ADVERTISERS WILL FIND OUR A LATCHKEY TO 15M I; 0«& 0P MARTIN COUNTY VOUUME XXV—NUMBER 10 COURT PROCEED INGS OF MARCH SUPERIOR COURT Little n. little Proves To Be Interesting - Case a Asaaak mm a fiaaalr Plead guilty and lad SML aad carts. State n Ned William* fmiMi impaii Prayer for judg wg. Coatinaed upon payment of th» coots. S ata n Ernest Dean Edmondaor. Plead gailtjr of larceay of property mt IT" than S3D. Case unfiaish ad. State n John Respar. Bigamy Plead Sertc*»ced to of Isdti awlht State n William Highsarith. Fake paten. Plead guihy to fore Me trespass- Player for judgment cmtfteaed to J awe term of court upon The hoe ah II N cases completed the aiaaml dsilrt for this session of coart aad they were all completed yesterday. This morning the civil daikit was began aad the case of W. J. l>tle TS Marie Little, divorce was the fail oae aa locket The allegations in the ease were that Marie Little ■basil in tl her husband W. J. Lit'le of Robersontrille on the 2Mb day of March, IMS aid went to law-ilf Tea a. where she lived at a hotel as man aad wife urith one. E. W Faster, ham the ISth da)- of April un til the 9th day of April, and. that at other times a-d pUces. she did com sat adaheij at h(t home, at Pamlicr Baach is Beaafort coanty and at «*her tmH mad places with sundry- persons The aba 11 caae is receiving much at taataoß aa ataart of the prominence mt the plain!if who is oaa of Martia Ciaaty*s mast highly respected citi seas. Mis. Little had lived ia Rakers* rile oaly a few pan before her aa riage. haviag cam e these from Soa'h Carolina with her parents who took ap their rcaideare there. At this tiane the defendant is living •tt her parents at their home ir here by her mother, Mrs Anderson, who is attending court with her today. After two hears spent in selects g a Jay, the fall sing were deeidsd Mn i i"i- J- E. Harrison J. *. Everett,' tart Tet terton. C H A yers. Luther Da seaport. Jesse Keel. Jeha-D. Cherry Walter MoUey, CW. Miaeile, W. S The oa was called and the ni- TW plaintiff was the trst witness olai «• tbe case aad be testified that ha Married Marie Arderson, formerly af Saarh Carolina. March 4th. 1#», aad that sbe bird with him until March 2Stb. IK) when sbe left hiai. ■it bnal noua Tbe conditions upon which she left wet* held to be iisr L M. I.Jtlio aaa of tbe plaiatiff, was the r— * witaeas called and he teali- Cad that Mrs. Little left bia father's haaaa aa he ttth of March. IMS. Arid N gLeaiitti. Tean. be aad J. C. Smith waat to that plare, an played a detec tiaa md they first saw her when ea tarty the pad tin, that tbey con tabai aa her trad until she aad a Mi i — J E. W. Foster entered a heaae at.TBI W. Maia Avenue Tbe detect***, Mr. OVtaaar whoatat ad that ha waa ipliyrl to work up the case was catted aad be further id If Man. Little aad Chettaaaeca aad that he followed hawae at *»1 W. Maia Are at #JO She left KaaxrittaT Monday nigkt hat Mr. Faater did aat bar* antil the aat dbp. Mr. OVeraor testified that ha waa a pmn datactrr* aad that he get SML per day far hie sunken, hit ar aeeaa aad that he was pettia slk fai h| ii lim IHi T T This at Hi W. Main Ave. aad that the WMKNMKtoßnt*adth«t«Ut mr Ma kwc at wk aa the lttfc dhr Afifl. in she waa called «o Htf Mia. E W -Featar. aha «aated to ■! a (MB Mi she tald her that DkTJfe! that Ifai Ma pad kcr the awr f*r the ■bob art aa Aa iiublul bbbw ta It: prii ■ a* ■ Ban aad that ther « mU mb hw April 19th aa»d SO, THE ENTERPRISE CHILDREN MADE BEASTLY DRUNK BT NEIGHBOR Bottle Passed And Tliey AD Took .A Drink A Hits year-old co'.