THE "ENTERPRISE «very Tuesday •■' i Fna by ti «— A ' gyTKiivi tM PI ii! SJC ' C C' V* iLi»—»t«o. W. C UANM.NCt w. C MANNING, JK- i»l S *"11: | S»;S>-:rp i **7" ( Stfrliy Caih * c «*■ 1 year 6 months 3 £cae:* at u.f 1 • --» O*** ±". * Nurta i..-- ■" * 01 i*ss» prtt'.- r. Fr.'a- i • Thnv •'••• " Arc. r; • • su.i*' ■ '• 1 tiula,.> • '.»• Tlic : r .-jijrrt* : ■ • the w '•' U i.-i it 11,.!.. 1 *er ti«e 1' '■. Huviu* r' -■'' di>hoaoTx.»' ■ pre-- » * Ch:ifta r. Wo ail otl • r r died a ble r«--p« • «•* tK.. «.• -j." «■ air *. *-■■* f "I * ■■■ .■ " ni«-r* * » \S. ■ r. " ami f »• they - i ;: • i" 1 ' Chic' t , t". i periali-ri. r.-r.a ,Vy } • • - ' i u or.«. At- • • fa- 4 ' - the a* * ~ * V v. • v ♦axi & * flaj- o\if ? » ,r " LniU , : ' - • v y.,' : > - ft] p . •• F wa> " * !y t. « «- *•• • - . f i v*«>rV - i .•' i *• • itUrff '« " . no'i - 1 i-r * 1-f tj.. T. « • tht at * ' thou!'! h»" " ' * ■ but i. ■ ' - 1 . it loot.- : is iliif.t for. - i •*" diffo-f t !«•! |B»: them a:-' -• ' *>" - o»t M«itii. a- i i : air p?ea=e«i t:> rr— ». r ;i4. lea.. in? into 'l'.wt « -a iC »'• .•' >t- - 1 ■ ■ for the sak ns «• dirt ro«.S- W* tru>t t'ra* U* *■ iam j-* iff it_- way I .ar ta. V«-.i tur ..ft! *i M»tne tin*. • How pmaii We >.' c A »i f "» rr jx "jj binrr w« a?*- wjfti *h» | how small we are! ' smm -CEirmiCATE «»k h«»m»r- j FABMEBS H»K NORTH ~ CAKOUN A v. '• I (Bcprint ffam the Pihiisjlw F*r*- •r sad Farr. &m*a. F*± X ,I«t- LetV b»vr •* Honor" fanix r« -•. rth Cwwat it •*liK -t a -tertifieote of Honor* j i.T*r? It i a farmer who definitely f tfcb y*ar 111 U> live at home (2l to irrprove his hc-rce —asd ] . -& if he loet at Wast sever uf ten fir.r* recticisnended, will be awarded ~C«mVat» of Honor" '.«.r v trie Gon-nor of North Caroßfa, f p.. - ietii of t>i Slat*- CoKtee oi . a: 1 trc I» r«- r of Art -ra! E*ten«on- Wf *: h'-every I*roere>-ive firmer Ti*! would tr> to be a "Ceftifirate J Hj .oi ~ ''arirer in 1924 H'W can . .f (»-- rmi * All you ne« to >V> is to th:- Wank:—« { • > • -:o Mit* in tH- f>irht « •-•oiiji:; ,;,srr cul 'jra ! ir«ir ! h»M«-bv ajrrt® that ■ '.; i, t-jfh of ;h»- *' n kf * v. i ii an \ mark tc th#- af»•: i * it i- s^rt 'fir wiil try •«> I |»ii* * *o X-maris -: » ill tn irir: ■ 7 • .. « * "Ui' » coin nay to j - . 1 • »uj*" r«2T. *" tl«»ut buyinr I .. r _ * e!.« ui'h t« uppty fa» 5> fr 'l* year i a .-[•rii v arwl fall jfjnW-ti | :1 ■ :>•*". »•.!•« nt»l butt t 'or | 'i.;- _» 1». whole year 'hrt' ifcrfi- | ICM nj'i- i.f a! - •• j. f-lff», > -Jl ti ! n>t "irlianl Tlt; ;-3i , 4-v i- .• ..• • ai>|«>, peach |» »r. I " r I'rati t 'eet. arwl to plant J ;— ■»- >ra'l fruil- and l>erne>. 1- > «rtt for larwl.- !