Items of MT| Town Mr. and Mis. A. Hasseil, Mr .and Mrs H. Marriott Britt, Mayor J. L Ha-«*H! and Miss Elizabeth and A Haskell. Jr.! motored f lias on Sunday to tist Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Jeffines. .... Mr Goody Gaskins of Rocky Mount , risited fricads in lom! Sunday. (, • • • • ii Mrs. Faiuiie Carstsrphen returne« j Satuni." nigh" from Rocky MOUT.S Mr ain: 55K. Hart Id Ciari of [W- j i haver, spent Sunday f ere with Mrs. j j Clark's parent.-. Xtr. ami Mrs. J. C. 1 Crawford Mr. Henry Rober»e was a hus**res.- '. visitor here yesterday. • • • • Mr. J. J .Robersor. wa ir. tear. yef- j ierda; aftemco-.. BAREP PLYMOITH IfirtCfc EGGS; for setting. 15 for 75 cet See B. S. OOt'RTXKV ( WANTED TO KENT \ Hoi SE with eight tr ten looms. G-w lo cation am: near 11ve Monttceiic Ca •? Apply to the Munticelio Cafe.. I WILL Bl Y SCI: Al' ui: "»«!:» To bare.' until March 15th. H H. )!'• ' tor.. Roan >ke Tou»fc > War> r.i u.» | COTTON SELD— Seed fron. 2 (»!* c". t»r. ap| r : mal?!y l:or Mexican 1.-i- UoII. Ja:-« , A. Robersoi . Route IVjr. City FOR SALE: JERSFI -!H»L> Jf i N , he'fer from got-' *lo k w s!» I _ m fet ilays Kir l * j take# iier Pr.t!?! t Oakiiurs: I are . J S V H'll 1 N I (ieorjre I». Cherry ii. E. Laui Sui vewrg—Mapc- I'-.M: r I* • enef. I il:ii;i:.-:en* T O. Box MM, ! WINDSOR NORTH CAROLINA "• NOTICE To V p. a ..-T,. — .«n i-en-; t i»i» '■ ~u . , aiV: io! 1!. lh> t .. * 1 • '#* N , C OC. upHI i>\ >. e V. I ' Slat - you ait- Iverebt r.o".:#«. n.t ! iruri.' the .ib \e tifxril**! house . !--*. j, a tax >»if *\ r U\ei- a ti o-' ■he tow.- i " JaiiiCst l'.o. *h:ch . -.t made by J S. tU*L.i»i th- j pointed tax «.«f ' >■- • » which saio w\a, duly juw '. •-«- -it-' , and mcuie w 'he SU: ,L»-, «.f Jfa.c nni. for -axes-due in i.'z: Ami n pie.— r«N>i>i|>trui j- •»_.S. will demand It i .... - -_-f art. lot frt ,n sa>ti ct-l lector at :»>« e - pintion of tin- notice Th:.- 3rd day of \\ M MIZ/'i i 1 Ri S*f EE'S SALE —»--l. .# . By viriiß i f tie ..r'Vr•»- * ii> by a "!N'.-i o" Trw-t" • m by Buck K foiin-oi! v> tr.e 31 -,ay • March ami :U!» ftc r..*- 1 -n !n (l Refi-tt r «.f f>»s. V ufike ir Mart ! ( t f Wnfehmgs \jgm fi lor Men J? AWIYW^HEN Men who at e particular about their ap i i>earance will be griad to see this ad al»out our New Spiing hats and furnishings. After weai your old heavy hat all ll'' through the winter it is a real iov to.wear a nice new spring one | And New furnishings make you feel | , better, too. . . L * J [ Come in. These j r oods are here for you. . . - . - i r : .. x , *j( WE SELL FJOOD GOODS; WE PRICE THEM RI:;HT W. R. Orleans J j Courty. in Book H, 2 pap 257, *• **~ cure payment of a certain bond bear iisp ever. daUr therewith, and the stipa hit ion •; in .>aid Deed of True! not hav j irg been complied with, I shall expose at public auction, for cash, on Monday ' the 25th day iff March 1924 at 12 M at the court house door in Martin !County, the following property: A-iioininp the lands of Lewis Rope:- . son a. (i Edinond Harris and others in i lie:: C-w. township, beginning at a , ditch £t the back of stables; thence U>ut a west course along a ditch thr.' the fie'.ti alonp Lewis Rt.Rer.-oo's line ;to " forketl sweet pum; thence St 1 J-! WFT 1-2 po'es to a jn»m in the j ice* oia ditch; thence S27E If jto'ea to a lufhtw.-w! stump in Ilea; ';. ass Church Yard; thence down to Will-pin;',rn an l Gre ?.ivi!le road to r ?i'.ch ba-k o' the stable.-, the begin ning. containing I*' rcres, more o? les.- a-'d being tfte land ieede*l to th« >aid Buck E- Roperson by his tathei This 25. February r.»21 - H M STI BB^JTrustee. a —1»~~41. State of Nt.r.h Carolina County of Martin In ibo Sueprior Court Wiliiam H. I'rice, Plaintiff -vs- Hwice by Publication Martlia Ann I't ice. defentlant. T H lefen«tant above nametl will tai.e ixt'. oe the! an • ctit»is entitleti a.- !.a be* ii coninn ; ce«i in the 1 .>up«-Tijr Court of Martin" County. ! Nortii Carolina, for a;: absolute di ! - >-r- auti th.