litems rfthe]\ 1 7 QM Mr Tons Herri of the Eoberonviile Patauir ;rrittd to iT.rtd • • • • MT Jig> Jactsc"! of Ihrdf"? **• B law i or business. * • • • 1 HJL cf Harder..- *-v a t-g >t- visitor here Mcndky. •• • • J. *. Miieiie aa: Mrs - I On*,: irefe if town Momfcy - . • • • M . n M R.«d!ck. Jr 9f Hertford! .5, - visitor here Frw-i>. mm m • Mr a»d Mr- J«e B'CF 1 •* V ** lt attend tke fui.ersl o. M' ( i". * ftL mortunp •• • • (iwiwi'i. J a,M Haxn A- IV cr »«••' to Uaitl:! r afterr.ooi-. '• ' •••• , ; , )(k s. k »!iIT • ,r a! ** l S Khode- visited M"?- K«•:-■ c Wu.vr.irrt- yeserua> after. M:>- l H. P.o+ Mr-. !' H. !J»«"c aaw Marjra'et L*erm, Me ■ Pe* aad W H c.«rtan n» umi Wa>hi"«nor la--" W" • • • • «• v.,-. CKap*naf; of '> r f"«»" '•' ' **• i , . in »* twnftit ip ~?e' witt M'. sad M- J 1- tHei* !>»3Te wi * **• • • • ». OLiPti ' leltif"',' t" her home after sue*- r.fvi- here »itr her •■-*.-r "«' )|. s IV"ni Tayio arw! Mr Borip vr, ui»;>e r Mai* • • • • vr Honor, of ri > mou"»; wr it :«t tri- raornir.r . • • • Mr Va !5 M-rT'r- - f Pl'run!"» eaMidale ' C wig. parmr-d thT*»ur' bete t-• • fervrte '« I' 'I count y ySr. J S. Cook" r«'s«o—.-= V v k Pari*-'. «+•■ U suffenir ' titer k, is r.»it imp? >vmr • • • • H- prwi'ar pit*? Watswt T#te« K 1 bnskar ir r ?e» *aJ--.-na i cwnpan* rr-*i thi# rf '*• hs- ia 1 ' 'A«- »!3rr > Mr K ?e-> mr. o uc' C^raik'w"Stpt'-r Pa e Sire K'jvp al' '' ■ «5 Mr. Johr. ( « k« - ' tir iin** l« hiir ran Mil lar Mis= M-. t Wyr'e llr C«oJ-e ;y, »Ja" it - r '* thr hir 1 ; »e -re''- •» » '•■' »» ' on* •• t'ia*. : V"».>r t-"r»- f»• •■• mwtf i» h - '--ee leaiif r >**r « •" ir very t.«»* l»c® ' "•* ■ ißitto * hey i h - r ' - si *a- t'« lor-, he tra.- le*ihrr t B*( SI. • • • • Mr*. T»ar»*o- z-'- 1 M»- -Jar «pß of *» r. •• *«■»• d»r fh'sf'if V ■ Sfiby o"C . >»>t' tay •• • e M Ufl! Taj'or a ' u-ii .-- '• > tfr nrir this inonn'f • • • • M-.---** i"a«»is*«* Ku*i l*j:c v .fcr*i. memher» of "t --*e>> r. tear? ye>trr*u»> - pr •• • • Mr. ieorse Him- v *itl lie M«-r u-eM- « .-• mefcf! c eik. • • • • Mr. J AWhw . o*ner > *i * l*jflr-r Store «r«k! a fi*' i tc*' frrm a pre i* ir p t« I trfro zsM Ne« \«it • • • • M • Sa!!,e .- Mo;.'? of Oak City «l! - - - It specxi the w*.k «»i »iu V"' • R ber. reel. IX)KS f t® Mr. and M.a. Robert Bofsrt a *SaK|Efc"et. Sailie Sral/*i «I. y. Ffbru, 24, a* the Wsssiue*to» WaihirgtoE. Mrs. I-ra*t I vii Mi;«' f*erji e Birrs if tar before her nin«r> - jimmm* ii ii "i*| I Clark-Bennett Druj» Co. Successor to Fowlen Drujr Store. PHONE 53 J " , k Complete Line of Drugs, Toilet Arti- jl Ices, Sundries, Sodas, Cigars, Etc. IQTIIM SKBVHE r»)*IT DELIVERY C. R CLARK . LC BKNNKTT ■ b - - r -- ~ * ft : I OWL-LAFFS ' ®1 ! f O. W. L. (Ob Witis L—T««ter > I * OWL L.\l GH> K, * FVt* fsw w ■ aal -* pf t £i v r- L > coui . - M-zii znx trmr *»x* t l at f- «• it. *L. * : h~ * *f3itc r •*?* bra«r V.c- v a s:kr : *"* Z,"t# t?* * - fork*■- T - '*z e- t; 'r r * **- _ _ -^ sl •- « r, -. *■ art r U a"~ ■»' *-"" : ; • v 21 -s -' 1 V- " ** * tur*® 2»r a.. r.. ~«r - •?-*-- *tt . rr _pt T-> t ( n-K sn ~ ! r I vsTf^i A t-'-rri. r. wU a -r 1 u * a" - r*- f . turi* 3 *! ' *■- * > 1"""* t> ' * I " s «* :»•" »- i fi'* • -|' .• •« i. « - .4 >axi *J%e itir..Si >, ». and 111 mith "" i r\« oa «W- tnt-jt- li-rf* a •' ; • r VMf J, 2* 1 • . f S' * *- »->._•« * _ • * • " "li '. v '* - r . -* v . lZ - »v- .-•s.T- -.o r?vnt . • • . | . !f t-kV* . « I'diir, 1W * M: (»b tpjr Ife* »:« Vr %- N, ,r 4 I V'-i" -laftrifiK -> r, T a* !?. 