ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OCR COLUMNS A LATCHKEY TO 15M HOMES OP MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 7 MRS. WADSWORTH DIES AFTER A LONG ILLNESS Deceased A Prominent Woman Of Craven County —r« Martha Elisabeth Wadsworth of Qa»ea cMßty died at the hams of her daughter. Hia. J. W. Watt*. Jr. hi Williaasstaa on Wednesday aijkU Mrs. Wadsworth has been here far the past several Months. Having beea Ta* — ill here while visiting her daughter and going from here to the ho i pit al in Near Bern where it was f■ an I that she wsA suffering from cancer. She waa then carried to Nor folk where she waa given the radium treatment bat it was too lata to pro lag her life for any length of tin*. The deceasad was a member of a prominent Pitt toantj family. She was the yoanguat daaghter of the late Major John Peebles of near Falkland ami Josephine Broadus Preble* of Virgi-ia. She was bora at 'hp old family home at Falkland on June 25. 1874. where she lived until her mar riage to Mr. Albert Wadsworth ia 1898. Since that time she has lived at the aid Wadswafth halj home aear Part Barnwell. Cravua coaety To bar anion with Mr. Wadsworth Ive chfl dm wet* bars, all of wham survive her. They are. Miss Mary Peebles Wadsworth. of New Bet*. Mrs. J. W Watts, Jr. of this city and Messrs. Howell Edward. Albert E- Jr . and Jahr Golden Wadsworth. af New Bern and beaidei her hasband she is also survived by two sisters. Mia* Oelphia Peebles and Mrs. W. T. Hunter of Wil- She was a member of the Preuby teriaa church of New Bera. haviag Jained that body of Christians in her early youth. During her girlhood she alaa attended the Gillespie School for Girt* ia Tarboro The funeral services were held here yasteiday afternoon at throe o'clock at the i ■inlearr with Rav. J. 11. H Tammeull of the Preabyteriaa Churrh af NOT Bern oMcialing and Rev. E D. Dadd assistiag. The interment took place ia the Baptist cemetery . The danrsirl was a very nable and >ighly respected woman wherever dtfwukam. ...... . WILLIAMSTON SCHOOL H. ROLL Foliowiag is the honor roU af the WiHiaaaston school for the fourth arhtinl month: First Grade Ai Oscar Anders. Charles Bollock. William Clark. Wbeater Martin. Haeaea Kay. Rose Scrcggs. Jr, Hardy Rear. Jr., Hribe-rt Whitley. Francis Peel. Josephine Aa rtrrrT- Dam Ballard. Nell Harnx.ii Kathyra lla»Ttea. BOlie Pope, First Grade, B: Habert Cherry. Roger Crrcher. Atwaad Gargaaas. >helbor. Hall. John MiaeU. Jack Manning, G. Lae Rah—an. Fred Duastan Rat i Martm, Alverater Weaver, Aarie Wyna, Darris TaeL First Grade C: Onrar Aidtnw, Roger Critcher. Vatnaa Gadwm. 'cSc MiyM Cangi Laa Rabersaa, Horace hay. Hardy Raae, Jr.. Raaa Scruggs, Jr.. Praaos Pssi, Jesephiae Aader M, Dora Ballard, Annie Lee Graves, Nri' Harrison. Kathyra Harris, -s, R>«h Martin . Annie Wyna, Ruth Price, Dorria TaeL Grade Second B. B: Beuloh Ruber aoa. Ada Bullock. Jaaws Turner Barn lull. Mat tie Gargaaas, Walter Cooke * Grade Sacaad B. C: Mary Robersoa. Jaases T. BarmhiU, Jesae Gurganus. Brace HoUoawa. Euzelia McKeef. Second Grade. A: Myrtle Brown. Sarah F. Cone. Juliah Daniels, l.acille Gurgaaas, Marjarie Moore, Mildred Peele. Jennie Swaaner Moore. James Bend. Jennie Green Taylor. BOlie Liwran, Pete Fowdea. Jr.. Grace BarahflL Saeaad Grade, B: Joha H. Gurganus,' Reha Ted. Sasie Wyaae, Mark Ches aoa. Habert Wabktaa, Loaise