ADVERTISERS WIL!. FIND Ol"R OILITIXS A LVTIBKtV TO I3W HOMES OK MART IN COUNTY ___ fft VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 2 MARTIN COUNTY TEACHERS MEET i AT SCHOOL HOUSE 1 | Much Business Lisposcd! Of During The Meeting On Saturday af'ertu «, JVonni; i€. .-eventy-nii.o of 1h» Martin L'otm lj U-achers met in the Will, an;-toft Scl-oui Auditorium for t .e fi-uitl. meet ifijc of she Teachers" Av iciatioh for iW£Mi»24. Rev. E. I». Imlil of the local M'tho dist :iurrh lead in the .ifvcti'irjl service. After reading portion of the twelfth chapter of i't V.ark, he wlTenns d prayer. He. th. n ,«ut!iwi in the rtut ef devoling upon the ? ministerial and lewhii ■»' professwms. [ Theti a:n>- are so nearl; unt that their I u4 i> a common oues' i h? neglect on I IV pan of teachers at I mim-ters to I perform this common will mean I that it will go w;thout «• »mpletiwn M*l |K»H uiK»--i that teach« rs rvalue lite I -ertous .e-- «f their prc:e; sxtn, Mwpf I t*e«r :-ch*ols as trust.-. _nd fulfil their I utjif:«ti«ri» in the .-pint »t love. I T'f Secretary, upon t ,e Pie-t«kn*"> I !»|iie-l. read the miuu'e- of tie Janu I ar; axHinK Thc.-e w* e adopted a* lea.i. Snjrf !'"(«■ stated that one purpotse of tf* t V>uiit\ meet nr- is to bnne in stimuli a> a nteans of m couragement an.l incentive t»> the teachers. Su, he intio>lucrl Mr. J L I«fueM. an Instructor of Ka ' Caro lina Ifackai' Colleire -»n.j A-sistant }-(a!e Inspector of the Htjth Svhooi.- of this stti«.n. Prof. l.ejrirett m ki> conversational way a.kfressod the teachers, Several inteh-stiny llu-tra , tions were used by him to "clinch the »lea" that he wished t«. imprint upon tl-e minds an«i heart.* of the teacher*. He'insisted that teach«rs enter upon teach'ng as a profession. He did not ditacredt the fitne-.« wh.. h a "kiie f-r p"' engenders. l»ut he urr*"t that teacheri. ifo into t> as a ku»tee>>- wiUi the uiea that the must Kavr a lirin* "Teaching ought to h* a pro fe.--ioi really and truly," he -aii ""Misfits" 'avc r.o place in the > ate fin of edoeation. To Je ptt>fer«eitxut£ tear'e- must know r« only sohjer* ■•utter Slit! method, hut al-n th*a«e whom tijey trich. To he moie .tes«i te the must kit"# why dlfttrrc ar» l«a»Vward, what opport u »it >es ihiMm I have at home for |>»|urirr a--i*-lir>ientK, and what the of tl» c..fnni>»,itj really want a lesrtw- kiows what tlie romnuKii; wants and exjetts of teachers, the* the teacher through j-e• -e- rmve ran his plat - operative One n| of viMtalit# in the home> of a (umoran ity hef«.re the opening of school ■>«U effect n.uch. Mr. Leggett bet eves that I the fir.-t week of the school term ««> i be windy used if the teachers *etr hired to use it merely as a period of visitation This preview of th* no munity Would largely fhre the physi cal cwr«iit on.- of children, the r home cot uitious and ul\iuiUg«a or dia ■drum Ifci , the relation between lamiiy ai«l child, aiii tne cattooh of the «. ■ ititt. atul\ m geiirtal upun h(l lise aixi its problems. Mi. i'ope here expressed his sj»- pntJi> f«.r teachers in the ci..