ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OIS IDLIUXS A LATCHKEY TO 1K» HOMES OF RAKILX COCXTT VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 8 - TO THE DEMO CRATIC WOMEN Titer must, if he ar ahe haa tbe pa«ver interest ■» the afcirs mt the Corawj . Suae ami Ni'Jaa. f to the pails o® the day of the lenliV apsiitoi Priatary, arwd help m candi dates for the niiw afce-. One of the mot importaac cAhs to be SiW thb year is tbat of Cwtesaie fioe the First Dutrict ia siadk Msrti' C-anty is situate*! Foe a saaiw of years. Beaof rt Cnwf| ma# merar a man to Ccaptfii. an oar wnstr *uir always been a toyi£ smpporKi . f it, candidate. This year thtart BeaaiV tt aal ther OHinit f> have caedwiate.- Martin Coen'y B t/Kttmg «* »f he.- saas with the tiatt He is j eminently fittftl to lfp»e*'l ihe D»s taict. Nor fiac* le**. «b*« ha? c*ut\ ere", mentis wed 2 caFiAAa'e. aw i the tim* m ripe far pewplV of toiti County to rcR ap a Img vrte frr Di J John Dawsea aK* swm* J net has been aw! for -«*e.a' i«fc this large n|e my ie driTid r J the women mil K« to 'he }«. r or Ju"t 7th an*i cast theiir -4e* fei , Martin Owatj "s tsrAur Having IS»«E Dr. Ere* - *' Hi? life, aad walcfee*f has- cuw a« a citisea, as a hsire*- at« ami a backer. I have BO fa "fct I »i! ! over-estimate hi* woaCt; k is cVar. boaest and a loyai 4eeeocea l as his fathers befaae lia btr se'y It tervstad m faranogr iM !■*«* rt .ar be krows tbe aeeAs of hi dirtrirt. re will, if-chosen, give hi* "aiue and er «»K»ea to the pa>plt "*»* baif". Ihtiiif the fascial cntwis war anas capping the dinrUi of the « tM Ite biilnl hatter tkaa the poK> knew for the of fca'jees .it thi* srrtiiin so that the net lose a»ui suffer for military »i«ty. he b-. srr rfees to the Nati— . i-na vntrvri tb F' restry Divisioa *>t Ehganters. re cesving tbe Cap"air. 1 feel that the wnmr 1 ef M-xtii. County, as well as s&e mem. 'hooV roll up a big vote ia tl* Prira T f r' Dr. Biggs. wHo » gutnarg tfee Kap port cf pruouaen- tb «>the" counties. Let as as the show our stranr*" sft. the P*im««-v lo be heM aa A"» 7th Tki>ik ab'r! it talk about it >bi ties vote -A NEW CiraEX MB. IH)MiRX>N TAKEN TO HOSriT%L o Mr. Jos. I. was i*Ye» t« Rocky Mount Surest? it* mH-* l'»H View haspUl f«t aa enai-iM* % l'« has Uea ia had bea!*h fu .owt' mentbi bat act ae~l imnt \ ♦aui br bee- cafaol to fc'S loi He *».- ar roir.|Uioi by his- .laatrtte*' Mm £>*ow- Bobertsoa aad he» ****.. Messrs. Cha u>! Jim H. Roberts** ITEMS or THE TOW N Mr. Tbad K. limdigej *S was ia town Maohy. Mr. C- A. Askew of *ro" yesterday BE t*«v.. Mr K- W. Sabbay of Ha-iftw was ia town tttfeiday aPeraoja at Mr. I. B. Everett rf PaSmyra spe .t yesterday evening ia w»». Rev. E D. IM! fiiiejl has ■Mes-'bh app ilimt at the Xrtbdbl ciard. ha Hamilton Somtay. Mr aad Mrs. J. W. Vatts. Jr. iV Jeba VabwMti left rmUnmry after BOOH for New Ben. to be art the be : ad of Mrs. Watts* fatker. Mr A E Vad>worth wh» as jv rka-H H4 tfaerr. Mr. Vadkwarth was »«» at bis wife 1 facers! last Tlaniq abi aas e mt home. haTßg stappt & m Xes Ber with hb sea. Mr. WBaa Wadsworti where he ia#n«il a stnke of spsydei? aad paralysis w. Friday frwa wi.ich { Mim Eaaa la|pt»m atthe Oreei. viQe wkaal faulty iptir'. La week here at ber fathers hde# Mas Ncppae Etahe a«4 Mrs. J. B j Claaaa of Hiadlae were toe sfccp suiter here y*tordtax- Mr. Baraatte of was a, Mr. aad