wax FIND on COLUVXS A uiuun TO UM BOMBS or *A*nH COUNTY VOLUME XXV—NUMBER 11 GRANDJURYMAN'S VISIT TO MARTIN'S HOME FOR POOR Conditions Are Not At All Pleaanf Says Mr. toeen. . OB Baa day. Buck 17th 1 n> oa the ftud joy of the Suprnat C«ut of which time I had the fiemie of the test * charge I ever btutL It was aait by Judge W. fl. Bofjd. After the tharg* I with a party of others was irirdw to iaspect the Cauaty Hone f w the poor where to my (treat surprise aad sorrow I foand it in a mm nau tary nd iDdccmt condition I faC-d 12 or 15 old shacks of beds with old ragged, comiron straw oMtreue. with old pieces of boank for ipiiagi;' and Ml a pair of springs did 1 fri I foand fire or six old pieces of chair* for the poor old souls to sit ia. the' remainder of the chairs wot wade of I fire wood and old hexes. The qmtm li which they Kw winded ace of a' common set of cow stalls, bull one or •two in a place and built of CMP mon mill slabs without w ixk« s I If there is anything i- -be nrU ; that I most highly respect, it b these poor, old and helpless pe« pic who' hare spent their days * filing for this younger generation, a. d today, mart of those in the Coua'y Hoar harri relatives who are able to take care j of than in comfortable homes, bat who instead disregard them a~d leave! them to go to the Coua-y Heme m ■ their old and feeble condition. Now. as to the cemlitiea of tfcr \ Heme. I again say that it is a shame and a disgrace to the rooaty. With the thou»aads and hundreds of theaiaadi of dollars we are spending for rood road.- and good school* and iarioß» other things it certainly looks as if' we could spend enough to baOd a , comfortable home for those poor. aid. and halplea> *■■!. who hare daw what they could and who are i n Mi , _mm foot in the grave and the other m ft M - tJ »~ * timtt # h the duty of cur coaatr Mimiaiiim to get busy now and baild an apiodale county home with stecm heal, lights, etc. Ard mti* something is done we OUUKI afford to boost Bart in count y aay more. - 1 — we do it in the presence of thw* we know will never see our pecact Coua ty Home. In regards to the keeper of the boa*. I wish to say thai he is m me way responsible as he doe* what he | has to do with but the blame res!' I OP. somebody's shoulders. understand me to say »*-- ■ I am not for gocd rook and sibod but itft have them and a good raw j ty home and take those *ho are -V able to do for themselves and • them comfortable If I had to sew-t my dog to the county heme I woaU want to WIT to another comity be fore Citing an application as Isag as* the conditions exist as they do at our 1 own county home. Everybody may tarn their bocks os ■yea but dear old mother* ud gra~« mothers wiU always sraad by you So let's -land by theso dear old Wies who are mothers aad graad-mathee* aal build them a comfortable borne. Beasrs. County Comaisnsaen. I. appeal to you to get busy ard dc something. (Signed i JNO. W. GREEN. SERVICES AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH] Sanda> school 9:3$ a. at. Bonuag worship 11:00 a. ■. Kveaiag service 7:3S p Interest aad ai tendarce has hem. steadily increasirg. Prayer-meeta* Wednesday at 7J» have is orphanage day ia the fwhj achatL j Let's rally ta this worthy rami «*w year* work *9 he eaaAwted ■"t Suaday. The entire ncahtnbp is urged to he present at the mamg "A hearse is a poor which h which to go to Church, Why wait far MT" Caw Suaday. K. L SHIRLET, Pastor Br. Sylvester Peal i~ my i him-, "f for the sAee of gtahin a f Deeds of Bartia county. flMi aerwad as Ciaatj. in >" '• Many yean, and hML P"k*pa. helped aoie hays aad girts ■ teolthaamy amhovom- 1 £ farms, sarveys accasieamßy aad •£ ™ tte . ML **- playiag himself is ary gimd itml cnbnea. yet he ia oae of the best ■By aad is aa barest as the *ys are i THE ENTERPRISE HcLEAN POMS WAY TO TAX REDUCTION ♦ ■OBBBQN CANDIDA TV FOR GOVERNOR MAKES CONCRETE SUGGES- . TIONS FOR REDUCING STATE'S EXPENSES AND • EQUALIZING TAX BURDENS. Labar aad Farm Training In Rural Schools Advocated By __ ! Farther development of the agricultural industry, redno- ! taon of taxes on land sad personal property, economy in gov- I ernment, lower freight rates, and continual improvement in ' i the system of public education are among the policies advocated by A. W. McLean of Lnmberton. candidate for Governor of • North Carolina, ia a declaration given out Monday in connee- f ': tion with the annonucemrnt of his candidacy. Mr. McLean pointed oat that he will stand upon the plat | form adopted by the state convention to be held April 17 but !• declares- his personal vivas ia respect to some of the matters of state concern in which the pet-pie of North Carolina are all vi • tally interested it the present time. i ~ f Makm Concrete Proposal Mr ICLMI rawTMrlj t >fn • ■mi of red ate lag Uin ill MiM| SB*S n my to tbs >MbWwUi> at lk« i lUw (ottfwnl. IS> toaieriM at II ke fctjil Coulidoa tato a aaprt IMIIJ fcfUtMM of bun for Ik* ' parpaee of C*OC4IUIIM LB* FTOAL af i kin at the state j Uaittbc a lack at uiloraiij la Ik* taiuuoa af la ads for uuliaa. " I* rotya*M la **uliir the barta ' wpoo a|] iupar*n alike He says that eflea ntUfiMr property *IOK* tax Uka. Iktuky iurrtiuc Ike lues apoe istuclU* property Sfcakiai, af freight rates ha ssys -North Caroliaa >ko«ld hare the >aii»t af fair. Jest aaf *«(itaU*| Inf(hl rates asd >■; ITRNAIUIM* «I»ml Ike people ia this respect •haU ha morH at aaj coat, he h afwatlM iha fcTflmam at Ik* aarttalmal hladrr. hothf to ward hrr> i*l*| prosperity aad t« ■k«Mh| worthy leaaata Bay tin** kal Mtn t*4 that agik*hual U*hhf *fco*M h* stimaid la the r* Ml at heels As UMh*r Method of aMai the cot toe Camera he Mr* ■ated the establishmeat af a state is***irh laboratory for espenmeela s Oea I* h*U weevil control j Mr IdduTcomplete .tatewewt " 1% tb* Democratic Voters of North Osrebaa I aahaait the felloe tag iUiraeit ■ D*a »r rati r aoßiaaltaa tor Goveraar af North Carolina ' I ahall aook the aealasiioa ia tke jrtaiq «a JIM Ttk it tke haads of •dlwl dud *o th* pUtfona at the IVMf as adopted by th* Comatha •a h* h*ld ■ April lTth I shall Ml Hi*H ka tdnwe at the Ooaieatlea , m adapt • platfora of ■; owa 1 toaa it proper kwmr. that I ak—ld at this ttaae declare ay persooal rim wHk isspul la awe of tke Batters at ■M* paltry k which aw p*o»l* are Let aa say at the eateet. la all at* •■lf. that I feel a vary *aahttef mat of rmpoaaibllity ia aaptnag la ft* oflc* I seeh believing as I do that it h Ik* higheet pcfltiaa af i kaaw. Inst aad