IMPOST %\fr SOITHERN CROP! By G. \ Ciniivf' Cnder the iSw a j a tetter Jast i.-'tr u r j?"rig that be used m haying -eed with which \t, jr.* this t «>pi to har 1 something cf the *.i-tory of the -eei . a« good seed is ore tf "he -icterm:r factors in the proiwtMa of maxuitui • crops of potatoes. AssßDicr that a brrh c " r grower- in Vs.Trna i>! the Car*-' -a 1 na'.f bought or quality -'e- . ai»: bit selected iad n pare-: their - fi>e > tr • rMb:iirratKr !o|l* rts»kf! dema d . ant to -w* o' the :rr po:tar» -- - to be t_kf-i. i* »or>4» an-: prepar-n * potat- s for the ea 'y ir litet Tbe matSrrt «-« for the earv. S.-- trirts li t only a few weeks, ami " »p»ently the vr-lamr of sh pmwu p snj j to the markets durice this peood l« so larjfe that t>ae Jcyers can »ff«t to be choke in Iter pndwet. To otea'n the lest prke* ami U «- fut "reseat order? iem- wi ;ml preferences I* hn oi Pea'e-- and" t iiwn rs «io r.o* .it ire badly cut. n-i Hf : . r 'o-te.- .Ire. e: n*ta'ne> or thaw 'iaturoi hi sund ;r>« •digh*. dry- re*, or a*s exce- of a! or eror-t rr«-wt!"_ >ee Trrjltwtl s>e.f potatoe- no matter w*al t e • source ' r how del- ru\ look. sh»«ui«! I* trea.ed with corrv i*e still! mate or foraaa!*lehyde be o«e I plantirr h -n oriler "o kill al- iftsvase enran>sm- ti-t may !e h»rW>' «•« the sarfjn- *> f t'e p'at«e»- See.T Irealr-e- t wiß WBtrf disease- a- "Srali"". ""B'ack -I-** " "SeurT". ar«l to a 'light erteet "l;hii'- , «'- .\" It * :I1 make a heiatt ie» plant: r-ve yw a clean crop, ami P"- .1 ice 3 -lir' t icea-e in y*W. WILIJAMSTON N«»* Httl.l» KLs|tl\-IBIi: POSITMIN «ITM INOEMIT* ««» Mr. H. ) Herri*k. J». west pirt ;-f to Ufe mol here, is •« e|epl>yeti by "t* Idohe Co of Xe* Y« rk He -tarted asth ikfc ron*era a l «1 a >eaf ar** am! 11 ,*®* a time in the mi* is in o ne of the of the broker-' hating l*er: pro motoi to Ous re* recently- Hit man. fne»i» w-B te rtui learn of his pr»metae«i and ar»»h UB continue*! MWtss. MJfTKt OF S %LE I'i .ier ami by 1 rtar of the power of -ale r«o:a;or.i m tfeat reruun deed of rra.-t executed to «* by C- H- I'orn ami w.fe. \-U Coueu. • li» IHth day of A-fn-t. lKt ami of record in MarUn Coufety l-Wic Bff r—Sil€ TNi MKT—I iMoa^MiKkAKwl I 1 r ov«m -1 A* ko. Kt tnf' I putt's puis) SPRING PRICES FOR FAMOUS FISCO FERTILIZERS ■ 12-1-3 tS 1" FISCO 1 -~-l - 2« TO PISO) _ lO J l 25-2 M FlS* X> " ■ ' v 1M O £4.30 nk"o BahMH Muiwr —— : »-M »» FISCO Fi>k aid PWa>a _ FISCO T«Wn Sftdd iSdpkMr f4 IVteil TZSO FISCO C»Mfrial ; W I 1850 * nseO Tmhrn - -=■ —-- - W ***® RSCO Tracfcm Sftoal FISCO ' "■ - 7-3-5 EW FISCO Sinslwm Spral iSWrkxir •! FMKfc)?-t4 24.10 FISCO S#ral . -* » » FISCO __ » MM»-4 15.10 raoo . ' w* FISCO I«pn - W*" l *"J Aod 1C t*i or., __ __ " ?® * « " W* Karat ®f Smi &*> ♦sagged and tagged f. o. b cars nearest shipping point Wilmington, N. C. or Nor folk. Va. PAYMENTS —sight draft bill of lad ing attached when shipped. —Bay The Beat Aid Use Lew — NORFOLK. Va. WILMINGTON, N. C. V. G. Tutor, Ageat C. BL Riddkk, Salesman EVERETTS, NORTH CAROLINA lug certain bonds of even date and j jtesor therewith, aad the stipulalions j ■;*«;» Mt Ufiac been compitsi with. | | the rescues* of the I Oilier- of L-aid bonds, I will, on the oth uay of March. 1924, at 120" noon, in front of the courthouse door of llntin County. ; otfer at puMic avCtoi to the highest t bwjer. for ra-t. a* f>-llo» iif-j scribed real estate: First Tract—Ao -oin rp the iasc= of \ Mrs. Lttcy Ha.