;HE ENTERPRISE fWHlka —i| Tnanday mid Friday by tha - BRPWSI PUBLISHING to. MM*, Nutt OnllM W. C MANNING. Utar W. C. MANNING. JR. . ..BUS. MGR. Pri» (Strictly Caah Id Advance) 1 yanr - SIXO C Booths -80 t Months -45 ffufri i I at tha PMt Office at WJI - North Carolina a* aecond- TI'ESDAY. MARCH 18. 1924 TVp farmers of America produced in the year 1928 crops valued fit STJOOjOW'.OOO. The.sc crops leave the farmers anc return to them and all other people at a cost of $22,000,000 - rtuO. Practically every phase of bus i as# in America hinge.- on one pivW. The farmer.; repeating the very same coarse he folk wed lf.st year, that is he gwfc- »© the soil ai d sows He must ssur ir. stood ground,, lie must not a'- Utm the weeds "o choke his crops He mass be diligent, plant, till anil hou-e er the world starves. Wiu! «oiLi tiappe if every fnrtr er sru!-i change his business, grind his ee- corn and plant no more. and let the earth lest for a .-oa--l»n ? V\ here wunij we he at the of the year ? I Wne-* would prosperity reign? Who j vjuhi survive" Now. wher, we view the great p"i-hier» of life and see tiiat our wealth, ihii Jj«a»lUi ami cur plesi. ure depend up--! the wiilt* guess of :• cias-* people • umber ing less than ore 'third of out population '.a agu.r P~ ir 'he fields and face J •he bni lutt'w o f t-i e season> a'idj » rk aril-' the many ditacult ies | wr acfc beset Them in the r effort# ' o "p— *** hll the chan els of cnnnli rcf le sitpjiy f»«] and raiment for 'he ( ra-e. whzt atti uile siioulil we take? Shouad we follow the course o" nuik irg the way ex'remel) hard and urt eerta-r 'er him by |iu ti: g credit so. far above hi.- reach, that if he sue- . tee-fc- .n gettitig it he will be - so' •straE ■#*£ that h«' can never regain his sine trth* Should prices In* nir so high "iiat jhis abilr'y t pur chase av.ul him the orilinary ikws j>f bfe. 6 U «o»t of tl« Are we all woaxler lag-? \es. o i two f»" i t>. first-, what (ill me ge from our latnl and hen niiirti will »e get for wha' \ve ■ » * Ti/e sia' if ,'Ui »i , ile- j j •t? - much a.- three important J t«of t- v« o which we cannot and i B -! fcK.4 cvntrul. tii*," !s the seasons, j Of c*ist#e he poorer the farmer, the w»rs« "fee "Is affected h> bud seasons | and «-rvp faiitsie? are nearly always: rrv«orv to the man atul *t j * itjt L>i aret sea-on*. The other j twv grea* factor* in production are: i hjw maris ifee farmer does and how , ncß fe? .>*s it That is the mii.'s, bn»ires.- arrf he lias not other to fault j for fasltue Ir. ter of the prke of the i "r«%i«ee« crop.- there are three fol- , 1 tt... trst. ti* fellow who produces i Ke s s*ii s* a lamb, dumb before his - Nearer After lie produces- his crops be does riot piKf ihein, he turns their, ivet J* the buyer or his agent he of course :eiei see.- th» teal buyer, the mi. he arsd.turni his goods over to it a —' -»*- aho chums him on one iiih a2«i chii *, the other fellow on the ««her muc, the seller may hunch * "the buyer ami sai}, do your best, h.iw ever the pore is made by the buyer, be is, *f course, clever enough to pat the fanner on the hack and tell him fcav he had strained the marker for -t ■ . The ma«»il fetlop He i* is wh i th'> pie limn tee- He occupies oly a anO ficU in the realm of life. He teh in a place where he mee s the t a»u mad npiaiiir'i the buyer. He Mats «• da h*K things and does hrdv mil bat kit is a pretty Ml Mi he has few advantages. Tbe nlj pniiUgm he has is to drop the just a bit from tha buyer to the farmer and lookout for his ow-n in both grading and weighing "The go betwee-The |eliow who takes the farmer's goods and turns them over to the real buver don't eet verv I .much, just enough for a fair living 'o boost the method and crave another chance. He is a fellow that wa t r the farmer to sell just before it goes up, and while in transit let the price hit the sky. He rometimes calls himse!f jt he speculator. The third fellow lukes these pro \ ducts and carries them to the fellow I that uses that is eats and wears thc-m 'and charges him $22,000,(100,000 fc. jthem. Farmers if you would , y ur fate this fall see this fellow, he car tell you uhout prices. It depends 'on h s sate o f mind. Last year .he was i geneicus with the farmer. He said ' there shall he a good price for cot- I - .ten, peanuts and tobacco, and. the* I Car Load Trucks! 