—»d duU Irv ing at C«MU ni n4t M beastly drank but Friday by a Migbbw ihat it looked far a time a* zf thr dUU might die. The father ad mother of the child »wy ant f» ■■ home tempo rarity aht— the anghhr m*. to their hoar with a cade* of liqaar The faady 10— ilia» of a tact baac ii ly aad this owe ill sa math that . The child was taken to Dr. Rhodes who (i*e it treat t ll l. finally straighteniag it o«L When the father aad mother re turned hone they foard hrrifc their |own limp aad I In (Ud the other children mace or lw drank. the |R er of tW liqfil a Jtate of fealirh an »> Mapty- It was a tiaae whea the battle war passed aad they aB tak a drink. A good caae far tha.caarts. Mr. Ayers Announces Himself a Candidate For Sheriff » Mr. A. B Ayers aaaaa~««!s himself for tha office rf shniff aa aaother column of this paper. Mr. Ayrrt. is a aaerchaar of Bear Crass ahtaa be has been m ban ess for a autebei f years and is held ia high esteem it, his comatuaity. INDOOR CIRCIS OPENED LAST XIGVT «RTH LARGE NIMIEK IN ATTENDANCE with aa ■■tw—lj largo crow ia at tendance. HaswH ope cd the paow with a jbtn and appeapriate iptwh eypiaia wg that the Tood-Tiwu. Indoor Clrtw wa> he** under the auspice* of the Hilifiln Chamber of Cuameite and was raippare 4 to he The Dixie warehouse as all cleaned Hp and a ngular shall way has been arranged al the way annai The church booths, cdtr the au» paces •f the Christian. Methodist. Baptist aad r>iai i>al imtn aneSas and the Phdathen Chw of the Bnf» tist church HI ap oaeaade of the ware house and sade show* aad cardy booths ocgnpy the ma of the space excepting the plat foam aad seals for Tbe show wao rather goad. Mr. Troat as Beao naaased the bqtccnml for a whale There »nr other ads which ahto pumd amataag. Tomorrow aa** wdl be the bir aifht ia tbe way of farbaa s- Mar direct fraas than store a~d local Galbaaa. Jr, aad Madre ef Windsor we»e ia towa las: ; «fc> at only one tod. She fartbtr stated that she had aa haeadi %i that they wai* aat aaaa aad wife ad Aprd IP h Be-Caaceaa. lat alam J. C Baib. hood ja Kaavnlle for 20 years, has haae nsniiil 7 year* bowse aaasi af frwa April 13th to April Steh. They speat a few hath Faater aad Mrs. Lathe X Ri States that Mr. OCaaa callod Mrs. Little ad bmf wmi E K. Men. ■! |1 it mt Catawka caaaty, N. C. aad feted aa Kaaaxritte in IK3 wrafcad w»h XMmkl Octet rn ipMT ari ant dhMl the aad l|l rai IT. M—rik n. K K aad ». IStL Mb. W. J. UHe ahl E 24, 2S, aad m. al thM Mrs. Utk r -t i i IKS - T kaev In V- J. LMt Mia. Little aWi ; l W. Easier af ap ta tar rthii the thit af aar Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, March 18, 1924. EXPOSITION COM MITTEE MAKES FINAL PLANS Moring Picture Contest Discussed; To Have Fashion Show The Exfaiiitian Committee met Mon day afternoon ia the offices cf the East era Carolina Chamber of Caaunrm aad decided among other things to lei the Restaurant Concession and the Bottled Drink Concession during the week of the Frpantion out on a com petitive basis. Any orgasizataar. in the territory- wiD he can it led to bid on one or both of these concession*. The caacesskra will be let separately, hawer. The committee ako discussed plans for holding a moving picture cvtfst. different from anythirg attempted in this section so far as the members of the Ccauni'tee recall- The plan is tc have the yoong ladies of Eastern Carolina!