ADVQtnSEKS WILL FIND OLR OOLLTLVS A LATCHKEY TO 1500 HOMES OF MARTIN COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 9 MIL MOYE P.TAYLOR DIES AT HIS HOME NEAR SPRING GREEN — — Had Been In Failing HEALTH FOR PAST • Six Months Mr. Moyo P. Taylor passed away at Li. IMM in the Spring Green section of the county Wednesday af erroon at fivr o'clock aftei a long Ulress. Mr. Taylor had show.-* siips of ill health for about six months and sever jl »..h ago he was taken to Rich mond where he was pv«» me«'.»cal tmtmer t but be could art be benefit ed so he Returned home to spend his iyniiiiiii| few aoeks_ TJse end had bee* expected for the part few days hot death brwgbt shock *'A sorrow to a wide circle of frie*»ds. He was the son of Mack C :ber- Tador of Martin county and Sarah Best Taylor of Edgecomb? county. In tarty ma-diood 1* was married tc Miss Emm?, Savage of Hobgood a»*d she with twr© sons. L*Roy and Itr,'Mit >aniiT him He als« is survive! by two sisters and one brother. J- A. Everet* of Williams'on a d Mr*. A. E Smith of RoberMtnville and V. R Taylor of Poplar Fwnt- H« was not a communicant e? a*y church but he always attended the Primitive R&ptixt ':urch at Sprin«r Green and look an zxtive irtcrwt in its woik M' ye P. Taylcr was one of the lesd rj citizen? of the Poplar Poinl sec tion. He had served as Justice of the Ptoao school commit' eman and fact he did much of the work of the -- ——that ki> to 1* done by J (mil one ami for which there id no > roaafir' > itiTrn and fridom any think-' and » usually Jon*- by x«ne hi* heart and is usually done by some bir heart ed rltiitn a.' «» ilr. Taylor- No man was hcM i.~ higher es eem j tba-i br He w the possessor cf a kind, gentle spirit ai»i even temper he was jiway co siderate of the nghts and feelings of those with rim he came in eontoc. The coir, nan ty Ims a gotd atize in the I prime of life having been only forty nine year* of age at his death. The funeral services were held yes terday at the redder« with Elder B. S Cowing «d Bear (ir*s« oCkuiting jad th? interment w»& made iir the Taylor cemetery. A Urge crowd of were h attendance. Schedule Changed on A. C. L. Trains To And From Plymouth i i • Trrjr No 57 which formerly left bete a S P. M tuw leaves at 4:48 and tra-n No 64 formerly leaving at C.40 P. M for Plymouth now leaves St t 30 or ten minute* earlier. At each i t atisci the change was made to enable the Wetdon Ki jrton irain to reach in time to make connection with the Norfolk Souther? which goe* to Goldsboro. This change has been in effect for ■att a week but due to faulty adver tising of the A C L it was not knuun by ma y until now and gen erally it is not yet know*. DONALD —MOORE Tefteidav afterr.ow at t'-e K- - c.jal rectcry a wed"-"* of nwih i-» «s4 to the br-V\ n l giaoaa"* .ie- fc throoghou* U.» cw#« v r-nrrwd whe • Mi > H*t*»e W j re r , Hi William O cat DmoM »e»- i_i ;.