WILL FIND OCR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO 15* HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 5 MR. AD DRESS OF WELCOME TO BANKERS Welcomes Bankers Of Group One Of N. C. Bankers * Mr. Chairman, members of Group One North Carolina Banke.s A:sft - rtt a, other disttnguished gnerfs, iafos and gentlemen. On behalf of the citizens o S our town ami our local hanke; s whose efforts made this meeting , osfible. I »eicor"e you here todjy. It is a vetv happy coincidence that you .ime your annual meetings so thai thry fall on the natal day of the Fat hi r of His Country. Alone in its grar.iit or stands the character of Washingt • in his tory. Alone, like seme peak 'owerir.g above all its fellows in the mountain range of greatness And al; the stu pendoous wealth of thte coui try made possible by its great hankir ; system, which for the last century las raised the American states to forerjost rank among the nation.' of the cai'.h, Is less an object of pride than this « ie zrand, heroic man, this human pr> «! ct of our country and its institutions. At this p r.xl of our cour try's his tory when we seem to have fallen on enl days, w hen the men w! o occupy high place* in the councils of the na tion. are tainted with corruption, it is refreshing to revert to the i reat men of the past and taking cou ige from their precept and example t e people of this nation mill rise in their might apd drive from power thes • traitor to our country, who have po'luted her temples ami deserrated h.»r «acrel altars. When we nominate and el ct to the next Congress of the United States, the President cf th North Carolina Bankers Association, we W'll have the pleasure of knowing that ve have sent an honest man to ref.-esent us in that ancient and honors Me bedy. nd all the Sinclair* an.l D •hen- * in America would have no influence on him. for he possesses that indepen dence of sou! which wonM not have flattered Neptune for his trident er Olympian Jove for his power to thtm der. Our town has ever been th» favorite spot for the stranger. No barriers have ever been erected ti exclude him. and whether you come alone, a hundred strong or at the had of =n army you are always welcor-e. If our local bankers have done this ore thine that has made possible your meeting here today, then all the trial and per plexities that we may encounter dur ing the other 365 days in this vear will be dispelled in the haprly reflec tion that on the 22nd.. day of Feb ruary you graced us with your pres ence. It my be interesting for ycu to know ;Hat you are sitting today in the Capital of Eastern North Caro lina. The great bridge which .- pans the turbii waters of the muddy Roa noke is the key that unl cks the door to the lost provinces, and as .n ancient days all roads led to Rome so today all roods lead to Williamston. Proud of her past, she stand* today full statured with the sun shininir full and fair on her face, happy in th- pr n«ise of a more glorious future. We are located in the very center of the finest farming section on earth. In this genial dime can he raised everything that it is pcsi'alc to grow in the North Temperate Zone. Here, by night the cotton whien. be neat: the stars and the tasseling corn loek lii* sunshine in its bearded ear. In the same field the peanut, the tobacco, the clover, the sweet potato and the pump kin catches the sweet arrr.a of the rains. A land framed in the prod.g.:' ity of nature