SBSVICK ■ Speaking of aenkt w lave it when it comts to rural mail service Last Wednesday morning James E. Harrell left to serve his route. Xo. 4, on his Ford as vaaL After plowing through about fifteen mile; m" cad and snow, blinded by the snow, he started through some water in the road. He did not get through until he waded oat through water three feet deep. Then he got one of his many friends to take a pair of mule? and pull hi* Ford through. After he aid this it was impossible to start the "old fliver" so he borrowed one of the mules and buggy and set out for an other installment. He soon came tc a pond with water in it so high thst a mule could rot make it without swimming, so he returned the mule to his friend, John Smithv.ick Mr. Smithwick then carried him over to Mr. N'sck Griffin's and from there he started to town bur was blocked oft by mere high water. He called on Mr. John Cherry for assistance and Mr. Cherry put his mule to a cart ard brought him throug hthe water at Leggett's creek. Then for the last end of his trip he walked, arriving st the post office about nine thirty, cold ar.-1 almost drowned, but in spite of a!! the water and high water at that the cheerful srafie still remained O" Jim's face. YIF The people who patronize Route -J should be thankful for such service FIRST SNO* OF *INTKK The first sr*.w of the winter can e dtwn Wednesday. Some people I'ke to see sonw and nearly every child re joices when it to fall but this time after a 4f> hour rain everybody t was gla«l to see a change from rain I to snow. Yes* or day as we were of! the "old rag" a visitor was -.landing near the type setting machine and happened o ask when we were poirg to presi. tte asked him did I# meal when we were going to - press out c'oti e> or what. He said he did not mean clothes but wanted to know when we were going to run the paper ■ All ihe time the was going its way turning out the papers at the rate of two thousand per hour. We never did tell htm when we were guy ing to hut leferred him to look in th direction of the press. He is to be excused, for our old ejuipcient re- Minded one of a rock quarry. Mr. H. M. Stubbs is in Knosville Tesa. on a professional trip TBI ST EE'S SALE By virtut of the authority cor.fer red in me by a ~l>eed of Trust" ex ecuted to me by C. R Mobley arid tJ. X. Mohiey, on the 3rd day of March J SCI. and duly recorded in the Regis ter of Lteed's office in Martin County, in book G-2 page 184, to secure the ' payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipula tions in said Deed of Trust not hav ing been complied witi., I shall ex pose at paUic auction, for cash, on the 3rd day of March IKI, at Wi'- liamston, at Court House Door 12 o'- eiaek in Martin County, the following prejwty. Beginning at a post on the WB l airtton and Washington Roa.! at a bare, comer of Staton Farm, thence along a fence and the lane to a Pop lar Tree, thence t straight line to Northern Gate Poet on line of W. J. V Riddirk Creek Farm, thence a North erly coarse along the W. J. Riddirk Creek Farm to Land Im provement Go's. line, thence a straight line and ; long said Williams ton Land Imp. Co':- Line to a Poplar in run of Spriag Branch, thence a South-Wesi coirse ap main run of said branch to toad, thence along the said Road to the heginn*% containing One-Hundred " (ifol acr» more oi less. Being ir William* «n T«wnslip and knocm as "Tie W. L i!'flick F. rm." H. 31. Sil'BßS, rru^ee -T*i* Janb.rv 31st, 1524 _ 2-1-4 L ' . - EGGS—HITCKEVE REDS. SHEP perds' strain Anconas $l5O per 15. Incubanor ergs **,oo per 100. Day •id chicks 15. 18 cents each. OAKHI RST POULTRY FARM, ftroiiainston. X. C. WrVTBD: REGI LiR AND jjlANv - hu Baaniers, 303 X. Haag«|on si \ iraii—lnn N. C Phone -W.'ii Mn. M XL Crawford. \ SI BSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE % k. NOTICE I will sell at public auction on Sat urday, March 8, at 12 M. all the household and kichin furniture of the late J .L. Ewell at the Ewell residence on Smithwick street. J. DAVIS EWELL NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the -• power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust made and execut ed by Noah Hargett and wife Martha Hargett, to the undersigned Trustee, and bearing the date of the Bth day of March !i»23, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book H-2- at page 299. the-said deed of trust having