Mrs. Ma Baat, Mr. aad Mrsu L T. KariafEahyHoaU aaras . e dbere Snahy ta krmi Mrs. Arthur An derxoa after tpmieg the part week ta Rackj Jfamt with her a tlrr. Mrs. Martha Harbn>i wbo ■til a oriwd to has- nac tfttr a rived Tataarfiay aeght to spend the week-cad w» la Mar. Elder SjH i utoa Waiail He ictmed to hi* Mr. W,T. Hurts faA bA week f«r the ef a large tutl* aS. » Mr. aad Mis. A. B Itoraai i. and Miss Mary Afire Dsaasag. Mr. aad Mrs. Carlkaa Lai nmwa Has Jaaegkane ad to Aalaadar Sanaqr tHev ft THE ENTERPRISE BIG CIRCUS ALL OF NEXT WEEK Brothers And Brooks lo Staffe Fashion Show As next week Jra*.- rear eierycm U hustle asnl bustle. • next week i. r : rßj' r«k ;'or WiliiamMon. Tin Caaiaher cf (.V 'Ji.etrr announces lha i.ery thinjr is reedy fcj the Big la '-or Cirrus. Tre V :I'iain TuW a > la\lt r Irou. C irru- compcn;. rill ar r tve Satonuy by :«otor trucks f'on Kaye te*"ille. Work wt'l Mart at ;w ■cakiMr the Dixie WJ reliou-e in. a s a tea! . rciS. The «fc.-ars \vi!l r i?-ht e Mite H.-_- oil will mate an iccuicf address ten t!* fu 1 rSI start. r The pro fc*-am for Mt fJght will inetudi liskls trainei? !. gs. feataiing thi w jrbi's grea c. t leaping grey hound z.' Spff '}. the chai.i;.».i. of all hig : d vir.g doe- t-taer acts vvi'l be Mi; I'e- H' llerriig o- the flying rings t'i-s v!f~a IWo, lanriiir .-©ifbrette; H« zo. ne of ihi siuth'- fnr.iiie>: bH. i. fftc t oii'-tiia it. songs and dances; Sjiark Plug, h r fit - 1 o 1 " kikiri; mules; TnW b' ToJd. mo- in. .tKim! act in vnuii. . lie. whip .Utile ax a .nife thr ;w£ne 1 Ei*ry n /ht a complete row shew. IMG ST % I.E KE\ 111' A Ca-hi.i . I:Ow will In ' li; si.*-yr ,: !? ■ aikl Brooks a" On lifii* r iirtti.- sex: week a*, the IHxii * «i ». .-• ! This i'as-hi asb w uill pe.h^ps: b i'- e first In ibis runty and Mi t ;ah ' tvti.ets .tt i Bcb-I offerji real tres.l | o the Ll«> an*l iren aad (hlldre I' ag vh.r oar real model: i 1 tea! New Yoik m i.nti Ti.e': |will t.'! is* Wiiii*i9-t»n people pm (.heir narr«e~ wil' le ;;i*« . oat in i n 'ae3kt i- -te. *ll.i? sfccw wJ? i.U.. pl»e r,e\.t \\Crl nesdpy r.ix",- a the Inlo r Circui |a* the Dfcr* wareHoa. e next week. | This is en stUlea fea uie v, itliou". say c xtra c'-«arge. Evensie i.- ci-rdi..! '> j v te.i ar»l assurerf a rvi-1 treat. AIITO IS SMASHED AS IT HITS TRAIN Accident ai Same frpol Two Weeks Aco Dar ing Storm Monday eve. »ng fUitl; after six| o ri.ifk a f(£.vi>> tr ii was standing (a the Weid«.ii Ki istOi bianch ai, larjKfje. ami across the State high way, aMr Mclfc;-r-e!l of the ruai' 0 i»; rnr a a Mi :i> l •n-'tpv of the Ktaie highway dtfiutaeat. bo h J cate l at kthisuviijc, were . tiv iti ve; to Bethel- TSiej «lid rot observe tbe 7 rair. arrl «Srt»e in o it running their ear under a f.eight car tearing the car t ptrces and injuring fc- firca-h. Mr. Donneli's nose was broken ami s'nie lib.- als a'.d was laJy «:ut. Mr. Dickey, who I.* abwt SO years of age was moro set .fu>ly esjiiroi and n.uch doubt is ex Me.-io! as to hi leeovery S« rea_o can lie given why they did lot see tbe lain unit.-..- it *. oa tjfwirt of the -a"n- The tiain was sta tirrg ftal aiH it may be lliat the i«gr.t f:- h, Ihe a. w.s so low'duwn on the road th; it >frf not show he fit ignt car. fratacg a saow storna two weeks aco, a cjs ra« into 2 traiv at the saw Of coarse, proper eautioir wrj not u.