and crowded with all the trophies of agriculture. To the heart of this fair land we ■limn you today. Welcome you to bask in the sunshine of her ger. al hospitality. It is pleasant to look into the face* of so many bankers when they are in a pleasant mood. You knew that the temperament of a banker is reguiaud by the condition of the money market. You walk into a bank president's of fice when money is easy and he wdl put his arm around your neck ard «H you by your first name and le'd you money on your balloon common or jiwar Combination Hairbrush ard M r ror preferred. Bat you let the news flash over the wires that John D. Rockfeller had sprained a tendon in his leg by play ing calf on the links at Ormond Beach, mnuey mould shoot op two hundred per cent. Ycur barker wculd call you in and ask you to replace your common with Government Bands, or get Henry Ford to indorse with yon. , . >. - IVr—tally, gentlemen, I had rather checks than ideas with most mi you present, not but what the ideas are an right, but somehow when THE ENTERPRISE DEMOCRATIC STRENGTH IN FIRST DISTRICT Based On Votes Cast For Morrison in Election ! Of 1920. Here .. .he Morrison vcfe of 1920 by | 0 ii r "it-. indicating pretty accurately ' the Democratic si length of each of ! the fourteen counties in the district. Beaufort 3.559 Camden Chowan 1.129 Currituik : 974 Dare __ 1 548 Gates 812 Hertford LI 1.165 Hyde 1.170 Martin . ._. - i 2^77 Pasouotank 'W' - IJBl® Per.-uiman* l.6T Pitt 4.15S Tyrell 1 717 Washington . ... . 1.115 DOUBLE HEADER HERE MONDAY _ Af e a somewaht neei U--1 i»>t ih* | local ,iu.-ke: hail teams will re>ume | the.r p»ay Monday night. The local 1 high srholl girl's team will meet [ that of Robcrsorville at the Ihxie I warehouse ©curt. Immedia'ely after the ~irb- game which .-tart- at B:t*> ll'c'ock1 I'c'ock the town team will meet | Washington's strong five. lhe.-« two gsmes promise to In- the ! best yet. so if \ou want to see a good ! evening filled with sports call at the j Ihxie Monday evering. The small ad ! mission of 35 and SO rents will be charged. , DEFNITIONS Bigamist—A man who makes the nme mistake twice Blotter—The thing you hunt for while the ink dries. Diplomacy—l.ending the other fel low to think he is going to ret what vou know darned well he isn't. Economy—Spending money without getting any fun out of it. Friend—One who know* all ihnu' you an! like* you just the sane. Mugwump—A voter who sits on tVe poli'iral fence with his mug on C* side a"i his wump on the other BEAR GRASS SCHOOL HONOR ROLL FOR MONTH OF FEBRI" \R% First grade: Ruth Hazel Rogers. Thencia Faye Rogers, Worth Moble>. tieorge Peel. Jr.. J. C. Rawls, I .est or Teny .Earl Baily. Second grade: Thelma l*e Bailey, Worth Mobley. Third grade: Roland Rogersoit. L Hail Rawls, E«em Terry. Fourth grade: Alton Harris. Franc?: Peel, Mildred Ayers, Tom Raw!.-. Maude Bciley, Jim Bailey. Norman Jiailey Fifth grade: Daisy Cowan, Bet tie Lnssiter, Vera Green Rogers. Sixth gratle: Ouade Rawls. Seventh grade: Ada Taylor. C'ghth grade: Hild'eth Mobley. Gar land Whitley. Essie M. T?ylor, Mamie Clyde Rogers. Ninth grade: Hubert Halt JF. Rorhnok School Jasper Cowan, Wallace Cow;n, C. B Gurganus. Zelma Roebuck, Salfie Roebuck. Ruth Roebuck, Emma Slew, Fi-rie Gurganus. MRS. LELA CHAPMAN. Pr rcpa! MRS WADSWORTH VERY ILL Friends of Mrs. Albert Wad* worth of New Bern who has Leen ill for some :.me at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Wig Watts, Jr. will lie *orry m ieara that her coi»«li'.»