f r f . v **ppunj^'fr > . ! - . : if d ofi o' L ' b '. ' ■ - > s. ra l i. j.t . e oas en e w >— «>.' :"u--.i • I t . _.. i. 1.1 .J., h Ju-t »i.u.ch v-i ' - > • , gTHF-. «? •• « c: thi ' c: e rb e o?ss Feder ion tm s ' f ' e p ut of i' ■ - ' a-e a" (' . da -c o«'l w rk. pr* v . k, in aJtiilio o its ?«*r»! -;> s, throe group mwtings—one or V vor'er% one for Ve:ie ,«.! ne f- r past i , (t..e ad i i to o"Iri; s. f the Sand»y Ma h i e iitlel t> end tl x* , 'o ' ■n»u->, u e'o each of the hree J t ,ns In ad i : tio to th deles e I frcin the rhartres, all the presi. ing I elder;-, district Sunday school offic r., anl members of the Conference S in day school board are rxpec ed to A | tend. This con oience has for its aim hel study and .dot ,n of plats for n *k , ing more effective the 729 Sur..ayj schools of the Conferences which i»w j have an cr roll men t of 9t'.220 |>u '-j and for reaching the thmmnds "ho are not receiving »"> **' ,nst j tion whatever. Great progress ha.- I ; made in recent years in Sun.kar sc »• 1 j work, and militant Methods '« K j at Wjlson in Aprl is going to ph"> foi j further advances. i I EXTRA 4 DAYS SPECIAL 4 DAYS EXTRA I i m Beginning THURSDAY and Ending, MONDAY ] 1 WE CAN GIVE YOU EXTRA BARGAINS IN THE FOUR AAYS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER lIKAKI >» l ' BEFORE OI K OI'KNING SAI I 8 WAS VERY SATISFACTORY TO THE PEOPLE OF MARTIN AN'I) SI 'KROI'NIHNG (' >1 'NTIKS AN DTI IE BARGAINS OF THIS SALE WILl' *5 ffi BE EVEN MORE PLEASING. • * & EXTRA REDUCTIONS ON MENS* SI ITS AND SHOES. gg ' THURSDAY'S EXTRA J ' FRIDAY'S EXTRA J MONDAY'S KXTItx Jl, VDIIvS SPRINGDRESSKS ! S * Fifty 5 lb. packages of sujrar ji Fifty Ladies $1.50 to $2.00 Fifty pairs Ladies Silk Has*- | Latest Styles Sforlfin per package. - CfW» ! .pride 75c to $1.50 will sol! «»r p,.i*»«s tinrm *•>- * ' OOC f Waists will sell for 3UC j ' j| I nces from SIO.OO to -Sia.OO » Sale 10:30 a. mto 11:00 a. m j! a waist. I ISC !? SALE PRICE $3.95 t* $14.9.» St LADIES SPRING HATS 1 - ::!0 ■'• to {:0Q "'• \|| Shades of New S:.tin I .. ? _ . , 9 Prices from $4.00 to SB.OO LaDIES SWAID SLIPPERS ** * { U.l.es Spnn, oau & C oat I aj nn Goods, Special Suits C ut to Half Pn.-e SPECIAL*S2.9S I I v , c . . f ffi ======== " i Best Oualitv of ® New Patterns of Sprang & §j ' A beautiful shade of New I LADIES PATTEN U / t j! Summer VOIL 9 $K SPRING SILK CREPE LEATHER SLIPPERS j; GINGHAM GOODS g 0 | Goods, Special sale price 89c | Prices $7.50, Sale price $4.98 | Sale Prices 12 to 25c Speaal Sale l*rice ft ' '"« . " GOME TO SEE US AND SAVE MONEY '■s | DONT FORGET THAT SALE LASTS ONLY POUR DAYS BEGINNING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 & ENDING MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 3J LEADER William^lon, r " l THE OTHERS .ft® ' r cAi g ie-soflj -a • » * He to ' er_r . If J - >e,. . e to each other we v.- .! : have nc mere wars.