1 ,*-• *•- i i-' r -r*4sr? * t'kf! . ? ? * mr.r. .V- * arv « h-iff?. #- «■* - iktt . % ?.«■ -* i!i ?•» .-r k f" 9" w ■ rzakt*i m t- evi ** hr'-i I .j.* . S r»» * ? i ! * ' ' ¥i? f« ?t 11 ?r ffv 4> # ?9 „ a ,r. # s -. ; „, p, f f is*;. r«^. r . 5 - I" j* - «- »_■»*• 3—i ■; *1 » ♦y l • * *•» !•-• 11-trr .v • Jl> . | r * #■ t- r* s* f iLi-?-*- *V, f v-tr . r*.r ?K - L tu; thr t »f a/frr every meal Clcaases MMlk •■ I krtk aa4 ai> I Its l-»-»-l-l-«-l »»«%«r I Uur craviaf lor I awe* I*. Hrigl>' I* 4mM( valar la ttr bcarill *■* ( I lili ■in tl yrovUcft. VakJ m> aC* hm> |^ 7 —'- j ' The rare.l of A R. Fall at Thice E«r>, N'e* Mexk». !a» ISJWw cat lie i,uni)r over an ares, fifty qaan f> mitt. A bydnxfettrr insga&s,; 31!; * puaw plat: ro«tiit|t n'e v * f-I * .0»O is no* beiT.jr fta*sj>ne. Ax.| orchini cf !•© aero i-A arte? cf atfalfa a±B»-t a- fir « f 'of eye can see. It b sais tie nati . 1 :BCi»(ie» #»jiW' ancss m MMwi j .*9'.•*! acres of law oc tat Mexalen> j .«SJ, k» ■ —.itx* «bk t«n j 'ea>e«L The raise it pface»: at aaoot 1 i&W) 7 j i i There -een_- to be a Vfrrr j j far ?w«i seed ;. ear »-> eter he- , *, for," i> the fise fim* of !*-* - Mar , Jfiw-awlj row a dayi br. sat eites 'sior. fcrce at rhe S"aU Col Sere , j I Tec years »ro tfei- MM.', Dr. E-j • \ . R iMers and ' «?! • Ze» . j llc-re )>U.-aeti bit jttaitec tot J t cottor nriej te : k Ir u The oasstr m-w lead- the j S*a"«- ia the if- «sf v'**- it I -ee»t . I A; ;»r*>s..»"iate-> e-srt-ty »r «er.: of |:i,e r_n- croj. j tic j«aa#> w i.—-U' o-. "in*: .o ~ n "he fs-ro of f.'-r --c: j The pr « rtit» >f r.srir •_- -. ; j*>t - j ::»r .#••- e :r re «i»VT»a' Awr j "'!! c,"j; »- i e t aate; i.* folio*.-: i Vaie. fr a w e)b 111 e I •j I t r cf I"- at iji'.f; I cj i ' .(; ■>* '*3:fr"« r—:a ar-. is* I >' -» r f Vrl > 'stfc_ fijtT per J r*-; . T*,» -i t'-r: -.x Jte Vt 5» ier c-r; o* I'sjiersJty ' Vi a • '^bnr | Cord Wood ! wt: have it Any Amount You need. Per ("oi ti. delivered *7.50 j Per Pen. delivem! . 1.50 WINTER IS NOT OVER j • I'rone or leave your order. Prompt ser- • | vice. j Lindsley Lilley i ] Ice Co i» \l I PHONE NO. 99 WIIJJAMSTON, N. C. * —_— * t— . NOW OX DISPLAY! J r I A New Shjninsrof Spring (larments | Revealing an infinite variety of fashion . themes that we know will please you— That boyish form suit, and that chicken ! dress and eoat are awaiting your selection. You are invited to come in and see them JVlargolis Bros Brooks ' . - 1 THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMSTON, N. C Tea farmer# of Union county rem*- ly bcafiit 34 head of registered Sarep-1 &>re sheep as the of a k* » -Srrp inductry i nlhat county, re- T. J. W. Broom, County Ajfwit- Gf-riaml county is planning to pjM up and beautify its farmsteads jj-nj Marrh and April. TV newly f«rnra Board of Agriculture is bock ieg County Agetft R. E Lawrence in Shis wire inowmwt Directors of agricultural ntwira j fix-m fivf southern college- hare» TTKleu the State College of Agri- i mJtur* commending 'he North Caro- ! lira "L'te-At-Home** program Somej of c«r pUr tc put on a similar cam- J pairs for 'he farmers of their states- j SERVICES AT THE EPISOPAL CHURCH Sunday -chool, 9:45 a m.—H 31. j Stuhbf. Supt- JRJV Coirmunioa %.V> A. M. ll'»rr. "ng prayer and sermon It an* K-en-.rr przyer end sermor. 