Avnacnaos WILL rcA> oci COLONS A LATCHKEY TO 191 ■OMRS QT MAHTW 006KTV 1 ■yOMME XXV—NUMBER COMMISSIONERS MEET IN REGULAR SESSION MONDAY New Public Road To Be Laid Oat By The Sheriff W. Bl Haute'— mmJ V. K T.yior OaMaead by the kMidteapUt M-i to tkc Itorfwl tamazj Ba Sto Own E PUTT** tew ami the O.datad that a bridge heiiaa «i «w Caatallu annua# a >teu'i Ordeied by the baud that J. M Oak ley fee nliiii I tea ijwal cr dog tax. Atew» af Mn. Kwk ÜBay w BKnsnd ta S3JM par Mafk ■tei (iiiw. nlmi ni ■»- luU tea f«jan« of aofl tu ■ OitoU by the kairi that tkr tear collect Ijiiul tax tea afl teitl, by error, year UK. Bhw to Hie Watkte TN daj. to Orderad by the Board tbat the toaad hit a# a bride aaar Bate* bmrb ta Nphr Nat tMnahr be la* ta thr dtacaatte af Mr. J. G. BandeM. T. L liha.ia ari(kn* iaiwi a# the payment af special ahaal tax ly Baled m GOd PkM T. L lahatai and C—nay were ' aa ftJWO fapi npe «lj Brted ia Boher- Oftei liM Nad Wilß.aa be ab M ttOt per aea*h aanty paa: OihiiJ byte baud that a faac C A- Askew sapente te awk Oadaaad that ta aflßlhagl to be bcfltnear (W M. IWv Kr.M^ a *"Le. Ordered that Jaa Ham be aßow tha ritej pay the to* af S3 te Typhoid fever tad diptheu* aa aate ai bp the State Beard af Heal*. -Ordered byte beard tto Ja^S; E. Griii he ihlaaad fna the pay- Ordesad that J. B. Ewcn be a teeed tea* payaeat of da* tax i» * Old ted by the bxid that the aaa which ■■■a il bad beea placed wMi ' te eaaaty by the aa> J Ofeaoa fcr to* capped aad he aaar briar • phjaiial health aihil to ha LOCAL NEWS OF BEAVER DAI! Mr. nd Mr*. A. L Ea|KC lb te Vyaa aad Mr. Mte terry Mn. J. H. Bigir. ipa« Satantoy Mr aad Mr*. Praah Beraatt ae£r- Mr. Henry ABea pot Saaday laara the sick te tev afftolSL 3*h ite. -- Bapaas. THE ENTERPRISE IffIAIIRKR OF CWMfiRCS MEET ING TONIGHT - All Members are Ur^ed to Attend; Important" Business » Thee «1 ha a af the 1 Chaaher af Cn lanira toaigM, March • tt to Tto to te Mte af Daaaing. Xatencf iafatecealhetahta r Tbv is te tost ate aaewiag af the ad te aacyhtp ahli aai Ite tea i a that the 'eei aad cauaauaity aigfct he haßtri thereby, t E**f» acahr it auaKiy urged ta r attial the aatmiag taaigfrt at 'JO to 'be cflcrt af Itehf, Moore aad t Hoetae. EDWARD CARROW BRUTALLY KILLED t Died While Being Rush ed to Hospital , , Edawid C-aiiaa. the Id year eld aea 1 «aa af Bdaid Cumr, a fvaaer Be i mmr Beaafar* aaaa a Maiadaa by Bubal Jaa. a ' The aefia fines the *eßealng atary ' ahn Aanewd a jafl: He tars that ha had boagh- aaae ' btod af a bach aad that after eating ! at Canaa caae ta bia aad aaked te • a Mte which he Ad art hare aad tee frcaa thia pate the Ganaw bay ' h|u to «rc aad abuee him and - 'itaiand. aa**t~jr aare trauße. He ays tha he Mind ao rteaao eth er to aw* a. rfrrd aad that toe bay agar: left ate returning pat te band I aa lb itotodrr with d*Ma haifa at ' ateh toe he a,, he Cat tea, a*ab > aag ha to C* seek. Be tether aays that he that ato ha«t aad taaaiaed ! aad urestad by Dtptfy aheriß. Gee. Harris «f to Igf t fat/.- - I Thr Cuvaar bay was rushed to a iiei p m _t TTuhiag'an bat died be - foea tha Otm of hlaod caJd be atap ' H The aegaa aapc the ynag white hey f Joaef 2aa ia Jafl a whiting a p»- lLaiiary ha teg which, a* aadrr. jtad ate paaut a w) different PROMINENT BANK ER VISITS HERE 1 Maad Mr X> S. F. 