ADVERTISERS WILL R\D OUR OOLIUNS A LATCHXL* To IjM HOVCS OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLLME xxv— NUMBER I A. W. McLean Delivers Address In Windsor Synopsis of an Address Delivered by Mr. Angus W. Mclean Be ore the Classes in Citizen ship W.ndsor Hijerh School TV follrwr.if is a smpt s of an ■ by Mr. A iguj. W.J JicLe n. Lumber!oft, M l', I f.i» tae: ciisses in dt zenship. Wind )i H School o:. the evenine of Feb u-.ry !I. 15*24, on suhje>t "Tn,.iiir.t ir. fit w hip." Mr. Mcl -fan began his a-ir -*s bj «ii-cu.-. inR the profits; uf e aa'.ior.. referring particularly to the «»oder-1 faJ fo wjrd movement in n: *iuci-; t-ona! pro ram in North Or V>ra ia the last 'wo deca«i« s He ,-t tel tha* n*tw,.hstan«i»"g the ««riei il pro gress nuJf n the las' few y u I her* is still ed of further de\ icpnseat iwi t rtt ! !üb|[ of tfce s«op. .f ujr edufrlioMi •y4eT ir- North > !ina. p; rti.ufcirty ir. m r second® .■ p«.b>ic sci-on l -. because of the ere: - -cll of '!* Twentieth Century for nen and won:rr. trained for suceessfs trvkr in even fie*. I of ende v.«r. H s-ke«l thdw * r o had attrrsxd the K- 'l c schoe Is ?n the eighties »l i.iue t es :o mark the ro. !rv! in the con iiW; * \i--tt"g then and i. wth to 'he character of !• e f(*«! bu>l»iir.g- She m'.jn an>l sctie i.' the work lion.'. ;m| the remit- Ir. this it he tha - the fii-1 puU c school lie itt«* : «d, en "he earl) eigh !«», in a remote - mi dis 'nct of K ueson county, ir a tie run rtrgcl ii* >lmu> fixUvn feet l-y twenty feet, bu ; !t .-f roarhti hoard i"ii iV ' «.f practiraiiy every cot fort a m c»;ve.iience. The ter.cher. be aid. was a young wami-n. inlmeii arith t*»e jf-r t of public service, who rack an.! a salary f ! .wc; ty iWlnrs per month. At a I* lie Later pen ik i. he said. he was e*s -ijfH at the a#re of sixteen \ear>. it teichir.g a one-tear»-» i paWV -oho>- ! tj, forty K+«»r>, for *h(i.e rece» d a Hil ary of twenty-five dollar- |» - "/>i' t ar»i out of this n.«as"e safe ? b»- p>. d for his boar.! aid lodrc; n a c««a'.ry honie at tl>e rate of ten d»!lars |er month IWlirnj this to ' e a fair t pe of the rural publ- schv*d at that ' pit ii.|. fee a-ke»! TV ;.t to com- ■ pr» the c»:inlitk>n.s n«-w ev -tmr i«» | the fanr. life -cho. t* .and the err- 1 jolii'stol fwiblsc -c'«)I- n nearly re', rural li-triC in the S-at", wtf a (vrju of teacher t■*>rour( > ' > tr jr e»i ' in branches both c?a.--ical and \ -cat una). ami every- and facility which cou'd ci'"tr hate to a j Hi der ; + ooL A f'er r* ijammt briefly tfce of fut'iM uerrkbuieiit lA Jrn 1 m* and danrttss as hi- chief theme: TRAINING IX CITIZENSHIP KcfMTinf ;o the rsecess.ty of tans it>e w caLiaefw-hip. be said: ""but ti»»re no 4 he oiher *«»' m oar system of oiwiiii* than that of tra.nmg the tve.,tal farul*ies or raminr a l« l> S«d There must be «fc-fini"e towws .» the autifu'ttr# of eiery p«l'K 'lor trainirie the pupiH in tt>» specific •i jpies of c.M'- , i»h.p The cit xec* of tonftrrow must U healthr, law abi.'.njr. sn«i po»se-sed of. not only Ue de-ir* hut the ability to fulfill -ucces-fully f very c\ ic duty. Our schools most pr'-hsce a cit ien-h'p ifnutnl to the romir*-'. weal, to usef-jl enrie. to patronistts. sjal to l> i*r a nit Arianism. —rr, short, they -hooU! pr.vfure a c ttwiirfiip cap al4c of the standard- of In«r and devoted to the h*hest iW in Kv.ierr.mer'. When suffrage was r»—t/ cted an* the eiver ,me!it was Csdorte-* for the iwM par* J»v a few men to wf>«« lead er*h«p the gunei sabmitteHf prtdest. a r~nerally e-h.rate-1 citizen ship was r»ot