sink* wttha tke *ft *1 Ik* people Moreover, th* af j| See b aae la which the people have' »a ami vMal iatarsst, aad they have •he right ka aspect that amy Baa vk* •apkraa te It akall give a pledge «f so ( asMah aad faithful eervlre L tVnfora eslaaaly declare that , ■ I a* sswkalai aad elected I shall ash si flan i every persoaal iatrreat lad hfiai all other ihlap ink, strive. saiaanlf aad wholeheartedly far th* : wealth la all af its Bateriai. Boral aad raises If I did eat he kUaasdy teweh tke Hie of every eft Ike ardaeos fsde* af tk* eftlc*. I kav* leap kad a daatrw to BUS tte people af By aativo Stale la * twenty-three yens Darkf ak tkat p rrisd Ms lata! of aaefal aad pre ■mat si in lap tar hatter ihmgs. af; Map* Eaters N*w Era. JSsrtk CarsHaa has ealtnd apsa • ' tkaa saasag tke siaHs The mtna! Willianiston. Martin Cbunty, North Carolina, Friday, March 21. 1924. | cktaery of government bat also has bifeli increased oar governaeatal | activities to Beet th* n*w aad coa | ataatly increasing demand* for a greater aeasare of atnk* to th* i ' people A Beatal review of what is asaally termed tb* State will d lac loo* a peal j besiaeaa as well as a greet civic or- 1 gaalmtlnn la Ita basiaesa aspects . the State Bay be likened to a great eaterpnao with several hundred* of Billioas of dollars invested for the beaedt of Us owners, the people of the State Aauig ita assets ia a , great highway systea thrsadiag every I roousiv in the State Kiery lEtelligent cltlxen Bust real ttr that with the constantly widen>ag . a*ope of goteraaealal activities sew j aethods meat be applied if the bast aesa of the Stale with iu aaay do paitaaeat*. bores as. coaaissiona. ia atitatiows aad other branches ia to be aaaaged wisely aad efflcieatly aad at the as BO time for the COBBOB good. " tboroagh ) progressive baalaeaa ad alalatraitoa of the Slate's affairs is the pnraauaat aeed at ibe present liaa It is ay ambition to give the State aath aa adaiaiatratioo Caw wot Mention All. It Is anaifeatly iapossibie to refer here to every atalter of public coa- ■ .era I aay. however, aeanoa th* J falloalag policies which, if elected I Govaraor. I shall endnsvor lo support ' with all Ihe pawer aad laSeeace at ay Mesial EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM. t Continued improvement la ear ayetoß of public education. • keeping ia Bind aa the ultimate paal that equal opportunity shall ,I he given to every child te enjoy the beet educational advawt-agea. hath academic and vocational, that the State can afford. AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT. 2. The development of oar agrv eultura' industry, ao as to pro duce proapenty and contentment BOng our farmers is St this mo- Bent M.r moot pressing prefclem. Among the thinps wrhtch may coa tribute to the solution at tblh p**hUna are:. (a) foetering meane j whereby worthy tenants Bay he come land owners; (b) establish ag a research laboratory la the cotton sociene *of th* State for ■■psi misntsl vmrh ia bell weevil control: |c) providing a morn asmprstuwsive system of Sgrical taral training In the rural schssla mad aassbaaag these mhaals the can- I tars af natwity far rural better- TAXES AND GOVERNMENT EXPENSES. 