'rate cf M- Mriteid ia a pnteaest baaker cf km aad ha tiwactod attetof. dte. He hx* baaght cer.iidartole wa«f a if to Maria tiaagj attobar i try te ia hapreaed with the aateral te a iftai a af ear ate which fer r caaati • artsal weal b lawa is Car Mted afaiTa people of that stato wbte aaaay ad can ha»a haaa aegkd ■ ci. lie. MiDeailft gtaadfaOer, Ed ' ami, whi dtoi la Oriada was bora ia Mate ate w» a hxstLar af Etet haa«to a hage far. af fla Mad apaa 1 attach the Cty af Near Tart Mr ' aad fa aaar worth *SOO ■teat Kted hadi toar baathaza I Tha rii ii iiaa toaaJi of the teafly t faafe aaaa eMail to eatal£to their fcaiMi i fiM , awto a i IMn T jMtoSpto^rhtot ! hf aa the te are reitnl Math thea C. C Date I'toate wHtbr sar tfcfe drvkt ad | thr aaa vLa asc3y fid toe wrrk it r Mr. tela aid bad to aqr, waj ■pi ll- 111 thargh he there is Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 4, 1924. MRS. W. T. WARD IS CLAIMED BY DEATH SUNDAY Funeral Services Held ia Rocky Moaat Mon day Bocky Meant, March X— MR M.T. Ward, well knaara aad batead itotot •f the dty. died lata yaataday to bar baaae, 218 Saab Grace ataato Ab vhaagh Mrs. Ward had haaa to M health fa aboat te weeks, lar caa ditioa bad to beea aapated aa a iaaa except for the pwt ate aad aeaa af her death caaa aa a graad aback to te aaay fHeads el tha city aad EaCen CaraMaa. candacted Ite tha haaa tha aftar aaa a four o'clock by Beer J. W. Ktocheloe, paator at the First Baptfat charrh. af which the ■ i i i I waa a Phe View ceaetery. " The deeeaeed was take wanlid Her •tehtohatewaaMapolr-aB Mugg Dr. N. B. Mariaer, af MteeaZ! a r tea. She waa aaarriad ta Mr. Ward, wha sarriaea. Ptecwary Z. IBBT. Aa a rcaalt af this Miia than waaa flea children. Balph. wha dM a afaacy; aad Mrs. Taa Jams, Dr. Bdwto Maid aad Ifiaaea Maltha aad Date Kate Ward, an of this dty. wha aa.ia She ate leaves two sister*. Mian Drib Smith wick." af JaaiaiMa. aad Mn. J. W. Maya, af Claytoa; aad a baath «r. Dr. J. E Sauthwick. af Jaaaea rille. Mrs. Ward waa bora ia Martto eaaa ty a the historic Stethwick lated home af the faaaOy to IS»T. hteg the daughter af Jael ate Mattea Sajth wick. This Jd aaceatral haaa was pa Bag Geaaga. aad la baa to tha ted ly ever aiaca. Tha flaaaßy af which Mia. Waid was a aaoaaher ia aaa of the aaa Saithwiek. aae af' the" elated eartiat aad aaaat dbttetoed aat thn She waa tikrwte the atear-ia- The above aeeaoto a# te death af Mm W. T. Maid was taha ftoa te Backy Moaat Telegraa Mra. Maid, prior to aaviag to Baaky Maaaat, toad ia WBKaastea with ha fa aßy tor aaay yeaaa aad tor daafh baa beaaght acnoa to aaaay Maada to VMbaa toa aad Mania caaaty A aaaaa af aaach digaity aad raaerea bat a loyal rneaaUi af a devoted faeafly ate aaa Hoarfy kartted by Ba tte aad Her faaMy have tha af aB their frteda af their aid haaae. MEETING TO BE ' HW D IN OAK enr ME. KIMBMT TO STCAB AT OAK CTTT SCHOOL THI'BSDAT NMtMT Mr. Kiraery af tha Stato Ihte aaaat af Agricaltare wfl apaak a the Oak Oty aehool March Bh a the "Vateaf a Good Dairy Cow.' Eacry haeatackto Maitia caaady ahaald haa what