"WILUAH.STON CHAFF" The iqhr «i lumishings, etc. was I#|unu at the FUkm Show Wed ■e*d=T Mt nytj anything a kwt the nimltli—we donl want to knt their Magi, you kn«r. Folia ic.l it strange? When a man ' * ahnwt t» mm a pass to 'he lower lepws from a Judge aw! a] jnry the out h—» ts packed. The s, "e wy when the rdatioas of a family are to he shattered hj a ax' shrewd lawyers. But wher the parscn in the polpit try* to direct us to ktvet there are hardly to take op Hlirtiuii and nore at all to ■lmata It inrt funy. it's the tru-h, tKrt of the rfcg of ou> parked | from the Atlantic hotel to the mor I hill Wednesday four-fifths of thcrr j were ford# and oat of the entire row we pics» one-tenth to be priri | for. Well. we «ir *t worrying abo~t that, let Mr. He ry a>v! his co-mar i factum worry. Mr. Ford wanted to add some" hi.jr wlitUßtial to his credit, so he wen* to making Lincolns alone with the baby ores. " A stranger happen*-.! to ask u- WeAraesday where the Atlantic hotel •»-. we >f/owed Kim the sifs. We aw in Wednesday's News en s Olsentr where a eiri was adver'is) p for a hbhud. Fran what the a> says she wants to get married bu* don't want a bu.-hand Another ca.v where a wnax: knows what she k drink of red right cow? First: Hew ««ali :ny like a lif drin.r of fed nyH now? Secrmd: I aiat m particular. 11l take oe tomorrow, yes tonottw. Noe slavery but just aint free so Lee Gad says cf the force. i There are a let of things we cant | understand. aiwf hi\l expect to as tar ■ as that goes, bat what we would 1 ke to hcom is where the man got the; name ~»i- lam" fo. the last jaw too'n.' aint Mfkug bet a paiaf-d tLi&f. V m BbAlc Ufku> says that Bairey Coorle with the famous Spark II ur Y. ( will ptM thnegh William.-°o» on a'>, line»ptftenil rare frvm New York to' Florvi- Kit Mw.it") corning at four ' •Mock- He says that the Texaco Sla- . tioa has kee% i formed and asked to i hare a spe*;*l crew on at that time in j order tLat there might be no delay in nihag and grea»-'g up -- i S- ir T \V : s?> We Will Measure Lip | -* \ • • J£ IT WAS SAID OFGEORfIE WASHIZtfiTOK . HAT THE m OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE LIFTED STATED ' V \S t T' I TO HIS MEASURE" -IT FITTED HI. i RETTKK "i A> I OTHER MAN OF HIS TIME The life of each of us is cut to our measure- -it i: up to u » to recognize and live up to its full capabilities. This institution is doing its best to fuhii the jw p 3e for w hien it came into being— to assist the pcoplo of ih'3 con ur.ity, ?J»rn the wise management of finances, to attain thc'r full Viare of sue- Farmers & Merchants 1 I. 'v.;.'. . Bank ■ | •$ JOHN D. BIGGS J. D. WOOLAR!} Prcsidcat Cashii. CORRECTION * g ! In a late issue we staled that it f , was understood that Lawyer Ohwni c lof the firm lamb arvi Cofcurr wis . I "airing a course at the . Firm life'.. ' school. The Judge says that it is , - i Mr. Julia Harrell taking a course t r and net be. - J _ * ; * s i """"* 1 Cleanliness from a safe*:, staad- ' pair* consist snot only in v ' sanitary conditions for the avoidance 1 i of contain mat ion atd i h ou_v •" or factory, bu: fc involves ko ping ' I i careful watch thit no rubbish. waste 1 or ether inlbmaKe matter is . 