1 Taxes en both land aad personal • ptap*rtj are too high in many *f the cswntles and aamaicipslities af Mae State.. There is admittedly p lack af aanffarmity la the vnlaaa bon of laade far taxation, aad thle mapeoes aa unegusl and often tee haawey a burden upon Individual taxpayers. Often iaataaagibls prop erty sac spaa taxation, thereby la crsmnf the taxee upon tangible property, lo many cases, lands ' j are valued toe high for pi.rposee ( af tiut an. A close study of the whole situation should hs wade la mi e«ert to devwe some plan ( ia> *i al j them heavy hurd*ae aa- . ebng In asm af the counties may be relieved and the defects aad aowgnairties eluninatcd. The praa oat ay*: cm whereby land aad par eosd property are nana* *• «—and taxed by the local _ xs ~,« mm larbl OttflMMM Ml fm m t*e oeclared policy •# tfc* DSB unit party and has boon , approved by ear people. I believe that at the paid MM It is alee oacewsry that Strict i mntrrj be practised h* «" IH. I FIRST FASHION • SHOW CREDIT TO TOWN i Staged By Margnolisj Brothers And Brooks The first faduo:- >H -« to hr stagr«! in WntiaWN wu pat ca at the jn lA»t cirra> cn Wedaes-say riwiu; of j th-s mrft b> HanrxNi- BfJtkm a «i! Brooks. ■*— ! 1" a credit to ti* ICTT; of Wil- i liasnstcn. there heinj! mar y in t-.e j > audience *fcr had >ho* { mart? larger t mm J on.. ik> | 1 ind their coeiames wr* aVxr the =veraice The beaut i f a' romen zrd hnnakone nen of U m! r fT? >era better a.!* a larr thar t'"fjr were Wednceds; fnrui* With a • better >ta~e srt.rt tt#v *»i.' hsvf leen a crecit Is act tity. Sever*! cf the esmrt attractive ; voaorrr boy* of «bc ?«»w-n *»•*■ (K« | : ia Jack Tar T«r> »l Oortlev! Jr. «: U. The S«iM Brar«l (T!lx weie »o.r by -omr cf :he be>t Itvl i c of Williaaastee's y»«"K. Anl the loveiy chicken dlSmes •»- w«rn by ( i bcac'ifsil ' .wea and prt# a-ni they • ma>l> very strfti'ir "»W- The .u.bfitvf f litt > jdi*s l'*m I , Wa'ts and "be i, einr of Mt.r* s Clyde Ijerreti aUo irartt ■« tlv at- j ' irwiveftess of tie t>«* which was j eT,*c>e« 'r»ni the hnr ni*.r t« Ihf. f"las" act mK«t His- 13 übrtii Hansel! | in aa aC'artitr :-ajama tut' ; hcilr Ihns nurhT DIAMOND RINGS TO BE GIVEN AT EXPOSXITION; IKitaut. K. C_ Marvh S' —T* hy-d i cine diamond rs.r- Jif an .i splay { , here. **> be amV.i t«. the your « nwr deckled at the ra-»; vli«al h>c to be tSe r-rrJl*'' m»!> in Fas'rtn l arvla a"d lenor ccr ty II HWllinlj TV- f»9lc.4i wdl l»j rrfaiate. Mary t mi —utf mill sr d j their tliaii it bean »s to iW Expos*- j tM.i. Tab hrM the wfc •' Apri"' T. Hie iSroair* in attesdanre or Thar* J Say night o' rtfr -iliao * ill I* asked j to «lec»de which af the beyi* the nto>t j |>ul(biruahKti> Tht* feature »»- a tnardw nrt*»- at last year's E*- pn>mn Newell G RartVt*. Eastern \ir.!ina (Igatrr of Ckameitr exece- Ir.r who li maiari' r the -poo-oied by lte la'ter b»ly. be ( I liere? it will knrf tlwu>ar»l> of l | chantptt n> of the vanws cities and j tb*n>' favoii'e «i-tuehter» here for the I coir petition* nest month TKr beaut v JK-K »ill ie Jovt one Valuie of au- y at the Fxpo.