McLKAN POINTS WAY TO TAX REDUCTION (Continued from Front Page) «MMul PMtarding wholesome and BMHMfy prujrfu. One of the matt practical waye of reducing i MM aggregate amount of taxes and ■MM the amount paid by each tax payer la to practice aound econ omy In the adminiatration of gov ernment, both In State and looal affair*. The real baaia of aucceM In pri vate buaineea it to live within one'a Income and produce the maximum of aervice at a mini mum coat. The aarre prlnciplea ean be and muet be applied to tha business of government, if we are to reduce materially the burden of taxation. STRENGTHEN BUDGET BYSTEM. The Budget Syetcm i« one of the beat method* yet devlaed to oontrol and reduce the expenses of government. I believe auch a eystem anould be adopted la every branch of government. Tl.c Budget Commission recenb ly established by the Legislature was a step In the right direction. v I believe It ahould be given in creased powers, so that it could (a) constantly supervise our fle oal operations in respect to both revenues and expenditures: (b) •waken a spirit of economy and efficiency in the public service; (e) scrutinize and aubjest to the eat of necessity and public welfare all Items of expenditures; (d) eliminate duplication of effort * and outlay; (f) aupervlse the methods of accounting in the de partments; (g) prepare and sub mit to the Legislature a budget of estimated expenditures and receipts, so that current operat ing wpenaei shall at no time ex ceed current income. The app'ication t D the affairs of government of the eame principiea and methods which the prudert man practices in the management of his own affairs will reduce the aggregate of expenditures and to that extent will reduce the volume of taxation. This ia one of the surest ways of reducing taxes without mterferring with the pro gressive development of the State, which our people have so much at heart. If I am elected Governor I shall use my experience and best efforts to achieve this result. EQUITABLE FREIGHT RATES. 4. Our State ahould have tha benefit of fair, juat and equitable freight ratea and any diacrimina tion agalnat our people in thia respect must be removed, at any eost. LAW ENFORCEMENT 5. Strict enforcement of the law Is an imperative duty at the present time. The growing ten dency to disregard our Conotitu tion and our laws creates e serious menace to the stability of our gov - emment. The law mutt be held sacred .because ours is a govern ment of law where the sovereign power resides in the people who speak through the law alone Any failure to obey the law, therefore, I tends to bring Into disrepute and destroy that sovereignty. JUDICIAL SYSTEM f. Our judicial eystem ahoultf be reformed so that the trail of I both civil and criminal casee may be simplified, expedited and made less expensive. SYMPATHETIC TO LABOR. 7. I thoroughly approve of the just attitude of the Oemocretia party towards labor, including the recognition of the right to organ- J las Industry is aesentlal to tho strength and prosperity of the State, and it shoul/t be our con stant purpose stimulate a wholesome respect for and recog- I nltion of the rights snd welfare of both labor and capital CONTINUE ROAD PROGRAM 8 The great worV of internal Improvement, including the High- j way system, educational institu tions, the institutions for the treat ment of the afflicted and our other general welfare actlvitiee ahould continue to and pro moted. aa the public Interest may from time to time require, t expect to stale my position In re ■perl to other matters uud to elabor ata upon those that I ha»e hers men-; tloned. dur'ng tbe lanipatgn I shall endeavor to condut t the cam-1 pa!»" in such manner us to preserve the confidence and respect of the p#o- j pie and it will be my constant effort to put the welfare of the State and I the interest* of the Democratic party j above any person-it ambition (Signed* A W McIJEAK. Lumberton. N. C.. March 17 1914 j DO YOL' KNOW? That the first man to install a bath tub in his home in this country was Adam Thompson a wealthy grain merchant of Cincinnati in IM2. That the fingernail of the Statue of Liberty is 13x10 inches. That the per cent capita- in Canada is $2,500 and this country it is estimated at 2,700. That Francis Barrand a French artist painted the original picture from which the trade mark "His. Mas ter's Voice" was copied. That Mm Quincy Adams and WICKS ' e=2GftsfflHK. ' Wood row Wilson are the only two Presidents who died in Washirgton after completing their term of office. NORTH CAROLINA IS MOST ADVANCED STATE IN SOUTH Forbes" Gets Impression Leading Pro blems Confronting Dixie Are Be ing Satisfac.orily Worked Out By Thai State (I!. C. Forbes In Baltimore American) j IN THE SOU TH. March 13. —My j final visits have been to Charlotte, j