- said lieter iiant wil> urtitc-i t.ik- that he ii, re»|uiret! ■,i t ;;t tiie Term of th:- Superior C, ART of ?:;.••• County to be heltl on tiie —-—fvi»eC-o«*rt— u-* t f anl County in the Town of v\ : • tanintoti. N. C.. ar«l answer or de •nui t. tiie romplaint i:i aetion. ■ . .i;t iitiff \-.i'i ap|>l\ to the ( our - ? iciief ttemasidetl ii said com i.tlaint 1 . :i e ifitii day of Fi-bruaVy 1924 I, J. PEEL. Clerk of the Supeficr Court. cf Nt.itli Ca:olina ( «t nli of Martin !i t e Sutwnor r u t lit* Slatio Plninliir, Ser* ice I>> Publicitior :„.l. . li(^lhia!-«. 1■ » ,:..fe»rt>isi? filiove will k l.t'*: i tn;s! :>it action entitled as .■ » ia> i«et-.i rtitnmenced in the Sis..;..' >f Martin County \» V « art>!ina, foi an absolute divortc »i t'' "'-a •! defendant will furtiier •;s' «• -."tee 'hp! lit- i.v rt-«:uiretl tc ar :t tie Term of the Super:or * . -• . ■ i*' C. giit\ tt 1-e h»>bi on the tat of >i reh 1'.»24 at she Courf , ..r ..j j n the "town of i'IIS.- N C. .. .d cm wor or de mar ' ' Tie n.:n;i';i'n' in said ;.•! .on .:• !•;. it;tf wi!! apn!> tn tiie "•«. r t'.e !.■' e " t'.,-|l l.uleti 11) Siiid ct n; p.- '• ti.. ?6th tlay of February 192S L J. I'EEI., Clerk of the Sujierio* Court'. NOTICE OF SALE V. - «-ioa.-. on the sth day of Febru . r-. i :'_: . un.ier and b> vir. ue of r *iuu i • the Su|ienor Court M..' t) t ..uiit>. made in the Special i'fg entitled. Peter Bell, et "t! . - Ji T llyin:. .e* air. the in-ler ii ,- the lands lK»'oliijfte. i«,i j. I !»• a'.tctior.. v. ,n w?«-re Petere 5-etl became the i..--t fctd highest •amntfr for the >HJ J >• Pr*e of $1020; and whereas, there has been a raise of the hid aH or-ter »i?.de by the Clerk of the Seierior Court of Maitia County de. -ee.nj; a -sale Now, therefore ande- ami by virae of aid judgment and the -nler of resale the andersigned win oa the 11th day of March. 1924. at 12*0 V-| "lock M. ia front of the court house door of Martin County offer at public! auction to the highest bidder, for cash ; the following described lands: First Tract—Beginning at a water ■ oak in the Forked Branch. Alfred' Edmondsons line; thence up the branch 95 pules to a L ack gum, agreed eor-; ner between Alfred Edmondso.i and' and Henry Stvage; N. 65 212' poles along a marke line to three' niaple.- in Cobhs Swamp 30 C poles to the first station, containing 105 acres,j more or less, and be:ng the same lard conveyed to Lueinda Bell by M. D. House by deed of record in Martin County Public Registry in Book I", pajre 3«io - Tract—Adjoining the Ir-ndf cf Samuel Hyna". and others, con taining all arres .moie or less, and be ing the same land conveyed to Lueinda Itei! by M D. of record in book S, page .VM. This the 25th day of February. 1924. B. DI KE CRITCHER, ssioo er. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE I'mier a-.d by virtue of tbe power of sale contained in a certain deed of " rust executed to tiie undersigned rustee by Henr ir. Hodees on the Ist _ JUJI ftf Dec. 1811. which. said deed of trust is cf recoid in the puUic registry >f Martin County in Book O-l at pap 177. said deed of trust waving been for the purpose of securing eer- U 11. notes uf even date and tenor there vith. an-i tiefault havirg been maale in the pay. ient of the indebtedness thee » >ecu re« 1 and the stipulations coo aired in the saud deed tf trust not iiating bee: complied with and at the retj *st of the holder of t'»e *aid note.- he undersigned trustee will on Mon lay the I'th day of II::reh. 1«24 at 12 o'clock M. in ! root of the court house liwor in the town of Williamston. I Radio • -■ Radio ANY STLYE OR I'RICK I SEE ME BEFORE YOU 81/Y J. W. WATTS, JR Safety First! FOR THE PEOPLE OF THIS DISTRICT ' * * 1. Have your car fil!e i with Texaco gas and , j.roased with Texaco Oils- You will always get prompt and courteous iervice at the Texaco Station . • * I 2. (let your meals at the Texaco Cafe— I quick & efficient service at moderate prices j I I ! / ' 1 3. Boost Dr. J. Dawson Bijrgs for Congress v ** from this District—the man who fp?K renre . » ■ * . - I sent "the people* Texaco Filling Station ;» •- - . n ■ . . ■—» i ■ -«i • . mi ■ ■ I. I 1 " j t t-" ' '■ •„ s " ' . **T2i **.