~ition. It wil! prove popular becaw-c the rural I ft aMMauty ha» n|Lj| cKaacr* wi'h the j city in Winnie* a b»r detinCh' by . ran' of it. TV- rmn were ri>w by four ex perts ■« a recent afternoon They are I of the *ery la'est - that of a larjre amrt—l of rtves the experts 1 I electe>l one The Newborn Jewelry C«.mfa"v. supplyirar »br rem-, order ed anr-ther to it. because the Exposition. aret- w«re so fiactmr I'KiM.KAtI I>K MARTIN AMI , HEKTIE corvnr cnx r MEET ING WOMAN'S HISS SOCIETY At The Wrfhaw>« V. E tharh March 27. 1921. 10 A. M. opra ar de*o"»o«4al—Rev. E D. l»oAt , Aidrt» of K'drar—lira ft'. C. i U.-ermsa ' I_«- po ao —Mr M**« Odaw Solo, ttUsm? r Hape Mk« My.*- 'tle Wyaa ".he ft'trk of Car I'dwril —Mi.-, i 11-T*ev Huae> " ! Oct IHstnrt Mim Aauaa D Gr. I I ham ' S-.'-» Mb- ISewyaaua. it-port From Piwde t> of AwO I ane ■ ' Araoconar t*. i Ir'enaissaoa for latarh. 1:3) P Ji.. ftu Jwal-Ek M F. I Hodges 1 Benete Mnarai-Mo. Harvey Honey. Mien*'-- of Meetirr Place of next Meetiar Hyma. ■ BeMdictiae " Rre Comiwnv r*»IW Out At Noon Todav What caa*ed rather r-.wrb excite- I coma pay ta pat aa it» htlliat clothe- I proved ta he a i—«B fit* ia New Town The fire CMMIHT was dW at IJ® i d upsnihJ naiifcli ftltiar the«e ia tine to mat the fit efhfi'hw i iutel of the haae. The haw ia or- I cwpted hr cdorcd paafir rwd Wap ta Mr NanM Wdsaa. There was very little hai| i ' DIVORCE GRANTEDI ! IN LITTLE CASE * V Jl K\ GIVEN CASE AT i»:l« YESTERDAY MORNING AND KENUKKEIi j l*|ji VKKDKT AFTER DELI BERATING R)R ONLY FORTY" MINITES i - I ■ The OFRAOA irevailed That Jury A\.HIU Ha»c Lit'ie «»r No! Iri.aMc ia Kra«hiai: j V.-rdui l.i The l a* I ' I " Thurs.iay morning when court opened Judtre ißond began his charge and for thirty minutes; ■ iviewed the lestiniony and explained the law asi : applied to each phase t>f the testimony. The eiiarge \ v a- unusually clear, concise and to the point. (The evidence as htani in :nr Sa perior Court c-.-nunued uvm i-ur Um 1 li-W, follaus; "• H. i »,«•, esstm I ni-r lex- t -rapi. i-> t Kuifxn.vilN- >bhM ''it! !»* -«v ".iLl:li' and h* ai.-o | jk' ■* V s «h, >ien; soiiei 4! "h; • it"K*ve «? sb*! "*. jl ho ' 'ti i a rivon! i*f tne .it. sn*s in ! 'ivrt J.if kil-i ifc;:n b*,: upc:i ;i"tvortio. !cyti o i> ,1 j Next v... !law.-on V. 1 ja urn* !vi ~ iriV or !*r,> ft. ni! ; Roberso •IV : : he - ,*ul tn Ki> id in n;, th;'. ■.* i\. Mrs. Utile and a ; 'm i » ho «..«! ;ypi t>» aal uho j Jlw tie* v. a nut her ushand drive ; ■ Alt. Lii'V. c-r up a jo.h ai.tl . ( pe". mi; .:i! fj m the »oa!s Le:«e--| I MI *et ami ilark anl that he Srs! j • Kr. K T. Tajtor •»' the inci.te?"t --} R. T. Taj lor ft neti n'lui mi! he ( ; knew l>uv. LA ttiihans I«S (la! .au! ■ .Williams t til him he saw Mr. IjSLV I * xnl a r.i u» «lri\e up a pa'h ai,.l pH J i oiU ami ir«» mhvihf Buuiv IVra Tayk r, l ii-inf. " f>t»ftri! she j int a P->A in the I itt.V hi me in i!CI ' land that st iif 'chairs men. Mr. Bobj "lark. IVr. ar«t other.-- TO n- | I. I there CTark • icupte-l mm near ( i 'r ease a-! -ot to hath roon._ Mrs. i j little we.i! u"» stairs thrn ("bit i |in his rov in ami she liW her to wale? j for her an I * if Mr carwe aini •hi happene-1 twre. J M. Ilirh-mith le-!ifi»il 11-i' he hail known W J. I.illle all hi- life ami knew his charac'er and il was r«l l»r|«o>itK»n- were inlrwlimtl. -ill (f which -tat..l lhat the witness- J. f. Bulk- ami v»ife of Knoxville. Te were people of character. These deposi* ions *ere maie bv J hn F. M« m!ay. »hole-ale merchant. K C. For.!. J. M Bnrr.i. tioiei. J. J. , Tat lor. -I*—if? of Knox «m ty, lia } M. Lvavor, mer. »f insurance- com- j prjiy K il !lart. ten ire-'l Stale j Mutual Insurance eompa v. Frank I. We>'. dainty asse.