*HE ENTERPRISE raMMas nil) Teeedey Friday ' »r th« «XT*»W!ISE riWiSHING tU - -*—North Curf* «. C MANNING* Utter OT. C. MANNING; JU. —BUS. MCR Sahornpiioa r.M (Strictly Cash »» Advaa«*> sl3»> I year t mcath? 5 , D.wre>l »! the » os» 04kt at W J !■ Hii North Cat«»«aa «# ,(i ii* - I KRIDA*. VAKI'H. 14. IKI. * cently «TWrt a -art« of n.uch f^it* 1 Ar o4«s ma:: l»> "anw of Vr. J- H | WiL-«r.. »>.."* ' v ' r > a " wrar **' dMNMd l>n. sympathy ar..t*'- • ti - - » U hi ha «» "« th^ cinioidksr of t*»> . The » app®^ o " - ; a j» 2 . nMtst boys rjshsrur i* trow-j 'oyhi-d to manhood anil fceedmr a«l --viee a. m®s* boys •«. »a »« mu-r r -e?ool im-um. a-ai ux-i th* i ".r.j; v.«ix!> -TTaf ix•a* thr.-urh the ~-«-h0.4 t •hartcr sni r yi.**- a-« ail Mekii-e '• « - " i-v road., ti i.- aiv ■-*' resell o Ttie nvrwt ",'v - : -rv- *r r! i Awrwa T: c f ! tt.it»e that nvtn , X- «■««-- : kho*W"dr*' \\ j ~rf rau-.ii\ \ .twwr •'*- *' r •'!*'' * u: .-vhoo' »t*n >•«*: " •i «* and « is- these wh ' w * rt fcat iwlfr tlx- writ- of CHd M-i» W "The iw! thruurh i- shorter iiST «-a-;T*' |a»ES A MW H.WK I" - 5, -re ten- vf tw«*»ve yes*. »£" *" ?* - U kite •*• .t-a.' n* w«ii . uiif. * h»- ' "* l " * Mf «■ i»nativ" |*> plf - 11 ' v:« • e doubk fa'« ! ur?y. * fnri»»- a«i mnl nunf t-iii a 5 9 (-i mai or n:jn • t »*! w»-. ■ •w i;f. a.- . acl:oaf ir. .'f -t'.rr i M «r. *-ar»*>" tiJt ir.t- H»- -*> >na: . i»-n ijiiief u it 1u *vi «ii«l !"t "I'iuiti :r - v " it*- hac a »' " ** udr H« ilio fK>' i- - tr roat, i-'» Iminar W> >|ium«. - ! «»> * fce had a » thr.vjt f "tatatr*. JJ y innA. » -.o «a_ - _Qu r. t'uf "• fore kin«i. aii'i o i e* ery « # - ;>• * •- ,-{ieaV. to tin a»- j' i" >h«- * tjn ti*-lfu' way. Hu- w»»ly '■ f " * "Why. Mi Wh, « u nu>« fi>r - >pit - *" IX*.- tie" K II Ir. tiiit a •. ti ' • the**- j." iru-r.y niei' zixi »oe*t. *fev wear c I in,- o~ tKeir l Ini r- > t M*->v «oea- ha\e b«M; a.!\ar«te t a.- «» thlc bu'. fin >r i'i tip* 1 - . , fear- t*en as# ?»•*'! 't "i -at-i«r for at. oi*J W)fW to |r>ve ih«- tr««e ar - Ola "Han l"a> « ~ »«.ys in M-- bs^l tauue.-. "I airit l-y me r.. ' > k t i . I air;t ne*er use-i 'lt? h«»r U. * a* i» ; m f*i r*thirijr a ' ! atn' fw k notiirr fa it!" h must I* the l.a'le -'a --1 * >•- afvm use Uiat ..-at "•> a ;- tkof- The I'nite-i SU'e? n*>w ha_- tij#'. 101 te!«phooes- in us* cr w t»?«jk«ie for every 7 pttsens- Wtaer «ne remember that lK» firrt word spoken tfcrougit a tetephoae **> cely 4c years and the lir.-t cmh \ piece sentence trar .miitte»i by ttlf phnrif nt tioly 47 ) *-kr- a*e. «e k»« ateit that the telephone grovth iifc beer. eiou- In IKM there were •aly JtjtuU tfcpfcw*.-, i» !"*» tie ■inker had iner«a«ed to ir. 1900 it jwipciri to 074,733. The «tc»k fm 1900 to 1010 shoveo a fi»>' gau thaa amy liilar period, bntf 'the total to W4MK la 1«» «« ''trnmmi the Maker had |imi to 11. - 700,147 aad for the period ftoa I*S to ISM the kbm «»• '■■■rfy * mißi* • P««r. *.> " " / fc * I'*'. ?* Ti* few mM -I! »pfco r equip- I n* rt Ky jj» Bdl y: m ard its £ -'Bheiaszr;" n-nspr-Jes bc i amounts to When we tnir.k pf t»-,i> rast amoa:" «f money it i> a-toumlir-c. The oaii that in ary way I | r.rai? the "eiepbone Sumw- i> th»> ' ejner htijfs.- ami the irves'jue t in ! tl«a- i» far I**- than the tiHephwne I iCTe mer.: Tr* 4»*l indu*ry wi»ieh e- t- a.- the rfiitry i> ti* cnl> fcu.