Hiim TVlrni Brcwr sr.d Martha w*» has been her week-end pes. Ware this after oon far Kalofi) wher they w |-ilia lit nat St. Hair's Scbcol. ••* • _ Mis. J. H Sounders. M's. S. R- Ii U i Jr. and Mit. B A. Criteher were ia Washington frr a few hours Saur- I • • • • Mr. H. Tarter of Greenville visaed ; frieMls ia vcwn today. * 9 Mis Minnie Roberson >).' the East Carolina Teachers Train Schoo! spent the weefce d at heme * Miss Manpic Npart> of Rober-iV ville is visiting fneds in U «t, t«by j .... Mr. Van Taylor of Everet s *i.- - business VKIUT here this morni" g. • • • * Mrs. W. J Wright of Jamesv.he route 2wa here shopping Satnncy • • • • Mr a: d Mrs L I> Hamsor.. Mr Grover Kjrfsta. Mioses Eve y" Harrison afiti Katnerrne HaKu'sor, iwi Mr- Bill Hsrrisor: v.sited Rev an.' Mrs L. C. Earfcin in Murfrees'~ro Su - day Mrs. J G. trfsdani" Jr.. Mrs. Wheel er Martin Jr., Mrs, W H B-fp. am. Mr ESbert I'eel visited frientrs ir- Vakagtin Saturday. • • o o Mrs A-M HAMULI ief: Sur.«ia> for Tartn.ro to visit her sister. Mr- A. P Mizeiie ami Mr Miirlk- until twav • • • • Mrs, Willis Owens of Elisabeth City and Mrs. J. Etta Kore'sor an- Mr and Mrs Mark *»f Rici»- n.on are here vi>i!i! (r Mr Mrs J r.o L Rodger 01 a* r.e r home - Bpt*r Ma:r street •O • a Misses Essie Jor-uar ai:«! Ne'i Moy* of Oak City were in tew- -t* ppi' l Satuniay. • • • • Mr-. r»«Minie ll Harruac of Pa: myra visied Mr- I»e!ha Greer, at the horrse of Mr- haries Mobley last week • • • • Mi-.- Christine lnwd who is at " school, i" M ii«lM.-rir i- vi-sit injr her parent--. R»-v ar*i M r>. E I' | Dtdd at the Methedi.-t p\r-©v.ar" • • • • Mr ar- 1 Vr Oscar Ar.-» a?"' Oscar Jr.. Va tie. a 1 Ati u" Andersor. Jr._'Mrs Came Kiirr> VV lu-.ms ai.it Mr Harry A llijrr • - ti kark> Mou't Sundry '.*■ vis«* ■-» atives. • • • • M ■ and M>s \t heeler M .rts * this morrn>r • r Rale -di wVe-e :i>»» will tie pae.-! the Sir V.-i!*; r «i«iu*'g •he ir.ee*inr of the St.-.l* Conve* tie*. • • • • Mr Elbrt Pee> sper.: V . - .'V toon in Plymouth I>r T -Rya"> Boyd r.a>J« T ■ sio-U trip to PUnßOtk »**•' • «' rrt'jrnni ttxia' . • • • • Mr R'-sie of tt "■ - in tow nth-s rr rr rr M a"''' Mr-. «e>- Spe re' M - Fari?>■** ".ar>!rjer t"la'iH Gar«|eer -*•' tma aij Frt'.rt> 1 griirer *Wi n;ei r, tue h« re S'j-jli) • • • EVER) RICiIT MIM>Ei» *•! ' N i> him W v .tkii wnn j I'RfIBEEMS S !>»N Ever, evi n i-va" i"> ■ sinjrle. rseh *»r per i fa: r ft ctresm.- ".ar.'cs i- eV fror '..-*; - *■ tnree B pr blerr 1 H w can i bu i«! ar «■=-: . e -uie* 2. H"*» can I pro ec*. ' «te»e -I e X up- r. me for fi:.ar.c al —-t * 3 Hfw can 1 t-rUect i.iy.-eif a gajr -l t-li a»re an-: total a~«i lerrna r.en" uiuhi.t;. a *>:« i i.e * The amr right nu*!t«e«i im" *'fK* : - establi.-heil in a busies will !* «or.- ftoc H * t : three uVr pr. Ue«»s 1 How csn 1 prolecr. ifef busi. e. already e 4iWis':sed T 1 H w' can 1 secure o iry e> ate ray share of the value of th.- establi shed fcusi ess' 3. Htw can 1 avoni "he Uss to the btsines-.- which w©u,M tie t'curre-i ».her I have been totally disable.! ©r fJ ried away by debt-? This eoubtful right minded mar. »h» has alre dy ac.mmulalH some aortd- Ijr poo 4» is then confro »ed with thrve m. re ques-.ors: • 1. H a can I protect my pre-ent for "une from the asualty of death occur inr in a penoi of .lej.rec«at»or. is basi- NUTIfE Under acd by virtue of a Dfe-1 of Trust executed b> Het.ry Ward and wife, Sarah Ward, to the under** V* I wfli on Saturday. April 15th. mi. we 12 M at the Court House doer ia Taifcoro, K. C. *e!l at pub-ic auctr r ' far cash, the feliowirg described A certain tract of land situate ia Gaaae Meat Tow. ship, Mart n CoarSjr. Matt Caroii—. rfinac the bftA (| OH Brawn. Dcaa Staton Andrew WjWf Ttfda Pitt. Ntlriei-| 12 mum maim ar le» . he-nr the only ami the said Ho ny Ward to mM TtmM^ ™ TWs ■*— L Utk. ivst ■ ML lIWLS, Trustee. Mas. {' 2. How ear. I provide for the *-! ! mediate payment cf any fin* oal obJu j gUioßs which £ir uarftlied wheit tie. last ea!! cotrxs to me witbeat pmi.