-sor. (' I! Cowan.) pwluce broker. It. 11. Acuff. I -e C.j Mundv. eity councilman. a'l ~harle> j 111 «*s. f«*st (idio- clerk plaintiff llien rested il* ease Tie defer.«lan! a M-lJun for} niai sui*. which »a-- deunl by Juiip*- i Ito d ami ct urt aljuirne>l for the- day, j HeilneJay's The ■le'emkint. M:s. put hei ; a'*«.rne> Mr 11. M Slalh. in witiies -ami. who sta'.nl -hat he we* I j |.i Knoxville Teen. i.ixl men! '•» 701 | VI" M.-in Ave. tie home of W C | Burke.- ad *ife. Nellie l:urk> ami tKatHie t«4d them he was it ome? for Mr*. L-ttle ami tha - Mix Burks stated positively to hint i«t the pies- , fim of her httshand »hat K. W Fwter aii'l Mrs. Li'tle di.l iwl -ta) in rw-m , torether The text witness for 'he defense j was Mrs little, the dtfrwUflt her-I seJf. Mrs. l ittle wais nea'ly ilies»eil in a Uue suit anal appeared calm ami r*fii|M-*ed. but .-homed -ome sirns of a break down is health, heirgr much thinner than He a year ar» She: still regained her odd beautt. She tesli fie*l that she was formerly Marie An derson, lived for 9 months if 1918 in Kolersonville ami that while there 'Mr W. i. Ijt'le pawl o urt to her She then went with lier father a*d mo»hei to Trilby, Fla , where her father *. rk e»* Jt r the A. C.L R- R. Mr Liv le itfl her at Trilby. TVej werat to Tampa where Mr. Ijtt'e rejris'ered as man and wife, which »he did not know ■- til they retched the room and they spent the aifht in the same rcooi This was in Jannary. She further -*ited lha' Mr. J. little and she were married in Rocky Mow t where the wa- then livinr, on the 4th day of March !«n N'«e of Mr. Little's fteople attended the marriace but all of her people wet* present excepti- «r her father, and that she went the* tc Rohermnville where Mr. Little is a raerrhaat wad farmer . . L'poa inquiry by her counsel she fated that she had no improper re lations with Robert Clark, did ML ted •he colored woman to watch for Mr. Little and she added that she heard Williams te?*i'y, and say he sa* h(r. , drive down a woods path a- J >tt .x.: j j »itfc a man an.l she answer*! Lite s>- 1 I sen ion by denying it wholly, iialiEc.j! ■•"I did :«.i U-j s»>." She i'ar her state*! I that she lived with .Mr. year 'aid lir left in January 192» att»" ha* a fuss tver'Mayo Little, h.s tson. that she went lo the her ;,ire-it- at IJo.ky Mou. t ami Mr. Ij'ile >atd if she w said leave he «oul>! j 'uitiis'; her a month ami a j car to drive, tha: she .stayed 10 -> j a-i'i tier father fussed ar«l ai! it J uld le a fain ly . i -gr-u.-e. causing ; her to telephone Mr. Lit !e ar.i he 1 sa:«l come home, he ««. lonesome., aiui 1 liat she left ag;. i;i March after Ihe Mr. Little, ordered her out an>! lAi'J i' she did not le.