%„ • THE ENTERPRISE. WIIJJAMSTON, N. a North Carolm_, «ffer at pnfciir sale, to the higheat bidder for »h at pah-j - ■*» . » ■mm ■» ■ -a - a lucuun URKTuMI | Mai estrte, to at: Hnirain an tktcaH'j raad lead North CavabM on the Souti- aide of Cherry's row, aUcfc ■ the gilli ! easterly caw af hr> hnmiptrre. j thence Soutlmad aitk said Cherry*.- ;!i* to the naoljr haw hce theacr Hastaranljr ai'k the said county hi air i?ine far enangh aa that a parallel fine | with the first line hack to the WOli amstoa aad Etentu maty road will take 0.1 or include «ae half of the Irnd deeded to said & J. Feel bj Sltrdall Cherry aad J. G_ Godard. ' miainiag by tatii wt>o-- IS acres more or ieaa aad beat? the saaae premises this day sold said Hodges by said PtaL This the Cth day af Fen. 1924. B DUKE CRITCHER. Trustee. Maria aad PW, Att_«« 2-12-4t NOTICE OF RESALE Notice is huh) |hra that under aad by v.rf ue of the power of sale contained in that certaia ueni of " rust executed by J. T. James to the under signed Trustee, bcaung the date of January Ist 1919. aad of record ia the Public Registry of Martin Court} in Book U-l- at page i 2». the under signed Trustee did on |he 4"h day of February 1924 at the Cnklkw 0»m of Martin County expose the hereia afterdescribed lands for sale. ai-d the bad having been ladtdxithiß the tune prestriM by laar, aac is a riaraer required by law, and under in order of re-sale, the Mihnignt«; Trustee will « MvrJaj. tht M day af March 1924 at 12 e'dock 31 . in front of the Courthouse Door of Maria County. WQliamston, X. C. again of fer the lands hereinafter cesrnbed to the highest pubLc auction, for cash. The said tract, being that certain . ract or parcel of lard ia Martin Coa y. State aforesaid. hegiamrg at the Mouth of a ditch on the Wild Cat Koaii; runs thence along said ditch X 42 t-* K* 109 poles: thence X 20 3-4 E S poles to a stake; thence X 4 1-2 E 12S Doles alocg a line of marked trees to the run of KveretU . Swamp aft a stake, a cor~er; thence Idnwn the swamp to Dearer Dam Swamp; thence up Beaver Dap Swamp to the Math of a small braarb am rthe Spring; thence along J. E Bandull's line to the Wild Cat Mrad; thence along aaid Road to the begineiag. Containing ONE HUN DRED TEN (110) acres, more or TM» the 2Mb day af February 1924. A. R. DUNNING. Trustee. MHL NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained ia a certain deed of trust executed to the under signed Trustee by F. W. Holliday on the 12th day of December 1910, said deed of trust being of record in the Public Registry of Martin County in Book A-2. page 324. Said deed trf trust having been given to secure ceraia notes of even date and tenor therewith and the stipulations in said lined of trnst not having been com lied with, at the request of trie parties •*erested. the andersignd trustee will an Wednesday, March 19, 1924, at 12 o' dock M at the Court House door of Martin County, at Williams ton. North Carolina, offer for sale to the high bidder fcr ctf!» {"■» fcl'owirg de scribed real esta.t: Beginning >t Ella Snith wick's cor ner on the Island Road; thence along ;He Smithwick line to a stake 30 feet weat of the division lire cf Ward and Perry; thence a straight line southerly said line being parallel with the di vision line of Ward and Perry and be ing 30 feet on the west side of said iivision line to a stake on the Clayton 'doorr New- Hoad, -at- the line of the >aak Simmons Lumber Comprny: hence easterly along the Dennis Sim •aoa- Lumber Company line to a stake n V W Griffin's line;, thence with W. W. Griffin's Hne to the Island Road, rontzirjng by etiniation (100) one acres and being part of the "ract o* land