7p. RL Pui«ic cordially ir.bite«l tf attend these f rrkes. J. E- WAftXER. | SERVICES AT THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH .School 9:»" a. ru —W ' Maneisfr. Supi. Sfimof. by the Pa* : or !1 a. m. Se nc'tj by the #*.#»* j- pl - Srf-nirej *HI U held «r. the .r' ::d r.'.d fourth Sunday?. Everyone i? extended .» ir.o-i ferta | «v'cnfsr to ati»n«l the cnuich jiLs* ; ire post office. A. J. MANM.'G. Pi.-'or. .SERVICES AT THE METHODIST CHI'RCH Sur.'Li; School 9:45 evet y by ;he pastor eery t.-t. third ai.. 'ourlh Sun«ta\s, II a. n. ac>i 7 ,JD j*. m. Prayer meeting every Wedrt* day j eccong 7:3" If 8 p. m. K. I>. DODD. ffcte. | LKlt'h KOI' SALE: SE* EU AL Tfcatartl re*' ex.ra fine at half j j me. JuirJ Peel. Z-'Stt |> j MN»> KOI K K«M»M li»»l SE V.IIU locate I. water snj ?>r» -t *** : -J i Che*,, -n.i oa.-> teiins. Nw V.- C | ' Manning. ■ -= i I George R. Cherry R. E. Lni S«iiji%—Map— Draft ; General Engineering P OLBKM WINDSOR NORTE CAROLINA FOR RENT: SO BOOM BI NGA k* Wrrk water ami IqrfcL', apply to • J. G Godard. MMt NOTICE i few* taker sp ,»o rmlk cows, o-e 1 MM, marked crop n each ear. tie 1 otiwrr marked swaJ'.w fork in rigfe ear am: rope with nag in it xrund 1 Unis. | OR* COW Marked, spotted and brie rle color. Also one light Jersey heifer. AR MW at my home and may bo had by pa;, mg trust. Geo. C. Jenk as -—— - ■ —______________ I FERTILIZER SEE EIAND STALLS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR f| FERTILIZER. WE ARE AGENTS FOR TH E EASTERN COTTON OIL COM PANY. WHOSE PRODUCTS ARK GUARANTEED WITH A j PRICE TO SI IT. I WE HA\ E BEEN HANDLING THEIR BRANDS FOR THE I'AST SEVERAL YEARS AND DURING THAT TIME EVERY PURCHASER HAS BEEN A SATISFIED CUSTOMER f L . Biggs & Stalls T lephone 33, £5. MS or 249. I __ ' i--*" " " ■ - }g\ THE 14TH SERIES OF THE 1 | Martin Co. Building & Loan Ass'n. I WILL OPEN i I Saturday March lit j 1.. -; — —# I 5 per cent net & non-taxable § I THE BOOKS ARE NOW OPEN FOR SUBSCRIPTION & j M WILL REMAIN OPEN FOK DAYS. J ! | Help Save and Buiid Your Town j ASK ABOUTOI'R PAID UP STOCK— -•>* I SUBSCRIBE NOW! j I Martin County Build- j I ing & Loan Ass'n. j I WHEFXER Secretary P. R. GONE, Prcaideat K WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA^B FOR AWNINGS. AWNING COVERS xad tests of all kinds, see Harrison Brothers and Company, Wilii&ms ? toe. X. C. . 2-12tr- NOTICE OF SALE -I » Under aad by virtue of the povrer I of sale eocl&intd in that certain deed of Tuft execnted to me by C. H. Cowes. and wife, Xoda Cower., on the f ISti day of August, 1922. anJ "of f record in Sirtia County Public Rej t in Bock H-2. page 167, ,-ecur- I -ng certain bonds of even date and tenor therewith, and the stipulations therem not baring been emnplien with, - and at the request of the hollers of i said bonds, I will, on the sth day of March, 1924. at 1200 noon, in front of bidder, for cash, the do scribed real i First Trad—Adjnag the lands mt Mrs. Lacy Ilaiffima. Charlie DanieL Levi n»iBm w Boh Jen. ConWty Road, and rthei *» iimlsiaii j. S acres, more or less. Second Tract-Bmdti by Smtet -1 en Water Creek. A. X M Grif - fin Bros., and others, oatamig 15 ' acres, mere or less. Third Tract—ltigibi; mm the by the lands of Grifia Bros, an tlw ' i Sooth by the Lands of A. J. Manrdrg, 'ion the West br Wat*? Grace, an the ! j Xcrth by Griffin Brm. containing 40 » acres, more ar r i This sth day of FA. ISttL r ! . R DUKE CEfTCHER. Trnstee ' 244 L

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