Cherry, Nettie F. Header, Oaytou Mr Keel, Henry D. Harrissa. BUlie WatU. Jaha Cherry. Saeaad Grade, C: Pete Fowdea. Jr., Benjamin Hapkiar. Henry D. Harrison Emmet Whitley. Habert W ablet aa. Hyrtle W. Brawn, Sal lie Lee Brvwer. Grace Barnhill; Sarah P. Cane, Julia Daniel, Nettie T. Header. Jeaaie S. Haare, Jeaaie Green Taylor. Third Grade. A: Mary Grady Car los. Rath Ward. Wheeler Hartin Haaning, Ernest Harrisoa, Rcgtnah! t. third Grade, R: Geraldiae Peed, Rskirt Cornea, Jim Rhilu, Jr, Jesse Price, Leslie Gargaaas. Fitelia Jenas Gerdaa Brewar. Jsmes Gargaaas, Leslie Capaw, Erneat Harrisan. Gaarge II Cash Hasseß, W. Martin Haaaißg, Jaaaa Price, Harem peon, Haaal Godard, Sarah Garganas, Irene Ham, E«n Harrissa. Leer Howard. Mb Ward. Faarth Grade, A: Bene Faeast Jay w. Chute Bead, Eba Haaid. Line I THE ENTERPRISE DANIELS CLUB IS ORGANIZED BY i LOCAL CITIZENS Meeting Held Here Last Tuesday night; Many In Attendance At a meeting af a large aamfcer ' of citizens held here Thesday eight Joseph us Daniels was endorsed far . President. W. C. Manning aaadr a • short presentation of the rcn i «ai why i now is the opportune time for Nor*h ' Carolina to have a president selected i from its people. The int wain hen i that we have the best man. The second reason being that we have af all aea who have beea tried t4 the fullest. the man who was ant found waatirg bat the man who fulllllled the duties af office, with that spirit af truth, and i honor that all good an rtetsK i The third was that at this particular ' t : me .-sectional lines are Wotted oat ! and a man from the South caa ge» the votes of the country. Faarth. thr I three millioa men who craned thr . seas in the late war and now -cat *e*ed"thNWlgtioat the land ibad Mali i t do him horor in every hamlet of » this great Union. Finally, there are nooe who want honest government that ia*« trart him with simple implicit faith W. C. Manning was etaCed chair > maa of the dab QUEEN CONTEST GETS BIG START Many Young Ladies Tr> ing For The Diamond Ring The Chamber of Comaserve ladvo; . Circus wiU be a Ug success, aawa tickets are selling fa t. the followirg , yeu'g ladies have received a number of votes. His* Cooke. Mn* Lyda Cooke. Mrs. Fmd Hitch, Mir Jame Edwards. Misa Mary Cly«e Leg gCU, Misa Frances Gargaaaa. Hiss Klixsbe'h Hasaeil. Hat Mary tVsfce Mias Nina Lptaa. The vataa are cum I ing in so fast that 8 has bee m . possible to check ap aa them at the time as the foUowiag tfores are ia suing votes very fast with etcS par chaae. Biggs Drug Stare. Thr Coart ney Furniture Ca, Marge lis Brothers and Brooks, Moatieeile Ca'e a «d Haßf Barber chop. Other merchants are ea pected to come ia aad issue votes be fore the sneak ends. Any aentait de siring to give votes see Mr. K- B. Crawford. Chairaaa-? Chamber af Ccea merce Indoor Circas. The ballot box is located at thr Biggr Drug Store. All ladies are re quested to cast nil rein as early as possible. The Chaaiber of Commerce wiihei lo thank every yoaag lady aad th mervhanls far the active part the > Save taken in the Indoor Cirrus. the Chamber af Coaaaaerce. invites all churches to place a heath ir the Dixie warehouse the week of thr amis, without cast to them When you make a parrkv e m »•) af the stores, ask far your ticketaad vote for the yoaag lady yaa desire to have the diamond ring Season tickets aold by the ywa g ladies are 1 