-e>i Both Mes -1 - " I lorn oil a' d Mr. irickey a.e -A*r tw«d tre- a-l were the vie. MSE of BTO. I Ka: which tl-ey, wi'l rot stifier to happea fcwia- Mr. titfar is /r.ra„-toii, Delaware, wfceie his family is ro.v [located er«* Mr. pMatH is fron 1 Tesaaasae asul ha- r« family. F .oca2 Girls Lose to Hertford Team The giHs basket ball teai.i of the | oral high icborl jaiameyed to Heit ; 'sad ; eroicpa' red by Coach V'olfT c." 1 ! jt» or!er ■ Defeat at tjae hand - of their !«fnoaaaar » by a sect* of ZZ and G. The William-Hon sextet" eacoun ' "eied diffictdties that they h?d been : r-antstaased to, «adh as psayi .g on : n ! cat akar awt a d loose goals and te score dots aot leak so bad when T *Hf a ca-ididala, aad soliciting ' Trey were e-tertained royally by ifca people of Hertford arid want to hsct agx i! Messrs. Claries kebertson of Ports j JMxath sad James H. Ecbert su of ! Ah-.skse were Here Saturday- and Sun- Jday visiting their father 2nd to ac ; rmnpmrnr htm to the hcspital. j Mass Maty E. Nefoon of Henderscn !snd Miss Aaada Lysr Rives of En ae' i. who we Itartiiag at Da i deas, ptsel thtoega Friday 00 their way to .. peed the week erd at their homes. 1 ... V Willianiston. Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 11, 1924. EXPOSITION TO BE GIiEATER ATTEND THAN LAST YEAR 10 Draw Attention ot Outside Industiialists And Homeseekers ■ - - * Kinston, C. !• -7!* a - le ib'ce at the !?21 >« m iiCl f. io Df Si* wrk Apsii 7, will te jtifitl;. a.rtss.-«3 iver that cf last It ws* oy- officials l»la> Tc* *#*«■ Is o be oilS.'ially known a.- a Cxr«>- ina Kxpcsitio , an»l AttJ will he held under the mpili f fN Eastern Carolina of tas ce cc. Newell G. BarJr i, tr>-.nagrv of th? (v«kf:ral w™jjs3Z£- tio ,is execu-ive for the exploittan * Its terri.ory cmbsaces She W co«*>t«« rtcfcjfuiied as "ri-lfts Car«»li®£-'" I'srtlc t !o>by imM the 2v* «lj«1 >f he j ho-.v, ,vhie*t ha? lur «-it Jsu-i --if-tic h: -hiiig i i nut) twi-u: «s,« aif iiid Ccr certs, u [» liar :!» aCrMur. .-•( out-i'e idu J Urial.*'*w 7. inJ h wie I ne» - crs (o the p* j.-il»ilrl > vt -iae-e n»« • • more tha .to two-rear* ..-aeaiiieis. t- - ir:g twice their (xfmb'i>a ts» t»e ci'iis ortah!*' IV ..jt. ru' ural j* •sihilitie: aie"v"amsiiiag''-. tisf . •unnu'i . ial > nMtialk* ripr, *■ •ared ihe climatic cv aJaxi m aie | nearly | effect, exet t» a m iw*" w - i«rl minlfail 4 *itte«T;Kn! ' nit tho four if'a-u s. T">e i»«itrj| uivan' nfes oi C«t«ii 4 a Isv. been neylecte.l, e mparativek .»>, ak ing. "Thinuoib ■ n !!«*■ «• «»(•' working plants, tU»rr «> packiu* 2»-a ■ad otlie. KUbliritaKSb I* - f>-» atcil i; the L*»t*ra f Iw, fu uit* ;tart let .tjUti ~\»e !!■ •■' l. " P)f to peed up this ia*h»»t'"'.id «ie veV.pmt lit."* Tii u. h the starfare Vis ex*", bf* ' i kuuh eso :r r ,»'ak. Et mil icqtf; f ' i a Hi' r> irr h'lihfvig ti> koao* "he ex-', -l.iljlt; rl the •_>*»>»«£* at aaal exposi- ' i t'on" sponsored bjf l(wf Oanmihet 1 «"«nnro« i *e. TWfc structure >.w be.- g t'u' in eidinese i»« the w« ""cjthibtT, has a *or \ac*r a»f I*- ' 1 ween 'ia,HjO ami W• ii*- feet . j | A laite part o fc-o# i >k«.i mcnM- M&ao>. . arH fu:. feature %ifl l* » t*'« , ■ Ijiilv lir ijrai.w. .iurime the A*n.^ 4 V , Crs* will b-» the i pemmg • U»v. Cfivonr's btrß«i wUI #>r it ! a -trit - of *. Woman Run Over By Aylomobik*! Sniw+sy rrrltt wiukr .iajwfc r amJ talkiitf W? atitl'i \ax m -e. l>u!ai R pe.s kf « ke»l •!