>} plant i' U j- s*i\ bean-, or c«w .it « ' • .!' of r«i\ cm; : n«i | • » t" oat' or *«'tch. e 'lie »rtK j, • 'alf niv other crop-. ' 3 - T■ «(uJI »tie or more of my r hil | j • ». rV |u>r club, corn dab, t . • - .. . etr. ' - T ->fu- hfi'f coihh »er»c» ' ■ tch ;v - {> r : " • «i hinjr machine, oil stwr.l ' It , . V •>;. ... otwr c«»nvenlence - 'n'e I'ic bir*l»'?i «'f i:ou^- • • ■ f r *" 1 *•« f? \ ••ither ij ..._ , . ... y (..u-e, rl bi r?.tk ; - j- j*!,! >r- >-r >1 tul>» about :he [ • ■ •• ''jOii-'. a [ i urttiiiir. a"»i j ( iarrisan Urns. I anil (Eompatiu MR FARMER We have a warehouse full of FERTILIZER • * ■ - • WE HANDLE (;OODS MADE BY a \'inrinia-Cait)lina Chemical Company, Acme .Manufacturing Company, ~ Imiierial (luano Company. -- Fanners Cotton Oil Company, WE ARE MAKING SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON FERTILIZ ER. SEE l*S BEFORE YOt"Bl*Y. r iA# ' \ Harrison Bros. & Co. COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILU AMSTON'S LARGEST DKPARTM ENT STORE THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAM6TON. H. & j piistrng lnrring Mm nth as crape myrtle, wiim l. marnola. dofrwood, or j»ta» tree, or lr» planting a lawn, Attresj 1 Every fanet who tipa this, agree to d» wtca or n ore of the ten things lt*ted. and who at the end of the yev has actually done seven or more i«et tkii**- w.'l be entitled to Jf j ceive tkf official "Certificate of Honor , awarded by the State of Noith Caro lina. All over North Carolina on Krvlay. February £ —Washington*? Birth«lay !■»mhwfr* vill tie hekj in tne local abii else«twre to nauru rate an»i timula*e this (rreat "live-at but" ptvgnar fw IW4. The county farm »em«ii-".ratx,r. ar«it >n each county w® arrarze for these nutting? ar.«i as.r»arc* lijrm m the rour.ty peperAt each mteting blar.t- v'll he di-!nbule-t an-i .iriatate- inviteu. mith »: or amministkation IHatitf thi> day been duly ap po r.te»: awe uaa .Aufi a$ admini~tra- ] to > of thr e-taJe of Joseph l>. Corey, l ! bMao- ».- i*i*b) Kiven to all prr m». imieiXed to said e-tate to crime fvrward arid make inin.ediate 1 pas it > -! «f *-ajne ; All pfiMW hvldwK daim- ajrain>t . -aid e tite wsll present tbei'i for pay ment .xi oi M-ilr January ii. 1925 »r tki. rio"*e wall te pl«-aie-i in bar •■f rO' of siw. Tht Ja>. IV-M. VV J LIIXK\. * K. COLTRAIN. A'imiiit-trator? «f JJ. I» Corey es tate- 1 25 «w NOTHTJ OF SALE I rrirt ami by virtue of the author ity cootamrd a a certain «Wd of tru>t rimrtnl «n the 3rd day of March IW k\ C- O «K»dard arwl *ife. I>ta Gndard. awl ifcoriW in Booh A-2 at pare lr Martin County Kertstry to Mra» payment of a cer tain bn»4 of eirr date tbefo and the ■tiptfa'Kr.- •:* md dre>l of trutt not nanif Imw e*«wpl»ed with. tl»e urxler ij.fie.l trii-te vil >*4l at puUic auc •khi at tM coairt bou-y rtoor in Mar i t fit." as ttillum-un. N. C. to *h» >iiirle-t I. ->ie-r fot ca-ii at 12 o"- iMtaa. on the End day of Feh raar IK4. the foHowinjr' land: lieiir aboiit ! 12 arm. a pait of the bw-e |4ace; l#.n(f 135> yards on W .ilom-I« ami Jame>v ille -»ie ae.f bn«r lot of land mheie C O. Godard built his residence and where l»e now liv«. One tract bounded on the south by Bock William.-; or. the east by Bet Gray; oa the North by Joe Jones; and on the West by Theoddre Robert being 10U acres moie or lea abd known as the Ko»--> land. Also a 1-4 mterest in the Bestie Williams tract of land. This the 22nd day of January 1V24- R. a HARRISON, TnuK*. j l -2S-€t_ NOTICE Ol RESALE Whereas, uouti hy virtu tl« power of sa-e con ai. Ed ia certain iecd of ex*-CJt€« t b% tli Refer. 