Mr. Kiaaary haa to aay. Da wB caapare pare bead'cattle wMh acatoa ha order that tha f-iiaaen af tha oaa pay to kaep aaab stack ei the faa. Attend thia aad Bad ato the actual cut af bn|iag a gaod aaw. V/ill toe pay fa ha ted! He wfl Every faraer la (tea Meat Tawa ciwdiaßy iantodL Si'aday wheaa Mr. Oteha boaiiled the tote te Liilagla Mr. ad Mrs. A. B. White ate Bb tle daughter. Jeaato B UH II Iml a family diarer to tha haaa af Mrs. While's lather. Mr. T. B. Haflpaa mm Waahaigtia The I n » lig tohaa af Mr. Hodges* harthday Maaaaa. M. A. Ba B. Boca hßl aad Pad tea wato ia ChaaMto yaataadpy ta gat a Ltoapto aadte te LP mi m. J. T. He Dated aad W. M Kaar af BTnling taa waa haaa ya fi adtoj. ed"*' Q . C T* m f m J * m ■ 11 • m ■■■ -- ~-ar mm. KATE sriK KIII.FI> I BY ROUSS AUTOMOBILE OX WAT PBOLL SERVICES I 9L Jaws Strurt aad Chdar law abnt kn •*■ htl: Mi». Kate ffpaka." re taniig IMB Iht CM Saikw at At TdktMck gu at rack by a liar- ( Alsag aßh In. Bfte Of Mn I Tn» h rtw My nt aba tat art Minn lj Fna da n* witoww ta tka ar dtet ft MM that In. Sfaa was n M the «fer of the Kkeet ear tbe Had ta whew ate MM I ai It ly h* by the cm aai >TV Tiipy was a few fact ia Ika AMt «k» AC «M TLMK. 1W AMMHi was naa( ta Thr bata M tka HirtiW nai and n. naaiac at a mk rfSwII The ear raa abaM STty feet with the Mr Mrs. Spaia daagliaa. M the fM af tka aachitsr Mm it arz* Ik kwi rf In. Sfan was crash ed a aJ jUi kitw cr r faaad aw tka wlia» Ha i«M Ifaak «a Vrak «■ late tteaa pteeM aad tkr kady was Mn. Tliff via rtk Xre. Spaia at tka tiM af tke Mat was alaa Ut kjr tka Ma af tka or hat ter ■Marias in aat fetal ' CaDriiafkraM Tka driaan rf tka nr. m m Ba>- ■ui arrested at aa aad mdati ia tka aat at tka taa af tke mil Mm tkat aH IW mf these a«M ww tkey aava T> tkair tar a» a ta«k tka |IM af a bright dauk lifk lean aad Cedar LM Mrs. Kate tpaia lat Kiad at Hart Mdls Car anaay years Md Is a aal Gkariaa Tripp. 51000.06 TAX PLACQ> ON PUBUC DANCES VWaaa tka acta takes kj- tke CKy rat ten at tkair Rpkr i ia»fcl> tew HjMt Tke Uiteb ratter kick bat tka Ward daas at like ta te daam kaM ia toaa. It ■ aadmlad tkat baa tkia pailarfar taarr ate* tke ale mm tea h«d, zad tke figUt Tke CaadhriasiMen aaeaa ta fcaaa tte ■ait ta tee tke Marti— aaaafU « MARRIAGE LICENSE FOR FEBRUARY ■aeteZr af DaadTfar Martha taMr. OM af tka IIIM.HI I I isawad ts*tkad> Miain is a bat af tkr Gnari baaed daw* tar caaatk af ary: WKCf Hoary Pica B-r-HiaL tee Daafce O af Flit Maty; Walter LM idana «—Pteri STOaley li; Hayt Cm Kdtete last IS; OMw Bdwjyda r af rut I ILJ K-btkv KM it kaaa Sana. af Hilifav caaMy It OOLTKED ' A. a IMTOM II Stahi W KM B; Dkasai / idaa an Sl—Osa Kw B; Gsse Its lafcia. af lUte IISIII B nlli p -ter 21; Garret XS; te maid Sat r fttd IVaten, S2; Baady On S Ltritk Naw SS; Mapa CafaU 1» -Carry BeS tea Oakara St; Jaafak |L r«i a SS—Oydr Lloyd SI "It MMMUf Maya Ml te OM city today. ROAD CONTROVERSY IS YET UNSETTLED IN GRIFFINS SECTION ✓ Mattre Will Continae to A Later . Date The .aad (gatromty yi Grite* towaskip reacted its rtiaai ia tke fafiaia to cat aay tking yeateiday at i tke aaaatiac of the Board of Caaaty » km. Taa reads were ander diwaa IIM. 1 tke ac leading frota JaMtaiiSe