1 to accumulate ir» CB*-of-'h? »Jy er>r -1 ~e«w Waste an i wore-cut mat er of ' all kinds should be dispose*' o * im Rcd ud). It is us«Scss an>! forms a ' ea.igvr point cf ccr.tac'. |What peopS weren't at ".he Circui J lart Tuesday night weie a" tie l>ix. j | V'iifhoose. All Main street and thej *" Itusiiiess recto- like! being a vet r j U! .ut»r for the df..d sj* th- ! 1 , _»d pevrh ifx-mM. .rs , J \Vj»!«a houses ri— rae r. rt!- ; :ap.' I k°al estate is »nf i j, thf yar lt whir 4, Aavnor- «*y r *«•, • v kr.owrn excrpc for villi- owc.-d l.y ! 1 4 the | * _____ I F« rle Si I'm.- since ItiSC, i..c I I « erx* River at tjartwr *hs» * bfosAoi With ICC- 1 A prtnutive l;vir.g in h*!"- is. tl" enui»l arid t*!kvcd !J K •>- ■rric-fiU «f a n»o iißs-i int - ;«■ Airl - .n North Africa. *w- fo. .u a I•4 «wo' the Ro*nl «-e : : J »•! i few nurvinrd mS .-«! ' •f I i : * ?'(d!tcrr4.-wan c*-ast ic A » I »«.• .-.iil irTte lha" !.'«•• '• *» .*lo» «. t« !> or house* fiv ■•• •• I jf i r: m-m K-Ji* w hifh a* '■ f-'U T-** !i! r J-K -■•■ ping t-jn .ftTe;. » a&l e\-»fa .:tica*. " j 'i*• r-ar trov|« in World V j I .>•! t. Am:en i-! M;rc-. :Ijl\ b tix* he snliUli d.: tx> ( >.o.ej ond *"e ->* j la>l. -w n* etfrct on Ita evhas ' i I ji>ii * >oWie"s prevenioi 'lim; s t ti'.ir.j. "i e«r tljw 't. tiro.aa) t .« | _C r.raa profes. cr. antiig in the j I t'.-.-is«ar. tw*rj!K> periodica*, the J » ■ "ir.-!ii Ahocare. j j. L'AUMtN TIRCS T«l HKLI* K('AlS ! > i i i-Se *ire i« as jet to. r.t -to f - 5 •*» '.'l lis Mt» story, hut hw« cf tl.« ; • reason.- uired «r. :n.*t it bv its j * » j pjr.er.ts do ** seera warrantet by . f.rfe. Misled. ' perhaps, by the an j| jd>uhted far* that tl* p eumattc J r» , jesused gr«at dcdractiac :•> tlen J |ci r..not type of hxrd iwl. U* sj er- j Ibuuiui f t stOe tha! the ba!lou4 tire » h it THE ENTERPRISE. WILLI AMSTOX. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAT. KARCfI 21. 1921. greatly increased size of wearing sur face. will caa e damage f» reads of other "ha cement or brick surface. This is not borne oat by fac s j!- rfc,dy or other wide tire bearing surface.% Heavy irvct"; ■ c>~ip|e I with dcut !e wheels r".. svli-J tires, oo no tismSge to the sti fiat of the hisrhmays they use. v. ~et>er th - ir'a-p !-e oi!-trea".o-i cr t:. Tn-iiT!i rf"Rr. eti ftone. san«l-cla> f iH'. oc::t rete. brick or ccnie t. Road li.nuff co.se iiy ,u.-]i vehi.-le.- ir from % !';» or prwmrc rnd no: fron sur ,r? v-ear. It is. with the mderr. i ihiMt aiwaj .• He weiphi or tie h* >T. whi.-h ihe roa! am! sol cr re' or the abrasies o' iHe sur fsre \rct r*iin»r to this, the ba!l»~ t.re v aid preserve rather than injur? :-.r ' since its ]c-«rne»i air : ra-. he eiasticitv o( the cu-hi »n L' woe the read the «. >«-h . a •; *\^rfore «ie-ie:i-cs the f. rc* »•" ;■ " » ftruclr l;y th« »iiecl. •rcr.r. i.' >\ '.in:. LlK'ai. miws T~e many 'riosV o.' Mrs. h>Ti n'nci ;e- x". !:r o* o." i>e* :us ; I Mr. a > *!.■« \ ..I e« r-jt*' to V . i«> sSu id;;;*. ' V s Eva jinivr i recovering fn m Mr. I„i . ."ff I i!