->o is «> side red quite grave twhy ami little hope is entertained for iny change for the better. — r money talks I am alway •> .. \i.r.tir.g listener. .^ Gentlemen, you repre nt aa o!d in stitution, it antedates the pyramids and is as ancient as the ;-elden fleece or the golden apples in the Garden of the Hespe rides, for it is a matter of record that the first mention ever made of a banking transaction was when Ph&noh received a check cr. the bank of the Rod Sea. Maw Mr. Chairman, I ripest what I started out :o do and mm behalf of the ritixens of oar town you are wel come, thrice welcome to all we hare and all w».hope to have ,to everything ' you tee and if there is anything you do ret see which you think migh* " add cheer to your proceedings why danV fail to ask for it. I give you the ! key to the city and our hospitality i knows no bonds Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, February 29, 1924. ZEIDMAN SHOWS SIGNED UP FOR ROANOKE FAIR One Of The Cleaniest Shows To Go On Road | A letter from Mr. H. M. Poe, Mgr. I of :he Roanoke Fair received by us in which Mr. l'oe states tlu.t he has j signed up one of the best shows to be found on ihe road for the fair here next falL Mr Poe further stated in his | letter that he aims to make Williams tea shine and to have the best fair in the state next fall. Following is a press article relating to the show which Mr. Poe signed up: Norfolk. Va„ —The spacious ware house at the Navy Yard lumber an nex. where the Zeidman and Pollie show s are in winter quarters, that formerly housed grim implements of war. are now converted into workshops where carpenters, machinists, paint ers. artists and blacksmiths are busy putting the .-how account rements in ship-shape for the' coming season, scheduled to open in Portsmouth a- Iwat the middle of April. The huge fleet of sixty show wag on.* and the train of thirty railmud cars are heing renovated and rv , paired. The show is an industry in itself, designed to amuse hundreds of thou sand.- of people in a single season. Merry-go-rounds that occupy half a city block are so built as to be fitted snugly in the giant vans that are carried with the show. Kverything in fact, that is carried, is constructed with the view to heing able to move it easily and quickly. Including the staff there are now abcut 100 employes of the show com pany making Portsmouth their win ter home Some are living in hotels. The rest of the feed for the lions, pumas, bears ami other wild ani mals. as well as horses, ostriches, buffalo, steers and goats, amounts to thousands of dollars in a winter seas on. W ill.am Zeidman and James C. Simpson, the owners of the Zeidman and Pollie Shows, say they are bend ing every effort to make their -how Jht» >«u one of the most beautiful and meritorious in the country .and •he watchword is cleanliness in every •tepartment. Tee outdoor show world has un •lergose a great change during the last year, and the Showmen's I.egisla *i%"e Committee, of which Tom J. Johnson, a Chicago attorney, is chief coursel. has practically eliminated all the gambling and indecent shows that w*ie carried by some so-called carnival companies. Zeidman and Pollie, togMher with a few, other reputable showmen, were the insti gators of the clean-up movement and are today members of the Showmen's l-egrstative Committee. SANDY RIDGE NEWS ITEMS Miss Thelma Hopkins and Mr. Johnnie lloggard went to Jamesville j Sunday afternoon. Mis, Roxie Jones and Mr. Fer nanda Boiwen moto.i ' to Sunda; afternoon. . Mr. and Mrs Will Perry of Rocky Mount are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Perry. Mi&s Emm;. Bell Williams spent Satuniay night with Mrs. R J. Hardi son. Mr. Harold Hopkin.