00 This indades six rightj less than IS ce*.'s each sight, other wise rickets wiU ecrt 5* reals at the door each night. Mixelle, Edßh Peele. Ahert Leslie Clark Chas. Maaa-ag. Jasper Hrai etu Elton Beanett. Fourth Grade. B: William «harry Charles Fleming. Vktaeia Weaver Ruby Ward, Annie Mae Garg - llachel Moore. Fourth Grade. C: Susie Mae Barm hill, Hard Brown. Areie M_e Gur Iran js, Reca Forest Jayaer. Edith Peele. Faaaie Ray. Albeit Leslie Claik. Joseph Godard, Charles Flem ing, Eli Mariea Taylor. Earl Harris. Fifth Grade. B: Gladys Gargaaas. Back Sauaders, Jesephiae Harrison, Melville Wyaae Fifth Grade, C: Juephrae Hairtsua, Gladys Garganas. Jaharar Frarees Edmandrss. Dorothy Hadka, Xehr Chert), Tiapeea Otlw Harie Rabersaa, DOlaa Cobb. Hddred Bara hill Hclbe Davenpsrt. s Sixth Grade, A: Elbert Haaee. Ed I wia Me, Margaret Radgerrea Sixth Grade. B: Virginia Harriioa. - Oaude Bax'er Clark, TVaa ■ Ccoke. Mary Carrtarphen. A J. Man •i war, Jr., Cartasa Lieetmaa Sixth Grade C: Hary Carstarphen I, Catherine Hardiaaa, Vkfaa Haint e Grace Whitley, Aaase Hay WAur. ■ Margaret Ri Iginia, Chade Baate-- i, Daaiels. Wißinm Leggen, A. J. Haa i. cing, Jr, Kibble Lnarmaa. WrSxm ■ Ledie TMSL fit atb Grade, A: Rath M. Seveath Grade. R: Asa Crawford. Eugenia Hoyt, Darrefl Price. Msy I Seventh Grade. C: Rebut Riaaa, Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, March 7,1924. MARTIN COUNTY SAVINGS & TRUST HOLDS MEETING Net Earnings Were 20 Per Cent; 6 Per Cent Dividend Declared The Haiti-* County Savins aad Trcst Company held its aanaal stock holders meeting Tuesday. * The report of the year's business A*wed IJ3 to be one mt the very best years the bank ever had The rat eara'ngs amounted to over 3# per The directors declared a C per cent divideat aad placed the balance of the ear Jag* ia the bank's asatts as ua dririded profit. The hack baa had a eery satisfactory trcjt bu iaeir daring the year, this berag (we af the coming features of the hank-ng basiness. Of course, it is lather e» in small towns but ia he larger cities and in the handling »f mart large elates it has operate.! with marh sstisfartioa. A trast com paay eetirves an individual and ca~ j.eanallv haadle estates wi*hi. marb aeas cr-t aad loss than aa irdividuai who too often has little business ex- The f.Bowing officers were elect ed. J. h G Godard. President. F. K Hodges. Vie* President. Joha E. Pope. Cashier. H A. Bowea, Assistant Cashier aad H H. Taylor, BookVeep er. The following were elected a« the Baani of Directors, J. G. Godani. T F Harrison. Wheeler Martin. C. D CarsMrflwn. B A. Critcher. F. K Hodges. t>o H Harrisoa. Job D Biggs. W. H. Biggs. P L Sal.Jmn. aad Joha N. Rocerson. Mrs. Cone Entertains Embroidery Club The ljal.r.«len Club was charming ty ecitertained by Mrs. Perry B. Coae at her attractive home on Cnarch street aa Taesdny afternoon from foar to six. The hoaw was prettdy decaiate-1 for the occasion with howls af Mlow yoqalt and hyaciaths leal their fragrance to make a fitting bark giaand far the first meeting of the **rmg The guefts / peal the hours pie at - a" tly evntersing an l searing and Mrs. Carrie Biggs Williams added much pleasare to the afternoon for all pee seat by her lately music. The baat e» served a salad course with saad wiches aad tea which was enjayed eery a>urh Those present betides 'he mtinlifr i aeee. Hrv