« vjniny * 3. How wiQ my iatirs a d 'ove«i one.- ; meet aid pay a.hnr s ration expesi-e; ' . fncome. inher~tame taxes a d other | things T j Tsei. comes the ; :ngle wues io- of ■ aiish'T imports, re o every res|cn>i .y.* fcesng. Hew car. I relieve my nunc from ANI«\ for the future of m> IBVUS one ami frem fear for myself c.' I phy.-'Cj! a i firianc.ai decrepitude an»*. d.pender t old age? Tha sjiswer to all 'he .juestion.- car ib* r '- en b}' 1-esJie Eowdea who sells •ik- tesl a d mv-.-* attractive Isfe i"~- .u: ar.ee contract- *ri ten. Wha w;ll it ccst* There is IK» c*-.t Yen Mnpi;. irsakr a itepoeJ! ooee : year to year eiedi: the aKsolu « a---jr.' ce is given vnu in a pia»i4 hf* i sursnce pcliey whidi yu a»ot* car r banrjor. or revoke- I*. i a o-'itract aie a rpreentert ariuch ca*»not fii: of (e form ir.ee if you yourself «K> net hr?ak >r cancel i*. Marj ha«: a Sifle man -r hu-ky a a mule Anil they litsiued li'e insula" ce w; the nrnt liirsr 'or a fool \o* Mary 's ir tie ma' t d »os a Ami Ma»y is wa.-hinr d >he- at -»x ty fw!> i»r iia>. l«e"*'t rriake th ; « mistake .•«• st >r..*e MiMiMS-iR tTOR'S \«m«"E j - thi- lay .jo. ( fjei a-ir.:iri rat«r —f the e.-*nte «.f liw--a 1!> ? 1. d» -ase«i. thi* to no'ify ail persons a-, i,- claims asainst tl.e said e-tav present them t«. the dnrmi-s* r: tor u i.or lefnre the Wit* iv of Eebruury. 1W» or th s re»tice n U p!eadein *«ar tl--«r re i FI'RMTCRE - THAT WILL ADD j COMFORT TO YOUR HOME j J Sturdv const!union and serviceable fin- j 1 j ishes emphasize* the importance of ehoos- , j injr furniture. The patterns we art* no\v , ; i i el "Jiving for Sprimr and mat e i j of the ! M est quality materials. They are j • varied enouuh to suit most any home dec- j j j! i*i ative scheme. ill ()u»* extended payment plan may ix* usee, j!| 1 i if desired, even thouuh the price- are mucli i , .J j |t*s than regular. ji! j| Cherry Furniture Co- j CASH OK CREDIT 1 ;j * ASHIN;TON ORTH CAR. | _ '' : ■ j 1 The Monticello | CAFE K KIjNES DA Y— » - 1 TcrfcW !>»-■«■. XrjpraMtJ r Thursday Dinner - , >-*j d Sw B«f a «l f A Friday Dinner— -•- L . -rkliPi—r — r ~4 6 Saturday Dinner Okkm'Pa IV t i S'JNDAY DINNER— * c Frencfc «€»!■*-«*, " rers ' tnr * r K t r. . IV ~r : S «*» tw*** "l - Monday Dinner — ' lUott Park MJ d V«g« HfS Tuesday Dinner— . , V* etaUK and Hw rj - » , \ * Yel ret Cn-oa and Croc cola n*7 ■' W W*A r .—', ■. • * ewie.-y All prrsw iwdelded to the ' said estate will (least nuke munediate ' iaisiat. ■" » I This the !itii day cf February 1924. J WEEELEE MARTiX, Administrator j Marti- and Peel Atty's 2-li-€ Martin * I'eel, afcy'a. 2 l»-6-pd NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES __ TATE ' % I r»ier and by virtue of t*e ptwer } of 'a> co vairteil in a cestaj. «ea of . trus. exeea ed to the j rustee by Henry Carson and wife. (at-c:., on the 27th day of , Ja 1920 which said deed o* truni is ( of rcocrd in the publ:e repstrj of Maria County ir l>«ok A-2 ei page ; 4-"{s. sa-d aee«2 oi trust having teen ( -wver to s«rure certain «to of eve:: (h:e and teror there-wrth and defac!t • •aviry beer made in the payme t of . he indeMednesis secured by the saio ( » e-t of trust arte the t pulaUonS coti ijj cc «r the ;an; «iee«! of * rust re-t -j nr he—r. rmf.K-*1 with an*' a lite r-Tjue-t of the h*4der of Ifle said tie urs-Vrsiitned truff'ee will o" M'msay tne 14ti« 'iay of April \Vl l *' 12 orio4 M- i~ fnc»nt of the court frwrdws in the t-»r. of William> tor s S»rth Caroiina iffer fcr sale to ir highest i»«ider for cash the tollo* aj: «ic-' «d rea' esta'e. to-»"it: First lu liKimm! on the Sort! n the 8..1 Jt es (no* Henry Carsoi. arnli; on the K?