1 rv ' ,; if I I on the way to my i)lace. If you don't wait you can get yours out % fji &: of this car load. , . 3$ jj| $t Save time, save labor and save vour muloa 4 feet by placing |ji 0); your order now. i ' i I B. R. Barnhill f I * ® FORD FORDSON - LINCOLN fIW Rv £ WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA fe ffl ffl B t . ; M L- ' ' T iiarrismt aufi (Company I SPRING TIME AT OUR STORE | f ; When You come in our store and see so many Spring* Hats, Coats jj E : I Dresses, Sweaters, Oxford Hosiery and all kinds of spring good: i| I and to see the new bright colors, why it makes you feel as if Spring 1.1 is here. - ' , , W6 have never before ha;! such a large assortment to show ! k ■ - , 1 . ! you as we now have and we would be glad to have you come in and i look over this assortment of new spring goods. Harrison' Bros. &Co | Ir ' COME AND SEE IS ALL WE ASK ' " ' ' WILLIAMSTON'S LAKCJFST .DKPARTMENT'STORE *&'. ' I I _" ■ ± wa*. It was impossible to "glut" the i market, w mething, quite ur usual, a | principal which had never prevai.ed 1 before, at least in the memory of this generation. It must be remembered, too, that no new supply of these cropß has been- found, no more than were an titipated last fall, then why a 6c drop in cotton? Who dropped the market? It is i supposed it was a Palm Beach party that lowered the price of cotton. They apparently think the life of the , cotton exchange is gore if the cot tor. association prospers. So then a good way to kill it is to pay high prices in October, November and De- ■ cember and then let the association face a depressed market. One thing su'-e the'farmer has something to i figh' beside the floods and the storms j and the pests he has the fellow look- , ing on who wats more out of his j !al; r than he is getting himself. That i is the fellow who needs attention. WANTED TO KENT A HOUSE with eight or ten rooms. Good lo cation and near (he Monticello Cafe. Apply to the Monticello Cafe.. GOOD FOUR ROOM HOUSE WELL located, water and lights for sale. Cheap and easy terms. See W. C.' Manning. 2-26tf Don't forget to vote when ycu make a purchase. A ten cent purchase calls for terv votes, SI.OO purchas for 100. NOTICE OF RESALE ; Notice is hereby given that uwler und~i>y virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of tiust executed by J. T. James to the under signed Trustee, beaing the date of January Ist 1919, and of record in the Public Registry of Martin County HOW'S THIS? HAU'I CATAHRH ■EUICIHB will do what we claim for it—rld>your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieved the catarrhal Inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which act* through the Blood on the Mucous Surta' es, thus restoring normal condi tions. • Sold oy druggists for over 40 Tears. * F. J Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. • in Book U-l- at page 128, the ur.der ! signed Trustee did on the 4th day of ! February 1924 at the Courthouse Door. ' |of Martin County expose the herein | afterdescribed lands for sale, and the .: bid having been raised within the time prescribed by law, and in a manner required by law, and under an order of re-sale, the undersigned Trustee ; will on Monday the 10th day of March 1924 at 12 o'clock M., in front of the