W. J. Hodges. Hrs. A. V. Jayaer. Hrs. Car tie Biggs Williams, and Mrs. C A. Harris** . High School Girls Ck> On Basket Ball Trip Mifces Evelyn Harrisor, Margaret Maaaiag. Pat Harris, Laura Orleans. Trwlah Ward Page. l arille Hasaell. M> rtle Wynne accompanied by coach Miles H Wolff left this mci aag far 1 Hertford erhere they will meet the ' hgh srlnal basket hall team ia a game toaight. Mr M. B Gilliam of Wiadsor was . a visiter ia town today. Mr. R. W. Askew, a prominent drug girt af Windsor, is in town today aa . la iaer- Mess. ~ Hephen Mannir.g. aad W. D visitors here yesterday. Mis. W. D. Wright of Jassesvflle . was a pleasant cidler at our cMre| yesterday. • ' ! The Oak City school team will meet 1 the Jamesville school team aa the ' Dixie warehouse court here toeught at eight o'clock A goad game is ex>| • Hazel Edmaadsaa Eugeaia Hoyt. Ruth ' PeH. Frances Williams. Pat tie Wyn*. Eighth Grade. C: Marian Gsartaey.l ' Susie Jame.-. Carmeßa Jin. Lettie ' - Jones. Martha Leggett, Scphia LittV. t MaUie Laa Rage rasa Da wthy Throw - er, Eli Bara hill, Tboaaas Crawford Jeasup Harrison, Raybora Jayaer. r Henry Maaaiag, Charles Peele, James Herbert Ward. Xiath Grade. C: Mary Melissa Aa- 1 ' drews. Evelyn Harrisoa, Margaret - Jayaer, Trulah Page Niath Grade B: Trulah PSge. Cecd . Tayfer. Teath Grade, B: Margaret Hamming. - Laaaa Orleans. r Tenth Grade. C: Joha Booker, WO 1 Bam Harrissa, fteajamm Courtney, - Gaytard Harrison, Fred Ihyte. Mar ■ garet Maaaiag. Laara Orleir -, . Frames Hoyt. fit ualh Grade. A: Bryant Carfar- Ite I Eleienth Grade. B: Vdma Hamaa. Shaath Grade, C: Bryaat Car i Harrissa, Carrie Lae Me. S.dh -'Perry. Hyrtle Wyaae Pattie Harris. MAYOR H ASSET J. EN DORSES DR. BIGGS FOR CONGRESS A Friend to the People and Would Make a Good Representative la the candidacy of Dr. John D. Biggs far tla Democratic rumination for Ceeigreae from the first Congres sman! dial rial, marks the first time in over forty ytan since Martin Coaatv had a npissentatue fa the Halls af We feal that it is time are were given soaas laesgnition. We have as good talent a> any of the other coun ties and these is no reason why our coa'.y ihnulJ pot be given the opp rtun ity to name the man this time, especial ly. alien wa fire «ffenn» a nan thor oughly raraMe a every wa> >f re presenting "he people of this d:stnct. Dr. Biggs ha* reached that period cf middle hfe whea be is at the full maturity af his powers. his wide experience aad ki or ledge gained from his cvanectiaas in busine's. Ki king am! farming, he is in touch with the aaeds and waats of the people in tti!s sec ion and will be as capable as any ma in the race tj get the ears of I Cogws " K tl* *t ! * cf his const it i eno". At " •! h Ntory- of Ancrvan politics a Sen the m.n hold ing high pMitiv a in all the ilepart me- ts of our tKivernment have fallen to the God of HanwK n. it is higti time tha* we clean the Aegean S'ables by se ding men to represent us who are J above reproach in honor and integrity and will have their «ne rim sirg!e to thr icivire of oui country. The ci'iaeas of Martin Coany -huuld take pnde in their raruiidate a d show their interest by rolling up thar -leeves and working for him and get the |ieiplr aroused and get them aa* to the poll* oa primary -lay and give him thr biggest vote that we ha\e ever leesrdtd In Dr. John D. Biggs we soul.l have ra mute, inglorious