*i . mot' >f>l *«■ : .k« s. .. •. Vv/c TO-NIGHT - ■ * I ntolr. r' »««-1 tmvia. * f . -1 loniM, EV 4 t'-r-w. m me. s m , , CHAMBEPXAIN'S TABLETS Set your wr r;k'. orly 23c Li 1 r- v B r zrvo us | it "I w:.' weak and r.ervoos 2 J aid rvri- iowii," writes Mrs. ■ i Edith S"i'ers, of 46t> 1%. 21 ft 5 I- 11-ii St. Louij, lIL "I ■ If rouhin't sim p r.inbts. I was so S I reatlesi, I felt tiri.l anJ not B in coad.ii ntodo my wutt I j I w >ul»! ' ave ruch pains in I i my stoEt h that 1 was afraid 5 | I would '•ct d>\ uin be-t . . j ' My rath r came to n>e j i ar.J augv ted that 1 u^e i : |,iS'Eins:ii S [ bfiliUui I I!i? Wona's T«± ! f I felt It'.ter after my first I {« bov'Je. ( ha-i a betur appe- S « tite. >t r irr.fi to jtreugthen I I bt'ime t;j». 1 ->m » ■ J (!al tc ecommei.d Cardui I §; for v hi; it did for me. 1 i have i-\ .-"Kle.l !»ry me-licine ■ $ s.nce 1 V Canlui, ai.J lam Q fec' n.-f V e." 5 Ner" . .-.fs, rcstlfcisneas, B P | th«-» fJßip- S ' t> as s "tea a t ihc r-sa)t fj y on w rani'sn condi- 8 A t• >n ar 5 tnr-y develop r .ore S U sv-ndo. i ■ a uot treated in * tirae. S >- If j. are n'rvoaa and 11 f rtD-i! .v. . or ia.3tr.n?r front 9 £ | same 'i»anly weakaeas, | * i t-ke C. u. 13 t : Sold - • rywL .-rfe. ■'* r | E -V& | a I_f •_ i;. B5» MARTIN & PEEL r Weeeler Martin Elbert S. Pirel ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW V.ILLI AMSTON _ S. -. j * t Cieargre B. Cnerrj B. E.' ■I j I— *l fbrreymg— Maps— I iraft ir. g. tj*nerd Enfinecring WINDSOR NORTH CAROLINA t i V- ants ! 1 jS! BSCKIEE TO THE ENTERPEISE ' J WANTED: REul LAI: AND TRANS- ' | sent IVsniers, JSC N- Haughtcn s! 1 ' j \\ :.-amshMi. N. C. Itior.e No. 4S Mrs. J C. Crrwford. 1 i - ROOMS TO RENT. SI IT \HLIi i | 'or farrilv one.partly furstish- \ ,' ci. Mrs. Jer.nie E. Yarrell. ! IMKKO PLYJSOLTH RtHTv Et;;s fvr setting- li f" r 7"» cets H. R. CCI'RTNKY rt-4 .Ni 4 j a;c;«—Rl iKEYE MEiU Mini'.. I AUTOMOBILE & FASHION SHOW HO( KV MOi'NT. MAilOi l. 20 i illusive , FKXNKRS* WARKHOI SK FASHION SIIOW-AL'TOMOISILK SHOW \ DANCING . 2 ORCHESTRAS -VAI'LhVILLK j NOT A 1)1 LL MOMENT Admission 50c m Auspices ROi K «' MOUNT SHRINE CLIM .? " j|| Pineland Bids You Welcome | ■ To The Second Annual if i| Eastern Carolina I if Exposition I 'lll * " !fl • - |{ KINSTON, N. C. jfl APRIL 7TH-12TH—AN KNTfRK WKKK '!(! . *' . 50,000 Feet of iioor space devoted to an exhibition of the manufactured products of 4(i counties and displays of automobiles. The attendance is certain to total tens 01 bi ~ thousands, probably scores of thousand. You're invited* ill banc* concerts twice daily. Parades galore, Anna Case, Famous sinjr ei, on the of Monday, day. Something different each afternoon anci evening. !§ dustrial pageant ever v itnessed in this part of America on the of the 11th— jg Fastem Carolina in Action." Thirteen separate acts by lo separate comisanies ■ & - Colorfully costumed. 1 R \ . ; . • • • ' V.. 4* f .]|l " ... >• ;- *- ■- ; '• Officially Promoted by the Eastern Carolina Chamber of ('ommerce. For i !