14th day of October. 11*21. and b of record in Msrti: Cou -ty i*u Krpitiy in IV-oJi H-2, 43-. £ aas made thereun-lt: on tbe IT a «£ ' o" January, 1524. when ar.ii where t' * C. B. Harrison E.4at' became he last and higneft b dder lor the first t.kt of land described therein at t> pr> or and w'iereo.- th. re hi beet, a rai.-e of twi on th's trac ard the deport ma»>e a- require*! by law; and wherea.- the CWik of the Blinding j Headaches "For aboat twenty year*." I aji Mr. P. A Walker, tw* 11- I !>»■■ citizen of Xewbu x. 1 t]T, "toe at our family recie- ! dies baa been bbtk-branirit, ! the old reliable. . . I use it ! for colds. Mlmiwui. SOAR J staurh and indigestion. 1 | was subjret to kcadart** 5 when my b(«r woald get ut ! of order. I woald have ■ kliidiif heodarbrs and 5 nwkht at oom aboat my work. 3 Just couldn't go. I used § Thedford's s BLACK-DRAUGHT and ft relieved mm. U 'Aboat dfht roara a|o mj | wife got down with Hw and ■ Horn arfc trouble. . . We tried ■ all week to help her. .. . hot ■ ahe didn't got any better ■ Om day I said to the doctor. ■ 1 believe I will try Blark □ Dnnfit, ft hdpa my liver.' I He said that I aught try it I and to follow direction* ■ She waa aaaaoated aac ■ couldn't rat or rest. She be- I gaa taking Black-Draught I and n two days ahe was I greatly Improved aad ail I ' Try BUck-DnMght. Itcoote ■ ■ only one ceat a doaa. Sold ■ I •»*■} ■Wli. mm M Sopenor Cmi ha citfiae of saiii bw No*. th«-te I 'Sapenar Cmmn ha made aa w r « ,+~ Icreewr of «jm! lai'i Now. Ihrre r | far*-. MxVr aad bt t* p^wi k'of *ale cadiiMvi a ««•' of tro-t l|aad th «fdrr of resale made by the .{Cleric, the nJetsgud will, an the i 12th day rf Fft. I*2l at 12 «•. Noon. resell to the higbi il bidder for cash, • the had to brpa at t3»JB. the fal lowing detcriW bad: IVtar SO acre— of land ia Bear Gra» Taawhip. anijdmv the lanafc of C. H Hirnw*:. J. W. Green. Susan H T"»rlor. Wheeler Rc*er-or. and others aa»£ beiajr the -ame laad deed ed to EU fatn i by his lather. K L Rocer-na. a-d briar the su» place oa which the sasd Eh B«*ri(® no* rpHfe "!>•- the 2Stk day of Jaaaary 1ir!l WHEELER MARTIN. 5-1 _ Trjstee. Critcher ar£ Cmcfrr. Atiy-s. a TRI STEE-S SALE By Tirirae of tie iifVjntv refer red ia Bar by s. "Deed of Trust - er " erutrd to me by f. E *«Me> and G. N. Motley. oa the srd day o M-rtfc ItSSSI. and iWy r»ew»V*! m fh* Kejr.-- t» rof IW- ofet* la Marti' Cawaty. Cw»t kin of Ropkr Fill Ami "•*" or , 7 a * e -" ar ■» tWI ymmm i A (mm I |OW can you trll Royster's plant-food elements brim; about a " '"cured" Fertilizer from fertilizer more complete chemical action dur tkat has not been aged? The ing this aging, making a fertilizer greatest difference is seen in the more which is readily available to the profitable crops grown by the cured plant from seed time to harvest, fertilizer, but there is a difference The curing and re-milling are two even to the untrained eye! of the reasons successful farmers say .. . c . n . "Royster's helps to make bigger and After the first mixing. Royster s better crons. goods are placed in great