. ... —=■ I « WINTER WAS MAD 1 j I - Old Winter had to pack his clothes. -v j And hie to other she its. { It made h«ii mi Juv ;r:( ; . the- - sav. % * * * « Cj^, I I For his icy breath still roars. «... >f-l ■ I Just to - s} \U . K -iade it sii'v. - And.the Luds crej • back in fear, L And \v-a;.|ied t* ei • tender hearts a train. , TV* wait ti*: S».iri'ii. r i. c here. But ' sot:o ?v{'{: ray" is corr.inr .-lire. I \\ hen bu is and blossoms. bir':ls jit.g l*-**s | will riii t : .»* ai' v itii :\vi ots and sonjr. | j And instead the icy wind. ;» pleasaht breeze NO XFFI> TO WAIT FOR S»MF SWFFT MAY" TM;KT YOl'R SI'RINfi DFTFiT. \\ HLTHKR iW WIND BU»\VS j i OR IHK SNOWFLAttHS FALL. THF ■ WOMAN ANI» MAX "WHO ( ARK r\\ BE 0..1K a MODKL IN THF FASHION BEVI'C AT t j I | Margolis Bros. & Brooks j I II j V'i! J.I A VISION. No!:TH AROIJNA j V 1/ •- - : : —«■ —— 1l( [terns of the ! Toato i Mr. and Mrs U 7 Mw-. com|»i««N; ,b> Mr Mea>U>«- r.af-» Ml- 1 left inor m* *«» ' *tw»re Mr m if! '.rt-utrti*-" ? at T'jrk»r- SuaSpnyin • • • • )li» >*!i\«■ Murriel i- >p»-ri*t.sr.* A *e« -lay-" ir Kirhlarwis. Mr V H !>r- *-'» . for Ix»ut.-!Hir»r '*• u-". r»-tatis* * r * ".t. * * !ak: tcjrsr • * t*- !/m!trter :•» v:-il 'i«-- Mr IV-rr. ' r .ri.fr arvf V r ' ' rrt*" *» 21*1 sHr » ill .iCC'-rrpci' > r .«-f Mr:-. K. S rijrf.fr Komf rie*t M ■ J H S;iu.vter a-v W Mart ,i Jr -e-" —■' at • "w *? \Va>hi?.rt»r yr-t*K'':i> « • • Mr- W f ' ...» f .M ■ *-rp -* *r.' 2 * ■•■*,? Mrr *» >»r - \V »i>r f>>r rrf a, -pe*'"_» T»tur? t> «ieait«- a • • • M,W K »' • ra- I itter«dejL„e>urr r. '*x-r > r ~ >*->Wr-ia\ • a • Mr- « * *t,r> '* "•;> av: Mr.- Mar\ .r ! a-.r J* .■»» !'• 'ur . ••«' *• - - r »o?f*r M» M * '• » t- V e*:ne»iay a'tenvwr \; - |V U £ ! t ..f »• ft.-r .. «>■■•■■ —f uv«T.-1 jif Vr .? M '-[.i \\ Mrs A R I»u? rir tar.»; M-- I" w»rt IVe* .-jjrr t - hj injrton • • • • Mr> I W H. >l ar-t Mr- H V .*>! 'iLitl- T'Urxia V [B Hi-" tj U»r.. tit |TLf>t.- of Mr- J I K_ - 4olph Mr- Jar-V- G Statff. u?tr r »l»* t.«" l*-r. nervxwr- at .St Prt#r> r Warfiur* tf-n a'vrr .» f' Mr C. W »>f z v,Mt*.r ir. loirr M«-.-rs L'Jthsr H*r.:E->r a.- J- D LJit. » « r»- »*.-:• f visiSWTi !o.:n •• • * M*s-rs. W K .ur,» ar.t ir fjt"*- l*fl thi- nur- ,'f {,_.r S»n Y«ri "tfcf?' •rfll make th- tnp by r-o«»r "M»s-«rs- Sar*- Harr*-M. B H H- G»- Kar. L B U**r. an-i I*r Ikiryr' Mtrr.«if tKe fon«ral e? Mr *»W> □ Sco»Ujyi Nerk vfstfrai ,afl*fr.*!«e. Mr. ac.J Mr> W J liaur. H»im, l. P Hall. As. «r«R. Dr. awi Mrs Joha P B«r>- Mr- Carrie B William- ir* Webb fssml jnttnU; afwrr.' • a OTTIN TECTIT AT 57 Mrs Man t SB«k«Kk *f »'•- I lain- township ha» jKt (M'!«*lna fh? brine m* TT j«u» «A 4 She has been llurt an far several years and hM the ai»f«rtw to fall and break her hip Ika w«4 •• • • Mr A. T- ,GrMm mad aMu. L B Grfti «f CiHihii were fiotos to •er toww tUa iß*. 