Gree tboro, Winston-Salem and High point. North Carolina strikes one as more advanced than any other Sour them State. ° Almost every problem confro ting the greater part of the South ha? al ready been solved or is being siOived by North Carolina. The development of industry hi'* made more progress in the Caroliius. than elsewhere in the South. One count) a' ne has mote than a I un- i lied cotto mills. I.ast year Soutl-ern mills used more raw cotton lha.ii all the mills vf New England combined. At Winston-Salem 1 inspected he largest factory of its kiril in the world where Camel cigare'tes am produced, 1 understand, at the : ate | sometimes of well over 10i',000,IKiO a day. Adjoining this huge plant is ar (ther unique in its class, where I'ri i e Albert tins and tobacco are turned ouf by trainloads every day. The orig tial Reynolds had two part re rs in the founding of this business, but thc\ boh shrank fr in facing the early r' hardships and withdrew, leaving Rey iolds t" t)ie battle alone. He die I a few years -ago. many times a millionaire. His brother is now .head of tlrs stupendous enterprise. | A six weeks' course for prospective j ! I i idegro nisi is given at the Central J v M c A in Brooklyn. The course , t„kes tiie form 'f lectures covering ' : I! as pec*' of married life, from the I parts to be played by the relatives It, I ti e proper ages at which to mall'V and ~ the sort of wife to choose. ■ : ' :L | i| i | Sarriann Irns. aui> (Euntpauu J Special Showing! |i; | For Easter I I ' i We are making special showings in Hats, Suits, Coats, Ox- | ; ford Hosiery, Dresses, Sweaters, Silk and I*iece Goods of all the .l new styles and colors. • • It will pay you to make us avisit before you make your se lection for Easter. Our assortment is the largest that.we have ever shown and you will sui e he suprised when you see the quality of goods !, and the low prices we are asking for them. -Come to see us and let us show you the largest assortment I you have seen this spring. v • Harrison Bros. & Co ■ •*. ■ ,•- • . v ' • •■ ' ' , * V ° . • 1- COME AND SEE 1? ALL WE ASK r , *.• .. , . - y W. IWILLIAMSTON 4 S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE - |>||lM|| - ■ . _ jj| THE ENTERPRISE, WILLIAMBTON, NORTH CAROLINA, PRIDAT, KARCH ti. MM. HEAD ON COLLISION ON .. MAIN STREET WEDNESDAY! What sounded iike a terrific a:.d I awful was when the car cf Mr. Herbert Ward was struck by the - :r driven by a colored boy in the employ of Mrs. Wheeler Martin Wednesday ,just after dark. No one was hult I (Mr. Ward was on his way home ai.d the colored boy was makin ; Ins way up the street, at a moderate rtte I rf }peed, but on the wrong side of j the road when the wreck happerrd. j j Tne boy savs he was blitiled by : he i lights of Mr. Ward's car, but yet { icontinued on his way. Mr. 'A -rd, nhen he saw the colored boy i'rove to the extreme right and was almost at a standstill when his car was hit. Bo;h radiators vere purchered a-d the lights badly smashed but no'. to such an extent so that they would ,iul in. rn SUBSCRIBE TO THE ENTERPRISE ! SPRING PRICES FOR FAMOUS FSCO FERTILIZERS i FISCO " - 10-3-3 23.11) FISCO " 10-4-0 24.80 FISCO Ualarced Mixture - 8-*- FISCO Standard Fish sfm\ Potash .... 8-3-3 ff » FISCO Tobacco Special (Sulphate of Potash) 8-3-3 HM FISCO Commercial » - : 8-?-2 FISCO Trucker? - FISCO Truckers Special - 7-&-o FISCO - 7*3-6 22.C0 FISCO Strawberry Special (Sulphate of Potash) 7-3-fl 24.10 FISCO Special - 6 ~' 5 3H G0 FISCO - - - JO-" 4 15.10 FISCO - - - 10-0 2 13.90 FISCO Topper - 3-10-1 381» Acid Phosphate 16 per cent Kami . - , Nitrate of Sotia » .>2OO Bagged and tagged f. o. b cars nearest shinning point Wilmington. N. 0. or Nor folk. Ya PAYMENTS—sight draft bill of lad i ing attached when shi?)T)ed. i -Buy The Best And Use Less - NORFOLK, Va. WILMINGTON, N. C. V. (r. Taylor, Agent C. B. Riddick, Salesman j EVERHTTS, - NORTH CAROLINA " J' 11 ■ Forty-two per cent of the farmer* ■ (covered in a recent survey fed that j , their financial difficulties are due toj j low prices of farm produce. Seven-j teen per cent attribute their condition { to high taxes; eleven per cent to high costs for farm labor; terr per cent to high freight rates; ten per cert to hijrh interest rates; six per cent to reckless expenditures during the boom poriod; and four per cent to too much credit. I Changing fish to water of a different | temperature from that to which they | are accustomed will, according to a | Danish scientist, after several gener a' ions, produce a new type, modified in form and structure, especially in the rays of the fins and the number of vertebrae. Missouri Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 8,789 farms of Missouri farmed or supervised by women are more profitable than are average farms