so important At the pteserit time, hewever. wber. the nrk' . of suf'rajre is almost ur. ver-a!. eAi catton must he of a type that will pr»- nte useful, law aht.Hnj; am! -ucres ful citiirrS, devoted to the rtnsrw wel fare. Both 'ur Nation and -wr State re-t prirrarily upon the *enet*l ideals of IVmrcraty—written c • -titutim ■ etitativi' r>« "rnment and W? (".isLtutfJ executive authority, and therefore the elertorate rru-t be **»- eraTly trained ia the tradition', the -rience and the ope rati njr nvethod- of (uf vovernmental system. The chool a r i ~4&f. if it i 5 to he iWt ifnt ra« IrtfhbH only the fundaatenta' ram ce;.'.« W our American sjsrem of t-c en."nent. as the fathers plamed it, it most also train the child to hrf ap. ii rwidftiit as a sacred iMm- BT.'i nested for the pwrpose of p> vidi!*» thr ritiren with ejbM. whole tma* and rirhte«ms rontrnl of pnUfc sifiirf. - '• ■ Bnptrt far Law "One of the most importaat duties THE ENTERPRISE | bit ilso in the public -c'tool- is | n >for the t'on>:itut or and Lau '■ Vs veil as tVi -tnuted authority. VV> «*'a> turn back t:«e pii> o:' histor* tj It- earliest hetrtnnin.- «,f a -- ■ ' "*e will see *hat no ci> all;"\vJ «re ha.- succeeiied witilout. or *-«' Koti tnmeot, enactinK .aws foi the pix4ection ari the ireiierai we!a.e t of the peopk': arvi no teoxt-rn -lent has ■ e*er fallen into decay where the citi xen.- generally fulfille.l thee oblira tions to the government an.; ed il* laws. "T«»iaj one of the jrteatest to our Em. n mei.t Is ai jpp rent t.v wilhnifne-.- or. th-- pait of a larve number o! ,Mr jeeplt •«» obex the Iskwsi of the San.!. It is iiir p'ime duty to endeavor '•> implant in tise hearts of the mer. and women of Anerra. the fixed tetei nidation to olt" *Se law > that U>e rraf. or womar mho e\ "u-es or (th ourases tne vi. '.at I.»n of any law i- an urdesiraMe ctiier. I the-xwtpft!'. ir. the (W'jratiie that the b> -1 way :o ce: rid of a bad few is to enforce it. It is ;. -ervoos thi-jr to f-act a law and th- i t« m-it "t u> he disrecartfed. Ii is the rijrht o r ar f citire-. t-» arivo the repeal of a 'aw. but 1 e ha«- ne eval or m. ral ri»rht t>* disr»~jrard :t. 15 lone a- it « in force It must b> tnwnilepl that "Urs is a rw emraent '•I law and that the sovereign p>itr re nle- m the people, who can -peni •nly Ihrourh the lau. It foil. «>. then. « an irresist.ble conrSu-HK> !ta' wber »ur laws are iLxit(anieii the *rrer e-njnty of the people is rot mill weak | -neil but ir suited. » It is -i ni' take to e~a« t a law 1 wi. ch is uniensoriabie n its «rn-..- ol ''fapali.t of hoi,'; enforce-1 He rate an instance of this ir. the law rerent'y «-r«ac*e.| in this State r»«,uir nr auto rnoLiie* to -top at ra.itu.ii f The puopc of the law i- .vinutable and thefr is ixrv-sity '-tr a p>. pet la* I upor the subieet, hot the trond- wrti: t the pre-ent iaw is. that it j t 'p- to b>- naiir at a !arjfe u-jmber ot j cra«sißp nihen- it is obve.a-ly un •etpsui; ami where r» tt"* m pwrpa.a ; A,i> / *no! by mskinr -orh a top. Ihe ilaw -mrnt to he materially im>-«Je.t So as to provide that rrr*s-inys H>*« j ed to i* da iirerou- by the St_te Ilixfc i way Coam tsiaa s'toubl be ■>. matoi as .tartffer us ar..| stop if. er»->te»* at tho-e crossing.- otilv. —thx- elimi i Patinjf the nert-ssit> for -t« ppinp at perhaps half the existinr rnMisfs, and where no rule of safety . .juiree ■t. After ti is modification is made the Saw oujrht to ftnctly enf«-rrcd. No law booM rema.n a >;» a.l letter apon . the statute books, brrau-e the effect is to create an attitu.*.