bins where they age from four to six months. n * buy fertilizer in a hit or They are then and bagged. ™ is f fash , ion any longer. Put jtwr faith in the old. well-known Royster The fine grinding of the ingredients reputation and ask for Royster's and the dose association of the Fertilizer by namf, F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY NDHRXX . OUWBIA . ATLANTA . low —I ROYSTER ' s v? mDo You Need Money? We will lend you from $5.00 to $500.00 at 6 Per Cent ) You can repay in convenient weekly amounts HV hiv "Ur Sr" urity as outlined — un l.bcrarlr r. i'rrstm- Because of the lack of facilities to handle the mass at hmJararvrmiw l ot- detail, and other objections. Hanking Institutions ' have never been able to accept notes for small loans Aafrraf Reel kslatr. to be liquidated on the installment plan. Ttte Hood Weekly l.oan System (ropyiighlfd) in stalled in this liank was designed to meet thr require ments necessary to accommodate customers who dr j™, sire to borrow money in a strictly business-like and pitfS dignified way. but wliose circumstances are such that KSM they can repay only on the installment plan. WW ' , . w '" now ma ' ie loans on the weekly payment — plan in accordance with the scale below. TABLE OF KKTUUKXIS , it not OTT in ne+d con- From $ 5.00 to $ 25.00 to be paid back at S 50 frr mrrk ...H , J-„ *l ro,n «o 5000 to be paid lack at ' 0 per «wt suit oar o,fwrrs .oaag l-rom 50.00 to 10000 to be pauj back at 2m p*r —Them wiis qiadlu From 100.00 to 150.00 to be paid bock at M per m«fc - * Ff' l " l 'SOOO to 20000 to be paid back at 4M pnr »l* ftnr 90a ang m,orma- 20000 to 25000 to be paid batk at 511® pvr w*X Horn desired- • From 250.00 to 30000 to be paid back at 6M per metk From 30000 to 400.00 to be paid hack at CM aer seek F"«n 40000 to 50000 to be paid hack at MOO per week J Martin County Savings & Trust. Co r_ t«l (j J poft 184, to secure the .»i* a certain bond bniihr -ifii dak iwrenith, and the stipjia toil- in Ue«! of Trust not b*r ju .«i_n complied with, I .shall ex po- at public auction, for cash, on lite :m oa> of Maich 1y24, at Wi' lacirton, u Coui* House Ui«>f 12 o*- |ti«k lii Martin County, he following f*M*ity, [ L* at a post on the \V iV l'a':.-ton arid VVa_=hiiijrJon Road at a Lare. o.rner of Staton Farm, thf-rwe dci.; a fence aed the iane to a IVp lar Tree, thersc-- t straight line to Nor hern Gate Post on line of W. J. conmiNKxrc vim JONES, SON * ca®" CXCCLLCKT STORAGE NOUTCS. LATE St MARKET INFORMATIOfi RJRHI3KED Off REQUEST FREE or- CMARGE. ESY»TELEPMOTIt OR TEteCmfll fORHCSPCNOtNCt |NVITfD-HOl* [STWIIWP WTO KUktkfc C««t Fiim. tfcsw a Xant erly fwr* tbr ft. J. BMhh Creek fr_r* t» WJliwWa proirzr t C»Vw h*. tftecre a straight line aaii .■ iems: * nium.-M« Land Imp. to a a run of uptime? Gtaach. I'ew a SoKk-West curse ap ;ia «| sasd branch to • uad. fetoet akag the &ud &ad to the lefha"- i —lai ling, Oi.e-Hrarni |.f«i an» - bmc oi less. Beine in »V itiilßr -m TmwHf and knor .. as 1 »4 . I c. -i.t F.-im." H. 11. Tru tee. Ttti- 2-1-4t-

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