;HH ENTF.RI'RISfcI I.TN J— KJld U ~* t>T Lfax _ tKTtBPIU.'Iv I*l 141 - It- blNli -0 Nojlh enroll a-' W C MANNING. Editor W. C. MANN"IN j.nl'fccnpiioa Pric* (Sbictiv in Aivaace) 1 year 6 HiO" 3 hh>« tfc * Eote-trf Hi U>. ; st Office at V ii immstu, Nor.h . ur-.T a B M-o.kU j Ji> i " mmXier. . £ Hi «a» • | f_, i . ia & * r.* b> y T UV-r rhlit >iif • ' w * t * . •* »v ' r- ut ' 1 V . • tl «iV. _ i * I—.- '' in. ' r MM. v. li*- l» »,- ••• * . ti_if " • ~~ Mr. I /V / ;« »!» •" • tl at - then is- t pwo: . ! gjbr , ,TT»""C r" , . 1 : • Mi*'-* f. t > ■ ley*- Mat ...' Hr*' r ' •tit J* -M"- •>••*■' t ■ • - Wiif' l«*a '* k«l' in v.drld in i ' ul " "* 1 pour, j - t-t 'l. V f bo tobacco » • ; j * , S* '!! SI.. year ■ »!*; •• • i.4 sticrew -pi*.'' 1f Vii'..'S Isgfirt with Vai*i t» ito Ok*nivefla.tiU 51« v l *st>* i-o. iJt* Mt. tn, i'.»a. Mid receive in rrtarj a dttl v i i.arr * r!» ■»» . CWlft fceancy i'l-T trt ,gi.'. C'.lda, tr up, j mI Ik*!. ;g I'irnM: (l*n»l*rUii: , » St o- : mk and liTer TkblrU for «to«L>achli-u --" * Ihs hftEgo fen, r***] fsiiMtW: cx>«d ' ; AflttL lliuUrMM *uU coprtip»i *m; I n—*iili ii i fcure, needed in avciy j bi fcyfr »* «cmi«K WW> r tmiij Tie lie.-t thing done, in national >•'i*ic~ in ; ears, was the election of i 'ii:. Wilson, without the New Y k vote j!i>t a- Si up a» inone> talks in elec i:»r.' we vil: ha\e political graft »'. • i n' v, lio nut .-'inell the oil every tifrK . .\ty.ipne a leg interest makes big l-' c '• buttons. :»J 1 its proper ' at i nee confiscated and !'• , i ijji.int funds, because ' '* 'ii iii iniikmr su h run ■ • teal the of the i 'i. • " the folk , and, o it '• l!• lit • are eXllll>it 't ■; t 'in 11. I'l'iu i ,il on. ; : i ;i thou-and «'ol ■■ i, ' ijll■ I he exix cts .: i i ;> -1 rule Im yets .1 w 'I" aie iliteie ted '!i" "iI iif i to take ; w a h tJie.'r Ti; mis ■•i ' ;, ia• e would he much 1 1 i well to 0 I em oh Miidi'l's . • i,iji i(• ' unit in iiig o I i!i 1 ('leansei or i:tivi MI NIS TO r.i; vaih: linli.l "IIES HI UK • i'i kni w tl.at work ! , ,i ' \\ days on the I ntel int 1 , the Atlantic and the i.,ie'i"i' if the town ■ in. ' th- ago ordinances n'i luring all sheds to be . . n Main street ai.d brick • . , ..ireil where the wood t.i'.'i The sheds hu\e ibsup ,t t i a the lii ck columns will ■ « o> i now standing. .• tt,i- . heds from lie ~ ;-.-:iiame of Main 1 stree" • ( ~ 1!\ :;11• I When the are a.l.Hd the appear . , . '.en t ill I letter. e two wooden huild , jj ■ e.l ■IK. III the business, •.. i d!\ and li> all means the | • i.. . vie «ll have a stseetfl j i' of C.iiflin was a . . . ■ tin iiiniiiiin! to our \« 11 ii i 111 s\l I: . itm nf tlie power ni i in thai certain deed ■ .iii.i executed hy Kason j .. ie. ,1111.■ lliggs, to the j i hi> !,e and heal ing t lie • M . ' 21, !and of record! 1 .-e:-t rv of Martin !. . k i ' .1' .ii eds on l'avre .-.i i.r tin-t .'having Iwen i .• tMe pa> inent of a • it i\i i. date aniltenor i the lei in.- and sppiJ • • ■ , i>, contained not having i ..I with ami at the request aid note the under t ■u . >•' ill on lue daj , the 4th 'HOOPING COUGH ~ No •YuiV— but help* to re- I * tin *c iMioxysiiis ol coughing. VICKS V VapoRUB O* ft / 7 A* i limn Jura V—4 Ymmrip Car Load Trucks | on the- way to my place. If you don't wait you can Ret yours out |j • of this ear load. SI Save time, save labor and save your mules' feet by placing* * jgj vour order now. " §| $ I rfp" * , 0 HQ _— . ... " jS| B. R. Barnhill | FORD PORDSON LINCOLN 1 li Vv'ILLIAMSTON, » ' NORTH CAROLINA 1 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. day of M.