«.»•»is. i>. a car | iiii»e by a o£or«J r» incm county. TI-e dihtr M .5 bf liittkhm j 11 ** « it a 4 at y«ii>»L at. I 4 »lly to the wonia*. O * ■4* d rati | .•ver her If jr.-, t>**i .-ir - (h(4Bi wry j br.tlly, tKe (.the>- i■*»-j Iwr breast. The il>.c?or »*■ bo *--, j fiowe%cr, she *-a- s-> Ml) * -rz ibal j -ho m t !>*» n a .« t* b- I'tr a .1 Mrs. C. K. Seniti. -m *!**'•£ \ille j* il the w**k-«i * have »rti. M«- j .. !«l M.S., J IS Brit MISS EUZAPKIfI M*»SEli- WINS PRIZE IN I UWtKll ! SOI ■ ni ir.iii npxTtiffj "li-t rJirabe.h was a b at!. ' fui $ t5. ctfiar ia. t&e labia ■ i|*-1j HO tii-K ccatest bull « i >' 1 t* e" T irti' » S^otfceia*r. Mi' ' F?....-«•i *AM I—ri a3m t> i »-v J ft fill ' «r l . >- *Jb". 1 t-o'.tcn »l-e'Ba ; wk,' f>-Jl t 4 -* 'trrun-, Wis too far ff-ism ti* ii' l>!vrs i f *he f y*r. RCKAL CIRKIOS IIB»H IXK'AL OFUFK IXAVt ON V tF. ———— The jhe nut! l onvr» irft U* l«cai.r pest office t)it BMtac «* t» a» usual It i>i*ite »r tfce ir.j- j - ~T~ i licr. As ti» ■»*» ifcey v 33 j and Ut»w b aatlci. ftr it «j more t-sn likelj tfcat *iM wander j in frit.-n lour tfci> af:ewea#ei aw'd femr! i the morri r lit} art time ci*ut ] fr'; (Bill days s» tt^. Ml:. SAM CRTS INGE* lO* RCt.ISTFB OF DEFJk; or WAioiN o»i v, vj Mr J S. Gtbi^^r,na»lCutc the ] I a# rbe Srst rn-ui i tie cumty | |to ttsk for saiapMt «a the i«t j Ptimmrx. He i; a oaHite f*r tie '■lfto- cf Beji=ter if Itet*. Mr. Gcti pr W,t«r'. Orfu'> Reyifeter for scmai >an wad bas tKoroughly arqwiim baiwelf witb "the doties of the tfcr alaib he ;e>Hcr. { He Is a naa •' ebaractrx' and has a dtM iblr abitb he i is ib!e to base hb oaMacy. ~ ether MIWM ia this haw mt The . Enterprise . , SVBBCBIBK TO THE ENTERPRISE ( - - - I ? * 5 : /> c -» ! fIf : SUB 11 «. Iln- (talarr rMrdua a. Ikr ilanUr ii' t'ommrrcr i»ii>«. l>rca». KAIR MANAGER SKiNS CONTRACT FOR i«2i SHOW -..UKATEK THAN LAST U (K ft *sll\TS UOIM; iii MAM.AN IVK UliS YEAK r r_ ~"— » - ■ A le'ter front Mr. li. VI IV. cucaft r oi> The lin.i.Af Ksir A- -ori a id.i and. one t.f the livt 4 mire* j i «ae Ihf Mtrrtariw of !(*• la'r at --' i fc»? idR5 « Iht- ..lair? lii" Ise h : ja.-1 rlitoti lire fobtraoc ■ th J. C Jw'.tl Boo', i tig Afrnry for a vi*l vilV show that will tikt i«i.«rt ' ewi) aftrroem am! night .lurr.j: iht ■ fvur -lays of the fair in front of th* fnan.l Mami. an.! whiK will l»4 foi . uiif ami one hall* li'.ar» • 1 1«.- iV» bi» of will br t» , tirrfy free jiv.l «i)l " (*• Fair Av '.xeiat'on up/in the ihi.itawl- a lh« piT|;iuu calls for a taoc»- review thai I is r*)W |»ta> ii«K th«x kritn t irf-1' in I'^ I North «*j.l several o he: ar!.- of lik« calibre. "This, will lie a jririie show", *>r:t« • Mr. I'ie, there lemi; J«-al a 'lcier jin th" ie\ i» » I* - iite - the m int 4l r i who Will aptiear tn the other art.- ,Me aiyo j. ate* that the br4 Ihm? it the l«x»kinp is th»- f*iTH>ta# Ma«ii.-« ■ i Square lian.i whtrh is it»i tl4a>inir ntghti) in the Car-ier. in .'.e* ; Volt City. | liiroucii I it«* * hurt, i-/ Mr. Pte r«x i c.f tie br.-t fair.- Itehl in the . arth «a j Vil la -l year a *1 he a-sam tl« j| f ipl ■ t»f MarUn u rtmndii*. jc unt h-.> that lit will mamUi th j staadanl of ';i.-t year &.r»E v.i'l "imr ' |en it nfi ate ways a-i 11.-it tk*y wii ' ar* «he Ite. l f;ir evrr .ht> fall, y "(IrMii f till!) la.-t a J ilsat* |jrwit* « it. " i, the .-Icgan for the yea ; 1924, aim i! i* going t he ltve.l u| ' to. we tn- a.