-Ui or.. Charlie Da.'iiel. | Levi HarCisi i.- Boh Jeres. Co rty l!oa>-. ami other -. containing 25 » xes, i riire or iess. Tract—Bn« r dri by Sweet- , en Uater Creek. A. J. Mucrinr, tirif- j "in Bros, aan others, containing 15 1 ■xrs. rr- -re or tess. Thirvi Tract—Bounded on t'ie East j by the lands of GrdEa Bros . on tli* SiKth by the Latds of A. J. «e the West by Watts Grove, on the Xor"h by Grdfin B:oS-. conta nine 40 acres, rpore or less. Th:s sth day of F»-b . 1»24. K PCKE CKITCHER. Trustee !-Wt NOTICE OF SALE I »ier and by virtue of an onler of the Superior Cc-uit of Martin County ii the Special Proceedinjrs, en titled. J. Prank ' Weaver and vife. J Xin- e Weaver, vs Walter llarr. on. ABe Hainsoa and G. H llair,-on. the ur-irrsurned cx>mm --! or er will on llvbiai the :oth -lay of Marcn l-*-4 at !2 o'cJock M at the Court Hoa-e Door in Martin County, at William-- toc». X»'th Carolina, offer for sale to J he oiphe-t l-.o !er fir cts'i that cer- ( •air tiact of !a:>d 1> ng am! being in 1 Re2i • .ra-s Township. Martin County, \wtii ami deseriled as fo!- ««s. to-«it: Ihat certain tract or paicel ot ami lying ami lei'.* in Martin C« un ! ty. Xoth Carolina, containing 25 acres more or less adjoinirg tlie latds 1 of J_ It llarr Imi on tl- Ea-t. Iie«l --;ioikf liar •« on the South. (Tauile Whrtehur-t oa the West ami J S. IVel oa tie Xorth ami imire comir.on !y kion as the IWikol llariiun laM T»,ss thr 4th «lay of Fehru.iry 1t»24. WHEELEB MAITTLN. Cotnmissii-ier. ;ml TKI STEirS SALE By virtue «f the author in cw,.'er ml in me by a "Itrel of Trust" ex ecuted to me by C- B Motley and G. V Miblty. or. the 3rd day of March it*2l. ar« 4aly recoided m llw Br(ti.« ter of IV-d'- oftce i« Martin CoU' ty, 'i lk4 i-2 page IM. to secure the 1 innt id a certain Ixuml hearing ; e*en -sate therewt'h. ami tle stipula- | '■■■Oc,u ■ !> d IVo! of Tiu t not hav ty 'mmplwd »ith, I shall ex- j fst ji.rf a actio*!, for «a h, on • Ir-i uay of M*..c» 1924. at Wi»- •»ir -*o.i. at l out' House (»««ir 12 o"-1 ■ .e liart.-s "UTi'y, «he oI!o» nr I r« t rty. |W. ruif at a post on the \\ il 1-ur toa and Washington Boad at a L"»s*. ci'f'er of Stator Farm, thence ah»«.a fence ami the lane to a P"P tar Tree. lhe--ce t straight line to Xor*hern "rate P«S « line of W J Kd«i*k Creek Fans, thence a North-j eily na«r-e along the *. J. Bnidick Creek Farm to Williamston I ami Im pnoraei.t Co's. line, tlience a straight line ami .kef raid Williamston land Imp CoV Lnr to a P*>plar in run of Spring Branch, thence a South-West course up main run of said bra'-ch to l«al the.e along the said Road to the begin containing One-llumired |.pii aciri more oi less. Being in Milbans « Township a- d krwn as -1 -e *1 F. rm«t H. M S11" BBS, T tee Tir JaiKiv SlJt, 1.-24 2-1-4S XOTICE OF SALE Vmier a*d by virtue of the power of sale contained in that ce -tain deed of trust executed to Wheeler Mattin, iruMoe, i>y J«tn n ijfflpf i „ a tfw • 4th day of January 1915 tmni: of 1 | KrorJ ir. the pubtx of Mi.?- | tin cou-ty in Bw>i H-l. ps»£e i>!, to j -tvujv the payMKt of Rituii hi-»d- j of even date here to. aM the -tipwia- | tioiLS contained ■■ the said deed oi I tru-T rot ha\i rut been cocipt«; jriti. , and under and by virtue of an orxier of tf e Supenor Court of Martin . Cour :v whririn tl~e ns i Trustee, will sell m p-;bl> auction at the Court H.c-» Door ii Mr.rtii County 21 WißjusfSnn. X.»rth C-i-oiiic, to the It-rfc"*! bi*ier fo cash at 12 i-'tfock M on Morday the ' !Kh day id Var-k 1924 t»«e foitoTinf ' described real-estate. tv*it: A tract of lard ir Martin ami 1 IWufort Coswiis. adjinrai:!