- ef indifference or disrespect for the law renerally. ■MI the pa it of the ritizen Our government is no' oerf#t, be , .-aid. and there are still w ievts to he - liOiir at. d and irie»,vialit.e- to he re moved. arwl it is the dutj of every roo! otirer. to continually tnve to brinr his r'-verame tt nearer to the K**a! which «-ur forefather.- had in rrirtd wftere oiuili'i, justice and righteou-ness ir. the cf pui*' -c a'Ta. i - -hail he the cardinal rule. Another duty *>"" cituensh p, which . shodl.l be taught m our -ftwols, is thtt there -hould he fa.r and cwa stmctive rr'tic -m of th.- drfects of i (povenomer.t, !*.' tin appeal 'o the , passions aad pr« jud*e- of tfe people or any attempt to a fay cla- against "lass shftuM lot osiy be deprecated M -eterely conderritiei. If I sV«W he . asketi to name the greatest • - rtnv of .•owi pivert.ireß? today, I w>»J*! have . to say. that in m> Of..i-.«6. i* is the. wllbcai (t»rne a-Mit over the land wilfully attef.ptirc to deces.e others by appeal} uir to their pass tor.- and preju-lie-. and tryiior to array one dass ajrain-t another, with the sole of his own sdfish *erest and political fortunes, cariar i nothiar for the public rood. His pre>- mce. unfortaaalely. is not confined to . any party, bat he is found in both the r meat political parties of today. He de- I serves severe punish men t. but ia thi* . land of fiMtlum of speech there is . only oae penalty that can be implied r open him. irjthat is to drdiay bis inflarnce and n appotnt his ambition ,' by forre of ennehtened public opiom . j Mr. McLean then dtsrasscd as an . other requisite of gpoH c tizen-hip the . daty of pre-ervir* and jiiWettiajt the . heahh of the indhriAaal and the com amity. He said: "latdlectaal a mi in dustrial competency and civic liiil ill jr . would be of little avail if there is serious impairment uf the health uf , tha i Mill 11. aad that thai uf me (ood W illiamston, Martin County', North Carolina, Friday. I Vbi uar 15. 1921 BANKERS TO MEET HERE _ FEBRUARY 22 All Banks In First Dis trict Will Be Represented ! The ...irjal mrrtinc of t.e Group Xo. I Rankers i.»n wi.l he iielii r " lr Ifbnurv Th> prouj iikluilt al! th> coun'ue- of the fir.-' congees -lorxal JisliiC- ael lifitie county ami each ba-.k iti iK- ifc-tricl w il be re-1 pnx-r by >x- or moir o r its offi-' cial There will be two bu-i- c.-s •rfie in the n»!»m and one in the a! ternooa. and the annual tam ue-t will alu- place n the evening. '»' he busi fa» se.—ions will le held in tie Strand theatre and the banquet at the Masonic lla!l. Mr. W. H Woolard. vice pre.-ident of the- tireenville Banking and Trust company ts president of the Assotia tk>- an) wdl preside at the two ses sions Mr. WooUrd is broth, t of our Mr. J. O. Woolard. Cashier of the and Merchants llank of this place and ' he is also a former Mar I*in county man and the keys to Wil- Haaaston will le turned over to him as Pretalfi* of the A-so. ' Mr W K Will's of the Titiane:- 1 [ Hank of Farmville is Secretary ami Treasurer of the Association and he with Mr. Woolard will arrive in Wil- j I Imrv-ton »i M nday. the 21 There will |he a representative of the National State and City lUnh n:~ New York and several others from various banks of | Norfolk beside- maav prominent men frma our w* tate in attendance. This is the first tin* Williamstor [has ha-l the opportunity to I*- host to the Rankers Association as it usual ly entertaiaed by larfrerVw 'is but we want to accord them the genuine h»*-p tally of air town which is of the hest. ea!th r» k iis are must es-»n"ial to he piufirssiie d»-veU.pmeot of the Mate The rood health of the citizen i- both an n^l.v dial and a state asset tire of the most sirnifirant a.spects •f snv*e. rt -'ier ai >.