-. left Tuesday mvrnir g for Roanoke Rapids. Miss Rut.. Jones entertained a num ber of friends Saturday nigh . i Misses Blanch and Thelma I lonian* |and Messrs. Johnnie lloggard and Perry Cherry motored to Miss Sue Ashy'* Monday right. Mr. C. B. Rjddick was at the home of Mrs. J. H. Riiidick Monday. Mrs. Bettie Mobley and „ children and Miss Sue Asby spent Sunday with Mrs G. A. Williams. , Misses Gladys Roberson, Louise Golan) and Mary Askew ant' Mr. Irving Ccftrain and Hasley Hardison to Greenvil'e Sundry. Mr. Roberson was the guest cf Miss Roxie Jor.es Wedresda;- right. Tom Tarheel says the man who gets too old to learn gets very little from life. Tom has determined to keep on growing and has written for informa tion about the State College Summer School to be held for farmers this Fanners of Lincoln county are now marketing those spring chicken* for ■fefc they prepared during midwinter. Tw* hundred and fifty recently went on the market weighing from one and one-half to two poods and brought 0 -*mU p*r round. About IJMW more will be ready in from ooe to four week*, report* county agent J. G. Morrison. DISEASES TO BE REPORTED AND PLACARDED Poot Ic Your School House Following is a list of the diseases which should be either reported to the county health officer or placarded and quarantined: LIST OF REPORTABLE DISEASES Whcoping ccugh. masles, diptheria. ce etro-.-pinal meningitis, chickenpox, septic sore throat, German measles, smallpox, typhoid fever, tracoma. Tuberculosis (Report to State Sana torium. N. C. I THOSE TO BE PLACARDED Whooping cough, measles, diplheria, scarlet fever. Infantile paralysis, sep tic .-ore throat. Cerebrospinal men ingitis. German measles, ingitis. German measles, smallpox, typhoidfever. chickenpox. Note—Teachers and houshoklers must report direct to Dr. William E. Warren, quarantine officer any of the above diseases when a physician is i.ot in attendance. Tack this up for reference Have the children to copy tl.is sheet and take it hoine to their porents. Ask them questions about prevention control anl prevalence of these diseases. Teach them about the signs, symptoms and dangers. LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr and Mrs. C. B. Siceloff spent The weekend in Tarboro visiting Mrs. Clyde Anderson who is ill in the Tar boro hospital. Messrs. B. A. Criteher. J. (I. Staton | and Wheeler Martin spent yesterday in Washington attending to business. Mr. W. C. Manning and little grand son. Elbert I Vol. Jr. left this morn ing for Richmond when- they will spenl the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. S Lawrence. They will return home Sunday evening accompanied by Mrs. Manning, who has Iteen in Richmond for the past several days. Mr B. Duke Criteher will leave Sun day for Lexington where he will visit Mr. and Mrs. Perry Criteher and will return home with Mrs. Criteher who has been spending the week there. Messrs- Itog Slade. Jr., Joe Purvis ai>d Chas. IVrkins of Hamilton were in 'own Wednesday. . L Messrs. A. R. Dunning and C. DS Carstarphen. Jr. anil Mayor John L. Hassell motored to Washington yester day afternoon