*cither siafie or ammed. to ntcr the cvntest- They wdl pose in their own little cat as the stage Mon day altera: ow. the apraing day of the Eipotrion. The Caanaau will take their ptrtunr. aflvsinic cadi a certain ■mmbrr of fruit The axbeorr will be spectators mlule the perfonnance i* W«( airM out The pcctarr* will then he takes to Atlanta. dnrhH and be broeght bark. U be shown on the screen Saturday night. the last •i(ht of 'he Eipnsitioo The \ounir lady who makes the best "Star" will be given a handsome ca>h phrr In addition to taking the young la-lies a storing p rutre of the pai»lr would also be nade and shown on Sa'urday night. The ('onmittrc irrof. mes the fact that you cant have a picture you have wae body to lake, and be fore going ahead with this cm*rart. the ■aaafiwest wuuld like to hejur frurn any yoarg lady ■ the territory who would like to get in on this con test, ia the event that the contact should be i~nde for tabic H- If you 4ic intent ed, piesse address a let ter to X. C- Rartlett. Scretary-Man ager. Ki S X. C- If tho plans na tenalire. yea will he aotiinl ia jden ty of tune to work out your act. This will give 'he young lain > of Kasterc North Caio aa aa ncdlott -pp* r un ity to be the winner in a sertio al contest If you are iterated please W the naureaMt know immediately. The derw-Mi to make it w» depe d oa the namhrr of uplies received within a short liBK. The *ty!e show will be tfra to »»> Aran m tkr IrrriUrr twri kjr the Eatltn Caratiu Ckaakn of Caaa wm Tb» .ill be held or. Thursday nifrht immediately followinr the Q—ef If y«u ait i»«rulnl ia tkk picu* let the Scortanr know iMDidbtrly so that plaas May be made far H' lP f lb** big enal of tbe Expaaation. Tbe style Ata last yea* was not oly wtoKtWR but very profitable to thoce who teak part. Tbe CoawiifH. al:b—gb wynxl of Kimlhi citisras who bad this nat ter to dee***. Mutd ape* and above baud, tbat this a an Ea#*rn Caro lina affair all tbe way thraaph. Tbey — r »- ' tbe fact tbat tbe Ei patitiw » mm am a Kiastoa affair than it is ary other t«w», except it \ roia* to be beU ia Kiastoa this year Tbe KiadM banners eeer help ed finance be Exposition lart year, atthoapk it was held ia aaatber tow and tbey bm aat ashed aay other loww to bd» lam tbe bir show this year, bat tbey are extcdaK a conkal invitation ta tbe eatii* sect to i to help eatey i*. X* individual will profit fraan tbe aioary tbat he has ia it. If aT is lef sxr after apauc* ate paid it wiU be aaed to proaaate the iateai a" af Eastern North Caroliaa It a yoar Expaoitiaa as mack as aay —MEMORIES— wake. Of iibU» dan a atar i* Use: A lifta eiMe a simy lake, .' Sack an the hiißi •'« Hrue My heart ke stfll. these huu at* pact And aa alas, ae'er casse aaaia Bat Kill tHe in Mat feeta«a last The ndißi haart my weary hraia A lave thats trae. a U«* Smmc: Caa arrrr pa#» hjwd ear Kea The nf ana mil. af har aga, The ffrttiagi lii* aad emtmr aad ga. —J. E WAEKEE Mia. Dick Ha«ta ha. letaraed bM WaAhftn akuABiUM relatives *Br ta her haw ia D. C : Mr. aad In J. H Britt the •Mk-rdaTufaM. SPRING TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION HERE Judge Bond's Charge to Jury Emphasizes Value _ Orderly Government The spring term of Martin Ccwaty Superior Coart was convened Mon day morniag with Judge \\. M Bo •• of Edenton presiding an.! Solicitor Donnell Gilliam Rpre-e ti!