—utnl. i ! jMt.CH liEU>VEI> WOMAN ) F*;OIJ> POINT SECTION DIES I 6a Satiirdaf, Match -enwk, llr -1 Andrew J. Weaver died at her mU * Im«R* alter an acu.e attack of §» ew > it..: uk nil ecmpljeztiees. H* ha*! k»* to f a iitig ueaitti -« t ?e .eral aw t«- sulTeii-'i/ fiMii the wfj. ess of (J ]i 4 f» fhe l*iiir rearly tewt, eipii •years o fige. Hf jip her nnrriagic to A'*ti*-w J Weaver she *i- M: > jlj ; Hy ! •» W -jra? U>rti a: •! i«aj*J ia «he Gol jl\ tut if Martin rMPty. j In -arly life she ecai.cted her»3 with the PriciU.e t~.pUs church as« jAt was alTtays faithful t iter eiitirch, 'o her dMwv to ht | end to her friec«t» arvl vi^*; tto«. Sijf was 10-.e.t by --H whi> l'*e> ' for tnilf s ar aial, >bt kavlaj au aster jeJ to tb*m in their 'rcable* IHef hi» b-J*i p»r».W her U Uj rtave by atout year* SJi leaves to mourn her lo f thr** mm beo. John l_, ami Rober V. eaver. aU ifieni (rr*r..!-hi!«lie . ae4 l»* glCl i^raMdchibiten. The fueral servieea «'« cotwWte from 'he home yeetenla/ aflemt-. with EMer Be . S Cm+i >* mt Bea Grasr The bo:y wwt iatn n»i in the family "-emetery. MfSS HA.-SKU. THANKS THOSE WHO HELPKI || .. .1 1 I desire to pbhlwfy expaen ■ I'h.uiki to my friends of Wlhaaaitb ! an# Martin county who IdH ■* ■ ' the re.e t Tarboro Scuticnwr cw i.. . . test :. j ELIZABETH HASSEU • INDOOR CIRCUS AROUSESVERY MUCH INTEREST Many Votes Are Being Cast In Diamond Ring Contest The Indoor Ciicus to be staged by the local Chambt r cf Commerce all , of next week is anasiig more tu crv-t e-ery «lay. It is ;he fir. t iiue that such an e.ent fcsss ever !«n attempted in V. iliiamston and i-oMi young and old ate in>|usi'ive as to what it will he !:ic. Mr Troute represen'aive assures us that it v ill meet with hich -approval of all tlcse who attend am. • te« t it is a fea' i -.t to lie missed. He that the sh« v is one of the best. I' o; its k;mi in th.- Si>uth and is of a raiure tha* plea-* every one. The churche offere.l spaces in | He wa'fhi'uv v. h re the circus will l-~ hel«l ars-- i. i- expecte«l that the « 1. xHes w l.axe booths there. Ana! re- oie particular in ' >'c t rigV 1 * i - the race for ihf ! daou:.l tier. • *e contest I'oe?; not involve b-' u. .. , .pularity ami the ther e> ' .:: 1; - n which are ha-e.l , .iany r«i c- » 1 this one is ha.-ed I*M n t!e >a -h t whoever gets the ir>o t vjtc,. ;vl «g tickets or thru «h.e : r fra " w"--.; a purchase is made •reien- if ijr local stores. Wi'h 'iaH ten rent v :-rchase at these |»r ,«-u" r st -»e. there is eiven a .-lip of | Mater whith fnu i's for ten votes and ; i this |-a,x-r is a place far the namc |ef the re whom you w sh to have i?:«eyinir* Ycu "w nte her name on the ! THR aid t lace tt "L the ballot IhjXl-; t lihirh ar? io he found at variou> /tores. I The y test row stands as shewn beb.w: 1 utile - a is' \ otes 1 !4tss Fr. u«- Cut genus ..• -I.'" ; Miss Ja e lUlv. ards 41/«t>' f 111 l.yJa Cook# . W l ® f Mit Ge:.cva C»«-k 35.01t» r Mis- rjv.'c I."*gett 29,17t» r MU-i PRE!) FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE We hear much said alniut the vatMHis nffici !• in the government of the grea» State of Sort* Carolina ami »f the importance of sele.