They were accompanied b> Messrs C. D. t'arstarphen and Hon. Clayton Moore who took the Norfolk Southern for a shoit business trip to Raleigh Mr. anal Mrs. Luke spent sever al days in Raleigh this week. They weer guests a* the Yarborough hotel. Mr. Wihon G. lamb spent yester day afternoon in Plymouth. Dr. T. Ryan lloyd spent several hours in Plymouth yesterday on pro fessional business. Hon. Van It Martin of Plymouth was a visitor here Wednesday. Mr. J H. D. I*eel of Cross Hoads was in town jeterday. Mr. 1- I- HolliLiy was in town yerterday for several hours Mr H. G. Selby of Washington was lin town today visiting his brother. Mr. Jack Selby at the Monticello. Mr. K F. Pope made a business trip 'to Maekeys yesterday Messrs. John Cooke and K. B. Craw ford went to Washington yesterday. The management of the Monticel lo Cafe wishes to let the people of Williamston ami vicinity know that they will serve the most attractive dinner thev have vet had at the cafe Sur.day and they invite all their frinds and patrons to take either their mid day or evening meal with them, i Registered at the Ho. els— Atlantic: Van B. Martin, Plymouth, W. V. Wah man- of I'.ocky Mount, C. B. Randolph of Elisal eth City, C. W. Dukes of Ahoskie, fl. W. Lewis of New Berr. J. H. Trotter of N'ew Bern. J. I. Jenkins of Kinston and iClwny Hearst of Lexi igton. Brill: W. E. Cackoy, Washington, J. R. Sykes, Suger.e Moore, L. C. Entming and E B. Towe of Norfolk, H, H. Swinson of G.eenville, W. E. Johnson and J. W. M: rtin of Tarboro. WHY HAS (TOTTO v DROP PED IN , PRICE? Why has cotton gone down ? Same say the Ney England mills have had a meeting and sworn ven gance against the ;rice of cotton. Others say the government r-port. have been padded f r the purpose of helping the big cotton gamblers* and yet stfll others say the cotton grow on association sold : bme cotton and broke the price. As to the first charge we are not in poaition to state but that second dam. It is so like them to buy up the fMCfuaut and rcb the folks that ■c will not dispute the statement. Mr. Herman Bmn visited friends ta EmctU and Robei ci.-iile Sunday. EASTERN CARO LINA BUS COM PANY FORMED To Operate Between Windsor And Wash ington The Eastern Carolina Bus Com pany. Incorporated will its regular schedule tomorrow. March 1. The bus will run between Windsor and Washington stepping hete and is known as the Windsor-Wilhamston and Washington line Following is its schedule: leaving Washington 7«' A- M. Williamston 7:oW A. M.. Windsor 9:00 A. M.. Williamston 9:45 A. M and arriving in Washington lO:45 A. M. leaving Washington 3:30 P. M . Wil liamston 4:20 P M- ir.dsor 5:15 P. M. Williamston 6:00 P. M. and ar rives in Washington at 7P. M- The officer sol* the company are: J. K. Hoyt, president. H W P.n-toa. vice-president, and R. C. Leach, sec.- T reas. The company expects to put on a full bus line system in the Eastern part of the state, perhaps the second line established will run fivm Wil liamson, Everetts. Robersonvdle. Parmele, Green* ille, Grimesland to Washington, running in connection with the Windsor Williamston an.l Washington schedule The charges will be from W illiams ton to Washington 75 cents. William*- ton to Windsor M cents This is ha-ed on a rate of 3 1-2 cents per nule. At the presert time from William-- ton to Washington by rail is. leave here at 7:42 A. M. . -pend half a Jay ip Parmele and arrive in Washing- ton about 2 P. M and in the after _ noon leave here at 5 o'clock and reach Washington at 7 P M. and the fare is $1.48. By rail ycu have about two and one half hour- in Washington while by bus you leave heie at 9 45 and arrive in Washington at 10:45. in time for the 11:15 train You can ' remain in Washington until 3:30 or 3 3-4 hours and return to William ton at 4:3 U. The bus will stop at signal for pas sengers, charging a pro-rata fare. Packages.of merchandise will be car ried up to .VI pound- at the regular I express rates and ohargii-g a min imum of 10 cer.'s per package The company has new and up !•> I d ite busses ami experienced and .le jiendable drivers. LOCAL NEWS OF OAK CITY Misses Sallie Adams a-d Nelie Moye spent the weekend in Four Oak* at the home of Mr-> Adams. Miss Pauline Da*enport a ill return home this week fmm Park \ i«-w hospital. Mr. Ben Worsley ma.le a busine trip to Williamston Monday- Messrs. T. W. and I, G. ItavespHt motored to Rocky Mount Wedne*.lay. Mr. Brandon, the county ■lerm,n-tra tAr .talked with the farmers on the bill weevil subject al the »cho«4 auditorium Monday night. Miss Emilia Johnson -pent Wediirft.-- day night at the teacherage. Mr. Billy William . *ho ha* he*-n ill for many days is much letter Miss Ruth Chesson of Woodaid. N C. is visiting Miss Mild'ed Ihvn.puf!. Mrs. N. F. Brown has been ill f«r seveial days, we wish for her a >pee*ty recovery. Miss Ruth Tend ins on of Rookj Mount was the guest of Mi*s Mar jorie England for the week-cod Many of the Oak City people »eie prsent at the A-«cuti« 1.e.-J in Williamston U'st Fnday. Miss Marjorie E..jrlan«l entertained in he ' domestic sciem - department Saturday night in hor.or os" lier goe.t. Miss Tomlinson. Misses Syble Ross w d Lillian Hai slip spent the week-end with Mil'lied Roberson a' Hasseli- Mr. Ernest Harrel! and Miss Jeflie House spent Fnday in Rocky N-ont MARE TRIAL TRIP C\ NEW Bl S WHICH RI'NS HtOM WASHINGTON TO WINDSOR Messrs. E S. Hoyt. Frank L Adolph, R- C. H. F. Aithars ton,. H W. Bri-tol. J. F Buck man. H. G. Selby.wA. L Bowers and C. G (iarilner of Waakington, stockholder* in the Eastern Carolina Bus Coaapoay Inc. ami W. C. Manning of Williams ton made the first trip on the new Rno Bus to Windsor yesterday. Judge Francis D. Wirston of Win dsor passed through town Wednesday 1 evening on his return from Raleigh where he attended a meeting of the Democratic State Elective Com ' mittee. _____________ A dairyman riaes to remark that ic* water is fine for cooling milk ht I mighty poor for ptwitaciag ft. W. H. GURKIN PASSES 11TH « MILESTONE Gives Himself Trip Tc Florida As Birthday I*resent Todajr. February 2*h. is the ! Ith birthday of ow of \\ ■l!imi>u«'s ar... Martsrt cwj">h"i ir.»* c.i :e .-. • Mr. M. H lart:r, WT*a the if Fcoruary t though of b\ V 118.T.-l. r (c pkr a U a!n)« c«acM«i witt Mr Otftn'i i butbiby- He ha.- every leap fu* | rnar.y years erstertair-cd h:- nary ■ fnen«t.- from o-.er lie roas'.rj s'-se wth a bit leap yestr full a:.d ii k. I*en ore of U» leading -*» i) fane (urns of this OBinu"it>" for year.-. | Thn year However, he j-ave hm - ' a tnp to KV'ri'U fer re>er:l week- a a birthday prefer,". t>cl The E«ter- I pn~e and hi.- many frirnds take thw i>pp»»rt jr.it> So «iih hr i- many more hrthdivs a* he ha al*ead\ .>en ar. 1 as mart happmrx- a- He has enjoyed in ike past , WINDSOR CHORAL SOCIETY MEETS Tine \\ii.>l«r Choral Soc.« ' ki>i I •ieltghtful n-*e"iujr mrth Mr. A. 1 Mitchell. M»n>ia} rieht \- h »-t. M I Mitchell ha-l .