1 '" ■ ' '' i I'. ~ (P'OIOUICP It) ' J*H K!-l;o-I'KAK-TIK (SjH'II It) (HI KOI'HACT I . '■[ . (Kiropraclic .% | r y.tfS )/f Life to i" Mb - | p c-i*>t T't .- a c »' w r-.r.ar *-Tf *thr iiunair rrirfi.nr' >. rr H at or.Jtr a*r • ; j "! ■ t/i** |ht » * !k ulf V -i. b -I"* AIVT ,\A i 1 |K i .li v N ' ! )" V > .. u , t •r..;na« t«-r : "j, ,» r'. |»-rifc t »-rk '• !»-„ -.r.-. »* ■ --i- .1 f : 11• f .(■». iJ | ji-uriif H».-. !j ' ,l>. rn*e ! '- «43> -.r hu « (■..»-_« 5-, 11 .. _ ,1 »•» '■■•' •-■\ !• I;A*tv 3 I .! s'-w ...rM, »nsuh x > «.tu h>t*a! (* ijeprartor to 'av. (. I.'ruprador 'i'HP m : tiVIMS 1, '. Y ,r 1 I REFRIGERATOR 1 i Days !■ Are ■j; | .. Here ; What you know or uo not know about the i| Kootl qualities '*■ a ivfliberator need r.ot bothet* you when you come here to buy. ~li We know and iiave chosen our sux k ae coitiinjrly. style, size or tinisii 4 >1 you buy froni'iij iviD ca iy our anqualifiet! |I guarantee of your satisfaction. \\ e have now on display a large assortment of Ke \ frijrei-atoi s Come in and let us show you. Cherry Furniture Co. | • CASH OR CREDIT . |l WASHINGTON ORTH CAR. J \ • i 'Il THE ENTERPRISE, WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. OWL-LAFFS (On With Lawtklo) HHk«' Horn#- b P wrwrr u,b' s ' rrr> >atc?^»y I».»i ym «;« r r.*'* r*. it- B ":-a: If*- ma? v.f yrrr« ■ itxaiesi # o* ( frw fwh g*ftera!!\ to «iso all t*,* talking himself -o-o A re?« niier vout'i rr ar the »a"sw of Holly v.oo*i U. T"f* KeT? vrotdj. ' A* lm>\ we hav•• ** ~ui>per da*>' jf America Mil!:*.- **" «ur i>' I i«3f a* 1 * r.om ovi th#»tr up&er*- A KAHI F **-jr M-ijri W ha ».t -*>r irFrT jar^c continuaHy »*i\ t^/ T?« b#> i> trr?! rrJ * r % « our n#*i-'hb*.r k **#■ fa:" *.« coif OIJ>C.%£ i \ \:;u I:ATT I EL> A ri«-r» nmii in , »-*» Hurri! Uarr»*K ar.«; of it oil. II t> son no* fsc» r»»!ir', »»*■* ■> i - !«\ ninfnifht ra—lin*- -► >-o- M*.ut the or i v thm'r t t# r ! fav«r of a ba!'i Nf^.^ics ii is fa>y !»> -aritsn ( ANDIDATr FO R KW-ISTf KOFDKEIK a 1 »f.C I* !"« TU t*r- "■ f If if? - '■ y*lt\ ! '-'ln thi- " * r,» t i-n.eif a ran«' • ite. .»»•! swlsrst » |}• ui ..a|>jwrt. f.-r ?>•- • ■#(**• R.~ , „,- ] " l/wi-. ->ib»r t. a •*» « |j'». ' I' ni'tj ir I'/ißiin ',ii t» " *"•! "if... I:*U4 I lu.r /TM I ! Vp.," ■, 1*,.-.-;, •' '•*■«» '••« »».• ih,.r »*»-? 1- - -tt—t >»r\ r-' . Vjr»^r •i •'> "I.* i ?..■ ft. .. , . '(« \ Irr* . f Mar'-t •«;:!) J saw «:rr>i"*«.K»: 'ATARRH ui head u ihro«| as ——n?!]