> c the State. The roll of the juror - was called and the following were drawn to on the grand jury : John L Hassell. fan man. J*- D. Bi*r». L R Hantaan. John W. Oreen. Gecrge W. Blount. J. M. Hopewell. E. T. Hodges. H- 2. Hrman. Geo. W. Taylor. R. L. Smith. W. C. E3li~. A. 1> Wynn Noah R Robersrn D. A. Auahsa. H. H Hopkfps* S. R. Cobdrn. H. S. JMWK I , W. L. Hou-e. Judge Bond made an exte sive charge which was not m.Ane.! j? much to specific law xiolalims as he «hd the valae of orderly guaei nam* a *1 the Uessiart iixl afety :t gives That if we are to revei\e the lull benefits of government we mus re- -pcct and obey the laws ;hat make i' a rovemißent. That e\er* violator of the law showhl be brwurht befoie he bar of iwstice regar»9e>- of race, color or standi:g. lie pivprrty one thin* «*« r'onrirninl it as the vritrsl thing. or point in avi m boV our» " -tem. that is the failure of the ft iin>i«»n*rs to punl the iury iv *. k«*pi |f «n|y syr»i names t! Finn as measure up to -he hi|>fe»t >tandani of otim.-hip in trah ami '«»' or And the failure U» do so too o ten left 3o*hingr but the difcaiy of] "he Court And the solemnity of the ■tlk to give mlor to trial*. The judge further stated that we rn IKa farwt a j*-rr»l «f supreme need for law and order Our present day me*bods a d abuadant opportun ities have caused «w thought* to renter on new thing* ar.l our feet to follow new path- That all laws on the hooks hare heevt passed with a view of makir-g nxvlitHu ia life M ter for oandiH, our children and our giand children Judge Ro«d 'arther seated that the teaching of children a dix»hed.e-* of •he lawa siarh as wjuti K m illicit ■MUrrits, pbpnr poker and other such thin**, was the came of ataay murder* and other aerii— tragedies. The Judre aid he dminl ha% lag any hobby but ha! to admit that he waVed those who are rwity of cruel tjr to animals panuhrd to the limit -Vulender, Windsor Charges to Meet Here Marrh 27th. ' On TUndiy. Marrh XI a (raip mee'l g of the A>h»ihr. Wiwtar and ttillam>loa char*** will be held in Wi'liam>*o«i M. E. Church Ike pastors of each.chant* ml be pmnt S|Mkia( by the Mit iwi| confer fee tficrrv The «or- in* ■es.-jon will teipn at IO M a m Intermission for lunch In all out of town visitors at *he Masonic Hall 12 10 o'cick. Af ernooa jeam begins ISO o'- clock Everybody cordially invited to al lied. Nn W. C. LIVE KM AN. Pres. I'lMumtm Auv Did Not Refer to Armour Fertilizers la a recent refere-ce to the Matte, of the conjohdation of the Armour Parii«r Com pa' y. made in this paper, some of mr farmers r*> tV impres sion that it might re'er it the Armour Ker •liier* We wish to IUIWI tha impcej >ao~ and vav that an far as the Armour Fertdixers r*. wc think them t» he Mae cf the best manafactwed and understand that the testa by the State fir par ml of Agriculture show the Armour brands to coaor up to the standard rliimed by the m'n factnier. We aakc this Titian: far the par poor of o&rrectia* the aaprriiia that the lefereace was to the AlM wr Fertiliser C»»paay. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I huthf aaai—re oyidf a i nJiilih far ihiniß of Martta Coa tjr aad ao~ bataac the eappaet mi the nuaiulir oaten h the Democratic pniktry to he held Jane Tih. IMt. A a ATEK& FOB SALE: S. C RHODE ISLAND Red Ecp. SIJS per IV Mrs H U SI PSCCIBE TU "HIE L\TC!PMSE DR. JNO. D. BKJGS MAKES SPEECH AT COURTHOUSE Hon. E. F. Aydlett, An other Candidate Makes Short St»eech Also I>r. Jno. IV*5. - Hints, a l«ina V tic ro lKte»i>ra ! «a *Hiao front the first district «r« "Y of WiUiamston ant l Marti: court "s mo t illustrious so»s. ma.i«- h-s r:a-den i i his campaicn for th: worthy olfice dur ing the noon recess M m day of the Superior Court w h ch is Inr yij> week. He was follow*- i by Hon. E- F. Ayd lett cf City, ano her Candi da e f-r coagres irr> the first dis 'istrict »h«» was cin pr?sen* .»-i ! who msde a very pi. .is ng spee.b to the voters «f Mart i coanty. In the annoam mens of Dr. Biegs. he :h> th -le were six candi dates in the fi?!d seeiirp t'-e omi eatioa and ja-d a fi ting tribute to ea-h e «% ird vidual'y. He. the-, enumerated t * c rcumstance.