*' thr ' Whitley land «• the Xerth. "he Eu- ' reka lumts»t Company «« the Ea«t. ' Solomon Orr 00 the South and th-, j Whitley lard on the West. Conaimnr 2113 Kit» more or less ami brirg •*« tracts cf land. "®e cwuveyed to -said Ijerrrtt b> tire Msrtisi Crtiitv R#jltv • (Wm iv hy tier.' dated 31st dsy f AmM 1914. of record i« the p.o'l. registry of k. rtrn Cewntv in --*» •'» ' G-l. {-are lIV :.vl *.•»- *let ft 1 htinc tnt sap.- :r;--t tfcit «i- c • c\ 1 e«! to John H. lejrr**t by Mac" G. j Wyv ;jdb««a .-»r»ler.«n I •«?-.. I : I p ntm nf l«0 a.'."-« w — r? -r This the 4th day of Fetwuaiy ' WHEELEK MAKTIX. JR { Sub-titnted Trw-tee. j NOTICE OF SALE I'r.ier and b> virtue of the pu»*t ! of sale cMitaiaet tn tfca! certain deed lof trust enrutol by Mavk Wooiard ami wife Mamue H>wU»i to the un dersigned trustee, and henr>ng >latof January 15th IK#, and of record in the puMic registry of Martin Counl) in IC.mIE A-2 at parr said .lee"! jof tru-t ha*mr htCB, give* to secure I the |iayrlent of cetlam> note- of e*eti late therewith, and the terms ami con ditwm- therein contained not ha* ** 1 been cnmplioi with, ami at the re quest of the h«dder of said notes, the trustee uII on March 15th- Itttl. in front »f the Part «Ace door in Jame—* llle. X- C . at 12 o'rixk M. otfer for ak at public auction to , the highest buMer for cash the foilom mg >'es« nheii property to-nrt:- llri-iiiiinr at a black rum in a small bram-h. the -oarthuestern corner of the (anil -urte\ed far Sherman Williams, them-e running X 73 degrees W. &*.64 perches; thence X. S" k*ree 3ii V . 25 perches to the crnter of a tsraarctrat "the mt>mrt— trith- the| Tar landing r*sad: rbe-we X. !t de irree 3) fret E I-- 4- jerries diom -ad road; there*- X. 5 ■V*t*e> 1? i feet E 32 perche- do*™ rai.l r.j* to Ja pot, kicfcard Kr.«U'» «.mer, I th«m- X W E J» perchf'f to the | l.ieh'f.iot A*eeue; themre S 2 IE. ?"! 1-4 perrhes up -aid a* erne; I CONSTIPATION ill w «1.I»I t. «T^u.«ia4 C HTMBERLAIN'J TABL£TS Roysterk "cured" fertilizer is certified fertilizer Ifcre profitable crops remit from the use of fertilizer that has been thoroughly "aged" You can't look at the ordinary "Cured" Fertilizer is bM of fen*"* "J t«M how better plant food good it is. You have to risk the tame and money of a season's ft certified by the "turin?" — work before you KNOW. It isn't « feature of Royster's fertilizer knoucn to be good until you get which increases its value because jmirmooey! of a more complete chc-mital ac tion. making the plant food readily Certified Fertilizer "*3* Uc ,he **'?'■ goods age in great bins tor tour to But Royster s cured fertilizer is months. They are then re like a certified check. milled and bagged)* It is certified by the forty years . , „ we have spent in learning the needs Ask for Royster S of the sod you work. Stop guessing about fertilizer. Look for the name "Royster" on It is certified by the experience of your bags of fertilizer and you successful farmers aO about you. have found the assurance that who say "Royster's fertilizer in- your oops will have proper feed auad my earnings.