representative but sitting where the wisest -nd best of oar asas have aat, his voire will always nag clear and loud for what is best ia legislation far tha common weal. 9 %. ■ t " AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY Livestock Situation In North Carolina Discouraging The livestock srtaatioa in North Caraliaa is quite discouragiag at the present tiae. Beef aad feeder rattle ere bringing low prices and there is little demand far them. Katurally, this sets up a caaditiaa whereby live stock farmers feel that they are over loaded. The dairy cattle sitaatioa con tiaues good ia the Peidaaaat area, ex tending from Cleveland to fniilfaad cauaty. Interest continues in goud Mooted stock. there . * ems to be plenty of hogs ia the state. They are in good con dit-oa. Pigs seem to be scarce, mean ing that brood sows are good property now Thif decrease results ia stale aae-As from the reporters that ther.- are rot enough hogs in some of the moualain cnuatie i. • There is coatinued interest in im proved pastures ard ia more and bet ter feeds. Many fanners report th it there is very little pasture and that in pour condition. Some reports have caae from the mountain counties that ! the col.l weather Lay hurt pastures j severely. Foed> have had good sales. ; especially as west farms had short ' q iii trties oa hand. Many counties are iitill haviag too marh fa>Tn feed ship ped ia. remaikiag that "It is a shame that we do aat grow more hay craps." j With the cot tea boll weevil menace It me couataes. particularly those in ■ tha s oat bera part of the state, are taking mate interest in livestock. Col umbus coaaty, far instance, has in | creased her legume hays and gralr. crops considerably during the past _ twa years. This county has practically eliminated all cettaa acreage. Field after field of cura is filled with velvet hears ia the fall. The month af May famsd maay fields af goldea grain ? ready far farmers. Already the farm ers there have fdt that the boll weevil has forced them iata more aouad ■ farming practices. The Usestack situation is menaced .ia several nantiti by the erase for grawiag mire eattaa. Th a ia parti cularly true where the bail weevil has aat yet daae ■ppnriibli d mage aad where gaud yielda were made last year Same ether ceuaties. like Lin cola, Lave not suHcieat improved pas tares ta maintain the livestock they «ry ta keep I The fruit outlook is very good This is I litem! by aa abundant* af fruit bads. More thaa the usual iatereot has haea givea ta praaiag ard spraying. The Hfll panrb orchard* are being well cured far. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAS ! MEETING New Officers Elected For Remainder of The Year The Williamston Chamber ef Com merce held ita annual session Tues- 1 Jay night in the oficn of Ifermng. i Moore and Hcrtoa. George H. Harrison was elect** 1 President ard K. B Crawfctd Vice President of the orgarimtioa. Mr. H. G. Hortoc*. was eleCed Secretary and Treasurer to sae*ee«i I>r. P. B Cone. U. S. Cocrtney. W. C. Mnnntug J T. Price. A. R- Ihinning. R. G Ham son. Jc!i L P«.pe. Wheeler Mx-tr- Frank J. Margolis. J. B Woolaid an-' O. S Anderson. Exeeutiv Committee. No matters outside of the ie«Unr business was taken up The Chamber of Coauneeve has Ue instrumental in many good move ments for the uplift of the town and -ommunity. It has helped the BuiH in arv.l