- i-; fur they na> e to onibat »ite. conditions -o far from .teai. Am>w U-g to actual stattstio corwtt mi- u t« country are worse than tnuc* en town. Kor # .i.stacee, Mr. Legxett i)»: I*l iioia lir. lhonutt W owl's arc4tM of oefects: "In city schools, 3s pei cent of ehildien are defective la s«w»e lespec.; in country sections, per e- t aie iief«rtive." Mr. I;up neit read Mr. Jute R_ Warren's letter to tl»e secretary in re frai«! to the |uestioß» that will be on anlHed ill the .State Assembly. In it he listed three topics—the publication of a professional maicaxine. the nw puauon of a code of ethks for teach ers; aj«d the continuance of the (hs trxX meetings with less rwpbi jo the State meeting. After wfc| this letter, Mr. I'ope called for a dh cummu. A motion was made and sec onded that Mr. Pope appoint a com mittee of three to draw up su**e»trie resolutions, which woutd, if approved, be sent to the Assembly. Messrs. M. M. Uavis, H. M. Ainsley and tiea. W. Sm,Ui formulated these tt-o«Xi a-, and Mr. 11* vis, as chairman, pre sented thetn to the group for ntifia y ***■ ""Whereas, we are cofwiant of the pressing necessity of an dhiil organ espressiv-e of our hopes, sympathies and aspirations as profes.nnw»f teach er-, and whereas, the aUithml ah 0 scnpUon cost per year has bees esti mated to be less than the cot of a We. nailiiM mi the Martha Cil| UaK mt the North Chi iW n F|n itni ■ THE ENTERPRISE HON. A. WILTON i McLEAN SPENDS THURSDAY HERE | 1 Makes Favorable impres sion On Those He Met Ho'. A. L» JlrUtn. rand date for Governor. -pen". iait i.i>rht in town. Mr NrLtu iiT m urr, ;nj{ fmm (SiziiiMh City where he hat ma>ie a at the dedication of the new >hul buili :ru in that town. Mr McLr>l! met ,uite a numlirr of «! people * till*- in tow i. iikl niaiir a ifn inpn—ion on ail tW* »ho had the p!«-.L-ure o! nwrt ( £i»r tiim. : McLnMun. frooi all mticatj»iLs will !* I'.ke i*\t Governor of North Carolina. I IK i» a plain man who rantf up ius* j ike m-ft of wur rr«"at ntfi.. from the I farm ami know* the *>y» an I rx-e.l. lof IN 1 fummoß people. I tl« pr icipie> of a teach- I erV «atiafl ,t«i the jart of a few | !»»rter> of out State, at 1 this setrlert Imf tlwx- principle* on "he |iort of a I few will Ifrxi to lower li«e hi|fh talral* lof the >»-1 fnaifritv in Ihf i»rofp- We. the teacher* of the Martin Cwirtj I nit of the N »rth Carolina sMiriatio' . are ie«i|>nl t® evpoc-e such contract breaker- by pit less publicity an.! to il> all within our power to in-pire and place a on the pn«p»-r at?ilu-l- of oar Mtioro towanl their cunt .act* and Übnr duties, ant) we further plnitr our belief mi a ruck- of ethio. which nay te pr*»po-edd«y a c. mnuttrr cum pnsetl of wur l»e>t teaihrr> ami .-hall M be lower than the standards of o«adiin now of a teachei and written ia vtir School Law. We further * i_-h to mun>mrr.j) the cucUMUMr of the 4i»trict meeting I |Kan wi!h Uie Kiea that le>* nrnuri I -rajl U spent oil tfte Utr meeting jb. ibuir tt the dlstr «"t meet* wkjern- tne tanher.- afi »e itacbnl. We. i!-«, «ish to .- j|-|r-.-t that the North • uolirui Education Aswia! on ifpxa! a diiunirtSte to ui\e>tiirate •ay* and m>an.> wher»-by teacher*. •W. i«« may not (»■ ikh.hii,(» o-rtifi cai"es cr«omeb.-.atate tritrt their train -n*- jdki eipiient* b«-ja eof pr -ent ■t*ie- of cert ificates, ma> be all" wed I -ft pr«% ..-Mid of ap|»-ai jii-i ailju-lic-t iMe no* now to l«e had for exceptional ca*e.-_~ • ' A BjOmi ia- nia-ie anal oi«le«l lllat Ittf ie-tjlutiori- I* acci pte>! in Colo au le incorporat*-»t in the minu tes-. a» wHI a* l«-mr xnt to the A>- wnUf. The motion came. I a- tlx-re «• M oppo It o!> Marti>, County V in the State entitle*! it to eiirht ■lMcfatek. I' W. Arnold ami G. W. Rhode.-. and Mr*. . 11. Harrell were app mated by Mr I'ope to .-elect 'WfjraJo to the Asoemblj They were authorized to let their choice a> near ly a» pos.-ibie inrfkoie tho-e who le *ired to tpo A* a result, M«-?