%rch 1924 at 12 o'clock M in front of the Planters and Merchants Bank in Everetts, North Carolina, Martin County, offer for t>ale at public auction to the highest bidder for Ciish the following described tract or parcel of land to-wit: One-tenth undivided interest in East by Tom Mills, on the South and known as the Brown land, bound as follows: On the North by Tobe Page, on the East by To mMills, on the South and West by John Brown and containing Sixty-eight (6») acrer more or less. Thi- the 4tli day of February 1H24. C. B. KlIil'ICK, Trustee. 2 f.-4t »• 'I KI STICK'S SALE OF LANK I 'nder and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on the un dersigned Trustee i- a certain deed of trust Jated December, 29, 1915, ex ecuted Ly Wiley Anthony and Wife, to N. I!. Josey, Trustee, and which is recorded in the olfice of the Register of Dee 's of Martin County in Book, I Ml, at page 12:1. and default having been mule in the payment of the ia ■lebtednt -s thereby secured, I, the un dersigned Trustee, will on Friday leb i ruary, 29th, 1924. at one o'clock I'. M., in front of the courthouse of Mar io County, in the town of Williams lon, N. C\, offer for sale at public auction to .the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate, situate in Martin County, Stat OJ N'o'tn Caro lina, and more particularly ik'cribed as follows, to-wit: FIJtST TKACT: That tract of land known as the Curry land, adjoining j the lands of George James, Wiley An ! tliony, and others, and being the same land which was conveyed to Wiley Anthony, by a l'aul Kitchin and Claude Kitchin, containing thi/ty three acres. SECOND TRACT: That tract of land known a.s the Kite land, adjoin- TICKLIMG THROAT Always an annoyance, worse "when it afflicts yon at night. Yoa can stop it (juicklv with CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY Every user is a friend Car Load Of 1 I ■ L SHINGLES, HULLS AND MEAL Tobacco Cloth and Wire Fencing Cheap for the Cash. WINDOWS, DOORS, BUILDING LIME I AND PLASTER. HURT OATS, Grown in Nevada. SEED POTATOES, Main Grown. C.D.Carstarphen & Co WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA ; * - J V ing the above mentioned Curry hi ml, ( ; E. F. Hyman Estate, and others, and being the samp land which wan con- I .eyed to Wiley Anthony by Henry 'I [ Kite, containing thirty- seven ac;e? i more or less. THIRD TRACT: That tract of land L known as a part of the E. P. Hyman I land, adjoining the lands of R. J. Shields, E. t'. Hyman oth ers, and being the same land which was conveyed to Wiley Anthony by It. I I*. Hyman, containing twenty six , acres, more or less. This the 29th, day of January'. 1924 N. H. JOSEY, Trustee. C. Leggett, Attorney. ' NOTICE OF SALE OF REAI. ESTATE ' I'nder and by virtue of the powei . of sale contained in a certain deed of I trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Herman Hodges on thf Ist ' day of Dec. 1917 which said deed of * trust is of record in the public registry 1 of Martin County in F.ook O-l at patje '' 477, said deed of trust havjijg been * given for the purpose of securing ee . - tain notes of even date and tenor there with, and default having been made i i the payment of the indebtedness the by'secured p.nd the stipulations con 'aincd in the said deed if trust not having been complied