THE ENTERPRISE , - rmwwtfE rißUseiNG co »1» mmlmm Kortfc CurfM V. C MANXINC. Utar « c MANNING. JR. --BUS- MGR SaWrtylM* fricv rStnrtlv C*sh i« A€§«-*=«) I year - - SI-50 C ■■oath - 80 3 months _ - 45 Enteied *1 the **ost o«ee at Wi»- juJui. North Car-lina M second ■«>* laitter. FBI DAY. MARCH 21. 1924. GARAGE ROW I*. teems- U> us that is :ot much less than a sin to aliow on*- of If" prx nur.ent s.rtcls of the tcwn to be turned into a dump pile fer "n* I a-tJ wor: out truck-- and auunobil-s. [ Highways Nos 30 ar.d » bo n P"» j by the row of ohi w eat he. and tune worn vehicle that line Ha-rtr ol street from the railroad to | Main street a««1 tne effect or- •he visitor car be no more than di.-pie—--- i«*g When proper., becomes to tn p> '• where it »sn\ w.rtfc sheUennir, ti en the jw* p:le is the place f« >- A h - day or - couple cf woud »J f Garape Uo* . ' W;ier a store -ae- two s\r»- . the pronr.etor.- sh.vuld lemerab'-r t! a they icvr no back door an u *■- oM pop bottles are tkrJwr. an-, boxe„j piM-c or* or. the other. bat t:C l ' ! entrances arr fio t and fhouW i-e kept alike. The fishing season is much uter tha . usual It mry be cause » by the cold weather, yet some «M fishermen dt:ir it is betau*- the waters are so full «f nets arwi that the s««*i o' 'he fi>n have bee' ltrgely diminished. This it e pecta.- * 1) true of the sturgeo . It is aL o true, in^par". 3J '*o' sha«t- Tfce waters of the Albemarle »«un.i practically from the ocean inie* to the mouth of -he Roanoke river are filled with nets of s« dry kinds an-! a fish hrs to swim m the straight and narnuw way or he never reach** a? high up as the mouth of the river It is not at' ended when he reaches tbr water* of the various river*. The fcsh the- come into the narrow ?• reiir.* jx" most of them a»e picket up by Tart" or hauled in b. -ernes The fi>herme- in the upper river* find it hard to ex i on Iht s—"ill catch they have a'-d are irakirjr Bunk complaint in the raewr of-fish T- •>» the sound where the nets •«*> tfle»» block the chan" e! and the fc-kir» •>( the r.vers by two -emes so as to ft nn a complete he. pe i also r nspta'ed of a? Mndilf * o de>tiwjr the tndus try Another thirjr which is forbidden is Sunday fishing It is a fact that m>-re fish are caught Murxjtaythan on any other day of the week All fishermen say because the «i*> are out Sun days. The machines run Sundays and scire complaint is made such a pratice- These complaints. we ui. ■ierstan-1 are be:r.(p nuaie to Mr. J H. Stor*. inspector for the Sort- Carolina Fish r.. ktwe dr.ty it is b> see that all fishir-r is doce » accordance with the fish laws. . It is. of course a ha> i ihir.* v -A IT How to Make Money! WW FACTS Illustration describes how to make .J} BEST—PUBE—PAINT F«r S2JB2 a GIHM jSBlp UISWMSIEPMIT ■ White Lead and Costly White yjtir ID assure longest years of ihn i in ir ii _. i wear, as proven by 50 years of Jgg utmost satisfactory use. IIMT COW !«»■— «» farm, and therefore * \mm ma 3 quarts of Linaeed Ofl into each gallon, and ao | make 1% gallons of Pare Part for 12.82 per gallon. , SALSBUKY JOHNSON CO. INC. Hamilton E.V . 