-tir.g piwl inen to fill" these office- ami we feel the ine of Commissioner of Arriculture L- aino-'V the m«-t im ■..rt :.n' ami should have a foml man anil also a jro«"l farmei in its place. North Caioliioa is one of the lead ing agricultuial states of the I nion. lt pro luces no re en', tun than a')y other state excepting Texas. North Carulia stamls among th«- fir-t i; pro duction of |H-anut- a.- well a: tol«acco j ar«d other gvi eral crops ,lo.> numerous to isritioß. The diversity of oerops i> irrer ter tlian that of any other state in t'* I r.ion Ttie Sta'e'i greatest recourse is the Ij; 1.1 altuial product- ami for that rt.-aon ihe t ..mniissiorier of Agricui ture -houid It- a man who not only bit ws people but the land that they til! to Ctake their livir.g. There ate few Ei i> in Nortii Carohna who are a-- .si fitied to fill this m.p.>rtant office a. lied P. La l ham of tielhaven. Mr Latham left college wlien he i was setenteea to take chaige of the faim to provide for hi» wkiowe.l Hi ttaer and younger brothers and -1- tar&. The man'le of responsibility was tt.rus* waoil.. upon him and he ac cepted it niaoiully and went to work wCi the determir-ation to make a success of In.- life's work. He started I out by w.-rkir.g with his hand.- ami jtai)ing the thii.(;.s that were broad enieg to a young man's visiaia th-i Jt thigs that tendeil to enlighten h m on his line of work And tßere arc. r, .w a few men in this state wh-. have a wbier kra-wiclge of farm ling than dees Fir. lat ham He is con s derem one of the best au horities in tbe cow.try on the prtductiolh and use f the soy bean and he has fun.shed mtaeh valualie information to the state aM ra'ional goveraments on this mloahle legume. He has held some' v.-re iastructive livestock da-«nonstra tions on his farm near He!have::. He has gtvea the heat "live at home" in to the fanners than any ether man ia the state. Another valuable thiag that Fred L:.tbam has done and one thai means much to our fanners was the breeding of seed eorr. which is among the Lest to be had. For twenty-one years |be has stack to his task and he has J ikidapil a fine-grade of seed and has j rise proven tbe value of good seed. For pears Mr. La'ham has ! I eea a member of the State Board of Agriculture aad he ia a man well apiah 'hod to held the adfee, being thoraugh ly familiar with tbe duties to be per m ■ VpMML TOLICE TCf ENFORCE AUTOMOBILE LAWS La»vs Are Fair But Hue Been ignored In , The Past At the nwflin of the Citv Council { W«l a lew ilays ago it was .ieci.ieti by a popular vote ".hat the laws in regard to th» automobile drivers to he enforced The iaw» a# c-utlined m the town ordinance bcok are Rot at all unjust. but are for the sa'eH f all. J The polite forve »a gi\en onlers to K« after the violat.trs ar.l for the past few .Says p.n>Ku!ai at entio" I has i»~en given by rhe foif* ;c the minor violations, but at pn-je ti there ' I have been viy few arrests. The laws th»t are up for enforce ment -'eal wiih the r-n-toppers a" the corners of Houghton. Smithwick a-l Wa.-bingtin streets, the drivers ;f cars without tail lights These are ♦he only two that ar»- -tiiectly con nccied with the a-to ditver but there are tt.any inorw- '-hat the pole-trans should boar in miihl Spitti- g «i the si.lewa'ks is or* and while there a*e many more that are t'H mnticnni r.erv, thoy to®, *ll be eaforwiL The laws are .ar ami a-e fcr th»- safety 01" ail irJ the \n-' *r*s have beev careleaS and think mthmit or v« ry little of -tifh i ffe!ise» FARM LIFE SCHOOL NEWS Home Chautarqua De dared a L'reat Success The I Iwiiv i 'hanßau-ta • stage ! b\ the several ilepar*men's l*re last iiTk was «iet !arr>! b> ail lo >* a v*i-a* s'jew s. Tie lir>t number. "The Krn i tu.