been given to secure the payment of certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, and the terms and conditions therein con tained not having been complied with, and at the request of the holder of said notes, the undersigned Trustee wrill on Monday, the 24th day of March 1624 at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Courthouse door of Martin County at Williamston, N. C., offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash .the following described real estate and personal property, to-vit: That certain lot or parcel of land, Beginning at a Pine in Lot No. 5, in the Division of the lands of IJ. K. Cherry among his children; thence North 8 degrees West to a pine: thence North 22 West to the run of the Mill i Pond; thence with the Run yf the Mill Pond to Lot. X. 5, thence TO de-'| erees East with Ix>t No. 5, to the l>e trinning. Containing 120 acres more or less, and being Lot. No, 4 in the Di vision of the land of 1{ K. Cherry. Also a house and lot on the South side of Washington road adjoining the lands of Joe rflriflin, Sam Faulk and others, arul more commonly known as the "Short Place", and being the same premises conveyed to N'oah C. Haigett by H. C. Hemby. Also One Hlack Horse, being the same horse purebred bv saiil Noah Harnett from I-eslie Fowden. Tie Horse can lie seen on the piVmis es of sad Hargett. This the 18th day of February 1924. WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. Dunning, Moore anil Morton, Atty's. 2-22-4t. NOTICE Taken up Duroc Male llg, marked crop and split in right ear and crop ie.'t ear. will weigh about 90, at for 15 days. JOE COKHAM. 2-22 2t. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed jof Lnij-t executed by Mavk W'oolard anl wife Mamie Woolnrd to the un iier.-.vned tiustee, and bearing date of January 15;h 1920, and of record in the.public registry of Martin County in I took A-2 at lajelaje 282, saiil deed of trust hi.ving been given' to aecure the payrlent o r certain notes of ewn date therewith, and the terms and con ditions therein contained not having been complied with, and at the re quest of the holder of said notes, tin? undersigned trustee will on March 15*h 1924, in front of the Post office door in Jame ville. N. C, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at public auction to the highest biddei for cash the follow- , V ft' " Zfoi^yqu^C^) ordered y°— « i I ——I ■ © Last year 350,000 buyers „ r waited lor delivery. «. * * . • . Insure yourself against delay this spring by placing your order for a Ford Car now. ■jf " See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer * " Detroit, Michigan —— THE ENTERPRISE, WILUAMSTON. N. ing described property to-wit> Beginning at a black gum in a small branch, the southwestern corner of the land surveyed for Sherman Williams; thence running N. 72 degrees 30 W. 68.64 perches; thence N. 39 degrees 30 W. 25 perches to the center of a I branch at the intersection with the )Tar Landing road; thence N. 16 de grees 30 feet E. 15.4S perches down said road; therce X. 5 decrees 15 feet E 32 perches down said r,-ad to a post Richard Knight's corner, thence N. 88 E. 35 perches to the Lightfoot Avenue; thtnee S. 2 degiees [E. 23 1-4 perches up said avenue; thence S. 37 tlerees :i0 feet E. 5-~.32 perches; thence S. 12 degrees E. 19 perchr. to the beginning co"tu:i irg 23 -12 acres more or less. The same "being what is known as the Spear Keys I .ami This 13th day of February 1924 \V. W. WALTERS, Trustee. 2-IC-4?. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the |H>wer - ■ GOODYEAR SHOE REPAIRING CX>. !. \V. Maultsby, Mgr. Expert Sho? Repairing. Sole saving station. prices are low —my work is neat. j u * I use the best of material to protect your feet. Send your shoes by parcel i>ost I pay charges one way. Next to Whiles Theatre. Greenville N. 0. j|| + | SPRING PRICES FOR FAMOUS FISCO j j FERTILIZERS' j FISCO 12-3-3 $2140 I FISCO" 1 «•"»* FISCO „ ... ... -on , J ! FISCO 10-4-O 24.31» FISCO Mala ceil Mixture 8-4-4 FiSCt) St.tiiUaril Fish and IV:a.-li 8-3-3 " } FISt'O Tobacco Spe.-ial (Sulphate of I'otanhl h-3-3 -- j ' FISt'O 'omrnerrial - 8 2-2 18 50 | j FISCO Truckers 7 -V7 ».«» J FISI ii Truckers Sttecial 7-5-5 ®4O F'SCti 7 3» 22 rtl FISCO Strawl«erry S|«' i.d (Sulphate of I'otash» 7-3-5 24 ll FISCO Special . . - * 5 -K6I» • FISCO 10-0-4 15.10 FISCO . . - IfrO-I i:'.9o FISCO Topper _ 3-10-1 38.10 j Acid l'h«».