77.: ; 1 I herniate Ctko« under every condition, ret we cannot pats lightly the fact that it is important to have such regulations so that each year may en- 1 joy the abundance of wealth brought 1 by the great "timber* of fish coming 1 to our water? from the ocean. , I The an; ourcemerit of John D. Biggs , for Congress shouM anpea! to the voters of the first district. ] The idea that the officer is the 1 servant anc n r the master is in sc cv raa ce with the principles of true i ■i ■ Dwaqnacy. The willirgness "To Live" i ; and "Let Live" is not only cemtnend- j ( . able but it measures up to the Chris-11 i ' tian>es. I ; ! In any pretense at a J • knowiecre of political tactics, per- [ i haps he rrakes the way more reason- ' ] able why the people shauld support him. If there is any or* thing that | j the country hould baulk at. it is the , professional politician, one who ea" i |do ao much for ym T*ve feOow who knows enough aw-ut tie p(4i*ical ropes is not al- > iwfys t*ae tes fellow. It has bee | -hown that thos* fejlows who knov. mt-re aoout the -ropes" around Wash irgt or. were about the worst fellows i there It will fee safer to select :: Con-jj rrev-nur. who aoes not know much | aU«t political wires t)a" it will to take a fellow who knows al! sboul I the po"it«cal by paths, and ivj .xse ts i bie interest.- as attorneys, an! l«by ut* T*3r sh*«ul«l do some tiiinkiii;; i ar»: not have all of It»e:r thoughts j i moui'le-: for theni by the astute I politac^a'. Truiy we have been led by |>olitical »iiLirU.- too lo'.r already. Here are a principles as arriounced by l'r. Biggs. •i* ,e enartmer.t of a sta'.e law i" I Oregor requsri-g that kindness to ani nois t» tauifit in ail puUic schools • fivn 15 mir-utes to lialf an iiour each seek is attrartinr Hat»on-wide a> ten s ' tar ' F Rtvers K eld Worker j ' of thr American Education Society, i ' e-«,uM-d a sta'emetit from S. M N ! Marrs. State SapenutetKient of Kduca ' tw. Austin Texas, to the school chi'-1 dtea of Teias as follows: "I *ake pleasure in directing your ' attention to the fart that education in Ms broadest sense inrlu«i«*s the train ing of the individuals in onler that [ read chaiact** may le the main re j f suit. Hr car-nxt have g «xl charact* | 1 y f>s we ol«s«-r*e the 'Golden Rule* i ! ar.-l tine ««!*servanKe of the "Colder I 1 Ku*t" shost-'J i>e made btoad enough I in it- apuliratioc to include artmals 'as»e !as '|4 • i- Ir s er-d I wish to endorse teach ' :r.r ti" ktcjine treatment of a Imals - a near-- o' ito mtnds of ci i*«;re' pn-pir legard for feeh g of s • If we ran have the conception • U--»" the word -OTHERS' incljdes all r xniiu! life we will have taker, a leng 5 s;ep lomiw v.o*ld p>-ace 'or the in- i - diiiJiul m h-s this feeing and will J a)4>i> the tio?«len Rule' will sot be j '«M a>tvocating harsh treatment of - nunkiiik. It is the function of . I- seho«ls u» make con' ributior to R education ard the argamzat ion of y leeal s*«*t-ea-. which have for tiieir II purfp-se the piotect.oji of animals ami childre- will contribute very largely e to the opiift of sorial condiions." * V *' *- v * •• j ■ 10 EVmniSE. WILIAAMSTOX. NORI CAMOUXA. FRIDAY, HAICH 21. UK. OAK CITY NEWS ' ji u Messrs. Garland Barabdl of Everrt T and Norman Minnow of IWilliuMt^i • were visitors at the leschrtage Sen day- « We are glad that Ms Foust is bul jj to resume her work filter several f x days of Oirea. Mis- Marjorie Engtand and Mr. j. Ernest HarreK motored fo Tirboto Wednesday af err. -w. The Paiwi'.