-ky Hell" »i -eeii by a hetri- I audience Thirrstfay i leht IKiI wa tl-or.ugMy c. jtfjed l-y all Tb- oih«-« w.i lerfwrmances. "The ->\.l"' ai d a miniMtel were HRt i'u!h • Mi A- C. K : merv, dairy specialist »* lw Kx~emon Ihv >-»o ■. Kalt-'iHi 1 *iVf ;«n interesting lrdur*.ti the f. n>> ' eis M»inUty ri*ht. lit >dbjlt «•«! "The Family Cow.** On of the past wixk Mr 1 i.i\ i't Rubers- n. ofte of i%r local aid fi.'.hu-' t-' if itvrkiurr fur a rwd a>-d practical 'alk lo the girls ial. ii; the o. it ci'Ui e in poultry Interot in note and letter |«mlli> enns to lie increasing through- a". «ke commun -1 ity -> Our county asfent. Mr hk( ..nd talktd to -uru! fast .er- here T--esda> ■ ik-ht Tie fanner- are fisvor - ably ■>ii|iir.v>t'i| with M . |tr*:i ion and , h.-pe to derive htorK Le efit |i»m hi: serv ic»s Miss Sal ire New nut.. «f ln.t. v, N. . C. visi «il her sis'er. \l -# (.!aiy> N. w man for the week e;«d. , Our pri .ual, Mi Gen-. W Smith, i} a delegate a■! ».11 alt«! tl>e N. C. S ate "le-ciieis A v -culmi in li .1 t.fh llie 12. I t. a:.d 11 of month are taking a r«>ur-» p>yrMv'j r CANDIDATE FOR REJSTKR OF DEEDS To the LeßMCfa* ic \ c let is t>f Martin County: ! ! late this mean? of nnroamc ii( ! everything Is takra i. I . «-n- ili. ' ; our support, f« r 1 hit tike of er ' of Deeds, -übjec* : artsosi >( the 1 !> 'ia«* la ic Priniar. to la- l»eil Jul*- '.th, 1224, ' I have served a* l«epuiy lUfiJt: 1 of DeeJf for the past thr*e ar* I trust that my »rrirt>. as soch *.:r I rants 'he .-uppwt aiwl casfcleiiff of •he voters nf Mai'm Cooiit,. 1 J SAM CETSIXGER. 1 f Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of XorMk ar ■«i hri-Uy to sftad son?|*tiine with her sister, Mrs J - S. Rhodes u«l I»r. Hi.-ie 1 Mr. John 11. Lejfjrett z-'d so.i, Mw ! vin l/KHt »e»e visitors ( in town yes ' terday. t " " s j Another tiuej! thai should appeal to ! J the people of oiir rood «ld «*aU! i« "I (he regular, old fashioned, iu ge.; ! I honesty mf Fred Uthau He posMsces " the kiod that every naa admires ar*l ' tie kir.d that is needed ia the adminis tration of our foven-nent. I Again, we say that for the cAte of ( Conunissicner mi Agnciikuc rc do r nee.! a farmer. For AUaney General ( we have a lawyer, far lus work is ia » the legal Md; for SaprHnteadea* of I I Schools ar* have a teacher, kfnupa he 1 handle, the achaab. Obd for Ct 1. Agrinriture we need a frna s H. FrH lat ham is aat a lawyer, he ia f not a teacher bat he ia a gaod anh -1 thilial dirt farmer who is wnwthy of r the rate of every fafSwer and busiMas - mam of the state for the (Act which 1 - * WATCH lUK LAUEL ON YOL'3 PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE VOIR SUBSCRIPTION' EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1896 MR. "BRANDON v FACTS ON GOOD SEED Nothing can be more important * righ r.ow than get-'irig gwwl seed, es pecially with cotton arvd eorr. In 1923 cotton variety test it is shown that there ts a ixmtiaa of -«vera! hun«lre«l pcorils cf seed cot ton per acre. These sand seSec ed from breeilerri of dilfere t v»r»e«ie» ami supposetl to be pure seed- Cotton variety tests are iwadarted for the pun.i>se of furat k: g R.