—Lord neshcir.e. _ taxes' are the tax-*# pajd . ' eer>i rr the f r»n e>-,j praft i : ti [ :i; lied and in repair, v. : h el se, i v.r.e« :>~- i e; .en on a«\:vi y b ajrr oil lurui woifctrs of the State C*l» e list 1 1 j"» - i S6 d«no" itrations in . i .iCCr, were s a«rci i'..e oLacco sp* ciui uc k c with count.,' apents. S: nt tion in the hog lot nwsns t '.at he piifS are nvte hrifty and health er Tom. -Tarheel says he doesn't krow !.at he would «lo with>u : hi- in* -- aper end his agricultural paj«™r. line •riiTS the world be'ore hi- eyes, the »ther helps h m to take his part of it. lot N; HOY I»IKS OK PXEI'MOMA Eduard I'eaks. a young boy. died of pneumonia at the home of his I ;i: rents, Mr. and Mrs. J W. Pes ks J vvho reside near tile town of Kveretts. _ ThunUlay. I He hid lieen ill for three weeks u .th prriiiwinia and 1 i- death 'iuh been • v | fur several days Me wa? j i-h ven veals of aire and wa- '''tf «>!d --' e?t rhilili "" . r I I I Mr. Thomas 1.. Smith of I'lvmouth | was here yesterday. I ! GOODYKAK SHOE REPAIRING CO. I. VV. Maultshv. Msr. Expert Shoe Repairing. Sole saving stat ion. ; My prices are low my work is neat. I use the best of material to protect your \ feet. Send your shoes by parcel post 1 pay charges one way# Next to Whites Theatre. .Greenville N. C. * ! ' i NOTICE OF SALE ; der acd by vi>tue of the authority co tained in a certain deed of trus . e fCJteil hy A. F. Harrison and wife . Lil.tam Harrison, said deed ol trus: ' jfi gof record in the public registry • i . M-rt.n County in Book A-2. at I i jK.ce 562. and bearing date 242 h iluy of January 1920, said deed of trust having' been given to secure the'pay- I r.i. Nt of a cer ain note of even date i.id ttcoi thcrwith, at d th cor litieu.- s eretn containetl not having wth and a* the rep..-' t of . :' r »» rties intereste-i. the undei. ii'" e ! vurtpe will on Wednesday the l**tl l.'av of March 1924. a: 12 o'c.oek M [ j ;»> fr*-t vf the Coilrt HoU*f ii.-or >f [ Martin Count, at Williamsn «i. Nrh j ('- rolina. for sa'e at p-.ib i- :i-.c - ' - , . to t» e hi-he X 1 i«V r for c"..-h i t>«» ow 'ir les« tii»e mil e t.iti - I ■.-! Trie": Beyltitli't' a. a slob. \V '1 M«Trison's l' r '« . thi"» r a' >nt 1 V M. Harrison's line *.o a di cp r !",\vi v hrrnch; thence dow ( the i?i. iff of said ditch alonir Cintfca n j. i .a-' line to a bridge ov r ca ■ Hedniond Harrison's line: thence ii> "t --> !fe' -o"d H.irrison's line to the («■: ir } • cinta;r.inir ten (101 acnes n .•!> lor le-s. ami lx"inp the same tract of ..d c nveyf.l io A. F Harr'son hy ; Redir-oixl Harrison. s;ud deed o' jimnl in the l*ublic Registry of V ir 'tin County. L ' St>»-oi)«l 1 r.*ct A trac- of land in '! ilrai Crass Township. Martin County 1 ' I N--rth Carolina, adjoining the land- of ' ll'man Cowan on the north: the lands Catarrhal Deafness | yi o:i-D 1 hy a:i tn'bmnl • - I* A Ufce muttiuf hmnm the Kuttu*l an When tuW is inflamed you Uvr a ruiiiMirtg p>un«l or , Hetri'??. I'nlr** the 4» flar.niation can *tv rrdyred, >our ht-arin#; n-ay be «!«*■ !|tror*i| forevrr riT«HHii m:i)iri\R win jJm «e * taini for it rnl your svst.m I '>f t'ttsrrii or Ueafr.efi tautfU by ! aunh "I S4 hr mi dncfi«!» f«r over ♦> v e%n j K. J A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. THE ENTERPRISE. WILLIAMSTON. N. C of Samuel Ropers on the east: the lands of D. C. Cowan on tfce south; ami the lands of John Cowan on the west, containing twenty-five (25» atrcf m»re or less and bet's? the same lane? c js veyed to said A. F. Hrrnson by Mr Jennie Davenport. This the 18th day of February 1i»24 WHEELER MARTIN. Tmstee. 