-ve he ( c'lts • the hou*e ard live at the hotel j She said she then left home, went to Kn w He. Tenn. and visited Mk-s !, K>ioil frnd of her . She --aid ste knew Mr. K. \V. Foster, h was a friend of her fathers i»r»i ha., j known him long before her marruge. She ilenied any k .iwliilk* f any (telephone calls, or HMMagos 2*nl ta' • M she did not call Mrs. Ilud- or •elephone but she went to her h»me , She will she had never see the j detectives, who hal t>tifie.i and h»l never spent a night with F««ster ai i the home of Mrs. Ituik- nor any ther J place. Tlic cross examination, of Mrs lit- I ] tie was maile b. Mr. Iluiiniiii a'wi I ] while much >ensution was lo ked for ! i hy the morbid crowd, it wa.- rwted for | jtlie smoothness displayed by t»>'h the | ' attorney anl the witness and wa !! eerie tally »tr : ct denial of e\ erything j ithat had bee said against her. j She admitted and reitera'nl l»r " ■ former statement that Mr. Ijttlr had f j tegistered then* as man a ut wife at t j Itay View holel Tanipa. I'la atwl iia! jl |lhey occupied the same ro«>m and *»e*{ j I fr to 10 to u oYhtck, tl>M wan : J.m |i ! uary 1919, wh ch was the only t>m« f 'aid place such an occurance hapten I I jeil. Mr. Little hail been courting, -hr I' J ailiki', me I I months then. I nisi)* | ! no attempt to (ft copy of register I j ' fwas lot advised lii iVi so. and th ugh- ,J i i' my word as good as his. Tlie man now callel I.ark- is t,,{ 1 the Mime man I >.i w th-re I stayed i lat *he Iturks' home 2 week- and ha-r • ; ir»y trunk I worked tn a laundry as i >ecktn - J 1 Ic'erk. I visited my friend IVfg l . i i :iriit's who afterward got a ruotn f«r t 1 ;w. I rever got deposition* fr> ri J Yeon. because Mr. Stubbs -a'd ii «. t : not necessary. K W Kooster was in rhatiannnra I when I reached Knoxville Irevrr |> him but one time wtien in KiontUe, i j that was one occasion whe- he crane • ; f-»r hts laundry. j I ditl not, ride in l-'ord car wrtfc Foster. * i I did not go t« po-d effirr >*>•'» ~ I man. I pot a letter from ft. J Lifle I i containing a check but no* a word writ | ten. I Mr IJttle told me to (ret out or i ac« unt of Jli-yo and Kthel was I no other reason for his tumir g » t away. We were friendly, fce earned me to Farmele and kissed me (nut |, bye. ( I 1 lived with him 3 years, he treat- . I '■ J me all ripht but' hLs people wer»-1 always naxgiriK. He has a pxtl 9 " room house, I had an automobile, I pie ty of frood clothes, but I had toj j take roomers to get them. 11 I bought very few clothes lief if leaving and used my money. Mr. lit- r } tie carried me to Raleigh alnu', ■ February and I bought Oxi.M worth I of wearinir apparel as I coubl not get i suitable clothes in Kohersonville a-' « •hey carried mostly such as are boovfct ] by cou lry people. I did not leave on account of 11 Chattanootra man I would have t«ea | with him now if his people had lef i « alone. I wanted him to move away • i but he could not on account of has business interests. ~ DM not r» »• Parmde and 1 • telegrams ta Foster with Miss Fenell. , did not know Miss Ferrell gat tele-, i * ATCII THE LAUEL ON TOL'3 PAPER. IT CARRIES THE DATE VOI R SI BSCRIPTiOX EXPIRES ESTABLISHED 1898 LOIIS LEE AR RESTED WITH 3 GALLONS OF RUM Lee H«»ced In Town Jail I'ntil Bond Was Furnished | nijfct. Chief of P;!k* |!- O Mamur.fj, whi'e .naki'K his ! roncd of a man in a .