l oon Association of Martin C.Hihty n a very -material-way ar*i S is one of the very best orgaaiiats« r that a.iy ts>wn or coaaty caa have. T'erv have been ramerwws other things h- '|-ed by the local Chaa*ber ar d we hope that it a ill cwtnw its pol'cy the rewea.ndcT cfl the presont year. The thvb of the amok tatmn were etpressed to Clayton Moore, retiring Presnlett and Dr. P. B Cme. retir ing Swietary for the faithful senne* rendered by them while serving thr rrganiaatroa Mrs. Saunders Enter tiins Century Club n«e Twentieth Centary Club met on Tuesday afternoon at foar o'clock list cad of Wedne»>kay. but this hetaa Ash Wednesday the time of the am ing was changed. The Club was en tertained by Mrs. J. H Sunn Ires at her borne oa Church street. The subject for the afternoon aas. "The Deaf. Dumb aad Bbnd Schools of the Stale". A paper was aMi pre alad aad Brad by Mrs. H M Stub! '■ on thr subject. Mrs. J. Si RSodr* bad a leading from North Caroli'a btrtory along this same line A very interest ing discussion on the chanty msfi •ut ion- of all kinds was the helu This is the last meeting until after Leal 1 and the nest meeting wiß be «a the XXrd of Apnl. There were no irvited guests a»d Mia. Saunders served at 'he courlmma 1 of the program a tempting ice coarse i : ALL DAY MEETINC l AT BAPTIST CHURCH IVES. A ,Jt hr hk I nest week ia each of the eight conn - lies rompos.Bg the Riun ike Baptist association The meetiag for Martm i cujily and other nergbb*ring churches will be held at the total chuirh oa ■ Taesday legi lung at l*aa o'ekok r The follvwir.g p.. graie an> he «ar nol through: ! Devot oaal Pastor R L. Auhr Our Home Stat* Be». J. P. Ilarrv- Our Home Fedd: Rev O W Sawyer The Field is rhe World. Re» I H Plemmuas. t Noon —Lunch Finishing the Tid IN Charle.- • And-rsor. Stewardship a«d Service: Br J- P Suliey W. M U. Metme. Mrs. T H IVm Clodng Address, Dr. E. D- IVe. IJDCAL NEWS OF BEAVER DAM Mis«es El za Coll ram. Luvema 1 Hopkms. am Me»*is. Leo IderM ami Irving Cohraia meat la Oak CV-y Sunday Miss laaallie Rdick >#nl Swda} ' nigh*, with Mr. and Mrs Omar JIMS. Mrsw S. E Hardoaa entertaiamtf a number af free fa at a i mßmr part;. 1 from two Mil five las- M«nda> After the nati fcmhed quilting r they were uvited inta the dmag iota 1 wl.eie bam sandwiches aad cake and ' pickles Were served Misses Katie Mae Cherry aad Fi» 1 uie Robersaa aad Messrk. Qyde Wd baras aad Praak Hopkins melaied Jo 1 Dardeau Saaday ufteruon. • Hi«s Lauaßie Rdhck and Mesars leo Raker. ■■ and Joe L. Caltraiu 1 nwtored ta Everett aad Rihtioiaiili 1 Monday. I Mr. aad Mrs H C Boh—a aad Mr Thad 8.1 aad Hms Lctie R«A ' eiaoa left Saaday far Boanoke Rjmh dick were the gaeati of Me aoeneta • UMT: A BLACK HAND BAG BE Thursday, i der cX please return to The Eaterprne and receive Überal reward. The hag rwaliiecd e*ot*e« Mi a safety razor X-7-lt IBICES FOR CON ! CRESS CU BiS ORGANIZED K. B. Crawford Elected j Chairman oi The Club Taeadiy night a for _Vnjfrpy> Club **« foimeai wth K. B. Cnw orx!. dainun. TSr of th-r c'jb •- So pr - the cwdkiarjr of Or. John l> Kff> for C«i|f!*ss, :n Mar m a'-- !t ani «»hfr fflun ifs of the Distiict. CoßEirttf- will hp ajrgaru~e>! to jair,' to the votor> of the I'l-lrf the why he -hou'.i tw r->m.r>alet' • repre-e-: the F rst District in the er I |LOTA? S WIN OVER JAM ESI V! ? E AND NEW BERN i.l\yr ; —- liucal Teams Led Their | Opponents Thrueut i Both iianit's r 1 I Winum>t>li > Iw-lr. lull I IpronM their superiority Wedresdayl I ««arht »Hoi tha- h'** schtwl five de-I I f«toi the hii+ schtol >3 nivf I I * »lle b> 3 scow of ;h |o a'; i'he | I local tw 'eau. Jefeati"K !