*n is a lujrh re tratd 'or the health of the c-mmunity -ta.e n the l"n;or. has ma.le pieat er pto*"e. in its public liealth sem-ice n»r ha»e better results from health ■ been obtained anywhere than in North I aroluia One of the duties of ritixeo-hip. therefore; hcli should V ct-;. -taftt'y riiiplia-ized in nor pu!»- 'tr -rhoab. is tie matter of the health ~f the r.ii» mlu J a"id community sani tat»K. be. au-e we ran no loiijrer accord the refardataoh of eflicM-iicy which .one. frutn ill health, brought mi b> reriert of ftivirwneTit or by failure to nmlu" preventable disease " t Varacter Traiuiae He mmtaoed as another requisite |of trairn( -n c tixensfcip, which should Ihe empfeataied in our puMic school*. ' the matter of character traininr. say ißp nj this co*nectson: "Eduration in a democ.acy cannot fird it* true oh iertive alone in trained and healthy e«tiae«Ls. These retjui^it*a- we have seen, are essential to surres«, hut valuable as theVare in themselvi-s, if they lark the vital motivation of character in the individual citizen, they are unequal to the demand. "Oiaracter trainiar. therefore, throarh the application of modern mode rr and well defined method.' -koaU be made a part of every compre nensive *y -ten of educatii n. Self -irsepliise. lo\e of truth, honesty ami justice. a> well as efficiency, are chararter traits which are capable of heme dr\elped by the C.mpetei.t and roe-c-etit>ous teacher. The hiithest values in hfe are moral, not material What a man ia—in other word-, h 1 personality aad his character, cou' ? for infinitely mote than the materia! things be may. possess. ' ~j_ -The rbild is manifestly our mos* preckras asset, hut even sgth a valu a!4e as-et as this may be converted to a liability, not only of the family bet of the State itself, if that element commr.o|y called maral character is latkiw "I believe that we have been in clined in the pa* to overlook the fact that the development of desirable traits of character in a child can he accomplished to a large extent at lea-t by the inspiratooa and instruction which may be made available in the dastrown " Here Mr. Mcl>an refened to many ri iph ia the lives of prominen* ' naen ia the past history of the world, aha failed at the croriaJ moment he- ! rsae of lack of character, though they | pwiejied intellectual ability of a high °rdrr. Anaoag these he mentione-l Soimaaa. Jadas Iscanot aad Benedict Arnold as raaipinuss examples. And thea. byway af contrast, he mention ed George Washington. Abraham Lin **d Wood row Wilaoa. whose character stood every test and finally Csmml— dilab the steep SUPERIOR COURT] proceeding: OF Special Term KIM'S To day After Running Two Weeks i Tnfsiay ».--I the off two m.-rv f i ti »a\ i! .locket I of the Suprihir rourt n- u i s{«.-cial session (*>* TV twn-^rtr —np»y of; prcuiiar character. one for pei-.nal injur}', thf oiher a ciaini to a " l-alauce or. a ouile. The c»-es iGmvhvl of i Tuesday | ire: J. A. Da vet part .II S. I. a,l-0:1. I This case »';i- a uit to r»v .n pet ! sonal injury. The jurv gave t if plain tiff a judpiifrl in the sum « f ?t3SW The second Case of the .lay »a- ti a! ( of E. S. Waters iv Jr*o. ti. I njr Tlse claim was to teco»er KJano* •iue on a mule tni'hil to Ixt* jik l up on which Waters '■-••I a morteaif. The jur> found that }?