-r *ef* i»f the >ta!e w th inform.: til regard ing varieties best suite»t to 'heir sec ticn. Since there are 'amed varie'ies of cotv s >t ««!d be : mpossible for a single *.t«er •« ties* "•>em all an! «|Uite expe'Sive for tum to test a small par* of tfeem. for till* reason the pxnenmrtit statteo xJ!ecls see>i of 'he most pruansiiig varieties a:»i compares the r yicV ao-l when under fie!d ronditr*>. The varieties fris this and other states he» r larlvK*! b these tes's I'urir-x the f,asi! vears. During thi.-- ttme :•» • y jeSd rig an-! most u 11 . setae* haw '>e«*ii nc. nin-> nderi t g.* vers «if the -tale. In many ra es thesf •- *r* -e> hrw yielded from ten to thirt -'wlai > r»re per acre ha the cnes aa!!y grv.wx. When a arner bays f «»S -«•! he * should select t'-.em evety .ear .n 1 ier ; kevp a gool yiehl. The cot on from »Km.' J l * »e«d are 'o be taken should be «:t-' e»r - pi late ly and the see»l tee'ea s! aid the faulty and black oats maand. Illack see l have no Itat ihraa aj»d when ylante.l they cvmo- up sa* or mvei days earlier th a the o hers. When you chop ymar uttas east the stalk ■> are nturh larger aswl are .wed by the hai'ils on that acv-jn t. That is why seed sit si many «r«s a liiMHig ?h»'m wh«-n if t "eirtes* eid and bread up. The bes* va'H ties of cotUwt will be come im\et art'' unprv»nurt vc if al lowed tu go without setertrrg seed from its best and meat productive plant. We cannot expect the best owl mt oar cotton crop uatd growers af every ro ton raiiiiik o mittw Ky kmmc sead of goid vari-ties. .-ei' x* eevi fnaa (■est I'nnts iti fiehl. gr:«Se seevi, and preven -wil m xiig at lie g« . - will- twid sees! of the kioi ar- de maid. Ihinng the past ****«« ihe ex l» ri!ii nt s' ati* n ha.- tested about loity -five varieties a I I hey t>d ca ier I>oll weevil cond.U as th2t Mexi can l>ig boll, t IrvrlaU twr Ml and K'd> ecombe Cook make tije b-sj vsehls. Fir further int'ormatija i legauvls to tre'ting r i«wt ait»! -eel. and seel corn call r>n your 1 u ty -arent- T I. C« aaly Ageat. Republican County Convention To Be Held Here Friday A Republican county > aieataaa far t' is r aoty will be heti 1 tie town at the i «.ur. Ik use at ~ i-'c «>ek for the purpose of electing «i £«gates lo the State convention to be teld an Kal eigU imorrow week. MISS A LUCE HARRISON DEAD Miss Alice Hanbad. «k*agh:er of Mr. Ik astey Har h.«.u. =IM Monday uo: .an attack cf I'iu . . «b. ' Mi s Ha.-uison was «Jy 17 yearschi a d 111 the Uo u of oarth whea by the i d vnue. •She hail b*l sick vady a dart while and her c« o«iitMuA W3s sat caa- Shiered sermu- 3 few days ago »i*n ths. e was a turn for tht worse a d .iea h fidlowiag > • teaday an ing. • '1 he l>ody- will fce pU-ed to rest this afternoon at the I hi. an Hard son 1 burying ground ia V. Ciaass town hip. tV. U ISt H SNOW FALLS Dt IUNC MGBT 1 The people «f thai raataaa were . very much surprUel w*"ea they peep from under the «*fu ties awia i(ing to ftrd a twa iac 1 laaar aad to I see 1 hat it was ill h^hf' o'clock last evening Jit M aat set r ia to snowing ml md later > ir the night. Every aak aad crevice 1J was covered aad 2t this time 1 time it is still fallmg f I This is what yea mt'ht call the flat tjnov this year aad wt :Z warn thr atht . asnowless year aaw is asmare 1. Dr. aad Mrss Jete IL He. aad li: Mrs. B. S. Ccartaay spent fimhf ia I Scotland Neck with nbim.