*• in marriage by lev J. K *a«n- The bride is the youngest daughter «f Mr. White Moore of near Everetts. Mr. Donald is originally from South Gudi-a but he u employed in Rob emnrOe in the offices of the State highway commission. They will be at home in Robereon riHe after a short weddin gtrip. SANDY RIDRE PERSONALS Mrs. EBa Taylor and son, Marvin visited Mrs- S EL Hardison Monday aad Tuesday. Hinn 1 a— Hit and Marie Mi Id Mrs. J. H. Riddick a d Messrs. Clyde Williams and Leo Koberson mat'ied *o Merry Hill Saadry. Mines Hilda and Katie Mae Cherry and Fannie Ruberson. Messn Hoyt LCey a-d Frank Hopkins motored to Btbuairab Sunday. Mr. aad Mix. H C Roberson en tertaiaed a number of friends Wed resday right- Mr aaad Mrs. LD. Hardison and faarify iput Sunday with Mrs. S. E. Mr* G. W. Rakera— of Faun Life was the gattl ai Mrs. Laoan Hardi- Mr. C. R. Riddick aad Mr. Clark of Everetts weae here Sunday. Has Katie Mae Cherry spea Wed ■ii lij m&t with Miss Loualie Rid the hae of Mrs. S. E. Har- THE ENTERPRISE WHUAMSTON SUFFERS DEFEAT IN LAST GAME Washington Outplayed Locals In Every Respect * The Washington high school hoys basket hall team defeated the local town team last night by a score of SO to 20 ir a game that could not be classed as a *"thriller". The Williamson team, generally speak ing, was a little off form and the im posing team displayed excellent team | work throughout the erf ire game. El by Johnson for the visitors was there to take of any sitwati— that ' might arise bat all the Wißiamstow boys were not in practice, irchsdmg the referee. This ends was might he called • -u.cessful basket ball season for the locals and it is too bad that they should suffer defeat right at 'W last The playing of all the member* of I the team has been enjoyed all Ike wr.y through a'd now that the season is dosed the once-wet* faas will have "n return to the movies, or to their magazines for amusement. The line up follows: Washiagtoa (St) WUKamstoa (SO) Player Position Player B wers • ' Wolf C Johnson ' Orleans F Kugler Hassell F Potts Margolis G Cotton Taylor G j_ I taker substituted for Cotl—. E. S Peel, referee. Washington scoring: Field goals. Ik-wersl. Johnson t, Potts S. Kugler 4 Cotton 1. Willicmston scoring: Field (tab, Hnssell S, Wolff 5 Taylor 1: Foul -.;oals Hasxell 1. Wolff 1. LETTER OF COM MENDATION FROM FA YETTEVILLE MAN Moose Lodge Highly Pleased With Circus The fotlowi « letter «u this week by Mr. Taylor Treat ami it was written by Jwip Cheek »f k"ayetteville_ whet* the Traal-T«M Cirrus Co. played from February IKh lo 23rd for the benefit of the Mtaw Crarity Fund under the auspice* of the Lodge, number TV. Mr. Taylor Trout. Williamston, N. C. Dear Sir:- Ir. conversation with a friend of y urs today i learned that yea were going to play WittianstM ant week, and I do sincerely trust that you will give thewi as good a show as jw «i*i the Mooee her* last month, the e*■ til* membcr.-hip of Fayetienlle Lodge was well pleased with the entir* program which was so well rsadtied by aM parties connected with the shww. I only wish it were pussikli far Me to be with yew next weak a id eajoy ihe .