•' •*' w. v . n « lue. One of the mo-t imports! ! rxv in the last l)ir- >lay." of tin ntart , that of IVel .ura'nst Ruber In this case. IVel »v. i> an action to >et a-uir a .ieed ma ie to the defendant by the plaint iff with the stipulation th;C tin* itrfendant support ami maintain plaintiffs for I '.- Thi.- ra-e hiint*- uj> the .»i.i case that lias caused so much mt-under J Standinir when- certaift inter*-;t is ■ meant in a convey ano a»n| so poor! v | expressed that it takes a court and a jury to settle the cent rover-y. The evidence is only fairly started I at the time of »ur yninjr to press and I just how it will turn is har> to say. { The defendant admits fiolurc to main- , tain hut claim; that he nut ufllrient improvements on the lard to «.tT set j his liability H e plaint:' I 1 cla:rrs that, any impii-tt mct9* plao-: oft the land j were to enhance his own est au- tint ir' no way to contribute to ihetr -upport and that all impr.ivem.-i.t- .ere at the plaintiff*- ««ii choice an! in no vay demanded bv them * OCCUPANTS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE AS CARS CIaASII Injuries Found To l>e Not Serious What appeand to he a narrow ' !\sr:!|* occurred this mumiu ab»ut j .?:o> o'clock when two car. «»• a. Font -coupe rupii ! liy a Me- its IU I 1 ami Tankaid arcoinpaned by a Vpu'ijr la-!;.' was «pi> tine or . Washir crt»» -t ie»-t ci a-! tii a Ford -sLin dn\er> by Willie |'.«-k .»f Kveietts. The c« which »a> from Washington was turned over im! Itaiilv .Uimaiml whik the -*-nar •>ade it.- way *>r. to l.\ ervt'>. No onel was senou-ly hurt hut V IUII -uf j fered a flesh cut «»n the h«-a.l ami '» st some ( TW Vi.urip . I:.»l" ' was ha«!l> brji.-n-t and terribly frirfc tenol but n»-t -ermusly hurt The car ocr.fpied liy left . rrftwb broke i rla->. mo-'ly * . fvl shielti and between the t to. it is not . know uhicn. a «i.iskei bottle ma.W it# escape aid marked the |»«t wleit •he collision accural. I'r. Rhode? no.- called t» examine he ruts ami bruise* am; found them to be of iittie importai ce. The Ford' coupe and tie «Ki k*;. bottle apfuirrt ly hsiinr the worst end ,»f tbe acif! • lent. EPWORTH LEAC.I'i: MET MONl>A\ The F.pworth leat-ue «f the Vet ho •list Kpiscopal ("huTh re! M'-ndav , evensßf. February 11. IX'I. at the home of Mo-. John 1_ Ro'-er-on at '"fi o'clock. A memftrt.i| pr«' wus ri-r in'memor. of Womlrow Wi : so* Tiw program was as foil..* : Son ir. No. .It Scitpture f«i!'iir — Myrle W irnne. Sentence prayer The Milestones «»f Wilson*.- I.'fe— 5 Mary' K- I^einrett. The princi|>ai event- of h»- a-l:nmi-- tration—Joe Sykes. • "The Momififr —Marth;. .—Rep* r*e>l. Prof. Visits Schools of Co. Profe sor Jan.— I. I>ri;itd: n r the • East fatoliu Traiiunr School |» • visiting the count- hijrh mM : thi# j week on a tour" of inspection under the direetioß of the S'ate Board of { Kducation. He with Mr. Tope will vi«t aU the ■ h»*h schools of the county ip the next j few (bays. Mr. W. J.' Starr of Hamili«a at tended the dance her* last nifrht. " Mr. S. E Haniioon and so*. Geor*e left last SttnHkt a'briMa for Florida. I i n VAN i: "•!>;:! IN "T.. t?v ItfiK »- v.-t, . th.> I Kir>t • lt j ,-jct « f i N\»r»h 1 roii: i , i I U»v«- *'J' • • , ..! • -••CtT.V :l hiv H: ;t .1 r \\*- ?«• * M »i»n \ nation Uw f*» i*. - il f f • ;»? > ti | hH«i «-n Ju'v T rs. - i* r *!>• I.'• » >'• : l »i- i- | tiofu c;.r t \ . *.»» -« .* M»!i«n:U't»n .»• - r t,. c i i i\ " "rj REa UVTIONS A ! TO LOCATION )V MAIL . i ——— i | 'I IK- foyrtn .i- - "l : ]-• '" .; t«T |ire»>erai ri%»- .* f-i ' •»! 