** - ing from seed time to harvest. F. &. ROYSTER GUANO CO. BOWOUC - OOU—M - ATLANTA . MOSTOQf« ROSTER M- A A M M **' . W\ * -ww • www iMCt S. 37 (ierw- 30 fee* H -V- d j frrcfen; there* S. !:«"- I"- »i* prrrhs to i!* rv :a -mg £J -;2 acres muir c W->~. IV ran* beinc what i> if li* v «r Keys l^nt. i This 13th Jay of Fei>ru£-y is!; I W. W. WALTERS. Tru-tee. NOTICE OF SALE «»l KEAI. ES TATE -| I'n.ler ami by virtue of tV p. *er j o: >aie contained in tiial «« l , of trust exeeute»i to cse (>v S.- ,r » >tj*» ! in! wife ljena Wyn on the K:h .lay of aJnuary IS2I. anu of te^-or- 1 in Martin Coor'y I*ut4 ■ Eejrs-'r. in Book J-l pcre 44S securing a m:ain hontls of even date th^re- arvi the stipulator t'(v »■'« rrt bvinit t«en coni(«*-i rnith. j" •! -t St e iet|oest of the holier of ssu.i Wr . ! • ill on the lath. «iay of Mar. h 1 at I'JIW O'clock m«» »n f«*»- ' .-ft e PLANTERS ft MERCHANTS RA\K. of Everett*, N. C- Mar*m C«t«ty offer a* public MtfiSTlo lh> hm >est hi.Vler. for cash the follow I-* ie.-« fib ril real estate. I Aaljoinini; the lan>ls of J I- \\ >rn j arui btinr the ohl Aanw : itead where the -a*! Sar: Winn -.•» 'lives aixl the $»! !tal • 'a-«' | ainiar thirty thire (Ul acre> wore j »r lesu. j Th:sl3th. «iay of Ee*»«uarv l«n?t- R. N. »;RIMI>. T. jp4.. . 2 1". It TRI STEEM SALE Rv vi rtu * of tly au!b"»r! o- *• -e>s in me by a "I•»"*■>i of Tm-C . veciici lo me by T. W . Holli.!a\ ar*l »i'» K B llollHtax ar.-l wsfe o trte "»h •?-»> of November jii rro-il"l in the Re*rster of IV*>i - in Mar tin County, in R"wk II * ITS to secure the payn«e«t of a ml un l-~ .1 hear R( en alate the»«-«s'li ar«l ?he in sakl I*re»t of lm-1 riot havine heen compl e>l w>th. I lull ev- pose at public aurl >- * ' r cash, "o K Malay the 214 «lay of Jlsirt 11*21 at 12 oVlock Williamston sn Kaitm 'aunty, the followm* pr-»p»-r«\ : FIRST TRAtT It-U-W! .* the north by the Ivrvt- of R 11. H«lli-b* an.i T. J. Hollktay; am the East by 'he laikis of R R Holl»lay ai-l T W Holli-lay: on the S«ith In tbe i»*l leaihnr from the Jor-lan T>. ck P««a»l to the Wa.-hii.rt-n r>*l; ai»l on the GOODYEAR SHOE KEI'AIUfN in. I. W. MaulHhy. M r. • Expert Shoe Renairinpr. Sole saviiv:- s'.at M»?I. I My prices are low my v o?4c is mat. I us*' the best matei :al to feet. Send your shoes by'|«arrel ! pay eharjres one way. Next to Whites T! eatre. * ivt-m i'» • V . ttM b> th» -*-a i.-.i'.-.i- Ttuck i . - ■••'■' 'i «" is > K-r. , * •" • •- otc'- • - • o •• . '» " 3 -Tr.e l.ecri- », i: ..... i«- adl re*. :; • ■ ' -*• '' v • M t *1- H '»■■-> ' ,= '*•' I". ! * I:;-, lit iljuaj SUONI> . i>■«. *"t -c • ('O'T** V. 5!. :! —. - C-:' liotiOav K«uu n* \r* h"u-e *y SinHn S. I'i .-»* i#\e-: :!» • .»■ v\W br i alone V i.« N >i". J !-2 ttr-i it-'.- *.. :he . «■ l. ti- .r. = f i A,» \ --• J' N :»■ w - ;*■ > :■■• t • in-ut o" I' e lUt-tuai if a m. pie -tun jn: r«r t «- ii.ii i'* > * i-as Hia - .c , cor a*r no-, t. .*• «»• V> :• p -i t• iw \ -t' '» 2*- '•«• «;- ' '*' » e -v N V. "•!" th iur o~ t* ■;»!'- - r "o .. I or Kami: : . .• -.ue «.' >T»jrT»5» ijtri Haui«ia> ci/i « t tr •;■ S % m .*. •-: re South ' ki.l zs'"oteir ""t" o~ 1 I 1 V itll it~> a aj*.« r .-V ih • IS. V*. !j*4o i-I;,! . '}• « Is. -» W 71 IN'Uf S I j\\. 1 II iu> K ilknw« We J r-*t tin- u...i l » * U ! r»' "> lace-. i»:i> r -.e . : ' it ! C IVT- t »' 14 I- I'|\, » a pac- a M-' • • h■ l\ >' S • j'«, i I V .*'\\ I' -II !>bi xr* s *■« I il ! • 111. Ihi- 1.1 i: v H .tax i r , *!• i . j j A »: J-« Vi' -• i t \«n»«i % hi.-*. \i i » .irr ar.• », ■ ;i .. ~!»