-t by Ned Lee. or he Soutn by Ned Lee, and or. the West by Willia* William- IM coti a, _r- e'even acres m -re or less ar.d leir* Itv CIW an»J »here the sasd Second tnuf.. B-mnde-! by Ella mtewct Henry K*ijfht. Henry •arson ar-s Williams ronton 4) and berg same land J G. Goilard. l>fer to 4a*tin r««nty Regi-try for a better eript.«. Said two tnca cf !ud ko« "w 1 frari etcuabnncc exosc S9OOXO te , I. C. Godard. Tin* the l&h day of MarA, 19®4- W. J. HUNTEJL Tmu*. ' Martin and Pled. Alty V S-»-4C J TKI STETS SALE By \iitae of Ike aatitcr'.y eccfer- ' red in me by a "Deed of Tnat" a- ■' •ra e» to me by C. R Mohiev Kd G 1 V ea the Sid day of Mutt ' 1921. and duly recorded r tk :er of Deed's office in SLutia Ceerty. 1 in book G-2 pace IM, to Meant !!* 1 payment of a ef cjk fegtH* fcesi f; rven Site and )eKiW-Pi r *p , ! s fcHl w liate theiewitltfi awl the flpib ions in said Deed of Tmr not bar ing been complied wrth. I shell «- pa* at public auTM, foe cash. oa the 3rd day of Vurii 1934, at V«il lanutt n, at Court House doer 12 lcck in Martin Ceaaty tke frftwi g property, Heirinn!njr at a posr OK :,he WS i.ir-. ton a d Washiest "fa*l at a 'an*, cor er cf Sutra Fans, t ***** !o«ir a fence and the tanr to a Poj ar Tree, the ce a srraigfet line to Ssithtni Gate Port w lire of W_ J. Hddick Creek Fain, thncr a Xorti -r»y CUH.« a'onr the W. J R»Uid Crwk Farm tc Wilbanesi* l Land llß roven.en". Co's. li e, ir» a straight ine and a:one said Ijn' nip. CoV line to a Pofta- is, ju of 3prir.it Branch, thence a S«rik-We4 course up main run of saM bsj*S tc road. the~.ee akr>; the sao«+ to lie Iwginj.ng. (onta nuf One Hux»- dred |1(I0| acies more er i-A i> g in Williamston Toonskip kijowi, ■B "TIE W. 1- RI«:-:LC4 PVE* H. 31. STI BB«. Trw-tee Th's March 18th, ISC4. MM! NOTICE OF SALE Of ItIM ES TATE Coder and by virtue of the poaer of sale contained in a certain one of "rus' executed to the ■ der>*ir~ed • rustee by Koj Godara aad rife, Armecia • Kxiard on the 23H day f l«ec. I'JlB which said deed »f lrs>t is cf record in the pub Pie nfi«tn of 1 • - To The Democratic Voters Of The First Congressional District. Notice is idven that lam a candidate for the Democratic Nominaion for" Con gress from ihis District and I respectfully ask a fair and candid consideration of my fitness to represent the i>eople of the District. Having absolute confidence in the Democratic National Convention I believe it will select a Committee that will write a platform in the interest of all right thinking l>eop!e and upon this platform I will stand *» f * * m There are however certain principles and methods of administration that pood business sense sugrgest which a member of Congress I would favor and advocate. The government should belong to the people and a man who is honored with office or in any way serves the people is the servant and not the master. 1 believe in the santcity of a business obligation. In treating the other fellow as you would be treated. In living up to the lofty ideal of "live and let live**. "No man can serve two masters" an dI do not believe men who have been honor- / ed with high office should be allowed to sell their influence under the cloak of their • profession. lam under no obligation, political or otherwise to anyone. Most of my business dealings have been with the man of small means and I fully appreciate the difficulties the average man has in making a living and know he does not want any advantage he does want an equa 1 chance. To help him secure this opportun- > ity will be my pleasure. 