>ace or ini ormation write ell G. Bartlett, Secretary-Manager, Klnston , C. ... * " v . ; j It " jT t i HR - fP|||P I J ' ' .. f . ***s• -J m |c C President ' - H. H. TAYLOR, Vice-Prea. perd>" -train Anconas $1.50 per 15. I imitav r 16-U0 per 100. Day [ oxl cfcxt* 15, IS cents each. OAKHLRST POI'I.TRY FARM. X. C. | 7 I W ILL Bl"Y SCRAP OR TIKP TO- Ean« u stil 15th. H. H. Mor- Uoasoif Totxxro Warehouse. »OR AWNINGS. AWNING (T)VEKS i ar. !mi> of al! kiixis «e MarnJor. Bif.tm an! Cowpa y, Williams lor. N* u 2-12tii NOTOCE ! Utv taken up two yearlings, o: t a back "Ik 1 fther a iipht r»*«i | he> e-. C«*r rVi.-»" trot them. J | I»_* n»- «~o!t»rin. 3-11 | WANTED TO KKVT A HOISF ■nth > rtl sr Jen "coins. Good lo aii.T isNij near h - MonticeHo Ca'e Apfh :« tJ* Mwlicflio Cafe.. coon FOI i: lit HIV not SK WFI.L ! *s'.e! ij !i»Hiss for sale. 5 sap i£il esv See V.. C. ' sv- r , * 2-26, f IV /t fi'itrt to vo «• when you make n ptt rtar. A ten " ;>urch rse ells .for «erotes. sl.4p ;jr»ha:~ for !(>•' FOR SALE: JERSEY-HOLSTEIN heifer from gooJ stock, will fmhfii in few days. Fir 4 itj'tablf offer takes her. Ffcoee 171. Oak hurst Farm-. J. S. WHITLEY. EJECT Tims \dnCE Having this day >■ eseru or i the estate of Jaats S. Pica!. ie c«s*d. this U to eotify ail persons r.a\ mg claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned I executor on cr before the fen day of March. !92j or this notice *iU be' pleaded ir. bar of their recovery. All persons inuebten to saxt estatr will , please make immediate payment: This the 6th day of March 1%*4- _ I» R. til ktiANl S. 3-7-4.. I NOTICE OF KK > %LK I Notice '» hereby tJvat utwier i and by virtue of the pewer of Ale (W --airrd in that cert an lited of trust; executed by- C O. .odarw and wife Ida (iialinl. on Match 3rd 193'. to the un«lersigned Trartee, aru of re cord in Hook A-2 at pace jOt ■ Mar tin County Reru'n to secure pay Car Load Of \ SHINdLES, HILLS AND MEAL Tobacco ( tftih and Wire Fencing Cheap for the i'ash. WINDOWS. DOORS, IUILDINd LIME | AND I'LASTER. IU "KT OATS, drown in Nevada. SEED POTATOES. Main drown. C.D.Carstarphen & Co WILLfAMSTOX - NORTH CAROLINA I 1 J l mtsA. of a certain bond of even date thereto, the undersigned Trustee did on the 23rd day of February 1924 at the Court Hou* door of Mar.in County expose the hereinafter dwrib ed land* for sale, ami the bid having bee.- raised within the time prescribed by law. and in a manner required by lav. and under an order of re-saie. the undersigned Trustee will or. March 24, 1924 at 12 o'clock M. in front of the j Court House Door r' Martin Coumy i at William ston. N. C. offer the land hereirafter described to the highest bidder, at public auction for essh: " Being anour cne and one-half acres, a part of the G»'anl house place: ; frrirz 135 yards on Wdliamstor. a d IJ -jncrrtlje side and heing lot of land ! where C. O. (klard built his residence i a id w here he now lives. O" tract boumfcii on the Sooth by I'Mid Williams: on th» east by Ben Gray: »n the north by Joe Jones: on the west by Theodore Roberson. bemjr It*' acres more or less a d i kni.B a as the Rom land. This the -Ith lay of March 1924. R G. HARRISON. Trustee. ' *-7-2t