.e»ihrr they can't c«.m>»ure with • • lt-at to hr tonight in the |i \i«- TSe k krt bait -!.Ui rl lix wait house wi I he the -.ijcr . .-i,r s!«t 11 i- iats versus the eans will t»- the *-ene, Th« line-up ilmlh- furn >h«v barrels of fun, and * hat m« are t-tlLiitr alx.ut, tike barrels tuiatinr over By faithful at 'endance -it all the ('»n aiid m-Imwl ir:mes each : layer lias learnod the fundamentals »f l«a~ket ball. but some of the line-up >a\e imrr ap|«-ared in pi bite with 'srt» |uirf- and this will rattle them; i v l«-ti une ' ■•!> tu tlirow a Ix ar |!i is us n ind. I had T»e line-up follows; im. (T> iMn(r) ■ in- larn -.il Joe Pemk-r /_ Julius Peel t»r J Biggs Collins I eel V - a\ H»u> Manning Duk ■ Critcher . Ki» rt Peel Mr. Pope Mr. Mealor Pete Powder >aiiie tait> imnifdiately after the pirture show which staita at 7 :'9>. Theie will be the small admission |of 111 anl 25 tents charged, the pro I rob to go to the benefit of the I Phiia'hra rla>- j Referee. Wolfe. ! SERVICES AT THE ISAITIST CHURCH Sjixki} trhool at •.• 45 I Mot mng serv ice at 11 :o. F'.enmg service at 7:3b. Hev K. L Shirley who will conduct , !«nites, both moriiing and evening, iLi at present a resilient of Indiana. 1 but a native of Kentucky. He is a •rraouate Georgetown College, class f I?«I2 and of»the .Southern Baptist Seiriiun, Louisville. Kv. class of mis. For five years Mr. Shirley was pastor ; of Iv-er Park Baptist Church. Louis v We. Ky. and has held several other mpurtant pastorates. The subject for the morning service will be: "The I nspeakable Gift" ami the .-abject for tha evening will be, "The Greatest Figure of the Ages.* 1 he public is cordially invited to at tend. J. C. ANDERSON* Superintendent j Mr. Milfor! W. Hayne*, «f Tarhoro was ia town yesterday at trading U ——-—i - —— m ■ WATCH THE LABEL OX TOLR PAP UK. IT CARRIES THE DATE YOLK SLBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 BIDS FOR ROAI) TO WINDSOR REJECTED State Build Standard Road With out Bertie Aid The State H ;|ffc*"av Cofnmission re bi«ts Ltst for Iht construe, tion of a nine foot Lard surface*! roa.l from the R«ir.olt river to ffindsoff The li»*e.4 bid iw rsj was by R. G. I.a--iter ar«i Com any, of Ral eigh at about Jl. r »l.«*i The Highway (ommis»lone rejected the b.i how ever, is the pr ce was M satisfactory. The Conn *iss-en has- apparently ( >een anxiou.- to a MiiiJard width ruaU through ISera e- :r"ci the Martin to the Hertford cuur.ty line, but has not had much re-- fn.rn Bertie County in the way of firancia* aid. Road numWr SO from W "ro:~gton to the Virptu ! re. a of which, has li i•*■**. iiaro arfaced. has rwthni \«-ry r;ach aid fn»m the rnjfcir.ariit -s tS-rouph which it p*>se~ a>! >.y »he Ft.ieil Government. l*n the >t retch from here t« Washington Martin owuttj paid one half the o«* as far as the Beaufort county line Xo» iVr*H» re "uses t«. contribute and the -tate ktiW to tsiih; through the county at about the -ajr.e that it ha.i f .n o;her coonties. It would look 'ike a real shame to ** a 16 f-ol road from the West and an 18 foot toad fp.m the de generate into a BCuV J foot road just as so«-n as they reach the high lands of old Berte.. This link of the highway wou'e naturally have the heaviest tralTsr since it would carry the :wo mam road* Just what will be the outcome it is I not kn»wn. but nght at the present it is known that therw will he no ' hard surface! Nad of .»Ry description for a while. It is undeiM'wsi that there are ' great many of the peo( !e in Bertie are opposed t». any hani surfaced road at all. the reason f\T such is unknown, while o*h~rs en masse are bitterly op- to a fi« road kaving a f e« to objert to the road of .-'.andard width • ' MRS. CLAYTON MOORE HOSTESS Mrs. Clay w a Moore er-t« rtaiaed a number of her friends wiifi a card party at her lovely new home on , Church street list evening from eight | until eleven. There *)-;«* f. »ur tables i arrange I for bridge. ore in each j corner of t?e ct!u t.J n. le living f f*m »hifh i- ttu-mmr ii. i*s furn | ishings In obi fa.-hi -fioi v. -ej. yellow r jon(uils at>.( evergreens *«; re placed r '•» attractive r * v 4 in In-th. the liv ing p l oom and r»v« i»" ue hall. 1 Mrs. ||. M«U« an.' Mrs W. K_ s | I'jrUi I --.1 f.r high core and they I-1 v ere given Sealer U uini sevre pads, h , After piaytrg for an I. >ur the guests s J were *net a ralxi cure by the p hostess »-.i !«i by Mi-. P. I! Cone, h Those pre n*. «ete. Mrs. Luke lamb. Mrs. A L IH.» mr. Mrs. W. K. r Parker. Mrs P It. '*»■, )|i» Anna .Ciawiurd. M. Leslie 1 jwdcti. Mrs. iO-ear Ar-kr-.il, Mr- J. (I. (oxlard, Mrs. J W Watts. Jr . Mr-'" S R ) Higgs. Jr. Mrs. Corel Green. Mrs. r H M Stubbs. Mr? F. L Barnes, Miss •I \e)!a Andrews, Mr* J. G. Staioo and •I Mis. Libert IVel r r MR. JONAH STALKS DIEI) YESTERDAY n Tester*lay morning at his hone near - Evesetts, Mr. Jo- ih Stalls died after f a two w-jeks illaes. of pneumonia and complications. He was nearly fifty years of age and «as a member of the S'alls and lajdcx fan .hci of the Spriag Green ■ Ktion of this, county. Early in life Mr S:al»s was married fto Miss Mary Ward, daughter of Mr. md Mrs. J. H Ward, of Bear Grass. . Mrs. Stali- with eight children sar ies kim. The children are MLM ' >«l*h May. &*«, Virginia, Annie '« Bettae Maree and Raymond. '• Jwiah, Jr.. and Mack Stalls. 1 He was a member of the Christian 5 church. The body was placed to rest 1 »n«idrt a large concourse of friends oday with Rev A. J. M.nn,» g nating at the nukes, r • ' MR. JOHN LAMB SPENDING A FEW DATS * Mr. Mm C Lamb M Baltimot* is spending a few day# in ton. Mr. '• La«h is miasgn a the *y -1, " dennrt— t-A. -V J ■- ' . 1 ~ "f Wd Miller and X mt lank moved fHat * ST t * | '. B *yr* rB wW ha hw *|JBB >• Mr Garland Bamhdl

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