'm:.i - .11 I f'ilowirj- ar* r'c of t -j-ul in I | nwclimi wan »» •- Veat--o >f rural I , 'mail- boifs •• t entire »r , Ita n «c- re;-\ril tr :m* bo> Ihe i l»i> - or r-f r irai r> ae> .« i«- ; ire j J -ervf-> ft - r(Ro > ia* •• .v --ived ( J unta>*ja!i> !> >■! ' t > tSe , »eiteß-'Vr t« i. :-i; tit . • in. -«-c tion Th> ait !■ i« .«; 11l oid« i t'':a: i-i- ia\ U- i) .1 1 underxlavjuii' li ti;i- . . ..taal . viituVt-. :« i«. .It , . •»;. • I' fH ial pttbl of tl.- ii .a- " ... ' ; pai'. Inw-1it ma.l -1..v. jr. i- i •• i,-.|ier ati ai'.ia Sta*- • i • -lit a t«» * Ik- u.-!* * * ! - :.ri:»*r>. ll«- follow II,J» I- I .- v i. Tlw- I".. ! (If ni Iv. .i r I.a- n » . |)urivl!.-t .t•.«• »• . inn rur.J •m • . i* • ji ivf -*ii t!.e •• • • : i l.isi ;er | -hall ilw uc * i~t i. i'U • ..'i ii ' t!ie -aim. i in . - i- . ■ ,iin-'l o X ' •'-!•> • ! ..." T'. .>par»n» • v., -•'xesti e iii .|.ct - .. .! in ' l».\. 4-6mus!aßfcaiiJ n»,»in iL' 1 ! • ■'•••.- of lui:.! •..!•»• i. ~i - ~i :«-|i l»>\e- . Iciii; • la i ea>tl* ar.| • .iV t tin j raim-r at ad t•- ai .'i « •. a! 1 -a I in* the., oni :■! It t;-»--t.« fl.t tiv J. 1..--. ..-I . n-i -*(. \ f.l j 'he Il\e-1 * onv ai • *- i ; -.l* ii;" .iu' i>c is ■ not •!' tor 5 •\i ■ - • : i. the ■ luiie. ti i l» 1-l.iCO.j I I Im .'pit 'hand •• •;• ;■ tne n. 1 on t >-f «ra\e! if ft- ranre*. 1> i .Jt -t- j. (. . • •".ii a? |s.f,.ii.'. « t' - -| . I ii'liiii tie- in ofe-ei■ i > .•■ - i i i atfic ■■r>l i,a»v-- ' nii ir-i . 'l,l- ji.i trun to th- - ; ji. e t. .t n o doinr I" c: » -u h« r» .-p»- a I i if'-r --• s n>aV- for T'i— irpnr inn ' the I appeal.. ,r oi" "i.» er'.n i ;•! t «f way ,|'r wler» 'or aW* • j n>-c« - 2n -r -w i'.'i- :• • t ,ic • ants Ir- tz \■ a i.. ;.i the j. «■» l«« :i --tKHI >.f Is A i . r-Sa.i • fi-i n.a". fiiop • H>" n.rj;- 'to |> tn- t •• *|»|iropri .*tc p'art- f«.r tov*: tstler • ■ jln-ip I with p« -tnui Cer - ru';.| . i r>ei -:i - ' t«i isit atill't t. • j'r •- -ie Jermjned upon. , It I- though* »Si ' 'ji-ie i.., war- ' art for Or- ariii:.-ar • •,! ~f ' ! •mars from t e i« .|. t • l they -* tttlo.l' Ul ,t l.e t I ..til ' 1 -*:*» as. have la ." ;m o f >p a: if;. t« v»n'ortn wi« h "he r.- u r,ne ni n. ' tate tir. - : - far •■« IIIIi' -o -'•• 1 i-ii* !e ! -I: ib>wn "em|M.rar:l\ by *7ir : :sl- «»r thers n collection * *'■. in« ■ r rei»a r.- care nu>t ie txern —d tiiat lei*her thi- r f ,>xe- .-.i,. (!,,«. contents aiesfawMceii. —11. H. I'll IAN. Fourth A - -■i-'tart |'.»-tma«te- ', wr n sn T*,e J l*>" 'al Hlillet - f Fel- n. i 19:>J 1 __^L SANDY PIIK;K NEWSY DOTS Miss Faj -we Hi tn .-y n v i«-i ! Mmi-lay mri t w;Ui Mi-s K'tie M Oietfiy. tMe- - r-. X. S. Uid'iicl: an I U -eph Hanii» were tlw vw i- of Miss- K! 73 t'o!trai- Sun'Liy -xe» inp Mr. and Mi. I N. HopVins | Mrs. J. ||. RjiJd'ek to d.urrli in j ! Williams*on. Swvtiy. ' Miss IjOaa'l e Ri.t.'-.-S; r.' -l ' Itnjjc , I Jenkins nn+wl ti. Kveret* Sunday :iftcrn.ou I Misses Glaih'i' Rnhe'l «t, L Roherson ard Mr sr- William* and Frank H«pkir.s were out riding swdiy. M ARTIN CITIZENS HAVE NARROW ESCAPE AT R. IL Train Demolishes Rear >l* Car, (h-cupants Noi Iladlv Injuied | i u ;•!' rn)ix>n about o •* fh>rlyl Jn«». Hopkins. * M Wjl I - » l( .1- we e I •s. t 1 ■ of' the V'rT>' Soatk | r i.l near llymouth the rir I i.. . r JKltt i.f t>ie tioaiy of i. i v i h they were r*! ng »-re i ; r! ; r.d tin* occuna tts rar «; - • . ned death. Mi Mn|>kiiis who wa- >lllxlll the . «u>l fi • -e«» the approach >r tra-n it:! aMf. t. late to -U>p. >0 l w ru»V ■ elTort t» !'*'t across anil 01 I) nti>s ' clearillt* about ei|»ht Me--.