-r-. l». W. ArroW. G. W RUIr». H M I AiuJe). W. tt. Sitth and K A fVpe. a*»J Rcrenre Pntchett asd Katii I'rtchford. and Mr? J. I. William?- mere -elected to represent the "«al uitx at the Fortieth Annual Se-of the North Carolina l>luca Itioa Ai.wiatH;fl to be hebl in'Raletyh I Majafc 12 14. I Mr. El N Rxfclie of Hamilton spoke I 'mi a fJmrt wb.le on "lliysiol Ilrooe~" He rate two reasons for the-e. They are tr*»t«e> b> choice or from nece-.-u ' ile that there is a prar* ,tj •«B3«dy for thi- i»ar* tcular kind of I"lanne-- or cor.«rsti'«n-™ The entire j lailnt body should I* riven *ome !) -nd of calistliemc- IlifTerent nail be orran.zcd in view of ajre ar l ■ 2*;l«t> f the boy- and the riri ' I A matlil) rrarif on it will, he tl.inb. I -cure a more hearty cooperation on line part of the pupil.-, f" Mr M H Wolff of nj* Ito law (iva mat pract cal ••■Jj. - es !w» on sports b«t he cw not pr*s - Sapt- Pope pw the ret of Suft A T. Allen's letter in the interior of • I"-* X«w East IMi -f. > r. Alien'* «•}. vac that each child ia the I srfeooU of the Coanty donate one can lof toniwol milk for this parpo-e ■ J Mr. HarL« expres-ed a belief that all [ tear Her* would be in'ere-trd and would ! want to aid ia this eaae, bat that he | dob bled the vidon of each child bajr ' j iar a3k at retail prices, when the > Inar >an lof i—ey per capita con- I I ti ibat> I to the North Carolina Com - asnee ai|fcl he ased to a better ad - i ant if i ia baying the milke at abiih. - vaetage ia bayiar the nJk at whole > i II i aaia» il apon. Another rngmitiai i* Vie by SapL Allen ia his letter ana " «r the awnilry far afcan limft the Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina. Tuesday. IVm uary Ii». li>2l WIFE NUMBER 1 ! COMES TO CLAIM II Kit BELOVED i I Respar Goes To Jail As Bond Was Failed Him When the Plymouth train pulled in thi» morning, a colore.! woman. Ada Respar of Shiloh. stepiei off ami be Ivan making inquiries for her long lost husband,'* She produced her marriage i rertilcate. showinit she was married at Catmlen. N. C. in 1912 She says she ha> two children ard that she and her hushand had lived happily together ■ after their mairiaire ui til three years ; ago when he wandered away an«l was apparently lost. ' Recently. however, the news reach ed her that he was now abiding in Williamston with wife No. 2. Where upon she set out at once to claim her own She started openUions in the pntpt'r channels ami did not i?o with : pistols, knives, stick.- and guns to | slash him and banish his new young ' ard temler bride but went to the coun {ty solicitor ami procured the nA j sary papers to bring to her what I rightfully hers. After Mrs. Respar No. 1 had pro : cures! a warrant ami sent her be loved an invitation to meet her at the courthouse. Jude Smith heard lh« j ptelinv'nary ch-irge and booml linn | over to answer the Superior court ft I the March term. He failed to furnish | bond and was placed in jail, |b«aving H's wife No. I «nd two chi" •il*n ail nife No * . 14, one child all lone ": sad ami i»a«L ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED _ Ihe jiiiiiouncement of the following engagement will be of much interest to the many friends of Miss Wads worth. who has Visited her sister. Mrs. ; Jame- Watts. "Jr. real often in the |Urt few months: The engagement of Miss Mai> 1 Peebles Wadsworth. -laughter of Mr. Mrs. Albert K Wadsworth, of ■«ar New Item, ami irrmler of the city high school faculty, to Mr. John • "onden Lyons, instructor 111 the de partment of French at the In 1 vers it) of Carolina at Chapel Hill, was