-ar s l upon him fou"« he hod three Tallin* rf Ix-uor. The chief :irn>;«l (V -—a _ Lmu Lw, c» ! rp»i arv* "tok U* lh?w ja!loa> of ! .;iior, the ear ami lav I«' wa> [i!ic• in the lick up eb»*re V i«u;aei until Thursday |«HM HE SAVE NHM. -eem "hi* Ler riain-ftl the r («! iks«i«d the car. It is sfcwijr:! he *s- -an-.tiiy -he wholesale it: the case a::.l that he was to « -p« f of hi- particular let arr>jjs.a town Hy -r ail nn urrmoits. H i were ever sold. CANDIDATE FOR THK OFFICE OF REC. OF DEEDS |TOTH ;: !»EM X RATH: VOTERS OF I MARTI\ COR.VTY: AVr «-r -uts c .is*;- atiun u the ffuVrw r«r' a j the -*>! cita'torts of ray many friends 'hn ughout the coun :v. i a;—ounce a can-lufcate. ar>«i >»ur support, for the olfice of »f IWoi.i of Marti- Ctimty, sal-e- to the ;f:i«n »»i* V IK-mo ri'. sc P-.friry * l«e en Jure the tth. I?il * If «v»msi»2*el and e't-ctc.l your up pit ®.r V rr«ai)4fii Sy oar«st ef fort *• r*->ler -ffic e:-t an i .'aithful -er\«ce as ! always ! ™\ »• •lo'e to al! tru-. i« me w -e et«fote. Ur- ufcn Upf. *h's March 3*'. I«i SYI VESTER I'EEI. mt HKR To MEET TV "oirVrv f the county will hcUl 'J* - rr*u!sr nmnthly hot ft -T *V • p v*e>l cK--| Inil.l --»•»■? A - t«l atiKdaw is S'. T L •. Jjl"!J'e j wa- a lux r.ss viii'f r Here yesterdav. M«S* jjOuiN- K ihertsof* arnv»i! We»l l■» day frron tt ashiiif'.e'i City ti trass* her irrriL- for a f«* *«t --..... . .t. erams - Yele;"-m- trer.* prwewid .4* -latol she l.a* ne»cr seen t ;em Wnrr Jlr*. E I". A ilfr-**. tSe pio'her of Miv ! -tt!- was the la • ■'eicntlstf " wiliksj a"«I -hie -ta'o' th' VI- lift"" had latra her daughter I. Wilsot. le** her J*>l -he la« !i -end he.- i4Wi >u'la-laa fu» Iw. Mr— Ai- — «ler«oeii -utet that she"tid not eo 't KJerMMai LLR fu-n t« M* her da«(»'- t«r ±s she l*l tot f«f a" ea e. an! *->- mpKli emlc rra- -4 >1 at an art cf Mr |j""le at the Hi*sVfa-t taWe *•' nfinmr «hjch *a» the., >»nlv row she WIIJ. a"' Ml*- little "f*rmfc»rt t * ei»- *a- t>o ■ :use that she t uM -*e ll' rr the defense, c! ■ tl awl the plai'*i? rwall*»l Mr- Iturks, Mr l*tiiLi a-.i J E * >V«iwi# all of wfcoT *!* ,-*atf.Tt* s fonrer.y rta.V by tf-rm Mr M J Ijttle *»- :Ser; pu ca »;tl t* - Se positively »hrt he - evt" •■m-'cif! at aiiv hnlrl a- man atnl srtfe with Mu> Ar»ler.-o 1, that the; 4.1 ro ti Tait.pa. left Mr. Anderao- 's •r. ;le ftt j-iaf ift.l .«turned tfce « .e* r.j; the ?arne day. M- I- M l i'Ue -ax: he uerer 'a'k e I to h-> fz'Jier M» own mar iHSlfe tai.til a month af er Mrs, little h-fii anvi «l«d , A. mai+.i until tS( i|e*t fvceaaber H- H IVfr. Western I'noo a-rent at >: tn Mi.H- stated a,. Mrs Ijt le IFut tdeyrraius f« r Mis IVrirll frtm Foffrr on varioa- occasions in Jan uary. Ertanaary ami Mauh 1923-- T. K- ttnr, l atcn peratc r at Parntele Mrs. U:Ue and Mir? Ferret! lu-1 seat mes- to Fos'tr from has A*. The Ptaiitifl thta pa d T. Jore ■ Ta; lor. Eli H. C. Norman. R I! H> r ne. C. H. Cox, II H. Ptpe, Dr. M P. Maaniir. W. T. Hurst, C. V Hint. D. R Everett. Dr. J E Wanl. V 11 HolUdar. J C. lUrahill, W. H. V.» l aU mt torn tes- Tx-ny tlut .tS - rrpi'ab*a of Mrs. Little is bad. After the doanr of *he testimo C Ike attorneys Stakhs Stubhs a— * Cakan aprke for the d-'endaaA a»i Darsiaf and Moore for tfcr plairt * The »terh> r were m es harsh r*- eiieht has« km. and the tph the CMS uaafortir jste fcr the parti-s at Wsie and the peofde of th* ( An count- . «t the crder at trial w. s withy of The mdi(t f the mr- -ia-«rd st ahoolf wiu ta th» rdai' t'f n