-.r-_ Hopkins anil William- nnit> ! minor bruises an.l Mr. Hardl.son va, hart lut not w»riouly. The tram -t-»ppe>: and carried them to they received medical attetioei b. I I>• trior.- Bray and M.o>w in DR. JNO. D. BI(;«S TO RUN FOR CONGRESS IN JI.'NE Subject to the action of th IVr-j.» T.-.tir primaries to he held June 7th. 1924 I hereby annnurm 1 iv-elf a raivliilatc for for r»»e E r--t Congressional lh>.trft JOHN r> The announcement of Dr. I.sggs •*! a siat in Cnnpress frtn «*ie IVt District, puts a new anrf» or liv politic&l field in the hstnct. nakxr he'fifth asp:rant anil it ir.ay ae that there w ill tw> othet _« yet tr enter tese race. 1 lien' are now two e.r>tt>Utri from the north side of the u-uiial tlitec from tin' MMith sale. g'ttng about an even distribution of p-»|>a!a iion, the seven counties on the north continuing ahout tao fifths aiwt t!» seven on the outli wlr .ilw it three fi'tiiv of the population of liw di tlict. Of course every candida'e •rill hate a distinct follow mtr and >1 xe pole tics is somewhat uncertain a»s»l in the 'ansruajte of M •» Sailfialei- of Use K'i7,ihi'th City Independent »e A-mM a\ t 's a little early to h»*» 2 to I ••e 1 any particular candidate M n'in count , feel- that t has a ■r od rami foi (ipjwrt of its can-ls late, Fteeause it ha-- alwa t«ea 110111-1 and ne'er .1 k»-d f-»r anything J ' 11 .• 1- oil; ;«>*ii>|r p"»t f«r t: candidate on the irrnund of tsw iii-r • 'I lie I teipll e 1 pL ?B»uL»e!y '•«l\'i t t■: l 11 lite r.i l-»|* i ['Hr a* he condi 1 i .t' lhe 1- -> e aay l"W»» l.e melt, I. Imj.*?*. ae '••el v illtM|» to leave t«» liar fitter liidjrriieut of oui people wth that confidence that they will *«ve hm» hearty support. Valentine Danee Here Largely Attended The dance, which had bo 1 so r 1 | ietistvely ailvertise«l. !>iou((ht 'ra fi«B. ! (iii and m ar, almost o\erffe»rinr l*' "Hixie." The music was. «f a pn*»» •|'uaht. , could have he»>n »..r«e l»jf 1 room for improvement n- »r*eae»-r Many it.mml dance- were en |o, «l ky fhe '.articipitants as-the* theur aa v into the early hour- of t>«r bb-b nil? Never before ha-, there '"-em -ort I a larjre attendance to a 'la'w* lit" j description in Williamstoo. Til fHjli«e force provr>| t.» Ur eo j tirelv inaihi|uate to k«ep 'he ma-*n» c'owd s«»ln-r ami or.lerly. It » f*p>rt { ed »l(?it li«|uor f!owe>l free! im( a tfieat many and that *»» ta{ti*l tie drink a most too muci". IheTepi rter at so -tafed thai' -Msrj }of intermissions were d(-®r>Vfl>' l!i tha' li»t- of the yountr-peo-rf*- le** , :l^- 1 dan e hall without chapervne-v It »t | underst«>o«l that some of tho «- f»tesre" seiin'i| to think it would b«- n» mor» | than li»rht for some of the 'lanmr.. not all. of course. Ixit .nw of them, to hiinp their parent aloer j that they mieht oh-erve 'he pfiewwri »i;.l priifress their off-prnr are RTak- I in*r i't the danemjr world „ Mr Uoliert IV« I. Jr. of Washington attende«l the dance here last rmiir Mr Henry- Carson West n- a visi tor here la«t evenirf Miss Martha HarH snn t> syemte* ' the week in town with her Miter. Mrs. GriflTm ; • Miss Sudie Martin spent hs* Fr»- ■ day night with Mr*. S. E. Hanhwn Mr. C. B. Riddiek of Emvtto was in our community Wednesday t , Misses Oneva and Bertha Ha duos enteitained a large crowd ad a jagar tew WoliHajr night. Mr. C. B. Rfcfcttck upeat - ■ j * \lH 1 ML. LABEL ON VOIR PACER. IT CARUES THE DATE YOLK SIBALKIRNON EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 VASSARTS BODY BI'RIED AS THAT OF ED VINCENT Funeral Services Held For Wronp Man at Rosemary. N. C. I |Faa»fai Smi(»- heiis fur Wrong iraa lat \. C iwo-ensar>. V. I . lib. Ji —Due to I en»! in rf-et»;;ficEt!