«■ I I Nem Item Y. M C. A team by a I I -rw of M to 18 The hign KhoJ jpnw 'unl I I fought li. bi* 1:1); ui em. with I I tkr lwal> in a .safe iea.i aH !, way 1 I tluwinfc The only featuie oi !kr ||uir was Carstar pheri's spectacular I -Jk from the center of the cour. The five on the local ivmn lejm ha! I their op|A>tie ts i m evety | ie-f«er' anti \he fw 1 guarding of (he New Hmi guards alloweal the lur Jd-if. W i!l:anist.*ei -tartcal off at a fast p*r> which she hrld all the »jv Ikivuth not allowing the visitors kt ««r> few chance.- a* the «-a! The shaott* jr of Wolff artil JulKiumi for the local- was of a superior ajai It. a'«i bo ught many thrill* to trie Jin m» All in all she local.- were .n •he . best form that ' he> have been in this I entire imwh. ft w a fnat surprise to the *|tcc talon, to witness "he aceaiacy of the I »ho mata by orie of tie New Bern at Mr Henry Cu» .'a.rd's hea-l [lt o«M nvt have been better |'ace*l lif the thrower haal |if»clK"l a hfe tne Ui il* p.tch- Mr lie ry gave h.m two paaint all right, l»ut of course. I they failed So r unt towanl "he real 1 score Mr Crawfoid awl that I he ball d*d not hurt him laut that the bull was tmrliiK it a pretty hij-h rate of *faer*l shn it lanW-al \ M \RRIAi:* ( KUMUIN Y IT. the Vorth - t •- ;uH »f -ur r | lies, a well in lii*« «v-•i-laalc j .'sati ■( l»he*.:l s'lKt'-i-H ..' il - i •«' t • iwU ■.' frer.jc •• >:! A - ,- .eit Haaie if# , J.n a!» I lie:. • ■'* ml I «i' r ( -j|»i he ina.' -»!-'«• to b- ■ , la'tei or for *e l"he af UiiKf ban. notified of their -li'i f I I iepar~l ami artua l > u«eal the feMov. ring ceremoi.v I "J ir... wl! you take liet. Witlwut an;, rcj-ret I T® love a*-l cherish I Till »-.«e of you perish. And i> bill ur .tr- lh» Mol. ui w II n • i Afte- leirr answered in »he .Jfiiii. ative by Jim. the m *i>lia> tui" e-i ■e Bet *» l sa.ti "|!H. will v'hi take Jiws. Arid cU-.r to him. Both out anal in. Thi«."Jjrli tnick anal thin, lla.hli f him !*» vcur ha art, TiH bead, ar. ! low lh» tiap;.y piia was b~aai. ; £vl i.a. W tii ehappy | 1 ai'-j .1 1-e.l ;-s fa-llcw, : 1 ThnuH'!-f« *s alternate ji> a:-d - ri.'e 1 I mi* pr yau rt-an ai al wife to liji !ife> hill "till yam get to the lev el. - a*jl fcJi'iite jriMir brl'ie, j a»u ■#»')" I devil" Tl e Arkansas mas 1-irate aie> it li.a> way: ' "S iival up; pin lii-ral ; hitched! Five 1 !oi'a. • pJ* " I ' SERVICES AT THE EPISOPAL CHURCH ■ SbnU> School S:4i a. -l. MOHIUI-; pra er and . II prayer j.i»al Serr.ia n 1 Public nnluJly invited. 3. E. Warier, PrieU-i« charge Mr. Freeman Dies In Washington Hospital Mrjaseph W. Krferran of Wiadsa r 1 fcd ia the Wadurgtoa Hor pit J I - Thursday from m attack of appeadi , ci«»£- The Wy was taken to Wiadror t today far huiaL WATCH THE LABEL OX YOU 3 PACES. IT CARRIES THE DATS YOUR SI BSCRiPTION* EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 REGULAR SESSION OF RECORDERS COURT HELDTUES | Many Cases Disposed of During the Day's Session The Recorder* Court was held Tees. 'Say with J. C. Smi h piesi« an.? E. S. I'a-ei as .