- tha - CJIISCJ his. or >S TI IKWITMNR t First, he naif no fijrh" agai-'st the legal fralernr y hoh'inr- the «4fict- but he slated that ho .\av to rea-oi. wh* only a la. yer should represent the people, tit: 11-e.e ate o her vocations in life eqja'ly as important as law and representation shoald I* give:* t» those fr IK tie o'her professions. I also to 'he business nun and farmers N«t. Dr. Birr s -aid that He felt tha* Martin r»i ty M UL utiish a ive for it hail net hid cr.e si ce the Civil Kir « lul Beaafort c. unty has had a Aian i Congress as far bark a.- the averagr nin can leinember. l*r. made a very fiw- itnprvs -ion ib ail (V ic «ho heard him yes erday a d "hjtc who kn * hint be.- t know ha", he would always U- clear ctmcise and to the point as he wus yes •|f iay an>l v«il>l take a stand for what was pwd for those he was re presenting aithoat ai-y hesitation In these da\s of temptation the t«itplr 'need to seikl x«neiwK to tt n to represent them «ho ha.- had :r. .--Jfilia" ion- with the bit; mone> in terests of the country ami such a nau is he. Martin nmrljr vlfn - in I»r. l> Birr> a canUxtalr who will do every hinr in tkr po«rr whtrh would he kb to tee that i■■rhl ■■>) ju4ur [irf nil in lh» administration of our rt'rr-nmt Therr air many mho are tired of iKr country hriiK run by a baixl of politicians and npht h»ir in our first district. I>r Bimrs ■> rain i-jt folk»M- as a pla-n. everyday man who will honestly llw At 'be ronrlu>xti of I»r liirr-'s r* marks kr iMrmlurMl Mr AYIUFTT »IKI is tkr yniif.MH of a vrrv |.!«-a»itiK ami affable per-«-ality and who did in* attempt to make a set speech. arxl in the Arve of his remark* did not the penplc of Martin rounv to »'e for him M lonr as their ow raaHi>hle m in the field. I4l* he li.l »>k their upfHt in ra-* he rrtifl from *he rur>n:ne in 'he eve t of a second primary . Mr A>Uett. like Pr Bifrgs. is not a politician of the old wtwart.! tkn he he« held a Kifh place in the eou'cil* of his own peart v he Ka« alwav* hern content to let the other fe'k»ws have the cdfices a*i he ha> jt«oil by the pntty principle- He did state in a verv few words MM or the thi •w* he advora' ««Ai|il would work for in rase he was nom ina'ed and ebrted Pint that he be lieve-! at this t-me we have a wrirtrd imm rraliii law, that the saM-en should be fiwi a bonus, a school vMem that is so lemo*ratic •ha* the noc-r country rhildre" are eiven equal « riw r*ur itie* a 'hose of the rich citv Hi Mrni He expressed hear*? appro*al of the rood roah "wram and advocated a to haw arrirut*ure i- much the sjune wax *hat nli«a4s and manufacturer ate financed. He faiored in the way ef taxes, la r ire i'rente tax and low property tax Mr. Aydlett in a verv impressive, wav rave hie idea of the duties of the »fc»-lwMfr He W' that the rffire UUrr «a> a tnu"»». a wrrant to 4m for ll» T nplf rather 'haa to H> *be rnplt Mr. A rdiet" «a|reairl en r fan* ia Camfc* fount and he savs that We nrti that one of his hi* asset*, hanrjr famed there know iedre of life and pet pie »hat fie would have iro'tea ra afceir dee. Messrs. Alfred Waaudey and Dick O.fcn of Rocky Mowrt were in town Scnda;. Mrs A. V. Joyner returned hone So **7 ereaiae froM Rocky Mount where she had heea at the hedsade of her Ki.Uni who adtmi' an operatiaa far appe diotn last week. The li't'e fellow * gettiaft aloag as weß ad eaald he expected. W. & JOHNSON DIES AT HOME IN OAK CITY Considesed One of Most Successful Farmers In County- Mr W J- Job tw of Oik City .liol at