-Toeer Associatto w. ir. the school ludhchsia V«! e:ay night. An interesting prcgraiE n: g:ven by the 6k a ti Ttt grades. Tne boys p)uartec e was also esy«»;-ed by 11' The Ladies Aid Socsetv of the Rap " tist church me? with Mrs. Thorton DaiieLs Tuesday afemim. The opere'.ta *"Cimiere!ia In l"!ower- > | land" was riven :n the -hw4 ioditr r iarr, Friday night by the 2nd :nd 3m j jrr.nies. The everrtse* were re; y gnot' ' ar.d .-hewed rr.iicfe work e the pert of the terchcrs, Moye and Sr terson. T* e Oak C; y V>k*" t»a": ta-i play- } le' the K->berjtftv2> leam Tufxb.v n fht, the game i* s -1 to 5 tj:v in favor ef »-ak City I , LOIS \\ll--«»\ IN "TH£ OiViJt Fl> » \GO\ AT NEW THEATRE I Lois Wilsas i> ea*ae*i by mo tion p.t titre metres it Ut- A: -eks I I No' b«'cause ' f her jNo-ei ei ah.lrty ( s las an aitre- . r of cwuise- »k I adits? wvuM r« or-* '« aa :r- I sta't thut any one- cmiW km l«e er I '.ha - i fctrrflf. N« M-S(» Wis en vied because sfue iiliwißrwi a K-t of ; ..ew iljiwc s:e(s. and Sf ■****r jfiris ! • not o!y did not knew Ke* steps. ib— c.iuld r>: >id w" --»e MLss ! • Wi'son learri*'! lhe«-_ V hen a.;b>l »•>■' she ir*i "rrern, M>ss Wiku sweetly imt = : uere«l ne-' ar «th "I wienlrd ' them, of ceurse T lier fr«Sy r vair j did not "be'ieve her. but *ijt x«uM j they do * » Now the secret is *«*. Miss Wslko j was leadmr woman I "TT>«c Cwve-red' Wagorf. which is te be >t®wt ir the ! New Theatre in Washington lues-day ! . March 2S. 4 TJhe rreater part of the pcSmr was ? nia-te at Camp Crare in southern , ——————————— I « / . ; DR. HOWARD SMITH The Eve-Sijrht ?i>ecialist, of Monroe N. ( will be in \\ ashinjrton airain on Fri day and Saturday. March 21st and 22nd. ilasses fitted to Relieve Your Eye Troubles at a Reasonable Price. Examination Fi*ee. Tin: BEf L JEWELRY COMPANY . WASHINGTON. NORTH CAR _____ | FURNH LRE— THAT WILL ADD COMFORT TO YOUR HOME Stuiiiy construction and serviceable fin ishes emphasize the importance of chocs injr furnitui-e. The patterns we are now showing for Sprinjr and Summer are ma:!e of the highest quality materials. They arc varied enough to suit most any home dec orative scheme. Our extended payment plan may be used, . if desired, even though the prices are much I less than regular. Cherry Furniture Go- CASH OR CREDIT . WASHINGTON ORTH CAR. - L'tah. and at the camp akcn UNO bdim of several iMntat tribes, n* nfetiiliog held by these litiam it varkiu tract rami|r the makir g of the picture fjsdaa'cd Mia Wilson, rt« never SkDerf to be o*. hzad vim Lbere was ss Indian dsare «r other fuMtiML She oatched until Ac was sure ahe t cr ."je steps, and then one ni-ht, ===aH ™ l * !! " KNOX -HATS i¥W j f/ YOU have Lccn ac- OiStomcii co think of a K i« x Hat as the lar word in style. but you Ju vent thought : of a Knox H_t as the :asr word in economy, j Yet a Knox Hat costs but seven dollars. Tiuly i .then,at such a reasonable . tost, a Knox Hat repre sents the most sensible i kind ot economy. $ 7 Sensible Economy *4*4+ l hart Brook/ WILL