-how*. We are linking forward to your return this fall a»d play this place and we fed that w* caa make it even a greater succeau after showirg the people that, we had such cieaa acta and change each night made it ha teresting. Mr. and Mrs. Todd were tlieie with the guods aad have ke«a complimented. The show would he in complete without Mrs. Trout'* acts which were enjoyed by all who at'end eil cur circus. Very truly yswr*. A CHEEK. Philathea Class of Bap tist Church Meets PHILATHEA CLASS MEETING Last Friday evening at • o'clock the Philathea class of the Mtaiml Baptist church held ita regular meet in- with Miss Carrie DaH White *»- tertairiag at the heme of Mrs. J. W. Mr*. Wama Biggs as picnM presided tnr the meeting. Imports at was decided to have a heath a* the i'door circus next week. short social haul- SFRVICES AT THE METHODLST CHURCH Sunday School 9:46 every Sua day. third aad fourth Sundays, 11 a. m. gad 7:30 pi m. » evening 7 M ta • p. aa. E D. DODD, Raster. Williamston, MARTIN COUI SUPERIOR C IN SESSIO Very Few i Cases On Co • Docket SUPERIOR dbUKT XE | The Superior C«ut of |ty wdi n. ia its i lent with Jadp W Edtnfa presidis* aid fliFimmm pma nl|n|L The cnfl dsdnr appr '■ this paper bat wile asked Judge Peel for •locket for the nwt pes formed him thst the* mmmgk oses to memtiar of iwy little nr-iicam It was asked of him hut. are w few heard a hath oar rero peri or eoarts for the pi- He replkd thai the p« thag beTer. MODKRN FAI GOLD IS Pays To Obser Ony-bed, ( And Sand The Mafiafart aier>* H published what wat r waadera 'airy 4«n n discovery of pm nn. Flarida uab near the Poaee de L«c laaded ia his leaich for the f of Tooth. Following a r the pernsieare of horr Hfliry H Burkman at Pritchard found on a a depaoit* of a nanrioi rich earth metaU. mo>t ng imwi and titaniun it appear* that this lain* ed ridae» resulted fre .rdiw and wearing d ages of a rieal mount. •"«* raited ia our ov Which lead- the » Record to declare i" to KTvliiuK every -ravel-p»». cmjr sand rock «rtrn>p in rrt well to he rvnw nm dl these thing*. or to L ». •hem examiaed by oae whe know> " Barkaa > and Pritchard happened ta be aea who knew. Oae was aa er pert graduate of Harvard who had peeiahied in riewiriry and»eer •ar The ether was aa nf nerr who had (Motd widely gatherr g exper ieaee ia this and other countries Seehinr a refiart r> mineral for an efcptrir fwraace. Burkau . produced a "nffc «f Florida saad. in wlurh Pritchard iaatditfdy saw pahhl •ties. The haat ended ic a way tofwr aish aach needed aalfnal to the Al ia the war with Ormai>> xul *• oar* aa eatiidy aew aad rirhlv pay ia* iadatry. Certainly il pays to naai * all «hj bank*, gravel aad- ?oad Ht*. etc. with the idea of doru*rn»jr preri-ely what they naiaa. in qaality ai • | •mantit) Many Watera N«rth Cam Haa loealrie- caatvi- titamfer o aaprttes of marh m erest aad may pafibalitie». There is a Ked> r- n rcu 'I town named /Jtcaaia after the mineral lima The *er> mi era! I Hackaaan aad Pritchard f«o*d in tlx fhHi jaadr raaae land), it is th«afb'. froaa N'o th Can!i rt hit, L which mre of them mr, in? Irrte! "gei aad anwirm rr I wjok* cefaialy revolt ir a meat iarrwe :a t&e pr Jorli -i oi mineral It will he noted however, that thee two asm were equipped to ktw a. ehae as well as ta follow re; tik' they arted mtraatljr aad iadepea*!.. ly aa paaMia. trilmw That is qaitr auoeher matter from those r. North Carafcaa who are stiH seehiag ul—not aa tiihau, yat an hope; not ia |_ar ■aat of the paritne. hat in s>abbora dhanwal of all negative iadkatisa-- STIICTIIE FIVE MILES LOKG WILL BE COM PUTTED NEXT NOVEMBER Wlaad Neck. N. C. March IB The meat tartly piece ef wark ape - ; which the Bate highway coaMßtsaaoa Edwards ferry bridge arraaa Raaaske river The anaa-1 maoleed ia SOO. •ML The river m this paint is fie ■la wide at high water The mata bridge wfl be MOO fact Icag. This oriß he feßaanl bp a Hi of 710 feet, aad with nheiaalr la hrtwuia three beidgea mt SOO feet each aad a e cf MO IHC. Oaa am steel spaa SO feat wfl eaasHtate the riaer bcidge peeper. ft fa piaaaad ta hare the (. * % ner,aide from (*• recital at Queen's Hall, 1> •«(:> . .