- Jf I ««i»J by ikm nprcs d yicKs ▼ VAPORUB O-TT IT mm t ANNOUNCEMENT 1 TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF THE FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT | OF NO!MH CAROLINA: | Thereby my candidacy-"for ( ongrress in the Primary to be held on June r — a S 7tFl - ' | ' Having 1 served in both branches of the General Assembly of North Carolina and § being deeply interested and closely allied with the farming and business interests of Eastern North (arolii a. I feel that I am in a measure qualified to till this imi»ortant lMxsitioh. agreeably to the wishes of the greater number of our people. ■ 11 keeping with the principles of tru. Democracy *nat from time to time t h leglslativ- brar-'hes of our go ernment shou'd be filled by men who are not ® j! member of ihc le r al piofession. Ido not believe any lawyer could or would accuse me of »-o»Rtif anfair in saying this, as no one but lawyers have represented this District 2- • % ID $ m Con tfress for a generation. % * 8 I served as Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Chowan County g; • for several years and believe in the principles of the Democratic Patry, as demonstrat- § ed in its activities of progress in the State for the past twenty-five years, and in the nation from !i»l2 to 1920 & I believe in economy of government I believe in a change in our banking law by S 4 g which the directors of the Federal Reserve .Bank could not arbitrarily raise the in || - tei-est rate to tear down prices, especially of fai-m produce, as was the case in 1921. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to give you clean and faithful service. j E. J. GRIFFIN j j | ?resp(rilT nakef many acqcam &ut mighty few friend?. -o-o-o- TW qiper class think ft*T u* meghij it when they ride in a trol ley car. -00-o- II tob «: liExitwi leftovers fer j J i-.uer arsd know it. that's home. bat J „ j .-j acr/t know it, that's a restaur a ant. -°^°- IjcEs l"'- - iijr they «tc to he -.* > to {o almost anythinr with radio j except make hair stop falling- out I-o-o-o- A drorTiise mar. wiil often come t» | the surface four time*. The footh tine i* oftert four or five days later !t"» Uni to keep a jjoou mar. d®»t I fer. if he is slijrhtiy .-polled. II -o-o-o --r! What are you? A life or ja -irker * He hone-"t Dor."l yon thiak 'the rar, mho invented work ourfrt to ifate fit.'.vhed it? -o-o-o- Harr.- Jame> thinks bros^tmirwieii " I r».- is- It*- ability to jrrir wfeef, a- j ' »jer Wow pet- the eiri you fcroorht - | io the party. t I J • ~ t • • > ° Your $ Worth-Two _L 1' I * | In This SALE! I J rI ' > Our Sale Is Continued. Come To See Us And Save Money , J I > The Leader j Abeyounis WILIJAMSTON. NORTH CAROUNA Itiune fcl ( B I have in my possession a number of i Wear-Ever Aluminum samples which I will j sell at a 20 per cent reduction. | W. J. SAWYER »«* mi } | { TOT*!* ]

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