UWS'N N C n wrapped in a blanket rite joined tbe I L "squaw dance." Her wnMnw her i a terpsichcrean ability was justified, far | f ahe aei through tbe whole program u of steps wit hoot a mistake , k When she returned to LBS Angeles * T «he waa dancing one night with one cf tbe men who had been at Camp 1 1 Crwae, when abe suddenly realised that i 'be jazz music fitted tbe steps of the ■ "sniiw dance." At orea ate and her! I I partner bepui to dance it, in a fewi kl minutes they had the floor almost tot j themselves, otter dancers having , ' dr?wr to the sides to watch them. I J, Applause followed the cessation of; I the music and Miss Wilson's friends [ i gathered around to ask questions, j Smiles and mendacity rewarded them. -ot only on that evening but at | subsequent dances. ' I SANDY RIDGE LOCAL ITEMS SANDY RIDGE LOCAL NEWS Miss Sue Asby*-lacd a r umber of friends Surday night. Sir. Frank Hopkins motored to Rocky Mount Saturday. Mos rs. Leo. Roberson, Frank Grif fin Er.d Irving Colt rain mol >rad to Rocky Mour.t Sunday. Miss Susie Keel spe t the week end in Everett* with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Keel. Mr Howard Hopkins spent tie week ' iid > home wtfc Mr. and Mr-. J Hopki o. Mrs. W L. Jones entertained a large j number of friends Wednesday after noon at a quiltirg party. After the quiltig the gue*ts were served cake and pickles. Mioses Marjorie Jones and Thelma Hookins motored to Williamston Wed nesday afterroon Mr. Nick Griffin and Mr. J. W. Car man went to Williamston Wednesday | aftemo . • HEALTH HINT The other day I saw Clarke. She said that she was going down town : for some things that she needed. A half hour later. I met her again. She was walking along leisurely. but her lips were much rosier, and her cheeks ( more colorful than when I had seen | I her a little while before. That shows f — : — "Y I Haven't You Heard of the II New Way to Grow jjflT I Better Crops? II Cared Fertilizer —The Result of Yean of > ■* II For • lifetime Mr. Royatcr awl Im* acaaMMliaa of fuai | One at the moat starting fatniiiin has beta the af fertilizer. Mr. Roystrr and IHS helper* fotukd that after a|B« TTI trnifir fmn in ■■ W iltl ■ gii ■ Imm i una! The ——*% ' various chrrairsl elements aaJhiat aid mm* aattkr wad the Jm*.' of proper feeding for phata. ' •f*" m F. & ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY m m T ■ «*» ™ Jnckt KSWu frr ImXtiM what • ftl the Cnfc air t* set the tkiap ymm mmi earn 4m far }«t 1/ ~-N 1 Mat. And TUESDAY MARCH 25. Night. At 3:30 and 8:30 NEW THEATRE WASHINGTON, N. C THE WORLD'S GREATEST RECORD BREAKER ' TWg If THE OWtY AHP BPfISWI BKMBBt OFHIKCOVOEDIMON* TO BE PURTED M THIS CITY FOB TIC SEASON Of 198W9M iPJSc'SS * *M* —* *• N if aa«i la -THE COVCJtXD WACOM" It is a \ COMPANY ORCHESTRA OF NOTED SOLOISTS Prices. Mat. 50c. $1.00; Night SI.OO. $1.50 ■ Plus Tax. Seats on sale at Turnagre Shoe Store. MAIL ORDERS NOW * * ' ■'JTT" V* " - -•>' - *-* * 4 What is aTeaspoonM?, —it depends cm the Bak- I fac tWJrr to« —r. Tow I jMLUMfr I "IT I Level spoonfuls arc all that are tieo M ■ oar, wfca, ute CALUMET—it Jj| nkamiclnkiapwiMckaaMtial I Eiuj fiat mi wW hM tiU

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