Courthouse Door of Martin County, Williamston, N. C., again of fer the lands hereinafter described to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash. The said tract, being -that certain tract or parrel of land ih Maittn Coun ty, State aforesaid, beginning at the Mouth of a ditch on the Wild Cat Road; runs thence along said ditch. N 42 1-2 E 109 poles; thence N 20 3-4 E 6 poles'to a stake; thence N 4 1-2 E 123 poles along a line of marked trees to the run of Everetts J Swamp at a stake, a corner; thence down the swamp to Bpaver Dam | Swamp; thence up Beaver Dam) Swamp to the mouth of a small j branch nea rthe Spring; thence along ( J. E. Barnhill's line to the Wild Cat Road; thence along said Road to the beginning. Containing ONE HUN DRED TEN (110) acres, more or A Good Tliius - J-O.N 'J 911HH 11. | Benl vour name and address plainly wrinrn together with 6 cents (and this (lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dec , Moines, lowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for oojgln, colds, croup, 1 bronchial, "flu" and whooping coughs, f and tickling throat: Chamberlaii.'t fitoas- J j •ch and Liver Tablets idt stomach trou- 1 blee, indigestion, gsiwj psins that crowi ' the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlain's Halve, needed -"in every I j (auiily for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, 1 and skin affections; these valued family ■teduines for only 6 oenU. Don't miss ik ] si^ dy $ 490 | Ail All-Purpoee Truck At A Remarkable Prtee The new Ford all-Mael body and cab mounted on the iamous Ford One-Ton Truck chassis provide a complete all-purpose haul ace unit at the remarkably low price oi $490. Built of heavy sheet steel, strongly re-inforced, this staunch truck la designed to withstand severe usage in a wide range of industries Generous loading space, four feet by seven feet two inches, permits easy handling oi capacity loads and provision Is also nudr iar mounting of canopy top or screen sides. Experienced drivers appreciate the weather-proof features aI the - -'I •teel cab, which is fitted with removable door-opening curtain*. (T) Detroit Michigan See the Nearest Authorized, Ford Dealer CARS • T MJCKS * TRACTOJCS - ggggl^gggg^gggggggggggßg V- I Phillips Fertilizers 1 If FOR COTTON, 10-3*4, MUILIATE POTASH >1 FOR PEANUTS, 8-1 1-&-4, SULPHATE POTASH (Genuine Ger- J jS . man) - - # - a | FOR TOBACCO, 8-3-5, SULPHATE POTASH, (Genuine German) | WE REGISTER AND BUILD FIFTEEN BRANDS OF FER- j |§ TILIZER. . ~ , | "Quality First" Our Motto j THE BEST IS NONE TO GOOD. . j j! Phillips Fertilizer Co. I j| WASHINGTON s NORTH CAROLINA i I>i P- S. Come to our factory and see ou rmaterials and goods in the 3 making. '«««• 1 A. R- DUNKDir Wee. This the 20th day of February 1924.1 2-26-2t i than 30 years ago Onereaeon ctocreti Is used mo >iriij liiij hil *7PM of construction from iin»illi A from ga to enormous industrial plants, la the fact that Portland Cement actually casts lass tkaa It did thirty years ago. ( The Atlas rotary kiln, daily pawdnc^*asmachaatb* old-time kiln did in one was the taatat single factor la assuring this dmfamk And your building material dealer, the tsh dis tributing channel between Atlas and yon. —— distribution economy. He knows IsMtaa and building materials. He caa help yon. • I ATLAS| 1 IPODTL/mD CEMBIIt— 1 - •'- ' - - 1 I Cancers Successfully Treated at Kellam Hospital The Kellam Hospital treats successfully Centres, Tumors, Ulcers, X Ray Hums and Chronic Sores without the use of tfce knife, X-Ray, Radium. Acids or Serum, and we have created successfully over 90 per cent of the >m*ny hundreds of sufferers treated during *he pvt twenty-three years KELLAM HOSPITAL, IKC 1617 West Main Street Richmond, Virginia.

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