1 fully realize there has been a letting down of the high ideals held by Woodrow . Wilson as is evidenced by the rotteness being aired in our National Capital today and * 1 know there must be aJrevival of common honesty and moral integrity or our Coun try is in real danger We have too many laws and too little enforcement. I favor less laws and a drastic enfoi-cement of what we do have. I want to see less burdensome taxes on the people and to accomplish this I advocate a complete overhauling of every department in Washington and the dis charging of thousands of useless employees who render no real service. Abolishing of all duplication of work and thereby decreasing epxenses. As it is now conducted, work of exactly the same character is carried on in several different departments. I favor the cutting of all governmental expenses to the bone where it can be done not to interfere with efficient service. - r * I lay no claim to hejng an astute politician nor to having a mind filled with legal lore. lam a plain ordinary business man but I do claim to have a mind arid heart not birse:! in judgment and which will serve the bes interest of my people. • ■ r I invite the most searching scrutiny of 101 my dealings with my fellow man and should the voter, of the district deem me worthy the honor of their support I pledge myself to their service. Respectfully, JOHN D. BIGGS Martin County in Book O-l St page 3SB, said deed of trnst having been j pwj for the purpose of securing certain Met of even da'e and teMr therewith, and default baring been j made la the pajrme't of the indebted nens seen red thereby and the ilipnl i tm> contained in the said deed of irest not having been complied with and at the request of the hsirfee of the said notes the undersigned tins 'tee will on Wednesday the 16th day •f April, 1924 in fro: A of the court house doer in the town of Williaa»s lor\. SOT h Carolina offer for sale to the hijhert bidder for cash the fol- Itwing described real estate, to- wit: Fust tract: Beginning at a Made gum ir. a small branch on the South side of Swain's Pocosin. John A. Hodft> line, and runnig thence a- Icog said lire to a corner black gum in the edge of said Pocosjn, thence along sa d line to a eorrer gum in a Jul! branch, James R. Hodges corner, tieott aion; ; said line to the run of Bum - Swamp, the ce down the run of said swamp to John A. Hodge*, lire, thence with said line to a corner pine, thence to the beginrdng, con taining 25 acres more or less. It be ing the same land conveyed by Philip Hodges ard wife to Jesse S. Hodge- by deed Au ,a.'. !sth. ISTtt iind duly recorded in Book ER on pa;f> 74 and 75 in the Register'* office cf Martin Couniy Secf-.d tract: Begirding in a cor ner a Mack gum, John A. Hodge* cornel, and running therce along a glade o the run cf Breeces swamp. Wiffiaa B. Peel's li e, thence along said I ne down the swamp to Jesse Ho. jres comer, ' hence nearly North along a line of marked trees to a corner a black gum Jesse B Hodge ©or. e>. thence nearly east along a line of maikt-d trees to fe beginning, ern ta'ning by e.-timation 15 acre* mere or less- These two 'racts being the same !a d conveyed by the said W. C. Russ t > the said Roy Godard of even ia*e with this deed of trust This the 15th day of Myrrh, 1924. W. H RCSS. Trusree. Martin ami Peel. Atly's 3-18-4t. I* f >ycy|- C^B t |Lz| , . 3 > You Wish— You rindividual taste can easily be satis fied in the store of Margolis Brothers and Brooks. The new Spring fashions are here in full bloom with all the charm and grace that will befit the most exacting taste. Wednesday at the Indoor Circus. Do not fail to attend our FWiion Show MargoOs Bros. & Brooks

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