announced Thursday afternoon a? a lovely Valentine party given by Mrs. Albert T. Willis in honor of Miss Wadsworth and her sister. Mrs. James W. Watts, Jr.. of Williamston, who is the house guest of Mrs. Wil-1 lis. Miss Wadsworth looked charming on the occasion in a pleated dretv of apple green chiffon She is an [alumna of William and Mary college and is very popular throughout Caro | iina and Vi ginia. News of her en gagement came as a surprise to her many friends. Mrs. Watts wore lur- tlie afternoon a ?i«n of black chiffon velvet with cut steel beads. Mrs. Willis wore an imported model of king blue crepe romaine bealel in hropze ami blue. Master Albert Willis. Jr., dressed in a whie suit trimmed with red hearts, greeted the guests at the front door of the Willis home, which was beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of sweet peas, carnations, jon quils. narcisni, and fern. Little Miss Mary Turner Willis, in a white Valen tine dress ami real hearts, invited the guests into the cloak room Five tables were arranged in the living room for mah jongg. with Chinese place cards and pencils. After one game of mah jongg Miss Mary Turner Willias and Master Al bert Willis entered with baskets fillen with red satin heart boxes, one of which they psesented to every guest On the inside on top of heart-shaped rut ties was seen an announcement card bearing a cupid peering over a heart on which was the following message: J. C L-M. P. W. After Miss Wadsworth had re ceived many good wishes, congratu lations ami toasts, she was given a large, red. bear-shaped package, in whirh she found a corsage of pink roses and valley lilies. In the center of the flower; was a small, white ivory box containing a handsome dia mond solitaire set high in platinum, the engagement tin*. Theplaying of mah jongg was re sumed and at the condasion of sev eral games Miss Kathleen Caton was awarded the prise, a blue powder jar, for having made the highest score. TV booby prise a and sewing set, went to Miss Gertrude Cam way. Guest of hmr priia. too. wet* Kiwas. guest tMeals to Miss Wads worth and a hMlwl I pocket to Mn. Watts. Guests LOCAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO GIVE DANCE Dance Complimenary to Bankers and Their Friends On Friday evening. immediately after the Banquet heli by the !!a*'k ers Assnciation, tho Ph.unbi ! of r". in ] merer of the Town i>: Williamston. j North Carolina, will gi \ ■ a dance com- I piifnentai y t«> the Ban'els. a,4 theft friends. Members of t'e Chaml>er >fj Commerce and their friends ate! eordially invitel to attend.' The dance will lie at ihe I*i\:e aie house, and admittance will t«* b\ cai>! j jonly. Mr. Oscar Anderson, chairman] of the dance comm'tt.'e. will haw I charge of same ami cards can IK* had by applying to the Chairman. (>• a. Anderson. Misses Mary and (Jeneva Cooke Entertain Thiirs:, Misses Mary and Geneva t w. t- hostesses to a large nuniher of t'r-ir, friends both in and out o ftown a I mid-night lunch during intermission of j the Valentine dance here last Tt '.it- 1 day. The Valentine iilea w:i- cat red} out in the decorations of ri d and white 1 with favors of red heaits. \ salad j course was served. Those present we'iel Miss Myrtle Wynne. Mr B'yant « :«i j starphen, Mr. I.on Hansel!.' M*. and Mrs. George Cherry. Mr ,b>e M ss Marie Catling aad Mi. 