with and at th« c request of the holder of the said note ' he undersigned trustee will on Mon ' lay the loth day of Mi'.rch, 19'Jl a 12 o'clock M. in front of the court | ' house door in the town of Williamston I N'orth Carolina, offer at public sal* to the highest bidder for cash at pub ' lie auction the following describe, real estate, to wit: on the county road lead ' ing from Everetts to Williamston, | ' North Carolina on the South side o •he said road opposite Marshall Cherry's corner, which is the South 'easterly corner of his homeplact thence Southward with said Cherry' line to the county home lir.e thenc Eastwardly with the said county hom ine far enough so that a parallel lin with the first line back to the Willi imston and Everetts county road wi 'ake on or include one half of th 'mid deeded to said It J. Feel b Marshall Cherry and J 'i. (lodar containing by estimation 18 acres more or less and -being the same j premises this day sold _ said Hodges lby said Feel. Thi. the 6th day of Feb. 1924. | B. DUKE CRITCHER, Trustee. Martin and Feel, Atty'is. j 2-12-4t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Coder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Fannie Lyon and John Thomas Hardison on the 4th day of Feb. 1922 which said deed of trust is of record in the public registry of A A MI Quality FERTILIZERS Make crops bigger and better; make them cost less—whether you buy them under the A A C Brand, or under any of the familiar names associated with this great organization. THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPANY NORFOLK SALES DEPARTMENT ■ NORFOLK, VIRGINIA I •wV impwwim Jut • son. VQ.J ri«TiuiiM I ■ J) & —= * » *•=—*— v Siarruunt ®rua. j i! # anil (fiampany to j For Early Spring ] ? r J i And Summer jl ' ' . ; ■ ' I | !■ Our Purchasing: A c ents, Mr s. Anna Harrison and Mr. T. F. Harrison are now in New York buying- a complete Spring and ■ » ]8 Rummer Line of Ready-to-Wear and Millinery. L ' : \■-' : • » Come in and see the New goods that are arriving dailv. I is I Harrison Bros. &C& i COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK WILUAMSTON'S LARGEST DEPARTM ENT STORE J Martin County in Book U-l at page 28;;, said deed of trust securing cer tain notes of even date and tenor jteror therewith and the s'ipulations 'contained in the said deed if trust rot having been complied with ar! at the request of tiie holder of the said notes the undersigned trustee will on the 10th day of March, 1924 ct 12 o'clock M. in front of the courthouse door in the t'wn of Williamston, N'orth Caro lina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Situate in Williams Township, said county and state, beginning in the run of Bulberry Branch at mouth of a small branch, running down Mulberry Branch-about 200 yards to the mout i of another small !reai. 1 said drean a of mrikeo the old Yates and r ?Ard' ei; line, >•• •> at two pines, thence pjong I e c ' • Yates line to the mou hof t' .■fp ) diune corner in a poet, tlsei.rt d \ f • said drane to first station in Multer , \ : Branch, containing 10 acres more c. i less and being the same land a~d premises deeded to Wh'tme' Ha - disci • by Levi Hardison said deed ' n-» «■ I record in Book —2 at page I ' T1 deed conveys our 4-9 u -tl'v'; I terest ip the above describes • d > This ihe 6th day of Fr-b. , ELBERT S. FEEL. T Martin and Peel. Atty's. 2-l_-

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