«.• | U secuie personally aew m:.n.i-,cri|»l J Material for ax- on "ho uinsni'i s . ' her totir* T hi- season. Miss Case ,-i ir#- in KnHish, Prench, It.J an." Oim .i r i»d Sand"# nia'., j noted for the clanty of h» r diction i . i a'l tl»e»e tonjrue- lit ariaiiirini' a pro- ' r»jii »he raiolv gr>m|>s -irt| tl no* »-lo£-*l «.r-k*r or Wimlinr t«»' 'he rnatof .ilil. i f the «»f.- SSi K t»j always tnej r&thrr to buk! a .m>; io 1 ' awl, to biiiif «"*it wturt""frr»*h' V i*sll e*l the h. rnj wiknjs eanttast wrtS light a»i"l t it; »arli *n.u|i I s» C VIHC of i>ri cn.m M>• - ('IF -ill in a DfH> irit*rv>»'v. : "The '.ar ! e t U.l fa rfnger i. T«. find F!'; for«gs STIIL ettouph cf ikniv RVAKE T (•('■•MM of I t«re-t ar«l * A*- SHT H at WEE an T" ■wtk ?wl a s'j »1.. IKU OIIIY SUIT I re\- ■.>.« **"* o e"> teiii|» # F"R ur.l» - ! *ai ft 1 n v SE'f'int'. tie stßwi p'*'c al a so«ig. I simply RAN «.t »:«? it Hairl ir stnjr-. itram.; it •» ;i «i •«*» with a iiote of ARE not rate: it is iK* Lrijli' .Jinp wMrh thrrrr TLE-O O*IK r in w .'ra.»t 'hat are n«; jo re ily t» I. "ound. As- > '"*« yoa have to ave'id niacH ? •oesrihle, what othef r T l .- ' ''tier F ivbkm of aipr-rir LE «rr -re SAME puUir for a thirl .vd fcurth time romili«; tes MAL'TR -till more. By 1 la- harde 1 tort of" *« ik I have i'sfoverwl a .'.umber of *e» *oe>jrs in Eurcpe t'i:_- iuntiirr •i*fc I hope tavtixthlie will like."* Local Scouts i Have p j Wifliuii-«ton TROOP norirr two OF J the Boy -Scowls of Ao»i..j hel-i it j ■eerular meeting lart night IT 7:IS itj the scout hall in the Peei hull-lint.'. I The roll w*= called and three- ev j awmtrf i- were adini to it. they were J Pan Simpsoa. Edwin Peel .nd Itarreill Price There was no new business ri J the scant master mer tio. e«l the j three rules andr at the last meet ! A*- Each member wa_«- I»'a«L to ***■ J George Harris AMI J.IM- Herhert I Ward at the meeting, they kavia?' beer very sack a few DAYS AJRA. | The latatiag arms di-rnii WITH tb- J •trst ef'fc und wi'l ir.e"' --ai wpst Ttershr N>ght at 7:15 at the C-UT j halL * * " Mr. Jos. I~ Robertso rrtw.*nl Wednesday night from R'.- ky Sf«wl where le had beet in a h spiul. He was aeeaespeeied by V Fm» Rohertsoa ard Heirs ftarlr.' ard .'; asr? H Robert'on. . - L -" , 1 . * ir re - . - " *" - jif . ir*. ij {-• . r t \ J«Cif i* - n ' I—' ?*- ... I *' '■ t'l, t fttt'i'tirt - " - I f % Ui*:** |o»-o | h I* .:> 6 •: - ■ ji ia- V*f j I •i.»-s X\ or 3". *fo * ; « .1 iaokir^ f At tai'-tlwiwS • •he - eikii;*# " t 2 SJ; «l •» i if.!,- . * v «e a cat - * **• | a .V a r n«*. l!*. ; • I '* - . v lac ~*l il'i f * ivliv« e4 I? ' 6"' * : k>r* »- f •• '•*- •' - - . * A*i . • « 11 »r, *»> ro .si-. \ JAM. 1 -- . ! the |r.4- ! J- ~e v lie mm »!• . tiij ■» : I7,rf -o .!» .* Hit t_ • ~ • r'»-. « J t * ipV >/.tr>Uk -s" ■**;«» * i*. e •' i> - ir. T.