'a j*- j hart of Windsor, Mr Klb> Johnsor. Mrs. Baldwin, Miss Francis llandy, Mr. Happy Ross, Mr. Ji Im Johnson | ami Mr. Bradford Forties of Wash inglon, Mr. Audrey Leggctt of Tar boro, Mr. Henry Carson West • f Nash ville, Mr. Edlcar Job" «n. Mr. Han Parker and Mr. Rot>ert A.lkns of Kob ersmiville, Mr. Izaie Camping of Fdmi-. ton, Mr. Jack Itarker of Ahoskie, Mr. Sherrod I.anding anil Mr. Brown Nev ille of WhHakers and Mr. John I Jenkins of Ayden. TWO CARS CLASH IN FRONT OF COI RT ilol >K Two cars. Fouls, ran lni"'th-'i \«-s terday near the court hou-\ «ne was driven by Mr. J. S. Cooke the other In* Miss Myrt Wynn. Fortunately no one was huit, hut was indict I a narrow csca;>e a - the) damage done to the ars show .i pretty bad wreck. TV" t ris, wind shields anil lights of lioth c ir smashed and cut to pieces. The cause of the accident ha not I wen learned. HEART PIERCED A W. Williams, age .'ij'yeat-. a well known farmer li\ir.g on th»- Fayette ville road near Myall's -cHapel, six miles from Raleigh was almost in stantly killed Saturday morning when his heart was pierceil by the - if*, of a li|{ht break cart, with which bis automobile collided, lie ded on the way to the hospital in I'ideigh. Williams was on his way to Ra leigh in a stripped down Ford w'.eii he met his death. A >mttig c It being brokn to harnss'tbya man nam ed Ogburn. Williams slowed *n to pass the colt-and just at the mo ment of passing the colt took frigh' anil leapeil across the road. The left shaft of the cart pierced Williams' breast. Funeral" services will he conducted from Myatt's chapel at 2:-i0 Sunday afternoon by Rev. I »r. W. " M 'i'. White, pastor of the First I'resbytei - ian church of Raleigh. Williams was well known in the county, where Ife was held is high esteem. The acci dent is sai'l .by witnesses to have .been unavoidable. Williams was well to th« left side of the road. JUL. y Valentine place carils with individual red candles marked the places if the guests at three tsalily-appointed tables. On the center table was a handsome centerpiece of red nrcet peas and fern arrange-1 in the shape of a heart. A chicken salad coui.-e with toma to jelly and coffee was served, fol lower! by ice crea:n in the shape of white roses, cake in the sha|«- of hearts, and salted nuts. On . tacli plate of the second com e «a- a sprig of orange blossoms. Those who enjoyed Mrs Willis' de lightful party were Miss Mary Wads worth, Mrs. James W. Wu'ts, Jt., of Williannston, Median.- - H. "X. Wal , drop, L. I. Moore, Allen Ives, Kliza-, beth Congdon, Ha; vroul Guion* Vauxhan Griffin, J. C. Brgg, H. H. Wadsworth, and Foci-d McWhorter, and M saes Nettie Catel Duiiels, Sarah Holland Hester »Ah Ferebee, Emily Ward, Virginia Wifeon, Miriam Knrk Bathl—n (*•>««. ■Til.. l l. and A(,UI I LTI'RAL SOCIETY FOR MARTIN FORMED Meeting's To l>e Held in The Selioolhi uses Of ( otmty Tli-- M.i i tin l •■lit > A-i tcuii .1 i> I Nn*u*ty ht*M tls ti r I « • st»Mt to c**?rt- Til-' 41 x- of I i l'l «i.l\ , It i, ].H . 1 \V. i\. \va rlrcU't. pi \ V«" * ° r l!,t ' ... i i i;. I.•all I !o >» t rrtarv. ! IVi h,' j» .t woi: 1 1 I- • V\. Nt• • ;t v jtliat tb;> •? y-.ii.iva* mn . - Inrnnti .t f m.r' .... c ''»*■! I', \K.. |: . ..f • * ' U's \ ' ■ »' '.'li*'! I ' «• t»i ; 'IT ti I Si .1 ■!'. V- .. hi I | ' K(, I s w . ' i •v\ ,it '«'»j \\»»11* «Vt t« i "ri. ii (m«|i towi -hip as mom ! H-, - •~V !.• ;l ~,1, ,> ! '•» i t •• ;t >i\ 11 >tM>n i •i, ?; • -i k i. 'j « 1 r..ui!f /. t»» i a»-» t r i : . ci' it *» 1 »r i t• . t.i w .#rk *- ! i 1 t»• I «. t 1..-J, L r n j te; i : ..! , til »«'.• t. 'I ti i 1 V \\ ,! I, th pi, | to J I'" '« ! I j' . 1 i V ill! it \ I !