to I Washington. tke atkar leadia* fraM « Jaaneaville via tke HardxaM all to > SatfnraVa crack aad ttea to tke ' hard Mtfacad road at saM taataal paaL Back road had aaaae aikat : frit-ad a At tka laat aettiig af tka ' Board it wm tentatively agreed tkat tke aiattor af location staid te left witk these to be served aad what was supposed to be a prefereatiej pi Ma i j was held recently Saw af toe peo ple fighting amr, kaaeiei. At tkr primary _ tkere * aea "rait" "thiap tatea tor ear mote and IS tate for tkr otter. It was ciaiaaed by tkr leaser aide tkat sack was unfair and it was BM mm ikxt the matter was neither act tied ncr daad and alter too aack wraagting tka wkoie matter was dray pad te te takea ap agate at a later REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS FOR % MONTH OFFER. l *Anaittie Biggs ta J.'uta. eaa ndaatka OSOjN; Joka T. Price ta 1 H- ». Haara and wife to A S Raker ■tiM (MS. OR; J. T. Pa ate I aad wife Bancl Green aad rife to N. M Iqr SnhtraM to Chariea B. Katenaa. ir—fckraliai tSTKM; ft. S Wyna aad wife to Bea B. Maaoa. leaiidi iatiM SSJkO; J. T James la J. T. BarnteH. raMideeatimi W. F Haislap to Caaaie M. Datenpect. tnaihialiaa SIQSO; W. F. Haislip to Cte» S Iteraapsrt, rorsideratian tlttt: H- Garkia to Levi H Dams, raaiidei aliM #IS00; Jaka H. Ho!lida> aad wife ta Ited W. Da via e" al, mniiih riiltan SISAS; U. r Hyaaaa and arifa to J It Wkitketd, caaatdera'ioa HtON: Hair taa G. Davis to Levi H. Davis, caasader atßM KOO, 1. A. Daveaport to Ik. C H-flliaaaa. roandcrata SCSOOS: W. Robert Everett to EvereU Estate, no ri Irraliaa I7CLB; Pkraaets Baak aad Trwat Ca. ta Drnaii Bailey, riaiidrr ata %\3SM- lie mat Bowes to GC*L W GriSto; Jaka t Red-lick ari arifa to H L. Baidkk. caasidrtata tow and tfedier.; J. G. Status aad artfa la J aad arifa. noairr ata lljfiM; J. C Skades and wife to J G. Gcdard. co-sider.ta lltM. a W (kite to Henaaa Bom. caa side ration S10«0: L W. Leggrtt aad wife to A G_ Bowdra. naairftta wJ SUB. J G. Madhn to LaSa Nadte. raaaideratiaa «»0»; B. Dake Crrtcker. trwatae ta J. T. Ptica. eca idcra'aoa ISMS); Ctay-M Maore. UaatM te f. LOCALS MEET NEW BERN Y TOMORROW kide een fri'ed to p'ay the Wadk oigit kat it ia slated tkat tkr torn Cat Will Meat Newkera T. A C A team ten Wednesday MgkL Tke suae wSI te called at a'cteck and tkr ateiiraitn af B' aad SS casto ariil hp charged Tke aaaaM Is drawiar ta a cteae. aad Ika lojiparlen arka bare faßaa ad tka ten Ikmagh Its vitlwka ard ddaate wiS aat Lave tka twimdlj te M tke ton ia arttoa aaa; MM TV iatanat staa at tke bat wB ga a kag way tawrid argaairrg a •eaa eat ywar. Miw White To Entertain Phßathea Clan Friday *■ ——— Tha gkdattea Ctaaa af the MMiiial Bapliat fbarrb wiS Met with Ha Carrie DfcS Wlale at tke taa af Mrs. J. V. Wonalag M Ckaadt aCiast «p Friday evaateg at • o'dack. Tteaa aH in j. BM Rank teiuiidkH JAMES STATON PEEL DIES AT HIS HOME NEAR & G. Was Wounded Badly in Struggle Between The States Mr Jaw* StatM Fed (bed at his haaae Mar Bear Gat* chirrh iku m—wtom at 1 o"H~ck He had Wr; ad for tnml dtyi with pwiuwoia aad tht end n> nptrtwL H>M«tW same farm upon which he wu horn ia July lUI Mr. 1W Hi ia the Civil war and was wiwdr