-phate 15 |wr cent 11 0>» { K11111!' . 100" I, j .• Nitrate of So-!a 00 RajrKwl and tagged f. o. b cars nearest ■ shipiiing point \\ ilmington. N. C. or Nor- | folk, Va. * PAYMENTS- sight draft bill of lad | ing atlaclied when shipped. Isuy The Best And Use \A?SS - J i NORFOLK, Va. WILMINCTON, N. C. j V.(i. Taylor, Agent ('. 15. Ividdick, Salesman | i EX'KKHTTS, NORTH CAROLINA j I I | of sale contained in that certain deed I jof trust L. A. Sykes and wife Jose phine Sykes to the undersipned trus 'tee. and bearing date of aJnuary Ist 1920, and of record in the public regis try of Martin Coanty in Book A-2 at paite 402. said deed o trust havnig ■ boon given to secure the pcyment cf 'certain notes of even da:e tirewith, land the terms and renditions roniain •i herein not having heea complied | with, and at the request cf the holder lof .-aid notes, the unoersijfned Trus tee will on Satunlay March 15th 1924, in front of the Post office door in JamesviUe, X. C. at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale at publ:c auction to the highest bids'er f«r cash. the felk.winp Jesfribetl property to-wit: Marked on the original piat of the Town of Jarr.esville. X. C.. as lots So 3. 51 and 52 or that portion of sa. : d lets on the Xorth side of a new street j laid cut by Frances lJghtfoot. A I Cvook-rton and George Jones Con-mis- j sioners for said town in I>«S. Being ] the lands as deeded to IX J. J. Smith j by G. M. Hurras and Thomas J. Harri- j son and bequethed to A. C. Lawrence '{bv the last will and testament of J. J. Smith. This the 13th day of February 1921. JXO. D. LILLEY. Trustee 2-l.V4t XOTICE OF SALE "Under and by virtue of the power! of sale contained in that certain deed, of trust executed to nie by Les.k | Fowden and wife, Susie Fow.len. on I the 11th day of March. ItfcTS. and o' record in Martin County Registry in j llook H-2. page 2K, .->ecc ring a cer-jl tain bord of even da'o ami tenor there 8 with, and the stipulation therein ' having been complied with; an i at the ; I ' ===== I 1 WHO IS C;0IN(;? EVERYBODY! WHERE? HOME CHAUTAUQUA AT FARM LIFE SCHOOL ? • I • \Y"HKN?-MARCH *!». 7th and Stb. j Performances 7:15 I*. .M. Daily. i . _ ' i 1 - .t ■ ' Phillips Fertilizers I FOR COTTON. HUIvIATE POTASH |j •jj FOR PKANI'TS. S-l 1 >-4,5l LI'HATK I WASH kniine *.ei- |j I man) j& FOR TORACI 'O. SI"! J'HATE !*OTASH. '.enuine Cennan) :& WE HKUSTKK ANIIIU ll.i) FIFTEEN MKANUS OF FER- S TIUZER. H I "Quality First" Our Motto J !tiie rest is \oneio;ooi>. Phillips Fertilizer Co. I WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA | I*. S. Come to our factory and t* ou nnaterials and .uixmls m the $ making. S3 - i J 3 — ir A.> Pt. -'-•>£ l I IfIERErS LlFt l/i V' ; S I EVEtßY Oumcefl 1 I PARME*RS j |i|j | FERTILIZERS J CUM*> 11 HMrau, ■ I ar jA a 4 Harvesl "Time I i 4 lells a 4ale of Real I QuaJi+y and Big Crops. I A ' QUALITY LEADER" FDR OVER 25 YEARS. I For. none "Hiao a quarler of a cerrfury Farr-iens Perfili jers have been proving "jher superior nenf &n\ producing profitable crops for of fdmers. The nanufaclure of 4fiese -ferlilixers is based on scientific I TacTs and toc use of ingnecJienfs. a FARMERS GUANO Ca-NORFDLK r VA. S| RAIL,AND VOTER FACILITIES I WATTS & HASSELL, Agents I I WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA m . . ' .. * ,oe>; of she hoider of aiJ band. I wi?i m tie Mi 4a> of llirtii. 1!KI. at \ X«» ia fr*-«t of the ct«r. hov.e ■'•or ©f C«Btr, offer a? pcbtic auctiae to the kt*het 15er. for j ei--'— tre ftokrat le.-T;fael real estate: Eer- ts. =x iVi -take oa the WiM I' jC r. ibtrice Xorth 2 «ie*ree> ! I tte-t !*• f>-l- ■» a pite: tlicef North ! 's> ! 1 "Segpupej. t 12S j>c4e- to 4 . -wsrtp .t ~m Pinek Branch. S. |K s: rr- C »me-. th»at* Jt«t l'~zr [lire * - the E»»: "herre a \ l«r r tir H«nuunhi l;ne to the *:1 * Cat K ai; '.iy-v* i*»r,r the Wild Cat 1 C"-*! "he (aetiisicf 119 1-5 acres, more or less, and bnif tie same !ar.a was «omnejred to J. I- Keel by H. It Caww acd wife by «iee>l Jan. 2ad, ISI2. and cf * reeord jr. Martin Cocr.t; pubi c , try ir. R>«k C-l, pace 113. j TV_* the "th (Lit of Feb. litt. B DUKE CRiTCHER. Trustte. j2-«L4t. /CONSTIPATION m. C «.«=•! eoentr. pep aad jia retcra *lw taking CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS^ boweb wfhr —|f 2Sc. BS i

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