-. "JT 2. ; s v>r. »* i. sn _»-'■? •» »» v *}al -- tarpe a- *rre«fc «; »e cf L« daneiCia*-* - _ i\f f - ft -J? fr a S.V' S s . „> _T «" I'irt- No Recorders Tour? i I C . any to tL» if M »•»•«» • ? |T»K -*a; a' :>*s w»jsfejlfce »"V " I-e s of ke Ree« »:»? ? t bfW I"!, iacawi- j e *• - re. -• nb> ftere ««» very »**■' j la d HM't|,aH| jOpahMt' 4 the I S't;«rior r«srf ri! pn «r» I w jtV -ext mo n*«iu time » 1 » >1 ' 'any f'eefctderf Ctait wr*3 fl* wv I March Hit. • -i ATTRF fT?T | Chareh schsal »:4S a a> Holy cv-auao-ie'i as jejWa -II a. s»- ! pcayer ud SBR.: ! ' The public is m* • ' - - trrd ll«*e fenitft. J. E. WAEXEB. -1 Bf :» * 9ft sad Mrr f'W M dV» ' **T |v ■? 'l« T"."w Marthe. .rf affa 1 were £E umv> jtstrt Sij fhspn kg. i . t.4 1 . i..N .;A i r.i r V ♦ » *1 s: \ J, VJU . « . „ ; L .«t o- 1! .1 I -*c 1U v ."; ! Wt* j M:ui i • > ■ e • I « !, i * ■ i i b I • ■ [> - . I I - •' ! ' I itl~i »,, r - . i ■ ' I :: r : 1 i ! - ~ i I » ! tt • . - f i ■ i i i I I 0\ * . i s j r iX s I * ,! f: ** . 1 . • ■'« : , ,t > :. • ■: if ' M if • .» - ■ l . • • ' « ' T" Ci •• , k !*■>• * • U- • An ; •! Mi • .'!. '}■ . » . Tn +t ' - i." W I:, i'-i >!' T W.a j] , «•: • ' '• ■■ J*i . "T. -"'ith if K «Tr\\-IV | **. V —i. f ** - vi«' —?T SSS»B a -.4 ri' I'•■vis Scrifr. '! ifc. ■?»«•' i 'rirt : r »jr! r, r" -* the i- ;- v '*>z>r -' i'cfurtu*,'.a: rl ti:* -•pfcwi l '-'- wrofe. '* - . 1 r »r a; » Sirf. JVbtM&V •* R_. -*Tr» : i, .•» W*fee*.!a?. . A CORRECTION - I* i' rw'injr tfe-; «.• «fi for car *r : T «P Is '* w mii* .i ia *> V ' at-wwii of Mr. Sara dets-n --s>'«» nr, win ll>a r *■ tl r- i t r.e l ? cheer »1» m U»> «& ' W\lv:i ia?: I-AlfflL OK VOB r \r: n. tt c rue Mfl Hi3> iJ ~U4i!o> PCVUE A'iED DV LOCAL FIR , " ' * e Even* !/i The Hi torn* oi Merlin O u T :ty j —" J 1 ? :v" • "* I H a it* J :•*- , *r : ' C '(' - £29 fl - o ibomm •* -*~J ' f.r s E*.«-fc«] !~Jf j ■ * * ri x; -? tI»J H - i .' ttj - :r. 5 ••. - t-v. ctM »• . : Jr/1 »- H > * . ' . ' 'i Ni ■ 1 Pfc • ; w itV : •» «5- ■ •t • *i* Rd J- H i. fil • I ! ■ ; • ■' " '""i 1 :K ni> TO « ' ■ ■- ' • 1% K j „ a*- i ca >s cs* H| | 1 ere? : j > i ' Tke f* t e-jsJ| • v i czai ajp • D»f 1 - i wm r- » * t. The a ». • .» ' *■ , « t ' M- k t»K An) . . IWj J \ih ; it ■ ,-* i!l f« :-K -f . - f* S • •* • c t Ji'lj. I i r « •>!. t n -% a | * - t ft i I- t :if iiiiii. «•» •* p*t !~kl |M i •. r j.. • r,-?; *. s H "f. j j :«-- i H lii >3l :• 1 i-rl, '-«r #* \*h Oad •* .■ ibfc; '. r AIM '• . ' r a fete se! -K »in ' tf» r !wi|« »*.**. M.« ; fcltf tl I* •' » *V » !t- I , . L _ • taityl * .t~ iaS leiiM V- r » > tat -r a 'tw.| : - -f f*« r4-~nifci «! * - |^H u ■ .« N . r ««?!!} u- i Joey. 1 - v 1 -*• t e ki-i dl - 7 "x^aJ i -I ia cr («> ■*• !—fei, I >-f . rii—l r# ire: T*tTj 'jcKt-i I rftc. . j i; ! _ce )>«r U.'j m it tiaj lArraoor am* Cf - iinal Issue le r tNJ Arraoor aid C* r faa lave jufl i!»i «t Xa. i> tfe-r . atsj dfl -"WlltTj. ',l TV »kle tt d cf ! tract. ■ °«1 gwiu tit* arc Of |*tw« «t fc«r a i.trn * t&e M jo* ■- » - rw f«l «e trie- call lent .-nA.J ii ; ar li sftiM ;■> c- that ••"•a a M K- tf tiwiit iLait his jg i Jmum m Lj tS'. he i« trji »ta V 'c. S *ir or ~nd Ce i~;- ■ojß PO- bh T " wt InJ tkisfc .* «r r*~~~ ■ i z-tatm ,p«H»S tfefir :ii* /ijpf