controlled by me". The people of Cxecho-Slovakm, re jgarding the late President Wilson as : the founder of their republic, have named various parks, s* reels and buildings after him. The latest is the • ew Wilson Station in Prague which j i» the meeting-point of all railroads' leading out of the capital to Poland, j Germany and other countries. TRUSTER'S SALE By virtue of th eauthority conferred in me by a "Deed of Trust" executed to me by John Grey Peel and wife, Charlie Emma Peel on the 6th day of April 1923, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office in Martin Courty, in Book K-2 Page 379 to se cure the payment of a certain bood bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations in said Deed of Trust not havirg been complied with, I shall ex pese a* public auction for cash, on Eridav the 11 day of April 1924, at twelve Noon, Williamston in | Williamston ih Martin Coui.ty, the fol lowing property: — V All that certain tract or jwrtel of HOW'S THIS? . KALL'fc CATAHOH MKUHIVK Will do vhtt claim for It—rid your •jntcn of Cuint or bctbiMi caaasd frr Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDHHK eoa tji of u Ointment which Qatrkly H ■!««• the catarrhal Inflammation aad tl a Interna] Medicine. a Tonic which aft* thrcußh the Blood on the 'lfwooa Sena- M. thus restoring normal coadl tl--na. 3oW *>T 4ni«fti!t» for over M Ton. ' F. J Sk Co.. Toledo. Ohio. I Notice To Tax j I PAYERS! I 1 •*. 38 ' %, i I ;r;- This is to advise you that I will be forced to lew on all real %/j .. v 1 I and personal property in the month of April and sell on first; j Monday in May, by order of the Board of County Commis m sioners. ; 2 ij Therefore, I will thank each and every one that has not paid his 1923 taxes to come forward and pay same and save 3$ the cost and embarrassment. " « & You can pay your taxes at the banks of your immediate ;S section or at the office of the Sheriff in Williamston. Mr. I'eel or I will be in my office each day. j vjv j Thanking you for your nromot attention, I beg to re main, Respectfully yours, I - H. T. Roberson, 1 | SHERIFF. B I Phillips Fertilizers j ffi FOR COTTON, 10-3-4. BfUIIIATE POTASH H FOR PEANUTS. 8-1 IM. SULPHATE POTASH (Genuine Ger- § v: man) * j FOR TORACCO. 8-3-5. SULPHATE POTASH, (Genuine German) j WE REGISTER AND BUILD FIFTEEN BRANDS OF FER i TILIZER. I "Quality First" Our Motto I I THE BEST IS NONETOGOOD. I Phillips Fertilizer Co. ijL WASHINGTON NORTH CAROLINA j & P. S. Come to our factory and see oa rmateriak and goods In the I* making. a ■ land I II the Kortb by the larg, rfVw* L M, a. the Kk bj the bed «r Vnte L ML mm the earth by the led of & H. Perry, an the! VatbythehadrfE.T.Hod|(«,m taining 100 acres am or lees ud being the same tend described in Deed i from KB. A. PBeJ ard Mary B. Peel mwt(ag««s to Charlie E. Peel, dated , March 23rd 1912 and recorded in! .Book XXX at pace 443. 1 ELBERT S. PEEL. Trustee. This March C, 1924. Dunning, Moore aad Horton, atty's. J. C. STATOX, Txwee. S-T-4t. NOTICE North Carolaa, Martin Cowty, In tbe Sopenor Court. Siade Rhodes and COL I Fenl ButUII Notice of Execution Sale. By virtue of an execution directed tc the urdersigaed from the Superior Court of Martin County in the above entitled act km. I will on Monday, the 7 da; of April 1921. at 13-o'clock M-. at the Court House Door of said Coun ty. seSE to the highest bidder, for cx-h. to satisfy said execution, all the right, title. »>1 interest which the said FeH Barnhill. defendant, ha* in the Cancers Successfully Treated at Kellam Hospital lb* KtUam Hospital treat; Oncres. Tumors. Ulcers. X Bay 9urxs aad Quwic Sores without the use of the knife, X-Ray, Rr-drum. or Smn. ami « have treated successfully over SO per cent of the timanr of sufferers treated durir-g the past twenty-three yeara. KELLAM HOSPITAL, INC 1C1? West Man Street Richmond. Viorinia. the road Itadiag from n«flf to Tarboro, a corner between the J- J. Harry Mitchell land, thence up said raad towards Tarboro to & & SWr j red line, thesrr back tzwm said read | along & B- Sherrod line aad hack ~~Tfrr+m KOBEKSON, Sheriff. 3-7-4t. NOTICE To W. D. Statoa and aay others claiming any interest in the hoewe and lot in the town of Jamesvflle N. C. now occupied by said W. D. State*, you are hereby notified that I 11 sag lit the above described house and let at a tax ale for taxes and cost dee the town of James Title, which sale was trade by 3. S. Godard the doly ap pointed tax collector of the raid town which saie was duly advertised held and made on the sth day of March 1923 for taxes due in 1921. Aad unless redemption is made, I will demand a deed for said boo- e and lot from said tax collector at the ex piration of this notice. This 3rd day of March 1924. W M. MIZEI.L

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