->n the bo«iy l«.f a i.u . \ it-ju of I>anville. *a. wa- l-jiv-i here Friday as that of \ inrrr.t. a high school !■»! V a' ar wa« k iie-i by an explosion oe **.e not ii-t Xovember. On I>e •-jibe> > \ " \ ireeiit and a or, * ere thn>«n into the m»r when then i*«at overturned. lißreit »»!> «'?«-»• ,'e 1 whil*- trying tw -»»im »-fs>ie ||i» cixjianKiß, who rwaiwi • R ar. «>"ae.i for a day ami a sid-t. *i- re-n»J l-a-t ljuusLty a bwiy was found lub an ' Ixu a nur ijetuw tie point l»W*. >»ang \ -.rxer.t drc*i>ed. His |p>i«if . o-lie\ inj jt 0 to In" that of I"e,r a«a. hsd ?un.-r 1 en j(« held I rxiay a t irw- . T e ,-ervjees Were cvie>4uc"e.l by Rev K II Brown, as sisted 1 l.ev E N Harrison. In [erme! »a in Oak Owe chureh- Itarl Oc SjSiinby a bro' S. 1 of Yasfar irriK'i fn>rr Itanvaic Tre body was 1 vhonw-' a*»-i a'ter l«.ng identi f»«i as that of the liunitV man it was tai-- ».» tbe city for l^i»TaJ. {MRS. LI KE LAMB AT HOME I I Ye-tfrcir afternoon at the home "1 I "of Mrs J L Wynne, from foor thirty t»- ««x. Mrs. I .:kr I-imh 1 1 «- at Use.' . a ):Uliilmi gue^ti I aitk a te^. ' I The lv«e wa- pi. "illy bvorated with leifrrtli' ; JEV -lit th- v alentine I eiie» tl» I'rtser fl.».r 'all vase* of hi* heme* were |.la»»ii against la rwr« Uxtri«Liiil ;B I red candle- I r;a-e the" laackgn-und a I pee€t \w The dining- n«m table •».- attra«t«"e «»th fancy paper vaterntire- with a d«-il dressed as a I "d-eal Um- gracinr the tenter. - , I >lti- M - . file \\ >nre. ir a lack lace »i » W«>n .lie--, n-et th* '--jests at tSe ilwr and in- ife-.l • :;»-•« into the , 1 lilitan where Mrs. C. S:. Ha -ell in a S*"-ack tace f»m Fermi prwh. Mis. « 'Or. in a bSack -aim and fur •Ires-- li.n. -hi.»ed th f> -t into the rat T**«it «t. •M - Lamb r**eive«l IM'- I -J>'ii »"ie a mule salitr a'-l I oratK' .-iv- a-i -ted in 1 JeMertiur.ißt b- "i|t• W IS. Watts, who j w«wre boan r. ntui] «iepe a ith ost nch tip-. b\ Hr>. Harm Birr-, in a blue ro rrretti ai d by Mrs. J. S. | »»a tan cai'ton crepe. Mr*_A l; iHjrr.trg. in u hlarlt vel- M«« Nelle Wynne, in | [kl»i -atio foi I«-.'AOI m the dining I oeei where Miss»-s loci lie Has |»«ll. Melj.. M'yTne an«l Su-ie James I -ei*iefl a -Jai' o«ru- ,tnl red heart maf - ta J Mi- 1 is* «-al Mis. I S. Rhodes ac- I- -e»s|c»- M I br. V. H. Biggs 5Uf e- eral -drfio-i-. M Myrtle Wynne by Mr*. W. B. Watts also •erriered -eeeral Sold- -'urine the af- ' MJ * i: Watts delighted the i I r-e-( aith hrr insured music. I —: OF OAK CITY [LOCAL NEWS | Mrf Ire W«-r-?ey ma«ie a ba-mess I tr-p t- U iliuib-U>ii Vi .-due-day. | Mr. and Mrs. II L SittrlMO, of ,WM«a tiut*s! Mr. ami Mrs. H. M. ■ Air.-* c .. J-arsiav. |. M Kora Spttdll of Creswell eisited .Mi In Amsley Sunday. IMI- A ii- »e Stocks of A > lien was the «w>i »f Mis. I; «-j llarrell for the . week end. f | Mi>» Ruth Kaukner and Marjorie • | 'jigSatd spent the aeek end in Kia > at the home of Miss Faukner. - Mr. Howard Ains'ey was the guest •f Jlbi Harreil Suaday aftornoon. The Ra vent-Teachers -V - sociatioß a will inert' next Wednesday evening. i ' Fehraary 3U 1a the school aoditonam. 1 ] at *1" o'cloL After the hminrti sea saae. a prafran will he givea by thn ' th ende. Parents are e-pedaOy ia- 1 vied to he present. Some of the Kahu went to Tar- I f .ha*» Taejday aftercooa shopping. -1 We regret ta learn that Dr. MI 1 ; Mr*, nttran «i| leave Oak City MM I -J ta aake the r hnae in Vew Tocfc. ,1 > where he wfli stady to be a iprrinfcl. ■ ' j Mr Lrnrnnaa e sited his mm 1 ■it Plywnvath last meek end . 1 ' M - r T Lo "* ***** tiM> j '"tte' C:t>