-i «-«• i r —" ik iumtKMrt , the i«>-|.i€=ie. V s?iuf for ths-e who ire out '^r I i ? k»- itametw; ting So be puts away |by true OiamUer of Corrmerte is uv- ' i «i»«i i»t*aia * } A• THIN TO | \KXKK> IS »i in r-uj e tt-» jji'rl looker for r««a: -eeii co't«n le sure * ' ~i». ai >#■ t »Salk.- that have i ntc.r. !«■ them. !' -rf-' •-? «• la'f 1 1' «•' r- t fi' f jK't I y4> i o U •«. *- . H MitnrlHie? • Tin' >' «» t . ii* b* | M. :r- :s- H«m!er: :m: w»ll. Jf « drat? !are»- ciow.b. \«v. a - !« r .ir i>-4 tit woiiltt *i'! ' 0 .a* t« fiyie.- or the m«iel.- we i' a»»- 'a* !fi > p«-iIK« tu --ay i ■ [ T V | dHj> ("iifl't iift next irt»ek tr- -tc- it» l»-ea:,-* rr tifta*-!! tbe Mjj;rri ftintL- will ffl.ifh ? . » *. V .ti 1! if |t 1.-; -t ..(-»■*! out--lie. _r M > * I K i I ' J.t- laik ! „1I :V .. ttaii:!. > « . JC*. 1--11. im- i»t?v* a iljr'.lt t«fi - f - I U'fr i'.fUx |'«rt J ! ! -.>» Ceinui. ." I f 1' Towr children's food v /> Tht [oods your children eat txlay, determine their • t-tmigth and health in later ye2>s. _ - V Kt.ru rnber this; they must have well balanced meal& Their food should contain the r ght aiaout of mineral sahs. These salts act as booe h»immg mateiM. Bakings that are made of good plain white flour and baking powder contain the necessary an cunt of mm era! salts. Allonr your chil dren to eat heartily of these faakingstogether with fruits and dairy products. This forms an ideal food balanoe. When tmking quick rising breads and such as: biscuits, muffins, cakes, waffles, etc., don't fail Id use Calumet — the economy Baking Powder. It contains more than the ordinary leavening strength—ifs the made That's why it helps make your flour foods hght > and easily digested. 1. MilKnns of mothers use Calumet daily because they «pe interested in their dnU ren's welfare—then present . and future health , • PACKED IN UN —KEEPS STRENGTH IN * !*K AW.XINCS. AWNING COTBS aod toT» of aD kiodi. aoe Hiicmi SratheTx aad Conpaay. William? ton. N_ C. 2-1 ittn ia few days. Fink leasaahle dler takes her. WL | Oakhiirst Fm WHITUET. I ' IOK KENT: SIX KM»M LlXCA iu*r vi'h aatrr -n«J hpht.-. a; piy to J. G. «. aid 2-lS « c . HOW'S THIS? Kil t-* « u iuku ar.u,i ixe «m Cm »hat m« rtua l«r si—rid jotr rymUm • f ' 'HirtJi ct U-ibHS «w»l by CltMTb H % 1.1 S ( ITtun MKOirilK (M --«:> d( u CtMMt »fci h (MrUy Rrllrrrs ttu- catarrhal lilarrrgtioo ami Ik' l»w*»l H4xif a Toatr. wfcirk *• 's tlx- Bto«4 or ikt Mwm( Suria M. thus nimat aornal tocuil *Jo» r J %«»» * Col. TM> ON? 1 Tobacco Guano Has No Equal! • # . Oldest Fertilizer Manufacturer in America FOR EIGHTY -FOUR YEARS THEY HAVE PLACED THEIR GOODS Livi-Uiit, iHJc. FAitMErt WITH RESULTS PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY. THERMS A REASON ■ ... WHY? • , - ' • ' ■ T" . # Because they use C\e very highest gtade raw materials in the manufacture of their mixing the by the triple mixing system, which makes it easy to distribute uni fy mly, and have no sixrtted crops. * ODER'S Special Compound For TOBACCO I *. * * - - | |jtgyi * - , Is guaranteed to contain Genuine German Sulphate of Potash, which is essential in growing: tobacco with quality. Ober Guano once. You will always use it If you have not used it, ask your neighbor. He will tell you Obe-Grown Tobacco prows better, cures better and sells belter. COME AND LET US TALK OBEKfSTO YOU For Sale By R.L. SMITH _ ROBERSON VILLE. N. C. HARRISON