••• or .i i«ii t f««, l.l( 1 to hoM m»H«f li* •: mt» • * tt> .vi! ;hip - fir tiu* »f y lui .il u»! t t » l'an«lle -u**h »I'iatlor.-. mil\ I»• r c t»ii"t for their joy. n good. I in* s if»f 'ippoii.) "iPrit have a!- I . i mailt* a* •! Ml ltr i"li»n, jlhi* «• • 111 ' \ 111*i*111. will i*' (iff »rt a? p-.-.rh iMrft'ni' ti» rort|i'i >urh help as J*o m U \»> ail.,. Tic .mat ««»|-\vTTT Tr f> * *T»T ii > * Im» •}.,*.0l l» 111 p of tll* >r\ffa' at 7 p. m mi the ,I.l'. . roenti mr«| Suiitiv I ii'.xla . I'Vli. !*>. tor. WVif ; 'lav I ;0; Smitliwirk*> refk. Hli u r '.t\. \\ h. :I; MM . Kn J }> p ■ >!-• • »: Kt l» : ?'»; ?:"lw" ...ns illr, Y~- .},iv }T t Hrr-r rH. ,la vr K* Mr Tiitii >!.(\. I f» _'S. >f ,!U'ri\ l.ratirli, Kriilav. |-*#*li. * 2* l ; .F iMf. Moiulav. M :ieh I .- ) ifV, Tut-.lav Marrh" 1. . ('in- -1* a*l . VN Muri'li •"»; C. l'l I*»irit. 'T'uirsiLiy. Mar. i»; P.iinirlr, l'ii«l n\ \} ,ih ,aJ I• \ I'ff.or »*ai ini'li'. V\ . M;i i h 7. If tin iw'opli; will »tt«Mi«l n t ini'. .! .! ir!\r t'n*m heir h«*art\ sup port t'ir ;im' mi- tu wmk murh . J_' »»! I. MfJ. ISHANDON (.IM S FAC TS ON II!ISH I'OTATOFS I M-.jr |nit :.t'ii'- 11* 111111' I :''m .' luUlll-. -*. 11 'A •' .1 J! * 1«• I V, itil M't'lt.iUl'' ucittri. TI•• y imi 'int. r»- viift - tt i ( ! c . r--t\ 1- t'- -.ij b tli" hi** ,11 > 1.1, m'i ■ t i.rrv f H -'.ur •• 1 !,«--• a." >• I «l*;i •) I»i fir.t • 1 11»f" It'll I Iti I t *I *» T u k i.i ••:■!, «'at'ini' ' •••t ii • rr»|« "ii tin' ni uk' t i- in . i ni"i taut |> > lit. sd lif ( ii'cj I in' !•: 1111 «•, lin I pr»'- . pare i' ■••'! :i'"l l:a if !•••• linn. f!i«U .. i. 11 I'll |i. I'ltc Ii mi' |iul '• *'rl7«*'l tIII' I tli'4 iJm- ..Itii . lUiHitill!! pot'ltm Will lw. Iti tin I* ■ U4l i«i i y.u iim' !•_ pi*l- ct'iil availul'lf |>h" pltu tr acitl, 'i |n r rent nitriiK' " i" ' re lit potash T'lij •! ,nuM tj" upplinl in r/i"»> iiml v. il t i nil t'n -nil ln 'iirr pla'HillK |"'t- Ii i i '»t ('ihi'l par jii'i- in lit ' 1 j- pThtfin-- niiitr iiin t.ut with thr ilt/i-l*' :«? tl i- it p plll'll 111 till' ftlllllW. y .St..iiU* maiinrc if u il .-iioulif l»- up plii-il iiini' timt l l'i'111ri' pl.tni'iic tt »•' potatui* . Il . lioulil In- Ullli AVl'tl 111 Uni ill ' ill- ' IIt ! \\ S.-tl- KCalili' inauuif i.- u>i'il ii ■!•'r pu'ati»-- thi .v' itn' ii,n| ila k ,in rulfff. ami mine ili-v.ikiil—' "Thi* ttilii' i Ki'iiii:ill; cut witl !««■ Hi' 11111■'' i y'i'« In till' pM ;»;a| plan liml trmTi to IH Int-lii - it li'll a:»! row: :: til I (Vet apart. Tin. Irish ittMiJi'r, ui"i Hit .- ar» :m In* Iva i« ,r ii ■ln plant in 'his nm ill. Th«*y -liiml l l»' plantei u. the Vtn* the lainl h' In ifii a 'ittli* warm anil tin* r nf a fru.-t ha ' pasMvl. —~-r , 1 Now to .-tfiil with, sr.mi' un»* has saTJI Hurt spven rtrrHitP— l»**t t>> Hastet 'I N ilth Carblinu i |>«'i";l for fcil broUKtit into »h«* etatr. It hunalso bcrjt saii|.thal nrniK-y talk:;, hut. all il >n\.» to an Ka.»t»ni N'i an il in a farmer i.-i t'i>"'l Hye. This beint r ' fle ra-r |rt T - plan a 'loin* 1 jrar!»*u. a hoiiie mvha s• i, P. raiM 1 1 plenty of hoj eTiirken- ami have a nriilrh cow, t'ifii we can really pink* ourselves of the fact that we are real ■ farmers.. • P (Hy T. H. ItrantloH, County Agent l Mr. Dontiia G. lSrunjnutt of Oxford las announced his candi 'icy for a' - tcmey Gcnreal of Ncrtr. Carolina. , Vr. Hrumni»t» is a lawvei of hi®* . i-iandliur in his pdofessiian and i* a , highly respected citizen of hi» row i munity. I - HANKS TO CLOSE HERE WASHING TON'S BIRTHDAY Hankers Will Attend Their Annual Meeting j rhf Faimers and .Vrirlunt.v Hank lan.' 'He Martin County Savings a nl 1 I •».