conveyeu to J. G. God *rd by W. M. Perry by deed dated 10th day of Jan. 1919, a'd of record in the Public Registry of Martin Coanty in Book Y-l at page 153. Tnis the 18th day of February 1924 WHEELER MARTIN, Trustee. Martin and Peel, Atty's. 2-19-4 NOTICE OF SALE I nder ai'd by virtue of the power I of saile contained in that certain deed :rust execu'ed to me on the 17th I -lay of September, 1919, b) Mrs. C -E I Savage an dof lecerd in Martin Coun ty Registry in Book A-2, page 238. se curing a certain bond of even date i therewith and the stipulations therein | not having been complied with and at I the request of the holder of said bond, j will oa the 21st day of March 1924 I r.t 12 o'clock M. in front of the Court J I!ouye Door of Martin County, offer lat public auction to the highest bid der for cash the following described I >a* d. , Firs* Tract: Bounded oa the North jby Willisie Jones; on the east bv !Jaaae> Johnson; on the Stuth by Cas sandra Ifyman, and on the west by l*avid done, containing twenty acres more or less. Second Tract: Bounded cn the north by the land.- of J. T. Savage; on the b. J. T. Savage; on the south by O. W. Jore>; and on the west by Sa-dy Locks and "he Hyman land, con taining ninety acres more or less, and Leiag the Home Place and the prem ises occupied by Ithmacl Hyman at the time of his death. Ihir Tract: Rounded on the North by the land of Sardy Locke and the MOOHNC COUCH Bard on child-hard on mai. Control dreadful vUkJm conghiag. kelp to qoaetalMp with CHAMBERLAIN'S REMEDY 1 FERTILIZER I SEI? BIGGS AND STALLS BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR FERTILIZER. ' I WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE EASTERN COTTON OJTEOM PANY, WHOSE PRODUCTS ARE GUARANTEED WITH A PRICE TO SUIT. ' • WE HAVE BEEN HANDLING THEIR BRANDS FOR THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS AND DURING THAT TIME EVERY PURCHASER HAS BEEN A SATISFIED CUSTOMER. Warehouses—Williamston, Everetts. Deliveries made on Coast Line or points on Roanoke River. • Yours to serve, Biggs & Stalls I Telephone 33, 65,148 or 249. , Hymaa land; an tht cut by the .t the mraest of the h4hr rf aH i Kichart the ■o-U by band. I will, on the 17th day mt Muck, the Richard Jam toad; on the west' 1*24. at 12:00 o'clock, neon. hi ftoat by David Ooae. nihfniu 91 acres «f the coart home door of Martto more «r leas. m—l. offer at public rr-"r to the This the fMh day mt Fetowary UM. highest bidder, for cash, the f«Jtoafa« B. DUKE CKfTCHEK, Tiuto. if, toad: 2-26-tt Adjoining the laada of J. B. Leggatt tad hghahc at a hghtwood pest aa - , NOTICE or SALE the path aear Lawrence nni.^i Under aad H ttrtae of the fa raato thence K . 43 E to a toe, ay •f sale contained ia that certain deed wan, thence & 66 E 140 poles to of tust executed to aae aa the ZM a ptoe oa.the Hone Pea Branch, m day or October, 1902. by J- A. An caraer; thean N. 10 E to the TC**> dxews and wife, Ida Atom, aad of aaar J. W. Leggett; theace with saife record ia Martia Ci—«j Pahlic Btfj- road to the school how; W try to Beak H 2, page 184. securing rownd the aid path to the 1 n~ a certain boad of even date and tenor containiag SO Mm, bor to ha. therewith, and the stipalstina theie- This the ICth day of Feb. ISM. in net baeiag beea msaplinl with aad B DUKE CEITCHEK. Trwstee Cord Wood WE HAVE IT Any Amount You need. Per Cord, delivered $7.50 Per Pen, delivered 1.50 WINTER IS NOT OVER Prone or leave your order. Prompt ser vice. Lindsley Lillev Ice Co PHONE NO. 99 WIIJJAMSTON, N. C * ♦ ' -■ ' 4 > The Monricello CAFE Thursday Dinner— Chicken Pot Pie ad stew beef. Friday Dinner— Fi»b Dinner, ■ Satui-day Dinner— BoiN ham and Stewed Chicken. SUNDAY DINNER— Turkey. Vegetable*. Strawberries. Craa* aad Cak. Monday Dinner— slaw. Cold haw, CeM rr«t pork aad Chickea Pat IV. . Tuesday Dinner— Old Timey barberuci ham and VcgeCiMes Cocnla and velvet lee cream every day ia the week * * Va % . # r J v