hi-- hoiw rmirsday n-irhi Mr. was in jL«a! health, ate -upper ard uwk his seat "in the house, lighted his pipe a d in a raomemnt was dead. I>r. Ijy"r says the cause was heart failure. Mr. Johnson was about TO velars old ami was a far»eer all his I fe jmi un til a few years ajeo lived his farm a few ntiles frw Oak Ci'y- AtKHit !w." years ag. v he n«w>l to town. He was considered >»se of the mast suc cessful i r wers if ocr cvwanty He was vice pressie-.t of kite !ark «>f Oak City a ■! was ore 'be nucsi 'isiily e - eemeil citixens of the county- He leaves a w»h>w arwi sax chil dies. Messrs. T U a&l « J . Jr.. Mrs. H. J Elheride. Mrs. Blount HarreH. Mrs Ma«> Mrtcbell. Mrs. J R. RawU Mr John>o was M a member of any church, but was a s'nur be liever in the IVimrtuve Baptis*. church ami was hur *.t at h» farm with KUier Strwkl ml if llobrow* 4*ln.i *stermg •he funeral rites. ltobersonville and Williamston Teams Battle to Tie, Monday Wt'ltamstoiT hiebschAl g>Hs ami lbo>c «>f 'be hirh schoo! lat Inl to a tie last m*h'. on the K >bers«>nvtlte oxtrt ua o e of the best itanies played yet by either team The *rame wa- eve frx«m l».-|ti.i --mnr to e d and furnished fast arouse ment for the spec ator- The score of S to 3 shows that neither ha>ket WW- allowe.l to remain Mile ENGAGEMENT \N\OI NCEI» « Th- follow >nc aram u" cettie t ha»- lieen received by many friends iti William-ton of »he coMracline parties Mr. and Mr- lilwatd lieniamm Him request the honor of your presence at the marriajre of their daughter Marifuerate >.»«» U> Mr. William K.dw-it Everett on Wed es«lay. the «*n#nl of April a» eleven «"cl«k at Baptis' fhurch i ' tireenvtile.'North Caiolina JAMESVILLE liN \l NEWS \|k-- loprueva Mart un -|«- t Saturday with relatives in to*n Mi*s I eotme lieie'pKr. »:«it the week end with ter |*ar*-:t.>, Mr and Mrs. J. I . lfc»ven|Ne"*. Mr. John A- GnSa was in town >'aturda> aileno«. Misses Beatrice White. Opal Bnwi ami Marioa tirriKu "« Crow K-vails Suiuti) a awl j-petit ll«e day With M. and Mi- lr C Jamues Mr an.l Mr*. W II lolley i 1 Mi B. 1. LtlU , to WitMi i Mon day *" Mesw X |t lb, *4 V S Kid*r -on, (lamic Jiae> l»t M.irtu w ere ir town Mi r.«ta«. Mrs. W. B t»aylof*t speet Mon day night wi'h her Mrs. S. I. Hardiswn near hißa*>-t« Mr J • S;*lm of *:» her* Mo' «t»y " ' [>r. J. II —MI Mi M lark '*:! owlMol to Ki! mm t« i Mm iU>~ n*?M Me.- r, J. G &4ud.-K M*;, pi K **«» Klmlm lbr ,n William •IjD «err II |»m« *!l ml insc to ba-ur - Mr. Or ho Tail«r *f Wdl»afli>V>: was in 'own Mr. Gtviir Mtrjr>"!» ( hjrtkt. - TW.ab) urfcl |»r J. D. H en of ttiliuim-td'i ma- in ti>"» ok M- -ij K4r%' E 11. Ilanli 54"'8. JaL - U lallAa. ( and Toenur mm bMics visitors k»i» W rtvtai liM AL NEWS OF BKAVKB HAM llcmk. Fruk IV*-1!' atxl Car Stn«kni«r n«Mfl :• Wiiliam»to' SatanLiy. Mr. M G. I*»»l atinxM church in Kveietts SiM«t>». * Mr. Mi.»ga ibrri» >|M) Saturday r.iirht Saadlay «i:k his pare. JU Mr. aal Mn W. H R*cn. Mr. Lester arrived home TkKrah) fraa Daihaa «kn he has Ima m WiiMW far the past fe» day*. » Mr. MM Calhphrr art to Eidetts Xa'anfay aigfcL Mas*er ViMaa M has keen oi the uck hat far the past several day s. Mr Juad Mr*. J. H_ By spent Swiay aftentc ia VUuutaa with .. — WATCH THE LABEL ON voin PAPER, rr CARRIES THE DATE YOL'R SUBSCRIPTION EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 SHERIFF ROBERSON LAYS OUT ROAD TO MONKEY STILL Is Ushered to the Scene By Member of Out lawed Band Last Friday Sheriff R jenen u xn jrtier from the Boan' of Cou ty com missions r. to lay cut a pub'ic roa I in IrilHns township ami le.