2-iiMt NOTICE OF SALE I'n.ler and by virtue of t l »e power anil authority contained in cot? tin •ieed of trust execute! to "ho under- i siene.l trustee by V R Nicholson : r>.l wife. Bes-te Nicholson. on tin- 1 Cancers Successfully Treated it Kelhro l'n i* "the Kellam llospi'al tnoat- >«.ccessfully t ' «"e». T ' j Hums aod (Tronic Sores Mithou' the u>e > f »'e » 1 . .*ril or Seru»"». and «•* h !«•* Ire.,-uccr-- i 1 .. >■'.> iiswv hundreds of sttfferei - trea e»l'duriff t!«»- f.'-; tv K»:I I \M »msriT\L IN> . 1617 West Ma n St-eeJ I- - — v • ! SPRING PRICES FOR FAMOUS FtiCO | FERTILIZERS I . I ; FISCO > t! pise© . SH • 1 FISCO 1" ; FISCO i «i • FISCO Balance*l M xn.ti j FISCO Standard I->>h aii.l lv.'a-h " ' i FISCO Tobacco Special i S-il|'"'.tt. •; l'-t :>!>' FIS(X) Conimer* •:•! ! FISCO Truck, r- FISCO Trucker- S>wi.il I FISCO • FISCO Stra»l>err\ S|«-. al «Sulphat- I'ota I t FISt'O Special '■ • PISCO • FISCO 1 1 » j FISt'O Topper Acid 111" i4iXti' !•. cent i Kainit 1 Nitrate «.f S«*U» '' I I > and tarred f. o. )> ear, ;»"• ' I shipping point Wilmington. X. «> folk. Va. i I'AYMKNTS- -sitfht draft ! intr attached when shipped L !! | lfcuy The Best And Use Less j NORFOLK. Va, \\ lI.MIXi ;TO\\ X. i j V. (J.Taylor, Affent (. IJ. Kiddick.S t csman i EYKRETTS. XOKTH ( A l»nU>;.\ 1 -, day of May 1 beint: of re*."'. i» • . .. i. . of \lart.T Ojur* I " 47'2, said tiee , : • (iven to secu'c .. uo~ • and,tenor thervwuh. fe .J~! _ jin said iiex! of trust t :• :• complied w.tf. anl a". • •• > ' the party mterestci. th« ..ri i- u «->i j ! trustee will on We.. - ia> t : nr.' j •la> of March l?:' 4. at • V M j at the C.iur !lou.-.* >i« • • County.*at \>>i" «. ' Itna .offer f- .>.!•■. a: !• *• I'ttf thf h E'II t ! .'.'.T •"« » lim ine ue-fr > • • ' ! T. act \o 2 ' * - j .."•.t rly .'W-.e 1 ».y J G Stat >n ai»l I • i un a- a i'•*- 1 of i 1 1* Italian! FarniJ ,o?.i .|>Ut|tei by C M. I uv-v.-, plat «»f which i> >n | "" '*• Mamn County Registry tn | You Never Pay The Same j BILL TWICE ! irTIIF PAYMENV IS .MADE i>y check ir ? ! I I> cruise the c; nceled check is an in- i t.ispi ii.'f'k- receipt. . o regarded by law. I'se a ;- ! nvK'inir account for safety's sake. jt [ / . r A checking account has another advan tage: It applies bus ; ness methods to house- \ hold expenses. It provides a systematic record of every dollar spent and reveals op- ! portunities for economies that will build a j savinirs account. j « i • Whatever friendly aid and |tersonai interest can do to help you build either ac- • cwint. you will find in our service. Farmers & Merchants I Bank | WiLLIAMSTOX NORTH CAR i t I | Ifcok Nv 1 pa*,-* 4-7, whk;. lJul J referent* i- ma-le for le>cri|*ion. TH»« the IMb day of February 1924 I: Dl KR CRITCHFR, Troate*. | Mjrtn ais«l I'eet. Atty's. 2-19-tt

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