wcaadad ia one arm. tartar a lam part of it cot away aad fraa which he aever filly mviciciL Bis life** work wan fiianc aad he aeeeeded wrfl He iaa«iied Mia Eliza beth Gargaaas aad ihf uarcive* haw TVj ee«er had any chUdien. bat rais ed sereral orphan children. aakikf it a teal heme for theaa. Few place* was note ftm for ea ter -iiawii it than their ham. Every body. not «al\ the old. but the ycMg delighted re nqtii; "Citric State "aod "Ana*. Bet", aad were always made to feel free , The furral will be held toaaonvw aad hanal oa the old home farm om a spat selected by him He bet oae aster. Mrs. Jno X. bpnML He had beer, a member cf the Bear Grass church for many years aad ao clam of Martia maaty steed higher thaa J. S. PeeL MR. SHIRLEY AC CEPTS CALL TO LOCAL CHURCH Brr M L Shi Hey of ShetbytiNr. lad has accepted the call of the Meaaorial Baptist Church to tii i sail their paster. Mr. Shirley has preach ed here several times and is a very Maeet >pea£cr aad pule a likeable He is a aative at Kaatachy aad was edara'e-* at Oer-etew* C*llere aad at the laajieiWe Seaainary He was parta of the Deer Park Baptist Church ia Laatsnlle for ire years, where fcehaßt a hanflsoam church Ufldac, loaiiag it a tfiaag church Later Mr. Shirley was pastor of the Bxptitf thank at Hardstoara. Kjr. far imtnl years aad hea of the Baptist (hatch at Shelbyeiße. lad. Dariag the past year he has travel ed far hah Bed Path aad Swath aMt Chrntauqu as ampsf afert lalaw aad preachiag Sundays. Mr. Shirley expects his family to Jala haa here loaatiwe ia early ApriL He bs two children. They wil or capy the Baptis* pcr>onage. COUNTY AGENTS 7 MONTHLY REPORT FaiMWiar is the report u>*e ky Oaaty A(ru T. B. I .a_doo to the Bki4 of Ceaaty Cemiatr iaarrs e# Mar ia county for the assath * f Fehraary. 1924 19 da*s >peat ia field. ( days b ufin. 57 c«(eif*t wi'h iahv:daal butxtSv *7 letters written. 12 aaeet >r> held wrh a Utal _tleudaace mi Si; 4 jehaali riiteJ a d aadr talk la papal*; MO aulas trsve'cd ia pt- f?ma; the lallof Amiai iatsf ia the aactv; M faian u advised as U laiaiag cattaa aader weevil laadilia .- as to aae of fertdraer. praper od*ica tiaa aad aaa af talriaaa arsenate, etc.; talk ad to aad adviaad * farmers as to lain t paaitry; lalkod to and advaad viaod 1 faiaacrs to to carta* for bees; tdiiaad • faarfi as to cariar for regards to pacaa culture, su-nud 4S Caraan. ha use of lilmili liar sta* aadrr tobacco to cotrol diaaatd hi I Mrs. Ma Loaier Carao has accept ed a paatoi wr'h the B. K. Barahiß Gsiice Means. N. & GodarJ. Jofca F*J* pal. Cka T. Maacc flaOM Add ia a helji Liataha aiiad they say that the baby aaly rnoramed two gal- Ma* «f gas aa the eatire trip la Tar Mall Mr. & 1 Everett, a pitmm a Hi of Oak CMy was ia car Uaaa icludty. At The Bedside of Mrs. Waco /orth Mr IE Wadaaaath art ill 11 Uaaaaad aad Afiat Wahe.dk af Maw Mara are here a* the lililh mf Maw wLanth who If tuhdy ■ at the haa af har daughter, Mrs. J. W. Watts. Jr. No ha|M M aaa cuter tJiaad for Mrs- Wad^worth'» recover? j aa ftnr grief. ,5 WATCH THE LABEL ON VOL'S EAFEB. IT CABBIES THE DATE TOIB SlßSCßirnb!* EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1896 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO STAGE CIRCUS Diamond Riof To Be Girai To WiwMr - Of Contest TV ryt4. red beaded, and fmUe Evai «Im —By is the Am «e Mtlalke wlf of the tr* cocas ami who Mm the fast M to Che Aw g,iL—il. to geimg to tow a aew —pari— this time wtoa the aitoi track* pd op at the Dint ■>nhi an here, far then to gait to he —An totod *f a shew this time. He tow never been to cat of them and therefore, he hv the same thriD that h vaaU have if it wan oae of the big * «aw mhr the hg tent It to the VaUaautM Chamber of. Cuamem Indoor Ome. The »W wd! carry oai oae entire week. .* There ■£ he mx tor nigtits cf fun bectonms H.«div T.iiEht Much 17. The Vfloa Todd aad T a ylor-T real On*; i —i. has hem egagtd to f«rauk the crw for the Caamher of for.B>fnrlf TV Wrtf *-s ,louse wit! he 'nv'wwed to re-prr eat the ia teraee atf a anaaMh aicat teat. There j wiß he b(h ciicas seats to accomodate aaoee thai a thousand people There ■A he a regalaliea sis cirrus ring. ««a with saanda.C. oake rtortltd 'age. Overhead there anil be a mass of wires aad tope* aad other name ream rimms> n«ed to the aerezl perfcrm «!• Nothaac be aui.ag. even the P*»"au im mi W-muaade will be there. Smt af the itap-rtant acts for the week are' ToddV trained doss, featur mr Spmdf. the h«todrviag dog and - Itayag P*> hoaadU. tfe JonliaK Tatht*. heap taller;, add JogHert, Atom Ff •» f the flriajf ladder, the Olbe dna am the t«bl wnt, Bon, the Soath' faaant black face camediaa. Bessie Henitm oa ttojywf ring, Mrs WiOmm TO«M_ dai?ty UV»( AAD •Kane« **mhr*«te; llu*. Urn rn«"«l af kkhiam amies. Ihmad Kmc To Be Gina Qaws There il he a |oeea ccetest aad the totjr memtf the lrntest camber cf vote* wA be declared the qatta of A ci:fwf aad wiß he presented with Saaasn txhrU ate $1 00. Each ticket to» r cooif m goad for 100 «f« A ■aator of the r«««e indies af Wd toeutea have nimd the ccatest aad ate iiFtot laianoa tickets. The mm ariH pw «>iyhodj> plen ty af tool thfi arholejf me fm, so if yms i*a3y vast to eajey yoaraclf for a wheue week prepare «o attead each eight at the [tie warrhia*e danitf •he week ItfaoMr Mar-h 17. A bi|e aaaAtr af .itiaeas recall tie tune whea the \ ultam Toad daa* |h}«d here efcnl years ago, aad it bm thra tl.t.ed to be one af the Aanit aad but af its kind ia the South Xa AaaAt anaay recall the tetwue. the city fathers aaal the af the ahev. the waina and aalaie «.* the faand was «wr iranM. to" ae As kaow that Mfir. Ttdft show • : the approval of tSL The Stoaday c : "«* that has car . was am t maay c izeas went doara •a see ham oA ar a >k**l that he r%- ara. hat he atvrtVlA, sa this will ha has hit trip here » ce that tune. Be fore he canmd i.wjty backets Hied aft toan and f« r aweks that par- IK UI can aat as one as water to I lie Sahara dme:t- LOCALSAKD PERSONALS Mr. Maak lhae; of Birhmaai to *toicm« hi toathi- tohw Mr. Joha Mr ILarry MrJi alien to h ton to day a.ienAa| fc jwe'eaasaaal business Mr A. D Mclean af Waahfc«taa Mr «. W. GriSa was ia Lawa to- Oty. Mrs. Larry L'anc of Bm of Cur-.uh aad ■r-ClJ^Lof Gtoqpl HAI apa* ■ML Sadhe Bt p «A iran kaa weak AM a nat to jIL wTirU Jkm to^SaSTm"

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