BROTHERS and Company Donl fornct to mc «ka jm mam le a peidnse. A Sa cent pndute aßs for tea votes. SIJOO pcrdsa? for IM. i Eead (he adtoUMMHti —it paj*- Jor the thlffler «fcn||H. Aad ■«, ised to be adi as they are admth d. HEOTOtS NOTICE Having 'his day ijaslifcd as ex«co or f the estate rf Janes S. Pfcal, *- ceased. this is t* notify a!l ptiiou having daiaas agaiast the said estate :e ifce*it tfcwn to the aaderrigaed xecstcr or or he'ore the fth day # Km*.. lMSior this wte, wiD he beaded ir. Itar of thesr i*cowe*y- AM ifrsoßs imiyttd to said estate wiH jlease make nbaHoir payment. This the 6th day of March 192*. D JL GI BG AXUS. Executor. S-7-4t- NGTICE T6 * D. Statoa a»d aay «*hers -laimmjr any ratwwt ia the hoes* u>d tat in the town of Jamef -ifc X. 7 do« omipiei! Ljr ah ft. D- Stato™. ,ctj air hexeb> no'iici 'hat I oewght *ne ah©ve described howse and h* at a tax sale fer taxes «"d cost doe the Notice To" Tax PAYERS! .> , , This is to advise you that 1 will be forced to lew on all real and personal projjerty in the month of April and sell on first Monday in May, by order of the Board of Countj Commis sioners. .—.— • I - _ Tlierefoi-e, 1 will thank each and every one tdat has not paid his 1923 taxes to conie forward and pay same and save the cost and embariassment. You can pay your taxes at the banks of youi immediate section or at the office of the Sheriff in Williamston. Mr. I'eel or I will be in my office each day. Thanking you again for your promot attention, I beg to re main, * ' J • - ——- —* Resoectfully yours, H. T. Roberson, J SHERIFF. ■aode by J. &. (Mul the duly ap -1"11 1 «■" iißi il mi ef the —id tow ahkh ale «m My advertised held aid Me aa the Sth day of March 1923 for laze* doe in 19M. wfii ii« ■■■! d a deed far aid house fad lot ftmm aid tax collector at the ex This Sri day of March 1924. W. M. MIZELIL. NOTICE OF SALE Uader aad by ratae of the - p—— af Me rnataiarri in that cotah deed af tract auk and execut ed t?\aah Hargett aad wjl Martfca Harnett. If the aHi»uignai Tilw. aad kearaf the date of the Bth day of March 1923, aad of record in the Pdiit BegK&r of Martin County in fcok H2 at page 299. the said daed of '.rad feira* heea {Kca to MCVC the pajane of certain nates of evea aad teaor therewith. and the tew ard undficci therein ecn uJM eat having hen complied with, aad at the request rf the holder af; jnid act*-*. the aadcragred Trustee | will oa Monday. the 2«th day of Match 124 at 12 o'clock M, in front of the MbTaKtM, to the hgfceat bidder far caah jte Mhwi« Ini'iili I iM Not 5^ the DMaoa af the loads af B. K. Cherry mmmmg . his uflihia; thoace Worth » degrees Wert to a pine; theace North a VM ta the naa af the HI Feod; there with the Km of the Miß Poad ta Irt. M. 5, thence 7t grees East with Lot Kol IS. to the be lelk'jM being Lot No. 4fa the K visiba of the M of IL K. Cherry. Also a boose aad lot aa the Soath side of Washington road ad joiniag the af Jae Grdßa, Sa> Faulk aad the "Short Place", aad hem* the aaaae premises conveyed ta Noah C Hargett by H- C. Herrby. Also Cae Uuurk tforae, being the ansae horse parehased by said Nodi Hargett froaa Ledie Fowdor. The Hone cai be seat an th; premis es af said This the 18th day of Fehruyy 19M. WHEELER MARTIN. Trustee. Dunning. Maaie aad Hbrtaa. AttyV )«lt

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