•raisfoi the pr gran. an I pre- t.s»-1 u>er the ineeti- t. Tr.it, U I lug no toi-inr-~ >a ha .! the e»e? itrg I n to the njj t"a.|- I man number-. as ' A -hort keth of Cmnrji. re*! t»> I Mr A. C. Mitchell, -ttlere the Hu itlooms". piano ~-*lo.— Mr-. er. I "Kn n" >he Ijiai «f the SI; -!-!* I Water". «ii*r by Miss IteiS.- I Vocal -j!O. "Far tMS I hear -- lj»*er' Flute™. b> Mix- Ftta Schir.i'.Z- Ed tVrf) rei.! an liter.--' --c com mri>! on the nerd and valiar «>f mu-tr ] amorj- the sorkers of the H* Samuel Compels. Pres. of the Ameri can FnleiatK* f lah r. M- M th> n jung Cailnun's beaut if «J -ong. "At I >a« nine ~ Scleral fimilm ard ~-11 M- -or./- *eie -u'g by tr*- «-r tire . after »h*t V s V' -P SMTM delicious r*fre-hr>er i t - TV* IT..n! Swift) is afcf the meetings mere rnjoieti thaw e»e? lefc re m all the i«at> of it- e\. t.-'xe An attractive is swi t«» >»■ be run 2nd will t* tnen e..rl> i». Mi The next re":rr will te Kelt wr!- Mrs. (• J. Sawyer, arv* an! he "»'4u>~t Night " l".\erv wemher wil' i' on tk— |i ifrant mth inteie-lsntt .-lUfiL hjl are to l>e kept secret urtil present ed. SH \l» MAKING IHI IK WA* I P lll.woki: KIU K It is :r|» rtl that pr-. pte in J ine ■ vHe are n-w ri'» r -had oi.i Rnaatke. The u|»|« • -«re B=*«> I oa the Roanoke mer is at Jame-nIU the waters ki(Wi up the nrer U.( r . •rj» sw ft to bardie a se«re > The coot of »et«le -o !e»** | however, that the.-e do begin »perat;»n urtil th* s»h '»f to rue in great tumber- and the •arly -uppl} of h-h are caught ir iset.-. j mar' ii:'- and trap. l The fish in the *a*er- •'* the Ruar.oke mean- j*' - pb- of the section. The tui r into the hun.lre-1- «-f lWu>a'4> f liars / Wbr« the »» cai«r«i», tba* f I- herrißK or skfolT it i> c> le*>r -i - all of people as the «»pe«. te of the »m->ke hou.-e for both the |*-« * an-l the r»rh. I VALUABLE mcMii u. i iMMiiuit> is Mini: . Kill Cue farmer- ( heaprr FertAiti A!>• A Mo-I l»o»«rul O.phvir 1 Ho»toa. Fet. 27.—A chemtce! «li rn—tryq.*—*** to ie or* of mo f important of the »h ce~tcry fci. ja»t been at tIV F»ve«l Nitro gen ReeaW. Labor »t*.r> It V. a-h --mrtoa, PiefeMßf Arthur B. !an b of Harvard, announced blast * T>>e d.s«.«er> is that ef a «e» »'■ ilyrt wh*li will brirr tb - permanent aaM of hyilrv*«s at-i I- hatr»-ren atoaio aid w.ll >ieW II pel I. re"i of aaoma. Prof* - -or I-antl »- aid. al Acmdiac to the aanowevemen' j two rreat I«w,t- -ill he de-»wH s- fr> m the rew pndud TW I niteni ■T Sta-es. it is rfaime.'. wrll hare al its nnmaM as explosive twice k: i- effe tive as that ifc.we.el by tlx y OruaM a few MMfci hefore thi h .-tart of the world war The, A mer * can farmer will also, according t »- Prafewor Lamb, have the use if ; fertili»r Mack cheaper mere el fectice than biiUfwe acail-able ta TW* aew catlyat, it ia ,1* has far greater iaiafcililj than tha duraifiH br Hafcer a l»ll whir WATCH .HI: LAUEL ON voi rt PA PUR. IT CARRIES THE DATE VOIR SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 MRS. FANNIE D. KELLIN(.ER DIED I'HI'RS. MORNING Was One Of Wiiiia-iiston I>est Beloved Women • I .ri;. nw'Tsinr the s-nirt ••{ Mr-. K.-j.ftir s>itrsr> K.ei!■ trcr «>l ir*«i t..e (e • ~H i- the . r.ic house .. „.. .j.-,. , _ A- ~ . i. ; March of *5«- year '*-IS. --laif beer i.i iteclir- sr g healt 3 " for .tie ' two years :ir.«! ia-s lee- it ?i «.i i, r i«~-i "for the |\*.-t sew a! "i.v„ !u: it r:".-: :ee.n ej r> *1 »-« u' *. I "o'A :i ':Ut*■- be f«*te .•.