• -■ .. « f 1 A f»'!l.l • • «»'* tr*: -* ! \ . v . ir- 4' \* J • S If- *«* li'*. l.* I i a •« « * J! j., jit* 1 --T •'■' 1*.,..5! i( {,• i try o-' V,- : • .rt> .n lU*k %• at » • iru-l ku* ii r i*. 4s «* \ a ;.M tfit t Calarroaf L>e^fiics» ji #* -.--*S - Lui- J »r di» i of t* «• »s r . -• r A T*-»' %%; -• " . r « • ■ v feat* * 1 ? » - • -*? i» .«" Iltamc. s •- j U .r - ri . «. U- I« s*rM - 4 Swn«i H\lL> « \T % I»l« l\»: v.l Jft «r'*_aif w» - l**3K. I*-; i* #-i % ■ ijr 4-ry^ tlUfT*! }» .! s«t *»l ' *i Mr ** v#c r F: J 1- A «%. T , 0t..». trertam rotes of r.Mi «iale th re with. • i it-mi- an! fiimii'.ion. ~o tain • » a-i*i{' Uf comiilifd ' .\?V. zuwt a. ! :e of tle h Mei i -.i' ! w!r>, !f.t j!uifi> sii«l Tras v .11 ja March I'ith 1 4. ! ■» f: .r? of tfce r. t office ioor in .'anw-villf. N O. at I'l o'clock M. ,ftr- •"«»» -a* at piHrf auction to the j . . {, ;,!«- f-r cash. the follov-jnif : rv»! property t» wit: V «rV«—t •" tie miciial }slat of the ! Vow of JjimHvillif, N C.. as lots no**' of th of Your Wakings Plain flour has a large amount of food value but it must be combined with good hairing powder in order to retain this value. Most self rising flours are not successful because they do not raise the bak ngs to the proper lightness. This means a cer tain kiss of nutrition because they are heavy and hard to digest Every time you eat food that does not property digest you do not get the full nutritional value you are over-taxing your stomach. Nourtshii*; and perfect bakings are what good health demands. The one sure way is—use pure flour and good baking powder. If you want to find what thou sands of housewives have learned—make some btscurfs with self rising flour then make some with good plain flour and Calumet Baking Har der—noticethegreat difference- One trial will satisfy you. Your health demands that you mak» the experiment. Those who know—millions of housewives, domestic science teachers, big! iote!s,restaurants. bakeries and railroads will not use anything but Calumet, the Economy tiaking Powder. Play safe—us** Calumet and plain fknir. It is the most eco nomical and satisfactory, where light, wholesome anil pure foods are desired PACKED IN TIN —KEEPS STRENGTH IN AGE, SAFETY, and SERVICE make a good bank On this jK>int financial experts ami the •rreat body of American citizens ajrree. This institution has been here since !!X)"» protecting its depositoi-s by always maintaining an adequate capital stock and reserve fund and by adhering . riiridly to ' North Carolina laws which restrict it to only the safest loans, and investments. Throughout all these years, this bank has also striven to antici|>ate and meet every service requirment of its customers and to play an ini|>ortant part in the de velopment of the community. ...» •. rf- * We invite your account on our i-ecord of sei*vice. "Service Worthy of A Strong Bank** * •. J Farmers & Merchants Bank WII.IJAMSTON __ —NORTH CAR j Nor. 51 and 52 or that pwttoa of aid 'lot- or 'he North swte of a r-ew ttrtrt Haul cut by Fnivf- Lightfofet, A ;t 'looks'on at»i I>»>r*e Jones C«irar.i»- siorets for ja:*t tow?- in :«®. , jthe latuiit a* iee»ie>i tn D. J. J- Sa»iti j by i M Burns ar.l Tivxnte J. Him- I son anil t»e|uetre«t to A. C. Law7*®«* ■thy the last *ri!l ar«i te-ur«t of J. J. Smith This the rtth -lay of Fefcraarv .924. JSO. D MLLEY. Tri** 2-15-tt.

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