-• i Ompanv will closed Friday, j ft. ;-!i 11 ihe Ivfnlv second. it being a - vr-ii holMat, Wash.niton's birth- ' ' | I' rt» will fc iui bujiinrs.' of any 1 k-rt.! I'L.ii-adcl Iwraiw the officials of i ' -J; _t ..«• t-ank- will I* ir atlmdure at i' * f, r aorual n»rt ng of the Bankers' I \ .-vfci »-ii. I " I - Federal Reserve l»an Case Tried Isy Highest Courtj Washington. IVIi IK—Kulfral re j -i-rvf (Kink-, acting a- collecting banks, j mu-t noa-memt>er hanks to. pa> in ca-h or its equivalent checks I [drawn upon them or accept liability | in ra i- other forms of settlement. | i|iroiiK voithleNs. the supreme court j ruled ••■day in a case brought by the fe«ieral ir »*r\e bank, of Richmond. Va. against Mallory Brothers. A . 1 eck drawn upon *X. II (■. Bal fou» upon the taank of I.umber Bridge, X. lin favor of Mallory Brothers was presented for payment by the J federal reserve lank of Richmond i winch was gi\etl a draft upon the' Vtlaii'ic lUnk ami 1 rust Company, of j lineadurn. N. C. When presented I for payment tSr Cieenslioio hank wir- 1 e.i the f«i'ial reserve bank the draft 1 was no food. Before tlse federal re -. r\ hank n-ukl collet from the bank l.umher Brxlge that bank went into Lthr hands of receivers. 1 be fe«ieral rousts of North Caiolina !IM-1.1 that 'he r e>bial rrxnt lank Sou hi not have jtrifpttil the ex •-hanire draft but should have insisted apon currency and. therefore, mast s!ai»l tbe 10-r* The lecif ;on was affirm ed hy the supreme court today. MK |iWill CIKK. IlKAl) Mr. I»a\nl (iilib, treasurer of the \..ith Stale l.umker Company died at hi- home in A\«len last week * Mr. l.ihb wa fui ome years con ..-t «i with the I'ari.iele-Kccleston iihrr « ..inpaoy located at i'armele i' «l»»?he X«irth S;ate was oriraii «t -i fiiiraml in mill rig at Ayd»'H n.f. r-taM:shed the-r principal ir .-it ■ ?»c» ilwm an I they ha e i S# i i»r *c«pali> 1.1 s-aUth ( i r ':- •-••ntiriueai thf'r tfnisUT ,ffr« • . (iis state. M' t,» io h a in! «f man an*i had no t.i-ul • !>•-- R this country. MK. l.k'W K«M.»:KSO\ * ISITING RELATIVES \li liut Rogerxtn who was raised ill .Bear t.rass, th«* son of the late I; S K p-r-on, i svisitiiig relatives in 'he -oiunty. Mr. ll«.ger-on left Maitin county :l tear- ait«> aial went to Smackover, Aikai -.i>. I«urht land which was soon to lie :n tlie oil region. A town soon spiung up ami built partiAlTy on In lai d and. of when a man's biwl pr«»l'iees oil a/wl -upporls a city 1 I is ail o*ce ami easy with him. Mr. IJoger«on then went to Slfloratio and i>*-ated. , ' ihi- is aimther Martin County matt i- ho has n>ate good. "* II IM.K IS smrr AND «r hII.LKI) IN CO! KT K(IOM ! irwlri. Neb. Keh. IK. —William M \|..-rinr. j®. \eteran district judge ■»»- ai«t killed e-riy Unlay in his court i«H!i by Wallace •«. Wallick who in !UiT>, -hot and killed The iudee was h«»t through the heart IIK \K «.K %SS AI»I»S ANOTHER VICTORY Til ITS LIST The Beat *.rass school basket ball •eam .lefentrd the Everett* team Ti arilai afternoon by the score of Si to K Kveietts threw a scare into he (tear Grass team during the first juarter but their rushing attack was (H.n overcome by Bear Grass. Harris leal bath teams in scoring with seven of his team's fifteen points, •lark led his team in (coring with six out of the eight scored. Makme and Bailey-, the Bear Grass guards men. kept the Everett* score down by breaking up a large number of paaaes. niSS TROUBLE DELAYS Dw to picas Uupble. more than us ual. we are i —iny late, tn hap* that when mr ndnny aitim tn