-ling "o the ileaufor' county line. A:Vr procurir K » jury :m«i performirg a'l the tiulirs ncident in the Saying out o/ the "o«ni Sudde ly the astcrte olfactory icrve of The -heritT detected the sMDt if rum and lic;an to hue" The trail toon led him to a big v >€■!% 1 here if fou'tl many signs. After wai : bt; « few minute-; theri* he s:cn !».«- wem! a colored hoy ha ull r asght nood to the still ami he confiscated the boy wht) told him where »he still was ami who wa - operating it- The sheriff ha.l Ihe l> y tr drive him »■ to the sliil where two loit-mi r*r »ere hanl a* work food: r up fvr a -ha Apparently they - "uu»K "hetr white buss Was comuipt up civ: pa*-! no *ttention to the npprmcH •>" he anuie » d cart until it had reac>*f i »*thi"? twenty yards of 'hem. bit * hen hey nuiile the discovery the; rat l«ke wJd men. The sheriff took the still, a 109 ga lo one, six barrels of beer and such tools as they had and fou tn other stand of beer coiuujut of two vats with about CIK) - > «f c.»ra meal mash and tw» b'i-nfN of rt^eal. The man caught wa.- a-nol E yah (iorham anil those makirv.. their e>- la|»e were Randolph Carter zrJ Kan ilolph Ore. They were iuteitim for a whi'e mar. who tloes the running and pncineerini; It is-supposed that this |.i • c.pal has lost within the la> 1 '»- wars a (xxit l. r « stills and captttHT i.n every occasion. GIVE HIM \ PAT ttN THE BACK If your netehb'ir (>ii rtet with reverses. Ami l:i.. busim -s is -h w.s at the Nfe? A .1 his tn-jWes ami »Drr»«*f* • «r-e» A'ii| rays 'hat the wort«f rirr.'t frc! fiii show him that trKiti'e- hell bor row. Anil never pay hack *!u' is 0 «k. Ami say it will a > (■■nv-rrow. A «l "ifive him a pat i.i the teA." If he tells you he know.. ■ ou'ir mis taken, Thqit there is a hitr'i in •His plans In spi'i* of the pairs fct has taken: A - d still has I »s bead ;.i his (in show him the f'.llj f » (tifte And put Mm upon lb- tack. Itrace up—and ;'l> on a;ain tryui*. And give him a pat n 'he back If you happe • to be I; Se "or dmner. And your wife says hat every thing's wrong And calls you a niwrabSc .inner. Just hit up a Jubilant rr g. I'rete d that you're not ■ > a harry. And Rive her art old fjs'i «l -mack; I Hint itehate about trouble ltd worry. Ami jive her a (-at o: the 1 ack That will smooth rnat'er " act— (trrelmir 1 In- ter thar all you « r> ifc, \nd remember that v? .Ie yum are eating To throw in a convpli acn* Tie chi,nc«'. are ?hc wiT he -miiir.|P, And call you her fun y -M Jack. \id bus while the time >cw're be guiling ' Just give her a pat em 'be ha*k- If your Butcher or («r> T* or Baker, Should some day b« r_*>t feeling well, '» n't call him a miscrab'e Faker: But help hiih his tr i!J Its dispell, \ d hear with his moot . ;r the pres ent, • For he soon will be o • the right track— And try to iiK'ke evcryt: iog pleasant, And give him a pat «v t'je back. Thus youll fi d others . rrws vault lighten % As you Jinx vritk 'I e everyday throng Knii their joys s.nd Ut • plcasares youll heighten By a smile or a word cr a .m*f. Anil esteemed yen vill te for the [leasure, " » V - V t,en your itniu fill- «iot ibev leek, For we all are (kwmt n ia MM measure, ' — t "■ . By ge ting o par on tf-e lack. —J. E. V ItXEK. Mr. and Mrs. Saa'i'c.ihS I daughters. Misses Starj re sad Mav Telle lUr hill JT Roher >t«e spaat today in toarn .with Mis 1. a Wjr»f at her home on ■■ a mt •• a a Misses Martha and Dt!. Kate Waad of Reeky Mount arrived bat n(kt ■» visit their fa'her, M. W. T. Ward at the Atlaatie Hotel far several days. f ' " SUBSCRIBE TO THE EKTKRMtIKR

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