■*» -*.'et' . {Vi.--.sl : •. M --. K*-it v» r w .i- i» -ft uie-l from -.»t- -ft; • t.ii . t ii' -.-triou' r *O. . riHi -..u.- J', r •». .. i the fol l..»»«i" ;•• • a I .- -tel. .1 • pre ■ *. » "'■ i' . . . M i rth'i 1% l*«»w i" »*'»! ;• tot n. .law \at • '*-• «• J : M .-- I . a lle*n ■ ■* . H-*"ry S'-trir- "r-..v us; (ST w.u i tVc ("h I W «•»> the r.r'fi '.• I ■»"•*>• fi* a? e:".. t «*f tO!"ii I 1 »' «it»■ . a -« it v.l-ile t> r * - «- t'*j -»i -St- j's-!'.4(il s.'.lem Ar** . W S. 1. ."f.i |in»r n-« ■ -;. l -4,-h.vl i" hi: e-irl.' _tu.-r.tie A -V.T: te.- ..;••• ws. li»tar!*"--i i* the t> if N rfolV; |)'-c»m --»..# - isTi. in w';rh. rity m-.- r .'"hfr a-d h - 'aniil-. V>l t;«k i u;> the : r Ireis.l.-! ee. t> Cori'iu 'A of lriiraiw-th »-;>. l «>••;> of.e riu'!. Hn i V- : I- . K'-'iin r r. At.-- she dei»i.' > ler husbitvl |jh a ut "uelxe \-ais Mrs K"!liiliTtff 1 t.» t'-i town of !•>>: nitivity I• . -,' v .-' I e '-is". «-ars sfii -tlv :>fter I ! «w i' *li ■ t'• '-i I t'ii re- I- .line \ -t*. her n« .e- h"t !,e:» Sl* ba> 1 - l»-« , ni.-V tenrl sil-. nni If: .! '»> hi- 6 reji'-.ew. Mr. \-.- |,,S! r w i T> "ViviPif | L *r jf*- V"-> -\na ii- .. - -*1 Me- r . I A-a T . 11. M\ ;.«»! K.i.l i i - -. Crawford i inn .J I'Ut'i* (..lawfofd ' I'.igl - o T l^ievi ' Mr-- Kt-'I "!•« r a «i,:nan I" the ->:. i liee*» H-a't-l i" the !•»- ««M ii ' *. 'i ho ■*' m luel tn ~l h .■ i 1 -T;-r-1 >-' I 4si She wa- a ** itbrul ..-em- IVi of tie M --Kitrin 15-: i'ti t Church - aid a, '-.1-K a -hr- v.; uMe she ■ e:i i anil erert' e-iis-e i' i tier pie-e* *• !IUN -tin- -Sine- . i-l wjl! !«• greatly •nis-ed t. '!■ ■ f-iti.ie. V thrt- •/ ••{ - r i»i» " f"iei.ils at ' |#-s>! f*e fu~e*a' rrvit'v- whkh Ut'fr . cw-mfiol -t tl.e "I'l ' Uk'- ht-P.'.C a! II o".! "k t h/-. »•' life kef frtet..! '«>*'" t l _ ilfVeased. » I.V; '-.r -t. I'.-. The inter-- t -»• | wa- •j-a'*'™ '• t- •• I'apti t eeme "«-r\ -V>\'T!!« v OF COOPERATIVES TV res-uh-r n .• t l .!-. mee ing itif i- a . t".?ttor ai"! T hari'o ti.- A- - ! a .utwj * ill !- el'• ■ * tjie Ciurt J ' lihi" : !* M. Tn - i- v-ry importaßt meelinr? r.f» r i' !i-r ho-ald attend « - etaJ impoit.if t matters ill r 'ne ' U-'ute " Jje . t ..i: t! will le of ' MR. SAMI E1 HURST Mr >„■! u el Hur-t of 'he Gobi IVnr i ti.-- «.f t'e itiPil Wed ii !i ; i« tf pneumonia. *.|- i" * 1 va- in is's4th year. In «-ais". Vf*- he was mi ir'ed Ui Miss M=". Ra-S- Jsrjjl she with three .laußh t*' -urA.ve h:m. ■ He **- r- tine,-led with any ci ii.- h but « m-.ii of h.'t'.i standing in r his s.mr uni' \ . ll* *a- hu* ei yesterday ut fcts old pLov. with Mr W'l! Crimea uOrill _• at the M-n ii'O:-.. & xii; p\« k \ i SITS WINDSOR Tti »X\ F.STIGATK A COl'N- T«» \ll * HERTIK GET AN ACT. IKu. S J. Everett .of Crrenville * I -peot a f*w days in t' wn this werft ■> J "o. kir tr after matter -. . •.... r. Judge Ji i- ir. town tolay b : ■•erKti"? court. J Mr" W. R. Pace. «!• strict ileinonstra 't toi agent, passetl through' town this "I Vnminjr enroute to Windsor where he d expects to locate ajflcetity' ajjeat by 't ike first of March. » v | i». The vari*i counties are l>ecomlair e very n.urh iu'ensstnl over farm pro * Uems as well as somewhat ahirmed r- over 'the bell weevil and ate raßi't '• for (wnty 'Vmonstratc to assist a them In Joing the best p. salble thirg. t- FOUND: ONE BUCK MALE HOG; d. bath ears cmnpe. l Haw same ia »t pai tine, weight about one huvdre.l ■ tfc K C. Stnwbrii|j», 5 No. 3. j Williamstoa : N. C 2-I** ,