-olacitanr. The ."oi!o-* iiig cases were t,f during tiie .lay* - :> ate vs jjni Griffin, cairyi g a coi.s-eaJeai weapon. ipiilty. Prayer for >ul»rme to n'.m-jed i-aymet of cost. Sla'e v.- ( -arles Brown. Charles W illia ic. ll- rl :i I'a;«.-r. Charles Williams na ■ firrl fcVOi' ais-l I'harles Brow— and C!a a-noe IKirm were !ne.l SlouOO ml each atei'a' Vlant t' pay 14 of the cost. State v s Paul Baker for carrying a camcealeii weapon. Iw-fer.iant pea a? I frailly a'a! V.i; fir,'! -jO®I» and I the CM.;. . S ;i e vs James Floyd b [tiaras. I«e jfena'art p'eraLs anijltv o." arrying a I conceal leal weapon ar«i w. : fined ?sflt I anal c>-t |— >Jlf ts lUmml Oimi I i»le;:! i;ji!ty of rarnintr cvMealed I n .sjhl »as fit-eal J ■ W and tie* Ice t ISta'e vs Herbert Sa» ' e. Uefnd r* if, -c 1 of a uh with aleadlr I -v,\- a .1 « u ft'—«i S 1 OO ai»«i tlo . State v Herbert Sav re. carrying I u am a-k'eal IVf • taiil pieo^H Irn'. ewi!iy. The c**»rt !»?»•*• s he ert »lifn-v tV iant *cih V -»r.! him JoOtW a «l cos*. House of Worship On Whec?s Here T «- tirst churvh v i ws that ever openesl aKnars in VVillui.i •!».. was th s i»v« .« hv-n t- e spaTKMa- cir. St_ Paul, eai'.g people *r*h i!' tfce regular ui?«»ent of the Cath he church aa r . ii:. „* ;... tgaa. a" al a", r was »,« - (si f«e -.-rvice Tl e car is a. .*e of three i .ur!' v «rs buw owned . an use by f h-s fa church i*i the lilted , SUIe Th » ore iciven by the i!au -h;er e' Mr to tie church . iiJ a. f the N'oiinan ta tW type . Fsther Alet ; s. C. P of kuofMt, , V V > -rl. is in charge of the car. ?-\r Her C> b!e of New Bern is also as- I i >he service, this hnag a . , art i f I.'- i a sia n SeW The strv .ee will d'«e here t *nighk :al th- rar will. 1:0 to iloberwanllo I fa-r a «few rf -.;:s. leavi g Rohtroaa I vji.e ..r. I K'aii-i; to Aydea After ka*- , 1 g viae aliae-e »f Mr tiobk it will F j I tab' r to Flo' iab and fee used :i *ihe minion erDcf tha" 4itt. Frei ht Tr »ffi" 'Hi Roa rokc is Very Heavy The freight "ralic I lIICI boafta up il"e u!i! Racruie is no* very heavy. Ih- a' fferer,.-»- ; the f.e -M charges Ls ;.ii lem which i.'iteie ' *«pie ttry oinc-i ii.d the, are tal g ahaata|C of it- It rumored Out 01 e «>f the boat hues, ow running, will . «• enlarge i s -y-stem tl, iniatr t r >.agh tTeaa leak -hipmets »h,.-h Will give a t r-ue thai we no\ have. i;in i: Vv IN IZ S RE. EW - i \T M A 1 IX W » sHINUTtJ-: MAR.IL Mail » rierT*or the ft • *cfirg • - aget.nnt of ieo E v**ata*a I9U- i. vue -Ve aus". at tha New I!- itre. ea FMty. idarch 14 at* ta* uieiwL Apj.lica ;o. s for n»i : , when ae i i'. pm ttaut rv fail, to g*ther with ta* aad fif-atdicaii : stamped eiiae'oye. will ;» fil!ed ia tha crder of iceips. TV t (.agemeat mt t.V theatre the 1 act thai tha attraction is cred tf-l with hetrg a e cf the most pote>t box « ce sham of the -eason »nd urge hat patraaa aval 1 1 ot tl : mail —dhr system. The legvSar s!e opeas aa Tiitti alay. March 1-1 at the Tarnaga Sha-e Store "W-«" is beetle I I f Dm Nyia Brow-- and Jc' Git", ahly aap .jx te.l by several |ror eat eater , t .cerv and chores ti •! 1111 pirhit | comely naiilera i.iainhc.'. g satalj i four. .39 SFRVICKS A" . THE : CHRISTIAN TIURCH Suiniay School 5:45 s- a — V. Ol Manning. Supt. ■' Sermon by the Pbstac il aa. Se- mon by the naalar TH p. an. .1 Service* will he Ui aly as 111 r secaad mti faarth 1 Fveryw eis exte*. "d a aat m4H - welcome ta attca-! tha dndh|9 r amaaJ the poet nlc«. ' I A. J. UAXKIKG.