will to able to Hake all anfe at the watch the label on vol PAPER. IT CARRIES THE Oal VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXFIIfI ESTABLISHED 18fl PROGRAM FOR BANKERS MEET ] NEXT FRIDA Two Sessions during dl Followed by Banquet That Evening: Following is the program of i ninth annual meeting of Group C North Carolina Hankers AssociaM Friday, February 22, 1924 to be ■ here. Headquarters ami registnfl will be at the Atlantic Hotel. Meeting called to order by CM man W M. W oolard at 10:30 a. mJ City Hall. - M Invocation, Rev. A. J Manning, a liamscton, X. C. Roll call. Address of Welcome (On the Cit) and its Hanker », J. L. Ha* | Mayor, Williamston, X. C. Response, W. Prescott, Cask First National Bank, Ayden v N. C. Report of officers of the >roup. Report of a Committees. Address, Gilbert T. Stephensoa, | President. Wachovia I'ank and Tl Co, Raleigh, N. C. (Personal Sen |in l'ru>t l!usine>-1 Announcement.-. I Appointment of Committees. Alt ernoon Sr>tion Town Hall— Paul I*. Brown, Secretary, N Carolina Blinkers Association, **A 1 and 11 is Soup." | JO. Taylor, 801 l Weevil Fxpol J the F. S. Royster Guano Coiapa ] "How Banker.-- can help to combat j 801 l Weevil " Report of Committees. Flection of Officers. Adjournment. i Following the afternoon sessional mobile ride will be given oxer recently built Roanoke River Bril Bani|uet at Masonic Hall, 7:30 p Toustiiiaster, Him. l tavton Mooff LOCAL NEWS OF BEAK CRA Mr. J. W. Bailey-attended eour Williamston last week. Several of the local basket ball I attended the Williamston- Washia) basket I tail game at Wdliamston Tl day night. Thursday about noon the sbelts the Cowan-Kogers lumber mill cal fire from some spraks from the n steak. The fire was soon extingnia and little damage was done. Those attending the basket i game at Kveretts from here tu day othei than the school menl were: Messrs. John Had lev, Jeff 1 lor, Ixonard Mobley, Flhs Mai Bennett Rogers, Kdward liur(l William l.eary, Mis-es Bessie Mall Krsal M izell, M s. liennis Bailey M r*. W. R. Roebuck. Mr S. S. I'eel of lie! haven S| Thursday night with his brother J. A. I'eel, near here. Vi.v Icyleen Rogers spenl Sui \ ,th Miss Mary Harris. Mr Fssie Mae T.-v|rr arj I Mullock nere out rnltßr Set I. ft • i n >• ii M; Ii a Rogerson and Miss ) 1.-u'ev were out riding Sunday al i oo:i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Whitat . ,H-nt Sunday with Mr and Mof G. Bullock. Mi .- Annie Mae William* spent veek end with Miss Magdalene : I'k k Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R°«4 M iss l.ucy Wilson and Miss Bfl owan motored to Williamston Si day af?ern»o!i on business. BKAVKti DAM 1 J Messrs. J. H. Roicci Joint I rher motored to W .lli uustbß Fi V.M businej-s. « *Miss Be- sie Malo -e i f !S*vr C spent the week end with Mus J I eel. Mr. Elmer Ches-.0.1 and family | Thursday evening wi'h her udL v\. H. Rogers. .Mt*. S. C. Ray of W la-notm I Friday afternoon with Mrs. VI Rogers. . j| Mr. and Mrs. H. A. ColliplMi Mr. John Cullipher spent Sail in I-e wist on with friends. ' Mrs. G. W. Hardiaon and Mr*. Peel of Williamston spent Sit afternoon with Mr*. W. H. Rif Mr Slyvester Raynor spent 8| with Mr. Alonxo Wynn. . Messrs. Milton Perry and BBj lipher motored to Rveietta SMB night. Miaaes Bessie Malone and ■ Peel spent Saturday aftawJ Mrs. J. H. Rogers. Mr. John Cvlliphar motored u Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey City spent the week and «|h Mrs. G. B. Brinsen.

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